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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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there were some possible accompanying conversations, we understand that this fits into the general process, so the world was lurking in the rehearsing of trump and the corresponding changes. trump's plus-minus concept is clear, so he wants to force, in one way or another, if not russia, then ukraine, he will also need a result. roman petrovich, how do you evaluate the present? well, i won't say historical, but extremely important. negotiation point the first thing to pay attention to in the story surrounding president coleba's trip to guangzhou is the actual place, form, and content, because here only from the fragments of the first, second and third it is possible to understand that somewhere no more than 10, well a maximum of 15% of what happened there got into the information field. well, you don't need to be over there... prepared
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to understand that even for the sake of a three-hour conversation with the minister, you don't need to go to gondjova. first of all, what kind of city is this? this is a city where diplomats and officials of both the united states of america and great britain are present at one of the highest levels. first, i don't accidentally mean it first, it shows that if there was bilateral with... then it took place in beijing, which means that meetings take place far beyond the boundaries of bilateral dialogue. now let's move on to what can be done for three days, three days, because you can hold, let's say, three meetings and then return back, and what can you count on? well, first of all, if the calculation was for a sweet candy and for the result, then it was not mr. kuleba... he was going there, but
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the head of the yarmak office was going there, and everyone is writing about it now, everyone is talking about it, and it is true, that is, it is technological work , which is executed there. now, what is the subject of this work and why do you need three days and such a multi-echeloned, multi-layered cake? let's pay attention to what has been happening in the last two weeks to realize how much it will affect. ukrainian-chinese, ukrainian-american, ukrainian-british, ukrainian-european relations, because the answer must be sought here. and yes, the first thing, you remember, and we all remember, orban's journey, moscow, beijing, washington, kyiv, moscow, beijing, washington, and as a result of the decision of the ukrainian government to stop the transit of oil, oil... as a conductor of friendship, because as it turned out,
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orbán did not just drive around, but renewed contracts related to the supply to russia of components and components of missile and space weapons, which hungary and the company hungary purchased from the netherlands, france, germany, great britain, and it was sent to russia through third-fifth companies, through china. the reaction of the ukrainian government to these actions of orban was a trap, just stopping at the friendship highway. second, the information that president biden has delegated authority to the introduction and control of sanctions against china, in matters related to russian aggression against ukraine, the ministry of finance, yelen. it. very interesting
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information because it says that these issues have been brought to the technological level, meaning they are monitored 24 hours a day, that's the second thing, and it's clear that this is due to the previous information that i said and the conversations that were held during the summit nato in washington, where he showed himself quite strangely, strangely, i will say so, for... the kyiv environment, the same orban. the third thing, on which cannot be ignored is how the information of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine regarding the trip of minister kuleba to china was returned to moscow. pay attention, there the emphasis is made, cut out, copied the phrase that ukraine is already ready to sit down at the negotiating table tomorrow. and one more important thing. "no matter how china behaves, but
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having fallen into the eyes of the bully, it has an extreme need to preserve relations with ukraine, because these are 9 million tons of grain, because these are things related to titanium, the supply of titanium sponges, these are things that associated with rare earth metals, that is, it is a whole range of technologies that are related to the actual bilateral relations, so it is even visible from the rhetoric and the tone of the rhetoric between kyiv and beijing, but as we see it is happening in guangzhou, i once again noted that this is a free economic zone, it is the capital of china's relations with the whole world, and when, as we remember, the meetings took place with secretary of state
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blinken, ellen was there, they were not held in beijing, they were held in gongzhou, that is very important to understand, and so that could become content of these negotiations? certainly, the issue of bilateral relations is certainly a topic related to china's initiatives, but in this case, the topics related to the so-called negotiation process, i would put not second, not third, even fourth , if that was the case, then it concerned, unless it was just basic things, and so, firstly, the un charter and the principle of sovereignty and territorial... integrity, and it quickly sounded and covered everything, the second is the principle of conducting negotiations, as was defined by the ukrainian side, according to certain mediation, and can china count on such a status in this case,
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china cannot count on its status as a mediator in this case, because it is not suitable, it is on the side of the enemy, it is a satellite of moscow, and this is a culema. very clearly made it clear, however, in this situation there is a certain coincidence of information, which is now repeated quite often by president zelenskyi, about the so-called negotiation process, about the peace summit, the russian side, which needs such a meeting, and another hondzhov, i will explain why, so that i am convinced, guangzhou, in addition to the contacts that i have already mentioned, including that... it is clear that there was a dialogue at the technological level with a certain representative of the russian side or an authorized representative, which could be the same wang yi, regarding the conditions and opportunities for the russian side to participate in such a summit. otherwise, there is such a coincidence
