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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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integrity can be returned, even after a long time, but the integrity of the country can be returned, on the other hand, if the preservation of identity on the territory of ukraine free from russians is threatened, then to say that even in the future we will be able to return the territories that have been replenished now, well , the problem will be much more problematic, here are these processes of some such return of russian to our space, in the form of the russian language, in the form of some russian narratives, again... such a vote to ban the uoc mp in to the verkhovna rada, not a vote, but rather yes, we see in kharkiv that kantemyra lane should have been renamed after the city barbara, and the city barbara is not even a political figure, a controversial one, but this lane has become friendly, there is a video in uzhgorod when a girl remarks to the man that he speaks russian, not only him. doesn't shut up, he just starts
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attacking her aggressively and saying, what are you telling me here, girl, and this is uzhgorod, this is the west of the country, well, it's not the first time, it's not for the first time, we, you and i, are of such an age that we remember how periodic outbursts of such patriotism in ukraine, 90 years ago, in 2004, in 2014, unfortunately, gradually faded away, and russia successfully, skillfully always... waits the moment when this kind of ardor runs out and begins to swing in the other direction and the pendulum begins to gradually shift in the other direction, that is, if there were no russia, it is undeniable that we would also observe a certain, well, decline of these patriotic sentiments, because it is not possible all the time to be in such an elevated euphoric mood, but it would not mean e the emergence of some new pro-russian sentiments, but russia is nearby, which is watching these processes very carefully... russia, which
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still has powerful social and political influence in ukraine, which still has its politicians even in the highest legislative body of this state in the parliament, which has some kind of influence among the highest leadership of the state, which after all has as allies, well, at least the indifference of a part of the state leadership to issues of national identity, that is, for some time this is enough for russia, that is, they don't need them to be there, sorry, there were fairs. by russian patriots, it is enough for them that such people simply do not understand the importance of some purposeful policy of national identity, and that's all, and russia will definitely take advantage of this, coming back, it remains for a couple of minutes, returning to the topic of not voting and instead and sent to such, let's call yes, the session vacations and the parliament, stefanchuk and the leadership of the parliament, they don't have it.
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the decision is now in the majority, which is what they are most afraid of, because you know, even us even such a hypothesis was put forward by one of our interlocutors that maybe this is part of some secret package agreements with russia, probably still some negotiations are taking place through some channels, maybe through some third intermediaries, which they say, maybe preserving the status of the moscow patriarchate is one of the conditions of some future of this, well, which has already been announced, the peace summit to which he will be invited. russia, there will be peace summits, there will be negotiations, then let them announce, let them take responsibility for what they are consider it necessary to make such sacrifices for ukraine. i consider this completely unacceptable, i believe that the main thing that any responsible politicians in ukraine should do now is to clearly show their position regarding the activities of the russian orthodox church of ukraine. if the majority of representatives of the parliament, including representatives of the majority party, servants
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of the people, do not want to ban the activities of the russian orthodox church, there is no problem, we put the question to the vote, press the red button and let the ukrainians know that you are ready to support the continuation of the activities of the russian orthodox church of ukraine. what is being done now is an obvious desire to simply not show one's position. in my opinion, if this draft law had been brought to the floor, i think that it would have been adopted, because the absolute majority of deputies, regardless. from some of their political sentiments, they, political positions, they very clearly understand public sentiment, and public sentiment is entirely on the side of those who understand the danger of continued existence of the russian orthodox church in ukraine. that is, if the vacation, this forced vacation, ends and the deputies return to voting, then we will still have a ban in the uocmp, like yours, we will start with the fact that, if it is not included in the agenda. this bill, then the tribune
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will be blocked further if it is included in the agenda and there is a vote, i think that the probability of the adoption of such a law is quite high, you know, this pause is possible. these forced and tortured vacations are taken precisely in order to break a certain number of deputies, including from the monomajority, because there are many who support the ban of the russian orthodox church, so that they do not do this, perhaps right now, while we are talking with you, with them are also talking so that , god forbid, they should not vote, because as of this tuesday, when we were blocking the podium, according to our calculations, about 240 votes could be in favor of this bill, well, let's be tako... let's just say, yes, we have , this may be the subject of an agreement with russia federation, some kind of secret, and whether it is an excuse to leave something there for trading, it can also be a question of the fact that we simply have a large number of people for whom
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the moscow patriarchy in the parliament is important, and this then differs even from sociology in the country, i.e. in the country, for example, there are very few people for whom this is critically important, for example, i don't know 40% of such people in the parliament. and it is critically important for them, that is , there are some conditional percentages in the parliament for some reason much more than the average country, this is another hypothesis, i don't know the theory, an assumption, and a third assumption that in fact this is a sober miscalculation, that this is a very risky decision, which will be difficult to implement, firstly, and secondly, which can lead to disturbance of society, perhaps in this i agree with the third least and... precisely because, precisely, the draft law provides for normal procedures, including judicial ones, regarding the termination of the activities of these religious organizations that have ties to moscow, but in any case, the longer it is delayed adoption of such a decision, the more it will really be possible for the same moscow
