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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

4:30 pm
mr. andriy, thank you, andriy shkil, politician, journalist, people's deputy of ukraine, 4.5, joined us from france on the sixth convocation, we talked about the olympic games, about sports and politics, dear friends, now we are going for a short break, we will continue talk about the russian economy, and in the meantime i will say that three 9,000 are missing, 9,00 are missing before reaching our average figure of 47, and listen, 300 people at 30 hryvnias, if you pay. then it will work out just for that, only 30 hryvnias. dear friends, the qr code is here, we are going to pause, we will come back, it will be about the russian economy, you can support our army at this time. stay with us. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on eden. 20% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. your couple is starting a new season. meet absolute kid. inca alaska stayle only from
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of only 149 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 uah. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and also, the smart light bulb is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. the light was suddenly turned off. again, it is necessary to light candles or look for a flashlight. in what kind of malicious batteries? let there be light in your home. always a smart light bulb for only uah 149. works even without electricity. the offer is limited. call there are discounts that represent the only discounts on combi games in hotsa. 10% in pharmacies. there are discounts representing
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the only discounts on normovent 10% in pharmacies travel to you and save. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresin had done so, he would have gone to prison. a special look at events in ukraine. no, so there is no need to say that the fish
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rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, then who is china, me, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17: 10, sunday 18:15 for espresso. dear friends, we are back, and these are our final 20 minutes on the air of the marathon on the tv channel. press, listen, and let's watch an interesting simple video, well, it's fresh and worth it, probably, so that we shared with you, erdogan, the president of turkey, the scene, the boy gave him a handshake, so we didn't go there, the condition is that one boy shook his hand and gave him money, yes, it's okay, guys, girls, you 're starting it in a very crooked way, but here is this moment, you see, and, that is. put out his hand, he refused,
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well, he didn’t understand, he didn’t caress, then he and this one, he still didn’t understand, he shook his hand, because he’s already more of a european upbringing, you know, and those traditions that are somehow strange knew, here, but it shed light on what happened in moscow, in fact, this weekend, there was some, some kind of concert there in the luzhniki or i don't know where there in what kolyuzhniki, and in a word, the son of a billionaire from chechnya, 23 years old, it seems he came to that concert and wanted to go through where the police are, well, like through such a gate, where the official entrance is, well, he didn't want to go through any barriers there, like checking weapons, and there he was met by the chief of... well, the chief cop of the moscow type , he says, well, rules like this are not allowed, ugh, he was offended, climbed over the fence, according to eyewitnesses, and took that pike, the chief cop, well, he was actually arrested after that, and now i understand, that is, if you pay money, uh,
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probably, what about his dad, the milliner, pays money to the chief cop, that's where everything crumbles, so accordingly you have to kiss the family's hand, and if not on that basis, then you 'll be fine. they forge a pee, it's just a tradition, but he didn't understand it, the policeman took offense, well, there's a story like that, i don't understand this tradition, you know, of kissing hands, i once filmed a story about the kiev-pechersk the lavra, about its history, well, the kiev-pechers lavra was then kept in the pcmp, and they presented us with a cameraman and a sound engineer to the father of some orthodox moscow patriarchate, one thing is certain, he was an enlightened old man. was it just like that, no, no, he was from the moscow patriarchate, father, well, he was an enlightened old man or just an old man, or he was just fat, old man, tagu, and he followed us, so that sometimes we journalists got into the wrong place, something was wrong, he followed us on the lookout and showed us what was possible