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of informational and concluding phrases that were voiced by the president of ukraine regarding the negotiation process and the format of the summit. and there was no regular peace, from my point of view, to this day, including what he was doing mr. kuleba, what was done by boris johnson, the famous articles, what was done by robert o'brien in the famous article, these are the so-called touchstones, right away, mr. antin, i want to say, they are not worth paying attention to, because there is no negotiation process in the current conditions to launch not in... not because they do not want it in washington, brussels, beijing, but it will not happen for the simple reason that moscow considers any negotiation process as a trap, and not only for ukraine, but also for those who
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talk about it the most today, and it clearly gives to understand, in my article already damned and already completely in quotation marks i take these words not the hero boris. johnson, because it is clear from what he writes there, you can think anything you want, but there is only one way to put the führer in his place, and that is by force. i agree with you, mr. roman, well, look, there are two more very important signals, one signal came, oddly enough, from the kremlin, that is, they reacted immediately like this, kule was not invited to the meeting, and accordingly they said that it was not time , so to speak, to conduct some... negotiations again they have undermined the legitimacy of our government, that is, they are already finally betting on some other scenario, perhaps, in addition to force, a force scenario plus, and you very rightly noted johnsonyuk's visit to trumpanyuk,
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and we understand that trumpanyuk can be a very unpleasant surprise, so i i do not encourage you to quarrel with him and so on, but we understand that he will have a generated solution. the office of donald trump's simple decisions, yes, and these decisions can be our money, whatever we want, and this business that accompanied him extremely high activity of the so-called gray diplomacy, here i completely agree with you, gray diplomacy begins to paint one or another scenario, but everything rests on one side in the ambition of the führer, who says no, and, accordingly , china, who says: yes, yes, negotiations are possible, but not now, not at this moment, from my point of view, in the next, coming weeks , pollsters will show the dominance of garis in relation to trump, what can trump do? realizing his weakness and the need for a change, a radical change
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in the strategy and tactics of the election campaign, he will begin to rush, will begin to rush to answer all these questions, and we will get many more surprises, and i encourage everyone to be ready for these surprises, so if you and i could talk about it yesterday, then trump has a better chance, and biden can , or maybe not... today i can say with full responsibility that the trumps in this match do not look like the leaders of the race, and what will happen in the final, well, i will not say today that trump can lead the race, but the most important thing is not that, what is important is that the united states of america in the figure of kamala harris, about whom you can say anything...anything, but she is not just a tough person, as joe
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biden called her in the last speech, she is a political shark, who, like the ganges in california, snacked on the spines of rapists , fraudsters and so on, she will do the same to everyone, both internal and external criminals, in case of victory. actually, this is the request for a tough man that america needed, that is, this is the case that we are in the coming months, despite the fact that the election campaign in the united states america is escalating, we will also have a certain correction of the foreign policy course, i would not compare and identify the foreign policy of biden and the foreign policy of kamala harris, especially since... you need to go back and carefully read her speeches, at least at all
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the munich security conferences, it's a smile, as experts write, not women, the way she laughs, reacting to trump's meanness, it's a tiger's smile, and in fact, behind this turn there are a lot of known, but even more unknown things, from here i can say... that ukraine has this situation first of all, if the political leaders do not know what and how to do, they should at least be silent, because in the current situation the chances have not just leveled off, but before us is the prospect of obscurity, mr. roman, the prospect of obscurity, i would like you now with a torch highlighted certain points, by the way, i would like to remind our tv viewers how at one time an extremely... unsuccessful part of the ukrainian political community tried to play along against joseph biden, in particular, we
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remember how they released whom into the public arena? andriy derkach, yes, the son of the former the head of the security service of ukraine, who is now accused of espionage for russia and work in the main administration of russian intelligence, well, this is a lyric, now is a historical moment, it is really very appropriate, you also mentioned valery's speech. so was the article of the interview of commander-in-chief syrskyi, it is actually about scenarios, we understand, on the one hand there is a plan, so to speak, of putin, orban, maybe trump, who suits them, then there is the harsh ukrainian reality, because the enemy is going to beat energy and in the future, we we will try to neutralize this matter with the help of air defense systems, but in any case, if the scenario comes in the winter, in the spring we may have... a slightly different public mood, and it is not known whether it will be in the spring or in the middle of winter,
