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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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all the cards before donald trump can win the election and then be inaugurated as the president of the united states, and i think that this is being hidden precisely for the reasons that these facts about this peace knowledge about this peace plan, the fact of its existence can be used by its political opponents and certain leaders. different states and the like, so that it does not actually harm his campaign, so what we can read in the mass media now, in particular from mike pompeo or boris johnson, for example, then still, i think it is rather their vision of what this peace plan could be under the presidency of donald trump, about peace at last, about the fact that china is working on a solution to the war, a clear signal. received, said
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mr. kuleba, after visiting china, finally , i will ask you very briefly about this visit of our foreign minister to his chinese colleague, what kind of signals are these and what should we expect? mr. stanislav? i think that dmytro koleb's visit to the people's republic of china was rather with such an alignment of clocks, reconciliation of positions between the parties in order to actually ... make sure what kyiv stands on, what moscow stands on, because china can pass on the information that is valuable for us, and what role beijing can play in this process, in the peace process , obviously i think this is far from the last meeting like this because i think there will be different kinds of talks at different levels because we've already seen that there haven't been talks like this with the chinese side for a long time, and so... uh- eh, this is obviously only
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such a first important step as it will be in the future, we will see, everything depends on whether the second peace summit will be organized this year or not, whether the russian delegation will be invited, or whether it will be absent, and this is also worth understanding, well , we hope that china and others countries will be able to make significant efforts for a peaceful settlement, but it all depends on how willing they are to consider the ukrainian peace formula and how ready kyiv is to defend its national interests in the face of future challenges, and the participation of the russian delegation and its proposals is also for us a serious challenge, and we need to understand all this, but in order to continue to be able to defend our interest and our formula for peace, a lot of work needs to be done here, and above all, we must focus on those countries that have... global influence
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on the international stage. mr. stanislav, thank you, stanislav zhelikhovskyi, an international expert, we talked about the world and the impact of all the events of this week on ukraine, we are going to take a short break, then we will talk about energy and winter, whether we will have light and heat, because the child said, expect to the ukrainians, whatever it means, stay with us, we will talk about it later. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from matrats market is just for you. meet the perina dreamlight mattress. the perryna dreamlight mattress smooths out all the unevenness of old mattresses, sofas, folding beds, it can be laid for sleeping just on the floor. soft, comfortable, beautiful, and so affordable. only from uah 499. ordinary toppers cost one and a half, two and even 300 hryvnias. and we offer you a pillow-bed mattress. in extra quality for only 499
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of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolii, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done that, he would have gone to prison. a special look at events in ukraine. so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and who? then my heart aches for china. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. friends, it's an espresso marathon and
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it's going on, i just wanted to say, oh well something, our viewers stopped donating, and here someone took and threw in a few hundred and already 43 thousand. that's the count for the day dear friends thank you qr code on your screens this is an opportunity to join and do a good deed this week who hasn't donated yet put in your money scan the qr code don't know how to scan it just take a picture of the screen and then ask someone who is friends with those qr codes, who knows them, so to speak, and let that person also help you do a good deed, a good deed for the military of the three. brigades, this is the third separate assault plane, 110 and 47, it is for them that we are collecting 3.5 million, in general, i calculated that if we collect this money at the rate we are now reporting to you, then it will take about 2.5 months in total for this it will still go,
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and then we will collect 3.5 million and they will receive military drones and rep systems, because we are collecting for them, somewhere in... in the middle of october, dear friends, so let's give it a little, maybe we can speed it up, i think that we can do it , after all, let's listen and look at those for whom we collect, they say that they have a sharp the need for drones and rep systems. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikatsi drones, we really ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes, glory, these are the guys, and if there will be an average of more than 40 00 per
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day, then i think not 2 .5 months, and much faster, we collect all the necessary amount, but for this it is necessary that... there was a pace higher than 40,000, today we have already reached 43,000 and i hope that we will push a little more with you, and there will be a little more money collected than today, in the end it is all in your hands, in your phones, in your cameras, and in your wallets, sometimes i think, god, i 'm extorting so much money from people, but listen, it's for a good cause and it's not for me. sometimes they say, you must have been a good caroler as a child, i don't know how to ask myself, but for other people and for those people who do for such an important cause, who are sacrificing the most precious things they have with their lives, who are defending our country now, it is not a shame for me to ask for them, and i think that it is also not a shame for you to transfer a few hryvnias for them.
