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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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also visited several cities, provinces, he met at the level of deputy ministers of foreign affairs, that is, this is the second visit at the level of diplomats, before that in the 22nd year, mr. duck was in china, i am talking about the period of a full-scale invasion, and maybe there will be more meetings , we do not know about them, but i am sure that they are preparing, thank you very much vita holod, the head of the board of the ukrainian association of china studies, was in touch with us. now we'll have news, then we'll have advertising, and then we'll have israel, well, that's it, i say, we are today we are flying around the world and we will watch now that we are in the middle east, but first there will be news and advertising.
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how many helicopters did muscovites lose last week, what did viktor orban say this time about ukraine and the medical oscar, who are the best doctors in our country? greetings, with you is anaela melnyk and the espresso team summing up the day's news. previously, three people were injured in a road accident in the center of the capital. the accident happened on maidan nezalezhnyi. near the globus shopping center, local telegram channels write. it can be seen on the video in social networks a completely broken car. medics and law enforcement officers are working at the scene of the wreck. in the kherson region , a resident of antonivka died due to enemy shelling. the occupiers attacked the village an hour ago, the regional military administration reported. also, this afternoon, doctors hospitalized a man from the bilozersk community. he is in serious condition. a 14-year-old teenager
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died due to enemy shelling in glukhov in sumy oblast. the boy died in hospital from his injuries. in addition, according to the regional prosecutor's office, another 13 people were injured, including six children. russian the invaders hit the city center with multiple rocket launchers. a total of 12 explosions were recorded. apartment buildings and private houses, an educational institution, a shop and cars were also damaged in the city. at least five people were injured as a result of russian strikes in the pokrovsky district of donetsk region, the regional military administration said. four civilians were injured in kurakhovo. the occupiers dropped fap-500 on the city. damaged houses and infrastructure. the administration building was destroyed. the enemy hit with another bomb along mirnograd. an injured child. the enemy fired at one of the mines in donetsk region. it happened on the spot. the fire has already been extinguished,
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the ministry of energy reported. at the time of the impact, there were 86 workers in the mine, 84 of them were brought to the surface, two remained inside in safe rooms. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraising campaign for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction every day deter enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third.
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of a separate assault brigade, which will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small uavs and komikadzi drones, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, three helicopters burned down in russia last week, one in samara, two more near moscow, this was confirmed by the main line of ukrainian intelligence. according to their data, on july 24 at the kryash airfield in samara, a military multipurpose mi-8 helicopter, formerly in tomilino, moscow region, caught fire. the strike mi-28 and the multi-purpose k-226 were distributed. all these sides were used by the occupiers in the war against of ukraine. ukraine is a strong country. which
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successfully opposes russia in an unprecedented manner, said prime minister of hungary viktor orban. at the same time, he expressed doubts about our membership in the eu and nato. according to the prime minister, the europeans do not have enough money for this. orban is convinced that ukraine will return to the role of a buffer state with guarantees secured by the usa and russia. president volodymyr zelenskyi together with first lady visited the okhmadyt children's hospital. the couple talked to the children who are being treated. the head of state noted that despite the consequences. the medical facility is trying to restore normal operation due to the terrible enemy attack, and zelensky also emphasized that the state will make every effort to fully restore the country's main children's hospital.
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i think it's the host doctor. today, ukraine celebrates the day of the medical worker. for the sixth year in a row. on this day , the best doctors of the country are awarded the order of saint panteleimon in kyiv. our correspondent yuliya zubchenko works at the ceremony. yulia, congratulations, tell me about this year's winners. and even now i thank the lord god that he is received this award also for the fact that we... the order of saint panteleimon is the highest public award awarded for achievements in the field of health care. as the organizers call this award, it is the medical oscar of ukraine. as you can see, the awards
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are just in progress. also this year, there were about 300 nominees, including civilian and military medics. a feature of this year's awards was the fact that they also created a nomination for foreign representatives, who are doctors who came to ukraine to serve human lives i suggest hearing a little more about how the nomination selection criteria have changed from vasyl knyazev, the main idea behind the project. the war made adjustments, and we made a decision, for the second year in a row with...
