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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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maybe it was in the society in which they grew up, maybe in their parents' family, well, something definitely had to happen, that they grew up like that, and they do this to their children, and they do this not only to their children, and then they join teams, and these are toxic people in the team, it manifests itself with friends, and everywhere, and that, that, because i thought that toxic people, for example, they can be toxic to you, but to someone else they can be wonderful people. it can be like this, i think they will be more restrained, you don't think so, solya, they will hold back, because after all, there are socio-cultural norms, and there is some kind of framework that keeps you, and you look a little at others, like, what are you doing, you can relax at home, especially children, with them, what should we do with them, they are small, ah, and they cannot stand up for themselves, and at home i can be myself, i can do what i want, and very often... such people allow themselves
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cruelty with children , violence, abuse, that is, even this may not be beating, but psychological violence, constant simply non-stop, for example, the silent woman, ugh, no one beats anyone, well, you think, but she can, she is silent for a week, she is silent for a month, there is this, there is that, and it is terrible, it is very cruel, gramovchanka, this is such, such a punishment. i will punish you, i will be silent with you, and what that child is going through, you can only imagine how, what are the consequences of this in adult life, if you have toxic parents, what does this lead to, her people live in a sense of guilt, this terrible, it is such a destructive feeling, it is difficult to stay in it even for a certain period of time, there are people here they live in such a way, because mom did everything for that, or dad, to... blame the child for
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everything and, as you did, broke your arm, all because of you, and the child grows up feeling guilty that he is somehow not like that, that she doesn't do everything right, that she's uh, somehow wrong, defective, and about self-esteem, that, low self-esteem, she has a very low opinion of herself, and she lives in the belief that mom is right in saying everything, she's right about that , and i am ... everything is wrong with me and everything does not work out, and therefore, then she will do everything in order to to deserve that mother's love, to deserve the closeness that she expects from her mother and cannot get in any way, to deserve at least some kind of approval, something like that from that mother she will try to do, she will not come out again, and it is in such suffering to be such a person, and then, when she grows up, for example, if it is a daughter, then she will most likely find herself... if nothing
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is done about it, she will find such a partner or partners, she will find herself such friends, friends, yes, she will be such a victim, also join a very toxic team there will be a codependent relationship, but in her she will allow herself to be manipulated, lead, manipulate, and wine will be heard or vice versa, that is, she will also become the same abuser and in general take over the form of behavior completely, it can be like that. you have to play it on someone, she can't on mom, on dad, then on someone, well, most likely on her children, if she is again nothing, then as a result, it's children, yes, unfortunately, eh, well, how not to become like them, well, for the first time , to realize, as you were told, to write, yes, this there was an awareness, it was even, probably, an insight for you, ugh, to write, that my mother is like this, she doesn't love me, ugh. i grew up in this kind of hell, for so many years
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i had this kind of hell, i am still aware of this hell, you know, even when i was preparing this broadcast, i am 45, and i realize how much it all was, and i also realize now that even this psychological program, i run it thanking her, i really want to thank her right now, because i might not be the way i am if it weren't for her, ugh, and... and i also had it, you are my mother a special child, you actually have complex autism in the branches, and i also have autism in alexa, that’s how we met, and so did i, we worked, you know how we are as parents, and you went to psychology, so did i in principle a little bit , still without a diploma, and we really tried to be these parents, we try, although yesterday i caught myself on such toxicity.
