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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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by the constitutional court, everyone stressed that the law that was adopted, the laws that were adopted during the time of the right to justice , unfortunately violated the independence of the constitutional court, the constitutional tribunal, and also the current political coalition in power is trying to change their constitution as well, will be introduced amendments to the constitution, in general, this... the new coalition is more european, it is already working, we can already see, well, relatively speaking, the press, well , there were also complaints from the press that there are some oppressions, there are some pressures, there are some misunderstandings , there is some the desire to censor, now we see improvement in this area, we see that the poles have become better, the polish press has begun to breathe more freely, or do we not see this? well
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, first of all, their public broadcaster began to breathe more freely, their public broadcaster ceased to be the kind of propaganda, propagandist channel that it was under the previous government, and this can be seen with the naked eye by those who watched the public broadcaster tfop, this channel is called, who watched during the rule of law and justice and who continues to watch the news or various talk shows already under the current government. is definitely improving in this regard, instead there is another media law that private media are protesting against. this coalition, so that we can better understand here, is not a stable coalition, there are already disagreements, even you mentioned at the beginning the statement of the minister of defense, kosinik kamysh , that ukraine will not enter europe, if it does not resolve the volyn issue for poland , the volyn theme, then kusinya itself. precisely
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the representative of that force in the coalition that strongly disagrees with, for example, platform, civil, majority, that is , the party that constitutes the majority of this coalition, and accordingly, this is the party led by kosinyakhkamish, this is the peasant party, it lost a lot in its votes, but it has always been very conservative, and actually... this conservatism, i think, can also be dictated by his statement regarding ukraine, because we see that the conservative right-wing party, the confederation, on a historical topic, may be gaining points in the elections somewhere, because it stands so firmly on the position of defending poland and the poles, and maybe somewhere kosinia kames wants to play a little on this field as well and show that there is another alternative to the confederates, that is, they who will also defend this historical field for... the poles, and
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accordingly, as far as he said it, without consulting tusk, i think that this was entirely his private initiative, because he is a politician with experience, and in the end he did not say anything against which tusk will openly protest, one more question, paniga, sorry, be please, poland has started checking more than fifty companies through ukrainian grain, that's 70, the polish prosecutor's office is investigating 70 companies on suspicion of fraud with ukrainian grain. i have a question, and everything is fine with russian grain, because there is some kind of fraud around ukrainian grain, sometimes it is not allowed, sometimes it is blocked, sometimes it is not possible, then trucks, then this, then that, and russia travels through belarus calmly, as far as we here know, you see, yes, since this is a question. ukrainian
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grain itself also acquired a political character, and protests were not so much against russian grain, but did not occur at all against russian grain, happened against ukrainian grain, er, that is why they are checking companies that were engaged in the resale of ukrainian grain in poland as polish, they imported it as technical grain, declared it at the border, that is, paying a lower tax for it, and sold it in poland as consumer grain, as far as i do not know the cases investigated by the prosecutor's office, how much evidence there is, but they have already officially announced 17 people involved in this scam, among whom there are most citizens, of course in poland, but there are also ukrainians and there is even one citizen of estonia, regarding russian grain, this is a question first of all for the polish security service, to what extent the polish security service cares about... its own security, cares about the security
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of the border, because if russian grain passes freely across the border, then russian grain can also freely enter agents of influence. russian agents in general, and although this issue is also discussed in poland, it is definitely not as loud and not as often discussed as the problem of ukrainian grain in poland. well, thank you olga popovych, editor of the yearbook ukrainian almanac, published by the association of ukrainians in poland, thank you very much, thank you very much, you explained it to us, i would say it, and say it, because there are many questions, and i would like to answer them. answers from the first sources, that is, from a person who lives in poland and knows polish specifics, but we cannot do without energy, despite the fact that energy has become much better, at least in kyiv, at least in my apartment, and at least from all my friends, i hear that things have gotten better, and we once again
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thank the energy workers in ukrainian, well done, thank you for helping us survive, but now we will have a more substantive conversation with mrs.... energy expert, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, good health, mrs. victoria, thank you for volunteering to talk with us, thank you, thank you for the invitation, mr. mykola, so ms. victoria, and now what will await us in the winter, i am reading various experts here, and i cannot understand, if everything worked, we see that the nuclear reactors have started to come out of repair. various, somehow more weapons, maybe anti-aircraft, somehow we are all getting used to the new, new, new situation in energy, can we say that the winter will be somehow much more difficult than these
