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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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the secretary of state has another plan, trump is already there, he destroys putin to zero, everything is already there by way of lindleys, 500 billion, well, that is, another option, that is, you know, it can all be a game, that is, look, here one powerful friend of ukraine says, well, look , we will do it like this, well, russia is silent for now, well, you are silent, fine, then that means the second option, and now we will give you so that you will be cold, this... is drawn out, then there was, then there was, then there was a carrot, here betih, and come on, but you know, it's all bad, actually, why is it bad, because we wait all the time from someone with some kind of plan, well, the question is, and we are so weak that we cannot formulate our plan, well, they will say, no, i do, there is zelensky’s peace formula, well, three points have been passed, seven are left, mr. serhiy, the matter even not in it, it's a formula. this is an idea, this is
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a thesis, and it is correct, that is, who will say something against the thesis about territorial integrity, yes, it is absolutely logical, but let us simply decipher it and write what the restoration of territorial integrity means, well, it is simple, again, as an angle of 90°, i.e. for for this we need to get the appropriate military assistance, for this we need to get the appropriate financial assistance, for this we need to strengthen... sanctions on russia, for this we need ukraine to start producing its weapons in a powerful way and so on, for this we need to have the corresponding force, so to speak, the living force, which can use all this in order to obtain victory, and say, we have these factors, after a certain number of days, we get a completely different situation in crimea, and then in the south, and then in the east . and so on,
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do you remember, the republicans kept saying what we are spending 60 billion on, where is the plan, well, finally we can sit down to write our plan, which will be presented not just as a plan for ukraine, but as a plan for the victory of the west over russia, they are really starting to understand , that this is the greatest evil, look in the washington document of the nato summit, russia is the first enemy, at the previous one there was china, so they already... understand that china is needed here, let it be, then we will see, today is russia, so let's unite and we will create a non-ukrainian plan for a ukrainian one from this victory, the joint western-ukrainian plan, so to speak, of joint victory over the enemy, is that the task is insurmountable, and we do not have people who can write what is needed, well , perhaps president zelensky claims that he should have his the plan is personal, it is development, it is developed. of his ideas, this is not
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a denial that there will be some other one in place of such a plan, no, we simply take these theses, which are key for us, and write them down and make it so that it is clear to everyone, both in ukraine and abroad border, then the republicans they will say, yes, let's correct this point here, let's, let's change this here, let's, and then we have a joint plan, you understand, and then we, and then we say to everyone, guys, no, you don't ask us such, don't ask us such questions, this is our joint plan, we can overcome the enemy. you already mentioned mike pompeo, but i will quote to our tv viewers what he wrote for the wall street journal. he said that if trump wins the presidential election, he will introduce a $500 billion lend-lease for ukraine and remove restrictions on weapons that pompeo writes. this is what a successful plan for ukraine might look like. introduce real sanctions against russia, strengthen american defense, revive the nato organization, create a program of destiny. league for
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ukraine in the amount of 500 billion dollars, ukraine can also be accepted into nato and the eu, according to pompeo, it is beneficial for america, because then europe will take on more obligations regarding the security of ukraine, and we have the synchronicity of donald trump, the candidate for presidents of the united states of america, who said on fox news that he was in conversation with the president zelensky told him about the need to end the war, let's listen to what trump said. president zelensky called me and we had a good talk. i said that we must end this war. in front of you is a military machine, they are constantly fighting, they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon, they are waging war. well, it seems to me that trump is not accurate enough about who defeated hitler. of course, of course, it cannot be given only to... to stalin, to
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the soviet union, after all, it was a collective victory, all the more for russia, all the more for russia, because you asked, he is more likely to write about lendlease, and if there was no lendlease... world war ii, what would the soviet union have done to beat hitler himself? so that's all, well , let's leave it to trump here, he's an eccentric, he's a person who speaks so emotionally about something, maybe it's not quite accurate, but the thesis is correct, that is, he's actually talking about what's with russia, with this putin's russia it must be finished, because she is the biggest threat to everyone, and again, we... with you once said that we do not study the psychotype of politicians, trump is a businessman, he says the same thing, if we take ukraine into nato and the european union, then the issue of ensuring security will be largely entrusted to the europeans, and we will pay less, here i am and i say all the time, you just need
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to understand who you are dealing with, prepare for these negotiations very seriously and offer those arguments that will be understandable to the partner and that will give him howls. do you remember somewhere in some regular plan, and this is boris johnson, it was said that the americans could be replaced in europe by ukrainians, and it was about 70,000 ukrainian soldiers, but can you imagine what this amount is for the american budget, yes, it’s really not tens, it’s hundreds of billions of dollars, so if trump counts every penny, says i don't want to spend it on something that... we don't need, well yes, well, in the end, why not, why not help him, that we need to rearm all of europe, well, look, it's worth it queue for e, not for f-16 in europe, for f-35, there are queues for
