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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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i saw it, that actually here they are at a distance of 2-5 km, because it was a manual manpads that hit them, that is, it is quite close in this case, it is not 40 km, well 40 km, we understand that , because we are really fighting for them so much for these planes and we will receive them in a very small amount, at least at the first stage, so fly where the russian ppon works. will be shot down, this is also a plane and it is also vulnerable to anti-aircraft missiles, here it is not some weapon that is invulnerable there, they can be shot down in the same way, they were shot down in other wars as well they were shot down more than once, so it is necessary not to enter the impression zone, there is a lot of work here and 40 km from the front line, well, this is a separate conversation, and regarding what mr. sirskyi said about the fact that one should not expect much from... . well, you know about this,
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military experts, analysts, people from different military who understand these issues, they, they said many times that 10-20 planes, well, they will not solve anything, basically on the front line, yes, it will be help, it is, well, it is better than nothing, but it is not a turning point in the war, we are still in the rear many people, well, i understand that we are all tired of... war, of raids, of shelling, of lights that have to be turned off, and we want something to appear that will give us the opportunity to win quickly, well , you know that, like a dream about a pill that cures these diseases immediately, nothing like that will happen, these airplanes will be good, but they will not solve anything fundamental, at least in such a quantity, our friends from the united states, pilots, generals from of the air force, which is for such a front line. as we now have for such a quantity
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enemy aircraft, then we need at least 200, at least 200 such aircraft, then we can say that we can wage air battles, we can seize the initiative on the battlefield and, well, achieve certain successes, not a turning point in the war, but at least air parity can be achieved with 6, 10, 20 planes, well, as for parity, let's not deceive ourselves. well, yes , and with regard to parity and opportunities , oleksandr syrskyi mentioned enough interesting numbers, yes, i said it, i didn’t finish i wanted to narrow down the idea a little to the point that if he said it in his head, then he should have said it, that is, by and large, these are well-known things, that is, that they will not solve the issue, but you know, when they say it, someone there says it or a blogger, or an expert, or
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an analyst, or someone else, but i, for example, said and said, well, how many people say something, and when they say it with their head, then, well, they take off their rose-colored glasses about what is happening now now f16 will come and we will show everyone here, we will defeat the russians, we will reach moscow in three days, no, nothing like that will happen, and here i wanted i would like to thank mr. syrski on behalf of myself, maybe on behalf of my other colleagues. the fact that he, by and large, confirms our words, well, he confirms what was already known, but when he says it in his head, then it is a completely different weight and words than all of us, maybe experts put together, so we thank him for the fact that he told the truth, well, here he said one more interesting thing, which i would say, he also takes off his rose-colored glasses, which, in particular, for the last economist, they were wearing such that it was a shame.
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possibilities and military depots there in russia, and oleksandr syrskyi said that if you compare that at the beginning of the invasion in february 22, the russian federation had on the front line, well, 100 thousand, there were approximately 150 thousand soldiers, and now he says that this number has increased to 520 thousand, and to by the end of the 24th year, they are planned to be 690. you understand, i am saying this, well, i understand that you have heard these numbers very well, but i am saying this for our viewers, and on the one hand , also, well, it is a little, you know, shows some of the things that are possible. the idea of
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​​escalation management somehow works a little, a little wrong, and in that case, the question arises, what should be, well, i don't know... ukraine's strategy in this war, if it turns out that all the sanctions, all the attempts, well, to exhaust the russians lead to the fact that the number of their armored vehicles on the field the battle is doubled, tripled, and the number of soldiers becomes five times more, then what should be the strategy of our defense, that's the question, you mentioned, i, we understand who you mentioned, escalation management, there are such words in the united states that... i don't think that it can't be done, that it should be strengthened little by little er, our capabilities, your and our capabilities to repel the russians, so that it is gradual, unyielding there and so on, well, something is not working, because we really like the number of destroyed enemies per
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day, per month, but this figure fluctuates approximately 3-30 thousand russians destroyed per month, and the figure that is added every month is 35. 4000, that is, we destroy 30, plus 10, another 5-10 are added, and well, that is, these 30 are added to them from above, as they say, that's why the number is increasing, the amount of equipment is increasing, well, the truth is that the equipment is there they will no longer be able to double the number, and in general they will not be able to significantly increase it, because they have taken out almost everything they had, about 3.5 more... it won’t happen yet, another thousand or two, they have such an opportunity there is no more, they have already taken out all possible artillery, they have taken out even the 130th caliber, which not everyone has even heard of, what kind of caliber it is, these are guns that were decommissioned at the end of the 40s in the soviet union, because they are looking for shells for them
