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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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i think that far beyond the borders of our state , and this is being demonstrated very well, both the representatives of the gur and, let's say, the third hands, which we are actively using in order to achieve this important goal, should rotate. and we already have our first guest, let's talk with him about it, mykhailo prytula, colonel of the sbu of the security service of ukraine reserve, an expert in military control. from where, mr. mykhailo, we are happy to welcome you, good evening, good evening, mr. mykhailo, but khrystyna has just already told about this extremely joyful, interesting, important news for our country, actually about the destruction of one of the units of the wagner group, so small in the north, as you estimate, of course, that we... understood that
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most likely this was not the work of only mercenaries, that is, we understood , that it was most likely a coordinated operation, including a special operation, probably with the involvement of ukrainian special services, how do you actually assess this liquidation and how effective is it from the point of view of hitting russian mercenaries, russian private ... them actually structures outside the borders of the terrorist state itself, this is first of all a blow to the influence of russia in the territories where it is trying to spread its influence there, including in africa, that is, it is not just a demonstrative destruction of some number, even a small number, of russian mercenaries, but this a blow to russian influence and the reduction of russian influence in... in africa,
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because we see that putin, he is trying to extend his influence to certain areas in the world, wherever he can reach, and yes, because there in africa, well, there is nothing serious the influence of some other countries, then he tries to get there and get some resources from there, including diamonds, gold, anything else, and this is a blow precisely to the image of russia, this is an image blow, and this blow is precisely to the effect of influence of russia on other continents, of course, that this information, it spreads around the world, for other countries, it shows that in reality putin is not as strong as all this shows, that the czechs are not as strong as they try to pretend, that is, it is first over all, an image blow, because it's real to think that 20 displaced wagnerites and several prisoners are a great success, well, it is incorrect. but in terms of image, this is just
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such a strong blow. please. mr. mykhailo, please tell me that these are the wagnerites, that is, people who, as we understand, are still on the register of the russian ministry of defense, the russian army. i mean that somehow they count and count as a possible force to be used. and they were actually used in ukraine. but. after all, the russian federation somehow evades recognition of what it is a completely legal, legalized in russia, military structure, implying that this is basically a private initiative of a military nature, prigozhin, who has already died, and so on, you are talking about this strike and about efforts to disrupt the influence of the russian federation in the region , can the wagnerites really have any influence... on the region, well, friends,
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the wagnerites are, this is the structure of russian intelligence, yes, well, it can be called the wagnerites, there are no wagnerites, there is something else, it doesn’t matter what they are called, in russians, soviet tractor drivers once went to afghanistan to help the democratic republic of afghanistan, we remember how it ended, that is, what structures were used. lineages to spread their influence, that is, the main thing is no, the name is wagner, yes, but the main thing is that there was a russian presence, a military presence, and it was precisely the blow to the russian military presence on a certain continent, in a certain territory , well, this same presence is not limited to some squad there with a hundred personnel, of course, this presence is much bigger and... accordingly, it's a shame - it's
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rather, again, thanks to the spread of this video of this information, it's quite, let's say , the image. has a character, well, in fact, there are many more russian structures there, and they operate quite actively there, capturing quite large territories, and thus the russian influence, it is quite large there, well, how small is the whole situation, a small situation will affect the overall picture, we let's see, but it's good, what's happening, what 's going on, let's say, the russians have moved a little with this from this territory. in any case , some funding that went to russia, to international markets from these territories, it decreased, well, since it decreases, well , everything is fine with ukraine, again, because certain resources are being seized there, these resources are going to finance
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the war, that is, in any case, it is useful for us, mr. mykhailo, but i have already touched on this topic a little, as what in your opinion is the role of ukraine in the liquidation of these russian persons, yes, because we remember , that they also held the flag of ukraine, they, conditionally speaking, talked about the fact that they are ready to hand over our prisoners, the wagnerites, to ukraine, yes, that is, in principle , we see such a small bridge, so is it really possible ... there could be direct or indirect participation of our state in this special operation ? well, of course, if russian intelligence is working somewhere, it does not mean that ukrainian intelligence cannot also work there,
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it is absolutely logical that ukrainian intelligence officers, military intelligence officers are present and should be present there, this is their parish, and they have there... follow russian influence, reduce it, instruct and so on, this is their job, where there is russian influence, there must be ukrainian influence, and this tide extends not only to africa, this tide must also extend to the entire territory of the russian federation, to all other territories, well, in the case, for example, if we are dealing with iran or north korea, then of course it would be difficult for ukrainian intelligence to reach there, but the african continent. when countermeasures against russian intelligence, well enough, enough normal territory and it is quite correct that the budanovs there are carrying out certain measures to counter russian intelligence and russian military structures, therefore this is
