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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 799, with the possibility of free delivery, powerful strong saws, what you need, call. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. two children were injured during the morning shelling by the russians in the suburbs of kherson. a 5-year-old boy is in serious condition, a ten-year-old girl has a moderate injury. the total
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number of victims is currently being specified, said roman mruchko, head of the city's military administration. according to him, around 7 a.m., the occupiers launched a massive attack from the temporarily occupied left bank. residential buildings were damaged, also at night the occupiers got into a college in the center of kherson. a fire broke out there, fortunately there were no casualties. and at night, our defenders of the sky shot down over ukraine. seven of the eight shaheeds released by the enemy. it was also possible to eliminate the russian guided air missile kh-59. this was reported in the air force and added that almost all air targets were destroyed in odesa. and the residents of glukhov are recovering after the enemy attack. about it is reminded of the bursts of shells on the roads, broken windows and burned-out cars. the sites of the hits continue to be examined. the day before
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, the russian occupiers hit the residential sector of the city with a volley of rocket systems. a 14-year-old teenager died. thirteen more civilians were injured, including seven children. apartment buildings and private houses, an educational institution building and shops were destroyed in the city. and 129 combat clashes were recorded at the front during the past day. pokrovsky and. turkish directions, about three dozen enemy assaults took place on each of them, the general staff reported, ukrainian defenders also continue to restrain the invaders in the kurakhiv direction, where the russians made almost 20 unsuccessful attempts to break through our defenses. in addition, it was hot in the lyman and kharkiv directions. in particular, the battles were fought in the districts of vovchansk, as well as deep and quiet villages. in the general staff. they also
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added that during the day soldiers from the asu struck 15 strikes on enemy personnel concentration areas, hit an artillery system, a radar station and two air defense vehicles. a strong fire broke out in an apartment building in odesa, more than two dozen residents managed to escape. to save, among them four children, this was reported in the state emergency service. the fire broke out at night in the khadzhibey district of the city, an apartment on the third floor of a residential building was on fire, 30 rescuers and seven fire engines were involved in extinguishing it. fortunately, there were no casualties. and switzerland will not transfer revenues from ukraine to ukraine. frozen russian assets like this
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made by the european union, the swiss broadcaster swiss-info writes about it, referring to the state secretariat for economic affairs. they explained that in accordance with international obligations and legislation, the country cannot generate any extraordinary income from the funds of the russian central bank. as of april, the total value of these assets frozen in switzerland was more than 7 billion francs, not counting that. funds belonging to individuals or companies associated with russia. let me remind you that on july 26 , the european union announced the allocation of 1.5 billion dollars of euros for aid to ukraine, this is the first contribution from the profits received from frozen russian assets. for the third year in a row, he is looking for the son of anzhel nepochatov from kropyvnytskyi, the defender went missing during the hostilities in the kharkiv region. keep.
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creativity helps a woman, painting gives a resource to live and hope. our journalists know the mother's story. the history of this picture, well... unfortunately, it is not as good as we would like, it was written at the moment when our city was coming under rechist shelling and sat, worked, and there were such explosions, angela nepochatova worked in trade all her life, she picked up a brush only two years ago, it is therapy for me personally, it distracts from... bad thoughts, first of all, you are focused on yourself work, i love nature, i love flowers, well, of course, then the desire to learn to paint portraits, people, animals, despite
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the bright colors on the canvases, in the life of ms. angela, there was an extremely difficult period, her only son went missing, he was 20 at the time, my son left serve even before full-scale... the invasion of september 21, and already met the war, interrupting rotations in donetsk region. at the end of march 22, the boys were in kharkiv oblast, where he also disappeared from me. the third year of searching, waiting, worries is already underway. at some point, the woman turned to a psychologist. together, they found a tool that helps her hold on. we have been working for a month, andriy asks me, what do you want more than anything right now? i say draw. i say, well, we, you told us that you draw, let’s try, and gradually, gradually, well
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, at first there were children’s drawings, and an attempt and gouache and watercolors, then it became, well, i decided to try it already. and acrylic. a person lives in a state of uncertainty, he does not know how it will all end, and we always hope to the last that everything will be resolved as it should be, accordingly, in hope we form certain attitudes that we must wait, we must be in a good condition , one must support oneself for this, because the loved one who will return must see that he was waited for here, and that this is all ... accordingly for his sake. currently, the woman from kropyvnych has already created a series of paintings, dedicated to ukrainian army this picture is my favorite and dearest because i painted it on my child's birthday, when he turned
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22. he was born to me in the winter, when there was very, very heavy snow, he loves snow. angela nepochatova does not lose hope for a floor. son, she believes that one day he will definitely see these canvases. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. doctors were awarded the order of saint panteleimon in kyiv. this is the highest public award given for professionalism and compassion doctors the competitive selection took place from more than 300 participants among civilian and military doctors. the special feature of this year's awards are nominations for foreigners. who joined the ukrainian military medics and help save people's lives during the war. the nomination is basically for how you serve during the war, how you do your job, well , the job is done professionally, and what 's more, we are looking for those leaders who
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have proven themselves. we work 24x7, the flow of injured people is still not decreasing. in our direction, such a situation is now tense, the enemy is advancing and there are many wounded, there are many operations, so the work is quite intensive, and we try to help as much as we can. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade. 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces. the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. there is a lot of loss in these brigades and resources need to be renewed. there is an urgent
