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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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personal solution to the problem of the war started by russia. this was stated by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, in an interview with tsn after his visit to the people's republic of china, which took place from july 23 to 25. according to the ukrainian minister, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china has repeatedly emphasized that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine is inviolable for china. another important diplomatic moment, according to kuleba, was the position regarding the establishment of a stable and just peace in ukraine. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, not just any peace, and my chinese colleague himself added that fair and lasting. this is very important, because usually we are the ones who keep saying that peace must be sustainable, lasting and just. this is important, we received a clear signal that china is not looking for any temporary solutions, temporary ceasefires, it is working on a permanent strategic solution to the problem of the war unleashed by russia against ukraine. as bbc ukraine reports, after
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the negotiations, the russian state information agency rianovosti reported that koleba, during a conversation with vani, announced his readiness of ukraine to negotiate with the russian side, however, in an official statement , the ministry of foreign affairs explained that the minister's words were twisted. dmytro kuleba proved the consistent position of ukraine, which consists in the readiness to conduct a negotiation process with the russian side at a certain stage. when russia will be ready to conduct negotiations in good faith, but he emphasized that at the moment such readiness is not observed on the russian side. dmytro kuleba also stated that a just peace in ukraine is in china's interests, in particular its trade with europe, and relations between beijing and kyiv it is worth building, taking into account the future membership of ukraine in the european union, about which negotiations have already begun. the chinese colleague of vani said that china always. advocated a political solution
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to the crisis in ukraine and it is necessary to sit down at the transition table, reports the chinese foreign ministry. recently, both ukraine and russia have sent varying degrees of signals that they are ready for negotiations, although the conditions and time are not yet ripe. we support all efforts that promote peace and are ready to continue to play a constructive role in the cessation of fire, war and the restoration of peace. negotiations president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi commented on dmytro koleba. he also noted that china will not supply weapons to russia. minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba, who is visiting china these days, held talks with his colleague and reported to me about the results of the meeting. the visit of a ukrainian official at such a level is the first in many years, and it is good. and what chinese leader xi jinping told me was also confirmed. that china will not supply
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weapons to russia. for the minister's detailed report, i i am waiting after returning to ukraine. the three-day visit of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba to the celestial empire outlined a new important trend. china itself has now realized: putin's time has begun to run out steadily. so it is necessary to negotiate and it is desirable. to agree even before the presidential elections in the usa, because it is not known how the next president of the united states will behave, especially if the current vice president kamela harris, known for her tough anti-china position, becomes him. i would pay attention, first of all, to the fact that the visit kuleby was held precisely at the invitation of the chinese side, and the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china represented by minister wang made a speech. was the initiator
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of the invitation of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs kuleba. these talks are important from the point of view that china itself is now beginning to gradually buckle under the pressure of anti-chinese sanctions. this week there was another important event that drew the attention of experts. the largest state bank of the people's republic of china, bank of china, has banned russian exchanges from trading in the chinese yuan. and that's at the same time. what the chinese national unit accounts for almost 100% of currency trading in russia, to be more precise, 99.6%. this could lead to a complete collapse of the russian currency market. therefore , russia will become more and more compliant and will listen to the arguments coming from beijing. this program
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was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thank you for being with us, thank you for watching, together to victory, glory to ukraine. so what? politclub live ether, and today we traditionally talk about all the most important things topics that concern ukrainians that concern our country, both internal and external issues, we will discuss all this, and we are traditionally in the studio vitaly portnikov, congratulations,
