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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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these three meetings, of course, are directly related to russia's war against ukraine and to the efforts of the united states to stop the support that china provides to the russian federation. vadym polishchuk, historian, political observer from israel, is now on the phone and we will talk about the situation in the middle east. congratulations, mr. vadim. good evening, mr. vitaly. well, a rocket hit the dutch heights, the druzh village of majel shabs, where he died. 12 teenagers and children, yes, i think this is the final number, maybe now increased, so far i have not seen the latest news on the air, this is, i would say, the largest attack in this region, for the entire time of the war, which began on october 7 in 2023, what do you think the consequences of this attack will be, how much in general realistically... there is a war between
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israel and hezbollah as a result of this attack. well, you saw that recently , both sides somehow tried to maintain this level of escalation, which was, and there were some red lines drawn, the parties tried to adhere to them, because even khizbol did not want it, so it immediately appeared war and likewise, israel was not interested in launching a full-scale military operation in the north without finishing the matter in gas, but as always happens in such situations , a black swan appears that forces the parties to decide something, and this is precisely the impact on this druze stadium to the village of ruv, he is just like that and we see that, well , no... israel cannot respond,
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it cannot respond weakly either, and to respond too much is to start a full-scale war, and is israel ready, but today netanyahu arrived from washington, where he returned urgently, and the meeting was supposed to start at 6 p.m., and so far i have not received information that they decided there, well, maybe they will not announce anything in particular, we will see it in the future events, what will happen next, but we see that the druze community of israel has spoken out, urgently demanding such a tough answer on this matter, on the other hand , here are the lebanese friends, they are dependent on the situation in lebanon, they are trying to somehow shift the blame and transfer it to israel, as usual, that exactly. by the way, me
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just saw the statement of the lebanese foreign minister, buhabib, who said that hezbollah is ready to retreat beyond the litani river, which is 29 km north of the borders of israel and lebanon, if israel stops striking the territory of lebanon itself, it can be considered that this real, real such an attempt by hezbollah to distract some. well, perhaps, perhaps, they were not so much afraid of israel itself, because they had already learned, well, what to blame on israel and what and how israel reacts and what it influences, what factors influence israel, in particular, the united states, this reaction of europe, the un and everything else, but the reaction of the druze community is something that is not influenced by the united states. not the european
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community, not the un, not any rules of warfare, the israeli prosecutor's office, which has recently begun to persecute people who stood up to defend the state, well, i think that ukrainians are also a little familiar with this situation, and friends, they are so quick-witted , and here recently there was just an incident when jews were taken hostage in the territory of samaria some druze guys from... northern israel, well, some negotiations began, and friends came and somehow explained everything to the local palestinians in such a way that they quickly gave them back and apologized, you know, what about kadyrov over there in russia, you mean which one the druze community, the druze community of lebanon, or the druze community that is in israel, but wait, as far as i understand, as far as i understand, these are still different communities, there are communities of israeli druze that are in the vicinity of haifa. and there is this community, which
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everyone is paying attention to now, the leader of which was yesterday in majal shamsi, but i'm sorry, this is a slightly different community. have you been to majel chance? yes, this is actually, these are actually syrian friends, but who are residents of israel, who live permanently in the territory of israel, but do not take israeli citizenship, that's right, they don't take it for some reasons of their own, well, i heard this opinion that they don't take it because , who are afraid that some peacemaker will appear at the head of israel again, who will give this territory to syria and then that of these friends there... the representatives of the most peaceful religion in the world will simply cut off leave their head and everything will be over, that's why they somehow refrain from this step, but in principle it is so friendly, let's say the sense of community, it is quite large, and all these communities, syrian, jordanian
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, lebanese, israeli, they are still they have to look for such coordination among themselves, you need to know that. simply the druze religion, that it is impossible neither to become a druze nor to accept this religion, or to marry someone there and accept it, you can only be born, that is , they, for them this loss of these children, i think, is a very big blow, and they they will not forgive, well, because this is a small community, and not only a small one, but simply no one even knows what they believe in. but in general they are so quite militant, they fight a lot in israel in such special units and there is such a border that they are fighting, it is not the druze who live in the golan, right, they are the druze who live in the vicinity of haifa, no, well, in general, they warriors, i must have just read
