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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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attentive guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, at dinner at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. saturdays at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. they say, dear friends, that daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law don't get along well with each other, i don't know, our viewer nataliya tymoshchuk wrote us a comment under our broadcast, let us know.
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i have already dumped my sisters-in-law, i understand that a photo of the screen with a qr code will be donated, this is what i understand, you know, when all these myths, myths, as andriy saichuk likes to say, because it is so correct, in the ukrainian language, all these stereotypes about some bad daughter-in-law or bad mother-in-law, they are broken, because ukrainians always unite in order to help other ukrainians, which is also a stereotype, but you know, there are such... stereotypes, which are worth supporting, yes, and well, the thing is that ukrainians always unite, yes, yes, ukrainians unite in order to support our army, because they understand how important it is to support our army, thank you, by the way, this is friends, here you go such a tip, you see, a person does not know how to scan a qr code, took a picture of the screen with the qr code, sent it to the host, and somehow it will take care of itself, i thank you for such cooperation with...
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so that we we were moving that collection to completion, 3.5 million in total need to be collected, so please join in, ms. tetyana, natalya, ms. natalya, thank you very much, in fact, and the same for my daughter-in-law, we still have 800 hryvnias, dear friends, join us, yesterday was 62, come on, well, not worse than yesterday and not worse than last week in an average of 40,000 each, and in the meantime we will talk with oksana korchynska, frontline volunteer, people's deputy of the eighth convocation. let's add her to the air, ms. oksana, we welcome you, yes, good morning, i want to join in and say that, for example, i have had a wonderful relationship all my life, until my death, like with my own with my mother, with my mother-in-law, and with my daughters-in-law, i am always on their side, one of me is a very brave military woman, and the other is growing up to be an amazing girl and an extremely good specialist, and in the same way, i am always on their side, not on the side of my sons , and that's why in... in the country
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it's normal to have a wonderful relationship with my daughters-in-law and mother-in-law, because i say once again that i love my mother, my husband immensely, and we buried her, but this is one of the examples for me life's patience, as one should attribute to one's children, i confirm, i also have a beautiful mother-in-law, i hope that she is watching the ether now, then she is lucky, congratulations and thank you for a beautiful son, so you see, and also... you praised your visitors, you mentioned your secret, and i think that somewhere in the other world she got sick of it it's nice, and at the same time other mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law, so to speak, were called to donate to our collection, ms. oksano, before we move on to the topic we're going to talk about, i wanted yesterday to be a doctor's day, you are a front-line volunteer and you communicate often with combat medics, which is now the most do combat medics need and what do they have...
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a great need, well, first of all, now, for the first time, yesterday we were assembled by the ministry of defense, we were assembled yesterday by front-line volunteers, combat medics, outstanding, nachms, there were many brigades, there were many commanders, and in including, well, the ministers were there directly, and we were not silent yesterday, we asked a lot of pressing questions, and i am very glad that our... have changed, that the military personnel, the patronage service of azov, and our very famous volunteers, who are not was silent, they asked questions, moreover sharp and so stopped that even the foreigners were confused, there were a lot of ambassadors there, a lot of things that we have a custom to stand up and say, and that's why it was, that is, they felt that our army has already changed, we are no longer a soviet army, i.e. we have problems, we announced yesterday, it was for the sake of brigades, battalions, announced that until now this number of... journals that they have to
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fill in during front-line evacuations of the wounded from front-line actions, unfortunately, what is missing is very often with the commanders, while the planning is still medical and... i was bored, when i started this offensive already in the zaporozhye direction in the first days, i had an excellent commanding officer, lieutenant general kravchenko, with whom we, with our senior staging points, planned everything that would happen tomorrow, that is, we planned, including medically, which there may be losses, what means should we use, what groups of doctors should i additionally use for stabilization, it is wonderful when there is a commander who speaks the same language as you, and here... unfortunately, most of our commanders have this it is precisely the remnants of the soviet system, that for them medical planning, medical tasks, it is always after, after, after, after, and it is very bad, and that is why we hope that the commander-in-chief has responded that the first thing he
