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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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the guys whose feet i say should be kissed, it's simple, that's why the drivers, they should be rewarded, i guess, well, i'm not like that, i don't have the right, who is the first, who is the second, but they should be rewarded at the same level as all the others, because when these infantry changes go at night, even when everyone says that i will join the army, i will be a soldier, and who do you think is in your army on the front lines? yes, he lives a little further in the rear, he cooks food there, the third line so i say. well, no, it's not the third line, it's, i don't know how to say it correctly, it's all fighting, it's a zone hostilities, this is a 10-15-kilometer zone, where everything flies, it is even, probably, well, the second line, probably, uh, and, but it is a floor, while he is at peace, he more or less cooks food there, he only then does he get down and take this food right to the battlefield, and half of my friends, the peasants, died, everyone thinks that the peasant is nothing, such an elite profession in the rear. about cooks, you talk about
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drivers, and i want to ask you now to recall the story that most impressed you when you provided medical assistance, perhaps on on the front line, perhaps already on the battlefield itself, which you still remember, well, the first thing that comes to mind is my commander, well, after a while he began to protect me very much, i am grateful to him for that, but i was a little it's a shame , it's like in the army, at first there are some, then a few others come, and the guys started going to the front, and i, as a paramedic, managed, well, i didn't manage, but i did all the medical work in the medical center, it's not a stabilization center, the stabilization point is located separately, and we treated the boys and they were helped at the medical center, which was located close enough to the front, and i was always in front of the boys... it was a shame,
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i also wanted, one more time, one more time, as before, as in the beginning, as in the first months war, to go there to hell itself, to feel this, this is not adrenaline, this is the feeling of something big, because you want to feel again that you are close to victory, people who are on the second line for a long time, it is also difficult for him, because there the heroes create history, and you are like on the second line, and you heal, you you take care of the wounded, you provide aid, but... history is happening there, and you want to touch it, and there was one case, difficult, difficult, when it seems that everything is fine, there was no heavy shelling, and they say that we instantly lose consciousness, the soldier and the medics are going to go, and just as the commander was on vacation, and there is no need to take anyone's permission, i stay to teach as a senior, and i say, no, this time i will go, i sit next to the driver, we go, i see it pale obla i still had
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some doubts that something might be possible to do, i see a tiny hole in his neck, i understand that the splinter must have entered his neck, we begin to provide medical aid, and he will start breathing in a few minutes, and then i take off the bulletproof vest, and there, as if from an open faucet, blood just pours out in a stream, he just he was shot and everything was pierced there, both lungs and kidneys were pierced. this was not visible, and here is the limit, that you seem to be doing everything right, he will now open his eyes, say there, start screaming, wheezing, thrashing, it doesn't matter, but his eyes are glassy, ​​he is cold, and you can see that it is not compatibility with life, and i remember then for half a day we were all so upset, for some reason i remember this case very strongly, but i saw so much grief that i must have lost my mind, and i don't even know how it happened, me. .. i started looking for it, and in general, this
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is the kind of advice for people who get to the front, it’s also not a secret that a lot of people just drown their emotions in a glass, start drinking, sooner or later it becomes known, and in fact it is a big trouble, because people who drink do not solve their problems, they just solve them for an hour or two they are buried there at midnight, but they lose their vigilance, lose this caution and lose their wits. understanding of the situation, and then they die even faster, and i have always been in favor of that, those who die are those who drink alcohol, they can be heroes, they can be very brave guys, i am not humiliating anyone now, and god, i don’t want to say that i despise someone there, it's just this path, it leads to an abyss, they then die because of carelessness, they sometimes grow up in full growth, growth, and i have had cases when very good guys, i have a friend with whom... i spent a lot of time together, he
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helped me, he drank a little and said, i will go now and take the prisoner, and he died, yes, if he was a thief, never in his life , he would have understood that... this is some kind of stupidity, but that's how he was in the positions, and how he, well, in short, this is already his story, that's it. and what i wanted to say about what to do after all, what should people, yes, people have to look for, right, if no one helps from the outside, i have very big questions about this psychological and chaplaincy help, because i do not i know how it is in other units, i don’t know how it is in other brigades, in other battalions, i didn’t see their work, this... will remain in my opinion, my own opinion, during the time i served, maybe now something it had already changed, but i didn’t see it then, and the soldiers were forced to find fuses for themselves, how not to lose their minds, and what were they looking for besides what
