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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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the public organization intellect of the sumy region was with us, dear friends, and now we are approaching 9 o'clock, at 9 o'clock all over the country we bow our heads in a moment of silence for those ukrainians whose lives were taken by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that was... unleashed by russia.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokupoyas works in the studio. on the front , the pokrovsky direction in donetsk remains the hottest. the russians are concentrating everyone there attacks this was stated by president volodymyr zelenskyi in his traditional video message. the head of state held a meeting with the defense minister and the commander-in-chief on strengthening ukrainian positions. about the new
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defense packages for ukraine, what we are preparing with our partners, it is important that our soldiers get exactly what is necessary, in these conditions of very tough battles and pressure from the russian army, in particular with the minister and with the military command, we analyze in detail situation in difficult directions, two women and a man were wounded as a result of shelling of the zaporizhzhia district, this was announced by the head of the regional military administration , ivan fedorov. the russians shelled 10 settlements, inflicting more than 400 hits. in particular , the air force attacked kamianske, lobkovo and malynyvtsi. 50 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed. eight people were injured as a result of enemy shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers aimed at a critical infrastructure facility and a sports complex, and also hit. in residential quarters, in particular
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a high-rise building and three private houses, this was announced by the head of the regional military oleksandr prokudin administration, damaged car washes, garage, buses and ambulance . and within a day, our soldiers eliminated another 1,210 russians, in total, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion on ukrainian land, more than 573,000 occupiers have died. the armed forces burned 11 tanks, invaders, 24 units of combat armored vehicles, 86 units of automobiles and three special vehicles. they no longer attack our positions, 45 artists, 53 drones and one missile, another air defense device, will not protect the russians from danger, the general staff notes, all data indicative and drones attacked ryazan, explosions rang out near the diaghilev airfield, tut-22 bombers and
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il-78 tankers could fly there. a civilian repair plant is also located not far from the air base , local telegram channels reported. according to the ministry of defense of the country of terrorists, air defense destroyed 21 drones in the bryansk region, seven over the kursk region, three over bilhorodskaya, two over rostovskaya and one over lypytskaya. karma udiya in the chelyabinsk region of russia. broke the dam on kialimsky reservoirs, four settlements were under water. the russian ministry of emergency situations has declared a state of emergency. the water level rose by almost 7 m. in order to protect themselves, local residents climbed onto the roofs of houses. rescuers evacuated about 200 people. donald trump was actually hit by a bullet. this information was confirmed by the federal bureau of investigation in kuho of the presidential candidate was hit in battle,
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whole or broken into small pieces. the bullet was fired from the dead attacker's rifle. this statement by the fbi was made after discussions in american society. let me remind you that two weeks ago, an unknown person shot trump during a speech in pennsylvania. to stop exports to russia, the head of eu diplomacy, josep borel, called on china to contribute to the peace process in ukraine. this happened during a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of china, the ministry of foreign affairs of the european union reported. borel urged the chinese official to use his influence with moscow to end the war. he also expressed concern about exports of goods to russia of double value. it is these products that the occupiers process into military equipment. us deputy commerce minister marysa lago made an important visit to kyiv. at a press conference in the capital, the woman said that the us commerce department is already planning
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to help rebuild ukraine. and heeding the warnings of president zelensky, the united states and its partners are absolutely not waiting for the end of the war to start. reconstruction planning. supporting ukraine is more than just right. it is an investment in transatlantic security and the democratic values ​​we all hold dear. my team at the ministry of trade, international trade management, specializes in facilitating international trade and investment. for us, this unwavering commitment to ukraine means connecting american companies to urgent needs, such as oboro. tax and duties on energy equipment are abolished. the law was signed by president volodymyr zelenskyi. the new amendments refer to the preferential import of power generation equipment, batteries and equipment for wind and solar generation. the document also cancels customs duties on
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the import of electronic warfare equipment, tactical headphones, military purpose, as well as components for the production and repair of demining machines. the fertility law on... july 27, however , the government will develop a regulatory framework within a month. but whether social facilities are accessible to people with disabilities is being tested in kirovohrad oblast. among activists, people with reduced mobility and blind people, the biggest obstacle to their full life is physical barriers. our journalists know how many shortcomings were discovered in the village of kompaniivka. the most pressing issue is availability, they say activists, standing in towns and villages, so we went to check in kompaniivka, which is 40 km from kropyvnytskyi, they started monitoring from the village council, in the same building of tsnap,
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there is a ramp and a call button at the entrance, then you have to go up the stairs, the toilet is on the second floor, the door for a person in a wheelchair is too narrow, there are no warning signs and no direction for the blind. you can go in and immediately understand that the toilet is not accessible to groups of people with limited mobility, first of all, the width of the door, well, there are even adults here, the social security administration checked, the ramp is here too steep, the railing is too wide for a person to hold on to, on the approach to the ramp it's emergency. there are no directional elements and tactile tiles, the call button does not work. andrii kishavar says: accessibility is the ability to do without outside help and feel fully capable. no need for pity - says the man, it is necessary to create conditions for people
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with disabilities. first of all, the speed, how do i get home sooner, to work, how is there a tactile tile, a voiced traffic light, i will repeat myself once more. it is more convenient, an outsider's no help needed. the conclusion of the monitoring is disappointing. the companionway for people with disabilities is uncomfortable. activists submitted their recommendations for improving the situation to the local authorities. what we saw was deep sadness. absolutely, the facilities are not adapted so that people with disabilities can come and get certain services, get quality, affordable education. now. it already hurts when people come to war without limbs, but in kirovohrad oblast little has been done for people with disabilities and for our heroes who came from the war on wheelchairs, that's why right now, this is a glaring issue that the government should do to us.
