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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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the military administration's wishes from the defense forces to evacuate those people who are in the five-kilometer zone of the border area, because we understand that actually a lot is heard, so me and so, you can hear her, you can see her, we understand that the enemy is on a daily basis shelling the border areas, not only the civilian population is affected, but also the objects of the civil infrastructure, well, it is very difficult today. actually to ensure livelihoods on the border, therefore it is not forced, but there is such a desire, the actual evacuation of the population, it can be changed from the actual, actual situation in one or another territorial community, well, if, for example, we take the month of march there, then the velikopiseriv community had to evacuate children there, because it is very hot there. let's say so, on that
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part of the front there was, however, let's say, more communication was established between the local self-government bodies, the military and the military regional administration, which advises people to go to the border areas, actually in those territories of the five-kilometer zone and live, but in reality the situation is different, is cases when people return to... in populated areas, it was the same in pyserivsk community, it was the same in bilopolsk community, it is the same today in the north of our country, because the region, because actually people continue to live there, people there, well they talk about the fact that we have been here all our lives and we don't want to go anywhere, that's why it's actually a dynamic situation, if the shelling increases, the evacuation of the population also increases, if the number of intense... these
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shellings decreases, people return back, i still alone i wanted to ask at the end, because i have friends there, and the 117th brigade, the anti-aircraft missile platoon, and the spresso tv channel are also trying to somehow organize meetings for them there. we also raised the necessary funds, i hope that we can still help, but and therefore, for me, the 117th brigade is like, well, native, and i would like to ask myself, is there any revision of the name list taking place now. weapons that are provided to the brigades, because i know, it is in the kherson region that my friends told me, which are in the territorial brigade, that of course there is a significant difference between the weapons there, conventionally speaking, are mechanized, well, i’m not talking about the marine brigades there or any others, in terms of capabilities, because when, god forbid, the enemy goes on the offensive, there will be time to pull up tanks, batteries, and something else will not be right and a lot, then do they currently count on or can claim some adequate list of weapons for the territorial brigade itself, or is there not in the future? the desire to somehow
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retrain them, because, well, in the hot phase of the war, it would probably be more effective to use them somehow more effectively with bigger, with bigger with a bigger list of weapons, please, well, actually, if, let's say this, first of all, according to the law on national resistance, the territorial defense brigades were more called to defend their specific territory, and the absolute majority... today volunteers, servicemen came to defend various cities there in sumy oblast, whether it was shostka, or kanatop, or actually sumy, today we understand that any of the servicemen and territorial defense, including, yes or else it can be sent to the north, to the south of ukraine, or to the east of ukraine, and when all these territorial defense brigades are facing very active combat operations.
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then, of course, there is a question about improving the equipment of weapons, and believe me, the management of the brigade works very well with the leadership to facilitate and increase the number of weapons, so that we actually have western models, because the feedback from the servicemen who work is very positive on the western side, we understand why, i i am sure... that we have suitable and qualified personnel who can undergo training, who can work very well, and this will strengthen the defense of sumy oblast, i am defending in the direction in which i am a brigade, thank you, because i asked such a broad question, and there was no time, well, but thanks for the answer, dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate brigade of territorial defense, this is sumyshchyna, well... literally in a moment
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of news. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks live, political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, free and fair, you draw your own conclusions.
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good evening, we are from ukraine! well , let's start with the enemy attacks: the russians shelled kherson around one o'clock in the afternoon , hitting residential quarters in the ship district of vorogbivy from the temporarily occupied left
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bank of the kherson region. damaged houses and cars the roofs, walls and windows of the houses were gutted. the local military administration reported. psychologists and social workers work with residents. fortunately. there were no casualties or injuries as a result of the enemy attack. and to the topic of donetsk region. evacuation under fire, two more people were taken away by the police from toretsk. in donetsk region, elderly men asked law enforcement officers for help. as soon as they got into the car, the russians fired at the car. thanks to the quick reaction of the police. all remained alive. the men were taken to a safer place. tomorrow, biliyangola's group will leave for evacuation again, because there is. request for help with departure, the regional police reported. the russians do not stop attacking turkey, there are more than 500 people in the city, they live in basements, trying to save their lives. 60,000 people remain in pokrovsk in donetsk region, including 4,000
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children. more than half a thousand people are evacuated every month - said serhiy dobryak, head of the city's military administration. a shelter has been organized in the city, where people are brought from nearby villages, in particular from turkey, there you can take a shower, there are three meals a day, people are also registered to receive benefits and assistance. an evacuation train is sent once every 8 days, people are taken to volynsk and rivne, in volynsk and rivne regions. after the announcement about the visits of the president of ukraine to vovchansk , the invaders began to bombard the city, telegram channels wrote about it. at the same time, in kharkiv oblast, russian troops concentrated their forces in the districts of liptsi, hlyboki, morokhovets, krasny, and vovchansk. as reported by the spokesman of the kharkiv military group, vitaly sarantsev, the enemy most often conducts combat operations there. in vovchansk, the situation is difficult, ukrainian fighters are restraining