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the history of this people, they once ruled the entire near east, and before that they once ruled egypt, i.e. interesting. i was, i was in the druze villages, which are located on the internationally recognized territory of israel, and one of them even has a museum of military personnel who participated in the israeli wars, i was in majal champs, and there is a syrian flag, sorry, in the central square of majorit, well they, well , the fact that they somehow express their belonging to syrian citizenship is one thing, and... and the fact that they, well, killed their children, and it's not just there for them, well, it's not an insult to israel, it's an insult to friends , as a religious community, and therefore it is very such a personal insult, and you understand that this
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rocket, which, which hit this village, is not high-precision, it’s just that they launched a rocket somewhere there, well, it’s at night, the side is somewhere, they have something... nearby military object, and somehow she managed to fly right into this stadium, in which some kind of football competition was taking place, and they even started lying, saying that it was an israeli anti-missile, although everyone knows that they have anti-missiles as their indicator there, that it self-destructs if it doesn't hit the target, and it's just video footage, as simple as that there was an explosion of 50 kg of explosives and... there would have been such victims if it hadn't been for a high-explosive bomb so strong, so they can't be ignored, now it's such an interesting message that the american special representative amos hochstein, who is just dealing with the middle east issue, lebanon, he told israel's defense minister , mr. gallant, that the united
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states was concerned about a possible israeli military strike on beirut, in response to the hezbollah attack, because it could spin the situation out of control, could israel actually strike...beirut, well if if israel decides to escalate, then it can strike, there are very fat targets there, there is a whole area of ​​these shiites, where this hezbollah has such a cube, there was information recently that there are warehouses of powerful weapons and ammunition at the beirut airport, and there there was a scandal in all of lebanon, that the lebanese there are christians and so-and-so others, well, not shiites, they were indignant and mentioned. this explosion of saltpeter, if you remember, in the port of beirut, when half of beirut was destroyed there, they are afraid that something like this will happen again, if israel strikes this weapon, the other half of beirut can be demolished, and
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what about the policy of the united states, you see, they are everywhere trying to somehow keep the conflict within some framework that they consider safe for themselves, and... . the same in ukraine and in israel, so let's keep to you, at least until the elections, and then we'll see, well, you see, it's not very good to keep like that, because it.. the logic of war is that it escalates regardless of the wishes of the participants. by the way, about the visit the united states of benjamin netanyahu, if we 've already mentioned the united states, do you think it's a successful trip in terms of this speech in congress, meeting with biden, kamala gallis and trump all at once, at the same time? well, the performance was brilliant, indeed, and even his detractors note this. he is a very good orator, he knows how to convey his opinion, somehow ignite the listeners, in general,
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after meeting, there was hope that he would somehow coordinate the operation against lebanon, and we will see from further actions whether this agreement took place, it seemed that there was information that they agreed, and with biden, well , i talked, biden, you all understand that he is leaving and how much he will dare to leave some... glory for himself, or will he drag this reluctance some kind of escalation further to the end, whether a more determined politician might want to go down in history, it is difficult to say, because he is already, i don't understand how much he controls himself and understands what kind of world he lives in, here they really heard such a joke that he so experienced a politician that he can to manage without coming to... some kind of consciousness, but everything has its
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limits. that president biden is interested in the election campaign right now, and if he takes any drastic steps in relation to this middle east conflict, he may derail her election campaign, given the mood of the democrats and their electorate, biden's policy, it can still be considered, although he is not to say that he is a great ... friend of israel, but still, in the equation with kamala harris, he is more, let's say, a suitable person. kamala harris, it is known for its anti-israel policy, here is the candidate for its vice president there, er, the governor of arizona, he is even more so, it is considered, an anti-israel politician, so they can even more in their companies, conduct some kind of more anti-israel rhetoric, taking into account especially the fact that...
