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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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in the presidential elections on november 4, well, i say goodbye to you today and this week , and i say goodbye until monday, but on monday meet your beloved vasyl zim, he will come to the big air, and i will return to the world about ukraine section, thank you for being with me, see you later, verdict, good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. a carefully planned action. the suspect in the murder of iryna farion could be preparing assassination attempts on other ukrainian politicians. are the russians involved? special services before the brazen shooting of a public figure in lviv? chinese voyage of dmytro kuleba. beijing - assures. kyiv supports
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sovereignty and territorial integrity, but continues to help russia in its war of aggression. results of the visit of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. very good conversation. donald trump spoke with volodymyr zelenskyi about the war with the country with a military machine that defeated hitler and napoleon. how does trump's peace plan threaten ukraine? johnson. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and our victory. well, we have a very big information evening today, and it will be divided into two parts. in the first part of our program will be. goncharenko and
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volodymyr o. gryzko, in the second part, which will start in exactly one hour, there will be my colleagues, journalists, yanina sokolova and andriy yanitskyi. let's talk about everything that happened during the last week in both foreign and domestic politics, let's touch on kuleba's visit to china, let's talk about how the ministry of internal affairs visited about the detention of the alleged murderer of iryna farion, in a word, the pace for divorce. and enough for conversations. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how the soldiers of the 79th tauriy brigade of the dshv in the kurakhiv direction repelled another powerful enemy attack, this time the russians threw three tanks and 13 bmps into the assault of ukrainian positions. let's see what they got out of it.
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friends, throughout the broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about the following, do you think the third... war is inevitable, why are we actually asking about this, because the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. zaluzhnyi, general zaluzhnyi, said this while in london this week, and therefore we are interested in what about this, whether do you think the third world war is inevitable for this, give the world a tautology? so, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please leave your own opinion in the comments. below this
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video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on the numbers if you think ww3 is inevitable, 0800 211381, no, 0800 211382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up this vote. and we have the first one in contact, our guest oleksiy honcharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the committee of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. on migration and refugees, mr. oleksiy, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, first of all, mr. oleksiy, let's start with a high-profile murder, with a terrorist act, which was committed exactly one week ago, on july 19, in the center of lviv, iryna farion was killed, today the halytskyi district court of lviv chose a preventive measure for the person arrested on suspicion of murder. farion, arrested for 60 days without the right
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to bail, the day before the 18-year-old youth was informed of the suspicion under the article of intentional murder, which... provides from seven to 15 years of imprisonment. law enforcement officers are investigating the connections of the suspect in the murder of eksnardepka with russian neo-nazi movements and the possible involvement of russian special services in the crime, and reported this serhii andrushchenko, first deputy head of the security service of ukraine, at the briefing today. we will listen to what he said at the morning briefing. in relation to the involvement of the specified person , a complex of protection is carried out. and we study his connections on the territory of ukraine and abroad, and one of the versions is the involvement of the special services of the aggressor country in the organization of the specified crime, at the same time, the use of the beard, we look at various situations and various
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crimes that were committed on the territory of ukraine , and the involvement of the specified person is possible. sir oleksiy, the murder of iryna farion in... one of the murders, numerous murders that occurred in ukrainian politics, of ukrainian politicians, but if the perpetrators were still more or less somehow understood, and then not completely, for example, as in the murder of a journalist pavlo sheremet, there were no cases, no conclusions, and no verdicts at all with the orderers, do you think in the case of irina faron, will we find out who ordered this murder? i really hope so. we really want it to become known, and for us to find out, and for customers to be there those who were convicted, were punished, because if it was really organized by the russian federation, its special services, at least we would know about it, but we will see,
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of course, like everyone else, i follow this court and this situation, of course, what only the court will determine. is it really the killer farion or not, you and i remember the story about the detention of the so -called suspects at that time were scientists, remember, the briefing and the president, and the minister of the interior, and who is there and the prosecutor general, it seems, when the murder of sherimet, but the case fell apart and looks so that absolutely innocent people were accused at that time, kuzmenko, and... antonenka and dugar, antonenka, dugar, and it all fell apart, but people there spent a lot of time in prisons, their lives were ruined to a large extent, and apparently they have nothing to do with it, so i am very careful about all this, we will see