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to take off, and what can’t be done, but after him, because there all the time parishioners come, and here they ran after him, ran and said everything after him, bless, bless and ran to kiss... his hand, and he walked so, i kept looking at it, what was he going to do, he was terribly unhappy, i don't know why, we didn't seem to spoil his mood, nothing that bad, he forgot to wash his hands after going to the toilet, he didn't like these uncomfortable people terribly, they simply fell literally in front of him so that he would give them a blessing and to kiss his hand, i couldn't understand this tradition, i still don't understand it and i don't understand it, why did people have this hand kissing, well, but some... and that russian measure, which is necessary, that, that eastern measures, what, those hands should be kissed, they see something in that, not understanding, ugh, ugh, maybe he had a hand like, don't continue, don't continue, what's up, friends, let's continue, about, about
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russia, let's continue, about its economy, in fact, ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, to us joins in, mr. ivanin, we are glad to see you, to see you, congratulations to ms. lesya, mr. andria and all viewers of the channel. mr. ivan, we formulated our question very simply: what is happening to the russian economy, is it collapsing or , on the contrary, rising, because wages are growing, the percentage of fat, so to speak, is also in good shape and so on, in short, unemployment is at a record low level and in general huge increase in gdp. on the other hand , the head of their national bank on bi ulina spoke this week, always cautious here. yelled and said that everything is bad, stagnation is ahead, in a word i can’t understand, so what is happening, well, in fact, you know, regarding the state of the russian economy, there has been a quote from a soviet film that was shot in ukraine for a long time, everything is going down normally, these are the realities of the russian economy, where
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a picture is created , that everything is fine, everything is great, but if, as they say, you look at the little things, it turns out that everything is far away. not great, everything is not very good, that 's why the statistics are closed, a little economical, so that no one sees that everything is really so bad, and accordingly the discount rate, which, as you pointed out, the head of the central bank, whose surname slightly hints at one not very good word, but this very word reflects the policy of the russian federation regarding the explanation of the state of affairs in the economy to the population, and if i don't... this is the sixth time in the last period that the discount rate has been raised, i will say right away that this is not the maximum, at the beginning of the full-scale war in russia the discount rate was 20%, now it is 18, that is, there is still room for growth and there is even an opportunity to exceed the indicator of 20.
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that is, we will see, but the problem is that even less than a year ago, it seems that it was either august or september 2023. there was a report of the central bank of russia, which is chaired by mrs. elvira sahibzadovna, and there was such a phrase that the main problem of the russian economy is that... the growth of the production of goods and services occurs in areas not related to consumption or investment , that is , translating into, let's say, a more normal language, it means that everything that is done in russia is better than before, that is, where there is growth, it does not affect the life of the population, and it will not affect the life of the population in the future, because it burns. in the heat of war, because if you were producing 10 tanks there, and now you have produced 30 tanks, then you supposedly
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tripled production, but if your 30 tanks were knocked out within the next week, then it turns out that all your growth is multiplied by zero, but this is actually what is reflected in the russian economy, and where did the russians have the money to, for example, pay, well, they have now started such an action there. bring a friend and let's go he will go to the army, and you will get a bonus for it, and 1100 or so dollars, for some russians this is such good money, and it’s just because you brought a friend, and yes, if you go to the army yourself, then you are more and they will give you good money for it, where did they get it from, well, of course, the only thing i will say right away is that the issue here is in the region, yes, that is, if you are in moscow, then 20 million, oh, two, two, two , for now, well, i ran ahead. regarding
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the gradation of russia, russia used to create maps of ukraine by division citizens for the first, second, third class, now you can easily divide russia according to this value of the contract, but here you know, it's one thing to promise money, another to pay it, because as it shows. practice in russia, well, money is paid, but they are looking for opportunities where it would be possible not to pay it or to look for, let's say , the right pockets, because one of the former top officials of the ministry of defense of russia, the head of the personnel department, he is now in prison on that simple for the reason that when the check was made, it turned out that the staff of the ministry of defense of russia has a large number of people who are no longer alive, that is, who died at the front. seizing a neighboring country, i.e. ukraine, but they just got the money, i.e.