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these are air defense systems, and at the same time they are standing, well, only zelenskyy says we need 125 of these... but it’s not 125, it’s, it’s, it’s 500, probably 25, and each of them costs 1 billion 200 million dollars, that is, if you look at what it can give to the american economy, the economy, then believe me, i think you don't even have to be trump to understand that it is profitable, that's what i'm getting at, we need, when we formulate our goals, very clearly and clearly... to understand with whom and what we are talking about, we understand what to talk about with trump, you understand what to talk about with trump, and what to talk about with kamala harris, because in the current situation, well , it turns out that somewhere after the debate between biden and trump, it was clear that trump
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has a better chance to win the presidential race campaign of 2024, here biden does not go to the polls and does. probably the most unexpected move, probably not only for the world, but for himself, because kamala harris, she is 19 years younger than donald trump, and this is all the rhetoric that was prepared by trump for biden, that he, they say, has it's almost dementia, that he forgets there, that he can't manage the state there, it just simply falls apart, and obviously, well, it's sociology. will probably show there in august what prospects kamala harris has, will the policy of the united states of america change significantly, if kamala harris comes to the chair of the president of the united states of america, you know what i would talk about with her, well, i think only
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about one thing , that it is necessary to put an end to the indecision of the democrats on security issues, because if she continues this line obama, biden and so on, then we will again wait for six months for a decision on this or that supply of weapons and so on, but this pseudo-pacifist line of the democrats really needs to be finished, and if the matter were to move to practical negotiations, then i think that we need to convince her that such a line will not be a winning one for her, but a losing one, and that. that she has a good chance now, well, as they say, only lazy people don't talk about that, because she is a woman, she is dark-skinned, she is a prosecutor, she has, so to speak, every chance to show that she is offers a fair america, against the background of the fact
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that, well, trump is now on the stretch, really he, he is accused, at least in four. cases, and she is a prosecutor, and she says, yes, she says, for whom you will vote, for me, as a representative of law, justice and order. or for a person against whom there are currently four cases and it is not known how they will end, and there is also sexual harassment, that is, all these sexual things and the like, then you want the president to be someone who will attack women and therefore similar and so on, humiliating them and everything else, then you know, well, this is a matter of technology, i think there are many people who can tell it what to do, it is our business not to interfere in... processes and so on, but now she really has a good
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chance of turning things around in her favor. at the very end of our program, mr. volodymyr, i would like to ask you about the statement of polish defense minister władysław kosyniak kamysz that ukraine's accession to the eu depends on the resolution of historical issues, and he told polsat news that he said. in my opinion, real politics should issue an ultimatum without solving the volyn issue, there will be no accession of ukraine to the european union, what does this mean, that is, we have to apologize to them and have already apologized many times and stood on our knees in front of these monuments to the victims ee of these historical events, and they should not be repeated in front of us, well, this re-examination is historical, it will... it will be long simply, well, you know, this is only evidence, in my opinion, of the fact that in polish
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politicians, these are the problems of the past, they are really there, but i would like to ask a simple question, why did the volyn tragedy happen, and on which territory is the main thing, and why should ukraine apologize, well, you just have to look at, you know, the historical duration of all these processes that took place on ukrainian lands. why did they happen, remember the role of russia, which in volyn, actually at the beginning of the 20th century, actually shaped the russian world, and why, say, the same volyn peasants met the bolsheviks with bread and salt, etc. similar, and how they prepared them for the fact that the poles are enemies and the like, there are a lot of problems, but it seems to me that this was during the times of kuchma and yushchenko, by the way. well, we found ways to communicate normally, and our
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presidents went there, as you say, stood on their knees, i saw it with my own eyes, everyone came here, did the same thing, and we gave society completely different signals that there were tragedies, because of this, no one can now say that they did not exist, we define, we apologize and ask for forgiveness, this formula, which is really relevant today, although it was born. already many, many years ago, there is no other option, if we will hear such statements, then it will mean that we will simply approach the wall again and again, behind which there is simply no way out, because no one will ever prove that he was not the first, well, yes, and we have neighbors, poles, hungarians, and everyone will say that you cannot go to the european union, you should apologize, you have hungarian... there is more to give in transcarpathia, well that is they will always be there for us the claims of other neighbors, that
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is, the point is that we should take a position here, it seems to me a clear position, well now it is good, in order to start negotiations, it was necessary to make some verbal concessions to the hungarians, but i do not think that this is the moment , which should define the basis of our bilateral relations. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, friends, this was volodymyr ogryzko, diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9. years, let me remind you that throughout our broadcast we conduct polls, we today we ask you about the following: do you think the third world war is inevitable, so what are the preliminary results of the survey, because they are intermediate, 57%, yes, 41%, or 43%, no, every week maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, authorized by the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said