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a quite probable situation and there is nothing strange about it, it should be so, well , in general, russians should understand that ukrainian military intelligence. it is quite active and operates, including on the territory of the russian federation, it is they who receive the salary and everything else, because this is their work, it is the work of our patriots, and accordingly, how many budanov agents are there on the territory of russia itself, this is not even known to one budanov, that is why it is not only africa that is united, there are agents everywhere, we need to understand this, and... tell me, please, mr. mykhailo, this informational excuse that was thrown to us by the publication of the new york times, during telephone conversation with us defense minister lloyd austin, his russian colleague bilousov warned about ukraine's preparation of a so- called secret operation against russia, the conduct of which could
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lead to increased tensions between moscow and washington, i will remind you that in principle yes, in july we already discussed a precedent, well, at least some phone conversation. between the ministry of defense of the russian federation and their american counterparts, and here the new york times shares the details, allegedly it was about some plans of ukraine that would lead to escalation, to tension, and this could not be allowed in any way, well, i don't know your comment on that , because it's really interesting information, but can we talk about us becoming kind of a game changer in the relationship... between the two hegemons? well, maybe, maybe, but what could it be, come on let's imagine, no matter how it happened, where russian military intelligence could learn about any plans of budanov or plans of ukrainian
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intelligence, to change something on the territory of the russian federation, what it could be, of course, that this is primarily agency intelligence, and some non-agency intelligence the information got through. to the russian intelligence and they became aware of the preparation of some kind of action, well, let's imagine what it could be, well, let's have more such... well, real and close to the ground versions, for example, they suspected intelligence, for example, about the fact that there is a source of a leak somewhere, some information, and it is necessary to find this source of the leak somehow, well, of course, in such a case , some kind of duck, some duck is launched, that is disinformation, they see where it will get out, and such ducks. there may be several, for example, they launch three different pieces of information to ivan peter and fedor there, one is told
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to paint the kremlin in yellow-blue color, in the second that only the mausoleum and lenina are in yellow-blue color, in the third they say that they will stick it from above a yellow-blue prak will be attached to the stars, well, okay, three pieces of information launched, and of course they are looking at what information has come out, information has come out that they will... insert the flag into lenin right there in the mabzeley somewhere, well, okay, and they are looking to see who understood that it is not ivan, not peter, not fedor, and seroga from the neighboring department leaked this information, and the fact that the russians reacted in this way, not tas is authorized to declare, but the entire minister of defense is authorized to call lloyd austin, well, this is how this information came out, that is, it could have been just such counter-intelligence. the operation that resulted at this level is enough correct, well, let's say this, an absolutely real
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situation, sometimes this happens, and this is how it is done, and there is nothing strange or special here, well, they burned some russian spy there, as one option, the other option could be even easier, let's imagine some guy who seduces some... girl in ukraine, and in order to seduce her, he says that he is an agent of budanov, works for ukrainian intelligence and now tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will be thrown into moscow, or paint the kremlin yellow and blue color. well, he seems like a hero to the girl, she tells her friend somewhere in the hairdresser that she has a boyfriend who tomorrow will make a yellow-blue cross on red square, and that friend in the hairdresser turns out to be a russian agent. well, in this way, the kremlin received completely reliable information about budanov's preparation,
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budanov's agenda, the formation of the kremlin is already a blue ball. well, as bilousov really needs to chat with lloyd austin, chat about nothing, but such information was immediately used by them in order to at least something to talk to the americans. i will visit this contact, mr. mykhailo, why do the russians have this contact now, if they really... but because we remember that before the war with ukraine, russia was also in j8, it was invited, they were quite an influential force, here suddenly they turned out not to shake hands at all, that is, they became there below the plinth, they were lowered, they became for the whole world, well, let's say so, non-contact persons, and now, in order to at least somehow raise the image, at least to talk about something, but not to talk about what. because what can they talk about, about the fact that they are shining with nuclear weapons, so everything is known about it, what they can,
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well, they can't say anything good, they need a topic for conversations in order to start some contact, let's remember 17 local spring, in my opinion, a very brilliant film, which for some reason predicted these events that are taking place, so there was a conversation about how before the death of fure. his relatives tried to establish separate negotiations with the americans, well, whatever this situation might be caused by the same events, it is necessary to somehow establish contacts with the americans, and everyone is taking care of this, and there is bilovusov, who came to the post of minister of defense, he also needs to somehow talk with the americans, of course, with a buoyant force, but they are repeating the ways of their predecessors. can we say quite, quite an expected situation. another topic, mr.
