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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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as i understand it, mr. oleksiy, so far poland is talking about it, germany is categorically, so far against it, which other countries are considering such an option? look, we periodically hear such statements from different politicians, different countries, but honestly, as a person who understands the system, well, i am the first, legally, they cannot deport ukrainians, it is simply impossible. and that's why it's just empty talk and empty words, when he said about the conditions, to create such conditions so that they would do it voluntarily, that's another story, but what kind of conditions that is, roughly speaking, to take away any aid, yes, this is certainly something they can do, but will it really lead to the fact that these people will go to ukraine? well, it's far, it's far from fact, and we don't know the answer to that question. therefore, i would not really
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count on it, if someone in ukraine calculates in this way, it means that there will be some mobilization potential, well, there are people who can be mobilized, well, i will be honest, i strongly doubt it, that this way it might work i don't understand like these, well, let's be honest, there are, are there ukrainian men of mobilization age abroad in europe, that 's for sure. they are there, that is a fact, but do they make up some kind of majority there, well, no, it is still not true, and the majority are women, children, old people, and men who are there legally, because they are far from every man is 20 there for eight years and in ukraine is subject to mobilization, and there is a question of health, maybe he is a father of many children, maybe he looks disabled, well so on and so forth, so i doubt that it is real. will lead to something, ah, so that
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, well, well, well, that is, i am so skeptical about it, i understand why they are talking about it, and i understand as a person, well, we are in ukraine, and it is unpleasant for us to see, yes, and to know that there are people who crossed the yew there, yes, illegally left ukraine in order to simply leave, left their homeland, well, but in the realism of the fact that they will somehow create such conditions that they will return . to be honest, i highly doubt it. sir oleksia, with the adoption of the law or amendments to the law on mobilization, in fact, everything is more or less clear, the system has started to work, they have updated their data, in general, since may 18, there are more than 4 million citizens of ukraine, conscripts, but here is the question , which was not included in these amendments, to the law on amendments to the current one. legislation,
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this is a question of demobilization. chairman of the verkhovna rada ruslan stefanchuk, on the air of the national telethon, hinted to the only news that the rada will not consider the issue of demobilization. let's hear what he said. i do not know of a country that carried out demobilization during the war. rather, i apologize, i know such a country. this is the ukrainian people's republic of 1919. just then, minister. defense minister mykola povsh submitted a bill on demobilization to the central rada. this bill was then voted by the central council. please, i have a need to tell what happened next in 1919. so for me it was very important that the current verkhovna rada not repeat the mistakes of the central rada. how, sir oleksiy, the verkhovna rada may not repeat the mistakes of the central rada, but still.
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to give hope to those who are currently fighting at the front, the third year, that demobilization will still happen, i categorically do not agree with stefanchuk, well , first of all, this is, you know, a thesis, i do not know such a country, i honestly do not know a country at war, in which people's deputies take bribes, and the next day they come to the verkhovna rada again and sit in a warring country, rob a warring country, and then feel great and continue to sit in the parliament, i don't know such a country. so what, well, except, unfortunately, except for ukraine, because we already have a whole mfi sizo there, one of the representatives, by the way, first of all, the servants of the people sits, as regards whether there can be demobilization during the war, and what it cannot be, and why it can’t be, and why us, why does the whole war have to be dragged out on the shoulders of those same people, well, it just won’t work out that way, but it’s unrealistic, these people are living people, they can’t fight endlessly, it has to be ...
