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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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our creditors went, this is essentially such a signal for the further investment of the international community in ukrainian eurobonds, it took place, a write-off of part of the debt took place, well, experts say that despite the fact that the creditors lost part of the funds, they still remain in profit, because they are almost they bought the securities of our state for nothing, but this write-off, this restructuring will have a positive effect on the ukrainian economy and... in general, on the financial sector of the motherland. let's go further. the german company rain metal received an order from the ukrainian government for construction of a plant for the production of ammunition. it is about complete technical equipment and commissioning of the entire enterprise. construction is expected to begin soon and be completed within a few years. currently, the necessary infrastructure is being prepared in ukraine.
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and in june, the price index of manufacturers of industrial products increased immediately by 14%. this is evidenced by the data of the state statistics service. this is an indicator of industrial inflation. it reflects the selling prices of enterprises. in march, for example, it was just zero, they say experts the main reason for the increase in interest rates is primarily the increase in the price of energy. it was more than 28% for the business in just one month. consequently. now you and i, ordinary consumers, will have to pay more for the goods that we already take off the shelf, in fact, the national bank already admits that consumer inflation has also begun to rise rapidly, unfortunately, and this is very unfortunately felt when you enter you go to the store and buy goods, you can see it, but you need to understand that we live in such a time, and this is the result of this, indeed, they say that... well
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there are 50 kopecks, a hryvnia, two hryvnias, it doesn't seem to hit the pocket, but if you calculate mathematically and count your expenses, after all, the consumer basket makes yura more expensive. well, also in ukraine, despite inflation, there are still other economic problems, in particular, a shortage of personnel. 4.5 million workers are missing. deputy minister of economy tetyana berezhna announced this this week. she just met with representatives of the international monetary fund, she says that due to the departure of citizens abroad, there is now structural unemployment. to ensure growth of the annual gross domestic product by 7% until 2030, almost 5 million workers are needed, they are not available. well, at the same time, an interesting material appeared from the bloomberg agency, which, according to analysts, is a labor shortage. will have a domino effect, therefore,
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first enterprises will reduce production, then the entire economy of ukraine will feel the losses from this, and despite the fact that the government shows positive dynamics in its figures, in terms of gdp growth, well, it seems to me that it is difficult to raise the economy without a workforce, well there is really a shortage of personnel, women will start train drivers of city buses, in the regions it is already 30%, and this is about 6 thousand workers, the ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructure reported. together with the un representation, women in ukraine launched a pilot project in the cabinet of ministers, which is a kind of response to the shortage of personnel in the field of transportation. the training is free and based on its results, women receive a european-style certificate. if we continue the topic of transport. there is a prospect here for
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ukrzaliznytsia. the european union will allocate almost 43 million euros to the company to implement european integration projects. for compatibility and increase, increasing the carrying capacity of railways, they will improve the network with tracks, bring it up to the european standard, in particular in the lviv region, in the direction of the western border. this week, the programs started working in ukraine. lending for the purchase of electricity generating equipment. therefore, for condominiums and cooperatives, state support is provided under the available loans program of 579%. according to the conditions , an amount of up to uah 5 million is provided for 5 years, sub 7% per annum. associations can receive 70% of the cost of the project when it is equipped. but for private households there is an initiative of benefits. lending at 0% to buy
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appropriate energy equipment, to install, for example, solar panels or windmills in households, the state will fully compensate. the interest rate on such loans for 10 years is an interesting and really useful initiative in time, but understand that banks will also check everyone, including private owners, who want to take a loan, anyone, as they say private bank, they will not issue money, everything is within the limits of financial legislation. district court of the croatian city of split. royal romance canceled the arrest of medvedchuk's yacht, there is a risk of losing the asset. this was announced by the first deputy chairman of the council's committee on finance, tax and customs policy yaroslav zheleznyak. due to the decision of themis, the agency for tracing and managing assets cannot sell the yacht of putin's godfather. according to zheleznyak, the court
