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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all the viewers, and just now i'll tell you about the most important events at this time. an 18-year-old resident of dnipro was charged with the murder of linguist iryna farion, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said during a press conference. the suspect planned the crime since may, bought the necessary clothes, changed apartments three times. the police interviewed more than 900 witnesses to find the boy. a sports casing was found at the scene of the murder. there was a farewell letter on the boy's phone in case he was exposed, as well as the instructions of the kgb and the cia and the schedule of the meeting of the regional councils of ukraine with a list of deputies. the police assume that the boy was preparing the next murders. the next one.
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people's deputy max buzhansky was supposed to be the victim. currently, law enforcement officers are establishing the involvement of the suspect in the neo-nazi russian movement. and pay attention, 21.07 is the day when he left lviv two days, one and a half days after committing the murder, that is, he is already his psychological portrait, he is already moved away from what he had done and was already preparing the next, possible, preparation. to the next promotion. during the preliminary interrogation , the suspect behaved quite calmly and even smiled after being asked by the investigators whether he had committed the crime and whether he confessed his guilt. and when he was asked to explain his actions, the boy answered. next question. have you committed any murder? it will be clear, let's see. are you guilty of this? how would you explain your actions in? and at this moment
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, the trial of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion is taking place in the galicia court of lviv. on correspondent ema stadnyk from the courtroom will contact us and she will tell us all the details. emo, i welcome you, so i am waiting for details from you, what is known. as of now. studio irina, i congratulate you. just a few minutes ago, in the courtroom of the halytsky district court in lviv, the hearing of the case against iryna forion regarding her murder was postponed, due to the fact that it was requested by the side of the accused. they asked for it in order to replace the public lawyer with a private one. i would like to remind you that on the 11th
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, the minister of internal affairs of lviv police headquarters ihor klymenko, together with the law enforcement officers, reported on all the available evidence of this terrible murder, in fact, it turned out to be a lot and a lot of this evidence, literally from tickets for the lviv-dnipro train to a detailed analysis of the clothes in which the accused 18-year-old boy was walking all these days, before at the beginning of the court session of iryna farion's daughter sofia. entered the hall and decided to choose a place closer to the cell, in which , accordingly, the accused himself was placed. by the time the judge entered the courtroom, she had the opportunity to talk to him, to finally look her mother's killer in the eyes and ask him the questions that bothered her. in particular, she asked him about how he was doing now and how he would feel if his mother was shot close by. the studio will be on...
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i have everything now, we will keep you posted as we will be here until the next part of this case begins. irina, i give you the floor. emma, ​​thank you, it was our correspondent, emma stadnyk from the halytsky court of lviv. it has now been moved there meeting. we will follow all this and keep you informed. and we move on to the next events. tonight, units of the missile forces of the armed forces of ukraine and other components of the forces of they struck the saka airfield in crimea, which the russian federation uses to control the airspace, in particular the waters of the black sea, and to carry out strikes on ukraine, the general staff reported. as a result of the shelling , a large-scale fire broke out, and two wounded occupants were previously known. he notes that the resort was covered by modern means air defense, which once again failed to protect an important military facility of the russian federation. information about the consequences is being clarified,
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a hit was also recorded in the settlement of shilkavichne, a russian radar station was destroyed there. and the number of victims as a result of the russian attack on the lowlands in the chernihiv region has increased to 15. four people are in the hospital with injuries, city mayor oleksandr koloda said. the occupiers hit a dormitory with pensioners with drones. the building is completely destroyed and uninhabitable. well meanwhile, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault unit. the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction, they hold back enemy attacks every day, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying
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weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. remember that each of your donations brings our victory closer. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs, the enemy and drone control, we are very much asking for your of aid, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, there is the first tranche, the european commission allocated 1.5 billion euros. from the frozen assets of the russian federation for ukraine. kyiv will receive these funds through the european peace fund. they will go to the defense and restoration of the country, the president of the european commission, ursula fondeliaen, said on the x social network. earlier, the eu found a legal way to bypass hungary's veto on
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the purchase of weapons for ukraine from frozen russian assets. former us president barack obama with his wife in public. supported the candidacy of kamala harris in the election race. in a telephone conversation , they expressed confidence that the politician would be a fantastic president. at the same time , the couple promised to do everything possible for her victory meanwhile, the poll showed that trump and harris currently have almost the same level of support among americans. great britain is considering cooperation with germany to develop missiles. long- range missiles capable of destroying the nuclear weapons of the russian federation. the reason for this country's decision is growing fears in europe about putin's possible use of nuclear weapons, according to western media. we are allegedly talking about missiles with a radius of about 3,200 km. according to preliminary
