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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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of electronic warfare, i.e. the first step, an unconditional step, is the coordination of actions, maximum coordination, maximum cooperation with units, there must be competition, there must be thoughts that where something needs to be obtained, overpayment from the enemy, but nevertheless we must understand , that there should be key coordination in this action, the next point is a more intensive development of means of electronic warfare, we have to create means of rap, more, let's say, flexible from the point of view of frequency suppression. range from a point of view choosing this frequency range, we must also again link the coordination of actions with the capabilities of those technical means that exist, that is, where they can work and how they can work at the tactical level , solving the task of protecting the military personnel directly on the line of communication, more deeply, as they can act if we say that about the units that are deeper, by which means we apply more powerful ones, that is , if at the front edge we say about a smaller power of radiation to feed sign certainly the means are more powerful for
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suppressing the enemy's signals, but again, here, in addition to smart zavatoks, in addition to, let's say, a smart reb, we must understand that coordination, coordination, and once again coordination, only for the organization of coordination work between these units, in this, what others use, there is an opportunity to win, i understand, every serviceman, every commander, they definitely worry about the life and health of a serviceman, it is valuable and... valuable for us, let's say, but nevertheless , we have coordinate, the more effective the coordination of these actions and the better the means of repton combat in terms of the use of different ranges, ranges, the more effective the units will work as a whole. i would like to ask one more question, whether it would not be logical to create, in particular, separate battalions of reb and pep or separate brigades of rebr, which, coordinating interaction with each other, would ensure the line of development of defense not,
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by their own forces, without relying on scattered means that are scattered by mechanized infantry or other brigades there. well, look, i am i would say a little here, it is a controversial issue, and here you need to look in depth, because the level of tasks that the brigade solves, let's say this, well , relatively speaking, the brigade of electronic warfare and electronic intelligence there, this is a completely different level and much bigger, more serious and more powerful means used here. these are operational, operational-strategic level means. if we are talking about solving tasks at the tactical level, we will not get anywhere, that the servicemen in the unit will have personal protective equipment in the context means of radio-electronic countermeasures, and this again creates a certain background of radio-electronics, and therefore we have such and such a rupture, let's say, on the one hand, if we consider this picture, means of rep, operational-strategic level, which can, in principle, press.. .what a hindrance, let's say
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from the lower frequency to the higher frequency, on the one hand they monitor the entire frequency range, on the other hand we see that at the tactical level there will be a large number of different means that will work in any case, we are nowhere here let's go, you understand, because military personnel, units, commanders, they are worried about their subordinates, and there will be means of mireb, here it is necessary again in the current conditions, when there is an intensive use of drones by the enemy, because the density of use in... very high, at 100 m there are more than a dozen different drones that are used, and in this dense situation, this complex radio-electronic situation, it imposes a very complex imprint on the use of troops, and then, again, i repeat, the key point is the technological means and the coordination of the work of all units, from the operational-strategic level to the tactical level, i understand that it is difficult to do, but the general battlefield, the general picture of the radio-electronic situation , it must... must be at the command post, and
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she must clearly, the commander must clearly see, where what, what are the resources of means of suppression and where are the human resources in order to act in the offensive, that is, everything mr. anton, thank you very much for these interesting, important explanations for our viewers, i will remind that it was anton mikhnenko, military expert on security and technology issues. these were the main military results of this day, yuri fizer will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you serhiy zgurets, these were the military results of the day, i thank you for being with us, and the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom and the future it was these soldiers who stood to the last. and defended the avdiiv direction
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in the spring, so there are a lot of losses and resources need to be replenished. they urgently need weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical for defense. one hundred of our fighters, and our goal - 3.5 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front line, we urgently need your help, we need means of electronic warfare against small uavs, we ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes, glory, heroes, glory, we answer, and our answer should still be donations, which are urgently requested, the guys are asking for these drones, which are so necessary for them, let's