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need for flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal with you is uah. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer, and together we will be able to protect those who fight for us. good health, dear ukrainians. we, the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small bpola destroy the enemy and drones, we really ask for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ateru, all releases of programs and specials. projects that can only be seen from us, also a short video on hot topics in
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the shorts section, subscribe, comment us your important thoughts. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks, then my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy are waiting for you on the air saichuk. dear friends, we are back lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, today we are working for you all day, now until 12 o'clock, then we will go for a short break, we will return on the 14th and continue until the 17th, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working at this studio for you, and for you we also remind you about our collections and for. here's to your health, dear ukrainians, we are the fighters of the first
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of these beautiful guys, we look, the good assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front line, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the small enemy and the drones of the comikat, we really ask for your help. glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes, glory, 20 uah for this morning - this is what you and i have already collected, for yesterday, a record 62, this is a record for the whole week, a little short such information, mathematics, on average for this week , if we sum everything up and divide it, then we managed to accumulate 47 00 per day with you, and if it continues like this, it will take us 70 days. to collect 3.5 million for drones and the rap systems that are needed for these guys that you've seen, which is two months and 10
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days, we've shortened the distance a little bit, and if there are more donations, of course, that will decrease, and the guys will get everything they need much faster, for that you need to press this qr code, or take a picture of it and then show it to your daughter-in-law or grandchildren, or to your younger brothers, sisters, to all those who will help you figure out how to work with those... qr codes, because card numbers, unfortunately, no. now we will speak with volodymyr yatrovych, head of the ukrainian institute national memory in the years 14-19 with a people's deputy of ukraine, and the reason for our conversation was the resolution that was adopted by the polish diet on the occasion of the 90th, sorry, 81st anniversary of the volyn tragedy. and in general , there were many statements this week related to this tragedy. the crime of genocide was committed against the poles by ukrainian nationalists,
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that's what it's called. mr. volodymyr, what kind of activation is connected with volyn, the volyn tragedy, around this, this page in our history, shared with the poles, because during the week the minister of defense said that ukraine cannot be in the european union until it admits that the volyn tragedy was a crime. ukrainians against poles? well, unfortunately, judging by this, this topic remains, sorry for such a term , politically attractive for polish politicians, and they continue to try to squeeze some electoral juice out of it. there were hopes that after the change of government, after the reset of the government, this would become less, but we see that it has not become less, and apart from the statement of the minister of defense, which was more or less expected, considering which party represents the support of the people... represents the minister of defense, i was much more surprised by the voting of this resolution in the diet,
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where as many as seven votes were abstained and an absolute majority in favor of the resolution, which completely continues the rhetoric of peace and despite the fact that a reset has allegedly taken place, now the majority in this parliament does not have peace, unfortunately, this is another political step that is unlikely to contribute to the normalization of any polish-ukrainian relations, when the resolution... refers to the need for ukraine to condemn organizations of the ukrainian national of the ukrainian rebel army, which i will remind you, according to ukrainian legislation, are participants in the struggle for independence, condemn and stop spreading. their symbols, let me remind you that the symbols of the ukrainian insurgent army are already an official part of the symbols of the armed forces of ukraine, we are talking about the anthem, and the greeting glory to ukraine, and about part of the award system, which is part of the award system of the armed forces of ukraine, well, it is obvious that it is unlikely to contribute to any normal relations between ukraine and poland, especially since polish colleagues are perfectly understand that even in these aspects
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of the commemoration of the ukrainian insurgent army there is and never was anything anti-polish, that the ukrainian insurgent army for us, for ukrainians... was and is and remains an example of the struggle for independence, first of all , against russia, against of russian aggression, that's why the popularity of this army, the popularity of this story is growing now, because we are fighting again against the same aggressor, and that's why, you know, these theses that sound from the side of polish politicians, to abandon those who fought for independence in the past, well, unfortunately, they tell me that at least some of them do not want to see ukraine independent in the future, the author of... the draft of this resolution must be the author of the law and justice deputy yoanna lihotska, that is, they continue their politics, that in principle their electorate, which votes for them on the issue of the volyn tragedy or the volyn massacre, i am not surprised by the position of law and justice, it at least deserves respect due to its consistency, i am surprised that
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there were no voices that would enter into a discussion about the inadmissibility of this kind. steps towards ukraine on the part of their opponents, unfortunately, everything is calm, seven votes abstained, that is, it shows that there are some reasons for optimism, that, that some kind of reset will take place, well, for now it is difficult to talk about it, that is, further there is a desire to politicize this topic and not to try not to let it out of the hands of politics, god forbid that it should not get to historians, actually in the circle of historians, but how did the poles react? historians on this resolution, it is difficult for me to say, i have not heard, seen, or communicated with polish historians, and i just want to remind you that a little more than a week ago we were in poland, we had interesting meetings with representatives of the new authorities, and then, well, everything looked much more optimistic, in fact, no one, except for one of the politicians from the ministry of defense, did not
