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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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olha lobaichuk, head of the department for the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services of the national bank of ukraine, was on our airwaves. it is now the 15th on the clock, which means that news time has already passed, and we are handing over the floor to our colleagues. iryna koval is already ready to inform us about all the most important things, so iro, we congratulate you, we give you the floor, and we understand that today the attention is focused on the courtroom, where today they have to choose a preventive measure for the likely suspect in the murder of iryna farion, we hope what are you... you will be able to give us more information about this matter, so we share the floor with you. thanks marta, actually, they say, there will be information about this as well. there is currently a hearing in the case of the murder of iryna farion, i will tell you when the trial will take place and what time it was postponed, and of course there will be information about the situation in different regions of our country, because the enemy continues to terrorize our cities, so wait for more details in a moment
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news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and simply now i will tell you about the most important events. so in the halytsky court of lviv there is a hearing on the case of the murder of iryna farion. at this time it is known that... the court was moved to 16:00 before the arrival of the accused's private lawyer, he was hired by the suspect's father, it was also there that daughter farion spoke to the suspect for the first time, the suspect simply stuck his tongue out in response to her questions, do something yourself , the infection is the last, we just need to take you and burn you, do you understand what? i was tormented, you
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stuck your tongue out, you don't have one, but you what, he did something to himself there, the last contagion. as a reminder, an 18-year-old resident of dnipro was charged with the murder of a linguist, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said during a press conference. the suspect had been planning the crime since may, bought the necessary clothes, changed apartments three times, on the phone. the guy had a farewell letter in case he was exposed, as well as kgb and cia instructions and a schedule of meetings of the regional councils of ukraine with a list of deputies. the police assume that the boy was preparing the next murders. currently being installed involvement of the suspect in the neo-nazi russian movement. and pay attention, july 21 is the day when he left lviv two days, one and a half days after the murder. that is, he has already, this is his
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psychological portrait, he has already moved away from what he did and was already preparing the next, perhaps preparing the next action. five injured as a result of the enemy attack on kherson, they were near the store when the occupiers threw an explosive device, the regional military administration reported. fracture injuries and four-year-old men and a woman suffered explosive injuries. all were hospitalized in a moderate condition. in the meantime... the city authorities denied the information spread by some media that allegedly due to the night shelling in kherson, new public transport was destroyed, the officials emphasized, it is about transport that was written off from the routes even before the start of the war. these buses look like this because they have already flown to this place. thirdly, i want to note that by order of the head of the kherson city military administration, roman...
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utility vehicles, new utility, serviceable vehicles are stored in relatively safe locations. you know that there are currently no 100% safe places in kherson, but the transport is dispersed and it is definitely not stored in a cluster. the number of victims as a result of the russian attack on ponizhyn in chernihiv region has increased to 15. four people are in the hospital with injuries, the mayor of oleksandr koloda said. the occupiers struck. drones over a dormitory where people of retirement age lived. building completely destroyed and unfit for life. well , in the meantime, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction. they hold back enemy attacks every day, defend our freedom and future. these are the soldiers.
