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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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balance on the verge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the good of the country, only time will tell. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk, espresso tv channel. details of the murder of iryna farion, versions, motives will be discussed in svoboda live, as well. we will try to answer the questions that have not yet been answered by the investigation. my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda life. who killed iryna farion and for what, did the 18-year-old boy from dnipro, who today was suspected of committing this crime, have a motive, and if so, what, was there a motive for this murder? and that's just it part of the questions that currently remain unanswered . today, law enforcement officers showed a video of the investigation into the murder of a linguistics professor. the search lasted 103.29
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hours, the ministry of internal affairs reported. the recording shows footage from surveillance cameras in different parts of lviv, which recorded the boy's movement around the city, receipts for the apartment he rented, fragments of his detention and interrogation. the law enforcement officers did not name the suspect, he did it himself. later, his name was vyacheslav zinchenko. according to the investigation, the boy arrived from dnipro to lviv on july 9 and rented accommodation through booking. he rented three apartments in 10 days. by the way, it is also unknown where the guy got the money for the apartments, as the investigators claim, on the day of the murder, the suspect waited for farion for several hours near her house, but the moment of the murder was not captured by the surveillance camera. two days later, on july 21 , the boy left lviv for the dnipro, this was already recorded by surveillance cameras. the weapon from which the shot was fired has not yet been found, but according to the information of the investigators, the shot was fired from converted gun. a sports car was found on the spot. the specific bullet is not a combat bullet - said
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the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko and suggested that the weapon could have been bought on the black market. at the briefing in lviv today , it was also reported that the law enforcement officers are checking the possible connection of the suspect to the neo-nazi movement, the center of which is in russia. what kind of movements are these, we will talk about them later today, but just now halyna tereshchuk, a correspondent of radio liberty in lviv, is joining our broadcast. galina, my congratulations. now they choose preventive measure... please, the latest news, in fact, that i managed to leave the meeting hall, it is forbidden in principle, but that's why such inclusion in us now comes out in the extreme. at 1:00 p.m. they were supposed to choose a preventive measure for the 18-year-old suspect, however, his father made an agreement with a private lawyer, the defender came from ivano-frankivsk, this is ihor sulima, he was the defender of the famous pro-russian blogger yaroslav ruslan kotsaba in france. sk, if
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our viewers remember this story. actually, at this moment, representatives of the prosecutor's office demand the selection of a preventive measure in the form of detention without the right to deposit bail, and the security forces have very clearly explained why they choose this particular punishment, this particular preventive measure, because the boy is suffering in the dnipro, investigative actions are ongoing, and the criminal proceedings are at the beginning, and actually it will be... in lviv, so they cannot guarantee his arrival and ensure his permanent stay in lviv. the second risk is that it may hide certain physical evidence that is very much needed. i will only remind you that the suspect slandered that he hid the weapon, but it is not known where the weapon is, it was found in the sleeve, and he does not say where the weapon is. there are other risks that he may, say, influence some witnesses or accomplices and so on, and all these risks have been voiced. meanwhile, the defense attorney says
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that there is currently no video showing which suspect shot iryna farion on the evening of july 19, and there are witnesses from neighbors who disagree, i absolutely quote the defense attorney, these words were heard in the meeting hall , so he believes that suspicion, that such a precautionary measure is chosen there, let's say the detention of a suspect. that asks the judge to consider another possibility, actually now, if we recall what happened, what interesting details were at the briefing, i personally asked the minister of internal affairs what he thought motivated this young man, what was his psychological state, did he use drugs, the minister says that he did not use drugs, but that this young man is very ideologically, ideologically convinced. he has such
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strong ideological convictions, secondly, what actually during the year it was influenced, that is, i have no comment there, let's say, where or whether it was external. influence or internal influence on this young man, but during the year he was completely influenced by his brains, roughly speaking, how he behaves in the meeting room in this glass structure, very calmly, and closing his eyes, that is, somewhere a little defiant even, he he is to blame , he did not admit guilt from the very beginning, as far as i remember, with the arrival of the lawyer, the more so, absolutely, he was asked if there was he has some kind of, let's say, his objection to this... or so on, he said that no, it depends on the defense attorney, how he will speak, how he will defend him, that is , he first promised that he would communicate something with journalists, but i i understand that this communication will not take place today, but in the end we will see, at first it was so very emotional, you know, when
