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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade, a major of the national guard of ukraine, is in touch with us in donetsk region. glory to ukraine, mr. major, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, heroes, to each other. good day studio, good day, dear viewers. well, the attacks at the time of yar, yes, it was difficult, the enemy was extremely active, he did not achieve any special successes, but in any case, the activity of the enemy proves everything. the seriousness of the intentions, what is there now in the area of ​​time ravine? in the area of ​​the temporary gorge and in general in the area of ​​the defense of bakhmut, that is, and around it the situation remains quite difficult, because the enemy is constantly raising reserves, but as in all other directions, they are now taking advantage, i don't know, maybe they have a second wind , a window of opportunity has opened, as they said before. oh,
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but the enemy is now very massively storming all positions along the entire line of combat engagement and directly on the time scale, they are still trying to enter the city itself, they had success, this is a new channel, oh, but it was a success only because they he was wiped off the face of the earth, now they don't have such significant glorifications, but nevertheless they are trying, but they have a lot of... attention in manpower, and this is exactly what helps them, the fact that they have a very large amount of assault meat, they are the direct support of the aviation, that is what they have been using for six months, if not more, these are fabs and cabs that simply erase everything, after that the infantry comes, but fortunately for us they do not succeed , because in order to fight...
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you need to know what you are fighting for, and they just fighting for some wooden rubles there and for the ambitions of their king. mr. dmytro, i wanted to ask what the enemy's tactics look like now, communicating with fighters from other directions, now the picture looks good enough, well , it's the same that the enemy uses more small groups of infantry, double even people, and this complicates our work because, well, there is no such thing many shells for each. so, what is happening right now in the area of ​​time ravine, are the tactics of the enemy roughly the same there? yes, of course, the enemy is no longer in our direction such massive armor, well, the armor group does not launch, but there are no large columns there, or armored landings, this has not existed for a long time, they already use it purely. infantry groups,
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realizing that in this way they have the opportunity to sneak up on our positions less noticeably, using both the vegetation and the terrain there, and yes, of course, you will not fire artillery at everyone, but you should not forget that there are operators of unmanned aerial systems , there are fpv drones that have been replacing artillery for quite a long time, and we showed that we can... use them very effectively in the absence of artillery shells, and let's not forget about the means of fire that every commander has, it's not just artillery, that's why if the commander on the spot successfully orients himself and successfully uses its fire means, then in principle the enemy, as we see now, does not have the opportunity they would like.
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look, mr. major, we would also like to ask you about the needs of our soldiers, so we understand that each brigade has its own specifics, what would you most like, if we talk about what our volunteers could cover? well, now there is an extremely, extremely urgent need, these are the means of the reb, because, unfortunately, in this we are lagging behind, in this we are very strongly inferior to the enemy, and so... and we need phividrons, because there are not many of them, each fividron is, so to speak, a disposable material that flies out in one direction and does not return, but on the other hand, they are very effective in operations in the hands of a competent operator, such as border brigade operators who send every copter is aimed at the target, they are quite a powerful tool for destroying the enemy, but... i would like to emphasize that drones are
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also a rather priority tool, a priority tool that is needed in the army, because there are not many of them either. the enemy is constantly modernizing its copters and a large number of rebs are needed so that they work at different ranges and save the lives of our servicemen. by chance, i want to tell our viewers that now your unit has a collection of uah 250,000 at the ground station for fpv, the rubizh nsu brigade, so we ask you, please, join the collection and remember that every hryvnia of yours is really important, you yourself have just heard how much there is now... the need for drones, for means of electronic warfare, so we ask you to join the collection that is now you see on the screen, you, mr. dmytro, we thank you, dmytro kuzhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade, a major of the national guard of ukraine from the bakhmut direction was in direct contact with us, now we will have a break, after which
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economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters , who have become like family to many, as well as honored guests of the studio, events. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions in order to to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch the act every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. thank you for waiting. on the 24th, in 20 minutes , the trial of the suspect will literally begin,