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about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand disturbing news and distinguish the truth? from the enemy and dogs. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. me my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military,
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the front, the sergirets component. but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuri. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chikchenina, our art watcher is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who have become like natives to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, leader of the crimean tatar people , we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the air on the tv channel, and traditionally, like every friday it happens in us, we have a journalism club, and today we will talk
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about such things in our journalism club. up to 15 years in prison, the alleged murderer of iryna farion was declared a suspect in lviv and a preventive measure is chosen. what is known about possible motives for the crime? the world is on the brink of the third world war, ukrainian generals zaluzhnyi and syrskyi interpret putin's flawed logic for the west, how to prevent a global conflict. peace initiatives of zelensky, johnson and trump. the world is looking for a way to appease putin. which of the proposed recipes can be more effective? we will talk about this and other things during the next 45 minutes on our broadcast. but before starting our conversation, i suggest you take part in
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our survey, dear friends, today we are asking you about the following: do you think the third world war? inevitable, yes, no, everything is simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it under this video in the comments, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote for on 0800 211 381 if you think the third world war is inevitable and if you don't think so then 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free... please vote, at the end of the program we will tally up the results of this vote , i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is yanina sokalova, journalist, tv presenter, public figure, blogger, yanina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, congratulations serhiyya, congratulations andriyya, congratulations, and andriy yanitskyi, journalist , you have already introduced andriy, andriy
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yanitsky, today we will talk about many topics, many stories, we will discuss with you. well, as it traditionally happens in the journalism club, but let's start with this poll, because we ask our tv viewers and viewers, traditionally we are in the blitz format, we ask our guests what they think about it, do you think the third world war is inevitable, please yanina, well, the third world war is already going on in such a muted version, in which, it seems to me, the western world does not yet fully understand that... it depends on them, including its successful completion as winners, and not only from ukraine, which somewhere is fighting alone, and not from israel, and from many other countries that are currently at the stage of war with the totalitarian world, with the world of money,
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technology, technology and the absence of democracy , the values ​​of human life, many... say that now the war is existential, and it is, and valery zaluzhnyi, what a speech for the first time, you must be so great, now we will talk about it, you will now talk about all the topics in the blitz, so we let's get back to getting started, we already in it, we are already in it, okay, let's turn now to zaluzhnyi and his quotes, but we are in it, and how effectively it can develop or... not develop to the direct participation of the countries that are currently with us in the conditional or a direct coalition, we would also like to talk about them today, zaluzhny hinted at them, well... the scale of this war will depend on that, i believe that it is already in progress, and to our viewers, i will say that yanina sokolova has a very serious youtube channel,
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1,120,000 subscribers, if you watch youtube channels, be sure to subscribe to yanina sokolova's youtube channel, andrii does not yet have such a powerful youtube channel, let's hope that something will happen, and a small one. will be just as powerful, andriy, what do you think about what zaluzhny says, that the third world war is not inevitable, but i absolutely agree with ms. yanina, the third world is already underway, everything that is happening not only in ukraine , in syria, in israel, in other hot spots of the planet, these are all interconnected processes, and by and large , this is a struggle between democratic regimes and autocratic regimes that... have united informally so far, but we see, for example, how iran is helping russia, how china is secretly helping russia, how north korea is helping russia, and coalitions are already being formed,
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and a pro-democracy coalition is being formed around ukraine , there are many countries that are still undecided, wavering, trying to be neutral, but sooner or later they will have to decide and take sides, i hope that democracy will win, democracy must... win, that's absolutely obvious. yanina already mentioned the first speech in the status of extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador to great britain by the former chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, speaking in the front auditorium of a respectable audience, he said that russia's attack on ukraine could be a prelude to the involvement of the world in the third world war, and to it it is necessary to prepare society, as the general said. first of all. warriors must be avoided, but if war does come, you must be ready for it. society must agree to temporarily give up a number of freedoms, liberties,