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canceled the arrest due to the lack of an indictment in the criminal case from the prosecutor general's office. royal romans yacht estimated at 200 million dollars, for a long time she was really under arrest, and these 200 million dollars, if this yacht was really sold at auction, or maybe for more, could bring considerable income to the state budget. well, these were the results of this economic week. i will say goodbye to you, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more, watch us. thanks to oleksandr morshevka, it was, it was the section money during the war, and my colleague serhiy rudenko, author and presenter, is already joining me of the verdict program, which will be broadcast immediately after the big broadcast at 20:00 serhii, i congratulate
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you, what are you going to talk about today, who are the guests and what are you going to talk about with them? yura, congratulations, today we have two blocks of the verdict program, the first block. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine and chairman of the paria committee on migration and refugees and former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr ogrysko will be our guests. we will talk in particular about europe, about how europe perceives refugees and conscripts from of ukraine, because just this week talks started that poland... can extradite to ukraine conscripted men who are temporarily on the territory of this state, what is the policy in europe regarding ukrainians who are abroad, let's talk with oleksiy honcharenko, i hope that he will put on the shelves the whole
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story with the possible mobilization of those people who are currently in europe, and of course we will talk about whether... the verkhovna rada of ukraine will vote for the law on demobilization, because ruslan stefanchuk, speaker of the parliament, says that in the current conditions they may not consider this issue, because until the end of the war it is possible not to return to this issue in order not to lose the war with russia. minister of foreign affairs. dmytro koleba of ukraine to china and the results of this visit, as well as the speech of our military leaders to a western audience. zaluzhnyi spoke in london, the first public speech after he resigned from the zsu, and syrskyi, oleksandr syrskyi gave a great
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guardian interview, spoke about the future of ukraine and the world. in the second part of our program, which will start at 21:15, we will have traditions. the journalist club that we have on fridays will be my colleagues yanina sokolova and andriy yanitskyi, let's talk with them about the case of iryna farion, forgive me, today the halytskyi district court of lviv arrested and took into custody for 60 days a person who is accused of murder iryna farion, this is an 18-year-old young man, let's talk. let's take this case , how, how was everything in the information sphere, because yesterday, in spite of everything, the mass media information began to circulate a photo of the possible killer leaked from the police, and he himself said in court that he did not kill iryna farion,
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but he remains in pre-trial detention center for 60 days. in addition, we will also talk about the situation surrounding the peace plans, because now... there are various options on the table in european and non-european capitals for the possible completion of the finalization of the russian-ukrainian war, we are also talking about the plan. johnson-trump and about zelenskyi's plan, and obviously china has a separate plan, well, that's it of course, putin's ultimatum, how do all these plans and ultimatums differ from each other, and what are the prospects for the adoption of some unified vision regarding the future end of the russian-ukrainian war. we will talk about this with my colleagues, journalists. so here we go. in 20 minutes at 20:00 we will be on the air, the first will be oleksiy
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honcharenko, then volodymyr ogrysko will join us. yuri fizer's big broadcast continues, yura, you have the word. thank you serhiy, i will remind our viewers that the verdict of serhiy rudenko, immediately after the big broadcast at 20:00, as you heard, there will be interesting guests, and it is obvious that serhiy will discuss interesting topics with them. so. well, i'm moving on to the discussion of one more important topic for ukraine. people's deputy of ukraine, volodymyr vyatrovych, joins me. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory. thank you for joining me today, i want to talk with you about this very recently, during the last week , the minister of defense of this country, władysław kosiniak-kamys, became active in poland, and he began to speak. however, about the volyn tragedy and about because ukraine did not do much there, which it should have done, last week he
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spoke about the fact that because ukraine does not finalize something there, it will not allow us to join the european union, but i will talk about that later i will talk to you, but now about his new statement, he said on the air of the tock fm radio station that ukraine does not solve this problem, and then the authorities in kyiv refuse to allow warsaw to hold an ex-homo. the rest of the victims, creating political obstacles and under the guise of security issues. mr. volodymyr, or are there really such serious unsolved questions that allow the minister of defense of poland to make such statements for some reason? i think that the minister of defense of poland, unfortunately, a number of other polish politicians, on the contrary , are politicizing issues that could have been resolved a long time ago, if we are talking specifically about search engines. work on finding possible burials of victims of the polish-ukrainian conflict, unfortunately, it was on the initiative