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to mobilize some pro-russian forces in ukraine. as for the reasons why this vote is being dragged out, i can see several of them. one of them is really ideological. part of those people is small, in fact, i think, several dozen deputies who ideologically fight for the russian orthodox church, others are more into political technology, let's say, these are the deputies who believe that this can cause them some electoral losses in the in the districts, because there are strong positions there of the russian orthodox church, some of them are completely indifferent, they will do as the leadership of the faction says, and the leadership of the faction is still blocking some of them. does not vote, because i'm sure it's a matter of their unwillingness to support this bill, supported financially, and another part, obviously, it's one way or another, it's the people who do it because they're willing to cooperate or cooperate with directly with russia mr. volodymyr, thank you for
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the conversation, volodymyr yatrovych, head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance in on the 14th of the 19th year, the people's deputy of ukraine was with us, dear friends, thank you for the 500 hryvnias that are still there. have been added to our account as we speak, let's show the qr code again for those who may not have donated yet this week, for the three brigades we 're collecting for, this is the third separate assault, 110 and 407, and what are we we display on the screen, and reminders, we display, show, but not exactly that, we show, here, here is a qr code on your screens, we collect on drones and repistems, collect. for guys who need these drones of rebsystems, because they suffered heavy losses in the avdiiv direction, on which they were before, and we need to replenish their arsenal, we need 3.5 million hryvnias for all this, for three brigades, we
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have collected the first two hundred with you already this week and actually started the third hundred, for this morning something has been added, so something is wrong with updating this... the system has added, i can tell you for sure now, 22,000, but we are not stopping, so far we have not even reached our average for the week of 47, well, to yesterday's record of 6,200 for us in general far away, so join in, dear friends, we are going on a short break, we will return, continue and you will be able to listen to our next guest and at the same time do a good deed, donate. there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on fcalor 10% in pharmacies for travelers and economical. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints with dolgit cream, you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for
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the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of the past week. analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees in order to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative
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norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association, watch every tuesday at 7:00 p.m. 55 in the program legal examination on espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project. have read the entire relief, accept my singer, i thank you, it was difficult,
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but i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, help to understand the present and predict the future, offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us, a project for those who care and think, political club every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. while we were on break , three... hryvnias were added to our collection for drones and rap systems, we are still on the air until 12 o'clock, then we will be back as early as 2:10 p.m., dear friends, so scan the qr code, in the meantime, we will talk with taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, i am mr. taras, welcome, good day, we are asking you about this week's visa... dmytro kuleba to china, how would you rate this visit, what are its
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results? well, i think it is very good that china accepted kuleba. why? i am sure that all these two years she tried to get in touch with china, and now the circumstances have arisen that china is now forced to revise its position. why do i draw such a conclusion, firstly, the sanctions are working, that is, the sanctions that were introduced against the moscow stock exchange just a few months ago, they began to spread, including to the chinese economy, even there they began to introduce the term dirty yuan and clean yuan, that is, the dirty yuan is now located on the territory of russia, and the clean yuan is located on the territory of china. next is the nato summit, the nato summit, we usually watched what would happen with regard to ukraine. but not much attention was paid to what happened there in relation to china, there were unprecedented formulations in the final
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communique, where china was actually recognized on the side of the war, or because it helps russia to fight in europe, well, i mean in ukraine, and what caused china's hysteria, look at the comments of the chinese foreign ministry, that's only what they say, and what tymchinin says. er, this is actually also an echo of what beijing thinks, it says that they understand that the situation has already gone too far, they are not ready for such a confrontation, at least now. in fact , about the beginning of a new cold war, where russia and china were united into a single bloc, and china now forced to listen to ukraine, although i am sure before that, they did not want to listen to any conditions and any proposals, and this means in reality a very positive step, but let's see what it will turn out to be,
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because russia and china have the opposite opinions about... ah, well, the so-called peace plans, that is, the russians, in fact, on the eve of the peace summit, putin personally outlined absolutely unacceptable conditions that no one will ever fulfill in his life. the main point is that ah, ukraine should leave the zaporizhzhia region, kherson, donetsk region, an international conference must be held where this new annexation will actually be formalized, ah. which countries will participate in the opinion of the russians, in this i am sure that at least the usa and china, they do not want to sign with others, and these are unacceptable conditions, because this is actually munich in 1938 and which i will never go to in my life nor the russians, or rather, not the americans, not the chinese. actually, if we talk