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money for these people, if there were any, they would go into their right pockets, and as for those who are actually being recruited under the car contracts, it seems to me that this is done specifically for the purpose in order to lure people, send them to a local assault, and based on the result of this assault, you can save a lot of money, because formally you will not have to pay, and then i will release them. in retrospect, here's a savings please, therefore, despite all these statements that we are spending such money, in fact , we will not have to spend anything close to it, because there will be no one to pay, so is the issue that already concerns ukraine, in fact, we have already raised it today in ukraine, meanwhile, a serious raising taxes, mr. ivan, what do you think about this initiative, we had a representative of the business community today. who in principle defeated this idea and his arguments seemed
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to us quite valid, in particular, why it would not be possible, for example, to sew taxes into the same vat, why vat will not be raised, why raise a different and different tax base, introduce completely new taxes, a very dangerous tax on the contrary, which theoretically can lay down, can multiply, if you have several. production cycles, which makes in principle complex production with high added value simply unprofitable during wartime. in short, a bunch of ill-conceived decisions. what is your opinion here? well, look, of course, any tax increase is unpopular, neither the population nor business likes it, because business will transfer this increase in taxes to consumers, that is, to the population, and to a large extent these discussions about taxes took place against the background of ukraine's negotiations regarding... debt restructuring. fortunately, we know that the ministry of finance managed to agree
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on the postponement of the debt, because otherwise it would have been very difficult in ukraine, and there, somewhere on august 5 , this issue had to be resolved by august 5. and so if i still perceived these tax increases as, let's say, the argument of these restructuring negotiations, what do you know, in we, after all, first of all need much more military spending, by the way, there on... the partners said, okay, but how can you guarantee that you will have the money to return later, we say: look, we also we will raise taxes... that is, we will still have internal increases, as again the state receives revenues and other ways, then, of course, when we talk about these taxes, then as for vat, answering your question, ms. pidlasa, head of the relevant committee on tax policy of the verkhovna rada to the council of ukraine, she said that this issue
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has been resolved, maybe she will return to it, but you know, doing everything at once is somehow not very good, so... maybe this issue will be raised again sometime in october. as for higher taxes on cars, jewelry and other luxury items, in principle i rather support them, why, because if you look at ukraine's foreign trade balance now, it turns out that we now have a record negative for the entire history of at the time of restoration of independence, there are 13.6 billion dollars, we have never had such a thing, why because a lot of precious goods are bought. the same expensive cars, and there are simply no statistics on jewelry, but i do not rule out that they are also included there, as well as various gadgets, and if you raise taxes on them, this will reduce the demand for them in the country itself, so it will lead to a decrease in imports , which in turn will affect the positive balance, it will not become a positive balance, but at least the negative
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will decrease, therefore, accordingly, there will be less thousand per national currency, so at least there is logic here, as far as... other taxes are concerned, you know, military levy, it can be attributed to it as a contribution of all citizens of ukraine to the war we are waging, and when they say that you are not fighting, that is, you are not doing anything, it will always be possible to say that it is thanks to the fact that i i pay taxes, more the military levy, i really help my country, so here in principle this is an argument in favor, but we really still need to have calculations and calculations of expectations of what the effect will be, because if many businesses are now going into the shadows, then we that we will get something new, on the contrary, we will get less we will get more than we will be in the red, mr. ivan, thank you, ivan us, candidate of economic sciences, chief consultant of the national institute of strategic studies, was with us, we talked about the economy, russian and ukrainian, dear friends, thank you for being with we thank you for the 38,000 that were donated today,
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it is certainly not 47,000, as i had hoped that we would come out at least today. at that mark, yes, to keep the pace we've been building this week. in general, during this week we collected for assembly for three brigades, for drones and for repsystems 226,000 and something there, 300 or so hryvnias are out of the 3.5 million we need, now pay attention to the screens, quickly scan while we show this qr code, and who hasn't managed to do it this week, boo. will be your share in those drones and those rap systems, the guys will be grateful to you for adding to this collection, well, in addition to the 226,301 hryvnias that we have already collected, these are the first two hundred, we are already starting to collect the third for this collection, even this week you also donated 80 00 for the previous two other collections, which we