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a military medic since 2014 from the ato zone, then he was demobilized and after february 24, 2022, he went back to donbas to save human lives. i suggest listening a little more from mr. miroslav himself. we work 24/7, the flow of injured people is still not decreasing, our direction is now tense. this is the situation, the enemy is advancing and there are many wounded, many operations, so the work is quite intensive, and we try to help as much as we can. the organizers
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hope that in the future it will be possible to bring the award to the international level, and admit that the first steps have already been taken. that's all the information for now, anna eva, i'm giving you ether. thank you for the information and work, yuliya zubchenko, espresso correspondent, from the presentation of the medical oscar in kyiv. and the entire team of the espresso tv channel sincerely congratulates our doctors and thanks them for every life saved. and more interesting videos search youtube channel espresso. be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether. all news releases, programs. and special projects that can only be seen here, also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be there. you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, and
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also subscribe to our channels, social networks and i will see you at 21 in the news, in the results of the week. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save there are discounts representing the only discounts on non -provam 10% in pharmacies travel you and saver dolgit cream relieves pain reduces swelling and improves joint mobility with dolgit cream you can also walk dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint pain is discounts represent the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. a journalist
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on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and step confidently into new week the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express. your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. watch the news at 21 o'clock, summaries of the week. competition of peace plans. china and the united states have their own ideas for ending the war in ukraine, whether or not their vision of peace suits us. the murder of iryna farion. the suspect was found and a preventive measure has already been chosen. moscow church in ukraine. people's deputies did not consider the ban on the activities of the uoc mp, after blocking the tribune they went to work in committees for a month. about all this and much more already at 21 on espresso. good health once again ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin,
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it is 18:13 minutes and 45 seconds on our clocks, and we will talk about israel, as i promised, svitlana glaz, a journalist from israel will appear now and we about this, everything we learned this week, we will talk with her. thank you, ms. svitlana, for being with us and explaining to us now. greetings, mr. mi. what is happening in the state of israel? look, well , prime minister netanyahu was in the united states and talked with whom he didn't talk there, and with the current first persons, and with the former first persons, and with the future first persons, all, all the first persons of the past, present and future he spoke and what do the israeli newspapers write, what do the israeli television say, about what is it about a successful visit. good visit, cheers visit, or on the contrary a bad visit, or what are the hopes, did trump confirm his position,
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because everyone knows that trump is so very pro-israel, pro-tanyachyv, even, i would say, a politician, so that everyone talks about it in israel ? there is a lot of talk in israel, both positive and negative, and this is probably understandable, because our prime minister netanyahu has fans. there are not so many fans, and there are not fans at all, because of that there will still be a lot of writing, there will still be a lot of talking, due to the fact that the visit has not yet officially ended, because that is not the case. daniyago did not return from the united states of america because it is still saturday, and the prime minister and the first persons of the country cannot fly on saturday , because when saturday comes, it will end, then netanyahu will get on the plane and will fly to israel, return, and here i already think that an active phase of discussion
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of his visit to the united states of america will begin, and so far there are positive departures. and negative, of course, absolutely everyone talks about his good english from america with an american slant, because it is understandable, he lived in america for many years, he graduated from university there, and of course he has very good english, he knows how to speak, he knows how to speak english well, he also knows how to speak hebrew, so when he goes out to the public, goes out to the people, to the people of israel, he is also very good. speaks, the only thing is that some say that he speaks very well, and that's all, this is his positive, others say that, well, let's look at it this way, that between the words that he speaks very well, there needs to be a little e read, and what he wants to say, and what he took to the united states of america, and to say to each of them, as you already said, mr.
