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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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in principle, if you look there, the absolute majority of what farion said, well, i don’t know, i think, there in neighboring poland, that’s how they talk about polish, in neighboring hungary, that’s how they talk about hungarian, in neighboring romania, yes they talk about romanian, i mean countries that are similar to us, we shouldn't focus on countries that are nothing like us, well, when someone there compares ukraine and... switzerland, for example, well, russian, again, absolutely narrative, there are four languages ​​in switzerland or something still there, there are two languages ​​or three languages, and stop comparing countries that are in no way connected to ukraine, because there are, there are unitary states, there are federal states, there are states that were simply artificially created by historical milestones, because they were created in order to divide the political map, as in africa, for example. shared
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a political map, that is, ukraine is ukraine, and ukraine should be compared to those countries that are similar in structure, in terms of political vision, yes, in terms of history, here are our neighbors, whatever it may be, they are similar in terms of historical realities to us, so of course we must understand that it is they who are the element of comparison for ukraine, than, for example, it is conditional there... switzerland, yes, that is why all these russian narratives, which are very often and very successfully thrown in into the ukrainian space, we must somehow work to at least isolate ourselves from this, because russian, russian propaganda, well, we say it every time, it works more and more effectively every day, if we are... . we will, we will indulge her, if
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we'll believe her if we're going to believe any russian narratives, and you know the last thing i want to say, really, but let's go back to the fall of 2023 when it all started, i think, forgive me many colleagues, but in my opinion, the issue of farion in november... december 23rd year was unusually, i would say, negatively promoted, including by the ukrainian media. so i think that well, well, well, in fact, there was no reason to promote such a huge tragedy, which was promoted, if, if she said something conditional wrong, well, there are different people and there are different opinions that she said something wrong. why
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promote the thesis, moreover, from the point of view that will conventionally divide ukraine? there are ukrainian telegram channels of all kinds, yes, they are just day and night, i remember those weeks in november of last year , day and night they were promoting, extracting every interview, every word, every sentence, what are you doing this for? did, you have a mind, i want to ask, you wanted to divide the ukrainian republic, we are at war, well, this is not normal, we are at war, people it doesn't happen that we have russia as an enemy, which will use your actions against our country, yes, that's how it works, well, we're not in the united states of america, now where the election campaign is going on, yes, you compare, he said that you need to compare? with those who
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are closer, the information field, i agree, i absolutely agree, on the one hand, we are talking about information openness, cleanliness and hygiene, on the other hand, we are talking today about the crazy emotional heat, which, in particular, the audience and a lot of people use it, it concerns how social networks, you know him well there. telegram, for example, as well as ukrainian television in the form in which it exists today, the youtube format of ukrainian television and many other, well , in fact, manifestations of the media as such, without removing any responsibility from the ukrainian media for how these or other are covered moments, on the other hand, i want to defend, despite the martial law, despite... the fact that we are, in principle, in
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conditions of censorship, we try to continue to raise painful issues. maybe a discussion not always... neat, but we really, we really, who are responsible journalists, try to act according to the principle that doctors must act according to, do no harm, it is very important not to do harm, these are responsible journalists, but here are those who wants to pretend to be journalists, i mean different kinds, for example, telegram channels, but it was they, in my opinion, who then made an extraordinary effort to... spread this hate, there was no right there, no there was room for discussion, there was simply a complete no, in fact there was a general exchange of concepts and paraphrasing in such a way that, well, the essence was completely changed, i say that in this way we
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actually started from inside the country in the fall of last year to try to divide people m... on various grounds, but if we talk about the second person, who, according to the version of the investigation, probably it could be planned in general, well, i don't know, an attempt could be planned, but we are talking about a people's deputy now, and he is, well, let's say this, a person who does not at all resonate with the visions of the world of irina farion, so that's just the way it is somewhere like that the opposite, i would say. exactly that camp, in your opinion, was there any idea at all, if they do prove that it is the russian federation, what was the idea of ​​talking about two polarities in the context of their possible destruction, this is the