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calculations, they will be able to fly from berlin to moscow in case of danger from the russian federation. combined states of america. made a mistake by 2 billion dollars during the calculations of military aid to ukraine, the reuters news agency reports. the allies incorrectly estimated the value of the ammunition and equipment sent. after the reassessment, the pentagon will be able to transfer $2 billion worth of additional aid to ukraine simply from warehouses. in volyn , law enforcement officers blocked the channel of importation of falsified drugs of russian origin into ukraine . of russian production. the scheme was organized by a local resident and involved four more accomplices. medicines were imported smuggled through poland. in a month , criminals earned more than 2 million hryvnias from the sale of falsified medicines. and
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look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel. be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether, all news releases, programs and special projects that can be seen. only from us, also short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment and be there. and for now, this was all the news for this time, our team is working so that at 15 o'clock you will see an updated news release, further on the air meet my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. the tv channel's information day continues, thanks to the news editors, thanks to iryna koval, an extremely meaningful issue, well, we will
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continue to inform, the response to the events in the halytsky district court of the city of lviv is ongoing , or rather it has started and now we have a break again. devoted to the selection of a preventive measure for a boy suspected of murdering iryna farion, the court adjourned until 4 p.m. waiting for a private lawyer for the suspect. we broadcast the meeting, by the way court on our youtube channel, those who are interested can join, and now we will join our correspondent emu stadnyk from the courtroom, she will tell all the details. emo, congratulations. emo, tell me, please, what is happening in the courthouse now, we understand, now they have to bring a private lawyer, did the suspect ask for a replacement lawyer. did it happen and why did the court decide to announce this break? martha, the court
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decided to announce this adjournment because it was requested by the side of the accused, he said that he trusts his to my father, that is, i understood that after all it was his father's advice, he said that he trusted it, and he absolutely agreed with the fact that the court hearing was postponed due to the fact that... still this a private lawyer, how many people gathered, and in general, if we talk about the atmosphere in the courtroom, yes, as far as we understand, there were already certain rhetorical questions to the suspect, for example, behind the scenes, the daughter of iryna farion shouts to the suspect, she had two grandchildren, you understand that you did, you took away the borchyna for the ukrainian language, well, in response the boy just shook his head, but i emphasize that it is not in... he is only a suspect. the suspect not only shook
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his head, his head, but also smiled, i would say, even mocked, that is, his behavior was quite ambiguous and incomprehensible. it is worth noting that, in addition to the question that you already mentioned antin, she also asked if he would feel, if, how would he feel, if they did get close to his mother and shoot him, in fact, the emotions in the ... room were overflowing , many lawyers, a lot of public figures and in particular journalists watched this rhetorical, as you already mentioned, conversation, because questions were being asked, but there was no answer to them, the suspect just nodded his head or did not give any comment at all, that's why the atmosphere is really very tense, we are watching all of this, and as i will mention before the court session itself , the daughter of iryna farion. action specially chose the place closest to the cell, in which
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the suspect was then placed. emo, please let me know , actually, whether the party will plead the accusation is only about arrest, is there any alternative measure of preventive measure possible? as of now, this issue has not been discussed, but i can only note that... iryna farion sofia said that she will not demand imprisonment for 15 years, but life imprisonment for the possible murderer of her mother. if we talk about security measures, how many different special services do people, so to speak, have a characteristic appearance in civilian clothes? in civilian life, in fact, i would not say that there are many such people. however, i will note the fact that there are a lot of law enforcement officers, in particular representatives
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of the police, they escorted the accused to the courtroom with a certain escort, so that no one could, and in particular he, commit any actions that would have, possibly have some consequences, therefore , after all, law enforcement officers are very a lot, in particular near the court itself, in the meeting hall itself, but i will note that there are almost the same number of relevant journalists, because this case has a very high resonance in society. emo, but supporters of iryna farion, perhaps her friends, or acquaintances or colleagues, whether it is now crowded in the court itself, whether many people have come to support her family. in fact, i would like to note that i did not observe any deputies, members of the liberal party, or colleagues who could come to the courtroom, in particular or to... the very building of the halytsky district court in lviv, there are indeed a lot of journalists who, after all,
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many law enforcement officers are waiting and waiting when this break will end and it will be possible to start again with the court session, before considering this case, but to say that there is fans, in particular of irina farion, did they come as they did to the parostazh or to the funeral with posters, with quotes from irina farion, unfortunately i do not see it now, in particular it is worth noting that the law enforcement officers would not have allowed '. their halls of fans, because there are really a lot of journalists and public figures here, so , unfortunately, there is not enough space in this small courtroom, i think , thank you. our correspondent, who is currently in court, where the measure is chosen preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, the court has now adjourned, as the party asked to replace the public lawyer with a private one, and now we will add mykhailo prytula, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the sbu, an expert in military counterintelligence, to the ether, mr. mykhailo, congratulations , i congratulate you, mr.