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a little about my son, well, he is a teenager, and i generally think that toxicity is inherent in all of us, well, there are no people who are not at all manipulating, no, not cunning, not you. well, i don't know the norm or dose, how to call it, yes, because this is inherent to all of us, because we are living people, there are no perfect people, yes, but we are talking about such terry, toxic people, i... to be with them, or a father with them at all not to communicate, not to pick up the phone, not to communicate, if they are alive, of course, i think that first you should still try, still do something, and how to talk, try to influence, explain, some frank conversation,
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with the help of, for example a psychologist, and to consult with a psychologist on how best to do it, you still have to try, usually it is not helps a lot, but you can try it for your own comfort. if it doesn't help, that is, if it's really a very, very toxic mother, then read, dose your communication, who we choose, choose yourself, who is the closest person in your life, yes, yes, and you choose yourself, before that you chose her, for example, that, and now you have to learn to choose yourself, and reduce communication by... as much as possible, set boundaries, that is , you can do this with me, you can talk about this, this is how we can be in such contact, and this is how i i don’t allow myself to talk, and that ’s not how you treat me, and i won’t do it, if there’s a mother clutching her heart and she’s already had a heart attack, then okay, you call an ambulance and
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leave, you don’t engage in those manipulations , others say, well, it’s mom or dad, and here’s the problem, because in our society, it’s accepted that older people are wiser, they know everything, they’ll help, and they’re generally parents, they want good, and in principle many of them really want good, also toxicity, that's when i tell you i want, i wanted the best for you, or i wanted the best for you, this is also about toxicity, by the way, yes, yes, but still, for example, hyperprotective parents, they are also toxic parents, but they really want good, but mom wants control, monitor everything so that nothing happens. because she is very anxious, very controlling, she seems to want good, but behaves like this, and if i cannot be in such contact, then limit it, here i came, there i brought groceries, visited you, 5-10 minutes and mom starts
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that's all again, you turn around and leave, that is , limit communication, limit contact with such toxic parents and people. you have to set yourself a goal, do everything to try, try very, very hard, just to move away to live separately, if it doesn't work out at all, well, a difficult financial situation or something, then clearly set boundaries, then set such ultimatums, then watch out for this, protect yourself, protect yourself so as not to feel guilty, go to therapy. it is necessary to go to therapy, it is necessary to feel one's boundaries, this is the first thing, in general to understand who you are, to accept your dark and light sides, to study yourself as much as possible, well, it will take time, it is time,
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i say, because i have been in therapy for a very long time, and it continues and further, further, because again such challenges. they still cut us down, so we do not become stronger, unfortunately, sometimes, but weaker, and it becomes more and more difficult for us with toxic parents, well, in principle, we ukrainians, it seems to me, this history is embedded in the principle of living in general together in the family, and to respect and listen to parents, it is ingrained in us and we have social and this is such a mess, and the bible honors its father and mother, but no one reads the second part, that the parents do not provoke. their children, and when it happens that grown-up children do not communicate with their parents, or simply came to the village once every six months, brought some medicine there, went back, what do the neighbors say that the child is not good, that ungrateful daughter has grown up, and such a one, look,
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they are old, and she wanted to scratch them, and no one thinks about it, and why does she do that, and why does she come once every six months, and why does she not want to... even spend the night that they did such a thing, that there was such a thing, that she is like that, that it is so painful to be with them, no one talks about it, but talks about how bad she is, that's who they are. yes, this is actually an eternal, eternal topic, unfortunately, our time flew by so quickly, and we have to finish, and once again, for sure, i would introduce our guest, she was olga shmalyuk, a psychotherapist, psychologist and mother of an incredible daughter with autism halinky, and thank you for what you do for her, i just go to olina's page and you will see a lot of her work, in fact and... only self-love, and our next broadcast will actually be about love and self-acceptance, that is, how to learn to love and
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accept yourself, and then we will learn to communicate even with toxic parents. solomiya chubai was with you today, i thank you for being with us, share your stories and also tell us the topics that interest you, and maybe we will repeat the broadcast about toxicity once again, but already in teams and in marriage. there are discounts representing the only discounts on tolocsen strong 10% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on glycysed and glycised max 20% in pharmacies travel to you and savings are discounts represent the only discounts on non-trials 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of me, and time to talk about what's out there. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chechchenina, our watcher is ready to tell rome, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, from we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good afternoon, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and
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caring people, in the evening at espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war. but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the air of the tv channel espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also from... you can express your opinion at the end of the day using a telephone survey , turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish... is not from the head, no, not from the head and beyond, who then for china, my heart hurts, all this is in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. congratulations, the oreal front program is on the air, and i, taras berezovyts, am with you. today in our