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mykola, that's right, to her past, present , and future first persons from... the united states of america he wants to say something specific. he told biden about the situation here in israel. he repeated again what happened on october 7, how the hostages behaved there, how they are now, how we are freeing these hostages, how they are now telling what they experienced there, god forbid , of course. and he took with him in delegation, a young girl who was many months in captivity, she also told how it all happened, he took it, he told it again in the congress and to biden, what kind of army we have, it is friendly, it is strong, absolutely all jews and muslims fight in it, and christians, and friends, and many other nationalities
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living in israel, they are also fighting, and i took with me, too, a soldier who was injured in this war, they... also said all this, met with everyone, eh- well, you see, svitlana, i'm sorry, one more question, it's not about that netanyahu, and about, for example, the negotiations between fatah and hamas, these are two, two sides, as it were , of the palestinian movement, they are antagonistic, madly, but the chinese tried to put them at the negotiating table, as if they succeeded, reuters writes that in... negotiations on a cease-fire in gaza are at the final stage, in short, do they believe in the possibility of appeasement in israel, or do they believe in the end of this at least acute phase, well, the war in israel in 1948 continues, there are simply more acute phases, less acute and so on, what is it all about, then me
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i will ask you a question, who is mohamad dahlan, who seems to satisfy, he is not fatah and not... hamas, but he seems to satisfy both those and others, and intermediaries, and the americans, and they say he even satisfies the jews, well, i don't know, more let's talk, how close are the parties to the conflict to settlement? i think that at this stage the parties are not very close to resolving the situation, china and, again, this is my personal opinion, has taken on some kind of mediation. mission to bring together fatah and hamas in order to make peace between them some kind of agreement so that when the war ends, someone needs to take control of the gas sector, so that someone there manages this gas sector, because of china, i don't know why, maybe it comes from us again,
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i mean ukraine our neighbor, there is some kind of message that let's you also take under your... under your wing and the middle east, we will restore order and you, and we, and they held such a meeting in beijing, it was not only fatah and hamas, there were more than 10 groups, i absolutely do not want to list, and i do not know which of them there were, but an agreement seems to have been signed between fatah and hamas that when the war ends, they will keep their control over the gas sector, but... there is a very big but, the fact is that fatah is still a more moderate organization , which governs the palestinian authority, hamas is the terrorist group that... controls the gaza strip, and they have absolutely never had any agreement between them, and how they will negotiate now is very difficult, because
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hamas does not is part of fatah. if again if you look at what netanyahu says, israel has three, well, we 've been saying this for a long time, three tasks of the hamas attack on israel, first, the release of the hostages, the destruction of hamas. and in order for it to no longer be dangerous for israel, if hamas is destroyed, then who will be part of fatah, what will be the structure in the place of fa, in the place of hamas, and then what, what, what is the content of this agreement , which was signed in beijing, to be honest, not only do i really not understand it, but neither do the media that discuss it the question, although not much discussed here, is the question. let's say it right, because of what will happen, bright, look, but i have even more, more questions, for example,
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will they be able to come to an agreement with the help of beijing, moscow, i know, lord god, after hamas was just killing fatahites in the territory of gaza, simply threw them from the top floors of houses, simply completely destroyed their own palestinians. simply belonging to another political power, and i find it difficult to imagine that now the west bank of the jordan river, i.e. judea samaria will say: "okay, we are ready, we are ready to be friends with hamas." well, they were friends with hamas once, after that there was no one left there, they were all killed simply in the gaza sector, as they are between, that is, it is already wound up here, there is israel, there is palestine, there are in palestine, and they are antagonists, in palestine there is fad, hamas. and they are antagonists, and just here i just have a hard time imagining any, even roads to peace, you are absolutely right, because that is how it is, because it is very difficult
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to agree between those between those people who let's put it this way, they know arabic, but they speak completely different languages, there is nothing to discuss here, because that's the way it is, and again, what continues, what continues, that... the israel defense forces enters from time to time in the gaza strip and clashes are taking place there, and hamas is there again for a week or two and is again shelling the territory of the territory of israel, of course they were, and god forbid, maybe there will be, who knows how it will be because of how they will agree to i don't know, there is a small program like this from the united states the americans who say that after all it is necessary that they... who agreed and rule there, and we will rule and control from our side, egypt still wants there to be a truce,
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but also in three stages, and one of the stages, this is the first - the release of the hostages, and then the destruction, or an agreement with hamas, and well , the third - to take control of the territory of gaza, but will it be again in this gaza itself is hamas itself, or will it ... be aid to fatah, who runs the palestinian authority, who, as you say, quite rightly, doesn't really want have their own influence over the gas sector, or will it be again some international forces that will control with the help of the israel defense forces, how will it all turn out, well, time will tell, for now absolutely, ms. svetlana, after all, who is , why did it suddenly blurt out the name muhammad dahlan? he is neither fatah nor hamas, they say he is generally a businessman, why did this arise as a factor of the now possible head of the territory of the gas sector?