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the meeting even just started, because irina farion's daughter and her son-in-law were present in the hall, and actually that she is sofia very much so... she tried to communicate with him emotionally, now she already does sat down from him on another bench next to him, that is, but she said that she had no more questions, she just wanted to look into his eyes, he didn’t talk to her, he just threw very short phrases and that was it, that is, we don’t know what there were motives, that is, from those motives and from what i understood from the minister's comment, these are actually ideological, ideas... convictions, it is not known for sure what these ideas were based on? we could see, because this is how they demonstrated the video and his correspondence in this group of the russian radical organization at the briefing today, where he
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expressed himself, that is, about the reasons for the situation in ukraine and such pro-russian views, let's say he was called names there. let's say representatives of the authorities and so on and so on, now he is silent, he communicates in ukrainian by the way, i notice that when the judge addresses him, he answers in ukrainian, and we spoke with his parents, we spoke with his parents , it looks like this is a ukrainian-speaking family, for that matter, his father generally serves, with his mother, we talked today, we will talk about it later let's show, but really there is nothing strange here, and it is typical that his mother... as the defenders have already told me, works in some state institution, as a teacher, from what i managed to find out, in fact, what the security forces, law enforcement officers prove , that they have an absolutely complete evidence base, that it was this
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suspect who fired a shot close to irina farion, and as a result of these very serious injuries, she died in the hospital, literally a few hours after that... halina, thank you, thank you, i just know that you are working now and you will keep an eye on how these events unfold, we, we will also inform our audience, halyna tereshchuk from lviv, where today a preventive measure is chosen for the boy suspected of the murder of iryna farion, thank you very much, and the parents of 18-year-old vyacheslav zinchenko do not believe that their son could have committed a crime, the day before his father told us that his son had not. motives for shooting the soothsayer irina farion, and the boy's mother, whom we have already called today, claims that her son is not like the boy who was sitting under irina's house farion, listen, but he is very strong, and from the very beginning they said that he was
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skinny and about 70 meters, 80 meters, but this is not about him, he is not 70 meters, not even 80, he is taller. that is to say, he is not scrawny either, well, you have seen his photo, he is healthy like that, he is heavy, it is better to take care of yourself, well, to call him a cuckold, i would not call him, and despite the fact that the suspect's parents reject the son's guilt, the law enforcement officers claim that that after the murder of iryna farion, the suspect did not plan to stop, and that he still had potential victims on his list, people, among which are also the people. deputy maksym buzhansky from the servant of the people, he joins our broadcast. maxim, i congratulate you. congratulations. i will start by saying that you and iryna farion had a difficult relationship. you often exchanged insults, some kind of insults, you accused her of inciting enmity
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with her statements, she, accordingly , voiced some similar insults to you. but according to the investigation, how ironic is this, maybe i don't... i don't know, according to the investigation, you and her to some extent could have ended up together boat, because an attack was planned on the two of you, just in relation to farion this crime was committed, in relation to you, no, how do you understand it yourself? first of all, i would like to express my condolences to the relatives of irina farion, this is a terrible murder, and the murderers, the organizers of the murder must be punished, everyone involved in this murder must be punished. secondly, i have never insulted ms. iryna, so i did not agree with her, i believed and still believe that she constantly and deliberately violated the laws of ukraine and the constitution, but... to offend her, i'm sorry, there was no such thing, why this happened, it is difficult to imagine the logical logic of this suspect, well, there is
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a suspect, he is a young guy, and for now we consider him involved, it is difficult to imagine, well , we can only assume that we are talking about significant ideological figures that he himself identified in the person of the dead, murdered lady... rina and in my person, i think so, i assume, you, by the way, you, by the way, are also from dnipro, and the suspect is a guy from dnipro, i don’t know, maybe you have already succeeded to find out some information about him, about his family, well, obviously, you were interested in this character after you found out that you were also on his list, i'm sorry, i wasn't interested in that, when ms. iryna's murder happened, i immediately, when she was alive, when... the doctors were fighting for her life, wrote that the most important thing is for the murderer to be punished, that is
