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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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well, antin and i are going for the weekend, we will continue to work for you on monday, so we will see each other from next week, but you must stay with espresso, because our colleagues will continue to work for you, inform you about everything most importantly, take care and see you on monday. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and let's start with the fact that the galician court of lviv resumed the hearing on the case of the murder of iryna farion. i would like to note that it was postponed until its arrival a private lawyer hired by the boy's father. protected the suspect's lawyer ihor
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sulima. previously, he repeatedly defended people who were accused of treason and collaboration. in particular, sulima defended the scandalous ruslan kotsaba. he is a pro-russian propagandist, blogger and member of the peacekeeping base. in 2015, he was accused of treason and obstructing the activities of the armed forces of ukraine. and let me remind you that the 18-year-old from dnipro was announced. in the murder of the linguist, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko announced during a press conference. the suspect had been planning the crime since may. bought the necessary clothes, changed apartments three times. on the boy's phone was a farewell letter in case he was exposed, as well as instructions from the kgb and the cia and a schedule of meetings of regional councils of ukraine with a list of deputies. the police assume that the boy was preparing the next murders. the suspect's involvement is currently being established. to the neo-nazi
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russian movement. the police officers who solved the murder of iryna farion received awards. the minister of internal affairs and the head of the national police honored the heads of individual units, operatives of criminal investigation, investigators, employees of criminal analysis, criminologists, precinct officers, police and other police services of lviv oblast. head of the national police of ukraine, ivan vehivskyi u'. in turn noted that this murder is one of the most resonant in recent years. in the meantime, the kyiv court of appeal considered the case concerning the intelligence officer roman chervinskyi. this time, lawyers are contesting reports of suspected fraud. let me remind you that a few hours after roman was released from the pretrial detention center , the indictment arrived, which seems to be in 2020 an ex-intelligence officer... tried to get hold of
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$100,000 by pretending to be an official of the state fiscal service. today, the court took into account the appeal of the defense side and postponed the hearing of the case to study the materials provided by chervinskyi's lawyers. now, under the pressure of our positions, our arguments, the courts are finally starting to listen. we hope that next time... we will see all the court's decision to cancel the suspicion of roman chervinskyi, if they continue to develop like this, there is communication, i know that with the european court of human rights, they are there are already interested, maybe this is the whole complex of events, yes, the european court, your attention, the attention of the european solidarity party, the deputies have joined in, just this turning point has come these days, but recently, so i see that the courts are already slowly changing their position. a large-scale railway failure
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occurred in france on the day of the start of the olympic games. at night, unknown people committed a number of fires, local media report. mass cancellation of trains may disrupt the plans of 800,000 passengers. the french authorities announced possible sabotage and urged residents not to plan trips by july 29. he tried to disrupt the opening of the olympics in paris and was detained. a year-old russian who worked for the fsb. the certificate of the agent of the russian special service named kyrylo gryaznov, law enforcement officers found the detainee in the apartment, bilt newspaper reported. the spy revealed himself back in may at one of the bulgarian resorts. he was drunk, brandishing an id and talking about planned sabotage, he faces up to 30 years in prison. specialists the police recorded explosions and
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shootings near the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant power plant during the last week, the press service of the agency reported. the observers also checked repair works and planned measures. which are conducted at the ac. magate emphasized that during the visit to the turbine hall of the sixth power unit, they were not given access to the western part. let me remind you that the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is the largest nuclear power plant in europe, and has been under russian occupation since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. evacuation of civilians continues in turetsk, donetsk region. currently, more than half remain in the city thousands of people. they are taken to safe regions by units of police crews, white angels, and the military also helps with this. the situation in the city is very difficult, because along the line of combat collision there is only 3-4 km, - emphasized the regional military administration. let me remind you that earlier the city authorities of toretsk discovered 80
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children whose parents secretly returned to the city after evacuation. it has grown to 15 people. the number of victims as a result of the russian attack has been reduced in chernihiv oblast. four people are in the hospital with injuries, the mayor of oleksandr koloda said. the occupiers hit a dormitory with pensioners with drones. the building is completely destroyed and uninhabitable. and the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems. for the third separate stormtrooper. brigades of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need flying weapons and