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of polish politicians that this issue was brought to the highest level, to the level of negotiations between the two presidents, and was reached at the first at the same meeting between presidents duda and zelensky , it was agreed that such permits would be granted, after that, when one of the graves that were unfortunately destroyed on polish territory would be restored on the polish side, several of them were destroyed on polish territory, and the polish side took over must to restore one of them, one of the monuments on the mountain is a monastery, an absolutely legal monument, which, according to the interstate agreement, should be protected by the polish state, unfortunately, this was not done, moreover, a certain not so a pleasant manipulation, when before duda's next visit to kyiv, first there was information that this memorial table was allegedly restored, then it turned out that in fact all the names of those people who died as victims of the nkvd were removed from this memorial table that is, these are not even the people who died there in battles with the poles, namely with the soviet nkvd. therefore,
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the situation is frozen again, and it is absolutely simple to defuse it, if poland fulfills the obligations assumed, because i am sure that there is not a single politician in ukraine who is serious a politician who would declare that it is impossible to carry out any exploratory work on ukrainian territory, that is, this issue can be solved very simply, depoliticized very simply, but i get the impression that for... more often, individual polish politicians, thank god , now it seems to me that they are not the majority in the current government, they want this issue to remain permanently unresolved, because for them it is some element of hype that allows them to get some additional political dividends, but mr. volodymyr, why these political dividends now they have to acquire, because they usually do it before the elections, well , there won't be any elections in poland in the near future, i wouldn't say that it's usual. do before the elections, it seems to me that one of the mistakes of many ukrainian experts and politicians who analyze these issues of politicization
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of history is that they tie everything to the elections, no, this is a constant track of individual polish politicians who constantly try to appeal to of the past, moreover , to depend the past on the present on the evaluations of the past, i really hope that already soon, well, this track will itself be a thing of the past, because last week we had the opportunity to be... with colleagues from the ukraine-poland interparliamentary cooperation group in poland , met with representatives of the new government, met with deputies of the sejm, senate with... with ministers , representatives of local self-government bodies, so this issue is definitely on the back burner and definitely not the main one, and this is very good, because in fact historical questions should be left to historians, we need to move forward and we really have a lot to do for that , in order not to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors, to understand that only our common unity can be a guarantee that the russian plan, which is
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equally dangerous for both ukraine and poland, will be thwarted. mr. volodymyr, look, these theses have been put forward during the last week by the minister of defense of poland, can we say, can you say, that the opinion of the minister of defense of poland is the opinion of the entire government? no, this is definitely not the opinion of the entire government, because the government there is a coalition, because it is precisely the minister of defense of poland who represents it polish support for ludov, that is, this party, which is a minority in the government, that is, it is definitely not the political majority that replaced the law and justice party, it is just... the rhetoric is rather an echo of the political competitors of the platform of vyvately pisu and me it seems that the minister wants to use exactly this rhetoric of the previous government party. and what are the currently unresolved issues for us, for ukrainians, if you take our side? do you mean
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the rank of poles today? today or in the past? in the present, if in the present. it is obvious that we need to very seriously conduct negotiations related to economic cooperation, which are related to not repeating the situation with the blocking of ukrainian grain, an absolutely ridiculous situation that had nothing to do with the fact that, as it was presented, it could allegedly harm the polish economy we understand very well that ukraine is currently on the path to integration into the european union, we will really have to talk about a lot of serious details that will relate to ours. work in the context of the european union, i think that serious politicians should really not be concerned with the past, but to solve the issues of the present and the future. well, all the same, as we can see, there are politicians in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth who still raise these issues of the past, and even try to blackmail them. now to this first statement, which was made a few days ago by the polish minister of defense, that he
