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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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a look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. 18:00 in kyiv news time on the tv channel. in
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the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, and just now to the most important events. the galician court of lviv resumed the hearing on the case of the murder of iryna farion. the prosecutor requests a preventive measure in the form of detention. it is assumed that the suspect may hide evidence, flee or influence the investigation. i note that the meeting was postponed until the arrival of a private lawyer, hired by the boy's father. lawyer ihor sulyn defends the suspect. previously, he repeatedly defended people who were accused of treason and collusion. in particular, sulima defended the scandalous ruslan kotsaba. it is pro-russian propagandist, blogger and figurehead of the peacemaker base. in 2015, he was accused of treason and obstructing the activities of the armed forces of ukraine. and let me remind you that an 18-year-old dnipro resident was charged with the murder of a linguist, the minister of internal affairs ihor said. during the press conference. the suspect
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had been planning the crime since may, bought the necessary clothes, changed apartments three times. on the boy's phone was a farewell letter in case he was exposed, as well as instructions from the kgb and the cia and a schedule of meetings of regional councils of ukraine with a list of deputies. the police assume that the boy was preparing the next murders. currently, the involvement of the suspect in the neo-nazi russian movement is being established. in zhytomyr oblast, police explosive devices neutralized the warhead of an enemy drone. it was discovered after yesterday's attack by the occupiers. the find posed a real threat to local residents, as it contained about 50 kg of explosives. specialists transported the ammunition to the blast site and destroyed it there. warning. on july 25, we will carry out the destruction.
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extreme crew evacuation in donetsk region white angel under shelling managed to evacuate three civilians from krasnohorivka, and with them seven other pets, including dogs, cats and even a tnt turtle, the regional police said. a russian projectile hit a house in the basement of which a man and two women were. they managed to get out of the rubble on their own and contact the police. for the sake of rescue, the family overcame 5 km on foot. come on, come on, dogs, climb, climb. currently, most of the city is a theater of war, in those places where our troops are located, there is an understanding among people, and in this way we carry out evacuations, but we carry out evacuations in an individual order, because here we need a mutual desire, and ours. and these people who need help.
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i am appealing to the residents of krasnohorivka, if you have a desire or a connection, contact us, we will help you leave. evacuation of civilians continues in toretsk, donetsk region. currently, more than half a thousand people still remain in the city. they are taken to safe regions by units of police crews and white angels. the military also helps with this. the situation in the city. difficult, because the line of battle is only 3-4 km away, emphasized the regional military administration. let me remind you that earlier the city authorities of turetsky discovered 80 children whose parents secretly returned to the city after evacuation. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces.
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the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom and the future it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the hells urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the soldiers of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small uavs, against. availability is being tested in kirovohrad oblast for people with disabilities, objects of the social sphere, among activists, people with reduced mobility and blind people. the biggest obstacle for their
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full life is physical barriers, our journalists saw how many shortcomings were found in the village of kompaniivka. the most pressing issue of accessibility, activists say, is in towns and villages, so we went to kompaniivka, which is 40 km from kropyvnytskyi, to check. the monitoring began with the village council, in the same premises of the tsnap. at the entrance there is a ramp and a call button, then you have to go up the stairs. toilet on the second floor, the door is too narrow for a person in a wheelchair. there are no warning and direction signs for the blind, you can enter and immediately understand that the toilet is not accessible to the mobility-impaired population, first of all, the width of the door, and even an adult person
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cannot enter here, they checked the social security department, the ramp here is too steep, the railing is too wide, so that she could hold on to them... on the approach to the ramp, the emergency damaged pavement. there are no directional elements and tactile tiles, the call button does not work. andriy kishavar says: accessibility is the ability to do without outside help and feel fully capable. no need for pity - says the man, it is necessary to create conditions for people with disabilities. first, the speed, how can i get home sooner, to work, how is the tactile tile. a voiced traffic light, i will repeat myself once again, it is more convenient, no outside help is needed. the conclusion of the monitoring is disappointing. the companionway for people with disabilities is uncomfortable. activists submitted their recommendations for improving the situation to local authorities. what we saw was
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deep sadness. absolutely no buildings adapted so that people with disabilities can come and receive certain services. quality, affordable education. now it already hurts when people in the war come without limbs, but in kirovohrad oblast, little has been done for people with disabilities and for our heroes who came from the war in wheelchairs, so right now this is a glaring issue that the government should do for us. the village council agrees with the activists' conclusions and promises to work on the shortcomings. there were other such cases... there were cases when someone did not get into our premises, it happens, come babushka, give me a hand, i can't go out, please, we didn't have such problems, and we didn't have any appeals about this, that someone, well, how come they didn't provide help, so that