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good evening, dear viewers, and two hours, yes, according to our tradition , according to our tradition, we will talk about everything for two hours. with vitaly portnikov, and about the murder of forion, and of course, the security bloc, we will touch on it, we will also have an international issue, the one that concerns possible negotiations, we will talk clearly about the issue of the united states of america, and about the latest events regarding ukraine in poland, all this will be, and now, what do we know, mr. vitaly, the first and, perhaps, the most resonant topic that we will be talking about today is, of course, the question of the murder of iryna farion, last week mr. vitaliy and i already analyzed these issues, we already
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spoke, and mr. vitaliy gave his expert assessment in general, to this murder, yes, well , yesterday it happened... a preliminary trial was held on the choice of a preventive measure for the probable suspect or probable murderers, that's a question for the investigation, right? in general, how do you assess the events that are developing around this high-profile murder in the last week, because, as they say, they continue to turn ukrainian society upside down. zoning in it, and of course, it will have far-reaching consequences for our country. well, in any case, i think that here, the investigation is really going to have to prove, uh, that the person accused of murdering
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irina farion actually committed the murder, that first, second, to understand whether this person was alone, or whether he acted in a common, in some community with... some people who somehow manipulated, perhaps, the consciousness of this person, because, you know, when they say that there was a whole list of people whom this young man was going to kill, they call the name of maksym bozhanskyi, a people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, then taking into account all these, let's say, boxes from the correspondence of this young man vyacheslav zinchenko, with various representatives there. far-right or neo-nazi groups of this kind of an anti-semitic character, frankly speaking, and in this situation it becomes absolutely logical why such a person would want to beat a buzhanian, a russian-speaking person and a jew by origin, well
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, it all fits into this theory of a jewish conspiracy, but then why am i apologizing for killing farion, an ethnic ukrainian woman? ukrainian-speaking, that is , explaining it by the fact that she divided people, by the fact that she spoke very zealously about the importance of the ukrainian language, and then what separated buzhanskyi, he never spoke zealously about it, that is, you prove that that these two things, as they say, combine the incompatible, yes, and this is when, if it is combined with the incompatible, then you should forget about this guy and about his own views, yes, and think about the federal security service of the russian federation. and how can she think that if you kill radical, some conditional radical politicians from different camps, then in this way you create chaos in society, you need to kill
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one side in order to quarrel, let's say ukrainian-speaking and russian-speaking, let them speak alone... farion she is an icon and protector of the ukrainian language, and this is a person who insulted, insulted even the people of azov, who defended her country, and after. this, how will all this brawling begin, it is necessary to kill some representative in russian, they, so that in ukrainian they say: well, listen, what kind of person is this who did not even love ukraine, did not protect the ukrainian language, and they will say to the russian: here you are everything is a speech, and the person was a deputy and spoke from at least 2022 with a patriotic position, but you cannot forgive him for what he was russian-speaking, and i would say such and such chaos, and then it is absolutely logical, because in principle, in principle... the main thing that moscow wants to achieve now, in relation not only to ukraine, in general, i would say, to
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the surrounding world, this is chaos, that is why donald trump's victory in the presidential elections is needed, not because putin is going to agree on something with trump there, but because there are hopes, and they were, by the way, in 2016, as we know that trump's victory accelerates the processes of destabilization and chaos in the united states states, creates. dividing lines between supporters of democracy and supporters of republicans creates inappropriate positions in the enemy camps and thus gives russia greater freedom of action. therefore, i really think, if we are not talking about this isolated case, not to perceive it as a death, as an isolated case, i really think that, in principle, we are now dealing with a war of a new quality. well, that is, military actions during such a war are really of great importance,
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but we do not pay such obvious attention to them now either. so look commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general oleksandr syrsky, gave an interview to the guardian publication, the first interview of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine to a foreign publication. however, it did not become a sensation, neither for ukrainian society, nor for the west. why, because in principle the general said clear, absolutely logical things, and about the goals of the ukrainian army, and about how the war should develop and about how western weapons are needed and so on and so forth, and in fact this interview disappeared from information attention not because it was wrong, but because it was correct, correct, absolutely clear words, but behind these words there is always a question, and how is this question solved in general? war, in addition to the armed forces, the function of the armed forces is clear, the armed forces keep the enemy on the line of contact and
