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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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110,000 in our account out of 3.5 million needed, thank you for being with us today, vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, these studios worked for you, see you tomorrow at 8:10, well, just now kateryna shirokopoyas and a fresh selection of news from her, so watch. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. an 18-year-old resident of dnipro was charged with the murder of linguist iryna farion. this was announced by the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko during a press conference. the suspect had been planning the crime since may, bought the necessary clothes, changed apartment three times.
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a farewell letter was found on the boy's phone in case he was exposed, as well as instructions from the kgb and the cia and a schedule of meetings of regional councils of ukraine with a list of deputies. the police interviewed more than 900 witnesses to find the boy. a sports casing was found at the scene of the murder. the gun has not yet been found. currently, law enforcement officers are establishing the involvement of the suspect in the neo-nazi russian movement. sleeve, sleeve, yes, the sleeve is sports, and it is currently under examination, but we we know that this cartridge went to ukraine, 17, these bullets and cartridges went to ukraine in 17-17 in the amount of 1 million pieces, and therefore a specific bullet, not a combat one, so we do not, now we have to establish where this bullet was trimbana, possibly on black. he set fire to
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electric substations in cherkasy region. the security service detained a russian saboteur. the 20-year-old attacker tried to destroy eight electrical substations and one relay cabinet in the uman district. vitak planned to cut off electricity in part of the community and block rail traffic in the region. the extra broke transformer substations to fill equipment. with concrete, for this the occupiers promised the boy money, the intruder was caught red-handed, he faces life imprisonment. the number of people injured as a result of the russian attack on nizhyn in chernihiv region has increased to 15. four people are in hospital with injuries. this was announced by the mayor of the city oleksandr koloda. the occupiers hit a dormitory with pensioners with drones. the building is completely destroyed and unusable. life.
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currently, people are being evacuated to a temporary shelter shelter and at night there were explosions in the temporarily occupied crimea. saka airfield in novofedorivka was hit. there was a warehouse with ammunition of the russians. a large-scale fire broke out due to shelling. it is previously known about two injured occupants. this is reported by the local media. hits were also recorded in the settlement of shchelkovychne. a russian radar station was destroyed there. we are currently waiting for the office. details of the attack. the representative of russia was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of romania due to the incident with the shahedim who fell on romanian territory, - western media reports. the romanian side condemned repeated russian attacks on ukrainian civilian infrastructure, and also protested the responsibility of strikes near the border of romania. the united states of america made a mistake by 2 billion dollars during the calculation. military
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aid to ukraine, reuters news agency reports. the allies incorrectly estimated the value of the ammunition and equipment sent. after the reassessment , the pentagon will be able to transfer $2 billion of additional aid to ukraine directly from made up heroic professions of angels of war. on the eve of the day, the ukrposhta medic presented charity postage stamps, a block of stamps was dedicated to medics, civilians and military personnel, who evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, save their lives in ambulances and operating rooms. all proceeds from the sale will be sent to help hospitals in the frontline areas. comprehensive support, protection of democracy, freedom of speech and development of civil society, the european union confirms its solidarity with ukrainians in word and deed from the first day of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. currently, europeans continue to help civil society organizations and independent ukraine. media, which
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is and remains the driver and controller of changes, laying the foundation for the restoration of our state and successful european integration, together we act, together we are europe, that's the name. campaign to support the eu, civil society and media of ukraine. this is the essence of our cooperation. how this partnership is implemented in daily work, in the following material. ksenia kleino from berdyan directed a creative public space in primorskyi. there, her team held urban and social events, creative workshops, and festivals. the peaceful life of the berdyans came to an end when the russian occupiers broke into the city, then the local residents sought refuge in safer parts of ukraine and europe. ksenia decided to revive the berdyansk hub in lviv. when we left, we realized that we could try to do it online and connect people online to at least
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chat, find out who is who, just to look at each other and, i don't know, to support, we had a concept in general that... so that after the deoccupation of the city , there would be someone with whom to restore the city in general, so that these connections would not be lost, and that is why it is important even now , well, keep these connections and multiply them. in lviv, ksenia opened her own coffee shop with her own funds in order to preserve the spirit of her native berdyansk. not only berdyans gather in dzenzik, but also everyone willing to communicate, relax and support each other. in addition to tables. we arranged master classes, just meetings some, book clubs, creative meetings, where we talked about self-development and all that , everything that helps to keep the mentality, that is , to distract a little from this cruel
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everyday life and remember that in addition to some basic needs, survival, there are still some dreams, creativity. vacation. daryna from beredyan found refuge abroad during the full-scale war. however, she remotely participated in the creation of the "my berdyansk" project. now she introduces foreigners to the ukrainian berdyansk and talks about the brutal armed aggression russia against ukraine. they showed the austrians what our city is like, what kind of people we have, so that people would see and understand that this, well, you know, ukraine is not just some abstract.