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what the result will be, if this young man is real, and if he is, what was his motive, but it is very important to find out, because obviously, that is serious. threat, and such crimes, they destabilize the country as well, well, first of all, a crime, any crime is a crime, but political murder and political violence can have completely different consequences for the entire country, so, of course, i really want all this to be investigated and put an end to . well, mr. oleksiy, obviously we need to talk not only about ascertaining the facts of how a person is killed in the center of lviv, but also about the opposite. how do our special services work to prevent this from happening, meaning the security service of ukraine and the ministry of internal affairs, because we, we we can only see the post, well, the post-statement of what happened, but we, we do not hear the answers, and why did this happen
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in the middle of the city of lviv, well, you are right, although for my part, i want to, well, i have my own experience , the fact is that russia twice ordered my murder, once my kidnapping. there was torture, and all these crimes were warned by the security service of ukraine, and i can say that this is russia, because the last thing is that they wanted to kidnap me there, burn out my eyes, that's all, that means the customer was a deputy, at that time, the head of the faction of the opposition bloc, that is, everything is clear, but then, after he was detained, russia exchanged him for ukrainian prisoners of war, thus confirming who was actually behind it, so... the fact that i am with you now talking, in principle, this is evidence of the professionalism of the ukrainian security service, and i want to thank the employees of the security service of ukraine, who already saved my life at least twice, because, of course, unfortunately,
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there is no special service in the world that could warn everyone crimes, what to say, when we saw with you recently an attempt on a candidate for the presidency of the united states and a former president of the united states. where by some miracle he remained alive, then it is obvious that there is no such special service that can warn of everything, ukrainian special services are developing and in principle there are many. what was warned, unfortunately, in the situation with iryna farion, they could not do it. in your opinion, the russians will continue to bet on the division of ukrainian society, on the destabilization of ukrainian society, on the demoralization of ukrainian society, well in the end, this murder can be qualified as a terrorist act, because it is an act that aims not only to, let's say, destroy a person, but also to sow fear and despair in ukrainian society, it is... quite possible, although , again, we still do not know whether it was really ordered by the russian special services, of course,
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the russian special services are capable of everything, the fact is that i do not doubt their ability, but did this particular crime happen precisely because of them and they disorganized it, i'm not sure about that, i don't really understand right now the motive, why they should do it, and that's why i don't know until i'm ready to say, but the fact that russia will... do everything to split ukrainian society, to sow fear, despair, what exactly is terrorism? terror is fear, that is, it is sowing fear, this is the definition of terror, of course, russia sows this terror every day in ukraine, with martyrs, rockets, but also murders. i also want to ask you, as the president of the pare committee on migration and refugees, because this is actually the topic of ukrainians staying abroad. who fled to europe, and in particular the minister
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of foreign affairs of poland, radyslaw sikorsky , in an interview with rmf-24 radio, said that in europe it is possible to create such conditions for ukrainian men to stay, which will force them to return to ukraine and stand up for its protection . let's listen to what sikorsky said. this is a discussion that we are having in the european union, because if we introduced national decision, then these people would move to those countries where they can avoid military service. you can create such conditions for your stay ukrainians in the eu, who will stimulate them to fulfill their duty to protect the homeland. as i understand it, mr. oleksiy, so far poland is talking about it, germany is categorically, so far against it, which other countries are considering such an option? look, we hear. there are such statements from different politicians in different countries, but honestly,
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as a person who understands the system, first of all, legally they cannot deport ukrainians, it is simply impossible, and therefore it is just empty talk and empty words, when he said about the conditions, to create such conditions that they they did it voluntarily, that's another story, but what are the conditions, that is, roughly speaking, to take away any help. yes, that's certainly something they can do, but will it really lead to these people going to ukraine, well, it's far from it, it's far from a fact, and we don't know the answer to that question, so i would i didn't really count, if someone in ukraine calculates in this way, it means to get that there, that there will come some mobilization potential, well, there are people who can be mobilized, well, i... i'll be honest, strongly in i doubt that it can
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work in this way, i don’t understand how these, well , let’s face it, are there anyway, are there ukrainian men of mobilization age abroad in europe, they are definitely there, that’s a fact, but are they make up a kind of majority there, well , no, it’s still not true, and the majority are women, children, elderly people, and men who are legally... there, because not every man is 20 there for eight years and in ukraine is subject to mobilization, and here the issue of health, maybe he is a father of many children, maybe he takes care of a disabled person, and so on and so forth, so i doubt that this will really lead to anything, ah, so that, well, well, well, that is, i am so skeptical about it, i understand why they talk about it, and i understand as a person, well, we are in ukraine, and it is unpleasant for us. to see, yes, and to know that there are people who crossed the yew there, yes, illegally left
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ukraine in order to simply leave, left their homeland, but the reality is that they will somehow be created by such conditions that they will return, i honestly doubt it, mr. oleksiy, with the adoption of the law or amendments to the law on mobilization, actually more or less everything is clear, the system has started to work. have updated their data, in general, starting from may 18, there are more than 4 million citizens of ukraine who are conscripted, but here is the question, which one did not make it. to these amendments, to the law on amendments to the current legislation, this is a question of demobilization, the chairman of the verkhovna rada ruslan stefanchuk hinted on the air of the national telethon, the only news, that the council does not will consider the issue of demobilization, let's hear what he said. i do not know a country that carried out demobilization during the war,