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there was no appeal to the leadership of the village council, no, no there was not and will not be, in six months the monitoring group plans to return to the company, the activists hope that their recommendations... will be taken into account. according to the regional military administration , more than 36,000 people with disabilities live in kirovohrad oblast. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. nova suspicion. the leader of the so-called lpr, leonid pasichnyk, who was recently sentenced to 12 years in prison. the security service of ukraine announced another suspect. this time he is accused of organizing the forced mobilization of the temporarily occupied. part of luhansk region. he signed several relevant orders on the eve of a full-scale invasion. this became the basis for attracting about 80% of employees of local enterprises. according to the security service of ukraine, more than 70% of those mobilized died on the front lines already in
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the first months. such were the news at that time. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you. as always, you can read more news on our website. preso tv, also subscribe to our social networks and watch us on youtube, and of course, literally in a moment, meet my colleague yuri fizer, who will continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel, i wish you. quiet evening, there are discounts representing the only discounts on toloxen 10% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-lasting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves
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the country is immersed in the world of educational transformations, we ask experts, listen to teachers, hear parents and children. from noosh to high school, exploring the labyrinths of education reform, read to understand, understand to change, ask country at the point of sale press or subscribe online. there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on... the court is separate, 15% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians.
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watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program legal examination on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good evening, we are from ukraine, the 884th day of the war, the 884th day of our heroic confrontation. russian invasion. continuously, every day, every hour , we thank our defenders for
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defending our country. well, today i, yuriy fizar, work for you in the studio of the espresso tv channel. together with my colleagues from the great ether, i have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. in particular, i will talk to a criminal lawyer about the arrest of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion. new statements from poland about the volyn tragedy, and there will be inclusions from the regions, as well as the rubrics familiar to all of you. well, let's start, as usual. from the military results of the day and serhii from hurets. serhii, i congratulate you, you have a word. i congratulate you yuri, i congratulate our viewers. today, in our column, we will talk about the strike on the saki airfield, about the week's dynamics in the hottest areas of the front and whether our reb can fight the russian eagles in a conversation with our expert. more on that in a moment.
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on the night of july 26, another attack was carried out on the russian military airfield of saka in the temporarily occupied crimea, allegedly with atkams ballistic missiles . at least 16 su-30 and su-24 aircraft were based on this airfield. according to preliminary information on airports. a warehouse with ammunition was hit, it is also reported that an enemy air defense position near the airfield in the village of shovkovychne was attacked, allegedly destroyed there. radar station, but whether the planes were hit, we will be able to say something later based on the results of space pictures, which i think are about to appear. the general staff confirmed the fact of strikes on the airport, but also without detailing the results. and further to the front line and against the background of the results of the week,
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i will dwell in detail on the pokrovsky direction, because this is where the hardest part is made. and even a critical situation, because in 10 days the enemy's advance was somewhere within 4 km, in the last week the enemy entered vovche and novoselivka first, captured lozovatskyi and progress, and here it is worth mentioning that the battles for the village of progress began sometime at the end of april, and in fact, since then, the armed forces managed to relatively ... successfully repulse the enemy's blows, and when the enemy launched another massive assault on july 19, almost the entire village was abandoned, and as the analysts of the deep state team claimed, operational tactical the situation became critical, because the territorial defense brigade, which protected the progress,
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retreated chaotically, the 47th brigade was directed to stabilize, it also could not... fully withstand the pressure of the enemy, because there was already a concentration of the enemy up to two companies in the village, and also between the villages progress and lozuvatske, the enemy infantry was able to close the encirclement ring around the height, where the fighters of the first and third battalions of the 31st separate mechanized brigade were in positions, and despite the threat of encirclement, the brigade commander did not give... the order to break through and further, i will quote deep again state: the personnel who were in that area put the commander in front of the fact that the boys would break through with a fight, with the help of artillery and aerial reconnaissance of the adjacent units, were able to get out of the encirclement in full force. against the background of this information, i later expected that there would be some clarification
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for the public from the otu, or the osu, or the ministry of defense, but... it did not come, and here the question is not about the territories that the fighters left there, but about the assessment of the situation from the side of the command, because when it comes to the risks of the environment, how should they be certain about me comments from spokesmen in order to form such a certain clear link between the army and society, because there are probably certain miscalculations of the command, but there is also the reality that the enemy has a significant advantage in manpower, equipment, means of impression and... here the situation is in our favor on this area has not changed yet, and in the same progress there were videos where the enemy enters in groups of 40-50 people, our artillery is not idle at this time, and there was, by the way, an important and interesting comment from one of the battalion commanders of the 47th of a separate mechanized brigade that assisted the 31st