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the village council agrees with the activists' conclusions and promises to work on the shortcomings. there have been no such cases when someone did not get into our premises. it happens, grandmother, come, give me a hand, i can't go out, please, we didn't have such problems, and we didn't have any appeals about this, that someone ee, well, how ee... they didn't provide help, so appeals to the leadership of the village council no , there was no, there was no, and there will be no more in six months the monitoring group plans to return to the company, activists hope that their recommendations will be taken into account. according to the regional military administration , more than 36,000 people with disabilities live in kirovohrad oblast. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. espresso tv channel and vesna charity fund. opened fundraising for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate
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storm brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the zsu. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom and the future it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. there is a lot of loss in these brigades and resources need to be replenished. they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering the enemy. these technologies are critically important for the protection of our soldiers, you and i need to collect 3.5 million hryvnias, so, remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we are with you see you in less than an hour. later , my colleagues lesya vakolyuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air. dear friends,
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we return and continue, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio we work for you all day long, this is how we work on weekends, our first part of the marathon will last until 11:00, and then we will return at 2 p.m. and continue, so we hope that you will spend this day... also with us, and we hope that on this day we will collect more money than, for example, on the previous one, we will collect for the right thing, not even one, we are collecting for drones and for rep systems, yesterday you and i collected 41, dear friends, this is a good result, it is more than the previous day, there were something like 30 or something thousands, i want to thank you for this, because... you you actively donated yesterday and i hope that you will do it just as actively today. there is no card number, i remind you, there is
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only a qr code, and i know that those qr codes make some of our viewers a little nervous, because they do not know how to deal with them, so you can just take a picture of our screen now, and when somewhere see someone younger who deals with those qr codes, show him this picture and let him help you read that qr code, well, maybe someone has already shown you, told you, and you already know how it works, and it turns out that that you found out for yourself that it works even easier than with that card number, enter it, transfer it, in short, in any case, either scan it now or take a picture for yourself later, transfer a few hryvnias, because it is for three brigades, this is for the third separate assault unit, for the 110th and for the 47th, this assembly, and in general, we want to collect as much as 3.5 million hryvnias, we started this collection this week, because... this week we completed two previous collections and closed the collection for quad bikes and also the collection
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for drones for our art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, those two previous collections were huge 4 million each, so i think that we will definitely collect these three 15 million with you, for this week we managed to accumulate 129,243 hryvnias. already this morning we collected uah 300. well, i think there will be more, and let's make it so that there will be more than yesterday, and the day before yesterday, let me remind you, there were 41. the guys for whom we collect beautiful ones, you and i can look at them and listen to them. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need... means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaze drones. we really
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appreciate your help. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. you see, she didn't make a fool of herself, the same thing she was talking about was confirmed by the guys for whom are collecting, so join in, the qr code for your convenience is along our ether right here in the corner and from time to time i make such reminders. well, now we will talk about oleksandrsko kharkiv oblast. a deputy of the kharkiv regional council joins us. mr. oleksandr, good morning, did you and the residents of kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, moscow, get a good night's sleep tonight. good morning. glory to ukraine, yes, today is a very calm night, only there were reports that shahedas were flying in the region, we did not hear any explosions, except for the front line, which the entire kharkiv region especially the northern ones, the northern part of the city feels it, because the lipetsk
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station is close to us, and we constantly hear the work of the rszv, we constantly hear how they work. but this night was calm and the people of kharkiv, i think, i think that with a good mood, with a sense of humor, went into the weekend, in security, without security and slept peacefully, and this is very very important for us, because lately, well, it's actually very difficult, difficult with intensive arrivals, and the most important thing is that there, for example, there was... the longest, longest anxiety in the city of kharkiv for more than two days, and it’s simple, we can no longer even understand whether we are in a state of alarm or we are in a mode without alarm, because it is practically impossible to track when the alarm is going on for two days, but in the city, the spirit of freedom reigns in the city, the spirit of summer, everyone
