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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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ents for the post of prime minister of the country, although there was a moment, although before this fall, although before this fall, but again, i don't know, have you seen netanyahu's speech in the congress, well, netanyahu is a close speaker, i can't call him a political supporter, but if you watch this speech simply, let's say as a political observer, or as a jew, if you want, then i watched it as a jew, with a great sense of pride, as i watched zelensky's speech. which i watched, of course, as a ukrainian citizen, that is, this is just a brilliant, brilliant understanding of the audience, how both american and israeli, and people who before that wrote congressmen that benjamin netanyahu is the worst leader of israel in history, they stood up and gave him a standing ovation because he addressed the soldiers in the gallery. because he
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was talking about hostages because he was saying "we're protecting you" and all of this is exactly understandable content in brilliant american-accented english, with an accurate understanding of how it's all being pronounced in an american accent, that's what not enough for many world politicians who come to america, but they never lived in america the way he lived... he just has the experience of american life, relatively speaking, he is almost an american, well, it is also felt when he talks to them, well, i would said a willingness to accept the challenge, yes, when he calls the protesters useful idiots who don't even think they can be spoken to in such language, that is, of course, this is all a very strong speech, but we understand that for the democrats it is certain. problem because they are trying
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to keep the audience, let's say anti-israel, well, it's no coincidence that ensipelos was not at this speech, she just didn't come, the former speaker of the house of representatives, it's no coincidence that kamala khairis was not the chairperson at this speech, that's also an absolutely obvious thing, well, by the way, this is a problem for the democrats , because i... i wouldn't say that 100% of their voters are against israel, we have to understand that there are combinations, of course they are, but they have to be arranged, well they are arranged, kamela harris did not preside over the senate, but she met with netanyahu, joseph biden condemns certain actions of the israeli government there, but supports israel, they compose it, they do not have such a clear position that trump takes. but by the way about trump, if we
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go back, netanyahu met with trump, it is clear that trump also needed this meeting, what they talked about and what could be the pros and cons for both of them, they first reconciled , i don’t know how much trump needed it, i think somehow it needed more, well, it’s logical, but trump was very offended on... this is also a very strange insult. he took offense at netanyahu because netanyahu congratulated biden on being elected president of the united states. ugh. although i remember that on the same day netanyahu wrote a big tweet in which he thanked donald trump, and there was a lot to be thankful for. listen to donald trump, sincerely the press of israel. i have no doubts here. but how do you imagine the prime minister of israel who does not welcome the president-elect of the united states? any. well, there are such politicians. viktor orban did not welcome. i think andrzej duda somehow simply congratulated. joseph biden
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taking office but not winning the election but they're not at war with anyone they can afford that luxury and it's a warring country anyway, well but he's still offended like a child, ugh , and he had nothing to do with him for four years, he had nothing to do with him, he criticized him publicly all the time, he even met sara netanyahu there, kissed him there, you saw, the wife of the prime minister of israel, so they... somehow reconciled, but here another question arises: what can trump really do do for netanyahu? but trump did a lot for israel at a time when israel followed a policy that seemed logical to many at the time, for peace with the arab countries for the sake of israel's security. and that was netanyahu's course, he believed it was a justified course, and by and large joseph biden was also following this course when he was trying to negotiate diplomatic relations. but here
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the question arises, what can trump do when it comes to a political solution, which does not exist. well , no, donald trump has shown that he is wrote a letter to mahmoud abbas, the head of the palestinian authority, also means a call to promote peace, but mahmoud abbas does not have the sentiments of the palestinian street, and benjamin netanyahu does not, and donald trump does not, and this palestinian street, i am sorry, supports whom, hamas , islamic jihad, radical organizations, and i don't think, frankly, that what's going on in the gas sector at the moment is going to change her mind any faster. on the contrary, by the way, this is precisely what hamas was trying to achieve when it did all this, the extreme radicalization of attitudes, and so does donald trump know how to solve this problem? he knows one thing that it needs to be resolved as soon as possible, because it contributes to the image
