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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, as legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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we promised that we would talk a little about france, especially since it has become the epicenter of the news, the olympics, and everyone is talking about france, broadcasts from france are also watched now, everyone except russian ones, because they don’t broadcast them, because there are almost none of them there, or rather there are a couple of russian athletes who are under a neutral flag, in a word, this is the first time that the olympics are not shown in the swamps, and now we will learn all this from the inside, because with us is a political observer from france, denis kolesnyk. mr. denys, congratulations, komon, sava, so tell us, apart from the cook, the russian saboteur, and then these collective stas saboteurs, who were expelled and had their accreditation taken away, there is still a russian trace and an attempt, well, as they say, to harm the olympics from the inside? well, look, if you're talking about attacks on... snsf, then
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according to the current investigation, there are grounds to believe that, at least there are suspicions to believe that it was the ultra-leftists, and not the russians, who were involved. the other question is that, of course, the russians could have been involved, no, not directly, but indirectly, involving their, let's say, circles here in france, but as of today, the information that we... have, at least officially, talks about a far-right attack on the snsf, from sources that, let's say, are not involved in the conduct of this investigation, and that have such a relationship with states to state security, russian actions are also not excluded, and you correctly mentioned that there was detained russian since july 25 1, who
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boasted that he, let's say, prevented the olympic games in paris. before that, by the way, it is worth remembering that in june , a citizen of russia and ukraine, a dual citizen, yes, who exploded in his hands, he was preparing it in the hotel, an ambulance arrived, he was arrested. this is very interesting, by the way, because most likely the russians, not only in france, but in general, will use ukrainians to carry out their actions, as they use tajiks there and other former soviet citizens, and in the case of ukraine, it is quite interesting, because in ukraine there is legislation that must deprive ukrainian citizens of foreign citizenship, but this legislation is not enforced, and so... let's say it,
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people, who, in principle, have nothing in common with ukraine, will still appear as ukrainians in the media, in the information space, which will harm the image of ukraine and ukrainians, who, let's say, in a year or two, may be treated like the same afghans , see you mentioned about ultra-rights, i can talk a little about leftists now, i mentioned ultra-lefts, ultra-lefts yes, okay, i'm talking about one more story, i'll start with the name. yes, oksana will speak on behalf of another artist. i mean, it's at the opening ceremony, this parody of leonardo da vinci's last supper, right? scandal, on youtube the video quickly gained both scandalous comments and views, but now it has been deleted somewhere, and in fact, here we see a parody with transgender people on top, older ones below, we look carefully, because the video was taken down, the scandal continues, and here they tried in ... another
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version, as they say, don't look up, don't look up, look at another picture, which, now they say, is about the picture of the feast of the gods, and there are different cards. which are called that, in particular, rubens also painted the banquet of the gods on olympus, although they are somewhat different from those paintings, most of them do not have a table, some have, it looks like this, one of them, and they say that this is actually a banquet of the gods with bacchus, the banquet of the gods, in fact, they tried to copy it, in one word, an excuse for this and this scandal, something very reminiscent of russian excuses that we did not shoot. and we shot down the martians together with the ukrainians and so on, do you remember what will happen next with that scandal and in general , where did it come from? well, look, it's very difficult for me to say this, because first of all, i didn't watch the opening of the olympics, i didn't watch that
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video that you mention, neither on replay, nor online, i'm not a cultural critic, and it's hard for me in principle to this is to say, of course, whether there is or is there feedback, because in russia, all the federal mouthpieces are simply clogged with this scandal propaganda, well, that’s normal, because russia presents itself in, let’s say, the information space as a defender, so to speak, of traditional values, although we know that in russia, let’s say, there are very big problems with, let’s say, not they strongly defend them, yes, regarding... the question of france, again, coming back, here, what i can say is that, probably, the author who hacked this action, he was definitely inspired by some pictures that , some creativity to him, and maybe, indeed, you mentioned it here
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bacchus, or dionysus, who was an integral part of the celebration of the olympic games once upon a time in greece, by the way, greece is, as we know, a country that always goes ahead. in this parade, when there is an opening, their delegation, because it is where the olympic games were born, but the reaction was different, an environmentalist, a deputy from the left said, for example, that this is propaganda, propaganda of wolves, yes, i think there are different thoughts, and there is no sense in this, let's say, strongly uh, to focus, for me, for example, personally, as a citizen of france, as a resident of... paris, it is a scandal that tickets now cost €4 for tourists for one trip instead of two, €2.10 cents, and it is, as far as i'm concerned, scandalous when the state wants to select foreigners and tourists for this event,