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touch this topic at all, for me it was a reason for optimism that finally the topic of the past ceases to be of interest... tics of the present, after there was even a meeting with some polish historians, where they talked about the possibility, the need to restore some kind of professional historical dialogue, but i am afraid that if the atmosphere was created by the previous pis government, which essentially put an end to the existence of the polish-ukrainian forum of historians, if it will continue to exist , if there will be such political pressure on historians in the future, then there are hardly any opportunities to talk about resuming the dialogue, hardly any polish historians will... you are saying something for which they can be brought to responsibility, for which he can become a victim of some political ostracism? should we look for the key, the answer to this problem in history, in some historical truth, in particular, to explain more broadly the context of these events that happened in volyn, i
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mean the pacification of pilsudski and of course, of course, historians and politicians have to do this, but... but i have the impression that a significant part of polish politicians simply do not want to hear this, they turned it into some absolutely indisputable truths, from a resolution to resolutions repeat the unsubstantiated number of 1000, from resolution to resolution they spread the definition of genocide, which implies unilateral guilt, that is, it turned into some kind of ritual instead of becoming a subject for some kind of discussion, discussion for... to understand more broadly, they believe that they have understood everything, and the only task they set before themselves is to record this understanding, and this was actually, in my opinion, the reason why the activity of the ukrainian-polish forum of historians was stopped, because further discussions between historians could obviously come to slightly different conclusions than those that currently please these politicians, so to prevent that
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from happening, let's record it all as it is, although i'm sure... that the historiography of this the issue has already gone much further and will go even much further, and many of these theses, which formed the basis of these political decisions, will be very, very seriously challenged, and i hope that one day, at least some of those politicians who are now so loudly voiced, it will be a shame. mr. volodymyr, one more topic that i wanted, which i would like to touch on with you, is an issue that, certainly raised by the high-profile murder of iryna farion, i cannot get out of my head , in fact, this phrase that was said by the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine, who said , that this... guy, who is suspected of this murder, is an 18-year-old from dnipro, football players, i understand, a young man with far-right views, what a ska, he said
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that he is absolutely pro-ukrainian, this guy, and he believes that he did everything is correct, and actually from what we saw during the trial meeting, he seems to demonstrate such an attitude, quite defiant, he does not regret anything, if it is he who... really committed this crime, yes, he is still under the status of a suspect, but this means that in ukraine then there are these two ukraines, which live in quite parallel realities, and somewhere on the extremes of one, they can both be patriotic, but have very different visions of ukraine. farion was known as a strong supporter of such a ukrainian ukraine, and in some ways her positions seemed controversial, well, in the list that was sent by the police, that the investigators found, there is the fact that the last name they announced, they said they would not say the rest, there is also the last name of maksym buzhanskyi, clearly
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anti-ukrainian, this briefing, especially this part of it about possible continuations murders that were being prepared, well, he leaves more questions than answers, so if, if it was some kind of ideological murder, of which iryna farion became a victim, precisely because of her ideological murders, then what is maksym buzhanskyi doing here, that is? there is a suspect who does not look like any a special agent who quietly carried out his task of destabilizing the situation in ukraine, so i still do not have a clear answer to what it was and, in the end, what were
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the motives of those people who committed this crime, well, for me something else is important, even the context of that as i put it, the second event is something more for social networks, this is what the social networks were saying now about this baomaister, more precisely, a ukrainian, i don’t know, a philosophy teacher, say, a blogger who is popular in certain circles, she just that this discussion showed for me personally, i, for example, do not know anything about him, i live in some other ukraine, in another information, information bubble, and let 's put it this way, yes, where in principle there are no such people, i do not hear their voices , and natalia vlashchenko, the best. and nataliya vlashchenko hardly knows anything, i don’t know about mykola ryabchuk, because they also exist in different ukraines, actually what mykola ryabchuk wrote about in his book two ukraines, and this is also the question, are these two
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ukraines where they are face, or firstly they still form, in the end they will form some kind of a single political nation, or will they clash at extremes and it will look like attempts on some simple... well , that's what happened to rina farion, and it's all happening, let me remind you, we have not even had a minister of culture for a year, that is, there is not even a visible effort to build some kind of national policy in principle, because the institute of national memory, for example, he, well, excuse me, for me , i do not see that there was some kind of policy there, because well, its only manifestation is to point a trident at the mother's family there, to say that this is the mother's homeland, will it work like that? well, it seems to me that the processes of creating the ukrainian political nation are taking place, and it is obvious that some different and
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extreme points are manifested in these processes, but there are also certain manifestations that indicate the reluctance of a part of the residents of ukraine to join this ukrainian political project. if we are talking about this particular baulmeister, whom, by the way, i got to know by attending his lectures, organized by a very progressive youth political gathering, a few years ago he... in such gatherings in kyiv was considered just a fashionable philosopher, so it seems to me that this kind of people, well, they do not want to talk about any ukrainian political nation at all, that is, even if they call it the ukrainian political nation, their project , what they are talking about, is some kind of russian project, perhaps more liberal than putin's, but nevertheless it is not a ukrainian project, and such people, well, in fact, rarely put themselves behind purpose deconstruction of the ukrainian political project, therefore... despite all the inclusiveness of the ukrainian political project, the ukrainian political nation, we must understand that some part of the participants in the discussion, well, simply will not be participants in its creation.