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about the chinese, then we are actually... trying to somehow flirt with the chinese, it seems to me, that is, we do not support the position of our allies of the countries, for example, regarding the condemnation of the policy towards the uighurs, we, kuleba immediately hastened to state that we fully support china's position on taiwan, and this, and this is quite strange, because taiwan is our absolutely natural ally, moreover, in fact, all of our allies are allies of taiwan, and taiwan, let me remind you... there was, well, this is actually a certain, certain, certain situation, which is similar to the ukrainian one, taiwan was in the united nations, representing china for a long time, when china was not even a member of the organization united nations for a longer time, in a word, in this situation, ukraine chooses not democratic taiwan, but the position of authoritarian china, how to explain this, what
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does it mean, what does it mean that ukraine chooses democratic taiwan? well, taiwan was not a democracy until the mid-80s, there was a completely authoritarian government there for 30 years, there was a state of emergency, they only recently started holding elections there and so on, who said that ukraine is, something like that taiwan is an ally of ukraine, well taiwan supplied, for example, machine tools to russia for them to make weapons, listen, let's be emotionless we will treat politics and understand that the world is primarily driven by interests. regarding politics. china and the uyghurs, well, the usa has exactly the same position, there is nothing strange about it, ukraine repeated what is a generally accepted formula, which, by the way, was adopted by the united states of america with an agreement with china, just during nixon's time. and what does it mean to flirt? if there is an opportunity to use china's resources for
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our victory, i don't want to remind you that it is ukraine in general. is fighting with chinese drones, and therefore there is talk of someone being there an ally, we will flirt, well, this is a wrong position, we must take care first of all about our own security, about our own and about our own interests, if china helps here, then all the better, the americans themselves demonstrate that they are actively opposing china there, but i'm sorry, trade with the chinese is going very well there, so i think... we should just look at how the western countries that trade with russia, including helping ukraine, act absolutely pragmatically, well, for example, there is such a country, like the netherlands, actively helps ukraine, and trade turnover with russia there is quite huge, especially since it is such an offshore country for russia, so we should include less of such emotions, talk about democracies, not
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democracies, well, the usa actively works with absolutely non-democratic countries, it does not interfere with it. and so on, that is why it is necessary, it is necessary to be absolutely pragmatic about everything that is being done, because you know, when the question arose, when the sbushniks began to remove the refinery at the beginning of the year, then the democratic americans began to tell us that it turns out to be civilian infrastructure, yes, which can not to beat and so on, well, such an absolutely cynical and such a position that does not correspond to the conversations about which they tell us, then... somewhere the values ​​have been divided, and somewhere democracy has been divided and so on, that is, ukrainians die for our cheap oil, it is said, well, such a position, mr. taras, can we trust the chinese, we remind you that the last chinese did not come to the peace summit, ukrainians should not trust
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anyone, you can only believe in yourself, in the ukrainian army and in ukrainian missiles, you cannot trust anyone, it even applies our allies, the mines that help us, so we must first of all take care of our own military industry, the more missiles we have, the more they will conditionally trust us and the more they will... they will communicate with us with china, well, look, well, if they have such a position that will allow ukraine to receive, including additional resources related to pressure on russia, that is good, but i am a supporter of the fact that this nothing strengthens trust as much as, for example, the flights of ukrainian drones next to by the power of siberia, which pumps oil into the territory russia, in order to emphasize, including that we do not like that russia... oil to china, this, this, this will work, and not there the conversation about democracy, about values ​​and so on, force decides a lot what, and
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this is what we should bet on first of all, the drones have arrived in the alley, they have already arrived there, it is very good, there are 1800 km, i think that ukraine should take care that, well, in the new orengoy, where the gas is extracted, including must also fly. drones, and it will help end the war, the war on ukrainian conditions, including that it will be clear to our dear kinaiv partners that ukraine is ready to guarantee the safety of their oil pipelines, if everything goes well, if everything goes wrong, then ukraine does not guarantee anything. this is how things are solved in the modern world. mr. taras, thank you for participating in our broadcast. taras zavgorodnyi polytechnologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was with us, dear ones. friends, believe in our armed forces and not in words, in deed, in deed, it is meant to support our army, by giving and telling your
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money, so that our boys, our girls, who stand in defense of our country, have something to destroy moskal, i am now talking about the three brigades for which we are collecting, 25 thousand for this morning are on your screens, qr code, have time to scan it quickly, because there are only a few minutes left while we are still on the air, then we will be back on the air at 14:10 and continue, you can also continue and report later, but it is better to do it earlier. finally, i will tell you an interesting fact about dmytro kuleba, who went to china, its spokesman, the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs said that dmytro kuleba recorded a video for the chinese. among them it turns out that there is a chinese facebook, that is, the defendant, called webo, and he recorded a video, and this video was viewed by 1.2 million users, i looked
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at how many people live in china, and there are 1.4 billion people, i don’t know, maybe it's a lot, but when dmytro kuleba came to the meeting at the bathroom, they already said, we watched your video, then dmytro kuleba recorded, recorded another video, and spoke not only in ukrainian, but i decided to record the phrase in chinese, thank you... to all the chinese who support ukraine, i will try to repeat how it is hansie, uklenyand, this is how it sounds, dear friends, and this video seems to have already been watched by more chinese who are users of this chinese this chinese counterpart to facebook, i don't know if it will affect the chinese in any way, or if it will add to them, i don't know anyone's knowledge of ukraine. well, all kinds of ways are good. dear friends, thank you for being with us, all these three hours in the morning, we remind you that we will be back,
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