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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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evening and of course, victory and peace, may you all be lucky, all the best, to stand up for protection from the sky is a conscious choice, it is my vocation to be a pilot and protect our ukraine, everyone understands why we do it, everyone understands the ultimate goal, it is protection, protection of our country. russian pilots have arrived here, and they are here and there, you don't have aviation, here, hello, we are here, they have the kind of girl they want, these are boys, girls from god, yes.
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now let's go, we are usually like that, if we go in a car, we speak quietly, because it is a child sleeping, where is dad? what? it is very difficult when she wakes up and she still needs a little, as they say, adaptation, adaptation, and what they want from her, because she woke up, immediately saw an airplane, and this is also her weakness, like her father's, mom does not touch dad, but only yours, don't worry.
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manya, when he was born in chertkov, there were flights, it was a friday, he was born on the 11th, somewhere at 11 , someone in the duty station called, he said that you had a son, but the plane was at the wheel, the commander was flying on that plane, he said, well, he will be a pilot, since he was born on flights, that means will be a pilot, so it happened. everyone has their own profession, there, if a dentist pulled out a tooth, than he doesn't go there, that's all, i did a terrible deed there, that's his job, that's right, to pull out a tooth and heal it, it's the same with me, i'm better now... i will not sleep so that
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later my children and all children can sleep peacefully at home, my job is to shoot down a martyr, a rocket, a good plane, my dream is to shoot down too, before you, how do i fall asleep, i think, yes, i have to shoot down a plane, at such moments one feels that our people really are not invincible, no matter what it's difficult, but it will definitely not be a shame, as our race commander said, so, roughly speaking, we drag it and run to the plane, we honor the fallen defenders.
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all our compatriots who could still be alive if russia had not started this war, it was the kherson direction when they started to go from the crimea, our own crimea, and they just moved there in columns, and they, unfortunately... killed our 125, and you hear on the air that there were two of them, then the second is gone, and we return home, i understand that there is already one there is no one i was covering, everything, stop!
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on the one hand, i am overwhelmed with pride for the man, for what he does, what he does for us, for our country, and at the same time, to be honest, since the war began, i probably would have given everything in the world for him to be a teacher, a taxi driver, a builder of what, well, this is a very dangerous profession, i even have a wife. he was so jealous at some stage of his life, and i say to her, like, world, i say, you understand, right now you are not in the first place for me, i say, sorry, not you, i say, now there is a war, now in the first place for me is my boys, we have to win the war and i
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have to save their lives, the first 5 days are simple. no sleep, nothing, you're just constantly, constantly flying, flying, mission, mission, mission, and sortie after sortie, well yes, that's how it started, the planes took off from the airfields right at the time of the strikes, it was according to the stories of the pilots it was very what is touching is stunning, like polo. has already been bombed, he is flying over it, someone at the cost of his life diverted the russian aircraft from the airfields so that they could take off together and take equipment to operational airfields, there were cases at the beginning of the war, when one or two of our pilots, a battle between three,
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four or five russian pilots started, and ours won. at one of the airfields, when we got out, we got on the plane without anything, then i climbed in like this from the back here, and then i ran there like that and sat in the cockpit like that, because there was no additional work, we spent the first 5 days somewhere like this but in the middle of the night there were of course spilled out and we were like that, so i covered my fingers to get into the cabin there. "every fighter pilot always remembers his first an independent flight on an airplane, he always remembers his instructor pilot all his life, because you put your soul into him as an instructor, a cadet, it's like a child, because you
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become both a father and a mother for him, a whole family , airplanes for him were his own malaku, he loves it, it's me..." not for that, i grew up in a family where my father is a military man, he used to go to the airfield with a malaku, airplanes, it was for me, an airplane , wait, i retired from this track in 2006, i didn't think that i would return again in the 22nd year, well. this kind of life has been pledged to me, it is easier for me here, that i see him, than when he calls, i wait, i wait, he will call, he will not call, here i am, well , here i have more morals, how the son will
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fight, and the father will sit, like this, well as such does not happen, there was no such combat conflict, there was no such war where air defense forces were used in such a volume. that the air force, and we had to learn, we had to learn on the fly, the first days when there was a big invasion, it was, it was hell, because all these sorties, they were very difficult, it's scarier at night, especially when there is no moon, there are no these stars, very dark nights, it's scary because you don't know where the earth is and where the sky is, a little support. military family is not just words, under the conditions of this war, it has become much bigger. all that we experienced, and our losses, is thanks to the fact that we have our family, it is
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a collection of people, they are each individual, each has its own character, each has its own habits. but they are united by this big heart, hot blood, courage and bravery. well, what can i say, these are people, frequent people, we have pilots we are very responsible, we have one goal, that's why we are almost like a family, our second family , the work is going on, when all of ukraine will be this fighting family, then there will be no such enemy that can even scare us, let alone defeat. water, we go to the park, there are no
