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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EEST

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appears on your screens and we will listen to what happened there in ukraine and the world. katya, you have a word, congratulations. greetings lasya, greetings andriy, let's quickly tell the most important news at the moment and why high-rise buildings are exploding in russia. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. our defenders of the sky destroyed 13 enemy targets during the day. this was reported in the air force. at night , the russians launched four rockets from primorsko-okhtarsk and an kh-59 rocket from the temporarily occupied part of zaporizhzhya region all targets were shot down within dnipropetrovsk, poltava, kharkiv and kyiv regions. also. south and
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northeast directions. and two women and a man were injured as a result of shelling in the zaporizhzhia district. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the russians shelled 10 settlements, inflicting more than 400 hits. in particular , the air force attacked kamianske, lubkovo and malynyvtsi. 50 residential buildings were destroyed and. infrastructure objects. eight people were injured as a result of enemy shelling kherson region. the occupiers hit a critical infrastructure facility and a sports complex, and also hit residential quarters, including a high-rise building and three private houses. this was noted by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. damaged car washes, garage, buses and ambulances . and all our people, because of the shelling
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, offers to convert them into donations for our defenders. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigades of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. there is a lot of loss in these brigades and it is necessary. renewal of resources, they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, these technologies are critically important for the protection of our soldiers, our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer, together we will be able to protect those who protect, and one over lipetsk but in ulyanovsk, russia, a high-rise building exploded. the reason is the use of moonshine. device this
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is reported by the local media. as a result of the powerful explosion, three apartments caught fire. the fire covered 200 meters. rescuers took people from the upper floors. it is known that three people died, among them a two-year-old child, and three more people were hospitalized with burns. stop exports to russia. the head of eu diplomacy, josep borael, called on china to contribute to the peace process in ukraine. this happened during a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs. donnih affairs of china was reported in the specialized service of the european union. borel urged the chinese official to use his influence with moscow to end the war. he also expressed concern about the export of dual purpose goods to russia. it is these products that the occupiers process into military equipment. for the third year , anzhel nepochatov from kropyvnytskyi is looking for a son. the defender went missing during hostilities in the kharkiv region. it helps a woman to hold on. has creativity, painting gives
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a resource to live and hope, our journalists will tell the mother's story. the history of this the paintings, unfortunately, are not as beautiful as we would like, she fit in at the moment when our city was under racist shelling, and sat, worked, and there were such explosions, that's all. life angela nepochatova worked in trade, she picked up a brush only two years ago, it is therapy for me personally, it distracts from bad thoughts, first of all, you are focused on the work itself, i love nature, i love flowers, of course, then desire learn to draw portraits of people, animals, despite the bright colors on cloth... in the life of mrs. angela, there was a very difficult
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period, her only son went missing, he was 20 at the time. my son went to serve before the full-scale invasion. september of the 21st year, and already met the war interrupting on rotation in donetsk region. at the end of march 22, the boys were in kharkiv oblast, where he also disappeared from me. the third year of searching, waiting, worries is already underway. at some point, the woman turned to a psychologist, together they found. what helps her to hold on, we have been working for a month, andrii asks me, what now i want more than anything, i say draw, i say, well, you told me that you draw, let’s try, and gradually, gradually, well
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, at first there were children’s drawings, and i tried gouache and watercolors, then it became, well, i decided to try already and acrylic. a person lives in a state of uncertainty, he does not know how it will all end, and we always hope to the last that everything will be resolved as it should be, accordingly, in hope we form certain attitudes that we must wait, we must be in a good state , you have to support yourself for this, because the loved one who returns must see that he was expected here, and that it was all in accordance with... for his sake. currently, the woman from kropyvnych has already created a series of paintings, dedicated them to the ukrainian army. this picture is my favorite and dearest because i painted it on my child's birthday, when he turned 22. he was born to me
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in the winter, when there was very, very heavy snow, he loves snow. angela nepochatova does not lose hope for her son's return, she believes that one day he will definitely see these canvases. from kropyvnytskyi, for the espresso tv channel. the deputy minister of commerce of the united states, marisa lago, made an important visit to kyiv. at a press conference in the capital, the woman said that the ministry of commerce of the united states is already planning to help in the reconstruction of ukraine. and heeding president zelensky's warnings, the united states and its partners are not waiting at all. the end of the war to begin planning for reconstruction. supporting ukraine is more than just right. it is an investment in the transatlantic security and democratic values ​​that we all share much appreciated my team at the department