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traditional logic of the fsb and of the foreign intelligence of the russian federation, this logic is always to strike two absolutely. that in ukraine there are political murders, chaos, terror, their issue is not even in buzhansk. in that they need someone to demonstrate that ukraine, once again, this is a fail state, i.e. a state that did not happen, that ukraine is a state in which law enforcement agencies do not operate, the law does not apply, that there, how come, they want to say that this is a regime, they want to say that we have
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somalis here, and they want to prove with political information that ukraine is allegedly somalia-2, this is their current rhetoric, if you go to their resources. they very often began to use the rhetoric that ukraine is like somalia, where anything happens, but not in a legal way. and they promote this rhetoric, even through the mouths and minds of the ukrainians themselves, as i understand it. if i'm wrong now, i'm terribly sorry, but in the last few days, the network has been actively... discussing andriy baumeister's interview with medusa, a russian liberal publication. baumeister is called a political philosopher and one of the main public intellectuals of ukraine. many people, at least
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in my bubble, i'm terribly sorry, so maybe it's not representative, but it really is, so carefully asking, who is the ballmaster? well, well, me too, to be honest even before that, i had not heard of this person, that is, who is he, well, i apologize, his views are of absolutely no interest to me personally, i was not interested, and here i want to make corrections, let it be my personal point of view, of persons with a ukrainian passport, i would said, that is, i would not, that is, we must understand that these are... people who left ukraine, who are sitting somewhere over there, conditionally behind the hill, as they say, and who from there pour mud on our country, our values, our army very often, well, they lie, promote russian narratives, so you know, call it
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such people as ukrainian politicians or ukrainian philosophers, or ukrainians there, well, i don't know, political scientists, well, ukrainians, it seems to me that these are those who... who act, who work, who create in ukraine, and those people who, i apologize, they escaped from ukraine and they are telling something there, and absolutely racist narratives, which a... absolutely coincide with the narratives promoted there by solovyov skabeeva and all of russian television taken together, so i say once again, are these individuals or people or me i don't know what to call them, with a ukrainian passport, come on let's quote a little, just so that it is clear where this thin ice is, on which they are trying to lead us, and we are led by the handle by the already mentioned baumeister, but they do not succeed, they themselves ... fall under this summer , this is the ukrainian philosopher baumeister is sure that during the war his
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country turned into a totalitarian state, and this is the headline on medusa, medusa is once again a liberal russian edition, it is supposedly for everything good against everything bad and generally against the war against russia and against putin and so on, but ukraine is quite a totalitarian state, they believe that it can be put in the headline, okay, by the way, we are talking about the irresponsibility of ukrainians in this regard. spoke, i already spoke at the end of 2022 about the fact that if we started this war as freedom against tyranny, democracy against a totalitarian regime, today two totalitarian, two totalitarian systems are fighting: a small totalitarian and a large totalitarian, only a small totalitarian system with elements of chaos , zaporizhia youth, mixed with makhnovism, unpredictable, chaotic, and the other vertical, dull, rigid, bureaucratic, reminiscent of the soviet union, but on a different level. - says baumeister, and if we, well, let's say, again, the ukrainian
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media, which are not included in the common pool of the single format of the marathon, all we allow ourselves, where appropriate, critical remarks about the decisions of our government, our parliament, our government, our president and his office, if we can still openly talk about what we do not fully understand... why are some things in our country decided by people who are nobody, for example, were not elected, then this is again about the discussion, it is our relationship with our government, no matter what it is, good or bad, do we have any comments about it now or not, but to compare, to compare ukraine today with totalitarian russian federation, with some, but this is a crazy manipulation. crazy manipulation, of course, well
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, i don’t know, to be honest, this material is hardly intended for ukrainians at all, this material is intended for those who help ukraine, and for that i am actually very worried, and this is what i am taking care of now, some public, excuse me, alleged intellectual in ukraine, one of the biggest, who is not well known in ukraine. but he says things on behalf of ukrainian intellectuals that are very, very, very inconsistent with reality, and it appears to be some kind of more or less healthy position, here it is, and i believe that this is partly a narrative, including for ukraine, why not? well, we ukrainians don't read duza, they don't read medusa, but all the ukrainian media wrote about it, again. i know, well, it's the same situation again, because we, because we, we, we are monitoring, but
