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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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says the local garrison, the war was changing right in front of their eyes, here it is not so much shooting battles as cabs flying, it happens that in the course of half a day, two or three dozen will fly over there, while coffee is being prepared, mortars are waiting for new targets, they are talking about the defense line near we managed to stabilize toretsk, how much work did we have? the barrel was red, at first you could fry eggs, it’s impossible to sell a camera, but the air at the end... smells like gunpowder and something burnt, and on almost all the streets, so much here active battles, local mortars say that the enemy here has an extremely powerful counter-battery fight, and therefore there is very little time for their work, to reach the target with their hands, mortars are firing despite russian drones in the air and bursting artillery shells very close. here they also
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connect their aviation and aviation, and they can just throw mortars at the same, according to the calculations, well, it’s drones, and the shot flies somewhere, in essence , the city is leveled with the ground, this is done for the reason that ukrainian soldiers do not ... could gain a foothold in urban development, peaceful people, civilians, still live in turkey, but they try not to go out into the street. during the last two weeks , more than 200 locals were evacuated from turkey. according to the latest data, about 35 people remain here today. who needs what? the west is needed, the territories are needed. resha is already leaving reluctantly and is actively looking for them.
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zelensky sent you, and politicians need to sit down and say, war, it can be eternal, they will make ukraine empty, and what next, they will make russia empty? to possible during the negotiations, the soldiers have a negative attitude and hide their fatigue in every possible way, and i can't say that i'm tired, because i have guys , i think it's much harder for them than for me, so i can't say that i'm tired, so what will it be.
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fuck you guys, there’s been a lot of talk about peace talks lately, as far as i’m concerned, that’s all nonsense, 15 minutes after the combat operation, the mortars receive a video, it shows the target being hit, and it’s right here, then there were more targets and other similar videos, somewhere before noon , the cannonade subsides a little and we, coming by several fresh fires. a broken down shop that once worked. we break out of the city, the military is sure, there is a chance to keep toretsk, which means that we can fight. borys uchalko, serhiy dekun and andriy ustinkin for radio liberty. well, we continue to talk about the situation that has developed abroad. in particular , today our correspondents were working in poland, so it turns out that ukrainian men abroad have been waiting for theirs for months. passports, and there are cases when
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passports are already ready, but they are simply not issued without explaining the reason, well, for example, today, the footage that we are showing is a document at the dp branch in warsaw. radio liberty met this man, we are showing him to you, he said that he himself is from crimea, he left ukraine 9 years ago to earn money, in the fall he the passport expires, he submitted documents in march to get a new one, he is still waiting, listen, i am 31 years old. 5 months after submission, they say to wait, nothing is known, when they will be given, and that they are issued only to those who have some gross group of disabilities, or three children, or a sailor, or a pilot, and from 26 to 31 years old they don't give it to anyone, and i've come back to tell you all this now, what you see, i... uh, i've been living in
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poland for more than nine years, and i came here not the fact that my grandfather was polish, and i wanted to return to my homeland, and because of the fact that life in ukraine... working in the center of the city of poltava, me and my wife, the former, er, earning, working in normal companies, in normal positions, we came to otb and thought whether to buy cheese or buy chicken today, and that's all, there was no talk about nothing, no cars, vacations, uh, new things and such and such other things, i came here, nine years uh, worked to uh... create my future, well it was this is a story from poland, and here we are showing you the czech republic, about a hundred men aged 26 to 60 protested under the ukrainian embassy in the czech republic, look how it was, the participants of the protest also demanded to unblock the issuance of documents,
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first of all, this is again passports that were ordered before april 25, 2024 foreign branches of the passport service , the document, and this is how the participants of the protest told before... again, it is that some of these men have already received their passport in electronic form, it was pulled up in action, but they cannot get a paper version, their are not issued, and as several participants of this protest told radio svoboda, the issuance of new documents has actually stopped, regardless of whether the men of draft age have updated their personal data, as required by the law on mobilization or not, and for the sake of understanding, in the czech republic, for example, more than 250 thousand men live temporarily or permanently, you? in the official explanation from the dp, the document from april 26 says that everyone who ordered new passports by april 25 will be able to receive them, attention after eliminating technical malfunctions, what is behind the wording of technical malfunctions is not completely clear, rfe/rl sent a request to the dp for a document to find out
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whether technical malfunctions really occur only during the issuance of passports to men aged 26 to 60, as well as what specifically consist of these technical malfunctions. but we didn't get an answer, but listen to what exactly these protesters in the czech republic said. three months have passed, and the passports have still not been issued. and the ppp document explains this with technical reasons. technical reasons that occurred only in men from 26 to 60 years old. dpp document, no matter how many times you go, there is a service hanging in them, then there is another lie that some passports are issued. if the service hangs, it hangs for everyone, not for 18. it’s 60, i applied until april 24, and i was in the dp three times documents with a request to issue me a passport, but no one set any conditions, that, for example, i have to come there with a qr code, with established data, there with a reserve, that is , they just delay and say that it is in ukraine, wait for it to be issued, well and lawyers
