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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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er, or just a person with reduced mobility who moves around in a wheelchair, and or his daughter goes to school, it would be very important for us as a society to create these conditions so that this veteran or just someone with reduced mobility could get to this school, without obstacles, without outside help, or, for example, toilets, or always... we are not very mobile people, can we get to the toilet, no, not always, this is a problem, this is a problem not only in cities, it is a problem in in administrative institutions, in educational institutions, in medical institutions, now recently a textbook on barrier-free accessibility was announced, where various institutions were analyzed and specific recommendations were issued, as possible in dependence.
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from what we're building or what we're changing and that's important, to me a veteran who moves around either in a wheelchair or with prosthetics is to me a normal person, just like any of us, who occupies such a the very niche in society, and i came to the understanding that... when i enter an institution, the first thing i automatically do is check with my foot whether there is a threshold, uh, you already with your eye, you assess the width of the door, the passage to the cafe, for example, or whether the toilet is accessible, whether a person can get there, and what i would like to give, probably, is advice to all of us, that we should look around our place of residence, our place of work. understand if it's available
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to our veterans, probably because i work with veterans more, because that's how i'm focused more, of course, for people who have been affected by war, because the civilian population is also suffering a lot, we see constant arrivals, all the time information, quantity victims, this is also a difficult path. ola, i want to raise the topic of not only physical rehabilitation, but also psychological rehabilitation. of course, if we talk about rehabilitation, it is not only physical. this is also the rehabilitation of mental health and its restoration. in each rehabilitation program and in each rehabilitation team , a psychologist works. away and also in
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the acute period, here it is important to understand if not to talk about professional help, that is, when you are not a psychologist, about the correctness of talking with a patient in case of severe trauma, let's say, and there is a certain algorithm for how to conduct this conversation, and of course we receive training in communicating with the patient, but there are such very simple recommendations: they now exist in various areas of the internet, other social networks, when the military themselves say what not to do, well, for example, i understand you, it is not entirely correct, we cannot understand this particular person in this situation, so that we are not that person, but we can say this: i am with you, i will walk your journey with you, also... it is very important to involve
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the family and not forget that the family also suffers from the trauma that their someone from relatives, and sometimes it is believed that when the wife or mother comes, she will provide psychological support and help, but this is not always the case, sometimes the mother or the wife or the child also needs work with a psychologist, training, and so on. this is work with the whole family or with the whole family. not always fighters want to report their complex injury to their relatives. in my experience , there are guys who don't want to tell their mom, and they delay this time as much as possible to tell their mom about their serious injury. i have a fighter here, he lost two arms. and he decided for himself that he
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would inform his mother and actually meet with her only when he receives prostheses and learns to use them, that is, he also worries about her psychological state? of course, and we respect his decision, he has a clear plan, we support him, we help to implement it, er, so yes, it is very important, and the psychologist, this is a key point, but we all need to learn how to correctly and correctly address veterans, or people who have suffered from war, and understand and understand that it is important both for us and for those who receive. help, or this appeal, well, for example, it is not correct if you say: a stroller or a cart, that is, there is a defined correct concept of a wheelchair, not a blind person, but a person with visual impairment, it is not difficult, we just need
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to inquire about it, how ukrainians do everything possible, to be correct, yes indeed, and this is true because... we have already said today that as we gain new experience, the experience of war, we understand that there will still be many people with injuries, many people who will be seriously injured, which can then lead to problems in the future, so to speak, and ola, as you can estimate, you are talking about the fact that for two years you have been in military rehabilitation, how can you... during these two years, some colossal things have happened changes, changes for the better, because we didn't before had this experience, that's right, this negative experience of the war, and accordingly we did not know what the rehabilitation of the military was, i would
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say it a little differently here, we knew that such rehabilitation was in the military, and we simply could not imagine it in on such a scale, of course. the entire medical system is overburdened, but i can clearly say, i have experience communicating with foreign colleagues, and you yourself can assess how rapidly the development of prosthetics is progressing in ukraine, and how many foreigners want to come to us to have an exchange of experiences. and find common solutions in this direction or in other directions of rehabilitation, of course we are developing, we are developing very quickly, there is such a thing as continuous professional development, and we use it, we also
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know how to analyze and make decisions, ukrainians also create new achievements and in medicine, including on... for example, i will tell such a short story, and about how incredible ukrainians are, for example, there is such a fast protocol for determining bleeding in trauma, and here the ukrainians analyzed two more two additional points and created the fast you fast ukranian protocol, which is recognized all over the world, and it happened during. full-scale invasion, these two additional diagnostic points indicate intestinal damage. and in this way, the surgeon receives early information that it is still worth paying attention to the damaged intestine. this is during the war. therefore