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stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million uah remember. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and drones of the comikat, we really ask for your help, glory glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes. tonight , units of the missile forces of the armed forces of ukraine and other components of the defense forces struck the saka airfield in crimea, which the russian federation uses for air control space, in particular the waters of the black sea and the task of strikes on ukraine, the general staff reported. as a result of the shelling, a large-scale
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fire broke out, and two wounded occupants were previously known. it will be noted that the resort was covered by modern russian anti-aircraft defenses, which once again failed to protect an important military facility of the russian federation. information about the consequences is being clarified. hits were also recorded in the settlement of shilkavichne. a russian radar station was destroyed there. accessibility for people is being tested in kirovohrad oblast with the disability of objects of the social sphere. among the activists there are few mobile and blind people. the biggest obstacle for their full life is physical barriers. how many shortcomings were found in the village of kompaniivka, our journalists saw, the most acute issue of accessibility, activists say, is in
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the villages and villages, so we went with an inspection to kompaniivka, which is 40 km from kropyvnytskyi, the monitoring started from the village council in the same building of tsnap, at the entrance there is a ramp and a call button, then you have to go up the stairs, a toilet on the second floor, a door for a person on the wheelchairs are too narrow, there are no warning and direction signs for the blind, you can enter and immediately understand that the toilet is not accessible for wheelchair users, firstly, the width of the door, and even an adult cannot enter here. the social security department checked, the ramp here is too steep, the railing is too wide for a person to hold on to, there is an emergency damaged surface on the approach to the ramp, there are no direction elements and tactile tiles, the call button does not work. andriy kishavar
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says, availability is an opportunity to get by without outside help and feel fully capable. no need for pity - says the man, we need to create conditions. for people with disabilities, firstly, the speed, how can i get home, to work sooner, how are the tactile tiles, voiced traffic lights, i will repeat myself once again, it is more convenient, there is no need for outside help, the monitoring conclusion is disappointing, a company for people with disabilities uncomfortable, the activists gave their recommendations for improving the situation to the local authorities, what we saw was deep sadness, absolutely no buildings. applied so that people with disabilities can come and receive certain services, get quality, affordable education. now it already hurts when people come to war without limbs, but in kirovohrad oblast, little has been done for people with
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disabilities and for our heroes who came from the war in wheelchairs, so this is a glaring question that we must. make power the village council agrees with the activists' conclusions and promises to work on the shortcomings. there have been no such cases when someone did not get into our premises. sometimes grandmother comes: give me your hand, i can't go out. please, we didn't have such problems and there were no appeals about this, that someone, well, was not given help, so that the appeal to the leadership of the village council was not made. was not and will not be. in six months , the monitoring group plans to return to kompaniivka. activists hope that their recommendations will be taken into account. according to the regional military administration , more than 36,000 people with disabilities live in kirovohrad oblast. from kropyvnytskyi for
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the espresso tv channel. and such were the news on this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv. also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. next are my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. well, in lviv, at the halytskyi court, a meeting will start in about 50 minutes, yes, dedicated to taking into custody or looking for some other measure to keep the suspect in the case of the murder of iryna farion, yes, and an important signal from the head of the ministry of internal affairs, ihor klymenko . at the briefing, he stated that he was the next victim of the murder suspect iryna ferion. buzhanskyi could become a servant of the people, i am quoting her now klymenko, she
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was the most defenseless among all, we showed you his search plate, i can reveal one last name to you, the next person he looked at was max buzhanskyi, well, also because of the flow of information, regarding the probable suspect in the murder of irena farion, aa was discovered. well, the matter is, they will find out who leaked the information to the media, because actually, as the spokeswoman of the ministry of internal affairs, maryana reva, said on the air of the telethon, that there was definitely a leak, unfortunately, it is no longer the first case, immediately everyone tries to find out as much information as possible through their sources in law enforcement agencies, for our part, we always make sure that all information is isolated before the judicial investigation and only those data that the investigation allows are provided, the leakage of information is monitored. by the way, we will talk about this a little later, about how the media talked about it yesterday, how
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the law enforcement officers themselves talked about it, whether there were any ethical or legal violations, we will analyze all this, because in fact this the situation should teach us all, it is clear that only those who do nothing are not wrong, but it is a known fact that media experts and media lawyers have already paid attention to certain things, and we will talk about it in more detail, but not... now, a little later, now we will talk with igor zinkevich, a member of the lviv city council, on this topic, mr. igor, congratulations, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes of sla, glory to the heroes, igor, well, first of all, we would like to ask now about the current situation in halytsky district court, what is happening there, because, well, no i want to believe that someone will dare, but this or that provocation can happen, so how active is the civil society of lviv, how active are... law enforcement officers and so on. well, as of
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today, i think the law enforcement is doing a pretty good job, and some people out there are commenting on why there are so many police here at the moment. well, i will say that the police really, at the moment, have certain, as they say, information, and they should react to it. including the problems that are heard today, there are calls about what someone can do unscrupulous, a person who, again, is from the psyche. not to do incomprehensible, irreparable things, that is why there are quite a large number of law enforcement agencies, we understand this very well, regarding the situation that, in principle, regarding the murder that is happening now, we are working on information, well, in my opinion, it is quite good. igor, there have been photos of klymenko, the minister of internal affairs is already awarding certain policemen who solved the murder of iryna farion, aren't we talking about solving the murder prematurely, when... well, only the court hearing on the election continues a preventive measure, no weapon was found, there is none,