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told us now, the deputy minister announced yesterday , he will change, and it will not just be the commander of the medical forces, i.e. this is the structure that is behind... zsu, i.e., it will be an opportunity to influence, including the military branch and to and to deal with the chmids and help brigades, battalions and combat medics. combat medics now have one the problem that still remains is supply, because our system is still not arranged in such a way that the planning, that is calculated, that the combat medic must have so much, so much, so much, that in this case with such- then later' there is no such form, there is no such, unfortunately, tagel for the provision of a combat medic, which if he accepted, he constantly needs to be replenished, what was the point of my coordination, apart from rolling out flows, going to the front, organizing front-line staging points, this is exactly what through me people sent help and
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all those who were brought to me by combat medics of the wounded, i issued to them online what they spent, how i issued it to them, that is , all the takmet, tourniquets, all medical equipment, including blood products, which we helped there with refrigerators, and for heaters for for infusions, how did it happen, it happened at the expense of benefactors, at the beginning of the war it would all be clear, but now for 2 years the system should be fixed, the volunteers of the charitable foundation should only help, they should not replace the system, and this is extreme our need, yesterday we voiced, we had a very heated discussion with the command, and i am glad that a lot of people on... did not remain silent, but the extreme need is important for us to evacuate the wounded, what we always voice to you, guys, for all our medical equipment, we need people, because unfortunately we cannot take out our wounded from fpv drones during the day, wounded until the evening,
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seriously wounded, do not survive, and yesterday we even stated the fact that there were numbers that sounded on different ots, where are decrease, significant decrease. seriously injured, why? because it is delayed evacuation, that the wounded are now on average lucky, this is considered good, six-7 hours, it is good when the wounded were taken out, and you understand that for a seriously wounded person, this is an unrealistic time to survive, and we need to break this system, we we understand that the enemy is vile, that he does not spare our medics, not ours, not our evacuation, not our medical transport, that is exactly why we need teams, and i finally yesterday, for example, i was very happy. that the 108th brigade of tro the commander is already officially issuing rebs for medical equipment, i very much ask all commanders to pay attention to this and that's all, after all, rebs are not
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only a military situation, this is also for evacuation, because this is the evacuation of the best that we have in the army , our personnel , our heroic soldiers, well, we are now also collecting for drones. on rebsystems, i do not know for what purposes they will be used, but i suspect that we are also collecting for evacuation for three brigades, i also wanted to ask you about the story you described, about the fact that there is a deceased in the fighter, yuriy horovets, with sviatosha outside him, against whom our tv channel will come, i just thought that our tv channel had already calmed down, rearranged itself and there is no such thing anymore, this pro-russian tv channel is absolute nonsense. sviatosha is an amazing volunteer, i have known him since the 14th year, he had such a claim only because he was such a good person, all the dogs and all the animals at the positions gathered around him, and he perceived them as
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well i tell you, it is not to describe this kindness of this man, which, as he treated and to the entire unit for boys, he became a combat medic and... he is a very outstanding volunteer, he did a lot, he defended our comrades in court a lot, including supporting yana dugoriv and, when necessary , he was with her in the home . this is when there was an unfair trial of the so -called sheremet case, which did not confirm, you know, until now the glory, did not find the real killers of the journalist sheremet, but they tried to convict the military, two soldiers and a volunteer woman, and sviatosha was very well known to us, he is from the beginning large-scale, he of course, of course, he was a brother in a brotherhood, and the brotherhood organized a unit. saboteurs who carried out tasks in the occupied territories, they carried out many successful tasks in
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the zaporizhzhia region, they were then able to push back a lot of their artillery and capture part of the islands on the dnieper, he had a lot of successful operations, uh, and here, unfortunately , he and his brothers, this is the famous biryan foursome, died during the execution, they did not surrender during the execution of the combat task under bryansk, and... it happened on december 25, 20, 22, december 25, 2022, for us, for everyone, for the patriotic environment of ukraine, it was a tragedy, because we knew them all, they are outstanding ukrainians, and instead, the court, the shevchenkiv court, the shevchenkiv prosecutor's office, did not exonerate him as a fallen hero, the accusation that was given, in my opinion, either in the 20th or 21st year, when the patriots picketed our channel. muraev then filed a complaint with the national police, that there is