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try, if there is such an opportunity , to liberate our territory, and what is happening in the country itself, that is, this question is far-reaching, because it is a question of a long-term war, during years of war, unfortunately, such a serious question arises as the health of society itself. which is possible in the first 6-8 months of the war does not seem so important, uh, well, the first 6-8 months of the war, society is united, as we have seen, an incredible unity of people, and so in all, in all countries where the war begins, and by the way, there is no great importance or right or the wrong cause is defended by the country in which people live, the main thing is this patriotic boom, remember how in the first months after the first world war, when they said that this patriotism covered everyone. and even people of pacifist views from some leftist camps, they still became determined
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patriots of their countries, and this, by the way, led to serious problems right there in the left political tab, because the social democrats, who had always been supporters of peace, pacifists suddenly became such serious patriots of their country, and relatively speaking, the russian social democrats spoke with harsh criticism of the german and vice versa, and that's why, by the way, people like lenin appeared, they were not. social democrats, they were representatives of left-wing radicals who said that we want the defeat of our homeland in this war, and let their country be defeated, and ours, because this is our only opportunity to come to power, the disorganization of society, and the special services of enemy countries work precisely with the radicals, because the radicals become their tools for destabilizing the enemy, and now they have returned to murdering the farion, this vyacheslav zinchenko, this just such a tool. if you want, the defragmentation of the country and its destabilization, like volodymyr
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ulyanov lenin, just on a smaller scale, mr. vitaly, really returning to the murder of irina farion and actually vyacheslav zinchenko, about which you just mentioned, and why in ukrainian society, as i observed there yesterday, the day before yesterday, there is such a huge mistrust of the actual. investigation, we see just an insane number of posts, comments, i personally heard the same from people whom i know, who i know, who say that... listen, well, not everything is so clear, maybe it is not him, and which, and some are just plain stupid, we don't trust law enforcement agencies and that's all, because not a single high-profile political murder in ukraine during these years of ukrainian independence has been solved, none, and those murders that were said to be solved later turned out to be unsolved, well, i will give you examples of the murders of giorgii gongadze and pavel sheremet, you know
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who killed giorgii gonadze, i do not mean general pukach, who... is in prison, who was, as it were, the direct perpetrator of this crime, who was still interested in the robbery of gongadze, why it happened in the first place, who prevented gongadze, who gave orders to the security forces, you understand, this is a strange situation, there are people who were employees of law enforcement agencies, they would have to clearly say whose orders they followed, this is not some kind of banditry. organization, that is , the police, the security service, well, in principle, if you detain people, they tell you who gave them penakaz, but they did not say this, which means that there is no such force that would force them to reveal any information, and the power structures of ukraine do not have the opportunity, even after so many years, as many years have already passed, to learn about what happened, also
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with chiremet, do you remember how the current president of ukraine talked about the detention people who were accused. in the murder of pavel sharemet, and then there was also the same mistrust, and everyone said: listen, these are not the right people, well, time has passed, these people have been released, as far as i understand, i do not know at all whether anyone is now accusing them of the murder of sheremet, again, when they even detained these people, there was also such a question, and of course, what happened, and why did they even decide to kill cherimet, cherimet , unlike gongadze, is a russian journalist, and a belarusian, well, a person who is almost all his own life... worked creatively precisely in moscow, so it would be interesting for a country that is at war with russia, relations in russia, who crossed the road, if it is related to russia, there is no information, and when the next such murder takes place, why do people have to trust, they are already accustomed by inertia to believe that it is
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absolutely all some kind of contrived things, a bogus person, even if it is not bogus, we will not know the truth about the motives. and the motives really no one can fully explain, here is how the deputy chief of the national police says: no, he is pro, he is pro-ukrainian a person, his father serves you, he is just, what do you know then, this comment, it is quite strange in general, it is strange, because in fact the head of the ministry of internal affairs comes out there, other people come out, they say essentially one thing, and it is alleged that this detainee is saying or does not say anything in court, here it turns out... the deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs says something that is essentially the opposite of what we saw the other day, to be honest, it is not clear to me whether it is some kind of miscommunication on their part, and he expressed his opinion, whether it is, and here already on in the morning, there are even more discussions, because it turns out that some contradict others, well, this is the problem, yes, well, put yourself in the place