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representing ukrainian men in the czech republic say some of their clients did get passports after they showed a qr code updating their military records. but whether these are isolated cases or whether there is some kind of system is also unknown, well, at least radio svoboda cannot confirm that passports abroad began to be issued specifically to those who updated their data, but here it is worth recalling that until april 25 , there was no such condition from the state in principle, passports could be obtained by everyone who needed them, this condition, it appeared later, but passports are now not issued to those who applied before april 25, and after that, the first secretary for consular affairs in the czech republic , bohdan serhiychuk, is leaving. to the protesters, but could not help, he advised to contact the ministry of internal affairs or the state migration service, to which the passport service is actually subordinated document. formally yes, it is not the ministry of foreign affairs that is responsible for the work of the document service, but the ministry of internal affairs, but on the other hand, we remember that in april
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the ministry of foreign affairs itself ordered the heads of all diplomatic institutions of ukraine abroad to suspend consular activities for ukrainians of military age. then even the minister... dmytro kuleba stated that he said so, it will be honest, there is a war in the homeland, someone abroad is demanding services from the state and synchronously with the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs in the service the document stated about technical malfunctions, which, as we can see, have not been fixed to this day. what does this all mean and whether there may be any consequences for ukraine in connection with this, the truth is added to our broadcast by phone, boris badbin, legal representative, government representative in the cases of the european court of human rights 2015. year, i congratulate you, good day , well, we showed hundreds of men who go to protests, in particular we showed the situation in the czech republic, and they say that for months they cannot get a foreign passport and they are not told why, just a technical malfunction, from a legal point of view and from the point of view
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of human rights, as far as it is permissible and acceptable, well, let me say very carefully what i can say in this situation, well, first of all, as far as i know... document about the situation with the state-owned enterprise, yes, which today has an appropriate extensive system of issuing and issuing passports abroad. of course, this was a forced step, in the 22nd year they expanded this freeze, well , of course, due to the fact that there are a lot of ukrainian refugees in europe, and they are not needed for documents, it was definitely a positive step. as always, we do not have too much regret, this positive step is cut off by a large number of questions, of various dimensions, regarding the delegation of the document of the relevant functions to the state-owned enterprises, and so i will say very carefully, to the forms of their implementation of these functions in europe. i am connected here to some extent, because in the statements, because we are waiting for the results of the journalistic investigation, which
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will be, i hope soon, there will be a lot, i hope interesting, and our association for the reintegration of crimea, which i represent, is proud that we discovered in advance corresponding certain moments, let's say so, carefully, for which , by the way, the dp document has already refused to provide us with information in requests illegally twice, but we know that we have administrative courts in ukraine, we have them in... that is, there will still be a lot of interesting things here, but returning to this situation, there are several dimensions, well, first of all, there is indeed a question of the responsibility of the enterprise itself, because they call themselves, when it is convenient for them, this is the government, when it is not convenient, why is it just a state enterprise, we just make money, or does this oodp document immunity from the relevant proceedings for lawsuits, the question is rhetorical, but it is possible, i can still clarify, i apologize, well... someone may get the impression that a state enterprise is a document, it is so powerful and it can decide when and to whom and
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under what conditions to issue passports, don’t you think that there is some kind of policy here, i don’t know from the side of the migration service, or from the side of the ministry of foreign affairs, which is not talked about publicly, but the dp document is simply following someone’s instructions, well, look, this is the standard policy of our country, to whom something is not to whom, when something wrong is happening. well, the company, they have some problems there, that is , i will repeat myself, i do not exclude the fact that this is not their initiative, of course, but legally it should be proved, because they are the structure that does not provide services, but they repeat, what they seem to be just a commercial enterprise, this is not very correct, because, well, it is not a very correct thesis, because among other things, they are managers of the relevant register, administrators of the register, more precisely, they are relevant to the government. constitute and therefore they have managerial functions, that is, although they claim that they are just commerce, no, any court
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, both ukrainian and in other civilized countries , will have a, so to speak, justified position on this, so i do not rule out that these processes will lead to cases, both against ukraine in ukrainian courts, and against the state-owned enterprise document, maybe in the european courts, and here we are very, you know, very close to the ... subject that i don't want to bring up, but which i hope will be made public soon, believe me, i hope that there will be at least resignations, so that you understood the problems being compared, but until i say yes, there are two dimensions, yes, there is a dimension duties of citizens of ukraine, undoubtedly, citizens of ukraine who are subject to conscription, who are subject to mobilization, who are subject to military registration, must perform these functions, does the state have the right to bind this function to the issuance of a passport? documents , it is possible that there were relevant bindings that we heard about, in accordance
