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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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for a peaceful week relative to the fact that there is a war going on in our country, i mean next week, and we wish you all a peaceful sky and of course hold on, hold on, unite and be with ukraine. vitaly portnikov, andriy smoliy, and the saturday political club program will meet with you next week. goodbye. the end of the war in ukraine, which country's proposals will win the race for peace plans, the suspect's farewell letter and the denial of involvement in the murder, is the farion case progressing and the pace of mobilization has increased, as they check the documents of conscripts. good evening,
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annaeva melnyk and the espresso team are here to talk about the highlights of the past week. attempts to bring to the negotiating table perhaps the greatest friend, although not of ukraine, but of russia, are about china. dmytro koleba visited heaven the previous time, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine was in china eight years ago. beijing periodically promotes its so-called peace plan, which was released last february. meanwhile, a real fight began among world politicians. the competition of peace plans, so did it succeed bring closer the positions of the two countries in the vision of the war and the ways to end it, and whose project can ensure real peace in ukraine, we will understand further. if china is not going to the peace summit, then kuleba is going to china. the visit of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to guangzhou came as a surprise to many. in june, the knr defiantly ignored an invitation to the site. peace summit in switzerland.
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nato openly accuses russia of supporting russian aggression, and the united states threatens it with sanctions. however, in ukraine they understand that china is too big and influential, to take offense at him, or to ignore him. the visit of a ukrainian official at such a level is the first in many years. and this is good. there is a clear signal that china will support territorial integrity. and the sovereignty of ukraine, and what chinese leader xi jinping told me that china will not supply russia with weapons was also confirmed, dmytro kuleba was invited to guangzhou by foreign minister wang yi, the second person in the chinese hierarchy after xi jingping. the conversation lasted more than three hours, china continues to call russian aggression ukrainian cree zoya, but once again expressed
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his readiness to help achieve peace, precisely peace, not a truce, - emphasized dmytro koleba. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, not just any peace, and my chinese colleague gave it himself that a just and lasting peace is very important, because usually it is we who constantly say that peace must be permanent, that is, lasting and fair, but what does it mean? long peace for china. the cause of the war is officially named by beijing as the expansion of nato to the east. his peace proposals in substance they equate the victim and the aggressor. the celestial empire is not going to give up its strategic partnership with russia. however, china is not the only country that has real influence on the kremlin. and that is why ukraine and the west would like to see paki at the second peace summit, preparations for which are already underway. without.
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there will be no point in the negotiations if the russians lead them as they have done in the past, putting forward terms of surrender, but without russia and china at the table, there really will be no peace talks. china could play the role of a major global player, which it undoubtedly is economy, in finance, but perhaps not in the policy of coercion to peace. china's position as a potential broker is further strengthened amid a dramatic and unpredictable us election that is weakening. usa and scare its allies. president joseph biden's refusal to bog down, although it added enthusiasm to the democrats, further confused the prospects of american support for ukraine. on the one hand, vice president kamala garis. if she wins, the white house is expected to generally stay on course with regard to of ukraine. but harris herself is a person without experience in international affairs and will probably rely entirely on... her advisers, with
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the key of them diplomat philip gordon, the head of the president's office andriy yermak has already had a telephone conversation. according to the wall street journal. the harris administration is unlikely to find a place for president biden's top appointees, including secretary of state anthony blinken, defense secretary lloyd austin and national security adviser jake sullivan. so will there be a level of support at least as under president biden, who had a special attitude towards ukraine. unanswered questions. on the other hand, donald trump. he promises to end the war for 24. people and claims to have his own peace plan. the publication politico previously reported that his team is apparently seriously considering the option of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal to join nato. after meeting with trump
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on the sidelines of the republican party convention, former british prime minister boris johnson published in the tabloid newspaper the daily mail your version of the peace plan. there is about... increasing military support for ukraine, intentions to push russia to the borders on february 24 , and measures to protect the rights of russian speakers in ukraine to help putin save face. finally , the us secretary of state in the trump administration , mike pompeo, and david urban, the head of a lobbying company close to the republicans, presented their version. they claim that the way to peace lies through sy. which means that it is necessary to strengthen military support for ukraine, remove all bans on strikes deep into russia, and lower world oil prices to weaken the economy of the russian federation and ultimately to accept ukraine into nato. which of these plans is really trump's plan? it is unlikely that