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of people who are being bombarded with such a flurry of information on a high-profile topic, and they do not understand what happened , but again. i would not exaggerate the importance of this single murder, i would exaggerate the importance of the process, because the important question before us is whether we can keep the country in a normal state in the next years of the war, it's not a joke, you know, because this war continues for as long as you can to say 2.5 years in such a large version, it will be 2.5 years already in august. this means that we are entering a completely new stage, and in relation to a democratic country, in relation to, say, the soviet union, well, yes, because the soviet union could fight for 10 years, there was a power apparatus, and somehow all this was already wrong, like during the war, not like before and after, of course, but one way or another it was absolutely obvious how to deal
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with society if it was shaken, right there ... absolutely did not understand what to do, that is, if people will, will really lose the ground under their feet, if the social situation worsens, if the authorities will not be able to answer some questions, if some such high-profile things will divide people, then simply with the murder of ferionts, we must say clearly, nothing did not happen, why in principle it did not become what the russians were counting on, because everyone? clearly said, ugh, we condemn this murder, the issue is not her political views, not what she said, supporters of course said, she is a holy person, she said such leading important things, therefore... she was killed, opponents said, we did not agree with what she said, but killing a person is just barbarism and crimes, the russian narrative, and people who came to the funeral
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of pharaoh, they expressed some, uh, agreeing with some theses, others could not agree, but they were all united by this, i said in the protests against terror, and that means that after there... a different week, as you understand, that this tragedy, it will simply be forgotten because there will be a stream of others news, ugh, and she did not bring what the enemy was counting on, the destabilization of ukrainian society, that is, it was not possible to turn a farion into such a victim, which should have led to such destabilization. it was not possible to provoke some destructive processes in society, so they will try to do something else, not necessarily, by the way, various things that should lead to such
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emotions, to such moods, because in principle , two years of war begins the period , when people begin to get psychologically tired, and when it is possible, without having any successes at the front, to replace these successes, let's say with something that... just bites something like, you know, these nuts out of the shell, so that nothing remains, well, the army is standing, fighting, we have it in the first months war, many criticized the post-war novels of erich maria remarque, that these novels, they do not help us to win, but they were novels about exactly what happens after the war, this is what is necessary, what must be realized, cannot be replaced reality in slogans, if you don't have one motivated, strong country, then no military
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victories help anything, the army returns to the country doomed to collapse, and people somehow find a place for themselves, or leave this country, even the military, or join some criminal gangs, it doesn't matter , chaos, which means that russia wants to achieve this. let's imagine that the russians have decided for themselves that they cannot occupy the entire territory of ukraine, but that territory, which they cannot encroach on, must become for them a territory that has been destroyed, a territory on in which it will not be possible to live normally, a territory where people will hate each other, because if they stop the war, even a truce is declared, a part of the territory is controlled, and nothing good happens in that part of the territory. and not those, but the territory that they could not conquer becomes a model of success, joins the european union there, ugh, why is this necessary, tell me, they will do everything to prevent this from happening, of course they
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will, and they should in principle drag out the war until the moment when they they will say to themselves, that's it, it's over with them, it 's already a state that will never be real, it 's just somalia, and now we can calmly end the war, and they're messing with each other there, let the west think how to get out of this situation , how to negotiate with them. about joining the european union so that they never join nato so that they never get into it, as orbán said today, it is a very strong country, it is incredible how they fight so much with the russian federation, but they will not be members of the european union and nato, we will never have enough money for us to take them - orban said that now the question is still there, it doesn't matter how much money they need, i am interested in ukraine becoming a member of the european union, but it means there is a plan. that ukraine should be destroyed to such an extent that there would not be enough western money, so that there would be at least some semblance of normal life in this territory, it is wonderful,