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with the letter and spirit of the constitution of ukraine, when we first saw the statements of the ministries, yes , the statements, and then the law, but certain actions of the ta document not after the law, after statement immediately, and it arises to some extent the question, and that rather, as an example, relatively speaking, when it comes to some sort of system... technical malfunctions, well, i'm not saying that this is true or not, but i'm just simulating, here a person comes to court and says: you know, such an interesting situation the dp has a document, they have no technical malfunction regarding the issue of passports to women, that yes, we, we already talked about it, we already talked about it, yes, we already talked about it, i ran out of air time, unfortunately, but i think , that we will come back to this topic, it really is a technical malfunction for some reason only for men 26, 25, 60 years old. thank you very much, boris babin, government commissioner for human rights of the european union,
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european court of human rights 2015, we talked about the situation with men abroad, we have everything for today, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow, there is discounts represent the only discounts on enterogermin, 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. fm, galicia. listen to yours. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on combi games, 10% entry in pharmacies for travelers and savings. if the throat is not ok, make a sneeze. do approx. choose the taste, without pain sniff. eucalord. sweet lord. there are discounts representing the only
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discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets and what does the world live on? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen postahov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechchenina, our art viewer, ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who for many have already become movrodnidenko next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio,
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mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, greetings, good day, events of the day. in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. kremlin training camp. why are young people used as labor in the occupied territories? putin was also in student units. he was a soldier of the construction squad. but which of the pseudo-principals prepares the students to go down. service in the russian army. the next stage of the installation of our unit. on tuesday, july 30 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the tv channel espresso. great returns of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things.
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money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it. we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on the espresso tv channel.
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we are looking for 13-year-old nikita sukhorukov. the boy lived in the city of mariupol and it was there that he met the war. information about the child's disappearance came in march of this year, but unfortunately, no details are known, where exactly and under what circumstances the boy disappeared. perhaps nikita, like many children from donetsk region , was taken to russia, but of course, it is possible that he still remains somewhere out of control. territories of ukraine, and i really hope that with your help we will be able to find the boy. let's take a closer look at the photo of the missing child. maxim is now 13. he looks his age, with light blond hair and blue eyes. if suddenly someone has seen the guy or knows where he might be, immediately call us on the hotline
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of the magnolia children's search service with the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators. free of charge, you can also contact us using the telegram bot of the child tracing service. i also want to remind you that we are not stopping the search for 17-year-old serhiy samoilov, who disappeared almost in the first days of the full-scale war, also in mariupol. the boy's mother said that life in the city was unbearable and the situation worsened by the hour. from the bombings, the family hid in basements, but shelling was far from the only one. the residents of mariupol had a problem, there was no internet, electricity, water, we even drank water technically, from a technical well, then the whole family was poisoned. he could neither drink nor eat. to be honest, it was very difficult for us. all the shops were looted, there was no lift. we just sat and wanted to eat. despite
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all the horrors, the lack of internet was what bothered the then 15-year-old serhiy samoilov the most. that is why the boy wanted to leave mariupol. he was very fond of computers, programs, studied, tried develop them. was creating a server, that's why he left home, because there was no communication or internet at home. it is clear that there were also problems with water and food, he was going to go in the direction of pokrovsk. serhii planned to go to his mother's friend in pokrovsk, which is also in the donetsk region, about 200 km from mariupol, but the boy's family did not dare to leave the house, so serhii went alone. it happened on march 6, in the evening, my grandmother and i didn't let him go because there was a lot of shooting around, and to be honest, we didn't have anything to do then eat and drink, it was very scary, he took
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a rucksack with him, there was a computer, he dressed the way young people dress, i thought he was walking around the house and would come back, and serhiyko had already left the house, and when he had already left, i already understood that my grandmother and i had drunk, we couldn't hold him back. only one thing is known: serhii never got to pokrovsk, the boy did not return home either, and no one knows where he is now, serhii's mother still lives in mariupol and does not lose hope of finding her son. meanwhile, serhiy's father, who is already has been living separately for a long time and is now in the territory controlled by ukraine, is doing everything possible to find the child. look carefully at the boy's photo. if anyone knows where serhii samoilov might be. do not delay, dial the short number of the magnolia children's search service 11630 from any mobile operator. calls to the hotline are free. if suddenly there is no connection,
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write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we 've created a resource where you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service is on the air. i'm natalya. leonova, congratulations. the usa announced a new package of security assistance for ukraine in the amount of up to 200 million dollars under the special presidential powers program. this was stated by