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of israel in the world, and what has happened to this perception in recent months is an unprecedented tragedy for israel, because it has never happened in the civilized world. you understand them, that is , there was never, never been, such a serious opposition, such readiness to forget about october 7 of last year, in connection with the events in gas, there was never, and netanyahu heard it from trump, who said that you you need to work on your services, public relations, but this expectation is not service with the local public, the issue is that every israeli operation... allows hamas to publish tragic footage of the death of the local population, which hamas uses as a human shield for its militants and no one is saying listen, hamas is using civilians as human shields, everyone is saying israel is killing
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civilians, israel has more power, it has to yield, and if israel has to yield, what about hamas, if the israeli government declared its goal... the destruction of hamas, so how can the war ever end? well, the war has been going on for almost 300 days. but today i saw that for the first time in a month ashkelon was shelled with gas. i am not saying that there is a danger from hezbollah, that there is a danger from the yemeni tendrils, or that this may continue, but we take one gas. if we were to say, you know, the war has been going on for 300 days, and hamas doesn't even have the ability to fire rockets anymore. israel, and if even after these 300 days has such opportunities, then what needs to be done to eradicate this danger realistically, as in some arabic parable, you know, in order to kill a snake, you have to burn the forest, well, this is an ambitious desire, and by the way, i have
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to say that we are in a similar situation, that is, if we believe that the end of the war and the victory of the war is the restoration of our territorial integrity, so we have how many... the war is 600, the 89th day or more, i'm already confused by the numbers , of course, there are also ours, yes, 689, well, you see, i even remember this by heart in israel so i think another 290 fifth 295 we just have to arithmetically calculate how much we need will it take days for that? that this territorial integrity was actually restored, maybe 100, maybe 5,200, it all doesn’t matter, well, maybe, especially considering the fact that the russians capture every day, even if small, but these are new, new territories, well, we need to liberate them, so how many did we liberate in 689 days, well, a large territory,
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but it remained, but it was in the 22nd year, it was in the 22nd year, of course, well, there is always a turning point in the war on that another benefit, and it can... in a few days, not a few years, but it is necessary to live to this turning point, so we are in the same situation, israelis, ukrainians, 600 295th day there is no understanding of a political solution in nature, 659th year no political solution is not in nature , well , this and trump, who says, i will decide for you here in one day, i am here for your grandfather, days are already 295 and 600. 89, when you become president, i don't even want to count how many days there will be, well, a lot, there will be as many in israel as we have now, and i don't even want to count all these tragic days in our country. himself the fact that the media is currently counting down
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the days of war says a lot, a lot, well, so with all due respect to trump's ability. to his sympathy for israel, he understands exactly what needs to be done: end the war, fix the image of israel, destroy hamas, establish some regime that will doz... restore the sector with the ukrainian war, he does not know how, he wants to , but he doesn't know how, uh, it's like but he doesn't know how, well, it happens, even not only at this age, with people, at any age, you understand when you want to and don't know, like, well, i'll tell you for sure that children are not born from this, well, it's such a problem. unfortunately , 885 days, oh 885, 885 days, are already
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so immersed in this daily process that these days, so to speak, you already see, go to thousands, to thousands, in fact, when the next president of the united states takes office , there will be more, but think about it, when the war in the middle east began, no one even... it never occurred to me that it could be 295 days, well, when in this, we have the same, some say three weeks and more one topic, perhaps a sad topic, today, when i read it, when you, mr. vitaly, we also spoke before the start of the broadcast or during the break, the diet of the republic of poland 420 seven. deputies for condemning the activities of the ukrainian insurgent army, the army and the organization
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of ukrainian nationalists, here i will now quote, volodymyr vyatrovych, by the way, wrote about this today, he gave a quote from yesterday's resolution of the polish diet. the diet of the republic of poland condemns the spread of ideology and symbols related to the organization of ukrainian nationalists and of the ukrainian insurgent army, people. the organizations that organized the genocide, i emphasize, must be covered with shame and forever constitute an anti-model of actions, observing the growing popularity of references to the organization of ukrainian nationalists and the ukrainian insurgent army in ukraine, the sejm of the republic of poland recognizes that it is necessary to make efforts at the state level to eliminate this type of attitude , well... this is not just a statement, it is a resolution of the sejm of the republic of poland, i.e. the parliament, but
