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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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affairs of ukraine ihor klymenko said that the suspect in the murder of farion was looking for information about other politicians, and was probably preparing the next possible action, let's hear what klymenko said. and pay attention, 21.07 is the day when he left lviv two days, one and a half days after the murder, that is, he is already, this is his psychological portrait, he has already moved on from what he did. was already preparing the next one, maybe he was preparing the next action, well , this fragment did not enter here, where he says that he could to be maksym buzhanskyi, because he tried to find out who maks buzhanskyi was somewhere on google, but in this case andriyu, the minister of foreign internal affairs, forgive me, says that one and a half days after the murder, as a fait accompli , that is... the investigation has not yet been completed,
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there has not yet been a court, a trial, and the minister of internal affairs says that a day and a half after the murder, he was preparing the next possible action, nothing has been proven yet, that is, there are some records , some there in the computer statutes of the kgb or something, some methods, some photocopies, and yesterday we watched how a photo of this... suspect appeared in the mass media, which could not have happened without the ministry of internal affairs, as far as it corresponds practice and norms of journalistic ethics in this situation, because even yesterday someone wrote that this is a murderer already, and not a suspect, as far as the journalists here acted correctly and in a timely manner, well, i would also like to start with condolences to the relatives.
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to kill a loved one, terror is not the methods used by the ukrainians, it is very similar to the methods used by the russians, we know about political murders in russia, and this is clearly their style, what they are doing, it is possible by the hands of some mercenaries or people whom they were able to brainwash with propaganda , well, this is another story, regarding the actions of ukrainian... law enforcement officers, who apparently simply leaked information to journalists about the alleged murderer, well, this is not correct, unfortunately, such a practice exists, we have already seen many times when they blur their faces in this way, that can be guessed very easily, who is obscured under this face, or when the materials of investigative actions in the leading media are even merged, and such leading media come out as if with investigations, but we understand that it is not quite straight... the investigation is journalistic,
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all this information is about wiretapping and about various surveillance cameras, it was merged by law enforcement agencies. we have such a flaw in law enforcement agencies, they strengthen their position so much in order to create the right public opinion. it is not correct to call this guy, even if he is will indeed turn out to be the killer, but at this stage pending the court's decision. it is incorrect to call him a murderer, it is correct to call him a suspect after serving him with suspicion. well, and about the probable next target, i wanted to say about buzhanskyi, well, i read a lot on the internet , people don’t understand how forion, buzhanskyi are related, they seem to be completely opposite people, in terms of political views, how can they be the target of murderers, in my opinion everything very logical if your goal is to shake ukrainian
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society, and for that you need to radicalize people, divide and just murders from one end of the political spectrum of one figure and murders from the other end of the political spectrum of another figure can contribute to this division and radicalization and can cause such a social explosion within the country. i think this is something that benefits russia. and no matter whose hands this murder was committed, russian interests are behind it. thank you, andrei, yenina, the very end, very briefly, we have one minute left on the air, i would like to ask you, what do you think, will this case about the investigation into the murder of irina farion, as with other murders are political, there have been a lot of them over the past 30 years, you can list vadym boyk, georgy ganaadze, and... um,
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vyacheslav chornovol, there were many of these murders, as a rule, some perpetrators were responsible, and sometimes they were not , but we never saw the customers on the bench... those present, well , given the fact that we currently have a person involved in the case, regarding whom there is a lot of evidence to get closer to the suspicion, and i think that there is probably a trail behind him , some, or there is none, but which will let us understand whether to answer sergey, whether you say yes or not, to the question of whether this will be case number two regarding shremet, let me remind you that it will end... with nothing, nothing, that is, everyone whom they suspected and loudly announced at press conferences, well, given the lack of evidence bases are now at large and are not criminals, because more military, volunteers, doctors, continue to protect the country, will this be story number two like sheremet,
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let's see, i hope not, sergey, thank you, yanina, yanina sokolova, andriy yanitskyi, were guests of our program today, thank you to my colleagues for participating in the program, i would like to remind you... that throughout our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about the following: do you think the third world war is inevitable, what do our tv viewers think? 60% yes, 40% no. that's it, friends, i'm putting an end to it, i wish you a good weekend, take care of the cpu and your relatives, this was the verdict program pre serhii ordenko, goodbye. there are discounts representing the only balances on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on tolocsen strong 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on estefin 20% in pharmacies of psyllium to you and
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savings are discounts represent the only discounts on norofen express forte 10% in pharmacies of psyllium and more. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources of the allied with them, the lukashenko army, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read all the details, accept my union, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, they help
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understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states, concluded a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think, a political club that... sundays at 20:00 at espresso. big broadcast by vasyl zima. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets and what the world lives on. already with me and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to be aware of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchuvka field with me and sports news, invite yevhen to the conversation pastokhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechenina, our
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tv viewer, is ready to say good evening, presenters, who for many have already become like a day next to me, are ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as honorable guests of the studio , mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people. we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the war is going on, and not only for territories, it's more and the war for minds. well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we are countering the information attacks of the russians. in the information war chronicle project with olga len tuesday thursday at 5:15 p.m. repeat tuesday friday at 10:00 p.m. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in