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, for me, the identity of this guy, sorry, does not exist, there is a suspect in the murder, and i would like whoever he is, whoever was involved in this, they were punished, found, defined, so that it is clear what they are, what motives, what plans. who else is involved in this, and the personality of this the guy, well, look at him, does he have it at all, well, it’s not clear to me yet, it’s a pity for his parents, his father is a military man, and well, i think that it’s also a drama for them, today at the briefing the law enforcement officers also showed screenshots from the gadgets the suspect, it can be seen that he was googling some information, i wonder... all the places of residence of pro-russian deputies in ukraine, you are also often accused of being a pro-russian deputy,
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but are you surprised when you heard that you could be the next victim , did it become a surprise for you? look, i'm surprised when someone says that i'm a pro-russian deputy, i immediately ask why? my position, perhaps, because you once proposed to cancel certain provisions of the law on the ukrainian language there, often spoke in russian, continued to speak. i can answer you: the russian language is specified in the 10th article of the constitution of ukraine, it is spoken by half of the country and half of the armed forces of ukraine, regarding the law on the abolition, the law on the functioning of the state language, i believe that it is not fulfills its task, moreover, the european union believes the same, the venice commission believes the same, which... repeatedly pointed this out, but excuse me, it is me under the sanctions of the russian federation for several
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years for my vote, for my political position, for my attitude to the russian federation, to the country of the aggressor, and this guy, he is not, so once again it is difficult for me to imagine exactly how he sees the world, i'm sorry, you can disagree with mrs. irina a thousand times with anyone, but kill... a defenseless woman , what is in his head, i do not understand. yes, yes now such assumptions, there are versions that maybe this guy was only a performer, which means that he could have a customer, if there was a customer, then it is possible that there are certain tasks that the customer set before him, he will put another performer before the attack, so , with that in mind, you may remain a potential target, or are you going to, i don't know, hire security, change anything to protect yourself? look, we're all potential targets for the russian federation in this
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war, and sorry, run from some guy conditionally, even if , unfortunately, he already has victims on his account, i will not, i will not change my way of life, he is modest enough in terms of events, but i will not change him, so definitely, there is a probability that , that there is an organization, that he is not alone, and i hope that the investigation, the national police, the security service of ukraine, first of all in the interests of our country , will find out what is happening there, who these people are, if there are several of them , from where, they get their instructions, who controls them, what is the purpose of this organization, and ultimately neutralize by the way, you were not additionally contacted by law enforcement agencies, that's all we know
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about from the minister of internal affairs, who mentioned your last name today, do you perhaps know any more details? i know some details yet, but can you share? i can't, i'm sorry, well, everything is as the minister said, and i am very grateful to everyone who had something to do with solving this crime, they saved my life. and we, we will talk in detail today with law enforcement officers, and experts, criminologists about this story, but let i will change it a little. topic in our conversation, you have already joined us several times, i will talk with you about another topic, because this is the topic of the week by and large also about the ban on religious organizations connected to the kremlin, on tuesday the verkhovna rada, some deputies blocked the tribune, demanded the adoption of this draft law, i understand that you are part of that part of the deputies who oppose the adoption of this
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draft law, explain your position, why, look, i will explain very simply, i am not part of anything, i... on this issue nowhere speaking, i simply follow the constitution of ukraine, as in all other cases where it is stated that the state is separated from the church, and the church is separated from the state, in ukraine, in ukraine, in ukraine, but in russia it is completely, it is not completely so, let's go step by step, if you asked me, give me a chance to answer, the next step, i am a co-author and voted for the liability bill. i voted for the bill to increase liability for treason, for all bills like all the ones we've passed since the beginning of a full-scale invasion, that is, my position is very simple, we should not ban traitors, collaborators, but imprison them, bring them to justice, this is first of all, now
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regarding this law, well, i don't even care. to the fact that, unfortunately, it serves political purposes, and not security purposes, there is now a discussion about one norm, which is debatable, this norm affects which commission will determine the affiliation of the organization, its relationship with the church, the country of agresa , in that, in that version that is proposed, unfortunately,... by the humanitarian committee, it is very different from what was proposed at first, it was heavily criticized by mr. yalensky, who is the head of the commission on religion, so it is stated there that this commission is formed by the cabinet of ministers, our partners, for example, the western ones, they , in particular the american partners, on whom we are very