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feels free, you know? freely and we believe that such a picture has gone viral, when in one of the coffee shops the internal camera captures the moment when the guys, one of them prepares coffee, and the other prepares some kind of sandwich, and the moment of arrival, when both of them are not even quite they reacted to the arrival, well, there was simply no reaction, as everyone continued to do it, so the prodov continued to do it without anyone. there is even an element of fear, and this, you know , this, this really scares me personally, because people completely stopped reacting to the arrival, to the air alarm, because it is impossible to be in shelter, and this is exactly this story, you know , she is very revealing,
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and this is, you know, this is the whole of kharkiv, because when you sit in a coffee shop. and there is an arrival, then the waiters, for example, say, look, this already arrived, already, already everything, well, it, it already arrived, it already, it already happened, so let’s go on, cameraman, but the barista’s hand didn’t even tremble, but you tell it, mr. oleksandr, on the one hand, and it makes me kind of proud of our people for being so tough, and on the other hand i get goosebumps because it's not... the norm, no, it's actually not the norm and it scares me because people, as much as they have already gotten used to it during this time, you can't get used to war, well, you don't need to, it's the 21st century, no you can get used to an underground school, you can't get used to life underground, you can't get used to war, it's simply unacceptable,
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but the fact remains that in the 2.5 years of war there, while it's going on, kharkiv is constantly... under fire , we haven't forgotten the 22nd year, when in the 22nd year, when our artillery simply destroyed the northern saltivka constantly there, these were artillery flights, every 10 minutes, so how much is it, how much are the people before that used to it being simply scary, but not, nevertheless, you you know, this term is indomitable kharkiv, well, it didn't just appear on... a flat place, it appeared on the fact that these are really people, people are like that, this is their essence, this is their mentality, these are people who do not be afraid, these are people who understand that the enemy, the enemy, yesterday at one of the conferences we held in the city council, we talked about the fact that if we
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do not now talk about restoration, talk about our future, do some projects, then we will be forced to admit that we lost, why? because what if if you don't if you don't look to the bright future and don't plan your life, then you bring the fact to yourself that the enemy still forced you to leave your dreams, leave your home, leave your thoughts, leave the opportunity, give yourself the opportunity to think about what may be occupation, no. you can't, you can, you need to deal with development, you need to look to the bright future, plan for recovery, plan how we will live when these damned orcs just get rid of us... just get rid of us, we already want them to get rid of us , but, well, for example the military says that on the contrary, they are transferring
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forces from the depths of russia to our direction, on lypka, on vovchansk, on borova, on kupensk, all the same, they dream that they will reach some line where they can work around the city with artillery , they have it right in... it is written in their goal of this offensive, after all, they periodically go to the drg, on this, this week was again behind the drg in the zolochiv district in sotnytskyi kazachok, this is a gray area, which is very close to borders, and they constantly do it there is a lot of admiration for this small, completely populated place, there are actually a few houses and... the area there is 1.4 km, but they need it very much for propaganda in order to tell their lecturers
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that they are in the post to the constant capture of the territory, which in their understanding is called liberation, and when they enter a certain square meter, a certain square meter, they constantly trumpet there in all their social networks on television that this is how they are... engaged in liberating us, ukrainians from everything in there are us in fact, they free us from everything we have, from a peaceful life, from a calm, beautiful city of kharkiv, from, i know, there from the fact that we plan to have children, live peacefully, happily, and in a super wonderful city , that's why i think that the people of kharkiv, it's really, it's... really the matter is, you know, look at it, well, no, no, no, not very correct from the point of view of
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peace of mind, because everything is even, as practice shows that if we do not go to shelter, there is a possibility that it will fly to any part of the city today, and this week we have there are, for example, they got to the office of the swiss deminers. this is a targeted strike on the humanitarian mission, on the mission of people engaged in demining, on the swiss mission, which is engaged in demining on the territory of kharkiv region, they hit the house of volunteer yuriy sapronov, and this is a targeted, clear, direct strike on the yard, because in therefore, in the area where he lives, there are absolutely no ... military or infrastructural information facilities there, well, there is absolutely nothing, and it got there, it cannot be a coincidence, because they got right into the yard, today they have already