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scarecrows, there are no airplanes, we go to the park, when he is at home, you know, this is the bear that he flies with, he, he is very gentle, he is very caring, there, he is a real hero, brave , at home it's just such a caring, gentle our bear, it's my groupmate, vadim, the one who punishes, yes, he has such an idea tossed it to me, the first one stuck the chevrons here, i already did, already according to tradition, everyone who can, these are all combat chevrons, they all mean something, someone gave it to me, here's juice, andriy, this is his, unfortunately, the last one. hey, he gave it to me before he died, this is my bag
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for it, and my teddy bear, this is my teddy bear here, and yet i don't fly, i mean everything about flying, always must be. no one could have thought that this mongrel would perform combat actions with a man, especially after this, well, the most noisy video, let's put it this way, mashanka became a superstar, he was in all the public places, everyone wrote that he was a sack, orcs' urine. i'm just somehow calmer, i know that he is there, somehow i don't
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know, well, in general, they are such superstitious people, they have their own superstitions, well, for me, he is like a little brother, so to speak, yes, what in the cabin can tell you something there. "this is his talisman, god help him, i am very happy for him, i always take him with me on flights, i even jokingly said that he has his own flight book, he has it, he comes too medical examiner, because i go to the medical board with him, he is always with me, the child just like a child saw a toy and she also loves him simply from her child's point of view, we are like ". we went to the award ceremony, she was also with the bear, we have such a story, and we are, as always, a support group, we are with our
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dad everywhere, and we went to his award ceremony, yes, and it is a great honor to take a photo with mr. president, and we are mr. president, let me take a photo, he is so natural, and here our commander is not cat, you cried all the time and there were such good photos. a car, any plane, we, in our flying form, are like a living being, because... we understand that the technology is not new, it is also years old, they are older than me, so that somewhere
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, no, there is some refusal, here we come, so caress, don't let me down, yes, airplanes, this is his love, i would even say, this is a calling, i always tell him, you have airplanes in the first place, then my daughter, then me, what can i expect from you ? for example, if i had some kind of rejection there, then don't let me down there, yet a little bit left, now let's sit down, now, now a little more, a little more, then that's all, you're all leaving, just like that one stroked, well... well done, well done, well done, that is, we also have this in between, let's say yes, there is such a connection between the pilot and the plane, the soviet pilots were completely different pilots, but these guys, who are now ours, this is this, this is the sky and the earth, they were like that, there was such and such a father, such and such , he wants to be a pilot, because there he can retire, there is prestige, here the boys are different,
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here the boys, here they are, i don’t know what words to say, but they are completely different here. these are the guys, the girls are from god, the aviation family is so carefree, it's okay, you are a child, look at the flight number 114, the honor of the brigade, and where would you find it, beautiful, thank you, friend, everything, come on, we are in touch , well, you don't even understand what can happen in 10 seconds, in what place, where someone will poke you, but it's... absolutely not humiliating for girls, well, some pokes if there's some single young man there, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere , he's missing there for an hour or two we are like you he already went to someone there somewhere, as they follow , you know, in aviation, among pilots, you can say that he has the gait of a stratospheric , that is, when he returned from the stratosphere , oh, he says when everyone is sitting and looking at the wonders
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of the sky, the gait of a stratosphere is aviation , we can’t be somewhere in order not to joke about... or so on, if you don't joke, well, you can't stand it for a long time to be constantly under stress. we have been living together for almost two years, once i thought, but if we win the war, everyone will go to their families, every member of my his family will go to his home, and it's like, there won't be such a thing, there won't be such a big family around all the time, i'll tell you that i 'll miss it a lot, we have a soviet system of this communication these radio stations, they can tune in to our purity and eavesdrop on us, accordingly we also hear them, our vocabulary, we call, for example, the enemy there roosters, there, so that
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they also understand, we begin to tell who they are and what they are , and we sing the national anthem of ukraine, and there it is about bandera. we can sing death there muscovites and so on, they hear all this and that 's how they hear that we, let them know, i'm afraid of heights, to be honest, i know it's hard to believe, but really, i'm just going out on the balcony, that's all, my knees are shaking, honestly, i... seriously, well, yes, you ask how, i say, well, it’s one thing when you’re in a plane, in a car that you pilot, yourself, driving it, it’s not scary, i don’t know , why
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everyone is eager to try themselves as an f-16 pilot. we are able to master any type of aircraft. favorite types of aircraft, the most modern, these young people, these children, these cadets, extraordinary motivated, extremely intelligent. as a result of the full-scale repulsion of the russian federation, there were more people who wanted to... enroll in flight specialties than it was before the war, much more. they want to protect. at the moment , a lot of girls come to the armed forces of ukraine in the air force, and even where you don't expect them. it gave us motivation, it gave us fighting spirit and motivation in training, so that we mastered all the types