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program. joe biden withdrew from the election. what 's next? donald trump urged not to believe that his victory could be beneficial to russia. chief syrsky outlined a strategy for defeating the enemy. killed iryna farion shocked the whole country, as well as the results of kuleba's visit to china. on july 21, the president of the united states , joe biden, announced his withdrawal from the presidential election . as politico reports, biden made the relevant decision a day before the announcement, namely on saturday, july 20. subsequently, the us president called on the democrats
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to unite around the candidacy of the current vice president, kamela harris. about events in the united states. more details in ours plots on july 21, us president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. he will no longer apply for re-election to the post of head of state. he explained his decision by the fact that he was acting in the interests of the country and the democratic party. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve you as president, even though i intended to be swamped. for re-election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and country that i should withdraw from the nomination and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. former extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the usa to ukraine john herbs said in an interview with the public that biden's decision was not a surprise. i would say that the momentum
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within the party for president biden to withdraw his... date was growing, so in that sense it was not a surprise. while acting, biden supported vice president kamala garis, and under the normal development of events, it should be so. biden proposed the candidacy of vice president kamala garis, and she agreed to participate in the presidential election. heads the democratic party in all states also endorsed the vice president as the party's new candidate for the upcoming election. it is an honor to have the president's endorsement, and i intend to serve and win this nomination. over the past year , i have traveled the country talking to americans about making clear choices in this important election, and that is what i will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. i will do everything in my power to unite the democratic party and our nation to defeat donald
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trump. according to herbst, haris is not a politician will be too different from flying. biden the us vice president condemns the occupation of crimea and the russian army's invasion of donetsk and luhansk regions. after the full-scale invasion, she called on congress to help ukraine when there were delays. also when garis headed the american delegation at the peace summit in switzerland. she noted that america will continue to defend democratic values ​​and oppose the dictator and announced $1.5 billion in aid to ukraine. already on the first day after biden's exit from the election race, garis' election campaign collected 81 million dollars. on july 23, this amount increased to 100 million dollars. also, according to a reuters poll published on july 23, kamala garis is ahead of republican presidential candidate donald trump by 2%. garis is supported by 44% of respondents
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to trump 42. the difference is within three percentage points. static error. about 56% of survey participants agreed with the statement that 59-year-old kamala garis has a sharp mind and is able to cope with difficulties. this is the opinion of the 78-year-old donald trump was shared by 49% of respondents. 91% of polled democratic voters expressed a positive attitude towards garis. as reported in the associated press , about 2,700 congress delegates are ready to vote for garis. for the nominative. 1,976 votes are needed for the presidency, voting will take place from august 1 to 7. in the event of the victory of the current vice president of the usa, kamela harris, in the presidential elections, the secretary of state blinkin, the head of the pentagon , austin, as well as the assistant to the president for
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national security issues, salevan, will resign. about this reported the influential american publication the walls. at the same time, a key position in her administration, assistant to the president for national security issues, can be occupied by the current adviser of kamela harris, phil gordon. the wall street journal reports that he is a hawk with a strong anti-china and anti-russian stance. if harris wins, gordon will shape the agenda of not only foreign, but also domestic policy of the united states. it is expected that in the event of him taking the post of national security adviser on china and russia new difficult times await, in particular gordon repeatedly. has expressed views in the past that the russian reich must be defeated, it also means that kamela harris, who
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has long been in the shadow of incumbent president joe biden, will be able to start implementing her foreign policy agenda. most of the interviewed american experts agree that the administration's overall foreign and domestic political course. in case of victory, harris will be a continuation of the current policy of president joe biden, which true, and here there are certain differences. in particular, garis, as a former attorney general of the state of california, takes a more rigid and principled position in relation to the kremlin. kamalagaris was a key official who represented the interests of the united states at various international platforms related to the completion of the russian-ukrainian relationship. thus, kamala garis was present at the peace summit in switzerland organized by ukraine, and she also represented the american delegation at
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the annual munich security conference. as the influential american publication the atlantic writes, the nomination of kamela garis as a presidential candidate from the democratic party has mixed up the cards of the republicans. now donald trump's staff will have to completely rebuild the pre-election campaign. a campaign that was built on criticism of incumbent president joe biden. and now, as the journalists of the atlantic write, for the first time since 2020 , donald trump does not control the agenda of the presidential campaign. instead of taking a more favorable position in relation to joe biden, who turned 81, donald trump himself finds himself in the position of the oldest candidate. in the presidential election, because he is almost 20 years older than vice president kamela harris, and now donald trump will have to answer uncomfortable questions about his