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the term of service is set, i have stood for it for one and a half years, i fought for it during of the mobilization bill of consideration, and i am outraged that this has not yet been done, no term of service has been... established, it is very unfair to those who are fighting today and to their families, and by the way, that's one of the reasons that, again, i never make excuses, but we were just talking about those who float through the piss, so one of the reasons for that is that we don't have a service life, it's not motivating in any way people go to the army, when there is entry into the army, but there is no exit, well, rather, an exit there are, but god forbid, killed or seriously wounded. that's why it can't be, it's so wrong, it's so dishonest, it's a painful topic for me, and by the way, this, you know, and in my opinion, this is a very unfair attitude towards the military, this attitude that if we give the mother service again , everyone will leave, yes
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many, maybe someone will leave and return, and many will not leave the service, but ukrainians are cossacks, they are not serfs, the fact that conscription puts a lot of pressure on people. there at the front, i know that they don't know their prospects, it's not fair, it's wrong, or will you insist, as a subject of a legislative initiative, that such a law is needed and such amendments are needed, i speak about it at every meeting of the verkhovna rada, in fact, the first law on establishing terms of service was mine, i introduced it back in march last year, and today there are several bills of mine on this topic in the verkhovna rada. unfortunately, they are not considered, and i will remind you that when the mobilization bill was adopted , they removed this amendment 227, it seems that there were votes, that is, they barely had enough the voice of the servant of the people meant to push through and not set terms of service, then we were very close to the fact that these terms of service
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would appear after all, well, unfortunately, it did not happen, will i continue to raise this topic, i will be obliged of course, but what will be the result, unfortunately, i do not have a majority in the parliament. today, mr. oleksiy, the olympic games are starting in france, despite russia's war against ukraine, the russians there do not participate as a country in these olympic games, but there is no reconciliation, which usually precedes the beginning olympic games, but during the olympic games, moscow ignores the calls of the olympic committee, they don't care if it is adequate... in the context of the olympic games , the world is currently evaluating the prospects of russia's deployment of hostilities not only in ukraine, but in europe. well, this is generally a big question, without regard to the olympic games. the olympic games will start today, by the way, i wish success to the ukrainian athletes
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participating there. it will be morally important for ukrainians to see the ukrainian flag, hear the ukrainian anthem there on the pedestals and among winners, this is important. but... the olympic games will begin and the olympic games will end. the question is, what is the strategy of the free world today? and there is a problem with that. there is no strategy, no clear strategy. while the strategy looks like this, to help ukraine not to fall, but not so that ukraine wins outright. because all the time this support is conditioned by some conditions, and it is not possible to strike on russian territory. well, well, mysterious things, well, again this night, it seems, yes, well, in odesa. and killed in the danubian territory and the shekheds fell again on the territory of romania, and here is the question, that is, why neither poland nor romania shoot down russian missiles and drones, why they did not
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establish and strengthen their air defense group on the border and do not shoot down russian drones and missiles when they fall into the impact zone , and in the airspace of ukraine. ukraine fully agrees to this, it is legally possible, ukraine is asking for it, they ensure their own security, even the danger of ukraine, their own security, but even this they are afraid to do, which means some kind of ghostly escalation, they deny us this, although it would help ukraine a lot if the western and southwestern parts of ukraine were covered from poland and romania, respectively, but they don't do it, and there is a huge question, that is, what is the strategy of the free world . in this war, because ukraine cannot bleed endlessly, ex-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhnyi, who is now the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in great britain, this week he started as a political figure, in fact,
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his speech was on to a high meeting, where there were ex-officers of the british army there, experts, and he spoke, warned and is warning the world about the possibility. in the third world war, how do you now perceive this political solo of the already-alkaline , is it not a solo after all, it is after all... the president’s team, and one day the president was in london, spoke for the alkaline in parallel, and the text, interview came out with oleksandr syrskyi, the current commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, are there enough arguments that our military-political leadership conveys to our western partners, well, i think that it is still correct to say that the start of a diplomatic career will involve. because, well, it would be normal for ambassadors to make political