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modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. good. hello, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs, the enemy and komikaji drones, we really ask for your help , glory to ukraine, heroes to heroes, glory, there is the first tranche, allocated by the european commission 1.5 billion euros from the frozen... assets of the russian federation for ukraine. kyiv will receive these funds through the european peace fund, they will go to the country's defense and reconstruction - the president of the european commission, ursula funderlajen, said on the x social network. earlier, the eu found a legal way to bypass hungary's veto on the purchase
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of weapons for ukraine from frozen russian assets. a charity auction in support of the national guard was held in ivano-frankivsk. several dozen lots were placed there, including paintings, icons, precious coins, embroidery, as well as a unique collection of kobzar's works, which was born in the middle of the last century in canada. in a few hours, it was possible to collect almost uah 2.5 million. among the most expensive lots is a portrait of taras shevchenko made by the painter and graphic artist andrii shabonin. 180 00 hryvnias were traded for it. for 120 00 hryvnias. an icon from a private collection went under the hammer, the monument that we present, which we selected, is a very interesting icon of the 19th century, which is painted on canvas, but it was, well, in such a very difficult condition, that is
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here we present the spiritual component, and the artistic, and the cultural, and actually the icon itself, the iconography of the icon of the pochaiv mother of god, she m, well, she is... unifying, she, she symbolizes our ukrainian church, and actually that, that whatever we would like, we would like, actually, to symbolically emphasize this protection of the mother of god, actually the protection of the mother of god for our defenders. today, we must look for all the possibilities and all the ways to support the armed forces of ukraine, to help those people who are today in advanced positions risking their lives for... us, thanks to them, we have life in ukraine, in our native state, therefore it is a matter of honor, a sacred task of everyone - to strengthen the armed forces of ukraine. and that was the news at that time, our team is preparing a fresh news release for you already at 6 p.m., and you can
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read more on our website esreso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will always find a summary of the main points. stay with tv channels. congratulations, immediately after the murder of the linguist former deputy iryna farion on friday in it became clear to lviv that the key to understanding who is the mastermind of this murder, why it was carried out at all, so in order to understand this, it is necessary to follow the informational ones. companies that will start after this actual murder, and if it can be said that inside ukraine from ukrainian
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political forces, there are no signs of such, you know, planned information campaigns, no one, nothing, well, people reacted normally, fully expressed, someone expressed their condolences there , somebody, well, somebody, you know, speculated that this... it could be, but there are no planned such directly malicious campaigns, but on the part of russia there are precisely these companies, well, and to understand, for example, why iryna farion could be, well, such an interesting figure for russian information, yes, well, it is enough to look , as russian propaganda characterized it'. how was her death characterized?
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in ukraine , the odious iryna farion was shot dead with two shots to the temple. the former people's deputy of ukraine became a symbol of the bandera country, and, if you like, a demon of russophobia. the killer was waiting for farion at home in the center lviv. the moment of the attempt was not recorded by surveillance cameras that were disconnected due to power outages. but the russian should
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act the hell out of you when you meet a boy named vanya i clearly demonstrated to everyone how it should be or a girl named masha. it is difficult to say who is behind her murder, but the fact that they destroyed one of the yellow and blue furies of modern ukraine with a bloody conquest, that's for sure, well, that's a symbol of anti-russianness, that's it. in principle, the main idea is why this figure and this person could be interesting as, well, some kind of goal attacks i have already said more than once, and i will repeat it again, that now all the efforts, not only of russian propaganda, but of the entire russian military machine in general, are focused not so much on victories on the battlefield, but on an attempt to somehow undermine internal stability, internal strength. to the resistance in ukraine itself, and everything is used for this, including the bombing
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of ukraine, and missile attacks, and direct acts of terrorism, such as, for example, the attempt to kill children when they shot at ahmadit, and now, when they literally aimed at children, on the playground, well, simply, that is , they are constantly aiming at some very specific objects that... could cause, well, some kind of, you know, primarily an emotional reaction, and therefore, uh, personal terror in this plan is also the same tool that russia can use, especially since very recently a kazakh oppositionist was killed in ukraine, and here too, well, you can say that this is not a fully understood story, and a very similar murder, when shot in the street , well... that is, the methods are very similar, so what personal terror and an attempt to use it for
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this kind of intimidation to destabilize society, this is, in principle, completely what russia can do, well, as a state whose terrorist methods are known and which constantly uses terrorist methods, and regarding the murder of farion, it is immediately obvious that the chosen several... information lines, well, in particular two main ones, about which i want to say, of course, the main promotion of them is not on tv, the main promotion, there is an effort... there is some kind of promotion in social networks, but in on russian tv, we can see reviews of this, because what they broadcast through social networks, they are trying to somehow speak to themselves and on tv, and the first of such lines is an attempt to somehow, you know, show