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you know, a very difficult question, why did it arise, well, i don't know, unfortunately, i don't read in arabic, i don't know how they write there arabic publications, but what i know about dahlan is that he is 63 years old, he is really a businessman now, he lives in... the united arab emirates, he does construction there, and if it suddenly happens that he will come here in gas sector and he will start leadership here, then he will have something to do with them and his experience, there will be something to rebuild, he was a member of fatah when he was young, not fatah, he headed the organization for the liberation of palestine. youth sector there, then he had trouble with israel, there was a time against terrorist actions against israel, he said that
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they are possible, but not within the limits that existed in israel and the gaza strip, palestinian autonomy until 1967, that is, it is like terror here too, but a little like i am against terror, but israel arrested him twice, he was in prison in israel, then he was expelled to jordan, then he returned again, and again they say that, as if not without the help of the united states of america, he was abumazan's assistant. and then it happened that he was accused of poisoning arafat, and some such incomprehensible things began, then there was a terrorist attack against the children of the gaza strip, in which he was also accused, and he left the gaza strip, went to the arab emirates, they say that he has the citizenship of serbia, and
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he seems to be doing such charity now, they say that in 10 months or in the 9 months that the war is going on, he made 30 planes with humanitarian aid to the gaza sector, and in the gaza sector there are a lot of his supporters, and friends, and even from the youth, when they were in the same organization, who relate to him positively, although there are many who have a negative attitude towards him, because of that two questions, will he return to the gas sector and will he lead the gas sector and who will help him in this, because there are a lot of people in the arab countries who are not quite, not quite positive towards this person , to dahlan, well, they say that he is a police colonel, has a higher education, speaks hebrew well, well, i don't know, no, well, hamas can easily kill him, these are the kind of guys who don't care. who am i
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, no one but me, i am hamas and no one but me can control the gas, i think so maybe that's why he didn't come here for so many years, but they say he was doing something there, but somewhere far away, well, somewhere under his care, he says that he was an adviser to their prince in the arab emirates, and now he still has somewhere in morocco, it seems , still in some country has mass media, as their owner, what they are already writing and about, i don't know anymore, i don't read arabic. eh, now maybe the last group of questions i have for you, this is the north, the north of israel and the south of lebanon, three weeks ago, two weeks ago, there was a lot of violence there, very acute, everyone thought, war is about to start and so on, and so on, now there is less talk about it, something has really calmed down there, or iran has given an indication about iran. proxies
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to stop any attacks on israel, and israel also calmed down, and such a temporary silence, to what extent this situation in the north of israel should now cause a close look at itself, must, must due to the fact that the situation has not gotten better at all, drones are flying, some are flying rockets are launched, that means. we have warning signals absolutely in those cities that sound every day on the border with kiryat shmona was sounded several times today and in those settlements that are on the border, there is also a situation there, we have already discussed this situation with you, because it is necessary to do, look at some such security zone, but it turns out that now this security zone is completely on the territory israel, because there are, let's say, 30-40 km away, there are no israelis living there now, there are...
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you know, patriots who stayed and say, well, what will happen will happen, we will not leave our cities, places , because we were already tired of going somewhere there, but then again, they fly every day rockets, some drones are shot down every day, our israel defense forces is located there, and it cannot be said that they do not fly as there are , say, 50, 100 rockets every day, and they also flew to safed, which is already more than almost 70 km from lebanon, but the situation is very, very complicated. hezbollah pauses for a little bit, then again gives its voice, and well, you obviously, as soon as they received from iran, they pressed the button, they say, come on, guys, work, they start working, disappear for a while, because of the fact that the israel defense forces is aircraft that take off, there are tanks that go, there are guns that fire, and because of that every now and then.


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