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well, now we are talking about energy, stanislav ignatiev, energy expert, chairman of the board of the ukrainian renewable energy association, we are adding him to our broadcast. mr. stanislav, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, somehow lately it seems that everyone has become easier with energy, it means fewer shutdowns for people. at least, or is this really happening now, what does it have to do with it? yes, absolutely true, there are two main reasons, and the first reason is that the power units of nuclear power plants come out of scheduled repairs ahead of time, here the nuclear engineers work miracles, those guys who are there in robes and helmets work 24x7 on carrying out scheduled repairs, they even with an advance, one power unit was removed from repair for a month, and this is also such a feat. on the energy front, secondly, it is due to the fact that we are now in peak solar
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generation, i.e. the highest level of the sun in the daytime period above the horizon, this is related to the movement of the globe, and that is why solar generation currently accounts for 18% of the overall energy balance, so these two factors combine to ensure that we do not have deficits hours a day, unfortunately, there are deficient hours in the morning and evening when there is not enough solar generation, we cover all other periods, except at night, of course, we cover at the expense of our own generation, by the way, we also had such a story, which surely influenced on generation, for its sufficient amount of electricity in the general networks of all-ukraine, happened on july 16, as if such an event occurred in southern ukraine. at the nuclear power station, two current transformers burned down, that is, such an accident, it is not that it
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is terribly significant, but three, even three, here, but because of this, the amount of electricity dropped sharply, and after that, what happened after that, the minister of energy said that when journalists asked him, galushchenko said that during question time to the government , he said that it was all untrue and that it was all russian ipso, then. there were inquiries from deputy zheleznyak, who was officially informed upon request that this accident happened, after that there was another, so to speak, iteration of this entire information story, when they continued to deny that it happened in the ministry, moreover, they again accused journalists, for example, deputy minister of energy mykola kolisnyk said about this that even if it is true, it is still not... it is worth disclosing it, because it is in the hands of the enemy, and here is such and such an interesting thing
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that was finally confirmed, that it is true, and here, well here, the question is simply whether the minister of energy has the right, not only to lie to his society, in which he should be supposedly accountable, but he is also a hired manager, or at least a member of some coalition, or i don’t know, parliamentary , he is a representative of the government, and does he have the right to... see journalists who are simply doing their job as if they are carrying out some kind of hostile pso, that is , there is little treason in them, well , answering your question, i will start with end, everyone has, with all due respect to mr. herman glushchenko, everyone has their own moral right and moral moral status, as it relates to other people, and here, in particular, journalists who are. also, full participants in civil society are primarily, as they say, journalists are the fourth
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authority in ukraine, once such were informational messages, and here at the level of responsibility of every citizen, independence, it is a minister, or a grandmother who sells milk on markets, as well as whom she blames, that is, here is the moral aspect, let's figure out what about the technological aspect, just to the moral aspect i will add, if i may allow a literally short... remark, you just understand, all energy workers knew, the whole industry knew that there was an accident, that is, thousands of people, and it is naive to think that the russian federation did not know about it, this well , it seems to me that it's naive, and that she learned about it because someone said about it somewhere on the air, some expert, well, it's simple, well , then i have a counter question, how much can we trust everyone in the energy industry, that he 100. percent is not evil anywhere information that there is not a single agent of the kremlin there, starting with the simple
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question that herman galushchenko was a top manager, when he, when in fact andriy derkach, who is officially a traitor to ukraine and a fugitive, was directly related to the energy industry, well, me, for example , i’m just saying, if we’re already starting to blame, and to baselessly accuse journalists of spreading tipso, it’s also wrong, yes, i’ll agree with you here absolutely correctly and with the presenter, but let’s remember the history of the chernobyl tragedy, how much is it kept quiet about how many people suffered from everything else. let's understand technologically. i am not sure that many energy experts are completely out of... what is the situation, if, for example, there was an accident at the so-called power transformers, which was discussed, that there or two or three, that is, various information displays were burned, on any - which power plant, well, this is not a solar power plant, but one with a capacity of more than a gigawatt, i will remind the audience that the south ukrainian nuclear power plant is as much as 3 g, that is, three power units, and it is for