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that as if some split between ukraine. and the russian-speaking people in ukraine reached such, you know, tension that political murders began, well, it’s full of delusion, of course, but that’s what they’re trying to show and that’s what they’re trying to shake now, and that’s what russian propagandists are talking about accordingly they speak the identity of the attacker has not been established, but there are many versions. farion was hated even by dry land for her radical statements. she called. that the leaders of azov have already made open
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threats against her. in this desire to destroy all of russia, farion drove herself into a corner and into a ditch. just a few months after her open conflict with the practices of ukrainian nationalism. it is a common thing in showdowns between bandera residents. internal wars are the most terrible. i was a fighter. intraspecies wars between oun-upa. they killed i don't even want to name you, disgusting creature. the very fact that her own people were killed shows that these spiders are in a jar, which have now started a bloody tour of internal conflicts. she invaded azov at one time, and apparently
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, the azovs took revenge. the fact that cars are now burning manhunters all over ukraine is not an accident. well, of course, the assumption that azov fighters could have been involved in such a murder of the pharaoh, well, this is a complete delusion, because the conflict was in november of last year, and since then, no one touched the pharaoh and nothing happened at all, well and on the other hand, you know, i would say such disputes in social media. we have a lot of networks, and this is absolutely not a reason to kill someone, in principle, everyone perfectly understands this, but what is not accidental in this whole story is that, along with the murder of the farion, the burning of military cars is mentioned, this is not accidental, because it indicates, i would say that these companies are conducted from one place, they already
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caught a few people who simply set fire to it for the money of the russians... cars, well , you know, that's how they actually burn when here they tell and put in one row, one and the other, and here they do what is called conclusions, so this is one such story, the second story, which the russians are trying to shake, is talk about the fact that somehow it is so beneficial for the ukrainian authorities, in particular to zelenskyi, and the most charismatic assumption is that zelenskyi took revenge for what... farion spoke about him, attention, in 2019, when he was still a candidate for the presidency, i waited a long time, well, mania is mania , and an attempt to pull, roughly speaking, an owl on the globe, there is not much here with the russians who can argue, well, that's why it
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sounds boring, the relationship between an ardent russophobe and a nazi. for the russian language , zelenskyi himself got it, so in 2019 she demanded to imprison zelenskyi, the candidate for the presidency of ukraine, for the fact that he addressed the voters, not in ukrainian, but in russian. here there is an expression: to kill two birds with one stone, here a whole herd of hares was killed with one shot, because firstly, the martyr, secondly, the problems were dying, because what farion said recently shocked even many ukrainian politicians who have seen a lot, thirdly, to satisfy
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azov's animalistic instincts to some extent, fourthly, you can consolidate society, you can continue there, i can make a whole list of what the ukrainian got power as a result, plus no one canceled the revenge, well, none of us." it is believed that a russian propagandist can invent a whole list of all sorts of trifles, and in fact, they did invent, the most probably ridiculously invented one of such fugitives from ukraine, a journalist, former volodymyr skachko, well, you know, when you listen to it, you understand that maybe this whole idea was created by the people skachko worked for in ukraine, it was now steamrolled by the russians, because well... it sounds as idiotic as possible, to whom is the signal? it seems to me that one of the reasons for this murder is to tighten the nuts and start
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looking for some new enemies. the regime needs to mobilize and mobilize this corps, because in america we know what is happening. in europe, we know what is happening. it is always its own. kirov to start tightening the nuts, such nuts they are already starting to twist, i don’t know for whom farion could have been kirov for a huge number of people, well, kirov was also seduced here, well, you know, skachko always drank a lot, i can see that he started drinking even more, judging by everything, well, and i have already said that in principle the main activity of the russian propaganda machine is now in social networks, and that is why i want to talk about this with
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elena zakharchenko, a researcher of russian social networks and an analyst from the cat ua analytical group. congratulations olena, good day. well, tell me if you somehow do you see any signs at all, well, some sort of revitalization in social networks, namely in relation to farion, in relation to her murder. such a thing was so interesting, if you look at it in retrospect, that russian social networks were not interested in farion in principle at all, that is , there were exactly zero mentions in russian social networks since the new year, but... what we talked about in relationship with ferion, we talked about her dismissal, there was, you know, renewal and so on, all this was absolutely not interesting to them, but in the month of june, from