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brigade, so this is what this officer said, that when such a situation arose in this area that there were... failures were allowed and the 47th brigade was directed to stabilize, he says that it was a completely wrong move, because uh, there we had to make a maneuvering defense and simply give up that progress, stand in a different way and gain a foothold. we had it for this time, - the officer said, but because the generals adhered to the principle of not taking a step back, we stand to the last soldier. unfortunately, we have suffered some losses that... could have been avoided, the commander of the battalion of the 47th division of the mechanized brigade told about this precisely in connection with the action around progress. now these areas continue to be defended by the fighters of the 31st and 47th separate mechanized brigades, they hold back the advance of the enemy, although it is extremely difficult for them now, and
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i will remind you that now, after the progress has been captured, the enemy will try to continue to act on... in two directions from this section, on the one hand, it will try to make its way to the pokrovsk kostyantynivka track, and on the other hand, from the very progress along the railway , move along the northern part, as well as to another area, to pokrovsk, actually creating threats for our groups located in this area. it is hardly possible to say that now the enemy will resort to defense in a month or after a certain time, as the commander of the national guard predicted just a few days ago, now the enemy is trying his best. cause him to gain initiative on the battlefield. now the question is for our command, how to balance the reserves, balance the opportunities in order to first of all deter the enemy
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in separate areas, seize the initiative, and continue under these conditions to carry out, if possible, counteroffensive actions, or to carry out measures aimed primarily at the greatest destruction of the enemy's manpower, because in any case we can talk about the fact that at the current ... at this stage, neither ukraine nor russia can achieve their strategic goals with the help of available resources, which actually forms the current nature of the hostilities, with a bias towards exhausting each other's combat and economic potential. and then we will talk about how to counteract the enemy in those directions in those components where the enemy wants to make his advantages systemically. first of all , it is about the use of unmanned reconnaissance systems that fly deep into our territory, then this data is transmitted to russian means of impression, and the enemy
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carries out strikes with iskanders and other long-range means of impression. and now we are joined by anton mikhnenko, a military expert who works closely with defense express, as well as with our defense and industrial companies. sir anton, welcome to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you serhiy. on loan i wanted to show the video, then i actually changed my mind where iskander strikes the kharkiv armored plant, where it is clear that the drone is analyzing the situation, it is clear that our tanks are standing, preparing for repairs, and then a russian guided missile strike in this direction. and i would like to ask you if there are any. in order to minimize the enemy’s ability to use unmanned reconnaissance systems in the depths of our territory, which
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are there countermeasures for this? actually, look, it's a complex issue and it has to be dealt with comprehensively, why i say that, because you have to understand the picture, what was at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the russian federation was aggressively using what they had, it's different from what they now have this means and how they use them, this also applies to the use of drones in particular, so if we said earlier, they could use the same eagles working in the same frequency range, in some modes, now they are walking a little on the modes of use and the nature of the use of these eagles in the course of hostilities. they are adapting, they understand very well that we have means of electronic warfare, we are also trying to suppress with means of electronic warfare. devices, we are trying to use a variety of means of fire impact that can be used to hit drones, not only, by the way, we need to add and not only
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means of fire impact from the ground, including from the air, we see several examples when even drones are used against fruitless literal devices, that is , in principle, we see a war when when one and the other side adjusts to their wave, let's say so, and they on... the russians are trying to penetrate our defenses in this way and and solve the task, but if you still summarize, generalize and say, by what means it is possible to counteract in this context, precisely when it comes to the fight against drones that fly deep into the territory, it is difficult to single out several components, the first is the system of detection, detection and warning of the presence of these drones, this is the first key component, it must work at a long distance and ... show the presence of these beautifully that the russians often go into the zone, due to the use of their drones , let's say drones and report to the command that this drone flew over the territory. yes, we understand
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that, in passive mode, not emitting anything, and then they appear directly above the object, the coordinates are already taken, and then the fire starts damage nevertheless, passive intelligence, passive detection, is one component and presence warning, for this there are in principle certain means, by the way, we know about the means of the infazakhist company. which also produce the pluton complex designed specifically for the detection of drones, there are other means that are also produced in ukraine, which also focus on timely detection and warning of the presence of drones. the second point, in addition to warning detection, there are active means that can also detect active relocation means, which can detect even drones with a small effective scattering surface, and this is thanks to our domestic developments, including at the expense of our... years, where there are certain means that also allow detecting drones with a small effective scattering surface. the next point is the means of fire impression. here is another component and here is a problematic component.
