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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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zaluzhnyi is the leader of a new progressive army that is capable of confronting an enemy like russia, so what zaluzhnyi was saying would be in great focus in great britain, and i saw posts from the british themselves on twitter and on facebook where they talked about the fact that the western world should really get out of its comfort shell and move on to... the issue of defense capability, on such a bridgehead of a war that may start very soon, because the conclusions have not been drawn, and it is important that zaluzhny spoke at the united institute of defense research, this is such a london -based royal united institute, and those statements about the third world that he made, which then spread quite well, by the way , sergey is in the intelligence, i mean the british intelligence, this is a story called... eh recover, you are at
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the beginning of that war where you will not only help us with weapons, but you can take part in it yourself, and maybe you will die, it is always diplomatic form to wrap it all up, but the point is, i think that, that he is there now will be very, very important to us implement in the form of defense enterprises, which will be jointly with great britain. knows that there is work to be done, so his statements are, well, count the dividends from his activities here, which will then be equivalent to the defense projects that we will have with great britain, it is very correct that the office, i don't know if they calculated it or not, but from what i know, the ministry of foreign affairs and the ambassadors consult before any speeches, and they made this very bet that the zaluzhny will deal with the defense issue, the issue of...
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investments and by distracting the world from their comfortable latent life in the direction of preparing for the defense, maybe not of ukraine, but of their territories, so the statements were very correct, obviously, obviously, not only in kyiv they calculated what zaluzhny could do, i think that and the british side also talked about the fact that it would be good if zaluzhny was the ambassador to great britain, because after all , the british are... our big partners in this war, they help a lot, and they want to see and want to talk with a representative of ukraine, who understands war, that is, it is absolutely obvious, and it seems to me that this was one of such convincing arguments that zaluzhnyi got to great britain, but on the day when zaluzhnyi spoke to an audience in london, zelenskyi was there and it happened in parallel.
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an interview in the guardian, which was taken by luke garding from this from the guardian, he said that what, what, what syrsky himself said in the interview, he said that ukraine will do everything possible, to reach the internationally recognized borders of 1991 plan deoccupation he has, it is realistic, of course , this is a big military secret, we will do everything possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 91, we must win, to liberate our citizens who are in the occupied territories, who are suffering, that's what mr. syrsky said , well, andriy, it is clear that there is a military - a military command, i still understand that he is a representative of the military command, because it is obvious about and about the army. and about what
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happened and is happening now in the army, he knows no less than syrsky, but we see how such a political-military, diplomatic elite has formed in ukraine, which explains to the world what the world perceives, and obviously, the world should listen to what both zaluzhny and syrsky say , because in principle. these are probably two people who can tell about the war much more than anyone, and such experience, participation in a large-scale war after the second world war, there is probably no commander-in-chief, that is, 2.5 years of the great war and the 11th year the russian invasion of the territory of ukraine, whether zaluzhnyi and syrskyi are convincing, i am not talking about zelenskyi, because zelenskyi performs. a slightly different mission, although he too,
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it must be admitted that he is the only president who leads the country during a major invasion since the second world war and has this experience, well, it turned out that the person was not... prepared for politics, became president, and then a large-scale invasion began, and he now has the experience of running a country under martial law and during war. andrii, are syrskyi also convincing? and useful for our partners, and if so, what can be the actions of our partners and what can they do to prevent the third world war from coming to europe? i think that... despite all the efforts of our kermanychi, they are not convincing enough for the western world, because the western world is in fact in the same state that ukraine was in until february 22 , when the whole world warned us, drew in these offensive maps in all the world media, all
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the intelligence agencies of the world also informed our leaders, well, in fact, the ukrainian to society that there will be an attack, but few... who believed in it, and there were a lot of such soothing speeches about that we will grill kebabs in may, these are all such very pessimistic forecasts, everything is not so bad, i think that the western world also lives in such a dream, where it seems to them that they are under this umbrella of nato, nothing threatens them, russia will never dare to attack nato. and the maximum that can be, well , we may have to spend a little more on the defense of ukraine, and they personally, but nothing is in danger, nothing is needed to do, and despite all efforts to convey that , you know, there can be aggression and not in such a direct form, there can be some hybrid
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forms of aggression, we know how the special services of russia are currently trying to disrupt the olympics, there were detained agents, we know about other network of russian agents who are trying to destabilize europe, but the western world does not see it, i only hope that at least the western elites will see this negative signal and try to expand their societies through the mass media through the same bbc, guardian and other publications towards reality, because now western societies are living in such a sweet dream of peace. which is no more, thank you andriy, and yanina, a question for you, because this week there was another column by our great friend boris johnson in the daily mail, and there was a lot of discussion about what kind of plan boris johnson announced, and