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lieutenant colonel of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, well, first of all, we would like to hear... so to speak, your vision of this story with the murder of iryna farion, yes, and the version of the investigation, yes we understand that the heads of counterintelligence people work in their own regime, and maybe you saw something that you could not have seen, for example, employees of the ministry of internal affairs? well, it seems to me, in this case, that the person who killed parion acted on... let's say, on his ideological motives, but those motives were used by someone, the question of who used them and for what, the question is quite simple, rather after all, they were used either by the russian special services, i say either, because it also needs to be proven, or, for example, by some organization that took responsibility and they decided that
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under the influence of russian propaganda that a russian is a farion there, it harms russia. they decided to kill her, well, without even agreeing with the special services, but it seems to me that there is this option, it is more, more likely, that it was exactly the kind of self-activity of some organization in russia, as it was called svvp or something or something like that , something like the national socialists from russia, well, this can only be emphasized. the fact that there really are national socialists in russia, and they could act completely independently without the russians of the special services, that is, i personally have two versions, and they both have the right to life, but both must be confirmed in one way or another, and money, money for this is the whole matter, who should provide it, well, i don’t know,
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that is, i did not look at the results of the search, that is, maybe he had some kind of suitcase with money, it is said about the suspicion, well... a 17-year-old boy, to pay for such trips, rent apartments and so on and so on, well, for this you need money, something is there i could read something on the internet, some of his friends there could tell, there were some movies about those killers and so on and so on, well, but, that is, in order to pay for tickets, his accommodation, stay, well, and accordingly three apartments, the investigation announced the story that he rented three apartments . well, for this you don’t need very serious sums of money, this is an amount that some organization could collect on its own, that is, it cannot be a qualifying feature here, because really, well, even renting three apartments there for a month, well, that’s a lot except for money, well, $300, even if it is
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there will be very cool apartments in, well, your counterintelligence officers have three bucks to carry out this... or other operation, i'm not talking about assassinations, god forbid, but any operation, well, it's easier for you, you had budgets , here the boy had to draw these budgets for himself somewhere, how these budgets are difficult to spend and where they come from, you have no idea how much paper is needed, that's why friends, let's be realistic, can some, for example, an organization located in russia can collect 3,000 dollars for its members there, of course it is possible, but not such... this one amount is a large amount for a person, but a rather small amount for an organization, for example, even if there are 20 people in the organization, they can collect such an amount, that is, just by building this or that version, we have , well, be realistic, because it is possible, maybe they could have done that, they could, but how would this operation go, if
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the special services of russia had joined it there, if they had acted in such a way. , and why did they act in this way, and not both from one side and from the other, that is, as it were was, if the russian special services were there, they would act like that, or could they act like that? on the other? why did they send one person who conducted the surveillance himself, rather than several persons who alone conduct the surveillance, and others then carry out, as it usually happens, well, we do not know that yet, maybe there will be other people involved in this case. .. that the law enforcement agencies do not tell us about this in view of the investigative actions, yes, but look, i'm sorry, this was the initial information that this guy, he had been following for several weeks the... it was primary information, when there was only information about the murder of iryna faryu, so i, taking this into account, see that it was a single person who followed the instructions, maybe of some
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organization, but he acted independently in this case, and if it was the special services, then they would send some groups to monitor, create conditions, and then go to the combat position of the performers, there and there it is done like this, why is it the same. mr. mykhailo, how can you relate the fact that the next probable victim of this criminal, possible criminal could be deputy maksym buzhanskyi, quite a scandalous person whose political views differed completely from those professed by iryna farion, what can connect these two controversial personalities into one whole and the desire to eliminate them, here it is. here the possibility of the real work of the special services is already entering the arena, the versions that i can build, unfortunately, i will not voice for two reasons: firstly,
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you will not like these versions, and secondly, well, there is no need to interfere with the work of our bodies , which are investigating these cases, so let these versions be left for the experts to consider, mr. colonel, well, of course, those versions that may harm the investigation we... will ask you to voice, and those that we may not like in march, then we somehow will not i know, let's grab a lemon, grit our teeth and endure, but so delicately in order not to shock our tv viewers, delicately, delicately, well somehow, well, for example, let's not get attached to these particular persons, characters, to these people, but for example, some... individuals, for example, in some european country, take absolutely polar two points of view, and thus