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an obstruction to the activities of the journalists of the channel "nash" and "svyatosha the hero of ukraine" until now the shevchenkiv court and the shevchenkiv prosecutor's office are trying the channel of the fallen hero once again for the insult of the channel, which was banned and recognized as pro-moscow back in 21 21, well, that is, sometimes what... happens what happens to our judicial system by the prosecutor's office , this indicates that either agents of muscovy are openly there, or murayev is simply still paying them for conducting this shameful process against the deceased kygroi, and once again russia has recognized an official pro-russian channel, you understand, they are leading , and the only what the lawyer told us, he called yesterday and said that the kyiv prosecutor's office had contacted him. that they didn't seem to know the situation, although this trial lasted, excuse me, for two
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years of the war, that is, including one and a half years after the death, the death of yuriy gorovets, and they didn't seem to know about this situation, they still thought that there would be a ruling that they will drop the charges, but it is shameful that this has been happening all this time and that the shevchenkiv prosecutor's office is still supporting, trying to condemn, as our brothers say, to condemn the coffin. our our hero of ukraine. ms. oksano, thank you, we will follow this story. oksana korchynska, frontline volunteer and people's deputy of the eighth convocation was with us, we are now going on a short break, we will return and there will be mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine and head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005. yes, they tell me that here we have a pause, which is recorded, it is wrong. well, now we will add mr. mykola, in the meantime i want to say that while we were talking here with ms. oksana about the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, my the mother-in-law wrote back, thanked me, this means that our ether is watching, i hope that you
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are also watching our ether, and i also want to thank you, because it is 12 00, you can even say 13 000, and we have already passed the mark of 200 uah , and we are collecting for good guys, let's see for whom, good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade. who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small bpola enemy and komikaze drones, we really ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, well, 2000 for this week, the first 200 thousand of the 3.5 million needed, you and i have collected, join us, and we will join mykola maly. general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in the 5-10th years. mr. mykola, we congratulate you. so, while we
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're connecting here, i want us to show all our viewers, something beautiful today, we need to show something beautiful every morning. today we have a competition the video of the tuareg rebels won the most beautiful one, that's what the tuaregs really are. ugh, these aren't volkswagen cars. ambushed the russian wagnerites in the desert near the border with algeria, they write that only 50 wagnerites from the entire convoy survived, including the team. i don't really know who he is, after the plane with prigozhin and utkin was blown up, and he is in command of the entire vanerivskaya company, and at least they write about 80 killed, in other words , defeated wagnerites in the african country
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of mali, mr. mykola, that's it history, well in first of all, we... are talking about the fact that the wagnerites performed the function of repressive actions against certain regimes, or vice versa and the opposition, so in this situation the militants, who have been conducting military operations against totalitarian regimes for decades, they see that the wagnerites - these are the persons who perform suppression functions, organize terrorist acts, organize the interception, for example, of specific cargoes of these military personnel. along the surveillance routes, of course, will ensure the protection of individual dictators or the military of one or another country, this is a contradiction, it arose a long time ago, the wagnerites, when they had a powerful force, they had priority there, because they relied on the local special services, the army, and now it is clear that the taguregis and others are already trained fighters,
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skilfully conducting the operation, and these specialists, as they say, have already suffered concrete losses, i think that in this situation, this wagner movement will decline even in africa, because many countries are either being attacked or are already refusing their services. reportedly, actual details like this the rebels managed to do in mali, in particular , there was this sandstorm, a sandstorm, and because of it they were unable to use their aviation to the full extent, the wagnerites, and one helicopter that tried to cover. wagnerivtsi was destroyed by the rebels anti-aircraft systems. such is the story. it is good that the 100 or so wagnerians who died will not come to ukraine. anyway. mr. mykola, regarding the situation at the front, deep state analysts report that the russians manage to advance,
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on the one hand, on the other hand, by force on pokrovsky direction. also in krasnogohorivka, a part of the city is under control, the russians and defense forces entered there, but, if you believe the war research institute, they regained their positions near turetsk and advanced to vovchansk. such information. well, first of all, we say that the situation at the front is changing accordingly. we define the main strike positions where the enemy is trying to advance, that's clear. first of all, the pokrovsky, toretsky, kurakhiv direction, this is where putin sets a specific task, not only to advance, but to seize the logistical routes and move on to konstantinivka, kramatorsk slan, capturing the entire donetsk region, if we take this region, this is the main priority today, and the most basic battles here and there, but why is there