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even trump himself knows this today. he is an impulsive and unpredictable person, which means that his victory will create both new opportunities and a big risk for ukraine. president zelensky called me, we had a good talk, and i said that this war must be ended, you are dealing with the russian war machine, all they do is wage wars, they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon, the spring offensive never happened happened, the russians have millions of shells and thousands of tanks, many russians were killed, but many ukrainians were also killed, this should not have happened. are ukrainians themselves ready for possible negotiations? a survey conducted by the razumkov center in june commissioned by the publication dzerkalo tyzhnya showed that 44% of ukrainians believe that the time has come for peace talks, while 35% disagree with this opinion,
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but this is the opinion of tilu, what the front thinks, sociologists do not know, forces the defense continues with incredible efforts. the enemy is for ukraine, if the time for negotiations is real was in the strongest possible position. next, about the situation at the front, in the direction of kharkiv, the russian army continues its assault, near the settlements of hlyboke and vovchansk on lymanskyi, the enemy is attacking, in particular in the areas of nevsky, makiivka and serebryansky forest, in the direction of turetsk. battles are taking place near new york, iron and northern. the invaders are trying. it is most difficult to break through our defenses on the kurakhivskyi direction on pokrovskyi. on this stretch, during the last 10 days, moskovity has advanced by 4 km. the troops of the russian federation are concentrating their forces near novoaleksandrivka. earlier, the operational-strategic grouping of khortytsia troops reported that they were trying to knock out
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the invaders from the village of progres, pokrovsky district. the battles were intense and fierce. the ukrainian troops eventually managed to escape from the encirclement of the occupiers. between progress and luzovatsky there was a section of the front held by the 31st brigade, there were two lines of observation posts, which were obtained by the first and third battalions of this brigade, and the enemy managed to bypass these observation posts and create the prerequisites for covering this sections of the front, and in fact these two battalions then even without the brigade commander’s watch broke out of... this section withdrew and basically saved their lives, the brigade command avoids the decision to withdraw, probably because the pressure on the brigade command not to leave the positions is so great so great that they are even ready to sacrifice the lives of their subordinates, although such logic does not fit into
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what general syrskyi said, that we should not keep the royns at any cost. the pace of mobilization increased in this. assures ministry of defense of ukraine. they noted that the number of conscripts who updated their data significantly exceeds the needs of the army. my colleague khrystyna porobiy went on a raid with the territorial center. assembly and will tell how documents of conscripts are checked, we go around the city, look, well, people so that they are not over 50 years old, but people can be stopped for checking military registration documents, people had 60 days by law to register for military registration from 18 to 60 years. two
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employees of the rtcc tsp of the guard company and two work in one crew a police officer, we leave in the morning , we work all day in the city, well, in the district, good day, drohobytsk tsp soldier, video recording is being conducted, it's great, it's a monster. many people have not updated their data, so we stop all people, check if the person is all right with the documents, the person can go about his business, if not, the security guard is working, which we call and find out more, or rather, people must update theirs every six months. good afternoon, romsky tsp, a video is being recorded, they saw that
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a person physically looks lively, this is the first signal, left, according to the order, accordingly, tolerantly, politely, approached the person, i introduced myself, who i am, what powers i have, asked to change the accounting cell. the person was lost at first, but then he came to his senses and agreed to cooperate, he showed the military registration document that has a postponement according to the current legislation until a certain period, we thanked him, we understood and we continue to work, we are always asked why we do not go there, we explain to people that all employees in... interesting in the mouth of security, everyone our comrades, who travel even in other
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regions, are guys from combat operations, simply by law a decision was made, with limited suitability, to be transferred to guard companies, people think that we have not been in combat operations, and we just walk here and want someone for our own place, they say so, but this... is not true, we have all udbs. good afternoon, video recording is being conducted by tsp soldat mastyler. and can you please provide a passport that confirms your identity. now many people already have reservations, from the line, but more people already have some documents, when at first people went without documents, now people go with documents, everyone has something. well, it is rare that a person could run out to a store and forget