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a wonderful approach, by the way, about negotiations, but not with the european union, but about negotiations in general, from the plan johnson to the plan pompeo, we will talk about it, but we see that the voices are getting louder and louder about negotiations, kuleba... is going to china, we see that prime minister modi, the prime minister of india is going to come to ukraine on august 23 , allegedly, but less so, if we go back to the question of this pompeo plan, the pompeo plan someone has dubbed that it is supposedly the trump plan, in fact it is a plan, a proposal for trump, not a trump plan, that is, let's not confuse it as many already confused, how do you evaluate this plan, where mr. pompeo talks about what ukraine needs to give a full-fledged lend-lease for 500 billion
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us dollars, he is talking about... again , about the possibility of striking on the territory of russia, well , that is, let's say a whole complex, which is really possible necessary for our country, but which is doubtful that will be used by trump. so, if we are talking about these plans, about votes for negotiations, about all these security things, about the possibility of ending the war by the end of the year, do you believe in the implementation of at least some of these plans and these votes? because they are so versatile, so different, that people are already completely confused and do not understand what we should expect by the end of the year, we should expect war by the end of the year, i do not want us to operate with categories of faith at all, the category of faith is the will of god, no one knows it, no one knows, as a lord, even people who believe in him imagine
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justice, a representation of the lord. about justice can differ from human by 180°, and only when we live to see certain events, we understand what justice looks like, when you somehow combine it with faith, and we can with you to work with the facts, because only the facts are a real possibility will check what will happen in the next years of the war. so, firstly, the russians do not strive for any victories at all, and here is the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, sergey lavrov, after a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of china. people's republic wang yi said that he does not pay attention to the words of zelenskyi and kuleba regarding negotiations with russia. russia is not going to the peace summit, the second or the third or the fourth, and i think russia is ready to a truce, only if this truce will lead to the fact that the ukrainian leadership will accept some russian conditions, but why does russia need this, not so that these conditions are accepted, but for destabilization. by and large,
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again. all negotiations with russia, for her , are an element of destabilization, that is why the russians needed negotiations in istanbul, so that zelensky agreed to give up the territories and that some kind of rebellion broke out in kyiv, as they hope, or hoped at the time, and this would facilitate their military actions do you remember how putin used to say: ukrainian military, take power into your own hands, we will come to an agreement with you. what was it for? in order to provoke a military coup, so that... the west does not help some junta that will be in kyiv, so that the legitimate government is either expelled or shot, and again then putin could facilitate the possibility of occupying ukraine, because he would say: "listen, in ukraine, in kyiv, there is a colonel petrenko who heads the junta, and we have a legitimate president yanukovych, you see, what has led to a whole series of military coups in ukraine, that it is not known who is in power there, but we have brought a legitimate legitimate
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president to kyiv, who will now announce." extraordinary presidential elections everything is fine, we are establishing democracy in ukraine, this is exactly what was intended these appeals, the same talks in istanbul, the same all these conversations, first recognize donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhzhia regions as russian territories, and then we will start talking, remember so that i do not invent anything, remember on the screens of armenian television, on the last day of the second karabakh war , the prime minister appears. we were forced to sign an agreement with the presidents of russia and azerbaijan, vladimir putin and iham aliyev, which provides for the complete withdrawal of armenian troops from the territory of nagorno-karabakh, and so on and so forth, remember? and what happened after half an hour in yelivan? mass actions, well, it is clear that they did not have great success, but they did not because there was no alternative, but less so because none
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of the citizens... wanted to go to yerevan the azerbaijani army entered, we have a slightly different situation, as you understand, it could have been in the first months of the war, and now, i'm just saying that this is exactly what they would like to bring the situation to, to mass actions against the authorities that betrayed ukraine, therefore, they do not want negotiations, but want to create such a scenario that would facilitate their further actions, this is one moment, the second moment, all these plans, whether johnson or pompeo, is an attempt to draw attention to themselves, donald trump, because everyone now trying to find his place near him, hoping that he can become the president of the united states, which is absolutely not decided, it will be decided by the american people, we understand that with the appearance of kamela hardys in the election campaign, it is all now not as easy for trump as it could be.


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