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of commerce, international trade administration, specializes in international trade and investment promotion. for us, this unshakable commitment to ukraine means connecting american companies to our... needs, such as defense and energy. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see each other in less than an hour. later , my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy will be waiting for you on the air saichuk. dear friends, we are back in ether, this is the final hour of our first part in the espresso marathon. today, i would like to remind you that andriy saichuk, lesya vakulyuk, we are working for you all day today, we will finish this hour, then we will go for a short break, prepare for the next part and
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at 2 pm we will return and continue. thank you for the 13+13 hryvnias you donated this morning, but don't hold back, because you remember, we want to go out. by a higher rate than yesterday, yesterday we had it together with yours help, 41 00 hryvnias we collect for good guys, and now i suggest you look at those guys and listen to them, what they really need. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines. we urgently need your help, we need the means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small vehicle and komikatsi drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so three brigades are asking for drones and rep systems, this is the third
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a separate stormtrooper it's 110 and 47 dear friends please join no card number sorry no but there is a qr code here it is and from time to time it also appears on your screens as a reminder , and you can take a picture of that qr code, if you don't know how to scan it, let someone younger show you, and at the same time... show younger ukrainians that it is necessary to support our army and that the war continues, and we must together with us, with our defenders, to stand side by side, so that they feel that we do not forget that the battles are taking place on the front line, and now we will talk with gennady khazanov, the president of the ukrainian aviation association of pilots and aircraft owners, oh, how is it deciphered there, mr. gennady, tell me, the association of private pilots and... mutual, glad to see, i haven’t visited you for a long time,
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i wish you all the best, both for you and your viewers and listeners of your channel, well , let’s start with the good, well, it’s good for us, not so good for the russians, the minister of defense of russia and the governor bryansk region from... not so much with the russian surname bogomas stated that allegedly ukrainian drones carried out a massive attack on the bryansk region, and as a result, several municipal districts of the bryansk region suffered, suffered this attack, and there are already videos and photos, they are not happy for russia, we, the bryansk region, are happy it 's not far, i... what do you think, mr. gennadiy, when will our unmanned aerial vehicles take off somewhere further? yes
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, thank god, they fly in a systematic way, and i want to note that we had a conversation literally yesterday, well, specially trained boys and girls, as i am already joking, and we also claim that the russians, quite often they do not say at all what is happening in them, when they cannot hide the fact that... in order for objects to be damaged, because there are a lot of, for example, video recordings from their residents of their country, well, then it comes to light and they show it, but when there is no such thing and there is destruction of objects, yes, they do not show it, but thank god, this country is being systematically destroyed, the aggressor has been, is and will be. er to the end their, do they have enough means to deal with our
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drones? no, no, no, no, and never was, enough, enough, this is a 100% covered country, they have never had that, the main thing that is covered up, quite significantly, is moscow, the moscow zone, etc. leningrad zone, right? they, they cover it, they have the means for this, they charge the means anything, and they cover those two areas, and the rest, well, you know, a little kaftan, they pulled their bare legs there, they pulled them over their legs, their heads were bare, they are like that and they do, and we use it, well , putin's dacha is covered on valdaye, because he took air defense from the front line, said that he needed it more, and this is the attitude of the leadership. states to solve issues for the preservation of their country, they say there, you
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wait, we are here for me, the most important thing for me, i rather need, the most important thing is needed, and there is nothing surprising, this is russia in its very, you know, form, as it actually happens there, well, all people are smart, know and watch, mr. gennadiy, this question cannot be avoided. what is f16 there? you know, my answer to you will be the same and it can't be avoided, we can't avoid the fact that we will eventually have the f16, but the question of when will be, is already a fog of war, and this is what i always say on the air, that we will hear such moans from boloot and when those moans from boloot start, it definitely means f16 already. and hooray, they were struck by something, and once again i appeal to all