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, of course, we are developing not only in rehabilitation, very powerful development in the surgical direction. accordingly, rehabilitation is a consequence of surgery. and success is such teamwork. olya, there will be such a question before you, it will probably be the most difficult for you. what experience did you have during a full-scale invasion that you would never want to have? losing loved ones, relatives, losing ukrainians. because every loss is a pain that cannot be described, it is a universe that simply falls in the family, in the family, in the community, in ukraine, the war takes away the best,
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of course i would not want this, as probably all ukrainians do, but i want to thank you for... your strength, for your steadfastness and for your work, thank you, and for agreeing come and talk frankly about your experience. thank you, there are discounts that represent the only discounts on styzyfin, 20% at travel pharmacies and savings. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you, have you wondered what you're sleeping on? old mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress pad or bed linen can only improve
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hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become silent to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. for example, if mykola veresen had done so, he would have gone to prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who then? this is china, me, my heart hurts. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10,
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sunday 18:15 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a former ukrainian official become a fake senator of zaporozhye? i propose to approve the federal law. why did the collaborator from crimea receive the title of minister of youth policy? it return of historical justice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about traitors who serve the russian occupiers at the behest of their hearts and wallets. we are working to ensure that none of the employees who helped the russians, were propaganda tools, surrendered our positions, greeted the occupiers as liberators, built careers with them, escaped. responsibility for treason. meet anton robertovych tytskyi, born in 1990, a native of
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sevastopol. our tricolor is flying now all administrative buildings in melitopol. this is the return of historical justice, and i sincerely congratulate you. i want this flag to always fly over this city. all his life anton drowned for russian. in 2004. at the age of 14 , he became a member of the russian community of sevastopol. later, in 2012, he tried to get into the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the russian bloc party. in the 13th year, he became a manager. sevastopol city organization of the russian unity party. when russian troops occupied crimea in the 14th year, antoshka's career began to develop rapidly. it all started with the fact that tytsky stood at the checkpoints of the illegal armed formation of the defense of sevastopol itself. he headed the headquarters of the ruskav international, an organization created by the russian rodina party, and helped
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the occupiers in every possible way, for which he received several positions at once. first, the adviser of the fake chairman. of the council of ministers of ark aksyonov, then he was appointed coordinator of the all-russian rodina party in the republic of crimea and sevastopol. i am sure that rodin's party will not only be the leader here political force of the region, and will be the political force that will actively fight against manifestations of anti-state and anti-russian activities. however, tytskyi did not stay in the rodin sub-party for long. already in 2016, he left its composition. in order to devote himself to youth, he became the head of the bastion youth organization, then moved to bolotnaya, the capital of moscow, where he joined the federal agency for youth affairs, rusk molodozh. we will now talk about what we do and what you want. in general, youth policy is like this the tools you have to help you
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grow. when in 2022. started a full-scale bloody war, tytsky went to the temporarily occupied melitopol to work with the youth there, although, well, how to work, rather recruiting. for this, he was given carte blanche the position of minister of youth policy of the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. the information front is such a place of battle, where we fight for meaning , for the truth to reach everyone, for people to understand why it all ... happens, why and why is there a special operation? we all know very well how the kremlin's propaganda institute works, how the non-goebbels stamp fakes, trying to please the neufury, and minister ktytsky is now doing everything to convey the kremlin's false narratives about the war and ukraine to young people. there are
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guys who are interested in preserving the memory of the great victory, there are guys... who are interested in developing and finding themselves together with the russian student units. recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, opening numerous pro-putin youth organizations, participation in the actions in support of the so-called svo, the occupation and russian soldiers, and of course, the proud attendance of all events where you need to shine a mine, smile and wave a tricolor cloth, all of these are direct. duties of a traitor. we and our friends from the dpr, with the new subjects of the russian federation , came for the message. i think it will be very interesting. we are our president's team, we will win. tytsky has several awards from the occupation administrations, including medals for the defense of the republic of crimea and for services to the donetsk people's republic of the third
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degree he also received the award of a collaborator from our law enforcement agencies. in november. in 2023, the prosecutor's office of the autonomous republic of crimea and sevastopol sent an indictment to the court against tytsky on three articles at once, he faces up to 15 years in prison. i hope that these years will be enough for him to realize that crimea is ukraine, and russian rags have no place in our administrative buildings. he was a ukrainian politician, but he became a russian politician. this is dmytro mykolayovych vorona, he is 40. he comes from daughters i have been working in this position for a year now, where i was appointed on february 20, and for me, when i accepted this service, there were very significant challenges in terms of organizing the work of the service. he began his career in ukrainian politics as an assistant to a people's deputy and deputy minister of environmental protection. every year, his