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this too it happened, well, in fact, during these days, when zelenskyi was there, and zaluzhnyi spoke, and syrskyi, the interview was published, boris johnson made his vision public that... to the future of ukraine and the future, well, how would i say, russia's victory, or half-victory, because what he proposes, well, it basically fits into the formula of some appeasement or pacification of putin, because he also says that russia should once again be in a great the seven, the big seven plus russia, that the russian language must somehow develop in ukraine so that putin does not feel that he has lost, and some borders are not the borders that were as of february 24 , 2022, that they are, in principle, we can reach these limits, but before that trump, how candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, should give ukraine a lot of weapons in order for ukraine to put putin in front of the fact that either he agrees to some kind
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of appeasement, or they can open a lendlease, and mike pompeo wrote about this today, former state. secretary of the united states of america, what do you think about it? in fact, i was surprised when i read the text of this so-called peace agreement, surprised that it was boris johnson who articulated with trump at all, why? because boris johnson played a big part in that diplomatic role in the fact that we began to defend our land. i will not go into details, i think history will tell how everything really was in the first days of the war, this is not what we are talking about, but boris johnson, i think, and his diplomatic qualities, as a former one, including not only the prime minister, but also the minister of foreign affairs, and they dictate a certain level
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of diplomacy, which in my opinion consists in the following formula, this is when you offer something that your interlocutor would like to hear. or what, in the opinion of the interlocutor, may look like a plan, and then in the process of changes follow your plan, ukrainian diplomats use this formula so often, they me. told, however, jokes with jokes, here the story is more complicated, it is absolutely clear that donald trump is an ambiguous figure, and for ukrainians he was considered a pro-russian figure for the lion's share of the time, however, you know, friends, the last two weeks, what i read and hear , in particular from american publications, which draw a new plan after the meeting between johnson and trump. in view of the approach of trump, and in it there is absolutely no history with crimea and
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the east of our country, which for some reason we have to give to putin, but there are other plans, quite optimistic, which concern the allocation of lendlease funds for 500 billion, well, you have probably read, which concern ukraine becoming a partner of nato and... a european part, about what europe should allocate from its the budget has more interest for maintaining nato, not america, well, that is, there are a lot of such options that will strengthen nato, and ukraine will become one of the components of this whole story, why it will be beneficial for the united states, because they in exchange for many things related to nato, references, so to speak. with the concessions of america, in addition to the main position at the head of nato, they will also develop their issues,
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the energy mission, well, you can read about it in the wall street journal, literally a new article, it seems to have come out today, there they describe how all this will be, so in summing up the question of johnson and trump, i will repeat, i take this as the beginning of a diplomatic bow to start negotiations, but i will remind you that despite our negative attitude towards ... trump's words, i emphasize, trump's words, this is the person who in 2017, it was the 17th year, was the first to lift the moratorium on ukraine receiving weapons at all, and trump's ghouls helped us in the first days of a full-scale invasion to defend, in particular, kyiv region, where i am with you now i say, there are many devils around trump, he himself is an ambiguous figure, but his... egocentrism and desire to show the world what the united states is, this is not charity
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for ukraine at all, you should perceive it, it is solely from the position of not protecting democracy, this also should not be perceived, but from the position forces and the united states, which will show its teeth, and trump knows how to do it, unlike the democrats. therefore, i would not be pessimistic at all about the eyes. the germs of plans for various peace agreements, of which we have already seen three pieces in the last month, i read that there are still some chinese options, there are still options from the arab world that are emerging, i think that it is still worth considering the meeting between johnson and trump as the beginning of a dialogue in which trump has a desire to end the war, and believe me, not on the terms of the russian federation, for some reason it seems to me that i ... if suddenly it happens that he leads the states, wins the election, then maybe we
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can take this as a chance, at least there are arguments for this from the past, a cause and effect relationship, for biden, i think you all understand what that's the way, and about trump, there's a question, well, about kamala harris rather than trump, because well, put biden, biden's team and his strategy, i think... kamala harris will also continue her sergey, i don't think we're something we'll see what's new, but, well, by the way, by the way, trump, after talking with zelensky said that he, what, what they talked about, he said that this is russia, that this is a military machine, they are constantly fighting, they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon, they are waging a war, i don’t know, andriy, whether trump was convincing for zelenskyi, because when i heard that... trump says that they defeated hitler, well, it looks a little so funny, considering that without