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documents at home, but i emphasize once again, there is an oberi base for this, a drogobytska tasp, a soldier instructs, a video is being made, well, a person is a little afraid, but with documents, he has everything ok, he is a disabled person of the third group, where he updated his... data at the rtc, got registered and now has a six-month suspension, here we have to be with people, culturally, politely and tolerantly, we treat people, we want to treat us as you treated us. with respect, but not everyone understands this and thinks that we
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all, well, we stop some, we don't stop others, because there is a cooler car, he is a pedestrian, or he may look different, people still have different comparisons, between people, they approached me , and it doesn’t go beyond that, we check everyone, maybe not immediately... it seems to me that in general you have to become a man first, er, have some kind of, you know, er... be ukrainian, if you live in our country, to be ukrainian, to do simple things, it's just to go and register with the rtcc, to be registered, that's it a small step, and if suitable, then go and protect your family, first of all, family,
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family. then the state, because there is something that says a lot, well, the state did not give me anything, the state never gave me anything at all. this week on thursday , after a six-day search, the police arrested the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, who turned out to be an 18-year-old resident of dnipro. by according to them, the young man had been planning the crime since
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may. bought the necessary clothes, rented three apartments in lviv at the scene of the murder. they found a sports cartridge, there was a farewell letter in the young man's phone in case of exposure. according to the investigation, he was also preparing other murders. the next victim was to become people's deputy maksym buzhanskyi. on friday, the halytsky district police of lviv chose a preventive measure for the suspect. the figure was sent to lviv sizo for 60 days without bail. the young man denies his involvement in the crime. we are checking his involvement in the do... movement, which center is in the country of the aggressors, his connections on the territory of ukraine and the motives for this crime, it is either religious non-arrival or national, i did nothing, i did nothing, it is possible well , more interesting, as the law on the prohibition of slavery, that is
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how the metropolitan of kyiv and all ukraine epiphany described the draft law on the prohibition. smp he believes that the only way to protect freedom of religion, however, are the people's elected officials of the same opinion about the thorny path of the draft law on the prohibition of moscow churches and the prospects of such an initiative will be told by our correspondents. a little more than a year ago, the russian peace was kicked out of the kyiv-pochersk lavra. i will remind and emphasize, in the ukrainian capital, in the ukrainian shrine. prayed for putin and the russian military. nowadays, in the lavra, they are already praying in ukrainian for ukraine and for ukrainian defenders. however , a year later, there are still russian churches in ukraine, and the protests against their ban under the dome of the rada are no less active today than a year ago, under the dome of the lavra. the struggle with
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the moscow church in ukraine began in in 2022. in... in november of that year, more than 30 people's deputies from different factions, led by mykola knyazhytskyi, registered the bill 8221, but the majority rejected it. in december 2022, more than 20 deputies of various factions, led by iryna konstantevel , registered another document under number 8262, but the people's servants did not like it either. finally, in january 2023, the cabinet of ministers introduced its bill 83.71 at the request of the nsdc. i would like to emphasize that all three initiatives were supported by the specialized humanitarian committee. however, even the mildest of all government draft laws
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took almost six months to get to the first reading. then he won 267 votes in favor. march 5, 2020. for the fourth year , the committee of the verkhovna rada on humanitarian and information policy recommended the parliament to adopt it in the second reading, and here we are at last. july 23, 2024. draft law 8371 on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in ukraine wants to be seen in the hall, but not everyone, according to the people's elected officials dissenting council. and it is blocked by the monomajority, today at the conciliation council the servants united with two former groups, the current groups and the former fz and did not contribute. it is a pity that we have a new
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coalition between servants and pro-russian parties in the 10th year of the war, but we have what we have, they chose such a servant, they were servants of the people, they became servants, it was previously assumed that he was not considered, because there are not enough votes for, however, the parliamentarians convince that... on the agenda, and since the servants are blocking the introduction to the agenda, unfortunately, we cannot consider, i am sure that if this law is in the hall, then at least 250 deputies will vote for it. in addition , people's deputies could be frightened by conditional anathema, they say, they already have threats that they will receive personnel. western sanctions in case of supporting the initiative, according to the people's deputies, the relevant letter came from an american law firm that acts on behalf of the ukrainian orthodox church.