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few weeks that i lived, at least kyiv, my friends in lviv say, there is less turned off the light, but we know that there is more in the east and more in the south and so on. and the like, so what about the winter of 2024-25 , mrs. victoria? mr. mykola, i will tell you unequivocally that this winter will be much less comfortable, i would say, at least yes, for ukrainians compared to the winter of 22-23. the year 23-24 is when we actually did not have shelling, and the russians... deliberately , in fact, tried not to destroy our power system, because they perfectly understood that if they did, on the eve of the decision-making by the congress, somewhere in the november of last year or in december, then the help we need would have come much earlier, and they
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wanted to delay everything, so they started beating actually in march-april of this year, so it will be more difficult. it will be much more difficult, no one knows how it will be, because we are with you we are observing, it is that the russians are striking precisely at the objects that generate electricity, that distribute electricity, that are resources for the production of electricity, such as gas facilities, and the latter, if you look at the events, follow what is happening in ukraine internally , the russians began to use also... such subversive groups of people, specifically, who try to set fire to, destroy, damage the equipment that delivers the electricity produced by the respective stations to consumers, that is , the russians will definitely not leave the very idea of ​​us all in
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the period is just winter to push into complete darkness and cold. i would definitely say that it is necessary to strengthen the demand for our partners to provide more air defense and the corresponding means, and i would honestly say that our partners have the first step right on the way to nato and our security to consider helping us build a powerful air shield to cover our skies. from those attacks that just come from the sky, because this is our most vulnerable point right now, the most vulnerable that part of our existence, namely our sky, and we need to close our energy system, critical infrastructure, and
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nuclear plants, nuclear plants, which now supply more than 60-70% of our entire ukraine. well, everything must be done to protect them, because no one needs another nuclear disaster on the territory of ukraine, which will be felt not only by ukrainians, but also by ours. european neighbors, and mrs. victor, if you said 60-70%, it is nuclear energy, generation, generation, it means that in the worst case scenario, we will have 60-70% left, well, if we imagine that the russians will not drop atomic bombs on the nuclear plant, that is, it is at least a minimum of what. we can produce and and and consume it's just 60-70% of that
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today if 30 is all the rest if they destroy 30 then 70 will be left there or 40 will be destroyed then 60 will be left i got it right let's start with basic figures, before the full-scale invasion we had 36 gw of electric power, which was also generated by nuclear plants, hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant, we passed the winter of 23-24 with 18 1.8 18 gvv is what we have left after the occupation of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, after the destruction of certain objects until the winter of 2023-24 . in the spring of the 24th year, 9 g were destroyed, this is what was clearly stated by president
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zelenskyi and not only him, i.e. we actually have nine left out of 36, plus we still have electricity imports of 1.7 gw, plus we may still add some volume, but definitely not gigabytes of additional generation before the start this heating season, and again, we 've been through the previous winter since '18 now we 're down to 9,9,5, and that's with, well, so far, thank god, no more shelling going on, and we're doing our best to to restore these objects that were destroyed, but some of them are not them at all, it will be impossible to restore them, it will take not months, but years, and not millions of dollars, hundreds. millions of dollars and billions of investments are needed to restore such volumes, so in summary, of
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the 9 g that we have, a significant share is precisely nuclear plants, what is the problem with them, mr. mykola and all the viewers, they do not work in the mode of rise, fall, rise and fall, but they cannot work with such a schedule, they work with an even schedule, where they... produce a certain amount of eat electricity, and you and i get up in the morning, especially when winter comes, we use electrical appliances more often in order to, from heating our car to lighting our home, the same thing happens in the evening, peak loads it is impossible to cover atomic generation, for this you need other types of generation, and this is exactly the problem, it is that more than 80% of the theft is destroyed. and therefore, summarizing, we can definitely say with great regret that we will
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lack 5-6 gw of electricity from this earth, this is on the condition that nothing else will be destroyed, this is the first, second, in order for the nuclear plants that can produce electricity, they produce electricity, could deliver this electricity to the consumer, our substations must be protected, by the way, substations... in the winter of 22-23, that is , we may have a physical opportunity to produce a certain amount of electricity, but to deliver it when the enemy is hitting it on the very infrastructure that delivers, this is where the problems begin, and we had such a problem with you when, unfortunately, two nuclear units, rivne and khmelnytska, producing electricity, they were supposed to supply electricity to central and eastern ukraine, and... one of the key substations was destroyed as a result of shelling, and we could not even that volume