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americanism, probably neither the soviet union, nor great britain, nor all our allies in the anti-hitler coalition, probably they would never have defeated hitler, or they would have won with much more blood and great sacrifices, well, without the ukrainians, no one would have defeated hitler, because the main part of the hostilities in eastern europe took place on ukrainian... and ukrainian forces were then a counterattack was made. as for america and in general the influence of ukrainian thought, the ukrainian narrative on... american cities, it seems to me that it is extremely weak, both on democrats and republicans, and it is a big mistake of our government that it spoiled relations with the ukrainian diaspora, both with the old diaspora, with which there was not much contact at all, and with the new diaspora, with people who left in recent years, which are millions of ukrainians who can convey
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our ideas, our interest to senators, to deputies in various democratic countries, these are still electoral countries, there everything depends on public opinion, and if millions of ukrainians came out in the squares of the main cities of western countries, they come out, but not as many as we would like, and it is clearly not coordinated actions, and rather the actions of activists, who of their own free will, because they care about the future of ukraine, go to such actions. and i do not see any coordinated policy of the ukrainian state in this direction, no one works with the diaspora, and according to various calculations, well, the largest figure that i heard at the world congress of ukrainians estimates the number of ukrainians in the world of different generations of the diaspora, of different waves of the diaspora already in 20 million, that is, in fact, almost as many as live
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inside ukraine, there are already ukrainians living abroad, we could use this soft force in order to advance ukrainian... interests primarily in america. thank you andrii, i will remind our tv viewers that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. and today we are conducting a survey. today we ask you about this, do you think the third world war is inevitable? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a different opinion, a different opinion, you can leave it in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by the relevant numbers: 0800 211 381. if you think that the third world war is inevitable, if you don't think so, then 0800 211 382. one more topic, colleagues, this week, actually this topic started exactly a week ago, when in the center of lviv there was iryna farion was killed, today the galician district court of lviv chose a preventive measure for the person detained on
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suspicion of farion's murder, arrest for 60 days without right. on bail, on the eve of his, he was informed of the suspicion under the article of intentional murder, which provides from seven to 15 years deprivation of liberty, a young man, an 18-year-old young man was detained in dnipro, law enforcement officers released a fragment of the video with questions to the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, let's listen to what the young man was asked and what he answered, and you committed some kind of murder. it will be seen, let's see, you are guilty of this, let's see, how would you explain your actions at the time when you committed the murder? next reading, here's the story, this is an 18-year-old
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boy who is a suspect. in the murder of iryna farion, now the court and the investigators have to prove whether the prosecutors have to prove that he was involved before this murder, or committed the murder, it is known that the gun itself was not found by the law enforcement officers, and they have already arrested this suspect as far as dnipro, hey yanina, you talked to erina farion and after that there was a very... big story with the fact that what events developed further, here are our tv viewers who are sitting on youtube, talking about what they ask, did you somehow think about this interview and the consequences of this interview, i am not saying that the murder of irina farion, this is a
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consequence of your interview, but we have an audience tie all these events, they say that they are in what... in some chain, how do you look at this whole story and especially with this suspect, does this story remind you of the previous story about the murder of the journalist sheremet and at about the same scheme happened when all the managers came out, said that we found the suspects of the murder, put them in the butchery, but who ordered the murder? vla sheremet is unknown, but it is known that rifmaster, yuliya kuzmenko, and dugar were imprisoned there, yana dugar was also under investigation. well, in contrast from shremet's case, this case is already of better quality, photos and video materials, and a few more cameras,
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and the cameras are not black and white, there are also color ones with the accused, the suspects, the murder of iryna farion is an act of terror, and despite all the disputes that.. . echoed in society and in conversations with irina farion, and we can be dissatisfied with each other, tell each other what we think about this or that issue, we can like or dislike someone's position, but killing a person is an act of terror, for which the murderer must suffer a just and cruel punishment, that is do i relate this to the interview we have? there was, let me remind you, in 2023, iryna farion was a person who defended the language, in the format
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in which she believed it should be done in a radical format, with her own style, which some liked, some did not, some condemned. when we had a conversation with her, and we had more than one conversation with her, and between conversations we even corresponded about certain events in the state and were like-minded on many issues, i cannot predict how a person will answer this or that question, especially if it's on the subject of military language, it is for me, people are saints, so conversations about what... then i allegedly provoked parion to something, no, i was conducting my usual conversation as a journalist, discussing uncomfortable topics, that's why we do our broadcasts, not just to talk. well, iryna answered