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this provocation was most likely done on this one, because everyone knew that, for example, the same arestovych, who immediately started promoting this person, yes, this bowmaster, and more a whole series of such quite, well, russian-world resources, which have begun to be publicized. it is me , why i do not rule out that russia has not divided or postponed its thoughts and dreams about creating pro-russian forces in ukraine anyway, well, it would actually be naive to think that russia has stopped carrying out its hybrid war, including in the political direction. russia perfectly understands that sooner or later there will be elections in ukraine, russia perfectly... sees and understands that in ukraine there is still a certain fraction of voters, people
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who, well, if there, are not directly pro-russian, not for putin, and let's assume for the great russian culture, for pushkin in the lermantovs and so on and the like, who now, for example, protect the soviet, russian, ruskomirov vestiges in our country, well , these people have not gone anywhere, they are still there, that's how they are not so anymore. many, but they anyway, there is, and why not create, or at least form such an informational and political pool in ukraine, or maybe you? is coming, well, we, we, i say, we are democratic, we, as when, let’s suppose, let’s suppose, the war ends, will there be some stage of decreasing the intensity of the war, we will have elections, and they will invest their money pro-russian forces in ukraine, they will invest money in new faces, only
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russian faces in ukraine, let 's not forget about it, and here are all these narratives of the arrestee... and his ilk, well, it's not just like that, i understand that this is also for the russian audience, but i also understand that their desire to bring russian forces into the parliament did not go anywhere, well, it did not go anywhere, and i do not believe that it will go anywhere, right , right, but andrii, there is another side of the coin, i emphasize it again, medusa is a liberal russian publication, that is, a publication that can be actively monitored. our partners, countries and representatives of these countries, who decide when, how, in what quantity, what kind of weapons to give to ukraine in order to she fought against the russian federation, against the totalitarian regime, and yes, all these countries, and whether we like it or not, it is true, they look closely at this environment
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of liberal russian politicians, the media and... and so on, these exiles from of their country, people of great culture, but against putin, maybe they even put some hopes on them after putin is a thing of the past, and the theses that lie in the media of this plane, they somehow reach people who are very important to us , which decide on how and with what will we continue to defend ourselves against ukraine, and here, through these russian media, a ukrainian, a ukrainian, once again, i put it in quotation marks, but i emphasize, a public intellectual, says that ukraine is no better than the russian federation, it the same totalitarian, and he says this at the moment
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when we emphasize, gentlemen, and nancy pelosi emphasizes in her big, in her big material that... the world is in a state of struggle of democracy against dictatorships, in a situation where serious american and not only politicians understand that we are talking about the opposition of democracy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, whatever, suddenly ukraine is called a totalitarian state, and not just anyone, but a ukrainian, but this, it seems to me, is the whole sensitivity of this technology. well, russia has never acted in one direction. well, this attack is actually carried out in several directions, but it is even worse when people who live and work in ukraine come to the countries of the european union and start, well,
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if not russian narratives. to promote, then at least something on the border, that is, the network shaken by the last statement of andrii danylko, or verki serdyuchka, as you know, danylko came to latvia for one of the festivals, by the way, russians also perform at this festival, the so-called good russians, yes, if we can show the video, i think we can not. and this aggressor speaks in russian, danylko stated that he will not translate songs into ukrainian, and if
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that bothers you, that is, ukrainians, citizens of ukraine, then don't... go to his concerts, and there's a lot more was actually on protection of the russian language in ukraine, russian-speaking russian, well, so be it, music in ukraine, well, this is the interview given, given by a ukrainian singer, a ukrainian showman, to a latvian mass media, when we talk about... baumeister, so about his point of view when we try to prove very often to foreigners that ukraine is ukraine. this is not russia-2, this is not the second russia, because many foreigners, throughout the entire period of existence after the restoration of ukraine's independence, many
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foreigners believed that ukraine is like this part of russia, it is where russia is, or that it is russia 2, but i still remember the times when i came abroad and contacted foreigners, and these were different countries, where they said, and ukraine, well, it is there where is russia or, well, you have everything in russian, yes, but what ukrainian language does such a thing exist, well, your people are coming, well, that is, and this is also one of the narratives, which is very dangerous in the context of what khrystyna said, in the context of the fact that foreigners should perceive ukraine as an original ukraine, not as a part of russian some kind of cultural, informational, historical, political, economic space, no, ukraine should be promoted. mother as something separate, as a country that fights for its own, as a country that fights for its values, its language, its history, its