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or rather, i apologize, i know such a country, it is the ukrainian people's republic. in 919, it was then that the minister of defense mykola povsh introduced a bill on demobilization to the central rada. this bill was then voted by the central council. please, i have a need to tell what happened next in 1919. so it was very important for me that the current verkhovna rada not repeated the mistakes of the central rada. how is the verkhovna rada, mr. oleksiy? yes, it may not repeat the mistakes of the central rada, but it should still give hope to those who are now fighting at the front, the third year, that demobilization will still happen, i categorically disagree with stefanchuk, well , first of all, this is, you know, a thesis : i don't know such a country, to be honest, i don't know such a warring country in which people's deputies take
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bribes, and the next day they come to the verkhovna rada again and sit in a warring country, rob a warring country. and then yourself they feel great and continue to sit in the parliament, but i don’t know such a country, and what, well, except, unfortunately, except ukraine, because we already have a whole mfi sizo there, one of the representatives, by the way, first of all, the servants of the people sit, as for whether there can be demobilization during the war, and why it cannot be, and why it cannot be, and why us, why the whole war must be dragged out on the shoulders of those same people, well , it simply will not work out that way, well, it's unreal. these people are living people, they cannot fight endlessly, there must be a deadline services i stand for this for a year and a half , i fought for it during the mobilization bill consideration, and i am outraged that it has not been done so far, no term of service has been established, it is very unfair to those who are fighting today and to to
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their families, and by the way, that's one of the reasons that, again, i never make excuses, but we were just...we were talking about those who float across the kuso, so one of the reasons for that is that in we do not have terms of service, they do not motivate people to join the army when the army enters there is, but there is no way out, or rather there is a way out, but god forbid those who are killed or seriously injured, that is why it cannot be, it is so wrong, so dishonest, it is not a painful topic for me, and by the way, this, you know, and in my opinion, this is very unfair. attitude towards the military, this is the attitude that if we extend the term of service, everyone will leave, yes many, maybe some will leave and return, and many will not leave the service, but ukrainians are cossacks, they are not serfs, the fact that conscription, it puts a lot of pressure on the people there at the front, i know that they don't know their prospects, it's not fair, it's wrong, will you insist, as
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a subject of a legislative initiative, that such... i speak about this at every meeting of the verkhovna rada, in fact, the first law on establishing terms of service was mine , i introduced it back in march of last year, and today there are several of my bills in the verkhovna rada, on this topic, unfortunately, they are not considered, and i will remind you that when the mobilization bill was adopted, they removed this amendment, 227, it seems there were votes, i.e they barely had enough votes, the servant of the people. to mean to squeeze and not set service terms, then we were very close to the fact that these service terms still appeared, well, unfortunately, it did not happen, will i continue to raise this topic, i will definitely, but what will be the result, unfortunately, i do not have a majority in the parliament. today, mr. oleksiy, the olympic games are starting in france, despite russia's war
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against ukraine, the russians there do not participate as a country in these olympic games. but there is no reconciliation, which usually precedes the beginning olympic games, or during the olympic games, moscow ignores the calls of the olympic committee, they don't care if they are adequate, but in the context of the olympic games , the world is currently evaluating the prospects of russia's deployment of hostilities, not only in ukraine, but also in europe. well, this is a big question in general, without regard to the olympic games. the olympic games will start today, by the way, i wish success to the ukrainian athletes participating there , it will be important morally for ukrainians to see the ukrainian flag and hear the ukrainian national anthem there on the podium. and as among winners, it is important, but the olympic games will begin and the olympic games will end, the question in general is what is the strategy of free education today, and there is a problem with this, the strategy,
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a clear strategy is not visible, while the strategy looks like this, to help ukraine not to fall, but not so that ukraine won outright, because all the time this support is conditioned by some conditions there, and you can't fight on russian territory, but well... mysterious things, well, again tonight, it seems, yes, well, i was in my native odesa again the raid of shaheds, and they were killed along the danube road territory, and the shaheed fell again on the territory of romania, and here is the question, well, that is, why neither poland nor romania shoot down russian missiles and drones, why they did not establish and strengthen their air defense group on the border and do not shoot down russian drones and missiles, when... they get into the impression zone, yes in the airspace of ukraine, ukraine fully agrees to this, it is legally possible, ukraine asks for it, they ensure their own security,
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not even the security of ukraine, their own security, but even this they are afraid to do , means some ghostly escalation and they refuse us this, although it would help ukraine a lot if the western and southwestern parts of ukraine were covered from poland and romania, respectively, but they don't do it and... there is a huge question, that is, well, what is the strategy of the free world in this war, because ukraine, well, cannot bleed endlessly. ex-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, who is now the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to great britain, this week he started as a political figure, in fact, his speech was given at a high-level meeting where there were ex-officials of the british army, an expert. is this a political solo of a sleazy person, or