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the exception of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is more than... a third of all installed nuclear power generation capacities, let me remind you that there are only 8 nuclear power plants in ukraine, that is, for the power system such an accident, an accident is an exit of the equipment from standard modes of operation, that is, roughly speaking, a stop in the end - the rest of the reactor for several units. this is an accident, and such an accident has significantly affected the shortage of electric energy, especially for the central and southern regions, such as the southern ukrainian nuclear power plant. so, if there was an accident on these transformers and were informational, that there was also a fire and everything else, there is always a duplication of equipment, that is, if you have such an accident with a fire of transformers, then there are other lines along which the duplication would take place and in fact there would be no accident and the supply of electric energy would continue in the network, that is
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, we still need to understand the volume here , journalists and experts like me, who... were the volumes of electricity output at that power station in the period when the accident was noted, must now deal with this in depth, if as the minister says, there was a possible breakdown, i.e. not an accident, i.e. the nuclear reactor did not shut down, but some kind of breakdown was on other related equipment, we understand that around the transformer there are many different switches, various protection devices of this and that, then also through the duplication system, it would not brought... did not lead to the shutdown of the reactors, as mr. zheleznyak says, he refers to the so-called current transformers, that there was an accident, in fact, current transformers are used to remove information from networks, as much as is issued in the power grid of electric energy, how much is taken for own needs, i.e. if there was an accident at
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the current transformers, it would not affect the operation of the plant at all, i.e. there would be a problem with accounting for electric energy, but... it would not affect the operation of the power plant in any way , regarding ipso, this is a controversial issue, perhaps this is how the russians wanted to hide the problem that they really had an emergency situation at one of the nuclear power plants, switch the attention to ukraine, i think that time will tell and the truth will be revealed anyway , you know, there is also a topic that was already started several years ago. to say, what can even be said before the war, is an extremely fast completion of power units, which were partially already being built at power plants, and yes, this is one of the solutions , in fact, and what could be done now. i read the interview of mr. mykola steinberg, a well-known energy and nuclear scientist on this matter, and in
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short, what is the problem, i understand that this is a complex issue, and why, despite the cover , almost nothing has moved in two years... look, it's really complex and difficult question, since this is about the completion of two nuclear power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, the networks there allow the production of electrical energy from this power plant, there are consumers around, primarily in the western ukrainian region and central ukraine, partly in the city of kyiv after the destruction of the terpil thermal power plant, so there is a need for these power units, but the question is not... the law that allows the construction of these power units, and now their completion is actually in violation of the law, since the committee on prevention of corruption of the verkhovna rada of ukraine stopped this draft law at its meeting, even before the parliamentary hearings, because it sees a certain corruption component in it. secondly, it is related to
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the fact that technologically, we should use these flea energy blocks. russian equipment, ukraine is the only one of the partner countries that cooperate with us, this is such equipment in bulgaria, bulgaria is willing to transfer it to us, but this is the equipment that was in use, instead of the usa financing the installation in this bulgarian a nuclear power plant of two power units , the production of the american company wester, which, by the way, was recently bought by an american, sorry, japanese corporation, etc., that is , there is also a big geopolitical issue, well... the third is a more strategic task, since it will stretch for about 10 years construction, then put into operation, output to planned, planned. transition again from russian fuel to american fuel wesinghaus, i will remind the audience that some of our power units are now running on american fuel, and the company
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vestenhaus plans to build a plant in sweden so that ukraine can supply a larger volume of nuclear fuel, using precisely the ore that is blown out on the territory of ukraine. well, here it is quite important not to postpone this project for a long time, but first of all to address it. attention to the so-called distributed generation, since the relevant legislation has been adopted, these are primarily gas turbine installations, for example, in my native kharkiv they are now being actively installed, in the city of starokontyniv, khmelnytskyi region, where there are permanent enemies shelling almost every night, and there are already four cogeneration plants in the city of rpin, kyiv region, which were badly affected by the energy industry, which during the temporary occupation, that is, these conditions will now help to get through the winter without a hitch. inclusions and the main thing is to provide the population with thermal seeds. let's not forget, for example, the same kharkiv lost about 70% of its heat generation after the destruction by the enemy in the spring of kharkiv
