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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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the russians from their camps, which are located from mariupol to berdyansk and here further to primorsk, zaporizhzhia region, also began to rake out their mobilized contract workers that they are training here, and even opened another training ground near mariupol, the fourth already, in order to speed up these preparations, and if earlier they kept them for up to a month, let's say during the preparations, now we see that the preparation time has been reduced there to 10-15. days, this means that, in principle, if you put everything together, that on the one hand, russians do not abandon their dreams to start another one there, let's say the point of attack in the direction of zaporozhye, here i think that we differ a little in our plans, but we certainly don't know who, it could be a regional one, and it could be, well, at least our insiders still say about what the russians want from intelligence and advance towards ugladara, i.e. through zaporizhzhia region, towards donetsk region, or to increase. there is
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pressure, but there are not enough people, and with such dynamics, this is how the transfer and simultaneous digging of reserves from the same, in particular region, but from a different part continues now, well at least three weeks there, at least they need to be in such a mode to at least accumulate something, to talk about the fact that they can start something, but the speed, judging by the entire recovery of all units on the front line, well, it clearly does not correspond to their plans, and i think that this is a prerequisite... that somewhere we have to see a mobilization somewhere, and in russia , a much larger mobilization is already complete, let's say it is possible and most likely in the occupied territories as well, because in mariupol, hangings are distributed every day at roadblocks, stand summonses are handed out, and people are already used to it, in principle, the russians use pretty good tactics, sometimes , even if it wasn't for fananas volota, we had to learn, they just got used to it. people, that you are in
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the army, left, with a gang, came, left, and people simply do not make a fuss, so when it is necessary to rob them, they will rob them quickly enough, as they know how, as was the case in donetsk, and there will be no resistance , unfortunately, it is noticeable that dmitry pyaskov, putin's spokesman, today, literally, not yesterday evening , said that about mobilization in general nobody says it doesn't even work, well, they promise to marry, it doesn't mean to marry, this is also a russian proverb, so it's about that, if you recall the situation in the fall of 2022, remember, it also denied mobilization until it began, and then until the rains stopped, then if the mobilization did go, but let's see, i say to them once again, everything is ready, if there was no mobilization there, including, at least in mariupol, they hide it behind migrant purges, what... are they doing fsb officers,
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migration service, military commandant's office together, policemen, all this is coming to places of compact residence, those they call migrants, despite the fact that they all have passports of the russian federation, they are snatched by this asian golden horde 2.0 and then it ends up at the front, the fsb reports that they they were deported somewhere, but for some reason the point of deportation is the neutralization lines of the russian federation of ukraine somewhere in the chasi fyara area, so in this way it also closes. their needs to mobilize assault units, on the other hand, what we see, despite what piskov says, has changed a lot over the last year, the composition of those who enter training and the composition of those who go to the reserves in already formed units, if a year ago we still had buryat eyes, there are some asian part, caucasian part, now the people are essentially slavic in appearance, this means that they rushed to rake out the european part, and where they did not collect their own meat before, but there they already collect... nobody, because
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the entire infrastructure is simply flaky and critical there, no one will work at all, that's why it is very, very common here , and surprisingly, we maybe we will find the time when the first resource that will really start to run out in russia, a free resource, it will be people, and they will be forced to just collect them, i think that this is what should happen, it does not mean that they will run out people, they will run out of approaches, in what way they collect them, and if we say... about some kind of infrastructure in the city, about the economy of the city, that is, before the city-forming enterprise was azovstal, is it now being restored by the occupiers, at what expense why is the city budget being filled now? the budget is filled at the expense of a subsidy from the russian federation, all these small enterprises located in the city of mariupli paid a total of 170,000 rubles to the local budget in six months. well, it’s nothing at all, half
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less, it’s about 100 hryvnias, it came from all these merchants who work in mariupol, no enterprises are working, and such a crisis, considering that... they almost turned and finished all repair and construction works in a big way, even the russians themselves they are now trying to sell concrete lines to each other, these concrete factories, which they used to produce to each other in their time, because it is standing and does not actually work, that is why there is no economy, there will be none, and it is dead, they have reached the point when even, as it happens, they invite private demining companies, then cut to... talbroft, whatever, the private companies refused because they passed the breakeven point, meaning demining for steel is more expensive than even the profit that you will receive later from the scrap metal, then it just stands abandoned, there are a couple of points, the point russians are based there, but mostly they are there from the point of view of presence, or