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an advance, because russia has generated the main there forces, these are also planes from... these are anti-aircraft missile complexes, hurricanes, hail of death, these are drones, i will say frankly, they are the latest, so to speak, which they modernized these martyrs today with more, so to speak, defense systems powerful and more powerful strike groups, and of course, there are mostly more or less prepared units there, because a huge part of the russian enemy troops has already been destroyed, and there it is only necessary to break through, for example , the pokrovsky direction or... if we say uh, well time iv, the collective option is already used there, these are airborne troops, airborne assault troops, partly there were marines, storm z, well, and supplemented by those mobilized who have no experience and rush forward, that is why there are variable successes, because they advance in different groups and bite into the system, but before that
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completely destroying all the buildings where our, for example, fighters and teams have protection, we prepare for this... we move to fortified positions, and from there we fire at these positions where the enemy entered, there 200-500 meters, where they will advance up to a kilometer, on the other side we counterattack and correctly say that near vovchansk and kupyansko, somewhere in the liman direction, in a number of cases we conducted counterattacks, moved forward, partly there is a variable format and near the temporary ravine, then they go to the outskirts, we we destroy them there. then our fighters of the 95th brigade and the force of the 24th king danylo are powerfully striking and counterattacking, they are trying to kill from the flanks, but also from the rear and flanks of just these ticks that are forming there, they are retreating, they are coming again regrouping, that is, there is such a powerful change, a potential struggle, there are no
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tactical breakthroughs, well , there are no strategic breakthroughs on the part of the enemy, but what is most important, we are already counterattacking and in a number of cases improving the situation, and most importantly, we are destroying the reserves, and today we say approximately 1,200 of the enemy were destroyed. and if we take even this week, it comes out to 8,500, in fact two brigades, in two weeks, it’s actually already a division, well, in two months the whole army, but it’s already going systematically, and our analysts, and especially our colleagues at the institute of studies wars and the development of britain, the united states, really indicate that today's main format is the destruction of the enemy's reserves of manpower and equipment, and replenishing the enemy so quickly. can't, that's why both the commander of syrsky and the commander of our national guard troops, refused the fact that, after all, the enemy’s reserves are running out,
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we will quickly destroy them, neutralize them, or they will replenish, especially with unprepared forces, but they still have reserves, it is still difficult, i will say frankly, weeks, and maybe even months, they will try to advance, advance, but we are already preparing new strategies for counterattacks. izvil on the territory and we are increasingly replenishing equipment with ammunition, both western and our ukrainian production, large purchases are made abroad, this is the fact that during the course of, as we have said more than once, 3-7 months replenish reserves, and it will no longer be one to three, as he said, syrian and in the fire format and ammunition, but it will be one on one, especially since we have more high-precision weapons that will destroy the enemy in all directions, we will choose... where we will really it is operationally and strategically profitable, then to prepare those counterattacks that were already mentioned by syrskyi and zelenskyi at the end of the year, at the beginning of the 25th year, in order
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to have prospects for the offensive, and this week the rhine metal corporation published a press release, which talks about the fact that the construction has already been finally approved, ah, construction, factory production with manufacturing. ammunition of the 155th, in particular , caliber in on ukrainian territory, in ukraine, the only thing that is noted is that the order has already been received from the government of ukraine, ryne metal will fulfill it, it is, by the way, a contract with three figures, from nine in a word it's hundreds of millions of dollars, let's call it like that, hundreds of millions of dollars, and they said that what, what... the factory will actually be operational in about 24 months, so it's about two years away, isn't that too late for us? is,
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very late, because even before the war, and especially with the beginning of the war, our military comrades set a very clear task, and recommended the urgent construction of cartridge factories of various types of calibers, not only the 155th, and the british-canadian company was already... able to eight months to make a switch, at one time, seven years ago, they did this in opposition to russia in kazakhstan, can you imagine, in kazakhstan, where russia dominates, they did it as an alternative, we had to do it at that time, or at least the period of the beginning of the war, from it would be a different model, then projectiles, ammunition of various calibers would come from our own production together with our partners who are interested in this, we are late, but we are doing this reemet with czech structures, i emphasize once again, because it is not... only there will be one plant, and several that will produce shells, missiles, and , accordingly, cartridges of various types, gunpowder is especially important now, because