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join in and at least for a hryvnia, each of us will send to that qr code, to that card number that you saw on the screen, and we will be able to complete this collection and send it as soon as possible.. . drones for boys, well, now we will talk about what is happening in the regions, and i have already been joined by ivan vlashchenko, deputy head of the chernihiv regional state administration, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, eternal glory to the heroes, good evening, good evening to you too, mr. ivan, tell , what was flying over there tonight, because i read that there were flying and even in the vicinity of chernihiv there were, loud explosions were heard. for us, flying is not news. residents of the region are used to the fact that the russians continue to either fly or shoot, so this a phenomenon for us, unfortunately, over the past
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three years, probably already natural, they really try to target sensitive objects, sometimes they partially succeed, where... when not so much, as a rule, the defense forces, in full ensure the safety of both the air and ground space of the territory of the chernihiv region. i understand that the greatest danger is now in those border settlements that border on the russian, still russian, still the federation, but whether or not there are any movements on the part of belarus? i apologize, i said to belarus, belarus, belarus, i would, i would not say that we are observing some activity on the part of our neighbors, other northern ones, the situation is quite stable and controlled,
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the border guards fully ensure the security of the state border, together with others defense and security forces of the ukrainian state. now let's talk about something else, well, unfortunately, your region suffered a lot of destruction, and russian missiles hit civilian infrastructure, russian missiles hit, unfortunately, objects residential complex of the region, please tell me how the region is being rebuilt during this time, and we are rebuilding quite actively, primarily thanks to what state program is there for restoration, if we talk about damaged property, then we received about more than 4,600 applications, 2,700 are light repairs, 170 are major repairs for a total amount of almost 300
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million hryvnias. if we are talking about destroyed property, then about a thousand applications were submitted, 476 certificates were issued and 200, more than 200 were sold for about uah 700 million, i.e. chernihiv region is quite active in this respect. and how critical is the situation with energy, because, as far as i understand, there were hits on energy infrastructure facilities? the situation with energy is difficult, i would not like to single out chernihiv region of chernihiv. from among other regions, but thanks to our energy, thanks to the defense forces, the damage that was done by the russians, they could to a certain extent restore and prevent
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further strikes. now let's talk about something else, the houses in which people lived were destroyed, and the government, as far as i understand, yours... is helping them to rebuild these houses, but i suspect that it is not possible to do everything that is planned, and therefore is there any program to provide. the housing of those people who now have nowhere to live temporarily, look, yes, for one or another objective reasons, first of all, not everywhere the state can block people's need for housing, here we closely cooperate with charitable organizations, somewhere they help local self-government bodies, i would just like to give an example that constantly this work in dynamics, just last week in one of the settlements that... located near chernihiv, the charity fund to ukraine with love, these are our friends from
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america, provided people with fully equipped modular houses, and let's say, our turn of people, who need housing has decreased thanks to our international partners, who always support and lend a shoulder, and i repeat that this is a dynamic process, it is constantly moving, and we are constantly trying in one way or another to help people to... help in terms of providing housing at least temporary mr. ivan, and the last question for you, tell me, please, do you have any, and i think you have some statistics, whether more people have started to return to the region? i mean the ones that left after the full scale invasion started? i won't tell you the exact statistics, but the dynamics are there, because businesses are recovering, people are returning. to work, of course , there was a large, large influx of people immediately after
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the armed forces of ukraine and other defense forces drove the russians out of the region, then a large part of the people who in the first days a full-scale invasion left, then a large part of people returned, now more such migration processes are taking place precisely from the border of chernihiv oblast, where shelling occurs more often, and so, let's say, the situation in this regard is more or less stable, i think. that this will be the last question, but you said about the restoration of business, and i also want to ask you, are there any state programs that are used in the region to help local businesses, and of course, of course there are, ah, there are there are a number of state loans loans in order to make yourself more energy independent, the state also helps to employ internally displaced persons, there are certain compensations. regarding taxes, the state helps to employ veterans who have returned
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from the war, there is assistance for setting up a workplace, there are also compensators for taxes, for wages, and this is only what lies on the surface, i think that employers who are directly behind they are engaged in this, together with the center they can engage together with the relevant state bodies. what to tell i thank you, mr. ivan, for participating in today's program. it was ivan vlashchenko, deputy head of the chernihiv regional state administration, and i talked with him about how the region, in particular chernihiv oblast, how he lives in the second and a half year of a full-scale invasion of the territory of ukraine, still by the russian federation and still by the federation, in particular the territory of the region, about what programs exist to help people, about how they rebuild housing, about how they help businesses, well, all this is there, sometimes, as mr. ivan said, i would like, maybe