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they used, no, there were, there were good options, people, this is donetsk , this is donetsk, they invested money there, by the way, i will tell you that the quality of asphalt there is of such a level. what a tank it goes, it doesn’t even leave a nick on the asphalt, such is the quality of the asphalt, we invested money there, we found some, well, we, friends, we found some options, friends, there are a lot of ponds, the guys started fishing, and it looked very much like that, you know , a little strange, yes, the war is here, but it's so touching, then we played football, it doesn't sound like madness, it doesn't sound like we 've lost our minds, that's how we are in this donetsk region, in every village... a wonderful football field with an artificial surface, the net is 5 m high, they found some wooden balls and they started to play quietly at two o'clock in the evening, they looked at us , we went, we went, what kind of football is there, there is a war
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in a row, but one, two, three, and after two weeks a team was formed, and we just, well, we were told that you are not you guys are stupid, you don't play in military uniforms, you have for... a rocket over there or something will destroy everything when it arrives, so they found some shorts, some civilian shirts, started playing, and it looked like a very funny kindergarten, if it weren't for for a couple of weeks now, the entire battalion, each unit has exhibited its own a team of the best players, the inter-battalion competitions began, and just to think about the idea, people who fought on the front lines, who fought in the trenches, and at the same time as sibny in... you fight, you all change, internal rotation, they were already waiting for that day, when they go out and go not to drink, not to get drunk, and they will go again for their team to defend the honor of their subordinate unit, and there was a rule that only curds enter the football field, it worked so well that this is the summer of the 23rd
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year, this summer of the 23rd year for many soldiers is associated with football, they are after the match came up, hugged, thanked, said... dude zhenya, you gave us two hours without war, we forgot that there was a war at all, commanders, lieutenants, ran with ordinary soldiers, laughed, reacted very emotionally to all the killed or missed m' yachi, i also know what was wrong with you, you started writing, and to be honest, today i brought the book lying on the table, i forgot to even say about it, i started writing, i started writing, of course, on this book, which i have now very... very valuable, these are practically the echoes of my soul, these are my thoughts, which are put on paper, i wrote it all, many people think that i wrote it in kyiv, no, you started writing it yourself, i wrote it on my phone, on a broken one with a cracked screen, broken, i wrote this book on my phone in minutes, when
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we hid in shelters during the shelling, or when i was replaced after going to the front line, i had to be there for some time on the second line. and wasted time, it saved me a lot. this book has two major goals. the first goal, indeed, it is a bit pathetic, but it is sincere. a lot will be said about this war will write a lot of books. books will be written by historians, politicians, analysts, they will write there from the standpoint of geopolitics, in general , many moments, but i wanted to show the war. through the eyes of a simple soldier, this is how a person who gets into war, this is how he understands it and sees it, this is not a decorated world, there is no nigger here, there is no that everyone is stupid, everyone is a goat, only i am good, there is no such thing, this a candid book about our life with
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siblings, how we didn't go crazy, how we learned to survive, how we learned to be alone to support one and what we went through, have you already told? this experience, actually speaking, how to support, how can you find this psychological help, when there are no psychologists nearby, but say, there is psychology, it's second nature. psychologists, and please tell me, most often, if we talk about your experience and what you saw, i am sure that you saw a lot of deaths, you yourself said about it, why guys die, because medical help is not provided in time, because there is nothing, they took it out on time, they arrived on time, you can't say it like that it is possible, this is war, this is what all conscious people should understand, this is war. here there is no such thing as why they die, they die, therefore, most often, they die because the occupiers use, and you should not
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underestimate them, they use heavy, that is understandable, but when the guys are wounded, i am talking about the fact that exactly why the wounds are incompatible with they often get their lives, that's why they die, could it still be possible to provide help in time, but the ambulance did not arrive, the car that should have carried out the evacuation did not arrive, i can say. properly because we actually had order, we always left for the wounded, and our drivers, i repeat this for the tenth time, they should be the first to be ordered and given courage, they drove into any hell and pulled out the sick, as it should be properly, properly arranged the system is such that it is dangerous for everyone, every departure of the evacuation team is very dangerous, everyone can die and those... who go to rescue, those who are taken out, that is why the feeling of the commander and his genes and his