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a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, the 884th day of the war, the 884th day of our heroic resistance to the russian invasion. incessantly, every day, every hour, we thank our defenders for defending our country. well , today i, yuri fizer, am working for you in the studio of the tv channel, together with my colleagues from the big broadcast, i have prepared a lot for you interesting in particular, i will talk to a lawyer. from the criminal law on the arrest of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, new
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statements from poland about the volyn tragedy, and there will be inclusion from the regions, and also the headings familiar to all of you, well, and we begin, as always, with the military results of the day and serhiy zgurets. serhii, i congratulate you, you have a word. congratulations to you yuria, congratulations to our viewers, today in our column we will talk about the blow to the... our expert, more on that in a moment. on the night of july 26, another attack was carried out on the russian saka military airfield in a temporary location. occupied crimea, the enemy based at least 16
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su-30 and su-24 aircraft on this airfield, presumably with atakams ballistic missiles. according to preliminary information , a warehouse with ammunition was hit at the airfield, it is also reported that an enemy air defense position near letovyshche in the village of shovkovichne was attacked, a radar station was allegedly destroyed there, but were they exactly hit... yes, it will be possible to say something later based on the results of the space pictures, which i think will soon appear. the general staff confirmed the fact of strikes on lithuania, but also without detailing the results. and further to the front line and against the background of the results of the week , i will dwell in detail on the pokrovsky direction, because here the most difficult and even critical situation is developing, because in 10 days... the enemy's advance was somewhere within 4
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km, in the last week the enemy entered vovche and novoselivka was the first, captured by lozovatsky and progress, and here it is worth mentioning that the battles for the village of progress began somewhere at the end april, and in fact since then the armed forces managed to relatively successfully repulse the enemy's blows, and when the enemy... began another massive assault on july 19, almost the entire village was abandoned, and as analysts of the deep state team claimed, the operational and tactical situation became critical, because the territorial defense brigade that was protecting the advance retreated chaotically. the 47th brigade was directed to stabilization, it was also unable to fully withstand the pressure of the enemy, because it was already in the village. chenie of the enemy up to two mouths, and also between the villages of progress and lozuvatske, enemy
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the infantry was able to close the encirclement ring around the height, where the fighters of the first and third battalions of the 31st separate mechanized brigade were in positions, and despite the threat of the encirclement, the brigade commander did not give the order to break through and further, i will quote deeppstate again. the personnel who were in that area put the commander in front of the fact that the guys would break through with the battle with the help of artillery and air reconnaissance of the adjacent units from ... could leave the encirclement in full force, but on the background of this information , i later expected that they would some clarification for the public from either the otu or the soviet union or the ministry of defense, but they did not come, and here the question is not about the territories that the fighters left there, the question is about the assessment of the situation from the side of the command, because when it comes to the risks
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of the environment, how should i be certain comments from the spokesmen, in order to form the link between the army and society, because there are probably certain calculations of the command, but there is also the reality that the enemy has a significant advantage in manpower, equipment, in means of impression, and here the situation is in our favor on this area has not yet changed, and in the same progress there were videos where the enemy enters in groups of 40-50 people, our artillery is not working at this time, and there was, by the way, an important interesting comment. one of the battalion commanders of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which was assisting the 31st brigade, this is what this officer said, that when such a situation arose that failures were allowed in this area and the 47th brigade was directed to stabilize, he says, that it was a completely wrong step, because there we
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had to make a maneuver defense and simply give up that progress, stand in a different way and... to fortify, we had for this time, the officer said, but due to the fact that the generals followed the principle of not taking a step back, we stand to the last soldier, unfortunately, we suffered certain losses that could have been avoided, the commander told about it battalion of the 47th division of the mechanized brigade specifically regarding actions around progress. now these areas are further defended by fighters of the 31st and 47th separate mechanized brigades, the advance of the enemy, although it is extremely difficult for them now, and i will remind you that now, after the captured progress, the enemy will try and continue to act in two directions from this section, on the one hand, it will try to break through to the pokrovsk kostyantynivka track, and on the other hand, from the very progress along
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the railway, move along the northern part in the same way... to another section, to pokrovsk, in fact, creating threats to of our groups located in this area. it is hardly possible to say that now the enemy will go on the defensive in a month or after a certain time, as the commander of the national guard predicted just a few days ago, now the enemy is trying as much as possible take advantage of the fact that he will get the initiative on the battlefield. now the question is for our command, how to balance the reserves, to balance the opportunities in order to first of all contain the enemy in certain areas, to seize the initiative, and then, under these conditions, to carry out, if possible , counteroffensive actions or to carry out measures that are primarily aimed at the most destruction of the enemy's manpower, because in any case we can say that at
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the current stage neither ukraine nor russia can achieve their... strategic goals with the help of available resources, which actually forms such a current character of hostilities with a bias towards exhausting each other's combat and economic potential. and then we will talk about how to counteract the enemy in those directions, in those components, where the enemy wants to make his advantages systemic. first of all, it is about the use of reconnaissance drones. complexes that fly deep into our territory, then this data is transmitted to russian means of impression and the enemy carries out iskander strikes and other long-range means of impression, and now we are joined by anton mikhnenko, a military expert who works closely with defenses-express, as well as with our defense and industrial companies. mr.