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or rather, not a trial, a trial regarding the determination of the measure of preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of iryna farion. well, about this question we will start. co-founder of the national platform of stability and cohesion, so we understand that the investigation has already been determined, so there is a suspect, he is still in the basement courtroom. that, well, but the key story: not the one who implemented this scenario, but in general, what could be the broader things, yes, because i had to hear more than one version, the only thing that no one could detail, if indeed that is why the special services of russia are behind the attempt on iryna forion with the aim of destabilizing, destabilizing the situation in ukraine, then in which the way they were going to destabilize that situation? now we can only guess and to the extent of how much information we have and what
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type we have. of course, the investigation must now establish not only whether the accused is really a murderer, but also the motives and means, how it was carried out, and how many people in general were involved in the preparation of this process, its implementation, who is behind it and in what way, because obviously, that there is currently a vacuum on all these issues. whether there is an interest and a need to understand what happened. clearly ms. farion was an extraordinary person, and her murder has a serious political resonance, both internally and externally. the first version that comes to everyone's mind, obviously, is the possibility of the involvement of the russian special services, which , judging by the information of the investigation, this guy or someone else, at least someone, what we saw on the video, killed her. because if we take the version that this guy is a murderer, and from the photo we can see that there are certain coincidences and
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the work of the ukrainian law enforcement officers was done to ensure that to follow the whole chain and collect all the details of this case, then the question arises how he could be ready to do this, i.e. did not others help him, did he not prepare him for this, did he not simply implement a plan, what? well, we all, all versions are accepted, but what, for example, if it was the russians, what did they want to achieve with all that? very simply: a cascade of murders to destabilize the situation, a cascade of murders, we heard correctly, i.e. could or were some additional assassinations planned? i really don't i would be surprised if it was, was only one of the chain murders, as those who could prepare, because mrs. farion is known for scandalous expressions. in relation to russian-speaking people, the situation with the boys in crimea, with the military who communicate in russian,
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all this, this scandal created the basis for her murder to later lead to, for example, possible military actions or murders of someone, for example, from representatives of the moscow church in ukraine, or someone later from the military, or other iconic figures, let's say, as insults, i already i'm not talking about possible surnames. in order to try in this way to detonate the impression that there is a kind of hidden civil war in ukraine, and that there is a force confrontation between radical groups, the very murder of ms. farion and under the banner of a radical-racist group, this already plays negatively for ukraine in in terms of the american elections, because... both to the camp of democrats and republicans, this topic can be sold and packaged by russian propaganda in
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the right way, in it, let's say, everything comes together at once, both for the trumpists and for nuclear democrats, and ukraine appears in the image of russian propaganda, strengthening it as a country where there is a development of neo-nazi organizations, where navels are beaten, orthodox people are eaten, and father this their history with which they defame ukraine, it... can be actualized by the killing of pharion and by the potential of others. ugh. mr. olezh, actually, about those who could still be investigated, this suspect, we were talking about maksym buzhanskyi, a deputy from the servant of the people party, who does not hide his love for the russian language, and actually there is, well, that's enough loyal to the russian federation, at least the theses that he promotes, testify to this. and here the diametrically opposite personality of iryna farion, who always defended everything
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ukrainian, although i must note here that there were certain circles that tried to mold her into a kind of undercover agent of the kremlin , and if we pay attention to the screenshot that was shown at the briefing, where those who supposedly have pro-russian sentiments were listed, then farion and... for some reason they ended up on the same list, could it be that this guy could become a victim of certain propaganda, let's say so, and that they could convey to him insufficiently reliable information. what iryna farion imagines, maybe he was convinced that this person, one way or another, if he believes russian propaganda, could be a conditional agent of the kremlin, although, well, this is complete absurdity, and we understand it. well, by the way, i would not be so convinced, because one day we will see declassified archives, in particular, from the soviet era in relation to the agency. if
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you look at ms. farion's biography before 91 year, then we can see there certain... and elements and pages and biographies that may hint to us of potential cooperation, at least at that stage with the soviet special services, but again, ms. ferion could be either a patriot of ukraine or an agent under a cover, or a double agent, absolutely without difference, the murder took place of a social and political figure, an ex-people's deputy of ukraine and a person who spoke in defense of the ukrainian language, a teacher of the ukrainian language and everything else, any conspiracy here... in any which sides can be and some of this may turn out to be true, but now we have a fact, and it is clear that destructive various currents, starting from religiously destructive, radical, ending with ideologically radical, left-right, they are always sponsored by the russian special services and special services in general, this one of the technologies of warfare,