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to protect the plant itself from the fact that someone would jump in and cut something on the pavement, then blow up and created additional problems for them , in fact, considering the factories... to the military logistics base finally, that is, given that now we are again at the point of almost a new conflict between pushilin and kadyrov, in fact, they cannot export even metal scrap, again they are blocked, pushilin blocked kadyrov's opportunity to export total scrap metal, there are arrests of kadyrivites directly around the city, so there is definitely no economy there, everything else is at the level of promises, some kind of wishful thinking, well, it's almost like the colonization of mars at that level. promises are still being made today, they even have shipping, for the last month, we have not seen a single ship, despite the fact that they will try to bring grain to the port, but they do not enter the port here, it is even less than last year, i.e. incomprehensible things happen directly
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with mariupol, with the economy, and perhaps they have understood, and it is all standing and everything has frozen, that is, not to mariupol for the russians now, and that is actually good, well... what is left in mariupol is probably there, for example, there is there, did he stay in the occupation or did he stay in the occupation, i don’t know, the state university named after kuinji, eh, no, he didn’t stay, he left, the fact that they stole the name sumy, even renamed it, it’s not our state university, but this is the case with young people, and a lot of young people leave, in fact they have reached the age of 18, try to leave, many of us we help to unofficially get to the territory of either europe or ukraine, or they did not remain, but on the other hand , we must say that this really russian propaganda machine is a repressive soviet one, it is quite effective, if you give the numbers, then it seems to me that everyone
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knows yunmia , this putin is a youth of the 21st century, so last year in two large districts, our mariupol with mariupol district and volnovakha with volnovakh district. there were approximately 45 children in the youth army, plus or minus one or two children, today this youth group consists of 600 children, they are all in camps, in former children's camps, on the coast of the sea of ​​azov in the mariupol district, but now, it is actually trained by the russian military every day, they are taught to mine, they are taught to clear mines, they are taught to shoot, that is these are not wooden machine guns and assembly-disassembly of one kalashnikov for everyone, this is a full-fledged military... training that, well, is not even compared to the soviet union in the last years of the npr, yes, we had it there, this, this absolute militarization, and the same story with other children, that is, what the russians are actually doing, they refused the push of mariupol, they refused to re-educate all russians
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of adult age, let's say, this is the language we are talking about, and well, any age, and 25 plus this is no longer their target audience, for them... ukrainians and they turned a blind eye to them, they work exclusively with children, that is, up to 18 years old, and this is a really healthy propaganda machine, which is actually managed by lviv-bilov, and here the camps in and in russia, and camps in presov oblast, well actually, yes, the numbers, here i am giving, there were 45 children, and now there are 600 children, and it's only been a year, what will be next year, and this is only one structure, we have a junmia working directly in mariupol. then there is the young guard for older children, this is a kind of komsomol, there is a komsomol, no wonder, there is a movement, it is generally a separate story of career growth directly in russia, all this works at the same time, and from the new year, from
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september 1 mass training is already underway, parents have been proven that their child cannot but be a member of one of these organizations, that is, in addition to the fact that in schools, lessons are always important, conversations are important. all kinds of extracurricular reading, and they are equal in number and lessons, actually, in terms of re-education of children, and children must be members of these militarized and political organizations, well, that is, they are scary. things, in fact, it is probably that after the mass murder of ukrainians, this is the second most important, i can even equal to it , the war crime of the russian federation, which they commit every day. and here is your opinion, by the way, i wonder if we should act symmetrically, or should we in fact, there are some completely, completely different matters to be engaged in, how do we prepare our, our children, our youth for the war with russia, because i really do not think that it is possible to end the war with russia... now, i mean, you know, this thesis, let's end the war now so that our children don't fight, you know,
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you don't believe in such a thing, well, you want to believe, but it's difficult, at the same time, well, anyway, it seems to me that we don't need to engage in excessive militarization, militarization is a fun story of development, but this is a slightly different situation, the militarization of the soviet union is not led to the defeat of the soviet union, he still... fell asleep, we must educate citizens, ukrainians must be free, it must be fashionable, and in my opinion, we must solve the main problem with our children, which leads to the possibility of re-educating them like this by russians, these are two cultural stories, yes, we should have much more cultural events, i mean not official culture, as we understand it, well, sorry, we should not put on an opera, yes, classically, our children should be mother s.. .it 's easier not to access modern pop culture like they say, and on the one hand, on the other hand
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, the number one problem is low mobility. our children, like our adults, travel very little, i mean even before a full-scale invasion, if we solve this issue and open the world and ukraine to our children and the outside, and it is organized so that it does not happen that parents are forced collect money for a whole year and still can't send a child, even to a conditional school, i don't know, from mariupol to lviv. not to mention abroad, if these issues are resolved, everything else will be added, that is, the war with russia, and the ability to resist, it is due to the fact that we value our own values, and not because we have to be very good at assembling a machine gun, all other things will be learned, military training is already for adult children, which is foreseen, it will be so, after this war the attitude towards it will also be different, i am sure, and we have to think about how to grow citizens, how to grow valuable people and how