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somewhere in north korea, there are not empty warehouses there there is a lot more, but this is practically all that they have now on the battlefield, then they can... hold and feed, strengthen, increase, they already do not have such an opportunity, so how should we conduct defense, well, this war , well here, well now, now it seems that we have adopted the concept of what is called active defense, and well, a little, well, let's say this, officially it sounds like this, to destroy the enemy's opportunities to continue the war as much as possible, well, actually on the battlefield, the point is , what types of... defense, except for the positional one, which we all know well, and we look at the mapudi, and believe, for some reason, that this is the only one from defense, there is also mobile, maneuverable defense, active defense, point defense, there, listen, well,
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their, their several types, and what we use, their, this, this is not something, it's not some kind of knotau, you know, it's so annoying when there's some new vision or. hey, what a vision, it’s tactics on the battlefield, in the field, it hasn’t changed since the napoleonic wars, there’s nothing new there, everything is clear, the means of achieving the goal have changed, everything else, the russians are trying to escape from the flank, well, that is, well all this is known, therefore it is very necessary somehow, i don’t know whether to introduce military censorship or something else, to push aside people who climb and try to tell how to fight, they say... and they say that it is such a tour that, well, you know, they give advice on a universal scale, universal foolishness at the same time, perfectly, everyone, everyone perfectly understands, for this the commanders study and they know what tactics should be used in this particular terrain, this particular time, precisely with such a number of our forces and means, the forces
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and means of the enemy, what is offensive defensive, how to maneuver, what is a mobile defense, what is even a circular defense, what is a positional defense, what is a check defense and so on, that is, all this and all ... it is combined and used in order to, uh, inflict maximum damage on the enemy and give him the opportunity to advance minimally, but he will still advance somewhere and nowhere, that too, well, in the last 300 years, there was no such thing as an army advancing, not advancing anywhere, well, this has never happened in the history of wars, so this is also a completely expected result, but why is it dangerous when people climb up and start talking about it, it heats up unnecessary degrees within society. greatly affects the military, they begin to hesitate to make a decision to leave or not to make a decision, because to leave they are evicted from five huts, the name of which 99.9 people have never heard, is perceived in society and in the media space as almost a defeat in the war, and people are hesitating whether to give the command to leave, because it is necessary to leave,
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save people, or later they will be lying there again, i don’t know positive, negative white or what bloggers i don’t know he tells us that someone did something wrong to us... he did, we left another settlement, although it was a village, there were three dilapidated houses there, you understand, but there is some name, that's why the psychic tells about the cases. and when he does not give the command, for example, combrich, well, we hope that this is not completely verified information, for the retreat of the battalion troops, who are almost completely surrounded, because the combatant says that it is necessary to withdraw, well, there is no point in holding the defense, we will only put people , he hesitates, why he hesitates, because if he gives the order to leave, he will here is such a reaction in society and they can, on the other hand, we also need to figure it out, and well, i'm not saying. because every time
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such stories happen, it is connected with the fact that someone left and entered from the flank, this is already such a constant story with us that, you know, it seems that everyone is just sitting and waiting, well, when again they will come in from the flank to leave, well , it's kind of simple, we already have to go a little bit, i wanted to say a little something else, the fact is that there are conversations going on. not about criminal responsibility or anything less administrative responsibility for the fact that the commander gives the order to withdraw the unit, this is what scares me, i am sure that it is necessary to do the exact opposite, if a person gave the command for the withdrawal of troops, when it was fully in accordance with the military situation that existed there at that time , then it should be no less administrative, preferably criminal responsibility, because listen, you know, well, i was fired not so long ago, i have a lot of friends who are fighting and listen, we are with them all the time. we don't communicate and when what they are they talk about the impossibility of leaving,
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when you are practically surrounded for several days, there is no order to enter, because there will be little from the point of view of the commander, the commander will give the command to leave, and then he will almost be taken into office, so here we need to stop, we need to tell more often, let's stop, we won't stop, if it's gone it's gone, tell more often and and... 10% in pharmacies plantain to you tasvita - this is the future of every country, which is changing in