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said that if ukraine does not solve these problematic issues, then we leave it to by right, well that is... it will not be able to join the european union, how seriously do we need to treat such a statement? this is a repetition of the rhetoric of the previous government, the same statements were once made by the shadow prime minister of poland, kaczyński, that is, absolutely word for word, the only thing is that in this case the minister of defense also very strangely and unsuccessfully formulated his phrase that without a solution of the volyn issue, there can be no question of the integration of ukraine into the european union, which means the solution of the volyn issue, taking into account the fact that... if we are talking about the volyn issues, this is something that happened already almost 100 years ago, how can we today still solve some problem that happened in the past, that is, this is again absurd rhetoric , which can certainly harm, i think, if it will be constantly replicated, which can of course be further used, in particular, to benefit russia, so our task is to look for some conscious
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polish politicians, of whom there are really many, who will understand, that this is unacceptable rhetoric, especially at this time ukraine's war with russia, well, these are conscious polish politicians, but is the polish government conscious, well, conscious, it seems that in the current government there are many more people with whom you can talk about the inadmissibility of using assessments of the past to repair relations with the everyday, unlike from the previous government, well, that's good, and the last question for you, is poland now the shoulder that was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion that we can fully rely on... well, the situation is obviously dynamic, the situation is changing, obviously for blocking the ukrainian border was an unpleasant surprise for many ukrainians, ordinary ukrainians, and for politicians, but it seems to me that everything can still be completely corrected, and by the way, information about our past can be used to correct this situation, because it is precisely our past
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speaks about how bad it will be in the end for two peoples, two countries, if we do not work together. languages ​​and that russia will take advantage of this directly. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, for participating in the program. it was volodymyr vyatrovych, people's deputy of ukraine , and he commented on the recent statements of the minister of defense of poland that ukraine butsim does not fulfill its obligations regarding the resolution of issues related to the volyn tragedy, that this may even happen a few days ago, he said that it may even stand in the way of ukraine joining the european union, mr. volody. told about the fact that this is most likely the opinion of an individual person who is currently sitting in the chair of the minister of defense of poland, and this is an individual opinion. politicians who are somehow so disposed against ukraine. yes, well, now i will remind you once again about the collection to which we are joining you all, the spresso tv channel and
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the vesna charitable fund. fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine was opened. defenders in the donetsk direction. deter enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, so there are a lot of losses and resources need to be replenished. they are urgent need the right weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings ours closer. victory, together we can protect those who protect us. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third
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separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small bpola, enemy and komikaza drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes. we give glory to the heroes and we ask you to join in with the answer and donate to the guys who protect us on the front lines and donate to the purchase of such important and necessary drones. 3.5 million is a lot on the one hand, but it's not a lot for all of us if we all get together and fall for those card numbers you've seen or those qr codes you've seen on screens. we will quickly close this collection, and the drones will quickly be with our guys and help them to defend us. well, to conclude on
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friday, i am glad to welcome to this studio the incomparable natalka didenko, who, as always , will tell us everything we need to know about the weather for the coming days, for the weekend. thank you very much to yuri and everyone, a huge synoptic hello, let's talk about... the weather for the weekend, well, who cares, whether it's a weekend or a working day, but the weather is still very interesting and important, and literally it's all in a moment, we start our meeting , our prognostic meeting on the weather forecast not only in ukraine, but also in the whole europe, because now ukrainians are forced... or voluntarily to be in almost all countries of europe and not only europe, and therefore, of course, the weather is also very important, so dear ukrainians outside of ukraine, this is for