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we also have visas. that the military very often sees drones, that they exist, but they do not have the means to reach, let's say, them in order to make a fire impression and to destroy this drone and stop the development process of this one, and this, and this is a certain challenge, and here we have to solve again comprehensively, creating an ex-formulated air defense, both by our own means and by using the means of our partners, you see what we have already reached , that in principle we use navies even ordinary ... free planes like 52 in order to be able to destroy these planes, these drones from the air, use all drones, that is , we try and look for opportunities, but still , let's say this not a systematic approach, we we have to build this system and react in a timely manner, and it is very unfortunate when such events really happen, when the drone hangs, the helo is seen by both active and passive means, but unfortunately, i cannot do anything when there are no means of impression, it is a pity, i
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understand , to the ancient ker'. to use an anti-drone, which costs several millions, let's say, a high-tech missile, which costs much more, much more expensive, and therefore the choice arises between what to use, what to use against and how effective it all will be, and therefore we we have to understand perfectly, not that it is perfectly understood, we just have to realize that this is a difficult situation, and the military working there are not stupid, they evaluate the situation very carefully, try to make appropriate decisions based on the situation there. mr. anton, you mentioned the ploton complex from the infozakhist company, as i understand it, it is a system that allows you to detect the presence of certain drones in the air, but will there be a step further, when, conditionally speaking, it can provide such combined solutions, when from one side is the detection of drones using plato and, at the same time, some kind of solution that allows to
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suppress those samples selectively and pointwise, well, by means of reb. drone, which were detected by the pluton system. you have drawn attention to a rather important issue, it is all these tools that are currently in use, they must work in the system, that is, each element must complement the other element, and certainly all this information must flow to the control points where there are appropriate tools, not only there detection, but also means of fire impression, that is, you can add a command to use means of fire impression, and therefore, when all these elements of pluto, there are also other systems, they work in a single system, this is very important, it forms a certain general picture in order to be able to react in a timely manner and use electronic warfare complexes, and if in this context it is impossible, use and means of direct fire impact, of course we see that such a complex war is going on now in a different space that no one sees anything, but it is going on and believe me, it is going on very powerfully even now in
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ukraine, and this is the main management. she is working intensively with the manufacturers regarding the search for such effective solutions, so that it is possible to cover the entire frequency range, the entire frequency band, in order to make it impossible for the adversaries to use, starting from evpivdrones and ending with such ot aircraft of the operational operational level, which can fly deep into the territory of ukraine and carry out intelligence, but again, this is such a very dynamic process, it develops very quickly, we have to understand that we are constantly ... in pursuit, they run and we also run, they invent something, and we we will think it up, we will think it up, they are running after us, it is quite a complicated and difficult situation, and i will say right away, there is no way to say 100% everything, but now we have a complete and complete system that will provide us with complete exposure, the enemy is constantly groping, groping, searching weak points, a common example, the same fiwi drones, we know that a certain frequency range where they have been classically used by both us
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and the adversaries. now they move through the frequency range, and up rises and down falls, these are again new challenges for electronic warfare complexes and other means in order to be able to destroy these drones, that is why the dynamics are so dynamic, let's say taftology, but nevertheless it changes very quickly and we also have to move quickly, that is , work out possible scenarios of the enemy's actions on the future and already build our systems of detection, warning, destruction of drones, suppression of ... but anticipatory fighting, because we have to understand where it can move, in principle, predict such actions. mr. anton, you said that it is systematic it is necessary to approach the formation, detection and destruction of drones, and when we talk about the tactical level, we have a situation where the tactical level is quite saturated with the means of drones, maybe even oversaturated, but the coordination of this work sometimes sags, that is how to ensure at the tactical level so
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that its own means... it was suppressed by its own fpv drones.


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