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mykhailo, on which i would like to hear your professional opinion and assessment, is the murder of iryna farion. actually, there are many opinions among the expert community, but there are also such expressed opinions and from the side. security service of ukraine, that the russian federation may actually be involved in farion's murder. here, in particular, let's listen to what the first deputy chairman said about this. serhiy andrushchenko of the security service of ukraine. regarding the involvement of the specified person , a complex of measures is being taken, and we are studying his connections in the territory of ukraine and abroad. and one of the versions is the involvement of the special services of the aggressor country in the organization of the specified crime. however, the use of beards we we look at various situations and various crimes
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that were committed on the territory of ukraine and... mr. mykhailo, do you think such a position and such a version have the right to exist, and whether the occupying state can really be directly or indirectly involved in the murder of iryna farion, in fact, even from the point of view of not only eliminating the known language. and from the point of view of shaking up the situation inside our country, maybe i would like this topic, well, not to comment much in view of my expert position, because, well, there is no need to harm the work of the security service of ukraine, that's all i can say, let it work, mr.
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mykhailo, we are today. interest, that 's fine, then let's approach, for sure , a more global issue, the interest of the russian federation in destabilizing the internal situation in ukraine right now, but if we proceed from this thesis, what could this mean, what position of the russian federation could this indicate, friends, the russian federation used. uses and will use any means to destabilize the situation inside ukraine. it it was 100 years ago, 200 years, 300, 400 years ago, it has always been like that and it will be like that. as long as the russian federation is alive, it will shake up the situation in ukraine and in neighboring countries, including europe. they cannot do good, they do bad. and therefore, for
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this, they can commit any crime and remove anyone. people, therefore, friends, well, what can be said here, if there is a leader of public opinion, iryna kharion, then one must understand that the russians can use this to shake up society, well, well, i have my own opinion, i would just didn't become use in this case, but we have to understand that they can be, can use anyone, well in this case there was information that they wanted to eliminate not... not only pharion, but also another one there, let's say controversial in relation to farion blogger, that is, to polarize the situation in society, in any way, maybe they tried to do it this way, there will be no more comments, i just don’t want to, by the way,
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if we continue to talk about destabilizing the situation, yes... attempts to undermine ukraine from the inside, there are also a number of events that indicate this, and in particular the security service of ukraine also indicates this, it is the burning of military cars, they are happening almost everywhere, kyiv, odesa, acts of aggression against the military and property, which looks like, let's listen, what does the security service of ukraine say about it, well, and then we will move on to the discussion. under the guise of a courier delivery, those involved on their own scooters went around the city, where they set the addresses of the parking lots of defense forces' cars, then they sent photos of potential targets to his russian curator for approval. after a command from the fsb, youths arrived at the parking lots of military vehicles at night, doused them with a flammable mixture and
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set them on fire. then the participants filmed the fire for reporting to the aggressor. in particular, mr. dykhtyarenko has just announced the arrest of six young men who, on the order of the russian federation and the russian special services, set fire to the cars of the defense forces in odesa, and, as i have already said, there are actually many such cases, and they are spreading in almost all regions, all in parts of our country, mr. mykhailo, but in the context of this, it fits into the same concept, into the same wave in fact. destabilization, at least attempts to destabilize the situation in ukraine by the russian special services? well, i don't think
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that this situation is exactly complex in terms of destabilizing, some department came up with a theme and started working on it through disposable agents, that is, of course, that all these guys who did were used, they were getting a certain... most likely, but no one is interested in their fate. made one once, they received thousands of dollars there, for example, or maybe less, that’s all, and no one is interested in fate at all, in principle, that is why they are disposable agents, such a class of agents that are used once as a condom, so they were used, they were thrown away, and the unit, who sits and selects such initiators, well , he works quite, well, professionally, i can say that if these... processes are going on throughout the country, does this unit think about some global topic, well, hardly, well, this is not their competence, the global topic of destabilization , but somewhere in there in the higher headquarters maybe
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to use the fact that it is a successful special operation, they put stars on their shoulder straps there, thanks to these not very smart guys, that's how it happens, then i don't think it's such a global topic, it's just cheaper for them to destroy. car directly on the territory of ukraine, at the expense of one-time agents, why try to destroy it there on the front line. ugh. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for your opinion. mykhailo prytula, a colonel of the reserve security service of ukraine, an expert in military counter-intelligence, was in touch with us. about sensitive and interesting issues related to russian aggression against ukraine. we talked about this in this part of our program, and we will continue to talk about them now with our next guest, but before that i... let me remind you that today we are asking you, do you think the farion case is solved? if so, please call us toll-free on 0800-211-381, if you think no, it's