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upset the situation in some country there inside europe, polarizing society, and then they suddenly stop following the instructions of their masters and are sent to liquidate some activist, do you like this version, it... has the right to exist, well , now grit your teeth, somehow live on these, because when such cases are investigated, all versions are taken into account, that is , it cannot be that there is no version from which they immediately say no, it's impossible, all versions are taken, then they are investigated, already in the process of investigating the case, these versions are rejected, it can't be, it can't be, because yes, it can't be because it is, but that's right, in favor of this or that version. follows both, so we see that, for example, some person tried to liquidate, one person was liquidated, and another person
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was trying to be liquidated, who took a polar solution, well, a polar point of view, why did this happen, why is this, well, a really strange situation, and we need to find an answer to this if he really wanted to eliminate maksym buzhansky then, that is, this is a question and... and the investigation must answer these questions, if we look at the data released by the law enforcement officers, it is said that this person was also looking for information on other persons , but for security reasons, they do not make public what other names appeared and who he was looking for, yes, whose information he wanted to get, then this can lead us to a certain conclusion that he acted... in the interests of perhaps a certain larger group, about what we have been saying since the beginning of our conversation, what maybe he was involved in organizing this crime himself, but someone helped him somewhere and
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he did it on the order of someone in particular, everything can be, friends, but look, for any conclusion that he did it for someone , you need information, you need confirmation, so that we see that in parallel with that recently there was an assassination attempt on... donald trump and we see how many government agencies are involved in the united states to investigate this assassination attempt and we see that all the authorities come to the conclusion at the same time that the person acted independently, but the security system in the united states of america, the security system in ukraine, they are a little different, and in this way, one can do quite a lot without the support of some group, that is, it is impossible to exclude such a possibility, that is, a person looks at what is there someone is quite active, it doesn't bother him, he starts to act independently, maybe it is, maybe, maybe some organization...
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in order to polarize ukrainian society, to kill the leaders of public opinion there from different sides, maybe, maybe this is the goal destabilize ukrainian society, who benefits, who benefits, that is , there are many more versions to date, even more than five, and all these versions have the right to life, and they must be investigated in the process of investigation, and ... if someone is there supporter of one or another version, i say, friends, you have to wait and see what information will come out next, because when we take and say that here i am for this version or i am for that version, then we become like fans of a football match , that i will root for one team there, and others for another team, it polarizes society, it is necessary take a calm, balanced look, wait for what the investigation will tell us, what versions will
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come to the surface, dear mr. reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, yes, well, this is a question for the investigation, for its progress, there are still questions, so to speak, countermeasures, you very rightly mentioned that there can be individuals, and there can be groups, and we understand that well, so to speak, vampires, when they consume blood, they enter, so to speak, into a certain process, well, i didn't want our enemy, so to speak, to start a series of things that is called political assassinations, how threatening is this story, well, indeed, the enemy can use leaders to kill leaders of public opinion in order to polarize society, it is completely understandable that the enemy needs to polarize our society, and he does everything for this, for , in order to find an internal enemy there, so that the desire to leave will begin, because they have this desire for
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witchcraft that goes as far as... but to the yellow and blue ribbons, so, on the territory of ukraine , he needs to introduce this in order to destabilize our situation, well, of course, killing leaders of public opinion there is one of the methods, even if some leaders of public opinion are in favor of, have some kind of pro-russian or anti-ukrainian position, they can in any case graze the victim from the hands of their masters , it's up to them... they can do it absolutely calmly, he didn't do something, or he went to the wrong place, or they just decided that the murder of some conditional russian propagandist will call for stabilization in ukraine, this can be used in favor of russia, absolutely , such things, what should we do, we should be very vigilant and see what is going wrong,
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here was a person sitting. a stranger watched the drive-in for three weeks. thank you, mykhailo prytula, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the sbu, an expert in military counterintelligence, was in direct contact with us. we will remind that a break has now been announced in the meeting where the measure of preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of iryna farion is to be chosen. we are following the developments and will keep you informed as the case progresses. and now we go to a break, after which we continue our informative day. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estazifin 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light.
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