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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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he leaves on the train, we see this at the railway station, we can already see the backpack in the back, with which he did not come to the city of lviv. the next file, he already arrived in the morning in the city of dnipro, also the video station in dnipro, well , then the moment of detention, it was yesterday, the first hour of the day, the special forces were activated, he lived on the eighth floor of a building in the city. dnipro, lived, was there with my mother, when my mother left the apartment, the special forces rushed to the apartment, the main thing is that, as i have already said, this suspect to date he was alive so that he could be captured by us, so the special forces also worked professionally, i think there were two doors, the first door went to the vestibule, the second armored door, the second armored door went to the apartment. and
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therefore within literally 10 seconds this capture took place and the detainee said that he was detained, now we will come to this in the question later. then we see her examined phone, screens of correspondence, i will not dictate now, we will provide you with this video, you will see, well, in short, what he is discussing there, well, let's say so, not directly, but why is he at all and what does he have to do with certain circles or his philosophy in general. these
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correspondences are so extensive to date, but the investigation to date does not give us the opportunity to decipher and provide all of this information, this is information that concerns not only, for example, the police, this is information that concerns the sphere of the security service of ukraine, so it is ahead we have a lot of work together, for today we just wanted to give you accordingly, appropriate text such short messages, which allowed faith... it is also in his phone, we can say that this morning information appeared on telegram channels that he had my hitler struggle, no, oh, these are the documents that were found in the phone, the receipt was not there for sure, that , what yura volodymyrovych said, despite the young age of our figure, the suspect, he was thoroughly... knowledgeable, prepared, we also
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see many links in his phone, which sites he visited, what he read, how he prepared and so on, well such, for example, he had instructions, further, also yes, it is in the messenger in in search, yes, it was a screen so jammed in it in search, and in searches exactly, further on. further, we have already analyzed, examined the phone with specialists, we noticed there are names of other politicians, there are deputies of regional council meetings and so on, he was interested, you can already see the dates 21-23, actually after returning to the city of dnipro, that is, he continued to analyze there , to look for someone in his opinion. who might be interested in him as
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a figurehead, we understand that, and please note, 21.07 is the day when he left lviv two days later, one and a half days after committing a murder, that is, he is already uh, this is his psychological portrait, he has already moved on from what he did and was already preparing the next, maybe preparing the next action, further, we also call this... the last farewell letter, we we cannot show everything that is there, but in short, you understand that he understood for himself that something could go wrong, and therefore he was preparing such and such a text, but he did not send it, we will, it is a prepared sms , yes, we will investigate once, it is in this version, because it has already been worked out by analysts who reviewed the phone, where he says that he is primarily worried and afraid for his father, er... according to
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the investigation, the murder was carried out with a recycled gun, er, after we opened his phone, we already partially see ... the inquiries that were made about recycled weapons, we still cannot establish what cartridges, where he took and so on, i think it is also possible through the internet, but there is such a connection of an 18-year-old boy who was interested seriously enough, also with the appropriate, appropriate weapon, here you can see that 14.05 he i still started looking for a starting gun, i was hammering, i searched for a month in may, they also told you about it, and how do you see it? i think they explained their actions
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when they started the show. you had motives, he is asked, what did you think, what did you do, he says: the next question, stuns, well, that is, he behaves quite calmly, i say again, despite his rather young age, well, but we are clearly for ourselves we understand what we see, and if at the time of the murder, when they reported to ihor volodymyrovych, they reported to me. seemed to that this is some kind of simple situation, well , a person has been walking, sitting there for a week, with clearly defined clothes, so eh, everything did not seem as simple as it seemed at first, but i still wanted to take this opportunity to say that no one contacted
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the law enforcement authorities, eh- er, fixing this person for a long time on the site in the micro-district, even if we thought, if on... witnesses say that this is an internally displaced person, and there are many of them here, but this person stood out, and the bright clothes that i just mentioned what was said, people all saw, we have dozens of witnesses who saw him, and some they even communicated with him, so in such cases, during martial law, after the end of martial law, we need to be quite attentive and trust each other, citizens to law enforcement agencies and vice versa, that is why we are now in front of you, in front of the screens er... behind the screens our citizens, we should be united in our country and, of course, exchange as much information as possible. thank you, please, colleagues, one question at a time, please. introduce yourself. rbc ukraine. ah, you say