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unfortunately, the video recorded the very moment of the murder, that is, there are many more, well, if there are facts that require additional research, well, in your opinion, are we not in a hurry to celebrate the policemen and state the fact about the fact that the murder has been solved, i certainly support you here, well, i think that it is still a little... it is too early to hold any such measures, perhaps because it is only in lviv at the moment, yes, we really do have it , they definitely have more information than we do now we have, indeed, they have information that they transferred completely to the investigation, and a certain process of the investigation will take place, which, in principle, will be proven, the fact will be proven, talk about rebirth, i will certainly support you, it is a little early, but i do not think that everything still they, referring to the information they have, they made such a decision. look, i also wanted to ask in general about the whereabouts
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of the suspect in the murder of irina, irina farion, so we understand that a colossal operative work was carried out, in particular, when we talk about the analysis of the cameras and so on and so forth, but there was also information that he filmed three apartments, at least three apartments, in particular in lviv, when he was preparing, well, we are talking about a suspect, only a suspect, preparing for murder. i will definitely say my point of view, that i still believe that there are other forces that directly controlled them, that structured them, that is, this is my personal position, taking into account how he... behaves even during the trial, i do not i'm already talking about his behavior near the apartment itself, when he monitored, worked out his plans, which he then implemented, i believe that after all, someone supervises him, someone provides him with information, i think that the investigation and the police will discover this over time during the period of the investigation, which is currently taking place in including the court process, but he is not the only one, well, that is, there are probably
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still people who, as they say, controlled him and gave him the opportunity to do it in such a way that it was difficult for law enforcement agencies to do all the work, we remember very well we remember the first days, we remember the second there days when information was needed for law enforcement agencies, we noticed very well that since tuesday, since the evening , the information has already disappeared, that is, there has already been some work done, or the law enforcement officers have done some work, i believe that, after all, they did their job, it is good done, but how done is it? until the end, we, i will, i hope, will see in the future, because there is a question, after all, who is the organizer of this murder, this is probably the only question that is of interest not only to relatives there, but also to a lot of people local people, including active people there, who want to understand whether there is a tangent, a tangent, i will speak in the literal sense of this, in the literal sense of the word, because
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there is a question whether it is the customer in ukraine or whether it is abroad , that is, is it even the russian federation, this is probably the biggest thing now. people are interested. igor, i also paid attention to a detail that alarmed me too, that is, he left lviv two days after committing this crime, that is, the crime took place on friday evening, on sunday he was seen at the railway station in lviv, that is, for two days he was somewhere in lviv, he lived somewhere, he, well, he was there physically, but he was detained all the way in the dnipro, well, your assumptions, it is in order to bring this criminal to his place , where he is actually stationed, where he lives, or is it real, maybe during this time all the searches, camera research, looking for traces continued, because i would clarify igor, well , we understand, and those who watched such a tv series , the investigation is conducted by experts, the first thing where operatives go is this
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to work out bus stations, railway stations, large intersections and so on and so on, we understand that well... he got on the train and went to dnipro, well, at least according to the official information that is available. well, let's not forget that the investigation, already having information, probably carried out all investigative actions, including trying to find other people who may be connected to him. ugh. and what is this 100 hectares of forest that our operatives combed together with the relevant s... services 100 hectares of forest, well, as far as i understand, it is about the bryukhovetsky forest, and already official information, after examining the surveillance cameras, the police established that the killer, starting from july 11, every day left the forest park area in the pidgoloska district and followed the same route to masaryk street, where he sat in a chair and watched, then returned again to the forest and
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entered it in the same place from which it left. oh yeah. well, if we talk about the fact that a person lives in the dnipro, that is , someone corrected him, or he himself figured out where it is best to enter and where it is best to leave, and already through the forest to pass all his distance and return to the house, i will definitely not take up investigative work there, that is , i did not delve into such details, all the plantations from the beginning of the shevchenkiv district to the exit from the city of lviv were really combed, in order to make a picture from. .. to avoid the possible moment of a person’s departure, and unfortunately, this is how the law enforcement agencies had to go through all our forest areas located in the shevchenkivskyi district to the maximum critical point, from where it was possible to start, including on their own cars, or a hired car or even there the same taxi, so the first days, it
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was the basis that, in order to complete the picture, they had to work out the bodice, the forest, and they had to find or not... throw their own things there in order to follow them and follow the trail, that is , this is one of the options for working out, which is completely, as they say, in the people, he has the right to life, and he, he worked out, and i also wanted to ask, just when he was at the scene of this crime, that's where irina was killed farion, he was wearing the same clothes, and then he somehow changed his clothes along the route, but we saw on the cameras that he only had a small amount with him. there couldn't have been any things that he could have changed into, does this indicate that he could have a hiding place somewhere in the forest, where he actually took off one of his clothes there, changed into another, then he could have... a hiding place somewhere else, where he changed his clothes again, that is, that he could have these hiding places scattered somewhere, where he threw off some things, changed into others.