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ukrainian schools, what will it look like the university of tomorrow, the country plunges into a world of educational transformations, we ask experts, we listen to teachers, we hear from parents and children, from school to university, we explore the labyrinths of education reforms, read to understand, understand to change, ask the country at the press outlets or prepay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estazif 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top ones guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. your place is waiting for you. the light stays on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you. you are always in front of my eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you, we didn't
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give up, because we knew you were already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and... we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together... we are more than a family. we are a nation united around you. let's return to the chronicles of the war, and i remind you about our collection for the purchase of drones and radio electronic warfare systems for the third,
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separate assault brigade, the 110th brigade of which there are already two. shot down dozens of planes and continues to do so and the 47th brigade of the armed forces, they are all on the bloody side, and actually after the battles for avdiivka, they need replenishment of resources, they urgently need, well , drones, means of protection, countering enemy drones, so this collection is critically important for them, please join, it is very... . it is important and it is obvious that such a collection gives us the opportunity to defend ourselves, and our goal is 3,500 hryvnias, which is quite large, but the help will be very important for our fighters, you see there is a qr code, so please be important here - what contribution, and to
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good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the small ones, the enemy and drones of the komikat, we really ask for your help , glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, er, yes, i hope that we have. a new guest has already appeared, no, unfortunately not yet, then we will tell you a little about what we actually talked about with the previous guest, with oleksiy hetman, we talked about what there now happened near the progress such a flank breakthrough, eh, well, this is also
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the pokrovsky direction, everything where serious battles are going on and where the russians are constantly trying to advance, and there took place... a flank breakthrough, due to the fact that a certain group of fighters left their positions, and as a result, another group of fighters can practically find themselves surrounded, and now there the deep state has written to itself what the fighters wrote to them, asking and saying that they have no order to leave that place, although combrich supports them, directly. .. management says that this is the way to go it turns out, but it seems that the higher leaders do not give such an order to leave, well , what do we hope that this situation will somehow be exhausted and, after all, they will figure out who should be where, but the story itself, of course, when some things happen such flanking russian breakthroughs, you already know that, well
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, it’s just some kind of tradition, when it seems as if no one expected anything from the flank, and there someone leaves, then someone... finds himself in difficult situations, it is necessary to introduce fighters from other directions so that they stabilize the front , well for some reason, it is not known, for what reason it is done in our country as a kind of simple tradition, this is how an important point was lost, the ash trees, and now this story takes place around a certain very important height, which also, well, its loss can have, well, long-term no no good ones let's say so, the consequences, moreover, this breakthrough may be in the direction of the road from pokrovsky to konstantinovka, which is really important, which may also affect the further course of hostilities, well, that's it, that is, i can't
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say yet what we have. .. wait a little longer, because it's not clear, we can't, yes, yes, as if our guest appeared, this is the callsign, the commander of the 97th battalion of the 60th separate brigade, the mechanized brigade, i congratulate you, mr. roster, congratulations, congratulations, i am very glad to see you finally see that you were able to break through to us, yes, the connection is very bad, yes, well, we can hear you fine, so if you... you can't hear us, it's okay, but we can hear you, well, first of all i would like to ask you about such a direction, you know, which, on the one hand, how to compare with other directions in... looks as if it is calmer, and if to look at the general picture, there are some attempts by the russians and some
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such offensive actions taking place all around, what is your situation, do you feel the same attempts by the russians to move forward in your direction? well , in our direction for the last 11 months that we have been, the enemy has never stopped us small or. to storm in large groups in the direction of liman, so i cannot say that today our direction is quieter than any other, the enemy is climbing, climbing constantly, there the russian soldiers were bragging about something, as if they managed to advance somewhere in direction of nevsky, as well as ternivyam, polivka, is this true at all? this is not really, valid, then their propaganda videos show something, the 60th separate mechanized brigade, as it stood, is still standing and
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has not lost a single position, therefore it is a complete lie. and tell me, what are the tactics of the russians in your direction right now, do they use them when they try to move somewhere there, more infantry forces or equipment, well, that is... for all this time you have been watching how this attempt of theirs is changing actions? in the spring this year there were very powerful enemy assaults, by mechanized detachments, tanks and armored personnel carriers were moving, there was a very large number, but all this equipment was destroyed, and at the moment, as of now, the enemy is only moving on foot, or on the road. . on their atvs, they try to drive up to our positions, but the buggy is not armor and it also burns very well, so
