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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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part of the economy is in the shadows, a lot of people receive either wages in an envelope or in another way, minimizing the corresponding payments, here we are collecting for the army there, and many simply do not pay taxes so that the army can get much more. by the way, regarding the tax initiative of the government, in fact there is no proposal to fight schemes, in fact none, you can tentatively name there advance payers of income tax. yes, but it's a pittance, the burden on the wage fund is, in my opinion, something the opposite of the fight against detonation, which the business claims, the business says, here people trade without checks, without paying any taxes, please, you just need to work with the law enforcement agency and the tax office, but the tax office, customs, bep do not work, let's take from those , who has transparent financial statements, who pays all taxes. and we will
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take even more from them, but i repeat, the business does not have such a margin, the business does not have such profitability in order to pay such taxes, therefore the emphasis is on the first it should be the turn to close the shadow schemes, if you close the shadow schemes, you can get up to uah 100 billion in addition to the state budget, but let's say this, if you take in over the course of one year, that is, this will be the result, but these steps. it is necessary to do now, and not to say that we will do something after the war, this is clearly unacceptable, so here there is an element of how it changes, and in relation to our population directly, well, simply taking into account just such initiatives, which drive people and the economy, respectively in shadow, this leads to the fact that if you fully show everything and pay everything, then you will be bankrupt, that's why the population goes on such paths and goes in this direction. er, it
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is possible a certain moment of even survival, and now this is the savings that they receive as a result of the fact that they will buy a car now, and not there in two months, if they introduce this tax 15% more expensive there, and of course, this is a question of those challenges, but i draw your attention to very interesting things, the first thing, fuel taxation, in 2022 we will not we are taxing fuel, now we are increasing excise duty on fuel, in 2022 we will not tax at all. cars, now we are increasing car tax by 15%, and that is the case for absolutely everything, the inconsistent policy of the government, which swings from one extreme to the other , the best thing here would be consistency, and then people would trust the government, they would trust the authorities when they understand why this is being done and how the situation will develop further, thank you mr. ilya for this conversation, ilyana shkadov. head of the analytical direction
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of the ans network, director of the institute of socio-economic transformations was with us, we talked about the economy, which also suffers from a lack of trust, we talk about the trust between the government and society all the time in various conversations, because trust is the key for the state, michiokaka was once asked, in why the strength of japan, why it remains one of the leading economies in the world and he... said that these are two components: an educated population and a high level of trust in society, literally, dear friends, we are going to take a short break, come back and continue, then it will be our final half hour, stay with us, there are discounts represent the only discounts on doloxen 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and save, want to update your home clothes, but these... in stores
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plantain, pam and oskad, there are discounts , they represent the only discounts on magnesium, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and oskad, there are discounts represent the only discounts on glycysett and... 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of the presenters specialists and experts. analytics. from the major of the armed forces. how to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the hostile and fake? the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin.
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sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. and for her borders, then who is china, me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. gentlemen, we are returning to our airwaves, we already have the final guest in our part, which is hosted for you, andriy sachuk and lesya vokulyuk. this is viktor boberenko, our guest. political scientist of the city of sumy, expert of the bureau of analysis and politics, mr. viktor, welcome to our airwaves, good health, glad to see you, hear you, each other, we know that you have something, we hear some sounds of an air alarm or something, yes, we hope you
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safe, today the russians hit the sumy oblast, they hit the city of gluhiv, we know that there are many injured, 12... people, a child died, and six children were also injured, do you know the details of this attack by russia? well, we have 17 front-line communities hit every day, unfortunately, we have what we have, they hit my beloved glukhov, this is a university town, this is a student town, where there are many young people, and where ... by the way, it hasn’t flown in for a long time, and now the enemy has hit exactly there, and that’s it, that is, they are acting so that we were always worried, so that we did not understand where he would fly today, yes,
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because in the spring there was a lot of shelling in our country, well, half of our buddhist community was almost destroyed, we have about a third of the housing stock. after all, this is the velikopyseriv community, as well as bilopylla and vorozhba, which suffered very much in the spring at the beginning of the summer, yes, then it somehow subsided, now it has started again, and the enemy is behaving in such a way, as if, well, as if on purpose, so that we would not know , where he will be tomorrow, where he will fly to tomorrow, yes, too, we have v in april, there were several flights over the sums themselves, well, we don’t know, the specifics of the region is that there is a 25-kilometer zone, well, 20-25 km, where their orta finishes, they get it every day, they can be anywhere, and in us, let’s say , first it arrives, then anxiety, yes, m, but now it’s the other way around, yes, it’s the opposite, first it’s anxiety, then they can fly in, but