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another statement conveyed this, now not the resolution, and i say it again, the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs, i think, to poland, that ukraine will not join the european union until it resolves the issue, the volyn issue, and, in other words, that's it... one statement, another resolution, and that's all takes place for about three or four days, well, in my opinion, this is an absolutely unfriendly step that we received from a country that ukrainians consider friendly, yes, and from a country that perfectly understands that we are now in a state of war, and unfortunately, here... they echo each other notes, even partly with the position of hungarians, so
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hungarians are somewhat similar, they have some ideological issues with us, but they rather concern national minorities, the hungarian national minority, here we see that poland, it would seem, well, most of the issues have already been resolved by historians in including various joint conferences, there were many joint meetings in... ukraine and poland, including official representatives, and this concerned the issue of the volyn issue, well, what concerns the ukrainian insurgent army and organization ukrainian nationalists, in general , the situation is simply deadlocked, because these are the people who fought for the right of their country, their people , for us to have our own country, including now, fought for the right for us to be called ukrainians. that we should now be called citizens of ukraine, that we should have our own language, our own culture, our own traditions,
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and in general not be completely destroyed by the russian empire, well, at that time, by the soviet union. mr. vitaly, what is this from poland? why do they do it? moreover, can it become a certain cornerstone a stone in order for us to block ukraine's accession to the european union, but less so, after all, i am interested in something else. the question for which poland, and with an absolute, not even an absolute, but practically one hundred percent number of votes in the polish parliament, adopts absolutely the following. anti-ukrainian attacks, which often do not even have any real historical basis, well, they do, but this basis is clearly different for each of the parties, and it is clear that the polish position is historical in this questions, it is very often not objective,
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why exactly now, that it is happening at all, i think that this is part of the internal politics of poland. we must clearly understand that the attitude to the history of our neighbors and our attitude, it is different, one way or another, the country that is a member of the european union will always dictate certain conditions, the attitude to its own historical policy, to the country that wants to join the of the european union, and because otherwise this country will simply remain outside the european union, by the way, i keep saying this, if you remember, i even when this negotiated process started, says we're going to have to, we're going to have tough conversations with our neighbors, don't be under any illusions, for... it doesn't look very serious, just because we, we're at war, uh, a country that is at war, no one will accept into any european union, our task is to continue these negotiations, to close one chapter after another, what will happen after these negotiations are over, i do not guarantee you, the republic
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of north macedonia has applied for accession to the european union in 2004, negotiations started in 2000 which? well, practically, not so long ago in the 22nd-21st, because the neighbors of northern macedonia, first greece in connection with the constitutional name, and then bulgaria in connection with the north macedonian idea of ​​history, blocked this process. a macedonian journalist can make a speech in the television studio in skopje with exactly the kind of speech you just gave, it's just that bulgaria doesn't need anyone. well, you want to make your speeches, you can gather and make a speech at least on this, at least on the highest point of your country, on hoverlu, everyone get together and talk about how wrong your sejm is, what's wrong with us, we voted, we told you, as you see it, you don't see it that way, goodbye, we can't influence anything, if we want to to the european union, it means that what we
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have to do, the first thing is to understand that our neighbors... may have different views on our history, on our world, especially those neighbors with whom we were in the same state, well, our the territories were part of pre-war poland, and before that were part of austria-hungary together with not a part territories, together with those territories that are now part of the republic of poland, or were part of pre-war poland, and there are painful pages for the polish-ukrainian peoples , different ideas about these pages, if you think that you can impose on the poles... ukrainian ideas about history, you are very mistaken, you will not be able to, as, by the way, the poles are always offended by the jews and israel, that they cannot impose their own vision of history on them, and there are diplomatic incidents and scandals, but israel stands by its position, just israel does not want to join the european union, but how can poland impose its historical vision on us,