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understanding is to do this the process is as safe as possible, there is a lot about it now to say, putting slaves on cars, using the roads is correct, but in order for people to survive, they need them, the most important thing is to quickly take them away, if a person will lie without a limb for hours in the winter, then even about this, and secondly, it is necessary. .. vat medics, because, well, as it is correctly constructed, there are medics who evacuate, but there are medics who are directly at the positions of soldiers, the so-called combat medics, they must have training, i will say that this training, it is theoretically it's not complicated, theoretically there isn't something so obvious medicine is difficult, on the contrary, now all training centers and all programs that teach, they use the most primitive, available. and simple information so that she, but the question is different, does not get confused, so
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always, as we were also prepared, they worked with us, it should reach automaticity, so that at a time when you are not comfortable with a plate carrier, an automatic machine, some kind of bk , equipment, it’s not like that, if you’re beautiful in the lighthouse, you’re doing something there in the training hall, it should all be practiced, rehearsed, especially since it’s dangerous, scary, shaking hands, nauseous, hot or very cold, and... it is to sharpen these skills as much as possible, you know, how the reflex was, and then it will be, first of all, we do not forget, a fighter, when it comes to amputation of a limb, who helps himself, a fighter helps himself, because in 5 minutes there will be no one to save, he will simply bleed, so the first skill is what every fighter prepares, it doesn't matter if he is a medic or not, because in most cases he helps himself first , if there is a fight. and somewhere someone had a splinter tear off an arm or a leg, by the time a combat medic reaches him,
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will figure it out and figure out what to do , it will be too late, so here it is a very difficult issue, many times, that is, here we can then, look , say that training is needed, both directly for the medics themselves, and these medical classes, including first aid, must be conducted 100 times, with each fighter, each fighter, and not formally, not formally, but this should... train and how come they even came to us once they used to come specialists from, in my opinion, sweden or norway, good guys, they came to us, held master classes, and i remembered them, they said the phrase, when you have a free moment, come one more time, take out the tourniquet, put it on yourself, friend, use some pig time to it was, for example, look, now your colleagues, doctors are looking at you, and... what would you advise them if they want to go to the front and provide help? i would advise to be
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prepared. at the front, the front does not forgive mistakes. each, even the smallest, smallest mistake, each little thing can cost life. therefore, i would suggest them to be prepared, prepared, hardened, both physically, and psychologically, and morally, and these skills, this dramatically increases the chance. survival, secondly, i would advise you to look at everything evenly, it is difficult to give such advice, but i understand that it is just like that... a voice in a figure, but you need to see where the good commanders are, where the good ones can be, well, now just why so there is a recruiting system, and now it is becoming more or less understandable, you need to look for those to whom you are ready to entrust your life, because it hurts the most, to take this
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responsible step, cross this threshold, go to the front and trust your life, and there it will be... forgive me, a person who has never even touched, so i would advise you to monitor, look like this, so that you command real combat officers who have passed this experience, and not some staff officers who were exiled there, some were fined, expelled from the tsk, someone was expelled, to lead a brigade, well, yes, ladies, tell me, please, the experience of saving people in infectious disease hospital, your experience under covid time, he somehow helped you in general on the front, no doubt. because we constantly, as i started today's conversation, we say injuries, injuries, injuries, the battalion is a living organism, there are all diseases, i had to be a cardiologist, a psychiatrist, and a traumatologist, and learn to sew on the go, because i didn't know how to sew, that's what we taught at the university, i never sewed again in my life, i had to
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learn to sew up wounds, treat those poor stomachs from that cold stew, treat psychological breakdowns, not to mention a bunch of infectious diseases, to treat these poor backs, these protrusions, hernias, when they hurt, so my experience as a doctor in a hospital definitely came in handy, because i got to be a multi-functional doctor. zhenya, and i have another question for you: tell me, please, what experience did you get during a full-scale invasion, which you would never in your life... would like to have, such a difficult question, and the experience is probably a fuse is also a protective reaction, i've learned to live one day at a time, it may sound a little pessimistic, but these are our realities, we never know whether we will wake up in the morning, whether an enemy missile will not fly right into your house or your city today, so i learned to live with it and