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on the contrary, others say that 8371 turned out to be completely democratic. the law on the prohibition of the activities of the russian orthodox church, as organization that poses a threat to the national security of ukraine. it requires this. the convention on the protection of human rights, article 9:11, this is required by the constitution of ukraine, article 35-36, where it is directly stated, there is an explanation of the constitutional court, which directly obliges the ukrainian government, the ukrainian authorities, each of us, to protect the national security from interference by enemy organizations. there will be no closure, these are court procedures, these are scientific examinations, these are legal decisions, and practically all of them. all the wishes of the churches different ukrainians from protestants to ocu were heard and included in this bill so that it would really work. however,
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no matter what the problem was, as soon as the parliament decided not to consider church issues, its work stopped. people's deputies of the european solidarity faction, the voice of the trust and the future group blocked the tribune. in addition to the military bills, which... after the conciliation council with the leaders of the factions, the head of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stepanchuk , announced a break in the session. on the sidelines , they say that such a break will probably last until the end of august. and if the document is not brought to the hall, the podium will continue to be blocked, and even if the matter starts to move, the process will still be slow, there are 1,200
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edits, at least, which will be put for confirmation by the representatives of the former opzhz, now actually the remnants of this structure, and that is why it is such a long process, the chairman of the bru later announced that parliamentarians will not rest, but will work in committees, in particular. and on the draft law on banning the uocp. the latter will be put to the vote of the parliament after collecting 240 votes in his support. and at the same time, according to the latest april survey of the kyiv city institute of sociology, ukrainians are more unanimous on the issue of the moscow patriarchate. 63% of reviewers are in favor of its complete ban. kateryna galko, yulia belska, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. watch espresso, read our website and be sure to subscribe to our social networks, of course support the espresso youtube channel. be near. good bye. there are discounts
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. i am that my colleagues will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy feder, it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy dobrovecher. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the oleksanka war in winter and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of ul'.
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a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, i would be mykola veresin did that, he would have gone to prison. a special look at the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish is rotting from the head. no, not off the top of my head. but beyond it. and then who is china? me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15.
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congratulations, the oral front program is on the air with you. i am taras berezovyts. today in our program. joe biden withdrew from the election. what 's next? donald trump urged not to believe that his victory could be beneficial to russia. head syrsky outlined a strategy for victory over the enemy the murder of iryna farion shocked
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the whole country. as well as the results of kuleba's visit to china. on july 21, the president of the united states , joe biden, announced his withdrawal from the presidential election . as politico reports, biden made the relevant decision a day before the announcement, namely on saturday, july 20. subsequently. the us president called on democrats to unite around the candidacy of the current vice president, kamala harris. more about the events in the united states in our story. us president joe biden announced on july 21 about leaving the presidential race. he will no longer apply for re-election to the post of head of state. he explained his decision by the fact that he is acting in the interests of the country and democracy.
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party: it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve you as president, although i had intended to run for re-election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and country that i should decline the nomination and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the term that remained the former is extraordinary and important us ambassador to ukraine john herbs said in an interview with the public that biden's decision was not a surprise. i would say that there was a growing momentum within the party for president biden to withdraw his candidacy, so in that sense it was not a surprise. biden supported vice president kamala garis while filming, and under the normal development of events, it should be so. biden proposed the candidacy of vice president kamala harris, and she agreed to take it.


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