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after all, these are not children, but such grown-up people, to be offended by politics, it is generally somehow mycomilfo, well, in general , trump is considered more pro-israel in israel and therefore hopes for his victory, er, and his this vice president wentz, he is considered pro-israeli, so let's work, israel will work... well, the desire is that somehow the position of the united states,
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especially in relation to iran, should change, and in order to further draw in, somehow to pacify this aggressor, well, in the future it is no longer possible, because it is already taking such bizarre forms, i understand that the same hezbollah problem is primarily iran's problem, and it is interesting how iran will react to it now, you understand that they do too. maybe they didn't expect such a blow, which was iran, well, they usually are they immediately begin to threaten, use some kind of apityuks, you know, there is a brilliant answer so brilliant, you know, and i don’t know what they are going to shine there, but they really threaten, look, don’t do this, well, israel, will israel get scared, here most likely designed for an american reaction, you see. because they will try in any way to avoid any further escalation, i will be very surprised if they
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say, well, let's solve your problem with hezbollah, because they will start to solve it with hezbollah, it will somehow start like this to spread the word that we will have to go with iran, because these are all the same, well, the same links, er, postins, well, you see that there is still the problem of yemen, there was already such a serious attack. from the side of yemen, which even led to the landing of a drone in one of telavi's residential buildings, so by and large this whole circle of these proxy armies of iran is already operating against israel at... distances, yes, well , you see, with yemen a little, a little the chelbanians there provided him with ooze, and in the same way , there were already american strikes on other ports there of british aviation, well, there is still an opportunity to tighten his capabilities a little, although they are actually holding hostage the
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yemeni people who are starving there and all the poor people in this country. was on our air, we were talking about the situation in the middle east, just now the meeting of the israeli cabinet of ministers began, which will discuss the issue of what to do next with the situation around lebanon, around the terrorist organization hezbollah, and just at this meeting and the prem prime minister of israel binimi netanyahu, who returned to
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countries after his visit to the united states and the members of his cabinet will decide what will happen next. development of the event, it can be very, very difficult. we're going to break right now for just a few minutes, but you stay with us and we 'll continue our conversation. there are discounts representing the only discounts on penile hell, 15% in pharmacies, travel to you and savings. education is the future of every country, which changes in ukrainian schools, how the university of tomorrow, the country will look like. plunges into the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children. from nush to higher school, we explore the labyrinths of educational reforms. read to understand, understand to change. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on glycysett and
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and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. and in conclusion, let's talk about how ukraine becomes ukrainian. quite an important topic, i think, for all of us. because recent years they are just returning to the map of ukraine, the names of people who. in one way or another, they are real, i would say, symbols of ukrainian culture, ukrainian civilization, and in fact this is very important because... ukrainian cities are starting to look like ukrainian, and not like soviet ones, but i remember that in 2019 someone said that it doesn't matter
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what name a street has, if it is not paved, i just believe that if a paved street has the name of lenin or kimchynin, it means that this street definitely does not lead to the temple, to recall another quote from context, and to the ukrainian temple, of course, always... ukrainian streets lead, that is why it was so important for me, when the streets in ukrainian cities and towns gradually got rid of the soviet and then the imperial context, we see that at first there was a real demand for deradinization, then de-russification of these names, and this was connected with whole cities and with districts and with streets, and of course this process is not true, children, it has always been... more difficult than in the east and in the south than in the west, although there is no truth in the west, children, in 2022 it was still possible
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streets with the names of figures of russian culture, which, as a rule, had nothing to do with lviv or ivano-frankivsk, were simply named by the soviet authorities in order to mark the place in this way, to show that this is precisely the city in the soviet era. of the empire, which there was called the soviet union, but remained in its essence the russian empire, and now we are talking about the processes of renaming streets in kharkiv, in odessa, in other cities in the east and south, where, as i have already said, these processes began later, than in the west and in center of ukraine, and it is very important that these processes really take place, i would say, in time, we still remember the same kharkiv, in which you could not... find a single street associated with the name of an actual ukrainian cultural figure, only there recently appeared the names of the same johansen,