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taken the terrorists to a new level, this is intimidation of humanitarian missions, intimidation of the volunteer movement, but i will tell you that for us and for all volunteers and for all people, by the way, there is a lot in the city ... and the un, i see, we see cars, and the osce, and other organizations, in fact there are many of them, but this, this only makes us more united, more powerful, and we understand that the enemy is just coming already to absolutely to to extreme cases, when they just hit each other humanitarian missions, it's just the last, the last thing you can do when you 're in a state of war, and you're like that, and you're like that... you tell yourself on television that you want to free someone there, and you're like that exclusively you are on a military facility, they are there, it is their paradigm of these
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stories, it is only that they are the headquarters of the administration, by the way, they talked about this swiss office on television and on telegram channels that this is exactly ee... but, the truth, the truth is different, this is a completely humanitarian mission of demining on kharkiv oblast is therefore an enemy, and you know, this, it cannot but please the fact that they are simply reaching extreme measures, this indicates that they are powerless, they are powerless at the front with our military, and they are already getting there of his last arguments, it's about... simply beating volunteers for missions, humanitarian missions. mr. oleksandr, actually volunteer yuriy sapronov wrote a post that he was very touched by people's support,
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because many people responded. and want to help him, he says: i won't do it for myself to accept help personally, but i will accept it at a gathering, he is such a volunteer soul, but listen, but you say that they killed, for example, at point of view in his yard, hit this humanitarian mission, someone instigated it, well, look , it’s very simple, well , in fact, let’s be honest, frank, well, according to my estimates, somewhere around 2-3% of the population are... closed in communication and in society and are simply supporters of the russian world, no matter what, and about this is what a large number of criminal cases tell us, when we are our security service, counterintelligence they are simply caught by the fact that they transmit information about the movement
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of military equipment. about the presence in this or that city of our military or the same humanitarian mission, by the way, the humanitarian mission, she was the official tenant, the tenant of this premises, she has such, you know, special cars, where one of the parts, one of the parts of the body red, and they are very visible in the general flow of traffic, the cars are written who... what is this, this is a european approach, so to transmit data, what exactly, exactly this, exactly this mission was in this place, well, you understand that it is not a warehouse, it does not make any, no hard work, therefore collaborators, collaborators and people who are waiting, they, they really work, unfortunately, they work, and the security service constantly catches them, and as for the volunteer, well, he...
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a completely public person is constantly in the media field, and it is absolutely not difficult to determine his place of residence, so i believe that there are enough collaborators in the kharkiv region, and everyone should be careful, of course, yes, mr. oleksandr, thank you for conversation, thank you for this story about kharkiv, i think that the people of kharkiv who are watching us today will be satisfied, because you know, we are talking about kharkiv for the third day. and for two days there were discussions about the names of the streets, not today, today we will not touch on it, because there is no, there is no time, and the residents of kharkiv threw at us, saying, well, what do you say, what is the difference to you, whether the street is friendly or the alley is friendly or named after the city barbara, when kharkiv is constantly under fire and we have to talk about underground schools, underground kindergartens and so on, well, i briefly, if i may comment, i understand
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that we already talk about this a lot, i personally think that it is very important, well, it is very important, well, for example, the name of the street is where i live, practically in in this area, hrytsivtsa street, which was renamed to the 92nd brigade street, it is very important for me, and it is very important for the people of kharkiv, well, there the malyshev factory was renamed to zavodskaya street, it is a metro station, it is also important for me, and i, personally , have always fought for... that we should undergo decommunization, that there would be no russisms, that we no no, well no, were not, were not named learn in instead of when, instead of your history, we have enough people, enough people whom we forget by the way, enough heroes of today's war, after whom streets should be named, us, us that sovietism is
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simply not... and if we do not move in this direction, this is one of the elements of what i was talking about, if we do not move in this direction, then we must say for ourselves that we are waiting for something , since we are not engaged in decommunization, sovietism is going, you understand, so what are we waiting for, and what are we we are waiting, and we are waiting for the victory of the armed forces of ukraine and renaming the streets, as it is necessary, mr. oleksandr, thank you, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of kharkiv oblast. where he was with us, we talked about kharkiv and the fact that, unfortunately, a small number of people remain, but there are those people who point russian rockets, and these russian rockets then hit homes, volunteers or humanitarian, office of humanitarian missions, let's go now for a short break, we'll be back, we'll talk more about volunteering, volunteering with a smile on your face, stay with us.


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