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that you are also looking for a way to aggress from the country. also we saw the media, a lot a lot of media in telegram channels and other resources about his census there. about the fact that he was in some neo-nazi groups, do you think this is still a pro-russian trace, or is it a fsb trace specifically, or is it a nazi trace, maybe there are some white defects and so on? well, we are checking his involvement in the neo-nazi movement, which center is located in the country of the aggressors, his connections on the territory of ukraine and the motives for committing this crime, it is either religious hatred or national. and who personally? wait first western please tell me when and where the suspect will be remanded in custody and what the investigation will look like, what can you do? i
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was just informed that today at 130 a.m. in the halytskyi court, a court session will begin to consider the motion submitted by the prosecutors to choose a remand in custody , the prosecutors will... bother to insist exactly on such a preventive measure, and tell me, please, the rights of defense, are there already lawyers, of course, and can we say, who is this state record or a private one? state, state, please don't shout, tell me, please, golyna trishchuk, radio svoboda, where he got the money, because my father told us that he transferred the shortage of funds for him, secondly, or? mom even hinted that she was interested in what he was doing, whether in those youth organizations where he played football, whether they saw that he was not there for a longer, longer time and so on, and you said that there, who could have been, eh, for how long, yes, you can already see from
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those correspondences how long he was interested in these neo-nazi organizations, there brotherhoods all kinds of things and so on, how about the first question... it’s logical, where did he get the money, because staying for 10 nights is about uah 10,000, plus food, of course, and other things, that’s why we work here as a security service, we have i will work we won't talk right away today, you have to understand us, we know everything from the correspondence, we roughly know where they came from, probably we will say in a few months, maybe, well, how, how will the investigation go, it will be very routine work that concerns mom, if you look carefully, i ask you to turn on the video for one minute, v correspond with him, he writes clearly in the prepared text of the sms that i did not want, all yes, please, back, no, back, back, eh, somewhere here
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a little more, look, i ask you to explain first of all to my father that i was hiding it's for their own safety, here's the answer, my mother leads a normal life, she works in one of the educational institutions, i won't talk about... positions, nothing, er, that's why i think, beforehand, that she didn't know , what does she do, and what kind of clarification does she need, did she inject a drug, there is no such information, and whether did he still have accomplices in lviv? we verify this information together with security. please, with the members of the tv channel, we all saw this video allegedly from the moment of the murder, which was published on russian telegram channels. please tell me if the information about this video has been confirmed or not? look, we are working on this, i don't want to mislead you, today we are conducting
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an investigative experiment, you can see there photos from different angles, i can only confirm one thing that that tunnel, and the car that was standing, is indeed this one yard, but it is not the fact that it was the suspect who filmed it, natalie can i ask, excuse me, look, two questions, the first, where did he learn to possess with... roy, were there possible any search queries about this. and the second question, what would his version be for my mother, but his version is missing, why and where, well, i will start with the second question, he said that he went to a completely different city to my mother, because when we met my mother, he was asked , first, they asked, do you know where your son was, she said, it's not lviv, that's the first thing, and secondly, we are also establishing a place where he could hypothetically learn shooting, thank you... to another city, so that, he said, he has to, no, rest for business
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, tell me, please, you said to shoot here from recycled weapons, so it is possible, maybe on a cartridge case was found in the place, and as for the weapon itself, well, if you watched the film carefully, he was looking for a stalker sports pistol, which is usually converted into a weapon, the pistol is converted into a 9:18 cartridge, maybe it is one of the versions, which was a weapon, a weapon to date, uh, no, no, not found, i think it's a matter of a few days. please, that is, you are considering the version that he was, after all, not the customer, but the executor, and please specify whether suspicion was announced to him, or whether they agreed, at this time, at this time, whether suspicion was announced, or whether suspicion was announced. according to the first part of article 115 of the criminal code of ukraine - this is intentional murder, the suspicion was loud today, this
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gave the opportunity to further appeal to the court with a request to defend the pretrial detention of the event, regarding the actions of the executor or the customer, and this version is being worked out, and at the moment it is impossible to give an answer to this question, galinko information agency, and when he was detained, how he behaved, he was surprised, he denied whether this was only the next question , he denies his involvement at all. er, look, obviously, we drove him from the dnipro to lviv, ugh, and that was more than 10 hours, and we talked with him, of course, but at the same time, i can’t tell you directly what he talked about today, he was taken quickly enough like me said, of course, that it was completely unexpected for him, because he did not have time to send the corresponding sms, secondly, the special forces worked very quickly, to be honest , we did the whole set of measures. in order for him to be completely still for 3-4 seconds, so in order to preserve his
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life and health, that he could come up with something there, that's why we are very careful about who says what and where he says it, because he gives testimony on the record, there is a lawyer, there are procedural actions, and we want to adhere to them from a to z, we still once i want to repeat, we are talking... and what the investigation allowed, everything else will be commented on by the representatives of the general prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office of the lviv region, and the investigation of the national police and the security service. one more clarification. weapons have not been found at the moment, not at the moment, one more question, please, the rada tv channel, oleg lyankov, and two questions, is the suspect cooperating with the investigation, and secondly, yesterday on radio liberty, the father commented that he had completed the piloting course airborne forces, did he really want to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, well, first of all, he was 18 years old, i don’t know what