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olesya, semenka in the names of kharkiv streets, and before that we remember how kernes and dobkin destroyed the memorial plaque dedicated to shevilovo just under the lenses of television cameras in order to show their their close connection. zoki with that non-ukrainian regime, for which the majority of our compatriots voted in 2010 and whose task was to destroy the ukrainian that was brought into our lives in the previous period, and of course to serve this country, which such yaknis always manipulated in their own political purposes, i mean, of course, the russian federation, and now there are new processes, new periods of renaming. residents of kharkiv there are having discussions about what the next streets will be called, which will get rid of the russian imperial meaning. one of the discussions is devoted to the possible
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renaming of the street in honor of a well-known figure of ukrainian modern culture, singer and actor, misko barber, who played an important role in the establishment of ukrainian kharkiv, when he lived in kharkiv, when he created a modern theater here, arabetsky, which became one of the symbols of the modern city, when kharkiv was promoted as an integral part of ukrainian art, and now we see that such a renaming is not accepted by the local authorities, and i think that this is not even a question of not... want to see on a blackboard, on a sign with the name of the street, this or that specific name, this is a question of not being immersed
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in the context, this is a problem in that the people who work in official offices in our country have been separated from the ukrainian cultural process for quite a long time, which was happening before their eyes, but they closed those eyes because... they looked, so to speak, in the other direction, and this very ukrainian kharkiv, for most of these people, was practically a foreign city, because they lived in another kharkiv, in soviet kharkiv, which remained such a soviet city, are long ten years of the existence of independent ukraine, as well as soviet odesa, as well as soviet dnipro, as well as soviet zaporizhzhia, always in such cities to the east and south of ours. and this became one of the prerequisites for the fact that vladimir putin was sure that he would capture the east and the south, pro-soviet, donetsk, soviet, luhansk, i don't even remember, there were two
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cities. one city was a city of ukrainian culture, one city went to the maidan, one city was against kuchma and yanukovych, and the other city was always different in terms of civilization and culturally constructed, and the results of the vote of such a city proved to russian strategists that sooner or later the independence of ukraine, or at least the greater part of ukraine, will be ended, and all these territories. with their soviet names and with their russian-cultural orientation will return to the composition of this state as an organic part, which they should be, to the composition of the russian federation, now that it has been completely cut off, and we perfectly understand with you that the enmity between russia and ukraine will last for many decades, even if the war will end quickly and there will be no results, they will not restore any understanding between the russian and ukrainian peoples, they
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must be enemies. time, and civilizationally, it is necessary to diverge in this way, honoring, honoring that ukrainian that existed in conditions when the vast majority of our compatriots with you did not want to see it, closed their eyes to it, believed that everything was fine with them, what is the name of the street , if it is not asphalted, and you cannot steal money from this asphalt, share it with the official for whom you will later vote, no, it's not. has nothing to do with ukraine, it has to do with specific pockets, specific populists, who still remain the people who trust them and can trust them in the next elections, ukrainians digging for themselves the hole into which they can fall, whatever it may be asphalted in front of it, so i think that ukrainian kharkiv, courageous kharkiv, kharkiv, which is not going to.
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to submit to the enemy, who has set himself the goal of the complete destruction of this ukrainian city in the next stages of the war of extermination, which vladimir putin is waging against ukraine, this and kharkiv, in which the names of the people who made it ukrainian at a time when a huge number of our compatriots with you were absolutely on cymbals, will be honored, and of course, that's why if a street of the same city appears in kharkiv. barbara and other figures of modern ukrainian culture, the creators of that ukrainian kharkov, which arose before our eyes, which we saw when others did not want to see, this will be a real and powerful proof of how ukrainian civilization is changing against the background of russian missile attacks, against the background of strikes in drones, against the background of vladimir putin's decision to fight against ukraine
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until... until he achieves the final destruction of ukrainians in ukraine, because this is the main goal of both vladimir putin and the vast majority of his compatriots, who are confident in the correctness of their president's actions, precisely because they understand that the ukrainian in ukraine prevents russia from breathing, its imperial chest is full, and the real cure for all this is the building of the ukrainian in ukraine, without which no military victory, no political... advantages will not lead to a normal civilized life in the country, even if a miracle happens in the 20s and 30s of this century, the end of this conflict, which we all hope, hope and will hope for. thank you, friends, for being with us on this broadcast, stay with espresso, the politclub program was conducted for you by vitaly portnikov, and i can only wish you a peaceful evening and of course. victory and
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peace, may you all be lucky, all the best, to stand in the west from the sky is a conscious choice, it is my calling, to be pilot and protect our ukraine, everyone understands why we are doing it, everyone understands the ultimate goal, it is protection, protection of our country, we flew here. such that they want, these are boys, girls from god, yes.


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