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of a political project, that's why there is, because there is some limit of compromise, what we can include in this ukrainian political project, that we can consider it exactly a ukrainian political project, and that it ceases to be one, it's the same as, you know, as with discussions about bulgakov, regardless of who he is i like it, i don't like it, regardless of his aesthetic literary evaluation, but it is artificial to try to posthumously make him ukrainians only because he was connected with ukraine through and through for some part of his life and to do it despite his clearly articulated ... he has some anti-ukrainian views, but this does nothing for bolgakov or our ukrainian project, and by the way, i mentioned natalia vlashchenko today, we remember how the full-scale invasion began, we know what language she spoke before full-scale invasion, and it seemed that natalia vlaschenko is something else, by the way, natalia vlaschenko, well, she is definitely not some public intellectual, this, let's be frank, is a
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political weathervane, that is... every time the political weather changes, we we will see a slightly different natalya vlashchenko, so it is worth watching her if only for reasons of possible changes in the political climate, so the fact that nataliya lashchenko is starting to speak russian, the fact that nataliya lachenko suddenly fell in love with such a baumeister, shows, unfortunately, that what's up some changes in the political weather are possible, so this is a political forecaster, see the political forecaster natalishenko, if you are interested, there are changes in our climate, here are these changes in our climate, they go from top to bottom or bottom to top, i think , that it is from above, i think that it is from above, and i think that they are actually initiated to a certain extent, well, at least by some part of the leadership of our state, i do not believe that it reached somewhere from below to the same natalia vlashchenko, knowing her active cooperation
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with all kinds of pro-russian people around the authorities. we are by force, that is, she is not the kind of person who comes out on her own initiative, plus there are other factors that indicate that there is a desire, at least on the part of the government representatives, to talk about some possible negotiations with russia, i i really don't like the fact that in this context there are any hints about possible partial satisfaction of putin, including in matters of so-called denazification, including in matters of protection of russian languages. population, here here is the publication that appeared last week from boris johnson in the daily mail with very strange proposals of this kind, well, for me, the reaction of the ukrainian authorities was no less strange, no one stated that such things as the question there internal politics, the issue of building ukrainian identity, these are internal political ukrainian issues, it cannot be the subject of any negotiations with any state, especially with an aggressor state,
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this has not happened. did not sound, instead the statement of the vice-premier from of the humanitarian issues of mrs. stefanishina that boris johnson is our friend, he does everything good for ukraine. you know, i am simply referring to the position of konrad adenauer, the german chancellor, who said, i do not guarantee the accuracy of the quote from it here, but we know that stalin proposed to leave a united germany, but with certain conditions of denazification, and in fact , the federal niemeyer... did not carry out this denazification and it was very fundamental and deep, much deeper, as time has shown, than it happened in the gdr, the so-called, where now the neo-nazis have the strongest positions in the elections every time, and he also said that it is better to have half of germany than half of greater germany. indeed, just the example of germany is an example of the fact that, having preserved one's own peculiarity, national identity, it is possible to return it,
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even if it is. after a long time, but it is possible to return the integrity of the country, on the other hand, if the preservation of identity on the territory of ukraine, free from russians, is threatened, then to talk about the fact that even in the future we will be able to return the territories which are occupied now, well, the problem will be much more problematic, here are these processes of some kind of return of russian to our space, in the form of the russian language, in the form of some russian narratives, once again voting for the ... rather so. we see that in kharkiv, kantimyra lane was to be renamed to myska barbara. and the town barbara is not even some kind of controversial political person, but this alley has become friendly. there is a video in uzhgorod when a girl remarks to the man that he speaks russian. and not only him.


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