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not open, then 0800-211382. i emphasize once again, all calls are free on the topic of the murder of irina farion, we will return with andrii in the second part of our program, and in we have the next guest, this is... valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. mr. valery, we are pleased to welcome you to the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel. yes, good evening. mr. valery, probably the first topic we will discuss with you is, of course, ukrainian attacks on russian, including military objects. ukrainian drones. reconnaissance on july 27, and until july 27, of course, mass, i would say really
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massive strikes on the territory of the occupying state are carried out practically every day of russia, but what is interesting: on july 27 , an unprecedented strike took place, again according to the data of the main intelligence agency, ukrainian forces struck further. tu-22 strategic bomber. i will remind our viewers that these are the bombers from which the kh-22 missiles are launched, which are among the most deadly for our country, for our objects, both civilian and military infrastructure. well, also on this day, and in particular on the previous days, we observed blows on others. racist airfields, well, in particular, on july 27, there were strikes on to engels in gilyaevo and diagilivo,
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i apologize, and of course the oil refineries, as they say, this is not even discussed, what does this show, mr. valery, that we are really moving to daily mass attacks and that ukrainian drones can now actually strike . targets over 1000 we can already see under 200 km, right? well, if we got to the airfield, and we got to the airfield, yes, then the distance is already 1,850 km, you know, like the jump at the olympics, yes, it is already fixed, that's all, it's already a historical record, well, we're waiting for the following, and that's it shows that in the european part... the russians have no places where they could reliably hide their aircraft. the only thing left for them is to remove the bombers to
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their second strategic base. now the russians will be forced to redeploy their tu-95 and tu-22, well, for now they are based there, we see, yes, but we remember the story with engels, so in 2023, or rather at the beginning of the 23rd year, what do you think the russians will do now, redeployment again, no, nothing special will happen, in general it is not redeployment, it is just
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... the flight of planes for maintenance at their main base, they were on the deer, so they will remain, because they did not hit any tu-95 there, uh, but in general they hit the deer, this is the base, there is the 40th mixed aviation regiment, where there is only one squadron of such tu-22m3 aircraft, just go there, this is one of the bases of long-range russian strategic aviation, that's why... a bomber, tu-95ms bombers were temporarily transferred there from engels, well, maybe some of them will be transferred, as i said, in seryshevo, in the amur region, yes there, so that there would be less, because in general, for the russians the number of missiles they launch, three or four bombers are enough for them, ugh, i think that these overturns, they are rather related to
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the need for technical... maintenance of aircraft, well, civil aviation, it's called checks, because the plane there once for a certain period, once a month, once every six months, once a year must undergo testing of all its on-board systems, since this cannot be done in alenia, they are transferred back to engels, because it is, so to speak, the base airfield of the strategic aviation, all this equipment is there, in alenia there is no such thing, well, in fact, so as not to engage in... uh, hat zakatism, i don’t know how to call it, but certainly, uh, this is the success of the ukrainian military, the defeat of the deer, but at the same time we understand that well , they relocate, another repair base, anywhere on the territory of the russian federation, when they need to shoot back, they will reach the launch boundaries, do their dirty work and fly back, well, that is, let's say,
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there is little in their attempts to attack our country from the air may change. probably, at the same time, mr. valery, i have a question for you, and this is success of our troops in the desert, can he somehow, well, once again put the discussion with our partners on pause about the need for us to receive goods and sanctions for the use of very long-range weapons on the territory of the russian federation deep into their bodies. unlikely. unlikely, because you understand, this should be a joint decision of all nato members, and the united states plays the main violin here, and in general, i would not call this weapon too long-range, 300 km to ataknuus is the maximum distance, well, maybe there are separate options, not the export options of scalp and stormshadow, they may have a longer range there, more than 300 km, yes, but this is
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a weapon that will only allow us to ... suppress the activity of russian aviation at the front airfields located, well, at this range, yes , well, kurtsk maybe i don't remember the distance to morozovsk, there are two regiments where the carriers of the kabavi are based, yes, and a little bit in the kuban , it would be possible to land attack aircraft there so that they would not fly there especially, but in general, it is, well, western weapons are not so long-range, yes actually needed. we need to improve our drones, what pleased me is that our scouts say that they hit a tu-22m3 bomber, well, if this is true, if this is true, then it means that the drones have guidance equipment, a guidance system, that is, the drone is flying , tracks the target, and he himself makes the decision to hit it, because he no longer has contact with the operator at such a distance, if it is so, then it means. step,
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although it increases significantly.


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