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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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"if they were afraid of something, they were afraid that ukrainian society and polish society could somehow come to an agreement with the western enemies of the russians, they were a little afraid of this, and the endetsia is speculating on that, until now, it is obvious that yes, it was not by chance that they included it in the idiotic bill."
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i don't remember exactly, but it was so clearly anti-ukrainian, written in at the last moment, i remember, i remember, a guy who is a kremlin enthusiast, he comes from the psl, to write something about the upa, no, it was a moscow strategy, to sow discord here, that was done deliberately. of course, i also feel the influence of circles connected, maybe with the kremlin, i no longer believe in useful idiots, but we also have a very powerful historical legislation, i do not know how to build polish-ukrainian understanding with historical arguments, and discuss this legislation , it's also trouble, it can be explosive.
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there will be, i agree, but the path to heaven is not strewn with trojan petals, there are also thorns, i will also walk on thorns, we must win in this, we must leave it as a legacy to our children and our grandchildren, this will be our great the success of our time, this polish-ukrainian union, gedroyc worked on it, i worked on it, a lot, it was his obsession. he was actually the father of the wing of democratic positions in poland, he knew that the path of neglecting or disregarding ukraine is a road to nowhere. that the polish, the polish elites, must firmly become a wall on the ukrainian side. i remember him when i came to kyiv in 1989 for the movement's congress.
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who decides and puts his signature on this or that piece of paper. even if not completely will be heard, then it is our duty to repeat ours. if we believe that fair considerations have led us to this. again, again and again, my favorite writer saveriy prushinsky wrote. a writer
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differs from an actor or publicist in that if an actor is exposed, that will be the end of him, and a political publicist will end if he is never exposed. we must repeat ourselves once, and a second time, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth time, again and again.
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the path of intelligent polish-ukrainian dialogue. there is no chance for an independent poland without free and independent ukraine. of ukraine. amen. mr. editor. amen. well , i want to remind our tv viewers that adam michnik, a legendary polish journalist, the founder of the equally legendary electoral newspaper, a polish dissident, was currently working on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets, and what the world lives yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yurii dobrovecher, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. morechvka field with me and sports news. i invite
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yevhen pastokhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. cultural news, alena chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. already in front of me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky on espresso.
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and now the legendary polish dissident, one of the creators of the new democratic poland, founder of the no less legendary electoral newspaper adam michnik, will work on the air of the tv channel. greetings, mr. editors, to the espresso studio. good day, thank you for these kind words, even though they are exaggerated. of course, every word is some kind of exaggeration, but the most important thing is that we...
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and many, many people, the most important thing is that this matter is strong and long-lasting, how do you assess now these polish-ukrainian relations, which we dreamed of , there was a lot done maybe not to the end, but the most important thing is that the polish-ukrainian security agreement was finally signed. we understand that this may have taken too long. this is all evident in the shadow of war, now is the time to define the world we live in, the world we live in is a world in a state of confrontation. part of
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the cold war, part of the hot war, as it is here in ukraine, among all that is the anti-democratic totalitarian project of ideology.
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election campaign, but it is about the cooperation between... we may not like the bagpipes,
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i don't know, not to love peace, but at one time, when the great war began, the polish political elites, ruling at that time, showed their readiness to support and behaved extremely dignified, regarding what was related to the support of ukraine. of course, maybe they could not have behaved differently, but in any case they did it well, and we in ukraine appreciate it very much, but then something happened, right? and there was a very strange pause, some kind of silence on both sides, and some people on the border, so- called activists, or pseudo-activists, blocking the border and so on. and now we see a thaw in those political polish-ukrainian relations. the last meeting of the president...
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ja się zdzagjam z tym, co pan mózi, że polityka, i agree with what you say that the policy on the polish side at the time of the outbreak of a full-scale war was very good, powiedzmy, w gazecie, w kójre ja pracuję, myśmy tej polityki nie atakowali, mimo żebysmy and in the newspaper where i work, we did not attack this policy, despite the fact that we were in the opposition.
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i don't know that, and there's always a moment when when it is enough to press a bad key that evokes ancient emotions. actually, i belonged to the people who were strongly attacked by the polish nationalist environment for my statements about ukraine. isakovich
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zaleskyi wrote about me that i am an example of a polish bander. yes, it's true, he said that and repeated it quite often. because of this, i have a certain sensitivity to it, and i know how it can be easily manipulated. in fact, it must be admitted that these relations have deteriorated due to the fact that in substance and pro-ukrainian rhetoric is largely reluctant were perceived by the pis electorate. they were
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taught something else. war, and them, but first of all
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, ukraine must win this one. of course, there are questions, and we will return to poland. , protect a long way, i.e. many different twists and turns, we have to implement many different moments, and the signed polish-ukrainian security agreement is very important, but the most important thing is also the readiness and maturity of the political elites in ukraine and poland to implement it consistently. we understand that we have no chance
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to correct any mistakes, because the war is going on, as it was defined in the kremlin... an existential war against ukraine and against nato, and of course against poland. perhaps now they are not ready to hit warsaw with a missile, but sooner or later it may happen. that is, today i do not see any direct threat, but it is obvious that there is an imperial logic.
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this is the first stage, after finlandization it is time for the soviet kerelo-finnish republic, such is the logic of that imperialism, and this is the same.
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obviously, on this side we have viktor orbán, a very dangerous figure, very dangerous, because he behaves as if he were
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putin's messenger. putin's hungarian liaison officer. the conflict is that do we want to build a democratic world ? for example, to bolsonaro and others, so if it is about ukraine, this is, in my opinion, the most important moment in the history of ukraine, from the beginning of its existence. ukraine is consciously
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building its new national identity. in fact, ukraine has already won this war, has already won. if putin is unable to break the ukrainian resistance for two years, i thought he would do it.
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in essence, orbán is right, because what is the interest of the poles in interfering in the war?
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so there will be problems here, but if we look at the long-term perspective, it becomes obvious that ukraine's victory is a chance for poland. if they say in poland that we will have problems with the victory of the country, i answer. ukraine and poland will have problems, because we have other interests when it comes to farming and so on
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no one in poland believed that we would overthrow the dictatorship without a single broken window. without the gallows, without the civil war and that we will go peacefully to democracy, that the soviet union will collapse. that we would border with independent lithuania, with independent ukraine, no one believed at all, it happened, so we must believe that a positive scenario is possible. we have to, we are simply obliged to make any scenario positive, but there is still, for example, a tendency that there is a polish village, there is a ukrainian endetsia, there is a ukrainian view of validity and so on.
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