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and the enemy for that also expects, well, and accordingly, and donald trump, he will actively play with what he will be offered, for example, by the putin-orban environment, it is important that what we talked about, the printed materials of boris johnson, robert o'brien, theses were expressed by valery zaluzhny, i already... as ukraine's ambassador to great britain at the royal conference, syrskyi's interviews were not further analyzed as separate , self-sufficient things, because they all echo. and so a few conclusions from this large size and large volume of voiced things. and yes, firstly, it is obvious that leadership in security issues on the eurasian continent will gradually pass from the united states of america to great britain. and this phrase that boris
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johnson has is that the american contingent in europe should be replaced by ukrainian troops. and this is the answer to the question: what awaits europe, because the ukrainian armed forces are the only armed forces, as boris johnson writes, on the continent, capable of resisting the russian new wave. this must be remembered. the second thing is super important in this situation, which is obvious, despite the fact that london has left the european union, and london... will set the tone in security issues in the nato system, and here it is very important that there will be a key role play rutte. another important thing is what valery zaluzhny said in his speech, at this conference, that's what gentlemen, democrats, if we want to preserve democracy, wake up.
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today we have an understanding of what it means to fight evil. we can, we ask two things from you: the first is technology and help, because remember, i quote: neither ukraine nor russia, due to known reasons, are not able to do it, and the winner will be the one who provides a technological leap. it is not necessary to separate these, this speech from the previous two materials, between which the difference is a vice, because there were definitely... such conclusions, and this a technological leap can only be made if, as mr. zaluzhnyi says, the democratic world wakes up and understands the danger, because they, that is, evil is going to kill, he says in the second phrase, it is not just evil that will fight, this evil is going to kill, and we
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need to defend this, it is important that even in obrayan, as if there is a second headline, an explanation of trump's foreign policy, there are words that the coalition is formed by evil, it is russia, china and iran, and the leader of this coalition, thanks perhaps, and our discussions with you recognized not beijing, but moscow, this is one more, one stroke before the visit to guang-zhou, minister of kuleba. i return again to... and it is also very important in this area to note that ukraine in the current situation can, together with london , lead the entire foreign policy, not be the object of this policy, but lead it, and
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valery zaluzhny in his the performance is absolutely clear. you seem to be fine, you think that you have everything figured out, in fact, what is happening in the russian-ukrainian war is only a transitional stage, and we do not really know what lies ahead humanity is in trouble tomorrow, so either we work together and win, or we will surrender the situation one by one, now regarding syrsky from the subtext. this information, because it is necessary to read not only literally, but what is not written there, written, not written, but also read in between, is that the armed forces of ukraine, the general staff, are preparing a very serious plan, whether it will be a counteroffensive or offensive, this is known only to those who work on it, because when you combine the first part of this interview with
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the thesis about the ten-year plan for the return crimea this shows that freud has worked, well, he has spoken, which means that the current situation is only a tactical step in preparation for something serious. i am not giving anything away here, because in fact, anyone who analyzes similar texts, seeing this contradiction and reluctance to talk, actually understands that a certain step is being prepared, and this step is related. with the arrival of the required number of f-16 aircraft to ukraine. now why does it sound all the way to the end, because syrsky, as well as diligent in his own. talked, if you want to be western partners partners, please fulfill your agreements, because the aesopian language of zaluzhny, who
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actually said that what you mutilated in 2022, you mutilated in 2023, open your eyes, wake up, assyrian with his inherent as a man... the military , which takes part in direct battles and battles, showed on elementary things that this happened here, because you did not fulfill the agreements that were between us in time, you did not put the first, second and third in time, you made the development of events on the front line dependent from what you can or can't do can produce, tell the truth so that we can dispose of the resource that brings... in fact, if you combine all these components, it becomes obvious that gradually washington and brussels and london are coming to
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their senses, they are beginning to understand that ukraine can lead them today, what is important in this situation? it is important that kyiv upholds its principled position. there is nothing about ukraine without ukraine, and the dialogue from the west led to the fact that it will be productive, that is, they agreed, decided, because and the group that was created in wizbaden in nato, for cooperation with ukraine, has already shown: 50% of the agreements that were reached between ukraine, nato countries, within the framework of ramstein, the united states of america, have not been fulfilled. timely and qualitatively, as it was foreseen by bilateral agreements and even written contracts. without a doubt, mr. roman, look, i would like