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they can only reach their advanced positions on foot in small groups. well, what you say is actually a typical situation, because we, when other colleagues of yours from other directions are included, they say the same thing, that this is a tactic of assaults, with little sand. in groups and everything, and you know, i have such a question, tell me, when is this the tactic of foot assaults, yes, why is it not used somehow more actively on our part, for example, mining with anti-personnel mines, i understand that these are anti-personnel mines , this is such a controversial topic, but we have a question, well, well, to put it mildly, don’t go to any kind of flight, why does little change, i, well, i understand you, by the geneva convention, and they cannot be anti-personnel mines, the prohibited mines are established in the order in which it is prescribed in
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military, military affairs, therefore we do not use anti-personnel mines that the enemy uses, we can only use them there minimally for the defense of some position . and then for remote detonation, that is, we cannot dig in and inflict damage on the enemy in this way, well, these are conventions, and we are fighting according to the geneva convention, so we do not do this, well, this explains the difference between how in zaporizhzhia oblasts tried to advance, well , our troops counterattacked and actually encountered this, with the fact that there were anti-personnel units there, but we very successfully use the fpv systems of dropping mortar fire and artillery fire. i believe that in this war, in this phase
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of the war, in 2024, armored vehicles are almost irrelevant. all the equipment is found on the slopes, so to speak, there 4-5 km away. 90% of the time it gets destroyed on approach, so now all these tanks that cost millions of dollars are just destroyed by a 300 buck fpivish and a good pilot, ugh, but the saturation of fpv on our side is enough to compensate for it, that 's enough, but as everyone knows that there was not much bc, that's why at the moment it's not parity with... our enemy in this, the enemy also has a lot of fpv, a lot of ammunition, he already produces at his facilities and supplies
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his front. already with the newest resets that they use against us, i wonder what kind of ammunition it is? what is the novelty there, somehow explain a little, open it up, the supplies are adapted to mount fpv, or mavics, drones, skider systems, and they adapted by their weight and impact mechanism for modern actions. that is, if you take an ordinary vog, it must be modified to be dropped from a mavik, then it will work, and they are already giving ammunition to their army, which is already an analogue of the vog, but it detonates instantaneously when it hits the ground, from a low height, that is , well, that is this is factory technology already, that is, somewhere they have put their production on stream, so somewhere they have put it on stream and
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they are using it against us, well, it's a shame. history, because of course i would like to here also have some commensurate thing that could also work on its own, well, we have more or less the same number, so we keep parity in terms of the number of accurate drops, we definitely, well, literally half a minute there, tell me what about the artillery, how it is now in your direction, how do you see it, because there is already information about the fact that... the russians and the 130s are pulling up, and well, there are the korean ones, how do you actually deal with this, and with large-caliber artillery, i i can say that the enemy is noticeably in it, but he has enough bc for mortars 120-82, b-caliber anti-tank guns are enough, so it is quite a lot, and the tanks are closed.
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the enemy's positions are also being fired with 152 mm, we are already observing the du, well, much less than two months ago, well, thank you very much, thank you for joining us and being able to call us, it was growth, callsign growth, commander 97 battalion of the 60th separate mechanized brigade, our time is up, stay with the espresso tv channel, we will meet you, well, not in a week, but in a couple of weeks in this format, so see you we are looking for 13-year-old nikita sukhorukov. the boy lived in the city of mariupol and it was there that he met the war. information about the disappearance of the child was received in
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march of this year, but none. unfortunately, the details of where and under what circumstances the boy disappeared are unknown. it is possible that mykyta, like many children from donetsk region, was taken to russia, but of course it is possible that he still remains somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine, and i really hope that with your help we will be able to find the boy. let's take a closer look at the missing photo child maxim is now 13. he looks his age, he has light blond hair and blue eyes. eyes, if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, you can also contact us using the service's telegram bot search for children i also want to remind you that we are not stopping the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who disappeared almost in the first days
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of the full-scale war. the boy's mother said that life in the city was unbearable and the situation worsened every hour, from the bombings, the family hid in the basement, but shelling was far from the only problem of the residents of mariupol, there was no internet, electricity, water, we even drank water technically, from a technical well, then the whole family was poisoned, he could neither drink nor eat.


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