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where the mortars finish behind or the cabs are finished, then it’s first an arrival, and then anxiety, and people well, even very often they don't pay attention to anxiety, but i can help you now i could show you there we are in the window, even the children do not respond to the alarm signal, because it is useless there, well, now it is really in part of... ukraine there is an air alarm in cherkasy, poltava, kirovohrad, mykolaiv, kherson, zaporizhia, kharkiv regions, yes, sumyshchyna is not showing me something, maybe there was already a setback or something, so, dear friends, who is watching us in these regions, please do not ignore this warning, be, be in safe places. mr. victor, you know, attributes these the words of cherchel, who said that if we... and what are we fighting for, if we are not fighting for our culture, i am saying this about the fact that for a whole
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year, as the ministry of culture, we have been without a minister of culture, and e- eh, why is it so difficult to find a minister of culture, who should be a minister of culture, does this mean that we do not have a general cultural policy during the war formulated, we have absolutely no concept. what we call culture, and i always say that our concept of culture should be equal to the concept of of a mobilized nation, a mobilized nation, a nation that always understands that it is at war, where, if we can remember, the russians once had such a cult film, which, by the way, was also loved by a more... ukrainian audience, and i was still said that this is a film that was created
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according to the fsb, this is the film brother, the films brother and brother-2, so i claim that these films were made in order to raise racism as politics, racism as the internal culture of the russian federation, this film did much more than there 100 ballets, 300 national teams and so on. so on and so forth ugh, it was deformed there too, well, we have the servant of the people series, but maybe it’s not a worse replacement, the servant of the people is a series, it’s the same, we have, yes, we have this series, which just formulated, yes, somewhere ukrainian uprising from the knees, when this vasyl, like him, my god, a bigot, he is the same, he is jelly. zelenskyi shot the parliament and our politics was formed in such a way that all of us, all parliamentarians are damn acorns,
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they must be killed, but there is only one correct politician, we were taught decency and he looks like, well, he is vasyl holoborotko, but he very similar to volodymyr zelenskyi, yes, well , we were also raised and successfully, that is, we understand that the product, which is conditionally issued by the ministry of... culture, it can be successful or unsuccessful, the most important thing is, well, through which instruments it is directed, yes, and this is me, why is this, i have been doing this for a long time, that the ministry of culture, if it knew that we should have anti-propaganda, and for this we need to shoot many historical films about where ukrainians compete, win, where ukrainian is shown identity. in different angles, on historical analogies, on modern ones, on
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detective stories, on the fact that there in ukraine even there, conditionally, a brigade of its own was created there, yes, there like, well, the brigade is such a gangster series, or gangster petersburg, yes, but it would show that the ukrainian identity, but more so that it was anti-propaganda of russian, yes, er, and in this it is necessary... to throw not millions, not hundreds of millions, billions of hryvnias into the creation of ukrainian identity, for this it is necessary, not only i insist that the ukrainian identity should be militarized yes, if you are ukrainian, a ukrainian, you must have somewhere, you must have the desire to go to war, i have the first, second, third, and what do you say, i say that i have a feeling that the matter . even not only in money, just if you give some conditional kyril tymoshenko, conditional, now they say to kyril
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tymoshenko, even even at least 100 million, he will still withdraw some depressing, yes depressing, yes and it will be yes, that is, money can be money, well for launching there, you can conditionally for some thousands of dollars, they will remove a cool theme, yes, or maybe for 100 million will be taken and a half kickbacks who will go and take off nothing, some original idea is needed, and how they stole that advertisement for this and it is needed for this and that. in order for us to make a nation with its own identity, we need, of course, a complex here, we need not only the ministry of culture, here also the ministry of education, the ministry of youth, sports, the ministry of social protection, here it must be complex, but everything must be key - still the ministry of culture, which
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will not just give money, not just to master, and money to those who... need those who, well, that is, the goal of any competition is to issue money through project competitions, yes there, that is, we shoot with you, we come and say, here we have we have a script for the series, give it to us and it is a series about konotop bikva, a whole series, we will give it to you, you will give us there, i don’t know, 100 million uah, and we will have 24 episodes and it will be something in the style of a game with.. . there should be something else, the documentary should also be this concept, this concept should
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be developed by the ministry, if we do not have minister, there is no common vision. how to develop it, what can we do there in the video format, in the movie rental, yes, in the audio rental, in many formats, in the format of three-minute essays there, something in tiktok somewhere, what can we offer to young people so that they have created their identification as ukrainians, and this should be done by... the ministries of culture, that is, all the other ministries, and i repeat, it should be many ministries, this is the entire humanitarian department, well, there should be one, it should deal with this, and these meetings conducts vice prime minister for humanitarian affairs, where, in addition to culture, education, youth, sports, social welfare, there, medicine, because that's how honey is needed,