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somewhere so from the middle of june, unexpectedly in in russian social networks, interest in ferion is growing sharply, so they are starting to discuss her statements, her quarrel with danylko, her statements are old, regarding azov, this conflict is being raised again, although it was a long time ago in november, but russians are not aware of it. they mentioned him and started spreading all this in social networks, for several weeks there was such preparation, farion began to be mentioned incidentally and inappropriately, bots began to mention farion in likes under their posts and in their comments, that is, if they had previously written some abusive words there people from bandera, khokhlas and so on further, now they farionists have started writing, they are just actively bringing farion back into the russian information space, farion and her conflict with azov are very active... they remind russians through social networks, through prominent telegram channels, through youtube videos and so on. accordingly, on the 18th and 19th, when her, when there was an attempt, and then she died,
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the versions of her murder will increase sharply, that is, the sharp jump begins to accelerate immediately. the first, of course, is the revenge of the azovites, and it remains the main version in russian social networks that it was revenge tikhazovites who wanted to speak russian , but she forbade them. to this version , they are attracted to military parole, and the fact that the murderer walked around the yard, was not afraid of the tcc, in ukraine now no man can go outside, because he knows that he will be caught by the tck right around the corner, and the fact that there next to a military facility and so on, then there is huge hatred, huge hatred towards all ukrainians, in connection with the death of farion, they, well, they said that ukrainians are angry, because when a russian was eaten there by a shark. they began to laugh at the russians, and when such tragedies happened, ukrainians there rejoiced that something bad happened to the russians, when kiev was shot there, for example, ukrainians laughed so partially,
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and... in fact, there are very few jokes about farion, the main array of posts, comments and messages in telegram- channels - this is a huge hatred of ukrainians, huge anger towards ukrainians, we have never, as long as i have been working with ukrainian social networks, i have not seen such a thing, that is, it is not characteristic of us, from them it is simply beyond the limits of any human concept of any things, i.e. a very big no... then at the same time several versions are being developed, i.e. azov’s revenge, this is just their main version, then the second such notable version is zelensky’s revenge and zelensky’s attempt to take away the nationalists, as they say, in the country, to completely clear the space before the peace negotiations that he will conduct with trump. and tsarev writes about this,
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let it be very detailed, he says that... like, it is killing two birds with one stone, if you persuade some azov man, as zelensky did, to shoot him farion, this is both the destruction of the main nazi of ukraine and the reason to start persecuting azov as a nazi battalion, and at the same time tsarev himself, if you look at his blanks, it is true that they have already been corrected, but they remain in the system, if you look, you can see that at first with information about about the attempt on her, he even somehow felt sorry for her, he was confused, he said sorry. yes, he wrote, but literally every day his rhetoric changes radically, well , the prisoners have passed, and he writes this version, pretending that zelensky did all this, ah, except in addition, there were literally some fantastic versions of her murder, which they said was a personal nuisance, criminal feuds, she was a great volunteer, collected donations and stole them, and there was also such an exotic version that july 19 happened to be the birthday of a well-known givi, and this is the day of revenge... lpr, dpr, so
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-called, who gathered and took revenge for their leader, who was once killed by ukraine, and now they killed farion for this, but at the same time, if you take away the telegram channels and their official rhetoric, and read some comments, the russians understand perfectly well that they did it, a russian did it, they are proud of it, they offer to collect money for the killer, they say hands down about our agent under write under. wanted portraits and so on, but every time some kind of bot comes under these, they say, they are the kakhls themselves, that is , in fact, the russians do not need to open their eyes that they did it, i think they understand it and are proud of it, but the official rhetoric it will always be, the ukrainians did it, no matter what version the next propagandist takes, she will always blame the ukrainians, well, me it seems very interesting, first of all, this
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is your first observation that... uh, the very activity regarding farion was preceded by her murder, that is , the impression that there was actually some kind of informational preparation at the level of social networks, at the level of such warm-up, and so on it's interesting that it was broadcast from russian social networks, i think it's quite an interesting thing, because - well, at least it really speaks about the preparation of this murder, not only. it's not, you know, some kind of personal animosity and absolutely personal things, well, at least it's indirect, you can say such an indirect proof, well, it’s very interesting, well, and the second is yes, you see, you confirm what we highlighted with your own, well, with your turn that the two main lines, i would say that indeed the azov line is probably the most higher priority
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and it is interesting to what extent, do you see them getting this line out, at least drag it into the ukrainian information space, can you say something here, because i saw, of course, some people, well, something just there, they did not like me personally farion, they are writing something about her, there are some discussions going on in them under the posts, of course, i want to say that... despite the fact that these people very often have nothing to do with azov, or this is their personal opinion, well, they should have enough sense, at least understanding that this the topic is still used by russian propaganda, well, at least to keep it quiet and limit it somehow, but - if we talk about...


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