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increasing twice the tariffs, for example, for temporarily increasing fares for travel, this is really a problem that i think is a real problem, you know, when the rain passes in our country, then the taxi drivers... the price doubles, that is, it is global, it is not something special for paris, but say even with the olympics itself, it is very big the number of reports that have come together, the city has become the capital of thieves, especially certain publications say that it is mainly migrants who rob entire national teams, i can tell you frankly, i have never seen so many policemen on the streets of paris, probably never. what the local authorities have turned paris into now is scary, there are a lot of streets blocked, i as a resident of paris have no right to go there, for example, now there are a lot of commerce that will suffer from these bans, there are some
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qr codes, you know implemented, in my opinion is wrong, on the one hand, the authorities probably tried to, let's say, reduce crime, reduce... the possibility of some terrorist attacks, that's understandable, but on the other hand, turning, i'm sorry, a part of paris into a kind of inaccessibility zone, it's definitely not it is correct, regarding the thief again, i will tell you, i was literally before the opening of the olympic games at the barbes metro, well, those who know, then they know, i stopped by there, and you know, there are always a lot of migrants, a lot, let’s say, some ... there are sales of illegal cigarettes, one more thing, and now there were a lot of police there, everything was quiet, calm, civil, so it seems to me, on the contrary, just with the olympic games, crime in paris itself did decrease, but we have to wait for official data and statistics to confirm my words , because what i'm telling you
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is my personal impression, which will not necessarily correlate with official data, uh, well, but this will only last two weeks, so in two weeks there will be less police and ... probably different such criminal stories as well, or a story when in an envelope black powder, where they discovered why it was sent to the head of the french ministry of internal affairs, also connects this story. with the olympics, or is it something completely separate? well, most likely, because there were before the launch of the games, there was various information that, for example, the iranians could, let's say, implement certain actions against france, the russians could implement certain actions against france, there are local actors who, for example , involved in politics, we know, we had them just recently, at the beginning, at the end of last month, at the beginning this month, there were... uh, early elections to the parliament, for example, where
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the situation developed, i don't want to repeat myself, i already said about it, i think you said on the air that there was essentially a situation that had to be clarified, and to really give to one or to win, it turned out that three essentially political forces, political blocs received plus or minus an equal number of seats in the parliament, which in no way clarified especially in the french political system. the situation and vice versa only provoked an even greater political crisis, that's for sure of course linked to the olympic games, because it is a big event for france, it is an event that is prestigious for france, and many actors would like things not to go according to plan, not according to the plan of paris. exactly, now i will ask about something that is not related to the olympics, i am about the european parliament, in which. as they say, the hungarians of orban and
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the french, le pen, became friends in the faction, on the eve of those elections it was clearly stated that we support ukraine in one way or another, we definitely do not take any funds from the kremlin, we are definitely not with putin, but the very first week and the votes showed that lipen changed her position again, it looks like she will be hustling again. for putin and compete, who loves putin more, orban or lipen? can such conclusions be drawn after the first session? let's be honest, i, if you remind me exactly what the vote was, it will be a more substantive discussion, but speaking in general, in ukraine, you know, at least it seems to me, maybe i 'm wrong, there is a certain demonization of the right and the far right, there are constant seeking their cooperation. so to speak with russia, for example, the ultra left is always on your air for some reason, not only
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you, but the ultra left in general, look, there was a vote on the resolution on ukraine, we draw a conclusion based on how the votes were distributed, and in this case, somehow i it's difficult to name orbán was a resolution, i'm sorry, because i didn't see this situation, it's clear, fine, then let's not talk like that about things that we are not competent in, mr. denys. thank you for the conversation, political commentator from france, denys kolesnyk was with us, me i would like to remind you that the olympic games of the 24th year are going on there until august 11, the ukrainian delegation is also there, we watched the footage of the ship sailing with our national team in the autumn, we are now cheering and want to show you some quite humorous footage, these are nasa astronauts, they. so they decided to demonstrate what the olympics would look like if they were held in