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statements, even absolutely, this is a political career - it's a little different, whether one has political ambitions, we don't know the answer to this question, and i'm not ready to answer it, of course, he had an interesting speech, of course there is a lot of interest in the stalwart, and it is very important that he uses his... his recognition, authority, military, and of course, this is his strong point side, he is not a professional diplomat, he is, well, so far, he is just starting to become one, he is a professional military man, and there is interest in him from this point of view, and it is very good that he uses it in general to remind the world , all those risks, i agree with him that i believe that we are not just on the threshold, i believe that we are already in the third world war, look at the relatives. east, look at europe, look at the red
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sea, look at latin america, and look, god forbid, they would kill trump, it doesn't matter who there will support or not , that would be the affairs of the americans, but i am afraid that a civil war could start in america, or some civil conflict, this is a scenario that cannot be ruled out, would it not be part of the world of a big flame, which is why... that's why i think that the world war is actually already going on, it's just a question that ukraine and ukrainians gave the world a chance, you know how poland couldn't give then in the 39th year, well, it was attacked on two sides, unlike ukraine, thank god, and almost to them in general no one helped, ukraine is being helped, we are attacked from only one side, but we gave it a chance, poland could not stop hitler then, and ukraine stopped putin, but what happens next... and we were just talking about it, what about the question of political will
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and power on the part of the western world, it is not visible enough to take advantage of this historic chance that ukraine has given the world, to stop the third world war in the bud, unfortunately, it is unstoppable, and the risks of its full-scale deployment, as in me are growing every day. thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the conversation, thank you, it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, we continue to work. live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. after a small story, volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, politician, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, will come to our studio, and we will talk about what happened in the world during the last week, and in general not only in ukraine, but also in the united states of america, wait for the bite, and for now, please watch story about how the third year... anzhela nepochatova from kropyvnytskyi is looking for her son, her son
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went missing during hostilities in the kharkiv region, creativity helps a woman to hold on, painting gives a resource to live and hope, the story of a mother who, unfortunately, lost her son , the son who went missing, our journalists will tell, the story of this picture, well... a big pity, it is not as good as we would like, it was written at the moment when our city was under heavy shelling, and she sat, worked , and there are such explosions, the whole life of angela nepochatova worked in trade, picked up a brush only two years ago, it is therapy for me personally, distracts from bad thoughts. first of all, pain, well, you are focused on
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the work itself, i love nature, i love flowers, well, of course, then the desire to learn to draw portraits, people, animals, despite the bright colors on the canvases, in the life of ms. angela, there is an extremely difficult period, her only son has disappeared missing, he was 20 at the time, my son went to serve before the full-scale invasion. september of the 21st year, and met already interrupting the war on rotation in donetsk region. at the end of march 20... of the second year, the boys were in kharkiv region, where he also disappeared from me, the third year of searching, waiting, worries is already underway. at some point, the woman turned to a psychologist, together they found a tool that helps her hold on. we have been working for a month, andriy
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asks me what i want most of all now, i say to draw, i say, well, we, you... have given what you draw, give it, try it, and gradually, gradually, well, children's drawings were like that at first , and try both gouache and watercolors, then it became, well, i decided to try acrylic. man lives in a state of uncertainty, he does not know how it will end, and we always hope to the last that everything will be resolved as it should be, accordingly. in hope, we form certain attitudes that we must wait, we must be in good condition, we must support ourselves for this, because the loved one who will return must see that he was waited for here, and that it was all for his sake. currently, the woman from kropyvnych has already created a series of paintings, dedicated to ukrainian
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army this picture is both my favorite and the most precious to me, because i drew it. exactly on the birthday of the child, when he turned 22 years old, he was born at my place in the winter, when there was very, very heavy snow, he loves snow. angela nepochatova does not lose hope for her son's return, she believes that one day he will definitely see these canvases. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. friends, we continue to work live on tv. espresso channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. throughout our broadcast, we conduct survey, today we ask you about this, do you think the third world war is inevitable? this question was actually not formulated by the staff of the espresso tv channel, but by the former head of the armed forces of ukraine, who spoke in london and spoke about the prospects of the russian war unfolding already in europe, and