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of course it is needed, yes, where are tent camps for high school students, they must be. just how many types are there, you know , who are ready to take 100 young people for 18 days or 20 days for three weeks and introduce them into the forest and prepare them so that they will tear the roof off their patriotism, we will give you money in any way, money it's not a problem, the problem is people and time, but it's there in something, but culture should be the singer here, then all. these are all the underlings, yes, but according to the accomplice, that is, the main one, who must create a product, a ukrainian product so that ukrainians identify themselves as ukrainians, and they must offer that, okay, we will give a couple of billion hryvnias for such and such a movie, a couple for a documentary, the kapran brothers will shoot something else, there's something else, and
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definitely, let's give the direct channel that they will create some... context, and there's also something like, well, god forbid, of course, there are some advantages, it's not, god forbid, that is, for this there must be some commission, which uh, well, where among one of the competition conditions is that if you served medvedchuk or kolomoisky, you cannot get a grant, sorry, well, you simply cannot, because you, if you have a bad background, yes, oh, what, let's try you on a little movie. yes, you should do some sort of trial run there, and then we will continue there, and only in this way, in the fact that the money for the ministry of culture should be increased several times by orders of magnitude, well, i assure you, it must be done, especially during wartime, the more more, you can appeal to churchill that
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churchill said, if we are not fighting for culture and identity, then what are we fighting for, why should we fight then? we are fighting for the ukrainian nation to exist and prosper, to live there for tens of thousands of years, there until the new arrival, but for this we have to invest money, the shooter here should be the ministry of culture, all the rest are just dancing and helping, that's all, and if we don't have a minister of culture, then we don't have a politician, which means that they don't have a vision of who to appoint, they don't have someone there, well, someone... just from technicians, well, like appoint someone else from this constellation, yes, from those who are for... the ukrainian nation, well, a mirror, yes, well, well, if you don't have one among the servants of the people, and there is no campaign there , then the fact that there, there, there are all
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the conversations about culture, as in that anecdote, there is like, hello, this is a laundry, this is the management of culture, yes, this is the service of the people, that’s right, but we should have something there another thing, mr. viktor, we have a few minutes left, or how are you, how are you doing in general? here you are watching people, whether there is any rollback, don't you observe his rollback to the russian world, to russian culture, to the russian language, well, on the one hand, sums like , well, 30 km from the front line, yes , they can fly in every second, the children do not pay attention to all the worries , and everything seems to be fine. but still, what kind of fatigue was there, the greatest fatigue, well, it is objective, it was there in february, march, maybe at
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the beginning of april, society is always the most tired of winter, especially of such a lousy one as we had, whenever necessary they took off, and there is the first, second, third, here we are tired, now this fatigue would have passed, but everyone is waiting, but what will happen in the winter? eh, well , it’s tiring, it’s tiring, but i’m actually more of an optimist, i think we’ll get through this winter and it will become obvious to putin that it’s impossible to defeat ukraine, because he, he still thinks that he’s finally over us this winter will sit out and we will fall, surrender, by the way, this is wrong, today, by the way, it is exactly three years since valery zaluzhnyi was appointed to... the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, it was in 2021, how many years ago six months before the invasion and how
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quickly these three years flew by, well, now he is in britain and held a meeting there with volunteers who support ukrainians in every possible way. mr. viktor, thank you for participating in our broadcast, viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of analysis and politics of the sumy region. closed, dear friends, thank you for being with us during this day, we will return with andriy saichuk tomorrow at 8:10 and we will also continue, we will also be with you throughout the day, we also thank you for almost 42 hryvnias, that's how much you paid donated today even like 42, and almost 42, because 35 hryvnias are still missing, dear friends, so there is a qr code on your screens with... now, you can see it and you can add it while we remain in this ether for a few minutes, who hasn't was
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among our donors for three brigades, the third separate assault brigade, the 110th and the 47th, join quickly, as soon as possible, and if you can't make it today, then turn on our airwaves tomorrow at 8:10 and be with us and donate, drones and rap'. this is what our military needs, and i hope that you will not leave them in this, especially since we need as much as 3.5 million hryvnias to collect, thank you for being with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy sachok, see you tomorrow at 8:10, and eter espresso continues, so stay. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable,
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5:00 pm
greetings to everyone from espresso, i am anayevamelnik and news, for your attention, an air alert was announced in many regions of ukraine, explosions were heard in the dnipro. the air force warns of the threat of using ballistic weapons. stay in safe places until the alarm goes off. president volodymyr zelenskyi together with the first lady visited ahmadyt children's hospital. the couple talked with the children who are undergoing treatment. the head of state noted that despite the consequences of the terrible enemy attack, the medical facility is trying hard.


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