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successes in the political arena were more and more noticeable. in 2010, he became a patron. nick of the minister of internal affairs of ukraine. during his tenure, he received numerous awards from the ministry of internal affairs. then voron was appointed head of the state migration service. in 2011 , viktor yanukovych gave him the position of deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs. he managed the work of the ministry's staff. in 2012, vorona sat in the chair of the deputy minister of justice of ukraine. and then he became the head of the state registration service. the state today seeks to completely stop this. such a shameful phenomenon as raiding in our country, and today our government directs all its efforts to the implementation of anti-raiding policy, and later this politician, who also... asked in ukrainian and took care of development of our state, elected the russian mandate of the official. in 2018, information emerged that vorona works as a freelance adviser
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to the fake head of the occupied crimea, serhii aksyonov. in 2019, this traitor received russian citizenship in order to head the so-called crimea development corporation from 2020. the structure is engaged in attracting investors to the region, promoting the peninsula in... russian and foreign markets, all that the president spoke about today, this is all, of course, in the works, and fully prepared action plans for implementation have already been prepared strategies of the instructions given by the president during his message to the federal assembly. when the full-scale invasion began in 2022, vorona found himself at the feet of the invaders. he coordinated the capture of ukrainian... enterprises in the temporarily occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, helped the zagardniki to form occupation administrations in the temporarily captured areas of kherson and zaporizhzhia regions,
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was also an adviser to gauleiter yevgeny balytskyi, and later, after so many years of blind and devoted service to the kremlin, he received a cherished status. he was made a so-called senator of the russian federation, a representative of the executive body of the zaporizhia oblast government. we have united regions. they also automatically became border areas, so we will talk about all the problems of border areas. now this seller can often be seen in the state duma of russia, where he talks about the problems of the zaporizhia region with puffed cheeks and plays the role of a politician. such a measure will provide a greater number of legal entities in the united territories with access to activities supported by development institutes. i propose to approve the federal law. and for now , vorona is building a career in ukraine. the camera is already waiting for him. on march 21, 2024, the court sentenced the ex-watchman of the state registration service in absentia to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation
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of property. and how will we be happy when this treasonous nature changes its formal costume for prison clothes? ukrainian themis also recently transferred the property of this collaborator to state income. i already told you about... the traitor with the title hero of ukraine vyacheslav boguslaev, ex-president of the corporation motorsich, who was detained by our law enforcement agencies in 2022. according to the investigation, motorsich supplied russia with aircraft engines used in russian military helicopters before and during the invasion. since then , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , has stripped him of the title of hero of ukraine, and recently the appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court confirmed the confiscation of income. ukraine is already at the bottom of the economy, no one wants to do it. vyacheslav
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oleksandrovich boguslayiv, former owner and honorary president of pat motor sich. i have been many times a people's deputy and even a member of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense. boguslayov had access to state secrets, and as it turned out, since 2000 he was the owner of a russian passport. in october. in 2022 , the security service of ukraine reported the arrest of president motorsichi. so that no one had doubts about boguslaev's collaborative activities, the security service of ukraine made public fragments of recordings of phone conversations of the hero of ukraine at that time. i, you know, i send dozens to you somewhere, and everything is going well for us. we are ready to send you spare parts, just think through croatia, or wherever you were. montenegro. you had good endings somewhere. that's why i want you to think quickly and we would sign a big contract with you as soon as possible. even after the full-scale invasion, boguslavov
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continued to supply engines and other spare parts made by a ukrainian corporation to russian attack helicopters. from the first days of the war, he ordered the dismantling of helicopters so that the ukrainian forces could not use them. october 18, 2023 the sbu completed the investigation and referred it to the court. the court filed an indictment against boguslaev on four counts, among them aiding and abetting the aggressor state and collaborative activity. in turn, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy stripped boguslaev of the title of hero of ukraine and imposed sanctions against him. a few days ago, themis confirmed the transfer of boguslaev's assets into state ownership, including 14 real estate objects in the zaporizhzhia region, including residential buildings, land plots, a roman restaurant, administrative buildings, and corporate offices. in several companies , the motorbank financial institution, 336 firearms and funds in the amount of uah 615 million, but all this will not
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cover the damage that this supporter of... russia will cause in ukraine, we hope that if bogoslaev's guilt is proven, themis will appoint this agent of the kremlin strict term it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about kremlin conspirators, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you later a week on espresso. your place is waiting for you, the light stays on, for dinner - what you love,
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a warm summer... when it is calved, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your home they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. therefore, when you
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are at home, when... we are together, we are more than family, we are a nation united around you. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.
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which countries will produce more missiles for the patriot and nasam systems than ours in kursk oblast, what is known about the special operation at the russian oil depot and how lightning struck four muscovites. my congratulations, with you annavamelnik and the news team collected the most important for the passing day. in a week , russia released


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