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you and i saw how vitrenkov was once sponsored in ukraine, this is their power block, we saw the russians. block, russian brotherhood, all these organizations, non-religious structures, disguised russian youths, and with of a portable, let's say, physique, we saw it in germany, in the balkan countries, both left and right forces, in particular, both anarchists and fascist political movements, marginal, supported by russia, used for their own purposes. it is clear that this guy and others could become and can become similar, and... i am convinced that they become victims of the influence of the russian special services of ideological processing and ultimately provoking them to take radical steps. the russians worked with such specific, let's say, nazi milieu as the zovu-haters, and we remember all these videos from killing animals, etc., and whole groups that
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gathered around it, and how the russian ears came out after it, worked in a specific environment. ala anti-vaccinators, anti-mobilizers, and created their leaders of public opinion there. after all, if we talk about destructive streams, then the same blue kid, as spread in social networks with the help of russian botfarms, is already an accomplished fact and proven, which is called in surnames and specific screenshots, therefore, in this case, i would not rule out that , that the guy, or this one, or in in general, if we are talking about the situation, there could be a lot of... such ideological processing, this was all described almost 200 years ago, in the chinese strategy of warfare, one of the levels of the four strategies is a demographic war and, accordingly, a war of meanings, a war with the destruction of the mobilization potential, with the demoralization of the enemy, the opening of the internal front in plain language inside
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the country with the help of special services and certain characters manipulated by them, what? we can wait, mr. oleg, taking into account, so to speak, this strategy you described above, and what can be done about it all, i would say, there is something to praise here, there is something to devour, there is something to think about, to praise, it is the fact that our law enforcement agencies, at least it seems, have monitored the entire chain with sufficient quality so far, let's see how convincing the evidence collected by them really will be, and we hope that indeed in this process we already... see a certain beginning of its resolution, where there is room to complain, unfortunately, it is clear that in the conditions of war in our country not enough is being done for that , in order to counteract in the ideological space of russia, and it's cultural policy, it's educational policy, it's work to create a pop product for a wide audience of young people, primarily pro-ukrainian, it's not
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about grassroots propaganda, it's about the fact that we should support our content, saturate our... the information space and worldview from the ukrainian point of view, the situation inside from the ukrainian point of view and our senses. in our country, unfortunately, in this world, it is bad enough, the scandals surrounding the kino foundation and many other structures are normal and commonplace in our country, in particular, corruption scandals, tyranny and everything else, and there is something to think about, that such destructive ideas will continue to spread, we have to work on ensuring that three-level armor. in order for the russian special services to not be able to act, this is a question of trust in the institution, accordingly, they must work with society to ensure... a sufficient level of legitimacy and trust in them in the law enforcement sector, and we often see there abuse and, on the contrary, the burning of this trust, it is also about the issue of vision from the authorities
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regarding the ukrainian victory in order to reduce the level of disorientation of despair in society, and the third is the vigilance by society of similar cases and various extraordinary, let's say, manifestations, each of us is responsible for our own state and for security, if we... don't want to , so that it is done with the tightening of nuts, and this is simply impossible in ukraine, then each of us must also bear part of the responsibility for ensuring this security in democratic conditions and of democratic oleg sahakyan , a political scientist, co-founder of the national platform of stability and cohesion, was in touch with us. well, you ask why we don't broadcast the court, we don't broadcast it, because now there is a pause in the court session, where they have to choose a preventive measure, that's why it's a break now. and if you want to watch the beginning, you can now go to our youtube channel, our correspondent emma stadnyk works there, and actually watch the court broadcast as soon as it resumes, so go to
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the espresso youtube channel, and we will now add to of our television broadcast by dmytro shvets, the lawyer of iryna farion's family. mr. dmitry, congratulations. good day. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, well, the key question for you. i think that you are very well oriented in the versions of the investigation, in those that have been voiced. details devoted to the investigation of the assassination of iryna farion, we would like to ask you, as a professional, what questions you may have about the versions presented by the investigation, of course, that the law enforcement officers, we can really state that they did enough a lot of work with a goal, to identify the alleged killer's identity, the alleged killer's identity. and er, we believe that the time they used was generally used effectively, they ensured that they were able