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which was produced by two nuclear units at different nuclear power plants, it is physically easy to deliver it to our consumers, there is one more question, mr. viktor, i.e. if even the west, as ilf and petrov were soviet writers, the west will help us, then it may be so , that they... will be ready to sell or donate energy, but there will be no way to transport it from poland to, i don't know, romania, from central europe, here, they say, okay. we can't take it, because there are no wires like that, i understand correctly, yes there is no way to simply take it, it is not the kind of product that can be put on a gas tank, i don’t know how, the same oil can be transported across the border there, no, there are restrictions that exist precisely at the crossing, that is, as you correctly say, it well,
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the wires themselves, well, everything is a little more complicated there, of course, substations are on the side. our partner's country to our side, how much electricity can that side send us, how much can we receive it, there are also questions here, and the muscovites also know very well that even if we increase, we really hope that for a certain the volume will increase the ability to just import more electricity, there are options how that volume can also be blocked that way, and this is just that way, so... the scenario where they do certain things with our substations that are connected to nuclear units, and when our nuclear units generate electricity, but cannot deliver it to the interior of the country, then we have to deploy all this electricity while we extinguish the same nuclear reactor, slowly put it into production, transport it
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to our partners across the border, respectively, unfortunately, this is the main one... such decisions are technical, and then the possibilities of import generally overlap, these are all technical points, but you just need to understand that the enemy is really learning, both on the battlefield and on the energy battlefield, they they know our energy system better than anyone, because literally before the start of the full-scale invasion, we were with them in a single system in the soviet system, and then we disconnected from russia in full scale the day before. invasion and joined the europeans. by the way, certain baltic countries, yes and still remain united with russia. this is one of those moments of risk for them, but coming back to us, we just have to realize that the enemy is very knowledgeable about what objects, just by targeting
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them, they can make our lives very difficult, so and so . every time i meet with our partners, he repeats that we need to close ukrainian skies, we need to help build our shield so that we can close critical infrastructure, otherwise millions and millions of additional refugees, and a catastrophic situation may really humanitarian arise next winter. now about something else, how far is hungary now, we are not far away from hungary today, as if begging the european community to return the transit of oil from the russian federation through ukraine, bloomberg writes to us, how much is this for them, because my colleagues say to me , that there is no shortage in hungary, they are taking this gasoline somewhere, and they are taking this opportunity
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, this oil, and it is so easy to once again somehow accuse ukraine of... the country for that they lack something there, how critical it is for ukraine and how critical it is for hungary, this oil through through ukraine to russian oil through ukraine to hungary, this is really for them, if we don't let it go, they will have cars tomorrow won't go, of course not, it's an absolute overstatement that their cars won't go, because their oil refineries will stop... the corresponding plants that use russian oil to process it into fuel, which they then use in order to refuel their own machines, and not only, by the way, in hungary, they sell fuel in other european markets as well, there will be no disaster there, what happened, by the way, they introduced sanctions specifically in relation to one russian company, lukoil, a key player,
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of course, on this market, but on the russian market there are also many... other companies that can also supply russian crude oil through an oil refinery that goes to the territory of ukraine, to hungary, and no one prohibited anything, that is, there was no one , as they say, the valve did not completely block, work with other russian companies, well , at the very least, look at other options and find ways to switch to another supplier, this is our position in relation to hungary, on the other hand, this is a very powerful signal, regarding the introduction of real sanctions, specific in relation to specific russian companies, which are the ones who... provide the war budget for russia, and from the side of ukraine, it is an absolutely logical step to conduct such sanctions and send a signal
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to our partners that this company should be in of the list of those on which sanctions should be imposed, and i want to remind you that in the 22nd year , europe, the european union, in general, took such a powerful step when they imposed sanctions on russian, precisely on... oil, and they limited including russia in the possibility of transporting gas through gas pipelines to europe, that is, it was one of the elements of punishing russia for its aggression against ukraine, and what is happening now with hungary, hungary was excluded from the list, if those bans that existed on the import of russia . oil, left this window for so that hungary does not put sticks in the wheels on other issues, and now ukraine can already see when the market is saturated, there is enough