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viewers, listeners, that if someone somewhere sees something, it means that there is no, there is no need to say it out loud, film it, post it on social networks, and thus actually doing a bad thing for the armed forces of ukraine and ukraine as a whole, because if we see something on the roads, if we see something interesting. railway track, this does not mean that you should urgently call the godfather, or the godfather, or post about it on social networks, so once again using the opportunity... i appeal to all ukrainians, you should not do this, it does not do any good, we can be happy if you saw something and understand that everything is moving thank god, but just don't post in social networks, i have a couple of unpleasant experiences that when people started bragging to each other there, and also teaching,
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well, then there were certain consequences, so this is how i appeal to all viewers and listeners, in particular to your channel. oleksandr syrskyi, the commander-in-chief in an interview with the guardian , stated that the f-16s will be used, but in the best case they will be used at a distance of 40 km from the front line, because in this way the f-16s, if they are closer, they become a target, or will these f16 be effective in this case at such a distance? well, you know, it's me i will explain to you what else is the matter, because these are... american weapons, certain know-how, certain military secrets are used during modernization, yes, that is, elements that carry military secrets, and it is unacceptable, it is unacceptable that an aircraft that was if he was there, god forbid, injured or something happened to him, he would fall into the hands of the russians, and
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this is one of the understandable demands, why? here it is, regarding the defeat, our f-16s always need a set to create an aviation platform, these are also long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft, the so-called drlo, we the swedes promised to give two of them, although yes, you know, it would be good for us to have at least four or six there, but two is a solution to a rather significant issue, and as for the destruction of objects, long-range missiles. air -to-air class, they solve the problem, for example, up to 160 km, we ourselves can calculate with elementary mathematics that the russians will not be able to fly, approach their drop point, for example, kabib, and this is 40 km to the object that they striking there and these were
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strikes on kharkiv, which means that when using normal... rockets with normal radius of action, sorry, radius of action, all objects will be hit, and the russians will be forced either not to carry out the combat mission, or to lose their aviation equipment, they have no other chance, in terms of combating russian drone reconnaissance in the front-line areas, we saw that in mykolaiv in odesa they used 52 training aircraft for... this, and in principle, the media and in the west wrote a lot about it, everyone admires the ingenuity, on the other hand, it is such a style, very old fashion, that is, it, it, it, it, when one pilot flies and the other shoots him from the back for some reason, that is , this is the first world war, and the beginning of the first world war, how were airplanes used, does it make sense to take such and
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such piston engines and convert them into conventional fighters, like the second one. world war ii, when they were used, well, that is, is it, is it such an obvious enough alleged solution, and on the other hand, what problems can arise here? well, problems, you know, always arise in the minds of people, for the most part, and regarding the use of general aviation aircraft, i want point out that is quite useful. and the effective use of those planes, and for some odessans who you know there walk, excuse me, with a finger in their nose up to the third phalanx, that nothing is happening there, the presence of that plane in the area where it flies has led to the , that the russians almost
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stopped using reconnaissance uavs, or their volume. are used because they are all being destroyed, and a large number and a great credit to the actual crew of this plane, thank god, i touch a little on that issue, it’s simple just great people who perform such and such a task and this initiative is a grassroots initiative or is it the army, the general staff, how does it generally happen, well, i won't tell you the truth, but i want to say that this is an initiative that failed general staff to overcome or do something, and the people who performed... and are performing these tasks of destroying uavs, do not even receive 100,000 combatants, so that you, so that we all know, do not even receive, hryvnias, do not
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receive, hryvnias 100,000 hryvnias, because the cost of that bpla, which they already have, which is no less than six, seems to have shot down 100,000 each dollars, you have very outdated data, very outdated data, i will not tell you the correct figure, so that the russians are, but they are also very outdated data. it is true that the russians even tried to shoot them down using some very expensive missiles. that's right, and i want to say that they tried to shoot down the uavs themselves, when it was already clear that, well, now there will be a dot, yes, in life, they tried several times to target the aircraft to destroy the crew, well, that is, to ram then all things, but based on so far. it's just smart people, specialists in huge letters , after the war it will be possible to talk about it, they avoided it, in turn
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they destroyed all the bepols, and what you are showing now, i can comment on it, but i think the audience will not like how i will comment on these shots that you are showing now, that display, which is not related to this question at all, and the bpla that i heard... i read on social networks and i had a sad smile, it was an ordinary training flight, it was a regular target and everything happened there, well everything happened, well since it does not happen, and there they write praises to the pilots who flew on this plane, they are not related to this topic at all, this is advertising, unfortunately it was advertising, well, i mean that even in the first war they thought of that first there... metal triangles should be made on such screws, this was done for another, this was done for another, they were ball breakers, when there were no synchronizers on