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received a grant for the implementation of their projects, so the people of berdyan were able to revive their activities, work on the mental rehabilitation of idps and the strategy of rebuilding their hometown. i can say that our project was financed by the european endowment for democracy, and this project, well, this organization allocated us about 50 thousand dollars for the implementation of the project, for a year. here so that we can do our work comfortably and productively and unite people. the we berdyansk public initiative continues to work and look for new grants for its projects. at the same time, the hub does not
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forget about their people at the front. plus, we are still going to donate money to the military from berdyansk. we have, so to speak, the military. which we take care of, and we collect for them, well, there is a queue of what they need, now we collect for rap, there is a very large amount for us, we sell postcards made by the people of berdyan, made, created, them you can buy them for a donation, and they are different, there is, for example, a varenko made by my friend from berdyansk, there are such handmade products. these are napkins, which are also made by berdyaniv. ksenia now has one dream - to return and rebuild her native berdyansk and organize a big festival for local residents. the first thing you can do in berdyansk is to go to the seaside square
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and breathe the sea, just maybe drink coffee or tea, see friends, hug. the european union allocated funds in the first days of a full-scale invasion on... in the civil sector, today this amount has already exceeded 104 million euros, currently 56 grant and 1877. grant projects are working in ukraine, each of them is a part of the great work that ukrainians do every day for the sake of victory and recovery, and which is supported by european union, let's act together. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow, take care, stay with espresso.
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today in the verdict with serhii program rudenkom the enemy's possibilities are limitless. the command of the national guard expects that the russian troops on all fronts will be forced to go on the defensive in a month or a half. when it becomes possible in... ukrainian counteroffensive. the time for negotiations is not ripe. chinese diplomacy assesses the readiness of ukraine and russia for substantive negotiations on permanent peace. what is the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleva, returning from beijing with? the ultimatum of real politics. in poland , ukrainians are being demanded to apologize for the volyn tragedy. or maybe... the historical conflict will stand in the way of ukraine's future in the european union. glory to
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ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk about what the investigation says, as the investigation says, that... before the investigation into the murder of iryna farion, the alleged murderer, a well-known linguist and a well-known ukrainian nationalist, was detained today, about what is happening with the draft law banning the moscow churches in ukraine, and the most important thing is, of course , ukraine's international negotiations regarding stable peace, or the renewal of peace, kuleba has returned from beijing and has news about victories. with its chinese counterpart. however, before starting our big conversation,
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i suggest you watch the video of how the soldiers of the 79th tauriy brigade of the dshv in the kurakhiv direction repelled one of the biggest assaults of this war the other day, the enemy used 11 tanks, 45 bmps and about 200 units of private personnel , six tanks and seven bmps, paratroopers managed to destroy, the rest fled from battlefields, let's see, it's magical.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you this, do you think that the russian special services are behind the murder of farion? yes no, if you watch us on youtube, you can vote with the appropriate buttons, or leave comments under this video if you have a personal opinion, a separate opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the russian special services are behind the murder of iryna farion 0800 211 381, no 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program , we will summarize it. voting, i would like to introduce today's first guest, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna
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rada subcommittee on politics, cultural policy, co-chairman of the verkhovna rada group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all, here is the farion case , today the ministry of internal affairs reported that the alleged murderer of the famous linguist, an 18-year-old man, was detained in dnipro. a resident of dnipro shot at a linguist, says the minister of internal affairs of ukraine klymenko. searches are underway at his place of residence, after which he will be taken to... lviv, currently the investigation is inclined to believe that the shooter performer only. let's listen to what the minister of internal affairs is saying now. we monitored his intelligence, we monitored his movements, movements, we monitored how he changed his clothes, how he changed his gait, how he changed