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closed thanks to you, this is a good result, thank you for that, well... let's now watch the story of our khrystyna parubiy, who filmed a story about how the tsk went on a raid, checked documents, and she together with them, well, actually talked about the fact that the increase increased , the pace of mobilization increased, let's see how it all happened. we drive around the city, we look, well, people should not be over 50 years old, but you can stop people for checking military registration documents, people had 60 days by law to register for military registration from 18 to 60 years old, one crew works
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two... employees of the rtcc of the tsp of the guard company and two police officers, we leave in the morning and work all day around the city, well, in the district, good day, drobs kirspoldat, video recording is in progress, great, this is a monster, but now we will check your status, a lot people... haven't updated their data, so we stop all people, check if the person is all right with the documents, the person can go about his business, i... if not, the oberi database is working, which we call and find out more , or rather, people should update every six months
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your dates, good afternoon, roma tsp, video recording is being conducted, they saw that the person physically looks lively, and this is already the first. the signal, they left, according to the law, tolerantly, politely, they approached the person, i introduced myself, who i am, what my powers are, asked to change the box of the accounting document of the national legislation, the person was lost at first, but then came to his senses and agreed to cooperate, showed military registration document, has a deferral according to the current legislation until a certain period, they thanked, we understood and continue to work. we are always asked why we don't go there, we explain to people that all the workers in rtck in
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the guard company, all our comrades who travel even in other regions, are guys from combat operations, it's just that the law made a decision to transfer those with limited fitness in the security guard. people think that we have not been in hostilities, and we just walk here and want someone to take our place, they say so, but this is not true, we have all the ubds, have a good day, doryka tas soldier massal is being conducted video recording, and can you please provide a passport that confirms your identity? now many people already have reservations, postponements. but more people already have some kind of documents, when at first people went without documents, now people go with documents, everyone has something, well, it is rare
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that a person could run out to a store and forget a document at home, but i emphasize once again that there is oberi base, drohobytska tasp, matal's soldier, well, people. a little - he is afraid, but everything is in order with his documents, he is a disabled person of the third group, where he updated his data in rtcc, registered and now has a six-month suspension, here... you have to be civil, polite and tolerant with people, we treat people, we want to treat them the way
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you treated us with respect, but not everyone understands this, and i think that we all uh, well , we stop some, we don't stop others, because there is a cooler car, he is a pedestrian or uh... maybe it looks different, people still have different comparisons between people, they approached me, and you don't go to that, we check everyone, maybe not at the same time, it seems to me that in general it is necessary to become her husband first, to have such a you know, to be a ukrainian, if you live in our... state, to be a ukrainian, to do simple things, it's just to go and register at the rtcc, to be registered, that's a small
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step, and if you're eligible, then go and protect your family first of all, the family, the family, then the state, because there is something that says a lot, well... i, the state did not give me anything, the state never gave me anything at all, you understand, then go for the family, you have to to be a man, we have war and great trouble in our country. attention, a good offer: order a smart light bulb at a special price at a promotional price, only 149 hryvnias. long-lasting,
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4:59 pm
foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's great broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening.
5:00 pm
in ukraine, it is the 17th and the newsroom is ready to tell about the main thing for this hour. two people were injured due to enemy shelling of kherson. the enemy attacked the dnipro district of the city from a drone. it was reported in the regional military administration. russians the village of simenivka in the kharkiv region was attacked with kababs twice. a residential building caught fire. the enemy also shelled stetskivka. and during the day, the occupiers hit two. missile strikes on slabytsky district of kharkiv. there were no casualties, the regional prosecutor's office reported. one of the transport enterprises of the district was hit. previously, x-type missiles, or kha-35 or kha-59, were used for shelling. bomb technicians, forensic experts, prosecutors and an investigator are currently working at the site.


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