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of equipment we learned on and were able to use them skillfully in the fight against. occupier, i want extermination. pleasantly working with young people, it's nice to see their success, it's nice to see their achievements. when there is a war in the country, you feel how important this profession is, how important it is to study at this very moment, i understand that you are not the only one who needs it. personally, i dream of 127 hits in the future. i see the future of our aviation, that our air force... our aviation will be the first in europe for sure, and maybe even in the world. i did not want to take young people, i wanted them to be as far away from the war as possible. to keep them alive as long as possible, but themselves they rush, some of them are so agile that it's
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simple, they even began to surprise me, i flew with one, i flew with another, they are brave, you know, so brave, so courageous, it happens that it is somehow calmer there for a day or two, then it happens that almost every departure is constantly launched at you. the pilots fly up, here harm, here the jades or vice versa, release these bombs, accordingly, the enemy sees them, and already, while they are still releasing bombs, missiles are already flying at them, that is, the pilot, the planes do not see them, the missiles do not see him, he is from the ground they report that the fire has already gone, he says, now i will launch the rockets, i was told that i am the launch of the rockets. i turn around and at maximum speed i just start to maneuver in the opposite direction, running away at this moment is of course already a fear and you also start looking in the mirrors and where is she, where is she, he
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is negotiating with me, i hear, i hear by his voice, whether the pilot is confident or not, the main thing is to be confident, not to be so russian, you have to be focused, attentive, well, whatever goes wrong, everything happens. if something is wrong , don't panic, it's right there to shout, well, everything is calm, you are preparing yourself somewhere, in some way, that, god forbid, if i hear a blow or something else, to be ready to catapult, mother, me too.
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he and i have such a tradition, or whatever you want to call it, that he should call me before and after each of his combat missions, it's much easier for me that way. to hear a voice before, but the most important thing is to hear, i'm sorry, it's to hear a voice after he is on the ground, everything is fine, i heard his voice, i don't need anything else, at least on the emergency airfields where hostilities are taking place, constantly flying out, it's as small as the aviation family we have there, we all worry about each other, wait for each other from the flight, vanka is my classmate, a person... extremely sociable, there are different combat points, where you can fly and where you can be on duty, and when i talk to vanya, i say, vanya, you, you
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’re coming to me, that’s right, well, yes, well, where am i, of course, i’m going to you, sometimes there are moments , when you perform a combat mission, and i, for example, know that this vanka is flying, a little more calmly, oh my roommate is flying with me, i know his wife, i know his child, sometimes his wife, well... me with my child, for him it was very important to spend more time with you, he says, because of the difficult period when pilot taras redkin died, and that night they taras flew together, it was... if i'm not mistaken, three in the morning, he called me later, i heard his voice, i think, well, that's all, it's calm now, you can go to bed. at 7:00 in the morning, i received a call
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from his father and he said that one of the pilots died at the point where our ivan is, but they don't tell me his last name, i'm more worried about what i care about him. for him to be alive, every time the feeling of anxiety is constant, not for nothing, you know that now the war is going on, it was probably the most difficult period of the entire war, i call, he is out of the zone, i call, he is out... i, well just for 10 seconds i have the impression that i disconnected, but then i got back together, i think, no, it's not. and at that
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second he calls me back, i just heard hello, i didn't want to talk to him anymore, because i , well, i couldn't, we can't be 100% sure that we will return, if of course, everyone, we are all waiting for you to definitely come back, and we are all waiting on the ground, that when the plane returns, well, that's it, it was ready, it wasn't mine... i was flying all the time, and unfortunately, it didn't come back , and you begin to understand, first of all, biting yourself, that it was you who should have flown, that he should not have been, it was me, the boys told me that he just lay all day and looked at one point, well, he seemed to feel guilty , because he is older. the boys, in addition to their work, which
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they perform, are also very mentally difficult after the loss of siblings, it is very difficult. behind us are our families, our relatives, and simply the ukrainian people. we don't want this bastard just coming to our lands, i 'm doing, all my boys are doing everything to win this war, to...stop this shit, all the time when i go to work here, well, i see it all the time these belgords are mentioned often, unfortunately, many of my brothers have been lost, and you understand that they will forever be in your hearts, in your thoughts, if only, that's for sure. i sometimes think to myself that
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somewhere here on the ship there is one of my comrades, i see a little cloud there, for example, which i liked, and there i say about it, there must be a husband there, vlad there, i say hello, i hope that it is calm for you, there is no war there, you just you support us from heaven. we did not come to someone to take someone else's, we came to protect our own, you know that you have a wife, child, family waiting at home, and you understand, if not you, then what will happen to them, that's the question, so you will understand what you are fighting for, i am even in our wedding vows i said that i promise to see you always
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