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his travel routes, changed his place of residence at least three times, and he did all this quite covertly, moved exclusively, we we know by what means of transport, and in full, i believe that a complete evidence base will be collected, already collected, for the further presentation, uh, of accusations against this person. that's it for now, sir mykola, the investigation is talking about the probable perpetrator of this murder, and not about the customer, that is, who do you think could be interested in the murder of iryna farion? they themselves said that he is most likely the executor, because the investigation is still ongoing, they don't know that, but i saw the screenshots that were printed of his correspondence, first of all, he really corresponded with this neo-fascist russian organization that took over responsibility for this murder, and obviously, well, i can't say, but i have a clear feeling that it was obviously done by russia,
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because there cannot be any russian neo-nazi organization that would not be under the control of the russian special services, because all these ultra'. russian organizations are not just controlled by the special services, but very often they are financed and created by the special services, so i have almost no doubts about russia's involvement in this. well, this is not only a high-profile murder, it is also a terrorist act, because this is the worst, because ukrainians are used to listening to different opinions, some agreed with iryna dmitrievna, some did not, she really expressed radical thoughts, but that's her right. and that is why there were so many people at the funeral, because they were also those people who completely shared her beliefs, but there are a lot of people who are convinced that this is not possible, that a person cannot be killed for his beliefs, whether he was killed for his beliefs or no, again , the investigation must be investigated, i have the impression that they were simply counting on an internal conflict in ukraine, on fanning
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the internal conflict in ukraine, because it would be enough in lviv after that... to initiate the murder of someone there, as they say now russian-speaking, although i do not recognize this term, because even the constitutional court said that there is no, there are ukrainians, there are russians, yes, uh, and ukrainian-speaking, russian-speaking, this is not some kind of characteristic, but to kill someone who speaks russian there, or for whom russian is a native language, and to say that this is the revenge of the nationalists in order to shake our country from the inside, i think for this they are trying and tried to use it, well, obviously what happened in lviv and this... bloody, bloody the shooting is obviously not the last such terrorist act, and obviously, russia will use everything to split ukrainian society, what threats exist now and what can internal destabilization depend on, i.e. how can they destabilize the situation internally, you know, ukrainians are
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a wise enough people and so far we are before this destabilization somehow found protection from her, they tried. do you remember inventing maidan three, making ukraine varieties, this is even earlier, i mean, during the full-scale invasion, yes, they tried to provoke different things between the ukrainian government and the opposition, but our opposition is wise enough to understand that during the war, unity is the most important thing that should get us, unity and preservation of democratic principles, that is what makes us win, because we are a democratic country. which condemns terror, the west supports us, because authoritarian countries are fighting against democratic countries, and because we are responsible people, we understand that even though i, for example, am in opposition to president, i perfectly understood that it is simply impossible to hold elections during martial law and during a war, and they tried
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to destabilize the situation here, and they did it in all kinds of ways and will continue to do it in the future, this is not the first example of russian terror. in ukraine, we have many such examples, and terror is different, sometimes this terror was against, as you remember, cars of employees of the sbu and other special services were blown up, killed, shot, many crimes that we do not know about which have not yet been revealed, so, well, in conditions of war it is necessary to be ready for everything, and the main question is, as long as there will be a moscow church in ukraine, obviously until then certain actions from the moscow church should be expected. last week , the verkhovna rada of ukraine did not consider the draft law in the second reading on the prohibition of enemy churches on the territory of ukraine, stefanchuk explained this by the fact that this draft law is not ready. although according to the regulations there are two weeks for making changes to the law that was adopted in the first reading, well, that is, all the deadlines have already expired, how do you consider this