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for the survival of modern wars, unfortunately total, they require the efforts not only of the army, but also of society in general. well , obviously, yanina, zaluzhnyi spoke not only about ukrainian society, and since he spoke before a foreign audience, it was obviously addressed to a western audience as well, about the fact that... until you realize that the war is just around the corner and it you may already have, and until you respond adequately, there is still a danger of world war iii, although i fully agree with you that world war iii is already underway, and before us was the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr orysku on the air, he said that in general this war was started by putin back in 2007, that is, from the munich conference, although it can be said that this war began with putin's arrival in government in 2000, uh, what do you say about
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how hard-working, how convincing he is to a british audience, to a foreign audience, that is, a man with a lot of combat experience, probably no one has an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador with such combat experience and a person , which is just almost from the front turned into a statue. a diplomat and now tells everyone about the threat of war to the world? many people call britain an empire only because they do not like the russians as much as the russians love them, and a lot of russian propaganda talks about the fact that the love in britain for ukraine is only the desire of each empire to have power over someone smaller, however... when i i was in great britain, it was a month ago, i spoke with people who represent ukraine there in certain
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human rights organizations and political analysts, then i heard only one thing: veliko britain and respect for zaluzhnyi are caused by the force that the ukrainian army and ukrainian society showed in relation to such a person, in their opinion. the strongest military aggressor in the world, which is the russian federation. the fact that we were able to stop the aggressor, and the fact that i am talking to you now, and kyiv, many regions are not occupied and de-occupied, despite the fact that, believe me, no one in the west expected that this would happen, despite sympathy, this for them, the great heroism of the ukrainian army, and the diligent, in their opinion, is the chieftain of all... this process, and that's how they treat it, you must understand that when time came out with the cover of the lunatic, i saw how my
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british friends bought this publication, read... and then read his columns in zaikonomist in many other publications, they understood that this is such a new force, a new general spirit and format that europe needs and needs from the west and nato needs. therefore , there have been rumors for a long time that zaluzhny could head some point here from nato, the training of our soldiers within the framework of nato, well, in any formations which it is possible, they called zaluzhny as the leader, why? because in the whole world, which lives on issues of defense capability, zaluzhny is the leader of a new progressive army that is capable of confronting such an enemy as russia, so what zaluzhny said was under a lot of attention in great britain, and i saw the posts themselves british people on twitter and facebook. where
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they talked about the fact that the western world should really get out of its comfortable shell and move on to the issue of defense capability, on such a bridgehead of war, which can start very soon, because the conclusions have not been drawn, and it is important that zaluzhnye spoke at the united institute of defense research, this is such a london royal united institute, and those statements about the third world. which he voiced, which later spread quite well, by the way, sergius is in the zmi, i mean the british zmi, this is a story called, recover, at the beginning of that war, you must not only be helping us with weapons, but you can participate in it yourself , and maybe you will die, the diligent always has a diplomatic form all this wrap up, but the meaning is this, i think that what
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he is there now... it will be very, very important for us to implement in the form of defense enterprises that will be jointly with great britain, i know that there are developments, so his statements are, well , count the dividends, from his activities here, which will then be equivalent to the defense projects we will have with great britain, very correct that the office i do not know whether they have calculated it or not, but given that i know the foreign office. business ambassadors consult before any speeches, they are at this very stake and they made sure that they will deal with the defense issue, the issue of attracting investments and rousing the world from their comfortable latent life in the direction of preparing for the defense, perhaps not of ukraine, but of their territories, therefore the statements were very correct, obviously
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they calculated not only in kyiv, what can the hall do. i think that the british side also talked about the fact that it would be good if zaluzhny were ambassador to great britain, because after all , the british are our great partners in this war, they help a lot, and they they want to see and want to talk to a representative of ukraine who understands the war, that is, it is absolutely obvious, and it seems to me that this was one of the most convincing arguments that zaluzhny got to great britain, but on the day when... zaluzhny spoke to an audience in london, zelensky was there, and in parallel , an interview was published in the guardian, which was taken by luke garding from the guardian, he said that, what, what
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syrsky himself said in the interview, he said that ukraine has done... is doing everything possible to achieve the internationally recognized borders of 1991, there is a plan to de-occupy crimea, it is realistic, of course, this is a big military secret, we will do everything possible to reach the internationally recognized borders of 1991, we must win to free our citizens who are in the occupied territories , who are suffering, that's what mr. syrskyi said, well, andriy, it's clear that there is... military - military command, i still understand that he is a representative of the military command, because it's obvious about and about the army and about what happened and is happening now in the army, he knows syria no less, but we see how such a political-military, diplomatic, elite has formed in ukraine, which explains to the world what...


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