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is it not a solo after all, it is still the president's team, and one day the president was in london, speaking for slazy, and at the same time , the text of an interview with oleksandr syrskyi, the current commander-in-chief of the armed forces, came out. ukraine, are the arguments that, well, our military-political leadership convey to our western partners, sufficient? well, i, i think it is still correct to say, start zaluzhnyi's diplomatic career, because it would be normal for ambassadors to make political statements, but political career is a little different, does zaluzhnyi have political ambitions? we don't know the answer to this question, and i'm not ready to answer it, of course he had an interesting speech, of course there is
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a lot of interest in zaluzhny, and it is very important that he uses his recognition, authority, military, and of course, this his strong point, he is not a professional diplomat, he is, well so far he is just starting to become, he is a professional military man and... and he's interested from that point of view, and it's very, well , good that he's using it as a whole to remind the world, all those risks, i agree with him that i think we're not that is on the verge, i believe that we are already in the third world war, look at the middle east, look at europe, look at the red sea, look at latin america, then look, god forbid they would kill trump. regardless of who there will support or not , that would be the affairs of the americans, but i'm afraid that in america it could start civil war, or some kind of civil conflict, this is a scenario
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that cannot be ruled out, would it not be part of the world's great flame, which, therefore, i think that the world war is actually already underway, it's just a question that ukraine and the ukrainians gave the world a chance, you know how poland was unable to give then in the 39th year. well, it was attacked from two sides, unlike ukraine, thank god, and almost no one helped them at all, they help ukraine, we were attacked from one side, but we gave the world a chance, poland was not able to stop it then hitler, and ukraine stopped putin, but what is happening next, and this, we just talked about this, that the issue of political will and power on the part of the western world, well, it is not clear enough to take advantage of this historic chance that ukraine provided of the world to stop the third world war in the bud, unfortunately, it has not been stopped, and the risk of its full-scale deployment, in my opinion , is growing every day. thank you, mr. oleksiy,
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for the conversation, thank you. it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. after a small story, volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, politician, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, will come to our studio, and we will talk about what happened in the world during the last week, and in general, not only in ukraine, but also in the united states of america , wait for a short cut, and for now, please watch. the story about how angela nepochatova from kropyvnytskyi is looking for her son for the third year, her son went missing during the hostilities in the kharkiv region, creativity helps a woman to hold on, painting gives a resource to live and hope, the story of a mother who, unfortunately, lost her son, a son who went missing, will be told by our journalists.
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the history of this painting, unfortunately, is not as good as it would have been, it fit into the moment when our city was under racist attack, and sat, worked, and there were such explosions. angela nepochatova worked in trade all her life. she picked up a brush only two years ago. this is for me personally. therapy, distracts from bad thoughts, first of all, well, you focused on the work itself, i love nature, i love flowers, well, of course, then the desire to learn to paint portraits, people, animals, despite the bright colors on the canvases, in the life of ms. angela, there was an extremely difficult period, her only son went missing, at that time he was 20 , my...
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son went to serve even before the full-scale invasion of september 21, and met the war while on rotation in donetsk region. at the end of march 22, the boys were in kharkiv oblast, where he also disappeared from me. the third year of searching, waiting, worries is already underway. in... at some point, the woman turned to a psychologist, together they found a tool that helps her hold on. we have been working together for a month, andriy asks me, what do you want most of all right now? do i say draw? i say, well, we told you that you draw, come on, try it, and gradually, gradually, well , at first there were children's drawings, and i tried both gouache and watercolors, then it became ... well,
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i decided to try acrylic. a person lives in a state of uncertainty, he does not know how it will all end, and we always assume hoping to the last that everything will be resolved as it should be. accordingly, in hope , we form certain attitudes that we need to wait, we need to be in good condition, we need to support ourselves for this, because a loved one who will return. must see that he was expected here, and that it was all accordingly for his sake. currently, the woman from kropyvnych has already created a series of paintings, dedicated them to the ukrainian army. this picture is both my favorite and the most precious to me, because i drew it on the birthday of the child, when he was already one year old 22 years old. he was born to me in the winter, when there was very, very heavy snow, he loves snow.
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angela nepochatova does not lose hope for her son's return, she believes that one day he will definitely see these canvases. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. throughout our broadcast, we conduct polls. today we are asking you about whether you think the third world war is inevitable. he formed this question himself. not a team of the espresso tv channel, and the former head of the armed forces of ukraine, who spoke in london and spoke about the prospects of the russian war unfolding already in europe, and not only in europe, but also in the whole world. so we 're doing a poll, you either agree with it or you don't, if you vote on youtube, it's pretty simple, yes, no, or your own opinion, write it.


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