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to find the suspect quickly enough and in the future to us, as ukrainians, as a society, to carry out our own justice provided for by the law way, of course. that we now have a question of control over the fact that the investigation continues at such an effective pace, that all necessary investigative actions are carried out, you and i at the press conference it was heard that the weapon has not yet been found, but this is also an important point that cannot be overlooked, because the maximum collection of evidence and the collection of evidence in the manner prescribed by law is of the utmost importance. larger at this stage, you can't rush at some points, but well, because it quite often leads to the fact that certain evidence is lost, or in the future, due to
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haste, it is recognized as inappropriate. accordingly, now of course that we have only the beginning of the pre-trial investigation, we have only in fact suspicion of committing the crime provided for in part one. article 117 of the criminal code of ukraine, where the maximum punishment is limited to 15 years of imprisonment, however, the family of the deceased iryna dmytrievna farion, and in general, we have such a vision that there are all grounds for a further change of qualifications to the second part of articles 117 115 of the criminal code of ukraine, in fact, which provides for life imprisonment. mr. dmytro, look, you rightly pointed out that you did not find a weapon, it could have been a sporting pistol that was converted, and on the spot
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they found a sports cartridge case, but no, well , they didn’t find the bullet itself, only a cartridge case was found and no weapon was found, but isn’t this object itself, which was used to commit this crime, considered the main physical evidence, and if it is not possible to find... this physical evidence , then can there be a dead end in the investigation in the context of proving this crime, that this person really committed this crime with some weapon, of course, that it is critical for the whistleblower to find all the evidence and all, including the weapon with which the crime was committed murder, however, on in my opinion, the presence of other evidence, it... will be enough for the suspicion and, subsequently, the indictment to be well-founded. however, of course, yes, i must agree with you that it is necessary to collect as much evidence as possible, and it is important. that such
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evidence was collected in a proper manner without violating the procedural legislation, as i emphasize that quite often the violation of certain procedural norms regarding the collection of evidence serves to further declare them inadmissible. yes, mr. dmytro, we agree with you, well, but speaking of motives, how important do you think this moment is going to be, yes, because the murder weapon and the killer's motive is irrelevant to that 18-year-old... young man who is under investigation, that is, well, it remains to be seen , but what about motives? of course, in order to understand, after all, not the superficial motive that is broadcast by mass media, and actually we could observe from these screenshots from the groups in the telegram channel, but the primary motive, we still need a little. .
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more time and the investigation needs more time in order to understand it, i would not like to focus on such superficial motives now, since they can quite often be so secondary and not reflect the very essence of this crime, who is the mastermind, for what purpose this crime was committed, since it can be exclusively the executor and... when we shift the emphasis only to his personal beliefs, certain certain ones, as it is currently broadcast in the media, a certain connection is lost with the fact that we have not yet established other participants in this crime, we don't have the masterminds of this crime have been identified, so we really need to give time to the investigation so that they can work out the motives
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for committing such a crime. crime and give an objective picture of this crime as a whole, however , we must also control the investigation, because it often happened in our country before that certain motives were not properly assessed, and this led to the fact that the final the qualification there remained simply at the level of intentional homicide without such there motes. which would allow retraining this crime is under the second part of article 115. and do you think it will be difficult to achieve reclassification of this case? i believe that in my opinion no, there is every indication that this was not just a premeditated murder, and from the information that i can release, i believe that there will be all the ... further
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grounds for the investigation to be able to after all, it was still able to provide an objective and proper assessment of that crime and the actions that were committed by bimarto, well, i will also tell in the issue about the meeting in the murder case and what the policemen were awarded for, and also there will be information that a russian man was detained in paris, who tried to disrupt the opening of the olympics, then... wait for more details about everything in the issue, in ukraine at 4 p.m. , so the galician
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court of lviv. will resume the hearing on the case of murder and


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