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it is really a huge shortage in the world, but we already have alternatives, our very powerful scientists have developed just the system models to resolve this is a problem for ukraine and for these factories and for the world as a whole, so there is progress, but really it is time, this is the main thing that worries us today, so we will build it, we will produce it at our partner factories, this germany, france, partial poland, the usa, buying all types of ammunition on foreign markets is the most effective and fastest way to produce it ourselves, we already partially produce our own ammunition, except for drones, medium and short-range missiles, this is what today there may be a solution in the complex and on for several months, without waiting for 24 months, which will really give a good perspective. with the germans, but this is the future, i think, by then we must win the war and provide a stable security model for both ukraine and the european powers. mr. general, i have another question, such
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a moment... but the new commander of the national guard, oleksandr pivnenko, said that the russians would have enough of this offensive for another month or two at most, and then they would still slow down the pace, but the offensive continues from october, do you agree with the opinion here, i do in principle i agree, because we have voiced this idea for a long time, based on what, knowing the resource. russia, specifically, what they adopted at the collegium of the ministry of defense in december 22nd, is a protracted war with mobilization, with the rise of the military-industrial complex, the use of channels from north korea and iran, components from china and contraband formats, that is, all this we have studied deeply, but its countermeasures, i will say, if we are talking about the joint actions of the ally, they were but partial, they are not enough, knowing this whole model of actions globally, we still... in
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in the 23rd and still in the 24th year systematically, we really did not allow breakthroughs, we will destroy the reserves, but this is still only a partial fulfillment of those tasks, but based purely on the analysis of specific data, we are destroying especially living forces, because without there will be nothing for people, no rockets, no planes, and even less enemy infantry, this is the specific destruction of those soldiers and units that still had some real combat training, this is at the beginning. war , there were approximately 560 people who were in military units and 400 servicemen, today these there are already 500 or so, there are practically no units, only separate units, mostly mobilized, which do not have a system of training, motivation, and the destruction of what we say daily from 1,200 people and more is a powerful undermining in any system, there are exhaustive resources, such as we did not say that great russia,
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great russia needs a lot of people, it is... very sparsely populated and to search everywhere, as they say in russia, it is also very difficult, and to take into account all the mobilization, to work against itself, so that in russia they have understood for a long time that this is a one-off the end, but they can still be assembled, they are still partially prepared there quickly, and the most important thing is that all the means, these are tanks, armored personnel carriers, bmps, which they had since the union, are being repaired today, although they are disassembled, we know everything concretely, but they are being repaired in the way we like, is not even finished, rushes. we still need to ensure their destruction, so that these resources cannot work in the long run, there are very few high-precision weapons, so the build-up on our part and experience, and powerful training of units, and a new strategy of the type of war, and high-precision weapons and especially munitions will give prospects, so the commander really correctly says that we are still exhausting russia's resources, which it cannot quickly renew, or
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is losing altogether, especially in manpower. and high-precision technology, and this gives us the prospect of a new strategic initiative at the end of the year, and i will directly decipher, it is the preparation of systematic, unexpected operations to liberate specific territories of the state, i am talking about this in syrian, for example, as in the example of crimea, but it can be a different sector, but it needs a lot of work both us and our allies. well, thank you very much for this conversation, mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service. of ukraine in the fifth-10th years was with us, they talked about the situation, in particular at the front, our meanwhile, this part of sunday is coming to an end, but we are working all day today in this studio, dear friends, we will be back at 11 :00 and we will continue, thank you for the 15.00 hryvnias that you and i collected this morning, join us and donate, because the collection is a huge 3.5 million, eh... in total, 2030 so far
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we have, and now let's watch a fresh selection of news, kateryna shirokopoist will tell us about it. katya, you have a word. congratulations olas, congratulations andria, in a moment we will talk about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine and the explosive night in kurshchyna. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two children were injured during the morning shelling by the russians in front of the city of kherson. a 15-year-old boy is in serious condition. a ten-year-old girl has a moderate injury. the total number of victims is being specified. about this said the head of the city military administration.


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