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more, but all this is there, people come back, businesses are given the opportunity to work, and therefore it is good. it was ivan lashchenko, deputy head of the chernihiv regional state administration. well, now about a high-profile case in lviv, literally 15 minutes ago, the presiding judge announced what was suspected. the 18-year-old suspect in the murder of iryna farion, vyacheslav zinchenko , was remanded in custody and will be held in custody until september 22 of this year, that is, the remand was chosen for 60 days, it was shown, i watched one of monitors about how the suspect behaved, well, he somehow behaved very frankly, somehow self-confidently, and he showed it on... on camera, well, more about this, about this high-profile trial, i
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will talk to oleg mytsik, a criminal lawyer right, who will soon join us, i have a lot of requests for him, well , not a lot, but a lot of questions, and i think that he will be able to answer them professionally, well, because there are certain points that were already pointed out by the representatives civil society, we all want immediately want add: we all want this case to be investigated as soon as possible and the killer of ms. iryna brought to justice as soon as possible, but we do not want... the authorities to do something similar, which they have already done many times, and simply find someone and to hang someone for everything, and to call someone guilty of this crime, and at the same time this person may be innocent, although it seems to me, it seems to me personally, this is my subjective opinion, but from everything that i have read, that i have seen, i personally, it seems that this is the case the suspect vyacheslav zinchenko, he is very
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similar to those photos that were shown, well, to those videos. from the scene of the crime and that he may be like that, well, but how it will be, well , we will see, we will follow this trial, it seems, this trial would be short, but i have something, i have suspicions that it may stretch, since the defense will submit probably thousands of different comments, which will then be considered, thousands, well, not thousands, okay, tens of objections judges, and... in order to prolong this process, well , i still want to talk about all this with oleg oleg mytsik, a criminal law lawyer, and i also want to say that our journalist works under the court building and we will have an inclusion with her, so that she also told some details, details of
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what happened during the court session, let's not have that yet, i 'll tell you once again... i'm letting you know that the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and systems electronic warfare for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future, and it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring, so there are a lot of losses and resources need to be replenished, they urgently need weapons and modern means of countering the enemy drones, these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal is uah 3.5 million. we remember each of our donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us.
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good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the 1st assault battalion, 3rd. of a separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small bpols, the enemy and komikaji drones, we very much ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to heroes heroes, and we all answer to heroes kudos, and let's answer, let's answer this one a request from our brave soldiers, with their donations, maybe 1 hryvnia each. if you drop it on the qr code or on the card you saw on the screen, and it will help us efficiently, quickly finish the collection and send these drones to the front line. well, i am joined by my guest, oleg mytsyk, a criminal lawyer , mr. oleg, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good evening,
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good evening, mr. oleg, well, look, from the information that we have on the present time, and maybe you even have... some more insiders from the pre-trial investigation, from what you it is known whether the authorities can and have the right to say with such certainty that the suspect could have committed this crime, because during the court session, as i will now read, the suspect's lawyer, who also appeared there, denies the detention of the boy, and he says that, according to him , there is no evidence, apart from his stay in lviv, no examination was conducted there. well, let's be objective, i also, when representing clients, always deny taking into custody, detention, offer a milder preventive measure. this stage, which is now continues, raising suspicion and choosing a preventive measure does not oblige the state to collect evidence that will undoubtedly guarantee its
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conviction. we are talking about the fact that suspicion is a complex of information and data. that tie a person to a given e-e crime in the volume that allows an outside observer to make sure that she could have committed this offense, law enforcement officers will have more time, objectively, during this day, from the moment of his detention or a few days with at the time of the crime, it is physically impossible to carry out examinations. fair, frankly, i would like to hear from the group of prosecutors that you ... appeared in court, a larger volume of the evidence base, and the analysis that i, for example, heard at the briefing of the ministry of internal affairs, there objectively. it is not necessary for an expert to prove it in an expert way, there are documents that are difficult to deny, and from which certain conclusions can be drawn.