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your logic is correct, that is, it can be said that you can also work for law enforcement agencies, but unfortunately i cannot report, because it is a secret of the investigation, only after the investigation will it be said whether there is such an option or not, personally i do not i can confirm your words, and finally, igor, i would like to clarify, and what is happening in general with the alternative power supply of the safe city system, so it does not only apply to lviv, we understand that the information appeared first, what cameras, yes, for which ones the money went, and this system, well, it was installed, that the cameras could not work because there was no electricity, that is, as far as i understand, they were powered by street lights, no, we have a safe city program, it really gives the opportunity to the heads of condominiums when... the residents decide to join it and have a certain, as they say, co-financing for the installation of cameras, but let me remind you that the program recently started working in the plan of a safe city, two
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years ago, if i'm not mistaken, they already started on it finance money but cameras the people and heads of the osb were installed much earlier, that is, we have cameras that have been working there for 5-6 years already, when they were installed earlier, and the prospects, that is, they did not foresee such... long, turned off lights. the maximum is oops, up to 15 minutes, that is , interruptions, this is what i am talking about when simply installing video surveillance without a video surveillance system, which is involved in the safe city program. already the safe city itself, yes, it provides a certain number of minutes for it to work, when the lights go out, which cameras were discussed in the first time, that is, we perfectly understand what is being said about cameras on houses. which either residents set for themselves, or osb heads directly placed completely around the perimeter of the house in order to collect information. considering that i live in that neighborhood, i really confirmed
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the information that the cameras were not working, because a lot of video surveillance in my neighborhood where i live was installed much earlier, it is functional, and therefore the prospects there or want or need to change the residents didn't have it, now people really started talking about it the fact that you still need to buy additional batteries in order to have some... at least a guarantee, safety there for this period of three to four hours when the lights are turned off, and well, these are two different spheres, as they say, a safe city, in fact , it has a battery system and has a certain, as they say, a minute gap so that they do not turn off, but unfortunately, near that house, we did not have, the cameras did not work, due to the fact that there was no light, thank you, ihor zinkevich, deputy of the lviv city council, was on the live air of the espresso tv channel, we remind you that now announced a break. in the court session, at which the measure of preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of iryna farion is to be chosen at 4 p.m. , it is to resume and the lawyer is being replaced, the boy's father decided to hire him
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a private lawyer and state, state protection, in fact, which was provided to him by the state when his detained, as i understand it, will not protect his interests now, but a private lawyer will deal with it. now we are going to take a break, after it we will continue our information day, we will talk not only about this ... loud and resonant case, well we will also talk about the situation at the front, it is also very difficult there now, so please wait a few minutes, we will be back. attention, a profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs are expensive. 250 uah, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only 149 uah. take advantage of such a favorable offer. smart light bulb
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dmytro is in touch with us. kozhubenko, officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade, major of the national guard of ukraine. glory to ukraine, sir major, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, heroes, to each other. good day studio, good day, dear viewers. well, attacks at the time of yar, yes, it is difficult. the enemy was extremely active, he did not achieve any special successes, but in any case , the enemy's activity testifies to the seriousness of his intentions. what is there now? in the area of ​​the chasovoy yar, in the area of ​​the chasovoy yar and in general, in the defense area of ​​bakhmut, that is, and around it, the situation remains quite difficult, because the enemy is constantly raising reserves, as in all other directions, they are now use, i don't know, maybe some kind of second wind has opened in them relative to the window of opportunity, as they used to say.


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