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fuel in europe, hungary can import oil from other companies, except look oil, and has taken the absolutely right step, so we are holding on and watching the way hungary is trying, as i see it, very actively, to attract at least someone to fill the european union with its help and to have someone on their side on the european issue, so far no other country, ms. victoria, excuse me, please, the last question , or russia really has problems with gasoline, because now their government has issued a decree banning the export of gasoline from the country, because prices have gone up, how serious is it literally here? half a minute ms. victoria, i'm sorry it's so short, it's very serious, no, no, of course we can continue another time, it's really serious, they also know by themselves that
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the harvest season is already starting, so it is very important that the prices of oil products and especially diesel prices do not jump, that they are controlled, ukraine is very successful destroys their infrastructure specifically for the processing of oil into petroleum products, therefore... they really have problems, they can sell crude oil, but they cannot satisfy their own market with necessary petroleum products, gasoline and diesel, so well done, our boys and girls are showing excellent result. thank you very much, viktoriya vaitsitska, energy expert, people's deputy of the eighth convocation, with us, thank you, once again, now we will have a story about mobilization, because the pace of mobilization. sly and the ministry of defense of ukraine emphasize this, well, such the swing continues, that is, i remember, six months ago, no one wants, the army, god, harrows,
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all such traitors, horror, horror, horror, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, and now it turns out that the ministry of defense says: everything is fine, in order to make sure that everything is okay, we asked khrystyna parubiy to go on a raid on the territorial picking centers, and she saw this khrystyna. with my own eyes, how it all happens, good luck, ladies and gentlemen, success and victories, good luck, let's go around the city, look, well, people, so that they are not over 50 years old, but you can people stop, about checking military registration documents, people had 60 days by law to become ... from 18 to 60 years old. two employees of the rtcc and sp of the guard company
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and two police officers work in one crew. we leave in the morning, we work all day in the city, well, in the district. good day. soldier is being videotaped, great, it's a monster, but now we're going to check your status, a lot of people uh haven't updated their details, so we're stopping all people, checking if the person is ok with the documents, the person can go on his way their business, if not, the oberi database works, which we call and more... we will learn, more precisely, people must update their data every six months. good day. roma tsp. a video is being made here.
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saw that the person physically looks lively, this is already the first signal, they left, according to the order, tolerantly, politely, approached the person, i introduced myself, who i am, what powers i have, asked to transfer the eye registration document, according to the current legislation , the person was lost at first, but then came to his senses and agreed to cooperate, she showed... the military registration document has a postponement according to the current legislation until a certain period, they thanked us, we agreed and we continue to work. we are always asked why we don't go there, we explain to people that all ee workers in rtsk are in the guard company, all our comrades who travel even in other regions, are guys from
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the military. action , a decision was made by law to transfer the limited fit to the guard companies, people think that we have not been in combat operations and just walk here and want someone to their place, they say so, but this is not true, we have all the ubd, good day, borobytka tasp soldier mashtayler , a video fix is ​​being conducted. could you please provide a passport that confirms your identity? now many people already have reservations, postponements, but more people already have some documents, when at first people went without documents, now people go with documents, everyone has something, well, it is rare that a person could run out to a store and forget documents at home, but i emphasize once again that
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i... bazalbert, well, man has a little fear, but everything is in order with his documents, he is a disabled person of the third group, where he updated his data at the rtcc, was registered and now has a deferral. for six months, here you have to be with people, culturally, politely and tolerantly, we treat people, we want to treat them as if they treated us with respect, but not everyone understands this, and thinks that we all, well...
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stop some , we do not stop the others, because there is a cooler car, he is a pedestrian, or maybe he looks different, people still have different comparisons, between people, they approached me, but not you go, we check everyone, maybe not simultaneously, it seems to me that in general you have to become a man first. to have such, you know, to be ukrainian, if you live in our country, to be ukrainian, to do simple things, it's just to go and register with rtc, to be registered, this is a small step, and if you are eligible, then go and protect your own.
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first of all, the family, the family, then the state, because there is something that says a lot, well, me, the state did not give me anything, the state never gave me anything at all, then go for the family, you have to be a man, in our the state war and big trouble


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