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dependent in terms of aid, they believe that it is necessary for this to be an independent commission, well , we... with our colleagues will try to find, find a solution to this issue, that is, if i understand you correctly, the problem only in this that's what you said, if there is an independent commission, you are ready to support this bill, look, if there is an independent commission, then we will gather again in factions and consider how this bill looks, we still need to find out, but how it happened that he is so'. changed to the second reading, thanks to which, this is not at all the bill that the president said about, and in the first reading you voted for it, of course not, of course not, i told you, i already explained to you that traitors and collaborators must be punished by means of the penal code, of the criminal code, to open cases, bring
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them to court, pass sentences, since it is... indicated in the criminal code, it is logical, we want to punish everyone who helps the russian federation, and such political steps, which are supposed to determine something, i see , that it will hit first of all our citizens believers of this church, moreover, it is just their insults, i don't quite understand why exactly we have to play a political game at such a difficult time. in such a dangerous time for our country, it seems to me that we should demonstrate unity, and this unity consists in the fact that everyone, no matter who he is, who betrayed the country, must answer. all others are virtuous citizens, regardless of their language, ideological, political, religious, any view, this is my position, i will simply remind you that
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after all, the ukrainian orthodox church is connected with the russian orthodox church, onufriy, the head of the church, is a member of the synod of the russian orthodox church , and the russian orthodox church is a tool that the kremlin uses, including for the war in ukraine, you, you are well aware of this, i think, excuse me, you are very respectful. zmi, very respectable, and if we focus on standards bbc, we must tell only the truth and avoid manipulation. in the official documents, there is not a single, not a single mention of any mp, there is the uoc, the ukrainian orthodox church, sorry, well frankly, i mark it so that we understand just which church we are talking about, and there is no need to mark everything there in the name, we have one ukrainian orthodox. church and one is the orthodox church of ukraine, no one will get confused here, this is not a label, i'm sorry, i 'm not accusing you here now, but this is open
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manipulation, so i'm generally very far from religion, well, maybe because i look at the world a little pragmatically, but it seems to me that we should first of all be guided by the constitution of ukraine. in any case, thank you very much, maksym buzhanskyi, people's deputy, servant of the people and representative of the law enforcement committee, we talked first of all about the attempted murder of iryna farion, where, according to the investigation, the next targets could be you, maxim, thank you very much, thank you, and therefore, among the motives that the law enforcement officers check, motives mean a guy who may be involved in the murder of iryna farion, religious or national hatred, as well as personal not... they are also checking the suspect's involvement in neo-nazi movements from russia, we already talked about this today, such versions actually appeared even before that , as the law enforcement officers now came out with a report, what kind of movements are these and why this
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version is being considered in principle, look: these footage two days ago, before the arrest of the suspect in the murder of farion in the dnipro, quickly spread on the network. we first spread them through russian telegram channels, as according to their administrators, on the video seconds before... the murder and the shot at farion itself, the video and his racist manifesto were allegedly sent to them by the killer, they clarify there, on the specified video, it is indeed the yard in which the murder was committed, the ministry of internal affairs also confirms. look, we are working on this, i don't want to take you to oman, today we are conducting an investigative experiment, you can see the photos there from different angles, i can only confirm one thing that the tunnel and the car that was standing are really from this yard, but not the fact that... filmed the suspect. members of the movement, on whose page the video was published, call themselves neo-nazis. this movement appeared on the territory of russia, inside the zeros, and in 2022
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and 2023, the fsb reported on the detention of members of the group, which allegedly planned assassinations of russian journalists: volodymyr solov'ov, margarita simonyan and ksenia sobchak. the fact that the person who committed the crime is connected with a neo-nazi or racist movement... should the media, in particular, journalists of the radio liberty scheme program , investigate the social networks of the suspect in the murder of farion. they found out that it was subscribed to a number of far-right communities, in particular to the blogger mark bondarenko, who repeatedly criticized the linguist for her harsh statements against russian speakers. in addition to mark bondarenko, the boy was subscribed to pages in social networks belonging to russian movements that call themselves neo-nazi and na'. on the screenshots, you can see the comments that the suspect left on those pages. along with how the schemes were investigated, the suspect in the murder of farion was also subscribed to ukrainian telegram channels