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even found something positive from it, i once... read a very a good book, and it was written there that if people knew that they had only one or two days left to live, they would act completely differently, they would act differently , somehow it would not be imprinted somewhere in the subconscious, because when you almost died 10 times, you get used to it, but you will no longer live like this, that i have another 20, 30, 40 years ahead of me, you are starting to catch, and i tell everyone this and i urge everyone not to do this... you need to sprinkle your head with ashes, ashes, you don't need to constantly to walk sad, on the contrary, one must be able to rejoice in small things, one must be able to rejoice even that we are alive today, we can exchange babies, we can come with you, we have not seen you for two years, seeing each other is also a great joy, and we must, and we should be happy about it,
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my wife and i made such a decision, it too does not sound like advice, definitely not like advice, because i am very... human freedom and everyone has their own choice, but we decided that it would be better for us to live a short, but full life together, than to separate and be on different sides and borders and yes, and somehow it is like that, that is, you live without imagining very far ahead, but you learn to be happy, and maybe, maybe there is some other experience from the front that you brought, which you would not like to receive, would not like get. well, maybe i'm even more disappointed in people, it sounds, because in fact i love a lot people, but when the survival of the state is at stake, when the lives of specific people and the population as a whole are at stake, and people can commit crimes even when there are such challenges that these people in general,
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what kind of people are they, who are they, were people , who embezzled aid, there were people... who cynically spoiled documents so that no payment would be made to someone, and you understand, you see it, you can do it, you are really ready to do such an act, knowing that a person died and that his family "i'm at home crying, sobbing, and you won't help her, so who are you after all, that's why maybe i became a little more callous, not not angry, but more callous, and now i have to... become more careful with people, with communication, i'm not ready to open my heart to everyone, i'm not ready to become friends with everyone right away, because people we really don't change. that is, you know, this is the phrase: war changes, war may change someone, but in reality, well, this is my opinion, you can argue, because in war
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it is the same life, people laugh and cry, rejoice and there are sad, they rest, search entertainment, fight, protect, defend the country at first as, like heroes, and then they can show some slack there and just look drunk. for some kind of cattle, but this man was just a hero, they are different in contrasts, but in the army there is one big personality, everything is very polarized there, if you are a good person, it is all immediately visible, if you are unworthy, you are some kind of waste in society, it is immediately visible, and wine, you think that it changes them, it does not change them, it does the opposite, it shows these blacks and whites, and people and people cannot coexist, they part ways, on that note. the note is actually good because i want to thank you for being so real, for your conscious choice, for
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what you did, for the lives you saved, for the guys you helped on the front, thank you so much , i am proud of you and i always wait for you to visit, well, to end on a good note, i will tell you that yesterday i was a very interesting experience for me, too, so new, yesterday i was invited to... to a speech at school, i am very somehow not knew what to expect, children, you know, such an audience, may not take it, me i thought that they would start yawning in maybe 10-15 minutes, and that would be the end of it, 2.5 hours of communication, and i was so impressed by the closeness in their eyes, their care, they asked such adult, real, frank questions that i understood , there is a future in this country, and these children are really our future, there is nothing in... there is someone to fight for, there is something to fight for, and we adults now have to do everything so that by our example, our experience these hand over the children to them, because very
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trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them there? vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read all of solzhin, accept my story, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but this is absolutely not true, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude with us. project for those who care and think politklub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso.
12:00 pm
fast. on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the enemy fired at one of the mines in donetsk region. a fire broke out at the scene of the attack. it has already been liquidated, the ministry of energy reported. at the time of the strike, there were 86 workers in the mine. of them, 84 were brought to the surface. two remained inside, but in safe rooms. and the wreckage of the russian drone fell , in particular, in the kyiv region. the roofs of two private houses and fences were damaged. broken lines. power transmission, said the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. on the grass caught fire at the place where the debris fell, people were not injured. in the morning, a russian drone attacked an ambulance in beryslav , kherson region. the 42-year-old ambulance driver received a blast injury and leg injury. he was hospitalized. the regional military administration was informed about this.


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