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you, this weather forecast sounds, pass it on to your relatives and loved ones who are close to you, so on saturday in london it will be 23°, a wonderful comfortable air temperature, in paris you can even say cold, because it is expected to be about +20°, but in... in paris it will be extremely hot, the maximum air temperature will reach 40°. it is also hot in warsaw, but not like in madrid, for example, +30°. in berlin, the weather is so fresh, wet, with rain and the air temperature is expected to be 25°. vienna will be very hot, + 35°. usually, rome is also hot + 36°. athens is practically not far behind. +35°, and we will end this short european synoptic review on a cool note in oslo tomorrow +18° and heavy rain is expected. this is how the weather will be
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in many european countries, we talked about rain and heat, and now we are moving on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field and together with let's look at the forecast chart. i want to say that tomorrow is predicted. activation of the earth's magnetic field, that is , there will be magnetic storms, and please, whoever responds, feels any deterioration in health, in connection with reports of magnetic storms, listen to yourself, to your health, be more careful, i remind you again, tomorrow is expected magnetic storms, well, here are the forecast charts for your attention, you can see that at the beginning of the day and in the morning, well, such activity will be quite high, so once again be vigilant and... and finally the highlight, so to speak, of our column, the main part is the weather forecast, now the maps will tell us and show what will happen in
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each region of ukraine. on saturday of the next day, so we are going on this nearest synoptic trip, tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, dry weather is expected, sunny, air temperature, well, quite comfortable, as you can see 26, 29°. in the north of ukraine , the weather is also anti-cyclonic, precipitation is not expected, but it will be hot, 28-31° and also. high fire danger is returning, in the east of ukraine there will be not the hottest, there 29-32° 29-33, maybe sunny weather will also prevail, er, high atmospheric pressure, i.e. anti-cyclonic nature of the weather without precipitation. in the central part of ukraine, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk, a dry air mass is expected everywhere, the air temperature will be 30-33°, it will be slightly cooler in
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vinnytsia. somewhere around 28, in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow the heat will be 30-33° again, 30-34 precipitation is not expected, it will be dry and the fire danger will also be increased, well , hot weather is expected in kyiv tomorrow, july 27 weather, there will be no precipitation, the air temperature is about +30°. i want to say that on sunday in kyiv it will be so... hot and almost everywhere in ukraine will be hot, dry weather, and in the southern part of ukraine it will even be very hot again, 33-36°, but i want to say that from next monday in in most regions of ukraine, the air mass will radically change, there will be a noticeable decrease in air temperature in the southern part, this decrease will reach somewhere by tuesday, but on monday it will be 20-26°, imagine after
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30-36. so there may be problems for people with cardiovascular diseases, in general, who feels such a negative reaction to the change in weather, please take this into account, i repeat once again that saturday and sunday in ukraine will be dry and hot, on monday the air temperature will begin to decrease, here is the nearest synoptic situation, and i thank natalka didenko for this forecast, natalka, i will tell you honestly, it is nice to hear that a... there will be a cooling, but on the other hand i am very happy, very happy, but on the other hand, this is evidence of what has already this one, which is already closer until autumn, well, this shows that the nights have already become cooler, the night air temperature is already fluctuating between 15-17°, it is noticeable, especially at night, so we thank natalka didenko for her weather forecast. well,
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before i hand over the broadcast to my colleague serhii rudenko, and finally say goodbye to you, i want to tell you one more piece of information, a very interesting piece of information that i found today just before the broadcast, although it was there, it happened in united states of america, so given the time difference, it was ours at night, so if donald trump wins the elections, he can develop a lend-lease program for ukraine in the amount of 500 billion dollars to build up the post'. arms to ukraine, one of his state secretaries, mike pompeo, stated this in an interview with the wall street journal newspaper, well, according to mike pompeo's testimony, such aid, such a program will enable ukraine to borrow, this is a quote, as much money as kyiv will need for the purchase of american weapons, well, this is of course an interesting initiative, let's see if it is so it will be, well, of course, we will see in the event that donald trump wins
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the presidential election on november 4. well, i say goodbye to you today and this week, and i say goodbye until monday, but on monday meet your beloved vasyl zima, he will come to the big broadcast, and i will return to the world about ukraine section, thank you for being with me , see you later, verdict, good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. a carefully planned action. the suspect in iryna's murder, farion, could also be preparing assassination attempts on others ukrainian politicians. are russian special services involved in the brazen shooting of a public figure in lviv? chinese voyage of dmytro kuleba. beijing - assures.


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