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the leader of the right-wing radical organization si-14 yevhen karas and the right sector. olga armenishina, radio liberty. andriy nibytov, deputy head of the national police, chief of the criminal police, joined our broadcast. congratulations. yes. good evening, and just now our journalist, who is currently working in lviv, joined our broadcast, and she stated that, as of now, the weapon has not been found, if i understand correctly, that as of now, you can also confirm that the weapon from which was shot, not found? yes, i am i can confirm this to you, but we must understand that this crime was not being prepared for one day, it was being prepared for at least two months, and of course there is a suspect who is part of this plan. novated, bought clothes and followed all the escape routes that he had planned for himself, he also tried to hide her
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a weapon, we know that this ... happened, but we have some operational information that we will implement, i hope that we will find him soon. you also do not know where he bought the weapon and where he got the money for the weapon and for housing, because he is 10 days lived in lviv. well, let's say, living in lviv for 10 days is uah 10,000, yes, it's not such a large amount, it's just one time. second, the minister of internal affairs clearly stated that, at the moment, the funds that went to our suspect's accounts are being checked, and due to the fact that the security service of ukraine got involved in this, we are trying not to interfere with this investigation, we will try on the contrary to contribute, well, actually, i am focusing on those things that remain unanswered, because the suspect only today they began to choose a preventive measure, and the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko already
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today... at lunch gave out awards for solving the murder, that is, despite the fact that there are a lot of questions, the weapon was not found, where he got the money, it is not known whether he had accomplices unknown, you state that the murder has been solved, i understand you correctly, yes, i state, well, i emphasize that the minister of the interior was there from the first night when this murder happened, was there, i think it is recorded, he gave the first information to all the journalists, and the minister of the interior was the first ... the person who knew all the information as it happened. i will not tell you how difficult it is, i will tell you right away that it was not easy, i am a person who has seen a lot of crimes in my life, including those that caused a real resonance in society, is this the most serious crime in your practice? no, heavier, no, it was much worse and there was also a grenade under the verkhovna rada in 2015, you remember when that was, right?
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there were many wounded and four killed national guardsman, there were various crimes, that's not the point here, i'll tell you this, it was n't very difficult to follow a person who, in certain clothes, went into the forest and somewhere in 100 hectares, i don't remember the name, well, the name of this forestry , she was hiding somewhere, but nevertheless she came out somewhere, and for her to come out of the forest somewhere, criminal investigation operatives needed it. they worked 24/7 for six days, they found this person, they found him without a disguise, we immediately understood that the visa with the security service of ukraine must be intelligence, it is impossible to know all the paths that were there in that forest, and we found them, we found this person, who was the first time on intelligence without a disguise, we managed to do it, and therefore this crime was solved, i think, you know, i don't have a legal
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education, but in my mind. no, when the crime is solved, it means that the sentence has already been passed , it has been found out whether there were accomplices, whether there were no accomplices, all the circumstances, all the motives and all the versions have been named, the crime is solved, in your understanding, if there was a thorough combing of the forest and a person was found, who is suspected of a crime, the crime has been solved, let's see, there is no crime in european practice opened, or they have an investigator, an investigator is when the case was brought to court, our practice. there are people who were informed of suspicion, but the suspicion was reported and the crime solved are different things, that's right, but no, that's why i 'm telling you that when the person was informed of the suspicion by the investigators and agreed with the procedural head of the prosecutor's office, it is considered a solved crime, and an investigated crime is considered to be the one that has already been charged with a person and the case has been brought to court,
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well, now then... i will not go into these legal subtleties of immersion, we will talk about it later, but the minister today, when he presented awards for solving a crime, he also addressed the law enforcement officers and said: you stopped the activities of a group that worked not only in ukraine, but also outside our country, was some group, i will tell you that the man did not make himself up, you know that he was a member of certain groups, unfortunately not very pro-ukrainian. i think that you have proven his affiliation to these groups, i know that he is some, but we showed the material, left comments on the pages of these groups, he was a member of these groups, you proved it, i want you to listen to me, yes, what a person, he is absolutely pro-ukrainian, i personally spoke with him, he respects ukraine, his father is fighting, i will not say how confident the brig is.


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