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to add to our people what are real european values, and not as if on the one hand we we teach the same in ukrainian russian narratives, and there are traditional family values ​​that no one really understands, so in this country they tell me that this is the solution to this problem that exists, and i see who is leaving, what i say is that... from experience, we communicate with our children, 90% of our children who escape from mariupol, on their own, believe me, they escape, these are children who traveled before, children who did not leave mariupol, now such eyes are opened after the russians bring them to st. petersburg, they are shown, and they do not want to go anywhere, st. petersburg is now theirs the bar of their limits, yes, what they are, and from the point of view of propaganda, we should also use children, our mariupol children communicate with each other... with each other better than us, and if we show them the world, they report, because what is important for children , well, not even
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st. petersburg, even well, i don’t know, no, not some precious things, but freedom is important to them, we were all teenagers and we understand how it was, and at the level of these values, our children win and reforge and convince children from mariupol to study, not all, but at least these are definitely positive cases about what they say how we should move, this is the experience we have... just scale to the level of the state, and we ourselves have to knock out a little, emasculate this russian world, this scoop in which we, some were born, some grew up, some absorbed this russian culture, because children, you can’t take them by tricks either, they feel that if parents speak russian, but they say that you need to love and respect ukrainian, learn ukrainian, well, it won’t work if parents listen to russian music, and children they say no, well you... don't listen anymore, here i am like that, i'm just older, what are you going to take from me, and you, you don't listen, well, that
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won't work either, it's like telling a child, you know, you can't, i don't know, throw out garbage and at the same time take and throw out garbage, and the child sees it, the child simply reads it, sir, mr. peter, thank you for the conversation, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, i was in touch with us, we talked about mariupol, we will visit you later on sumac. but stay with us after a short break. there are discounts representing the only discounts on enterojermina 15. education is the future of every country, which is changing in ukrainian schools, what will the university of tomorrow look like, the country is immersed in the world of educational transformations, we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children, from elementary school to higher school, explore the labyrinths of educational
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the program is on air. club on espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals. russia is already on the verge of running out of resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, read the whole thing. help understand the present and predict the future offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:00 on espresso.
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verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, but for her borders, then who is china, it hurts me, all this is in the information marathon with mykola veresnem, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15
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at espresso. dear friends, we are coming back, and sumyshchyna is in touch with us. andriyana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and member of the board of the sumy region intelligence public organization, is already with us. mrs. andriana, good morning, good morning, how did the night pass in sumy oblast, please tell me, well, we live in constant such anxiety, in fact, we periodically observe an increase in the intensity of shelling in sumy oblast, for now we see that things have calmed down somewhat enemies and probably switched their attention a little to other areas, but despite everything, shelling of the border areas took place in the past day, in particular, krasnopillya, pilopillya, esmanska hromad, shostkina hromad were traditionally affected, the enemy is actually trying to depopulate the border areas, those settlements
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that are located within a ten-kilometer radius. zone and e-e these attacks traditionally take place through drones, through artillery and mortars, that is, this is actually the story every day, every day we observe, and the evacuation from those areas that are constantly under russian shelling, it takes place, continues, where these people are taken next, again, this correlates with the intensity of the shelling. if a certain territorial community suffers more and more massively, there is mass shelling, then people make a decision, evacuate... in the spring, we observed this in the velykppisarivsk community, and a large part of the people left on their own, and local self-government bodies actually organized
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evacuations and such e- e brigades in order to bring out people who could not do it on their own to do, now actually everyone who left, who wanted to leave, left, uh, it's already left... well, very much, in particular, if we 're talking about the five-kilometer zone, then in general there are people left who, well, for whatever - under what circumstances do they refuse to leave, there are very few of them, that's why, when the intensity increases, then people agree to leave, there are such opportunities, volunteers and local self-government bodies work, they help people organize routes, actually... but, but now we see that few people agree to decide. you can, that's all i would like to ask, ms. andriana, it’s not really about sums, it’s more of an