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his motives were in the future, my parents and i didn’t communicate, well, i certainly did, but what about... all your other questions, the investigation will give an answer in the coming days, we wo n’t to run ahead, we have the fact that we could not make it this week for objective reasons, we did not want to disclose our data, we gave minimal information, only the president of ukraine received the report in full, and we listened to the report every day, as the heads of law enforcement organs, and... so what as for the gun, he denied that he had hidden it. allow me a few words, i want to say, dear journalists, that in order for society to understand what is happening, we are giving a lot of information even now, because in the interests of the investigation, in the interests of the right to defense and other procedural norms, there are questions which may
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later become an obstacle to the consideration of this case. objectively in court, that's why we say what we can, you ask questions, for example, about the parents, well, i'll tell you that we searched and established the person for a week, it doesn't say about what we established on the first day, and less than a day has passed, practically from the moment of establishment and detention, well, i actually added a little, and that is why there are many questions ahead, and the investigation must clarify this, so i ask for your understanding regarding this , and we did not announce the name and surname of the suspect. it was done by neighbors, it was done by parents and so on, that is, we work within the framework of the criminal procedure code, er, the deputy prosecutor general, he is there for that, in order to control these processes, er, and er, he according to the investigator decides what can we give or not give to the general public, thank you, one more question, dlyas
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portal, and considering the letter you showed us, is it correct to say that this accusation. we cannot rule it out, that is why we very quickly and professionally carried out the detention of this person, he was, i can tell you only this way, when he came to dnipro, we had been preparing for this operation for a day, a day, so all the forces were drawn up, accordingly operative, technical measures all... were carried out, you saw these here and there for 5 seconds, it's actually 24 hours preparation, i have one more clarification, about a year ago, the ministry announced that it had started cooperation with the american company clear ai there, to identify people using artificial intelligence, was this security used in this case, i
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will say yes, five types of software were used in that number, including k, mr. minister. so why farion you have the answer for yourself that's why she didn't i think she was just defenseless at heart because we showed you his search plate i can one last name to open, the next person he looked at was max bojanskyi, i mentioned all the other names, what do you say? did you trace and examine 100 hectares of forests, were there any cuttings of wood there? practically no, practically no, we were looking for possible hiding places and ways of its entrance and this forest, we also do not want to disclose some details now, what was done there and what we saw there, but i will say only one thing, a colossal job, we
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did not know at first on saturday, when they first went there in the morning to this forest. that's where to start, but then we are several hundred our employees were attached to the national guardsmen behind them and they started completely, several times, if i am not mistaken, we together with the police, together with the sbu, went through this forest and put it all on a map, all the exits, entrances to the new neighborhoods that are there to populated areas, and it was a distance of 5 km, 2.5 km, so... the territory was enormous, and therefore we could not immediately answer many of the questions you are asking now, as of today we have partially already we can close this curtain, i can. left the forest, and then returned to the city and everyone at the station left, no, he was filming, he was filming, however, i can say one thing, look, don’t ask me about the forest again, i won’t tell, he
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was carrying things with him in a backpack, which you saw, with which he went to the scene of the crime and from the scene of the crime, everything else is closed for today at least, which he filmed just the center of the city, i will tell you from the opera house 250. well, probably also a kilometer, the last place is lesi ukrainka, if you know, it is not known whether he had all, on today we do not have such information about lviv, about lviv we have there is no such information, but can i ask about all the materials that you have recently taken, yes, there is no trace of correspondence with the customer, if this is an order, there are many correspondences, we cannot. so colleagues, do you have any
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clarifying questions on the topic of the briefing? there is no that's all, then thank you, we will upload the video to our resources immediately after completion. thank you. thank you. well, you just watched the live briefing of the minister of internal affairs of ukraine. also representatives of the security service of ukraine heard a lot about the case of the murder of iryna ferion the details of how they were looking for the person suspected of this murder, there was also quite comprehensive evidence, well, from such sensationalism, probably at the end of the briefing, it was the fact that the minister of the interior said that there was a whole list of people who are likely, the suspect , was going to destroy the castle and among them number two on the list was the attention of maksym buzhanskyi, a former people's deputy