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to ask you more about the plans of the enemy, so to speak, about the commander-in-chief, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, he gave quite a clear signal what we should prepare for, that is, the russians are trying to increase the number of their offensive offensive group to 690 thousand, right? this sounds extremely serious, although we understand that we are talking about an increase of about 150,000 personnel, accordingly, we are carrying out a proper mobilization, but there is still a population, and we understand that the enemy will rely on an internal scenario, that is how they say about the suffering of the ukrainian people. in the united states, and in europe, as if everyone understands, but the trial bullet was the blackout of large cities like this. we understand that it was enough an unpleasant reaction, i think that the enemy has tested this matter in a sociologically analytical way, and accordingly they are preparing for
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a scenario that will directly hit the population, so we understand that electricity is about water and, in general, about the vitality of cities. there is an answer here in zaluzhnyi's speech at the conference, which he says is necessary not just for... constant communication of the government with society and the readiness of society to oppose it, we need truthful communication, frank communication of the government with society, which would be of its own genus a preventive step before what we are talking about, and we must thank colonel-general syrsky for frankly and honestly saying: this is the situation, this is how events are developing on the front line, this is what we can expect. what is important now? it is important that on the part of the government, on the part of the president, their administration and the ministries of departments, and especially local authorities, the same honest communication,
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the same honest dialogue with people, who were prepared both morally and verbally, and especially resourcefully, so that survive the winter thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extraordinary important conversation on the air... of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that now roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was working for them. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. watch espresso, stay informed, and of course, take care of yourself and your loved ones, take care of each other. see you on air. 13-year-old sofiyka storozhuk. this girl
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lived in kupyansk, kharkiv oblast. and it was there that she met a full-scale war. let me remind you that kupyansk was under occupation almost from the first days of the russian invasion, and the city was liberated by the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces in september 2022 . it was then that it became known about the disappearance of the child. where sofiyka might be now is still unknown. it is possible that the girl is in territories not controlled by ukraine. i hope that with your help , 13-year-old sofiyka will be found. let's take another look at the photo of the child: she has blond hair, thin lips and an oval face. if suddenly someone saw sofiyka, does he know where she is may be, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. i also want to tell you the story of sisters lianna and neli kopalenko, also from kharkiv region. liana turned 14 in march, and neli is now 17. in these
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photos. the girls are clearly younger in the cards, but i really hope that this will not hinder their search. information about the disappearance of the sisters came back in june 2022 from the border town of vovchansk. two years have passed since then, but during this time there was no news about the kapalenko sisters. it is possible that nelya talyana was taken to territories not controlled by ukraine, or even to russia, so it is very important to know even the smallest details of their disappearance. if suddenly someone has seen the girls or knows at least some information about them, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. and i will ask for a moment of your attention. this is 16-year-old ivan
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bastryukov. the boy also disappeared in the city of kupyansk in august 2022, about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. ivan looks his age, he has an oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. if anyone suddenly saw the boy or knows where he might be, call us immediately on the magnolia children's search hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. i will remind you if suddenly there is no z'. or opportunities to call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. and now regarding territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the children's search service shows. the vast majority of them are teenagers, who often simply resort to running away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can certainly prevent
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a sudden. child's departure from home. tell the child who he can turn to in case of need. of course, ideally it could be you. it is to you that she should turn when she feels the need for it. but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with some other things. and what to do then? agree on this in advance. think with the child to whom he can also turn. maybe it will be someone else, an adult from the family, maybe it will be one of the teachers. or a school psychologist. in addition, agree with the child on an anti-crisis plan, how he should act when he gets into a situation that may carry a threat. and if it happened on the street, where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get there home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work out an emergency plan to the smallest detail, and the more detailed it is, the more chance it will work, and the better
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chance that... will you save the child from some great danger? we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. news time on the espresso tv channel is working in the studio.


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