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space, that is, in conditions of weightlessness, they added a little humor, and we all need that today, that's it, ugh, the olympics in space, and what i asked mr. denys about is what was reported, in particular by the bbc, and i am watching this material, it was analyzed how orbán and lipenyky created in... a group that is against, at least, the provision of military and financial aid to ukraine, and in this they absolutely agreed, that is why i asked if the french leader lipin changed her shoes again, changed the direction of movement, it is not at all about any sympathies or antipathies to the left, the right, the ultra-left, which he has he will probably find ways to attack orban methods for lipen and for everyone else, because it seems that the eu has already chosen its... direction and its behavior and is not going to change course, this
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will be the first question for our next guest , because with us is a polish expert on international issues and a leader poland-ukraine center. ms. dariusha, welcome to our airwaves. greetings, good morning. the answer to orban was very clear, so about the fact that if putin is loved so much and wanted so often. russia's false propaganda, and the european union and nato are very disliked, well, whatever a suitcase, a train station, russia, left nato, left the eu and everything, and there are no problems, a very clear statement, there is already a reaction.
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in this case, if there is such a situation, if one of the allies, it primarily concerns nato, has such and not other opinions and carries out such and not other actions, are these words of the deputy head of the polish ministry of foreign affairs supported by the entire government and the entire government , is supported by society,
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or is this a statement of a specific person, a private statement?
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why suddenly there was another obstacle in the form of historical obstacles on the way to the european union ukrainian-polish backgrounds of the second world war? i mean, why did the volyn map come up again in the performance of the newly elected authorities of poland, why again this conflict within a conflict, war within a war, what. consisted of many pages, and not only from the volyn events, it again became an actual policy, and not some monographs by historians, which we already thought it had gone to, well, there are actually several reasons, one of them is related to probably from our internal
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politics with poland, the minister has also said recently defense, but... if one thing, the second is probably also that this problem in our polish-ukrainian relations, it is not the next day.
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in ukraine, when the war in ukraine ends, at that moment it will be necessary to solve that problem, to finish this process of researching archaeological exhumations and others, so that it is possible to simply close the topic, and this will be a very important task for the authorities of poland and for the authorities of ukraine , in order to do this, from that side, and in fact the same story is now with a fresh vote, because almost unanimously 427 deputies are in favor and only seven kept no one voted against it, i am talking about the fact that the polish deputies supported the resolution that condemns the ideology and symbols of the oun and the upa, in fact,
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first of all, the question of bringing this resolution to a vote at all raises this issue again, and the voting itself, these data themselves, why so, why do they want to raise these issues and raise them, well, after these, if...
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yes, a very dangerous direction. mr. darius, that is very dangerous to bring into actual politics again, because here in ukraine one way or another, then they will immediately bring up the crimes of the regional army, about pacification, and this war of martyrologists will begin, and we do not need this in current politics. thank you for being with the viewers of espress. dariusz materniak, polish expert on international issues and head of the poland-ukraine center. we talked, and we are probably forced to do so. we will pass the baton to our colleagues, so once again we congratulate you on a professional, one might say, holiday, on the day of the special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, our defenders quietly
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left, quietly came, and after some time we we have good news, we say goodbye to you until tomorrow, we wish you a peaceful and safe day, don't forget to donate whenever you have the opportunity, leave the qr code on our screen all the time, our colleagues will literally continue the ether in a few minutes. on barubiy will tell about the latest and most important news. be with espresso. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 149 hryvnias. long-lasting reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 hryvnias. ordinary light bulbs are expensive in stores more than uah 250 and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light
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12:00 pm
we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the russians killed two residents. another 11 people were injured in the kherson region. the dead men are 27 and 45 years old from the village of burgunka. they were hit by an fpd drone, and among the victims were three children, a ten-year-old girl and two teenage boys. the national police was notified. the day before, the occupiers in copters massively shelled the boryslav and kherson districts. they were fired from rocket salvo systems, artillery, and aviation.


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