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all-ukrainian topic, but i’m interested in how much we have the opportunity to communicate with representatives of, i don’t know, intellectual elites of different regions, i’m interested ms. andriana, your opinion, yesterday we saw the press conference of the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, the murder that shook all of ukraine, iryna farion and... who was quite a person with possibly controversial political views at times and very sharp in her language boundless devotion to to to to to the purity of the ukrainian language and so on, she was very worried about it, being a philologist or philologist to say correctly , she did not like collecvals. then the deputy minister of internal affairs said that this boy, whom they suspect is actually his father, is fighting for him, and he
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loves ukraine very much and believes that he did everything right, that is, he killed by killing iryna farion, by committing this attempt, by shooting her in the temple, if it is, well, who did it, the truth is, to a 60-year-old woman, a professor, and and and he thinks. who did it right, we saw recently the assassination attempt on trump, for example, and in the united states, too, when someone thinks that this bullet can be stopped, and we see some assassinations that are carried out, again, for example, the services, we do not we know, and we see some terrorist attacks happening on the territory of russia and so on, i'm just trying to say, but i'm interested in the most important thing. the question is when, if this guy is really the one who shot the verena farion, if he really believes that he is
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a patriot of ukraine and he loves her, then what ukraine he loves, iryna farion loved, then what ukraine you and i love, that is, do we have very different images of these ukraines, like let us then agree among ourselves, see, in this story. there are two, two points that need to be focused on: the first point that unpunished evil, in particular a full-scale invasion, in fact, when the whole world is watching, the destruction, the destruction of ukrainians, the destruction of ukraine, when, in fact, we see that there are no such effective, tools in of modern democracy, which could... stop this unjust war and stop the murders of ukrainians, and this opened everything up, it opened up a certain right to use radical
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methods, to use force in order to convey one's history, to convey one's truth, to promote certain some ideas of your own, actually while, well actually, maybe it sounds like this... not related, but actually in a situation where the world is watching a war, violence becomes the norm, and especially with people who maybe, maybe not quite understand the value of human life, therefore, unfortunately, we in the world and in ukraine will also observe stories when, when in fact, people will allow such audacious acts to be committed, and on the other hand, well, in fact, do we really have in our in the state,
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in society, what is ukraine, what should ukraine be, what is the role of ukrainian culture, how should we identify ourselves as ukrainians, this is the question that we could not give ourselves an answer to during the entire period of independence, and probably this when we need to open a public discussion you need to start communicating, actually choose for yourself... a certain model of nationality, actually, is it a ukrainian who actually stands, who are ukrainians, are they those who stand for the national language, for the national culture, but along with whether can he, can we be tolerant, tolerant of actually other points of view, apparently, if we are moving towards a democratic europe, the issue of tolerance,
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the issue of...tolerance should also be openly talked about and there is no such position. a difficult question, but in any case, a political one is being created now nation, because if we talk about a nation nationally, an ethnic nation, everything here is simple, but at the same time impossibly complicated. i don't know, even one of the most prominent ukrainian philologists, yuriy shivelyov, was hardly a very ethnic ukrainian with such. you know, with undisturbed roots there, so to speak, and probably in the 21st century, to seriously talk about some kind of nation-building on ethnic grounds, it makes no sense, and in this sense, and that is why we understand that some theses, probably ms. irina forion could be somewhat outdated, outdated and, but on the other hand we are too
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understand that if we cannot distinguish. and to distance ourselves from that, from that russian or separate identity, then we will never be able to close this case of beli, that is, the reason for the war, the fact that the russians, in particular with putin in particular, say that we are one people, and sometimes it really looks like an argument , when it turns out that we have a lot in common in culture, from pop culture to some kind of , i don't know, heritage. around goval and so on, this is literally a moment of reinterpretation of her national identity en masse, apparently it started after the full-scale invasion, many cultural figures, many ordinary ukrainians began to say what they felt, began to feel themselves ukrainians, rethought their state, their identity, rethought their
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nationality, actually... but on the other hand, nowhere people did not share with others, with other political views, with a different identity, and this discussion will continue, for now, due to the sounds of explosions, this discussion has died down, but when the actual peace time begins, we, we, unfortunately, will be forced to negotiate, negotiate. and for sure we have to make a decision that you cannot kill for a different point of view, for sure, for sure, even for radical views that i personally may not like and may be disturbing for our country, for sure the value of life should be higher, ms. andriano, thank you, thank you, andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and member of the board of the public organization intellect of sumy region was with us, dear friends, and now we are approaching 9 o'clock, and 9 o'clock
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all... of ukraine, we bow our heads in a moment of silence for those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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