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story, that is, this is a purely political issue passing this draft law and voting in the second reading, is it her attempt to simply delay the vote for this law with some of these procedural rules and give a clear answer accordingly. that there is no place for a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, it's just that the russian orthodox church is very strong, this is part of the russian intelligence of the russian army, these are the people who call for our destruction, who declared a war on us, a holy, that is, a holy war, this is a war of destruction, and that that, unfortunately, we have religious organizations that continue to be in unity with by the russian church, this is a shame, this is simply a crime against the military, who are currently fighting at the front, this is a crime against... the influence on them remains very strong, and not all of the government, because we
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picketed the tribune, there were representatives of various factions, our committee voted for this bill unanimously, we have representatives of all factions, the majority are servants of the people, and there are many honest and responsible people in the presidential faction patriots who are with us are in favor of this law, there are those who were against it, their lists. are printed, their names are mentioned, but they cannot influence, there is a majority in general, and the fact that it was not brought to the hall, why it was not brought, because the leader of the david rahamia faction refused to introduce it, spoke against it, as well as the leaders of the two groups that were formed on the ruins of the opz, they can be understood, why the leader of the majority faction does this, it is difficult for me to understand, because in the conditions of war, he continues to allow the russian criminal network to exist in in ukraine, from my point of view... it is also a crime, and what is your version, they, i mean, the ukrainian authorities do not want to introduce this law in the second reading, the draft law in
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the second reading, due to the fact that certain negotiations are currently underway regarding a possible peace agreement, whether the church is an important element in the next parliamentary and presidential elections, and the current government simply does not want to quarrel with the branch, first of all, once again, i would not generalize. because the security service, look again, the security service of ukraine, for example, which is also part of the government, supports the draft law, openly supports and writes in its letters the norms that we wrote in the draft law, the ukrainian church supports the draft law, it cannot be called oppositional now, therefore i do not think that the authorities have any one position, i think that the church the russian, so to speak, church in this group has a very strong influence on some representatives. power, through joint businesses, through corruption, through money, and i think this has an impact much greater than any political motives, i think it is an elementary corruption, while we had russian gas,
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we had corruption, not only in us, in germany it was there, they bought schroeder, yes, as soon as countries find the strength to refuse it, this corruption will disappear, i think that this russian church is worse than russian gas, because russian gas brought at least some benefit, here this corruption supports one harm for ukraine. well , because of that, because of that, i would not complicate this issue. well, that is, part of the deputies could, as they once lobbied the gambling business, and legislation regarding gaming business is also lobbying for the adoption of this law, and everything can be, the reasons can be different, but i think that this is an element in one form or another, because corruption can be political, corruption can be to individual deputies or to leaders of factions or groups, but i think that this is an element of corruption, it is obvious that the russian church was funded by the ukrainian oligarchs, whom russia allowed to earn money. medvedchuk, novinsky, and many of them are now defending themselves
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non-poor people, yuri boyko, for example, is a non-poor person, so he also always supports this church, and because of that, it had a double meaning for them, on the one hand, it is a retribution to the russians for being able to do business with them, and on the other hand, this is a group supported them in the elections, and many continue to count on such support. although according to all sociological surveys, this support will definitely not add anything to them now, but they think that it will add some individual regions where it can add. this week , the former prime minister of great britain boris johnson wrote in a column for the daily mail that among the points of a possible peace plan that russia and ukraine can implement, there may be a point regarding curtseys for people who speak russian on the territory of ukraine. why... in your opinion, a friend, a great friend of ukraine, a true friend of ukraine, boris johnson is talking about this, why are these curtseys towards putin and what are they threatening for ukraine? well, look, i