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that is, this is also a rather difficult question, because... well, what, if at some point the polish parliament says that it is not will ratify the agreement on ukraine's accession to the european union, without solving ukraine's historical issues, then ukraine will, ukraine will wait, or the hungarian parliament until the issue of the education of hungarians in transcarpathia is resolved, then ukraine will not join the european union, you they don't care do it, they are in the european union, we are not, well, they don't vote, we can't force them to vote, as the issue was resolved with the negotiations. from macedonia with the european union, there was the mediation of other countries of the european union, germany and france, france, first of all , it seems to me, who met with the bulgarian delegation from north macedonia, discussed what the complex of actions would be, right up to the change of the constitution of north macedonia,
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north macedonia should change its constitution in order to get into the european union, once again not only the name, ugh, but let's say in... ugh, the point that the bulgarians are, well, the same, so to speak, factor of north macedonian history, an ethnic minority, somehow called naro, one of the peoples of north macedonia, like macedonians and albanians. well, a whole series of ideas were developed there in north macedonia, let's remember not only bulgarians, but all national minorities, so that it doesn't look so offensive, and let's remember bulgarians too. but now the macedonian electorate voted for those parties that were in the opposition, and for the president who was in the opposition, spoke against it because the macedonian voters don't like it and they're not going to. to change the constitution, well, until they change it, join the european union, ugh, or they will be forced to sit down again at the negotiating table with the bulgarians to agree on something with them, through the mediation of france, and it could
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be like that for another 10 years, don’t you think that maybe this is also a consequence of the upcoming presidential election campaign in poland? i think that it is not only about the election campaign, in bulgaria nobody does this during the election campaign, in bulgaria, like you you know, there are elections in three months, and no one even mentions it, all the political forces there, like in poland, are of the same position, there is no party that will say: listen, let's not bother them, there are no such parties, and in poland, as you can see, there are no such parties, no, there are political forces in poland that are in principle against ukraine, for example, by the way, according to the latest polls, the confederation already has 13%, well, you see that there is a full the unity of all political parties in poland means how it will look after. the end of our negotiations, ugh, most likely we will have to look for mediators again, ugh, depending on who will be in power in poland at the moment,
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there will be such liberal forces, so in germany we will look for mediators, there will be some conservative forces , so somewhere else we will look for mediators in france or in those countries that will not scare poland, we will sit down, hold some kind of joint congress there, uh, we will decide what the joint policy should look like and... historical, well, all this will be to decide there may be decisions that a part of ukrainian society will not like, or there may be decisions that a part of ukrainian society will not like, parliamentary elections will be held, ukrainian voters will vote for those forces that will say we are patriots, we are not going to make concessions to the poles, and ukraine will simply wait there for eight extra years to join the european union, is it possible, yes, maybe, we will just sit in the same room with the rooster. north macedonia can sit in this room in this waiting room, she can too
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to get into the russian zone of influence, by the way, ugh, but it still has no borders there , it will not be occupied, it will not be occupied, there is serbia nearby, but everything is like that, not so dangerous, but we can, you know , in these eight years to return to the council harbor, that's where the danger lies. and i don't understand why the poles don't understand this, why for them, that is, the possibility of losing ukraine , so that ukraine will once again become part of the russian sphere of influence, it is real even after the war, both after it is lost and after it is won, yes. ukraine is not, the existence of the ukrainian state is not a constant, it can disappear as a result of a war, and the existence of russia in ukraine outside the russian sphere of influence is not a constant, ukraine can return to russian influence, so that now people do not think that we were never with the russians. let's not, it's not like that, the public mood may change in desperation, well, if no one takes us there and doesn't want to see us, here they tell us: listen, we
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made a mistake, you are our brothers, we didn't want to, we're all yours now let's help restore, and now you understand that you shouldn't have done this measures to deal with, they instigated you, and we can do everything in russian, well, everything is like that, but listen, and even now i think that you can find people in ukraine who are ready, maybe they are, maybe there are not so many of them . but but at least it seems to me that even compared to the 22nd year, now their number, just the number that will not want to go to poland, haha, i am the number that will vote for patriotic parties that will not change constitution, conditional constitution, and which will not change the historical policy, it in as a result, will go to poland and curse the poles there, there will be those who are ready to go to russia, this may be an anecdote, so again it is necessary... i believe that it is necessary to work with the polish political elite not from the point of view of , which you know, we 're right here and you're wrong, and from the point of view that if you raise these european