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the way she answered, and part of the mass media was disturbed by it, it was not our announcement, it was a piece that was cut out and replicated further on the networks, and it even resulted in the case of the security service of ukraine, regarding ms. iryna and regarding on. as manufacturers of the product where these theses were voiced, i will remind you that it still is there is an ongoing case in which our product, rendvu, and its team, iryna farion, appear as the people who allowed these theses to be heard by ukrainians, well, iryna farion is not there, but i think that a huge layer of her youtube products that related to language, history , that it will be valuable for people, i am very sorry that this happened, i believe that the guilty should be severely
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punished, or was it this guy, well, i am not a court and an investigator in this case, however, i would like to know my opinion, external , certainly each of us sees that it is similar, and find such a chi the intricacies of fate when a person finds himself in mi. of the crime and was there before that and looks very similar to herself and herself from the dnipro and in lviv, well, it is clear that the cause-and-effect relationship gives us suspicions to think that it is so, so condolences to the family of iryna farion, today her daughter saw her in her mother asked the court about the alleged killer, and i see the condition of her relatives, this is a very, very big tragedy. which should not happen in our country and it will not happen unless the russian federation and their henchmen participate in it in social networks that disperse theses,
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disperse conversations in the comments, and all this is happening right now, but every day, that is , every day, millions of dollars are spent on inciting hostility, enemies on social networks, so be careful and do not get carried away by all this, keep a cool head and ... you remember that we have only one enemy, and it is the russian federation, not our differences of opinion on this or that issue, including language. well, those are my thoughts on the matter. thank you, yanina, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko, said that that the suspect in the murder of farion is looking for information about other politicians, and was probably preparing the next, possible action. let's listen to what klymenko said. and pay attention, 21.07 is the day when he left lviv two days, one and a half days after committing the murder, that is, he already... this is his
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psychological portrait, he has already moved on from what he did and was already preparing the next one, perhaps he was preparing the next action, well , this fragment did not enter here, where he says that maksym buzhanskyi could have been there, because he is somewhere google tried to find out who max buzhanskyi is, but in this case andriyu, the minister of foreign affairs and internal affairs, forgive me, says that one and a half days after the murder was committed as a fait accompli, that is, the investigation has not yet been completed, there was no trial yet, and the minister of internal affairs says that , a day and a half after the murder, he was preparing the next possible action, nothing has been proven yet, that is, there are some records, some kgb statutes in the computer , or something there are some methods photocopies, and yesterday we observed...
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how the photo of this suspect appeared in the mass media, which could not have happened without the ministry of internal affairs, as far as it corresponds to the practice and norms of journalistic ethics in this situation, therefore that even yesterday someone wrote that this is a murderer already, and not a suspect, to what extent did the journalists here work correctly and on time? well, i would also like to start with sympathy for the relatives of the murdered, terror is not the methods used by ukrainians, it is very similar to what are the methods used by the russians, we know about political murders in russia, and this is clearly their style, what they do, it is possible by the hands of some mercenaries or people whom they were able to brainwash with propaganda, well, that
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's another story , regarding the actions of ukrainian law enforcement officers, who apparently simply leaked information to journalists about the alleged murderer, well, this is not correct, unfortunately, this practice exists, we have already seen many times when faces are blurred in such a way that it is very easy to guess who is being blurred under hereby face, or when the materials of investigative actions are even merged into the leading media, and such leading media appear as if... with investigations, but we understand that this is not exactly a journalistic investigation, all this information about maids and about various video surveillance cameras, she was brought down by law enforcement, we have such power in law enforcement, they are so strong in order to create the right public opinion, it is not correct to name this
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guy, even if he ... and really will turn out to be a murderer, but at this stage, until the court's decision, it is incorrect to call him a murderer, it is correct to call him a suspect after serving him with a suspicion, well, and about the probable next target, i wanted to say about buzhansky, well, i read a lot on the internet , people do not understand how forion is related , buzhansky, as if they are completely opposite people in terms of political views, how could they be the target of a killer. in my opinion, everything is very logical if your goal is to shake ukrainian society, and for that you need to radicalize people, divide, and just killings from one end of the political spectrum of one figure and killing another figure from the other end of the political spectrum can contribute to this division and radicalization, and can cause such
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a social explosion within. country, i think that this is something that benefits russia, and no matter whose hands this murder was committed, russian interests are behind it. thank you, andrei, yenin, this is the end, very briefly, we have one minute left on the air, i would like to ask you, what do you think about this murder investigation case? irina farion, as with other murders, can be considered political, there were a lot of them in 30 years . and vadym boyko, and georgy ganadze, and vyacheslav chornovol, there were many of these murders, as a rule, some executors were responsible, and sometimes they were not, but we never saw the orderers on the bench, well , given the fact that we have now there is a person involved in the case, regarding whom there is a lot to...


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