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, a former servant of the people, so he was already out , he was expelled, so it seems to me that there was some such story, in a word, very not unexpected, let's say so extreme extremes, i.e., on the one hand, iryna farion, ex-people's deputy. from fairly right-wing views, and on the other hand, max bozhansky, who was not accused of a pro-russian position, well, we will follow this story, of course, its development, what is happening, and well, as the minister of internal affairs said, some new details will be revealed in a few months, because now at this stage they can hinder the investigation if they are disclosed, and we will, of course, inform you. you too, dear friends, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, v in this studio, we worked for you today, thank you for your activity, thank you for being particularly active today in commenting
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on everything we talked about, and thank you also for the fact that you contributed well today, but you still have a few minutes to take advantage of this opportunity and donate, in fact, a thousand with what... we don't have enough hryvnias to have today 20,000 hryvnias for this morning, a little bit, dear friends, if we compare the previous days, you were more active, i understand the difficulty, because there is only a qr code, there is no card number for this one assemblies, but i repeat once again, at the front, where our defenders are located, for whom we conduct this assembly, it is much more difficult there, we assemble for... three brigades, this is the third assault brigade, these are 110 and 47, we assemble for drones and on repsystems, i can already see that a few
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hryvnias have been added to our collection, thank you for just scanning now, those who do not know how to scan, you can take a picture of the screen now in reality, and then ask someone to help you scan and transfer the funds for this ... and in the end we can look at those people, they recorded a special video for us and for you so that you can see and understand for whom we are collecting this money. well, good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against ... we are really asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, these guys
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need your help, there are already two of them. president trump, although there are no former ones i want to say that the president, the former president, and he gave an interview to fox news and, in particular, called there together with his already vice-presidential candidate, if he wins the election again, vance trump. gave this interview to fox news, trump still has a teacup, he still has this bandage on the tip of his ear, by the way, there was information that it might not be a bullet, now the fbi is checking it, which is investigating the case, which is not the bullet is a piece of this pipiter, so the pipiter of the teleprompter from which trump read, it was actually broken by a bullet and the fragment simply damaged his ear, not the bullet, because in that case there would
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certainly be some kind of skin burns. well, but it's all being investigated, so you can say, you see, a piece of television at once in this case, to some extent metaphorically trump, well, but less so, the fact is important that he said, he said that russia defeated napoleon, she won hitler, immediately multiplying by zero the entire american landmass, participation and landing in normandy and so on, who said it was impossible to defeat russia, again, no clarifying that it was not russia that fought, but the ussr, plus another 14, the biggest price and the ukrainians fought the most on that front, and actually they were forced to win the advantage and seize part of europe for putin and russia , putin says stalin and the russians, then stalin putin trump
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actually called for supporters. zelenskyi to stop the war, as if it was because of zelenskyi that we started to stop it for you, it's just that this is the story, in a word, adding fuel to the fire, so to speak, to the fire of doubts that in fact the election of trump - this is the worst idea that can happen , putin is counting on this, although to be fair, the wall street journal published a column by mark pompeo, who , you know, was, held a high position in the previous administration, the previous biden, and here is pompeo, on the contrary . believes that you remember this story, that trump, allegedly, if he comes to power, then he will issue an ultimatum, or sit down at the negotiating table, or if russia does not agree, then he will give so many weapons, so many weapons to ukraine that it they simply crushed the entire russian army then, yes but mark pompeo says that such a plan supposedly really exists, and there is already a law on lendlis, which biden does not actually use, although
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it was passed, but he allows it. it seems to trump in such a case to very quickly transfer weapons worth a fantastic half a trillion dollars to ukraine and in this way really provide ukraine with all the necessary weapons to literally destroy all russians on the front. well , you know such words, we are such joy and sorrow, so to speak, we do not know what to believe, on the one hand , trump calls us to surrender, to surrender, and on the other on the other hand, it seems to show that, in addition to this whip, there is a whip for us, as if for russia. only shows, so far it's all just words, and the main thing is that we all understand that kamala harris will win, she is kamala harris, as they say, and the americans, and then everything will be a completely different story, the main thing is that she does not repeat mistakes of biden and did not try to manage the escalation in this way. dear friends, 2,400 is what you and i collected, and in a few hundred more, we will have 110,000 in
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our account from 3. million needed, thank you for being with us today, lasya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, these studios worked for you, see you tomorrow at 8:10, well , just now kateryna shirokopoyas and a fresh selection of news from her, so watch. news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. an 18-year-old man from dnipro was charged with the murder of linguist iryna farion. this was announced by the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko during a press conference. the suspect had been planning the crime since may, bought the necessary clothes, changed apartments three times. on


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