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the engines, they used them, this was the first step, then you invented synchronizers, and now it is used a little different, in general a little and in a different way, and they are significant, and i want to say, i want to thank a large number of people who are involved in that process, who helped and are helping... to develop the methodology and tactics of using and the strategy of using aircraft for destruction and you know a huge huge request to those related to this to this to this issue of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, so that they give, you know, listen to experienced pilots, or listen to them and give them a way in their in those things in which they have reached great heights, i choose every word so as not to say too much, because if i can
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pull out a chica or a red one and order them and then they will not sleep well, those lieutenant colonels and lieutenant colonels who come to serve as for work on the 9th and until the 18th, because a large number of people. other people, other people who are related to the war, they do not come to work, but they protect our country, regardless of the time of year and the time on their clocks, whether it is 5 o'clock in the morning or 1 o'clock in the morning, somewhere like that plus or minus mr. gennadiy, there's another video, we're going to show you now, i don't know if you 've seen it, this video was released by our air force, and... they actually show how the russians are happy that they're hitting, actually, as they say our air forces, they are hitting with their iskanders, er, at
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actually wrong targets, because these are mock-ups, mock-ups that are there, well, in fact, it is not at all, no, not where our planes, military, our equipment are based, and how do we know that... the layout, by the way, is a vetmala from that, i will explain to you, you know, i watched a couple of russian publications, and i know what i like, i liked it in those pubs, they say, we, look, we hit, until the chips flew, and you know, i drew the attention of other people to this several times, i say, look, they really hit, and the chips flew, well, you understand, and i want to once again appeal to our... viewers and listeners that when they receive something, there is no need to raise it, let's see, they hit us here at the airfield, there are 100 of them there
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million 100 million 500 billion ukrainian planes destroyed all that, and you look how many splinters flew, that's why a huge number of people involved in the creation of models, a huge number of people, they save it on our equipment, save people, the crews who fight on that equipment only in such a way, well, in such a way that the russians hit those objects, which look... at one point, the bulsyans, look, we definitely, we were impressed, because there even the antenna rotates, you can imagine the level of performance of those objects in which the chips fly, that even there the antennas rotate, well, but in fact , i want to say and led a huge thanks to those people who, to all those who are involved in this, firstly, they save and save our equipment, and secondly, the russians spend
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a huge... resource to destroy those false goals, and thank god, it is there, it is in us on a systemic basis, so send yours, your iskanders, which are worth many millions of dollars, and thank god there is still a tree in ukraine, and we have plywood, and we have a little bit of old rusty pipes, so that they look like communities, like real ones, but if talk about russian iskanders. the york times writes that in those iskanders, which we beat on khmadit, that there were american microcircuits, is it possible, look, i will show you, i will show everyone, i will show you, this is a board from the shahid who flew, this is not a russian product, this is not a russian product, but we we should all be aware that this is unfortunately the case, because we live in
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a world where... it's critical that someone can order a scarf from some producer, they will fulfill it, but this scarf can be, for example, dual-use, or in advance specially made for use in the technique, and they then through the fourth, fifth, sixth years will buy it, it is a huge problem that we live in a democratic world, and they live in a dictatorial world where they have a dictator, and that is why they are used. all the loopholes that exist in our democratic world in order to order elements and then buy everything through third, fourth, fifth countries, unfortunately, this is the truth, how to fight it, the americans will try, although they could to work more efficiently, well, in that direction, because there are certain things that are used exclusively in aviation, well, in
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military industry and what. how they get to russia, that is also a question, i have one more element, you see, it is an element, it is not made in russia, it is an element that is made on high-quality equipment in another country that makes aviation elements, it is not is a russian product, and a large number of different elements also end up in russia in this way, well... again and again china, because the chinese are like that, you know, as the homeland of such a treasury, as it is called a thousand cuts, but it is like that everything, and it is very difficult to communicate with them, but they are interested in russia, because they have their own views on it, and everyone else is interfering with that, they want, you know, to eat the dish cold, called russia, and that's why you have to be very careful and thorough
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see what they... are doing and how they have common co...


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