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not only in europe, but also in the whole world. so, we're doing a survey, whether you agree or not. with it or not, if you vote on youtube, everything is quite simple, yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smart phone or phone and vote 0800 211 381 if you think the third world war is inevitable and 0.800 211 382 if you think the third world war will not happen, all calls to these numbers are free, please vote. program, we will sum up the results of this vote, i want to introduce our dear guest, this is volodymyro hrysko, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs in 2007-2009, head of the russian research center, mr. volodymyr, i welcome you, thank you, i warmly congratulate you, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation, it is always a pleasure for me to be in your studio and talk about current topics, if you allow, i will immediately
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respond to your question, it is possible, i do not want to influence the opinion at all. our viewers, but it seems to me that in fact the war is already going on, and it has been going on for a long time, and we just have to finally understand that it can take different forms, but it has been going on for years and years, because russia declared the war of the west through the mouth of putin even in 2007, conferences, absolutely, that's why it's simple, well, we're used to it, war is when already a hot phase has come together, when they are already shooting, when they are already killing and so on, in fact, this war has been going on since 2007, so we are simply witnessing different forms of this war, and it would be very important for our western partners to understand that this is not toys, that these are not theoretical conversations, but that we must get involved and defeat the enemy together with ukraine, then we will really understand where we are and what
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we need to do, this week one of your successors, the minister of foreign affairs, dmytro koleb. visited beijing, he had talks with the minister of foreign affairs of china, wanye, and this was the first visit by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine since 2012. in 2013, we know that viktor yanukovych flew there on credit, it was just on the eve of the euromaidan, we are trying to understand from the results of this visit, actually, what the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine was talking about there, and because the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine submits one information the ministry of foreign affairs of china is a little different, what dmytro kuleba himself says after his visit to the celestial empire, let's listen. i... spoke about the importance of a just peace, and not any kind of peace, and my chinese colleague himself added that it is very
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important that it is fair and lasting, because usually it is we who constantly say that the peace must be permanent, that is , lasting and fair, that is important, today we received a clear signal, that china is not looking for any temporary solutions, temporary cessation of fire, it is working on... a permanent strategic solution to the problem of the war unleashed by russia against ukraine. dmytro kuleba says the right words, but we know china's position, it was voiced in the first anniversary of the great war on february 24 , 203, where it was rather not china's peace plan, it was china's vision of the situation in ukraine, they said: territorial integrity is the sovereignty of ukraine, but the two sides must come to an agreement, they must sit down. at the negotiation table, well, it seems that in this story there is no aggressor and no victim, but two sides are in conflict, what could the new kuleba hear? well, of course, you should turn to mr.
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dmytro and ask him passionately, what was there after all, except for the correct ones diplomatic formulas, you know, it seems to me that the chinese continue to play cat and mouse with us. and they say what we would like to hear, but they do things that differ from their own words, well , look, they seem to be for, as the minister rightly says, for a just peace, well , my lord, what are the problems, well let's then make sure that this just peace comes as quickly as possible, what needs to be done for this, well, stop supplying russia with the equipment it uses. in the war against ukraine, well, do you have to be an academic to come to such a banal conclusion, no, don’t you stop sponsoring
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the north korean regime, thanks to which moscow is now getting additional opportunities to reach russia and provide it with outdated, but still somehow weapons, it is also necessary to be an academician to understand that it is not necessary to do so and so on, that is, you understand, too many things. which do not coincide with what official beijing says, well, yes, he said something now, but a practical step is underway, so to be honest, i don't really believe that we should, you know, take these assurances on faith, because assurances are assurances, and practice is practice, well, we have, let's say, a kind of double diplomacy now, because on the one hand side, we are not conducting any negotiations. talks with belarus, which is putin's ally in the russo-ukrainian war, and we do not conduct any negotiations with