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historical issues, you might just not understand their implications, that whatever ultra-patriotic force you want to lead to authorities with their actions here, and which will block the european integration of ukraine, v as a result, it will contribute to the return of ukraine to the russian sphere of influence. you don't need it, because with the ou and the upa - this is the history of ukraine, but the russian influence on ukraine, this can be the future of ukraine, if you behave so idiotically, i'm talking about this, i'm not even going to discuss historical some topics, you understand, because this history can be discussed forever in every nation, if we talk about the 20th century, there is its own... national history that other nations don't like, why? because in general the story is the first half of the 20th century, this is a story of terrorism, i'm sorry, who was i, you know? as in
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this popular novel by ilf and petrov , popular in soviet times, who was panikovsky, is there still a monument to panikovsky on this road or not, well, i don't know if panikovsky was decommunized, who was panikovsky in kyiv, he was blind, who was marshal pilsutsky, you can find out, before he became a leader, whether he engaged in political terror, an inconvenient question. well, somehow we respect him not for that, and when you say, did stepan bandera work terrorist activities, here i saw a book in polish, it was called stepan bandera the terrorist, well, of course he was involved, who doubts, but this is part of the activities of the national liberation movement, the national liberation movement very often, in the absence of political prospects , engages in terrorist activities, which are not
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very . those against whom this is happening like it, but the russians, austrians, or the germans did not like the activities of pilsudski, and the poles did not like the activities of bandera, i remember that i no longer remember in which a long time ago, on one of my first trips to israel, i was in a gesher theater and was next door to this elderly man who was once the prime minister of israel yitzhak kashamir, is there even yitzhak shamir? terrorists, don't you even doubt, did i feel any, oh, i'm sitting here, he's a terrorist, no, i was very proud to be put here, yitzchak shamir, a legend of the zionist movement of the jewish people, this man blew up the hotel in general, kem david, it's a hotel, not a barracks, that's all, but it was a national movement
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that was connected with the need for you. the british from mandated palestine and to give the jews the opportunity to create their own state, that's how they saw it. now the question is, if i were british, i wouldn't be thrilled. the british were looking for yitzhak kashamir even when he was the prime minister of israel. wasn't this warrant removed? nelson mandela, who was he, i wonder, was he a terrorist, the leader of the militant wing of the african national congress organization. the african national congress is still possible. to some extent be called a political party at that time, but it was a militant wing, a militant, well of course, this is a terrorist who was preparing some terrorist acts, but what was the method of fighting apartheid, and of course the people who ruled south africa at that time, a large part of the population, especially white people, believed that these terrorists should live in "prisons, well, i can name
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a large number of such examples... the number is otjalan, who is in prison now on one of the islands in the aegean sea, in the aegean, it seems, in marmurov, mormurov, he is an absolute terrorist for the turks, he and there is a terrorist, and for the kurds a hero, well, that is, how it is impossible to agree on this, we can say that we do not accept terror in our modern world. but at the same time, we cannot erase him from history, you see, and in researching this history, we simply throw out pages that are unpleasant to us. of course, the poles would like pre-war poland to look different than it did, so that there were no problems with
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national minorities in pre-war poland, well, they were. in 1939 it was clear that the state actually did not exist, that national minorities did not perceive this state as their own, that it was real the so-called rebellion among the ukrainian population, and because poland did not perceive this population as loyal, as equal to the population of polish ethnic origin and the cathoric narrative, well , these are all facts, all from su'. norms, it's all distrust. of course, there were people who believed that this could be fought with political methods. well, by the way, this is also a beautiful story. i was friends with ibrahim rugovi, the first president of the self-proclaimed kosovo. well, he believed that it is necessary to fight for the freedom of albanians politically method but the serbs continued, continued the repression. a generation of young people appeared, it's like the ukrainians in poland, who thought that was all.


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