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think john actually. wants to do something useful, he wants to reach trump, he wants to convince trump that that if, god forbid, the defeat of ukraine happens, which of course i do not believe, then it will mean the defeat of the united states, and i think that johnson is doing everything to make trump understand this, and much of what johnson said with the first point of view sounds drastic and shocked me myself, but when i re-read his article in the daily mail, i saw that, well , nowhere does he say that we should abandon the borders of 1991, that is, he talks about... well, the suspension at the borders, about the borders, but, but he still continues to insist on territorial integrity of ukraine. he himself called this war genocidal, including the russification of ukraine. but when he voices certain theses, he is talking to the ukrainian authorities. i think that the ukrainian language is what the ukrainian government is ready to give up first of all. and there is a problem here. i think that this is not so much his position as the position of his interlocutors in ukraine, because he consults with everyone before voicing
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his opinions, and here is our position and ours. the authorities should be clearer. another topic that emerged simply unexpectedly, this is the topic of the volyn tragedy and the volyn issue, as they say in poland, polish minister of defense władysław kosiniak kamysh stated that ukraine's accession to the eu depends on the resolution of historical issues with poland, polsat news reports that he said, in his opinion, real politics should issue an ultimatum. without solving the volyn issue, there will be no accession of ukraine to the european union," quotes the publication "words of politics". well, that is, he says that until ukrainians apologize for volyn, until ukrainians apologized for volyn. well, i wanted to ask how long poroshenko was on his knees in front of the monument to the victims of the volyn tragedy. during the volyn tragedy, zelensky prayed together with duda. our presidents have already
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apologized for this, and one more time. and only in front of the poles, and yes, and so, i think that this statement is more for domestic political use, because what should we do, well, besides, we must understand that the volyn tragedy, it was a conflict between citizens of the polish state, and this i'm not saying it, it's a quote from a famous polish politician pavlo koval, who said absolutely rightly that there were poles of polish origin and poles of ukrainian origin, because at that time they were citizens of poland, there was a conflict between them, both of them died . this is a tragedy, but who can bear the responsibility for it, either the polish state, because they were citizens of the polish state, or the german state, which at that time occupied these territories in accordance with the norms of international law. why is ukraine here? ukraine can honor the victims of this tragedy and condemn any of them crimes against the civilian population from all sides, both from our side, because they were, and from the polish side, because they were also, and therefore this formula that ivan paul ii spoke, and then all our
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presidents. that i'm sorry, i'm asking for forgiveness, this formula is absolutely effective for this, we should forget about the past altogether, it's obvious that we as history should remember it, and our historians should be restored to the form of historians, by the way , i'm very glad that we're back now from poland with the ukrainian-polish cooperation group, first of all, there is no one in the majority did not mention these issues, young polish politicians, on the contrary, say that you, why are we talking about the past, we need to talk about... the future, we support you, and we are truly grateful to every pole who has done a great deal to support ukraine, that the way they accept ukrainians, the way they help them, is worthy of respect, sincere respect, and young poles and polish politicians look at it that way, they understand that together we should be the greatest allies in the european union, was with me in this group is my colleague volodymyr yatrovych, who once headed the institute of national remembrance, and he says exactly the same thing, that we must look to the future, in the past we had such
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difficult times. pages in the history of two peoples, as well as beautiful pages that we somehow do not talk about, as soon as we start talking about difficult pages and start fanning them, who wins? the aggressor country wins, the russian federation, which destroys either poland or ukraine, and most polish politicians understand this. we have unresolved issues, for example, at one time we suspended the exhumation of poles who died on the territory of ukraine, and i consider this, i personally do not consider it correct, but... the poles destroyed a memorial tablet in the village of the monastery, where upa soldiers who fought with the nkvd died, and this tablet was standing there in accordance with polish legislation, it was approved, fully complied with all the norms of polish legislation, vandals destroyed it, and it has not yet been restored, and there was an agreement between president duda and president zelensky that the poles will restore this table and we will unblock the exhumation, i think this can be done absolutely calmly from everyone...


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