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white house national security communications advisor john kirby during a briefing for of the press on july 29. kirby also noted that the united states department of defense provides long-term support through the ukraine security promotion initiative fund. the amount of this aid is 1.5 billion dollars. we will discuss the details of the new aid package with our white house correspondent, yulia yarmolenko, who is joining our studio right now. my congratulations, yulia! congratulations natalya! yulia, what is included in the new package of military aid to ukraine? natalia pesoti, we heard one announcement today, but about two packages military aid: the first is really $200 million under the presidential authorization program, where weapons are taken directly from pento stockpiles. and this aid package is aimed at providing all the most urgent needs of the ukrainian military on the front lines. we know that just last week, the head
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of the pentagon, lloyd dostin, spoke by phone with his colleague, the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umerov. and accordingly, in addition to lloyd austin once again saying that the support of the united states remains unchanged, both the parties also discussed the urgent needs of the ukrainian military, and this is exactly how it works. american aid. ukrainians talk about what they need at the moment. and the united states is doing everything possible to ensure that. so what's in this military aid package? as they said, in the white house, there will be, in particular, missiles for air defense systems. there will also be ammunition for artillery systems, for missile systems such as haimars, and also anti-tank weapons such as javelins. apart from this natalya, indeed today too the pentagon announced that they are announcing a new powerful... package for the long term, it is 1.5 billion dollars under the program to promote the security of ukraine. in this package, as told by john kirby, there will also be additional systems to increase, to
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improve. air defense systems, there will also be the means to enhance the ability of the ukrainians to strike and, in particular, at long range, there will also be additional anti-tank systems, and there will also be the ability to repair the weapons that have been provided the united states earlier, so these two voluminous packages, again to meet immediate needs and to ensure that the ukrainian military can work for the long term. yulia, when can kyiv expect this aid to arrive and what is known about the time frame? yes, natalya, this is a good question, we know that again, these are two different programs, the first is 200 million dollars, these weapons for this amount must arrive in ukraine, as soon as possible, usually it is a matter of days, sometimes weeks, because it help, it's a weapon that's already on stocks of the pentagon, it is taken from the stocks of the pentagon, sent to ukraine, other weapons
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worth 1.5 billion dollars. this is what the pentagon buys for ukraine from manufacturers, and it can take months for these weapons to arrive. natalya, we also hope that the new command center, which, as announced during the nato summit, is to open in wiesbaden, germany, will help ensure that the next aid packages, not only from the united states, but also from other countries, arrive as quickly as possible. faster and more efficiently. and we know there was an important announcement last week, in the pentagon has announced that they already have a... a name, a nominee, a general to run this command center, which is curtis bazard, and the senate is expected to consider his nomination shortly. thank you yulia for your work, yulia yarmolenko, who joined us from the white house, told us about the details of the new package of american military aid to ukraine. during the weekend, a number
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of american cities held actions on the occasion of the second anniversary of the tragedies in russian-occupied olenivka. the night of july 29, 2022 , in the olenivska colony, where they were held ukrainian prisoners of war were killed in an explosion that killed at least 50 ukrainian soldiers. more than 130 were injured. independent investigations confirm that the explosion was planned by the russian side. the authorities called the tragedy a terrorist act and classified it as a violation of the laws and customs of war. the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights , dmytro lubinets, called for the renewal of the work of the un mission, which was subsequently disbanded after its creation in 2022 due to the impossibility of delivering experts to the site events we will talk more about the tragedy in alenica and the investigation of this case with maria ulyanovska, she joins us
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live right after. greetings maria. congratulations natalya. maria, two years have passed since the tragedy in olenivka. what is the latest information about what exactly happened in the voleniv colony. natalya, ukraine was able to retrieve the bodies of the dead pows and was able to identify most of them, but there are also bodies that are still unidentified two years later. after the tragedy, russia blamed the tragedy, of course ukraine. she said that yes, the ukrainian side was testing the newest american weapon at that time, hymers. this version was immediately refuted by the institute for the study of war. so the analysts said that the strike that took place was not at all similar to the strike if it had been a missile from hymers. in addition, after these statements of russia, a year later, the un also denied these statements of russia. currently, ukraine insists that russia staged this explosion in volynivtsi in order to cover up the ill- treatment of prisoners of war. yes , ukrainian prosecutors, ukrainian prosecutors
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they say that there was an explosion. caused by the use of a reactive thermobaric grenade launcher, and in addition, after, after such statements, the security service of ukraine also published an audio recording that seems to confirm the conversations between the russian military, which confirm that russia is behind this terrorist attack. currently, the only active investigation that is still ongoing is the investigation of the ukrainian general prosecutor's office. in july 2023, the sbu reported suspicions to the former head of the glyniv colony, serhiy yavsyuk. investigation is progressing slowly because russia does not provide access to the territory of the olenivska colony, and russia did not provide access to any of the international organizations that wanted to conduct an investigation there, in particular, there was a special un mission that tried to establish the facts of what happened, but in january 2023 it was dissolved due to the lack of the necessary security guarantees and conditions necessary for the deployment of the mission on the ground, then the spokesman...


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