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readiness to perform the duties of the president in connection with his respectable almost 80-year-old age. several political technologists from donald trump's staff interviewed by the atlantic also said that the choice of j.d. vance as vice president... to be not final nominating garis will force trump's staff to completely rethink their campaign strategy, which vance may simply not fit into. in addition , the question remains open: who will be the candidate for vice president in connection with kamela harris. and it also answers the question: who , harris or trump, will have the best chance of becoming the next 47th president of the united states. america. this week, the details of the telephone conversation between the president of ukraine
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volodymyr zelenskyi and the us presidential candidate donald trump became known. during conversations, trump urged not to believe fake news, namely that his victory in the elections could be beneficial to russia. disturbing analytical findings that trump calls fake. primarily caused by numerous plans for possible agreements with putin. about the next peace plan, which was proposed to trump, further in our story. former british prime minister boris johnson, after meeting with the us presidential candidate donald trump, published his step-by-step peace plan between ukraine and russia in the daily mail column. also johnson said that he ... that donald trump can end the war in ukraine. i believe that trump can put an end to it, that is, to the war on
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the right terms for ukraine and the west. i emphasize that i cannot be sure exactly what he will do if elected, but this is what he can do. so, according to the ex-prime minister of great britain, trump's plan consists of the following steps. putin will have to retreat to the borders that preceded the invasion in... 2022. ukraine will join the eu and nato. ukrainian military will replace about 70,000 american soldiers, who are in europe. in ukraine , the protection of the russian-speaking population will be guaranteed so that putin can declare that the goals of the special operation have been fulfilled. ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi says: it is worth understanding that this is not a peace plan, but opinions written on the basis of theses from trump's headquarters. one of them says that the problem can be solved. by force, and this phrase removes negotiations as a tool to end the war. boris johnson understands what is most important
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in the current situation around ukraine. to assemble a certain coalition of freedom and democracy, first, secondly, he understands that in europe, as well as in the world today, there is one army, one, not one, not two, which is capable of resisting evil, it is the ukrainian army, it is not by chance that he writes about the fact that that contingent... . the one hundredth that is in europe, because there the number should not be 70, it should be 110 00, it should be replaced with the ukrainian one, and this one should be sent to the united states of america, he writes further, because this is the nearest dream and plan donald trump, and this is the reseeding in the article of real visions,
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programmatic things of trump. swarms and impossible plans and is the content of this material. if to this material, without burying time, we add valery zaluzhny's speech at the royal conference in london and sirsky's interview, then all this comes out. mr. democrats, you either wake up and help. because we still need real help, or prepare your population for war. at the same time, in order to end the russian-ukrainian war, it is necessary to have all the necessary weapons and remove the bans from ukraine, and this will be done by both trump and garis in case of victory in the presidential elections, roman believes immortal. because besides, let's say, simply posing a problem, there is such a concept as fear, which is a very good doctor for
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many. case, and because no matter what anyone says, as far as the united states of america is concerned, this option is impossible, for the simple reason that in a duel kamala, harris, ah, donald trump, firstly, is unknown, who will win, and secondly, the first component, if you read the article, and about brian and johnson, what is being discussed there, the problem can only be solved... only by force, and in order to bring it to the table, there is the first thing that is written ukraine should get everything, including the removed, ridiculous, as boris johnson writes, ban, and donald trump and kamala harris will do it. however, the position of donald
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trump's team regarding... the foreign policy agenda has also undergone certain adjustments. an important phone call between volodymyr zelenskyi and donald trump took place this week. it was a very correct decision of the ukrainian president, because donald trump is not just a candidate for the presidency of the united states. it represents the second most influential political force in the united states, which has every chance to win not only in presidential elections. but also in the elections to the congress. the positions discussed by president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi with donald trump show that the position of the republican is undergoing a certain transformation, and from a politician whom many suspected of pro-putin sympathies, he gradually migrated to a more rigid anti-russian position. so the fears that exist in the event of
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trump's victory may turn out to be many. in what way exaggerated. on july 23 , fighters of the 110th separate mechanized unit in the pokrov direction brigades shot down a russian su-25 fighter jet that was trying to fire at the positions of units of the defense forces. this is the second enemy plane shot down by ukrainian soldiers in this direction in just one week. more about the situation at the front in the next story. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , oleksandr syrskyi, visited the hottest areas of the eastern front and shared a strategy on how to stop the outnumbered russians. he told about this in his telegram channel. what we can and should do for that.


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