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culture, its political identity, its place on the map of the civilized world, and here comes the conditional andrii danylko says that no, listen, i will speak in russian here, well, you will understand everything, this is the first aspect, and the second aspect is influence. within our country, i am more than i am convinced that danylko and other similar people, bloggers, whom we talked about in previous programs, have their own audience, and when these people go out to their audience, they say: listen, you don’t have to speak in that ukrainian language, it’s fine in in russian, we will listen to music, we will talk, well , the main thing is that a person is good, well, the good old narrative, here it is... which since the 14th year, including the russians, then how can we demand something from ukrainian citizens , ugh, if influential
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ukrainian stars come out and defend in ukraine the russian language, and they actually protect russian culture in ukraine, nothing, how can we then demand anything from anyone, anything from anyone? because such people are primarily responsible for communication with citizens regarding the processes of the same ukrainization, de-russification is similar to the continuation of the trend that we talked about with you in the programs earlier, this type of fatigue from the need to change and no , let's end it as soon as possible. they were talking about bloggers, yes, no, it’s not normal, rockets fly into children’s hospitals, let’s get there somehow come to an agreement among yourselves, the government on both sides is bad, again, the equalization, excuse me,
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of our government and their government, now they will write that yatskiv protects the ukrainian government, yes, yes, he protects, because it is our government, do you like it or not no, we elected her in legal elections, even those who did not vote, still recognize the choice of their fellow citizens, because we are a democratic country. and this is our strength, and then we will figure it out, we can, let's say, even disagree with the choice of our fellow citizens, that's another story, we are not similar to the russian federation in this respect, but russia and the narratives that it promotes not only in our country, but outside its borders, well , they are actually so new, sometimes i think, my god, how can you not see this , tiredness from language evolution, which he says... andriy danylka, don't let it go, no, no, no, don't force it, because it's a gradual process, an evolutionary process. this is how he concluded his speech about the language and about the russian language in his
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songs. well, i'm sorry, but if such a trick is used, then this evolutionary process is not will never end. no one, no one forces people to speak in a certain way in their private life at home, that's right, but that's it. person, this is public space, this is culture, this is the promotion of either ukrainian or russian culture, how can ukrainian culture be promoted in russian, this is nonsense, tell that, tell that to any person, tell that to a german, tell that to a pole, tell that to a briton , tell that to a spaniard, well tell them that it is necessary to promote their culture in russian, i will cover here near the temple and... by the way, about promotion of russian narratives, khrystyna wanted to talk about the olympics, just like
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me. an obvious story that few understood, well, you probably know that christians, people of faith, were outraged by what they saw at the opening of the olympics in paris, seeing in it, well, extremely unpleasant interpretations of biblical stories, in particular, there and and art, but these myths are gradually being debunked, in particular by cultural experts, bloggers, and iryna ulitenko believes that the scandal surrounding the symbols of the opening ceremony of the olympics in paris actually has no sense, at the ceremony they tried... to show not a secret dinner, but a picture of the banquet of the gods with the vacuum goddess sequenza, a celian goddess who, according to legend, was transformed into water from the seine river. the blue man was the image of dionysus, aka bacchus or bacchus, and so on. actually, i highly advise you to find this post, read it and understand that there is no crazy betrayal there, but definitely the olympic committee apologized for what happened, for the fact that someone could be offended by these er...
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performance performances that were presented on olympics, but the rotting west, tell me please tell me, where was the last time and the last time you heard this thesis, certainly from the mouth of some russian, that’s about the same thing they continue to promote, don’t mess around, dig a little deeper, and i think that working with information, information hygiene - this is what will save us as well, our dear viewers, we... thank you very much for being with the espresso tv channel with the new week program for these two hours, we work for you and we have to sum up the results of our voting now, do you consider the case of iryna farion, murder 8% think that iryna farion is exposed, and 92% do not think so. well, we have what we have, and we hope for a further reaction.
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