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anton, welcome to the espresso channel, glad to see and hear. i congratulate you, serhiy, on loan... i wanted to show the video, then i actually changed my mind, where iskander strikes the kharkiv armored plant, where it is seen that the drone is analyzing the situation, it is clear that our tanks are standing, preparing for repair, and then a blow controlled by russian missile in that direction, and i would like to ask you if there are any ways to minimize the enemy's capabilities. to use unmanned reconnaissance systems in the depths of our territory, what countermeasures are there for this? actually, look, it's a... complex issue, and it has to be dealt with comprehensively, why i say that, because you have to understand the picture, what was at the beginning of a full-scale
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invasion, in short, the russian federation aggressively used what they had , it is different from what they have now according to this tool and how they use it, it also applies to the use of drones in particular, that is, if we said earlier, they could use the eagle while working in the same frequency range, in the same modes, now they are walking around a little in the modes. the use and nature of the use of these bodies in the course of hostilities, they adapt, they perfectly understand that we have means of electronic warfare, we also try to suppress military aircraft with means of electronic warfare, we we are trying to use various means of fire impression that can be used to hit drones, not only, by the way, we need to add not only means of fire impression from the ground, including from the air, we see several examples when even drones are used anti-military apparatuses, that is, in principle, we see a war, when one and the other side tunes in to their wave, let's say so, and
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they try in this way, the russians are trying in this way to break through our defenses and solve the task, and if summarize, generalize and say, by what means it is possible to counteract in this context, precisely when it comes to the struggle of drones flying over. deep in the territory, here it is difficult to single out several components: firstly, it is a system of detection, detection and warning about the presence of these drones, this is the first key component, it must work at a long distance and detect the presence of these drones and report to the command that this drone flew over the territory. yes, we understand very well that the russians often go to the zone, at their expense using their drones, let's say so, in passive mode, not emitting anything, and then appear directly above the object already. coordinates, and then there is fire damage, nevertheless, passive reconnaissance, passive detected, all one component and presence warning, there are in principle certain means for this, by the way, we know about
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the means of the infazakhist company, which also produces a complex pluton for is intended for the detection of non-politaral devices, there are other means that are also produced in ukraine, which also focus on timely detection and warning of the presence of armor, the second point, in addition to detecting a warning, there are active means. which can also detect active relocation means, which can detect even drones with a small effective surface, and thanks to our domestic developments, including at the expense of our partners, there are certain means that also allow detecting drones with a small effective scattering surface. the next point is the means of fire impression, here is another component, and here there is a problematic component. we must also understand that the military very often they see drones that they are, but they don't have them. means to reach, let's say so, to them in order to carry out fire damage and destroy this drone and stop the development process of this one, and this, and this is a certain
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challenge, and here we have to solve again by comprehensively creating anti-aircraft defense, as our own means, and using the means of our partners, you see what we have already come to, that we are basically using new even ordinary civilian aircraft like the 52 in order to be able to destroy these... such these drones from the air, using drones, that is, we try and look for opportunities, but this, let 's say, is not a systematic approach, we have to build this system and respond in a timely manner, and it is very unfortunate when such events really happen, when the drone is hanging, it is seen both active and passive means, but unfortunately, they can't do anything when there are no means of impression, it's a shame, i understand, for the military leadership to use an anti-drone that costs several millions, let's say, a high-tech missile that costs much more, much more, and therefore, there is a choice between what to apply, what to apply against and how effective it all will be, and therefore we
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have to understand perfectly, not that perfectly, we just have to realize, it is not a simple situation, and the military there are stupid, they very carefully evaluate the situation, try to make appropriate decisions, i look at the obsmilika that is there, mr. anton, you mentioned the ploton complex from the company... info-protection, as i understand it, is a system that allows you to detect being in the air those or others drones, but will there be a step further, when, conditionally speaking, it can provide such combined solutions, when on the one hand there is the detection of drones with the help of plato and at the same time some solution that allows selectively and point-wise, well, by means of reb to suppress those drone samples that are detected by the pluto system. you have drawn attention to a rather important issue, it is all these tools that are currently in use, they must work in a system, that is, each element must complement the other element, and