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ts5, it is the same analogue as kyiv ts5. therefore, it is necessary to act tactically and implement distributed generation projects, this is solar energy, well, business is actively working here, but the social sphere is lagging behind. well , the main thing is, of course, cogeneration plants, gas or. which will help to get through the coming rather difficult winter without any accidents or exceptions. i may just be wrong, but it seems to me that when minister galushchenko took office there, he promised that in two or three years he would complete these power units, and those two and three years have already flown by, and what's more, the war , and i actually, i don't know how our viewers, i was somewhat shocked by your words about what we have it simply slowed down somewhere in the committee, because there are some corruption risks, you are... listening, you think, we are not at war at all, we do not shut down strategic enterprises for several hours a day, you are absolutely right, and we need this of electric
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energy, these two power units can give us up to 2 g/h of electric energy, i will remind you and the viewers that today in the peak, that is, in the morning and evening hours, in the peak of consumption , we have a deficit at the level of 2.7 gw, that is, this it helped us a lot not to turn it off on... no to limit the electricity supply of enterprises, unfortunately, our european partners can only provide us with 1.2 gigawatts, there are certain restrictions from european regulators, so the completion of these power units will help us, but it is still a long-term project, which is still it is necessary to implement, and i will repeat, the geopolitical one, which is connected by cooperation between japan and the usa. i also wanted to quickly ask the ukrainians about the information that
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was made public in detek this week, they said that they have the company lost 90% of its generation due to shelling, and therefore, dear ukrainians, count on yourself in the winter, what does this mean, 40 seconds for a response, it really is, and not only in dtkn, the... station in the state company centerenergo also all three thermal power plants are actually destroyed, so we will have a big shortage of electricity in winter and we need to start preparing for winter already this hot summer, mr. stanislav, thank you, stanislav ignativ, energy expert, chairman of the board of the ukrainian renewable energy association, was in touch with us, dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will come back and continue, stay with us. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estefin 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong
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microlax is 20%. there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on psilo balm 15% in pharmacies , plantain for you and savings vasyl’s big broadcast of winter, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is going on for two hours to stay up to date with economic news and sports news two hours in the company of favorite presenters, a presenter who has become like a kind of person to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no,
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not from the head, but behind it. borders, then who is china, me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. dear friends, we are back and this is our final hour for today in the espresso marathon. olesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we will spend this hour for you. thank you for your feedback on our collection. i will remind you once again, for those who have not yet donated and... and want to donate, but do not know for whom and for what? so, let's collect on drones and rap systems qr code in front of you, join, 3.5 million in total need to be collected, i calculated that if we collect 4000 hryvnias per day, it will take us 2.5 months, well , if we collect 50,000 on average per day, then it would take two months, we are
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less than three months away from 50,000 today. uah is less than uah 300, dear friends, we are separated from the mark of half a hundred thousand, so please join, you still have an hour and an opportunity to do it, the qr code is in front of you, and we invite to the conversation of oleksandr skipalskyi, head of the military counterintelligence department of the sbu, head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense in 1992-1994 and head of the ukrainian officers' union. congratulations , mr. oleksandr. good afternoon, i congratulate you, mr. oleksandr, today you wrote such a post that neither the supreme leader nor the ministry of defense has matured to realize the historical role of the creation of the union of ukrainian officers, and it was created on july 27, 1991, one day they will understand, three weeks before gkchp in moscow, which ended with, in particular,
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approval so what is the historical role of the creation of this union of officers, which you joined with the declaration of independence, my god, what am i telling you, the declaration was made a year before, mr. andriy, wisely, in soviet times, in the leadership of the front bureau, the military, there was such, such, such, such postulate, such a principle, he separated even in the sphere of responsibility, these civilians and military, if, for example, it was necessary to prosecute a civilian, then they gave 5, there 10 years, a military man, as a rule, was shot, and this all follows from their slogan, protect the unity of the red army like the pupil of the eye, that's why, why i wrote:


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