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other countries, which are part of the so-called axis of evil, but we do talk with the chinese, and this is constantly during these two years, 2.5 years of the great war, such a rather cautious attitude of the ukrainian side towards ukrainian-chinese relations, although they have been there for a very long time. there was no ambassador, and this is also a question, and why do we single out china, as it were, as our strategic partner, although it is exactly the same strategic partner as china is for russia, as belarus is for russia, well, you see, after all, the weight of belarus, north korea and china, these concepts are disproportionate, that is, well, what is batsko with its limited capabilities, what is, even more so, north korean. who sits on in fact, in support of beijing, that is , they are political and economic dwarfs, after all, china
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is a monster, an economic monster that is now gaining weight in military terms, so it is clear here, but can the same ambassador in china today change something, well believe me , i don't think so, and if we were to figure it out... in fact, who would they send there now or there or would they replace him with someone else, if the chinese have the ideological attitude that we help russia management, then he would have hopaka danced there i would sing chinese songs every day, nothing would come of it, because it determines the position of the state, it is another matter that it is really beneficial for us to have economic relations with china, he er... takes everything that ukraine can give, and this also an important point, but it's all the same , well, it seems to me that we have to set certain conditions if we accept that... tai is a single
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territory, including taiwan, well then please, then you should at least take some steps to to demonstrate reciprocity, well, diplomacy is the first thing turn reciprocity, or then we need, as some of our politicians say, both and and both the present and the past, which means then to review this position if china recognizes that territorial integrity is already within the framework of the russian constitution, that is, with ours... illegal occupied territories, well then, what should we worry about taiwan, then we need, as the european union is doing, many countries, have their representations there, have their trade missions there, work with them, taiwan is serious, taiwan is the first country in the world that produces, yes, that's why here you just have to, you see, on the other hand, for example, slovakia and hungary, well, blocked
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oil. and topics for conversation immediately appeared, well, how come, you are spoiling our sweet life, well, it's so beautiful, let's think so that you don't spoil our unsweet life, then let's think so that the same we will go for some certain exchanges, but it cannot be otherwise, until you step on a corn, no one will pay attention to you, well, all the more so because the chinese corn is still aimed at europe and... the same orban went to discuss the kiteization of europe, i understand, or am i wrong, that is, the chinese are looking for partners in europe, the countries through which they will enter the european market, that is , obviously it will be slovakia, obviously it will be hungary , and partly they consider belarus, serbia, belarus, that is, countries that will allow them to do such a thing. the expansion
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of the chinese, then you are absolute, mr. serhiy, and you see what is now in the press, that orbán there asked chinese banks for a billion dollars of credit, this is the promotion of chinese interests through such things, china actually binds this little hungary to itself, and that's it, and then whoever is in the prime minister's chair there, if you have accumulated loans for a billion, well, you force them to give it away, and this means that china is going this way and is quite successfully setting up its own beacons, well , it did the same thing in africa, many african roots will simply go bankrupt without financial help from china, that’s how it spreads first economic, and then political impact another important topic, mr. volodymyr, this week is the author's column of the former prime minister of great britain boris johnson in the daily mail, after meeting
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with... trump and johnson's vision, is it possible a joint vision of johnson and trump, well , probably johnson , which he presented to trump as a candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, and there are a lot of contradictory points of what boris johnson writes about, well, let's say this, boris johnson is a great friend of ukraine, he has done a lot and we are grateful to him, but there are points about these limits, well he was not talking about borders, but about limits. on february 24, 2022, curtseys to putin regarding the russian language, and also that putin can return to the big eight, that is, without russia - it is the big seven, the seven plus russia, and how do you assess, is this a game of boris johnson himself, or is that all - this is donald trump's game,
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just voicing it now? well, here i think of two points, mr. sergey, well, you know, in any negotiations, you have to show a potential partner the batik, but at the same time , show the carrot, well, which can encourage him to at least start talking, and there they say let's see for some reason, it seems to me that, well, boris johnson, to whom it is attributed, we still do not fully know what he stopped. capitulation in istanbul, then to offer him to ukraine that a mile, let's give up what was as of february 24, 22, well, it's simply illogical from any point of view, especially the russian language, well, that is, it seems to me, or it's just such a throw-in, besides, what, well, ukrainians.


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