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certainly all this information... must collide to flock to control points where there are appropriate means not only of detection there, but means of fire impression, that is, you can add a command to use the means of fire impression, and therefore, when all these elements, pluto, there and other systems, they work in a single system, this is very important, it forms a certain general picture so that it is possible to react in a timely manner and use the complexes of radio-electronic warfare, and if in this context it is impossible, to use the means of immediate angry impression, of course. we see that now such a complex war is going on in a different space that no one sees anything, but it is going on, and believe me, it is going on very powerfully, and now, and in ukraine, and this is the main administration of electronic warfare and cyber defense, it works intensively with manufacturers, regarding in order to find such effective solutions, so that it is possible to cover the entire frequency range, the entire frequency band, in order to make it impossible for the adversaries to use,
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starting from fivi-drone... ending with such aircraft of an operational operational level, which can fly deep into the territory of ukraine and to carry out reconnaissance, but again this is such a very dynamic process, it develops very quickly, we must understand that we are constantly in pursuit, they run and we also run, they invent something and we invent, we invent, they run after us , this is a rather complex and difficult situation, and i will say right away, there is no way to say 100% everything, but now we have a complete and complete system that will... provide full exposure, the enemy is constantly groping, probing, looking for weak points, a common example, the same fpv drones, we know that certain the frequency range where they were classically used, both by us and by the enemy, now they move across the frequency range, and up goes up and down goes down, these are again new challenges for radio-electronic warfare systems and other means to be able to destroy these drones, that's why the dynamics are so dynamic, let's say taftology,
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but... you are less, it changes very quickly and we also have to move quickly, that is , to work out the possibility of the enemy's action scenario for the future and already build our systems for detection, warning, destruction of drones, suppression by means of anticipatory electronic warfare, because we have to understand where it can move, in principle , to predict such actions. mr. anton, you said that it is necessary to systematically approach the formation, detection and destruction of drones, and when we talk about the tactical level, we have a situation... when the tactical level is quite saturated with reb means, maybe even oversaturated, but the coordination of this work, it sometimes sags, like on a tactical one levels to ensure that the reb's own means do not suppress their own fpvi drones, that the reconnaissance means actually work in such a way as to detect enemy drones rather than get confused in detecting their own drones, what solutions can there be, well, look, here you need to
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make several such decisions, they have to be so... thorough, you know, it's a lifelong war between electronic intelligence and electronic warfare, because the pep needs to invent a source of radio radiation, and the reb needs to suppress it, contrary to the means of electronic intelligence, it is necessary to observe the source of radio radiation as much as possible in order to get the maximum information from it, this is such a primordial war, let's say so, but nevertheless it can be solved and, first of all, the first key step is a very cardinal interaction between the underground . that is , electronic suppression units must interact as electronic intelligence units with fire damage units and actively and really know how to feel where what is happening and act together, because this will be important in including for conducting both defensive actions and offensive operations, to implement, let's say , such conditions in order to be able to create, let's say, conditions for the use of own drones, when the electronic one is very complex,
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when it works very intensively. the enemy, this is a very important task for electronic warfare systems as well, that is, the first step, an unconditional step, is the coordination of actions, maximum coordination, maximum cooperation with units, there must be competition, there must be thoughts that where something needs to be obtained from enemy, but nevertheless we must understand that there must be key coordination in this matter. the next point is a more intensive development of pro-electronic warfare means, we must create rep means, more, let's say, flexible from the point of view of suppressing the frequency range, from the point of view of choosing this frequency range, we must also again link the coordination of actions with capabilities of those rap technical means that exist, that is, where they can work and how they can work at the tactical level solving the task of protecting the military personnel directly on the line of descent, deeper, how they can act, if we say what about the units that are deeper, what means we use, more powerful,
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that is, if at the front edge we are talking about... a lower radiation power for suppression of signals.


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