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i want to say that in this case, the national police literally found a needle in a haystack, after analyzing a large array of documents, objectively proved, well, brought to the person's door, and was also able to remove him mobile phone, which is the most interesting media ? a lot of information that will be analyzed, which was not voiced, if you remember, at the briefing they simply closed this part of the messages, because they are being worked on, their disclosure is still premature. certainly, among what we heard at today's court hearing, we did not hear about any direct and obvious evidence. prosecutors referred to their presence in the case file. the lawyer objectively referred to the fact that to date no person has seen him directly in the face. and is not a direct witness of the person's act and does not point to it, there is no expertise that would point to the video images of the coincidence, etc., well, but i repeat, this is the stage at
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which proving the person's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt is still optional, let's hope that the investigation will be able to properly present the information that we heard today in the form of evidence, such as... protocols, reviews, relevant examinations, testimonies of people who can testify and indicate something, and after that there will be an analysis, but at the same time , both for me and for an outsider the observer, the amount of information that was referred to and mentioned at the briefing today, it cannot be refuted during such a process that took place today, to deny the validity of the suspicion just by saying that there is not a single examination yet... it is possible documents referred to by the law enforcement officers. thank you, mr. oleg, but i have one more question, given your considerable experience in the legal profession, please tell me
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how long such processes of the same type can take, and how long this process can take, taking into account the fact that that there is already information that the suspect's lawyer is going to file an appeal, and there will probably be a lot of recusals from the judges. how long can this process take? let's break it down like this: firstly, an appeal, a preventive measure does not stop the investigation in any way, the investigation will work in parallel, the prosecutors who will go to the appellate instance, the appeals of the judges, you know, this process, which we have just observed today, will take some time. something was so boring, because it wasn't there, i have the impression that in the defense attorney did not have enough time to prepare the arguments for... and put the arguments on the shelves, he was just hired, but as a rule, at such a moment there is an attempt to delay the process in order to achieve the end of the 72 hours of the release
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of the person, etc. regarding the time frame of the investigation, i think , within a six-month period , the pre-trial investigation body will handle it, legalize documents, carry out examinations, within a six-month period, the case will be referred to the court, what about the consideration, this issue is more complicated, as a rule... the consideration of cases is always delayed by the problem of questioning witnesses, victims, eyewitnesses, who have to be brought from different regions, who are difficult to appear. in this case, this case will be based on the analysis of materials. i do not predict if the information about which the national police talked about is confirmed, it hinted like that, did not say more, talked about a huge volume of videos, about the search of some areas. forest, we heard it, if all this leads to documents that will close the case, maybe it will be possible to get other evidence, now there is
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mobile phone, there is a clear connection to some billing, i think that the call will be expanded or the search circle will be narrowed, then i think that this process will not be many years long, it will not be very long-term, although it is a habit in ukraine, it is our favorite business is delayed, i think that public control here will not allow it to be delayed. look, one more question, ms. iryna's family is demanding a fair trial, well, i wanted to ask if there is a fair trial in ukraine, or will this trial be fair? well, i can't tell about any sign of unfairness at the moment, it's the opposite the defense side will say that the trial is unfair because they talked about the guilt of this person in advance. i think that it is reasonable to assume that there will be no obeje in lviv oblast. in my opinion, there are no grounds for considering such a high-profile murder, yes, the right to a fair trial is directly written in the european convention on human rights, but
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it primarily... concerns the accused, so that his rights are protected, it does not concern the victim, but here the issue was different, the right for the law enforcement officers to reveal and establish arrested the guilty person, this was a big risk, because as we saw, after the first few children, there were strong suspicions that the person managed to hide and did not objectively leave any information about his real and true appearance, by the way, under... a young man who, well, an 18-year-old man already, who committed this crime, he carefully disguised himself, he read such, you know, superficial literature about committing a crime and disguising his committed actions, but in fact he acted like a child, because you understand, he kept everything in his electronic gadget, all the information he read, where he referred to, to whom he wrote, with whom he corresponded, where he was
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with... he left all the traces that can only be left, that is, a person who, sorry, conspired and almost appearance changed her to during the commission of the crime, she kept all the evidence about how she did it and where she, that she changed herself, where she moved, where she received the package, in her own phone, which the police were able to get without destroying it, remember the words minister of internal affairs, we had 2-3-4 there minutes, i don't know if there was... they drank, stunned, there was some smoke in the apartment, but the gadget was not destroyed, and objectively it will be proven to the person that it belongs to her certain phone, certain information, her certain interests, well the sending of evidence by itself, that is, clothes and a list of these clothes, by the way, there is a doubt here, how the law enforcement officers of the new post office can know the contents of the parcel, that the words that were given to us in
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the certificate, it... personally, i have doubts, most likely there is video recording of packing or checking the box, but that's another matter, these actions precisely indicate that the person who is now suspected, on the one hand , masked the actions, and on the other hand, her level of awareness of the modern information space and evidence in such criminal cases was marginal, and she left a mass, a mass of traces, which law enforcement officers have... a chance to obtain and turn this information into evidence that must be heard in court. thank you very much mr. oleg, for the inclusion, thank you very much for your valuable information, this is oleg mytsik, a criminal lawyer, talking about the chances that the law enforcement officers will bring to justice the person responsible for the murder of iryna faryon as soon as possible.
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this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, let's start with this: in the galician district court of lviv a hearing was held on the suspect in the murder of linguist iryna farion. our correspondent emma stadnyk knows more. emma, ​​what happened behind the scenes


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