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the occupiers using non-standard actions. the russians are constantly changing their tactics, in order to bypass the force defense positions, they launch frontal attacks in small assault groups. the resources of the enemy cannot be underestimated here, but in view of the huge losses of the russians during the assaults in kharkiv and donetsk regions, now even the russian criminal authorities are raising, as they say, the lifting fees for those who want to join the army, they already promise not 1,700 , a 1,900,000 rubles, obviously less willing, but in any case, it does not remove the threat for us. the first results of the investigation into the mass murder of ukrainian prisoners of war in olenivka. the ex-leaders of the olenivska colony were informed about the suspicion. we are talking about the collaborators of serhiy yevsyukov and his former first deputy dmytro neyolov. according to the investigation, both were in positions with the russians when the occupiers set off explosions on the territory of the prison. currently, both are hiding in
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the temporarily occupied territory, noted y security service of ukraine. the law enforcement officers received the statements of 20 victims and more than 30 witnesses, conducted the investigation. up to 48 forensic medical examinations. on the night of july 29, 2022, at least 50 ukrainian servicemen, who were in cells, died in the alenivska colony. almost 150 were injured, the management of this institution are just puppets, on the territory of the institution there were employees of the federal security service, there were representatives of the federal penitentiary service of the russian federation, who are curators of all the bridge of freedom, both on the territory under the control of ukraine and on the territory of russia, these persons are installed, we will gather a solid evidence base in order to get to the very top. the unpunished crime returns to the war museum on the occasion of the second anniversary of the tragedy in olenivka
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, zabra gathered eyewitnesses of those events, military personnel, relatives and officials. vladyslav duchak, a former prisoner of war officer of the azov brigade, also spoke. he appealed to the un and the icrc demanding a response and punishment for the criminals. and also pointed to the fact that the ukrainian side does not return the fighters to azov and exchange the exchange fund. where is the persistence, why is there no public condemnation and constant pressure on the aggressor? why does the red cross not publicly demand access to the places where our prisoners of war are held? why don't russian representatives at the un ask these questions, why does evil go unpunished. but i quoted this abbreviation to the united nations. this is the international red cross, of course, there were questions about how they generally
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checked the maintenance of the ukrainian military, when this tragedy happened, they simply said that they don't let us into the territory, on the one hand, you can't even appeal, well , the murderous terrorists don't let you into the territory of the murder, you can't storm it by force, on the other hand, of course, always there are ways when you want to achieve some kind of result, you can, well, at least now you can contribute to the investigation, gathering of evidence and... international condemnation and in the perspective of punishment of those people who arranged, well, i read today, this is a very good comparison, called deer in ukrainian katyn, well , of course, everything was more in katyn, but here the question is not in quantity, here the question is in the quality and qualification of this cruel crime, the cruel murder of ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers. in order to escape abroad, took upon themselves the parentage of other people's children, another illegal scheme was stolen in kyiv for those who want to avoid mobilization. former secretary of the city district court... odeshchyna and her husband sought out unmarried women with minor children, offering them to sell
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their parentage to unknown men. after, as the court legitimized the status of clients who had their own children, they became numerous, so they left the country without hindrance. the service cost uhylyant $3,500. law enforcement officers detained the organizer and an accomplice under article 208 of the criminal procedure code. under the procedural guidance of the pechersk district prosecutor's office , the investigators informed the detainees and the 26-year-old woman, who confirmed the client's paternity in court, of the suspicion under the third part of article 332 of the criminal code of ukraine, namely the illegal transfer of persons through the state border of ukraine. in accordance with the sanction of the article, the accused faces imprisonment for a term of up to 9 years with confiscation of property. they take 35 dollars each and how much in no... no matter how much money they get for themselves in such a criminal way, and carpets on the walls, as we saw in the video,
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of course, it is such a thing that it is impossible, for sure, to eradicate from the consciousness of individual ukrainians. prime minister denys shmegal discussed with the us special representative for the economic recovery of ukraine pena pritzker the provision of income from frozen assets to ukraine russian federation. according to the head of the government , he thanked the state for the support of ukraine, the loan for ukraine from the big seven in the amount of 50 billion. dollars , it is important for ukraine that the funds are available from 2025, in order to direct them, in particular, to military needs. financing of restoration projects and support of the energy industry remain priorities. ukraine is grateful for the 7 billion 850 million dollars that should arrive this year. the first 3,900 million are expected in the coming weeks, - added the head of the ukrainian government. well, actually, this the most important thing, and now to the story: hundreds of children
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of military personnel from different regions of ukraine were able to relax in the picturesque carpathians. the recovery program for them was once again organized by the charitable fund mriya. more about this in the plot of my colleagues. summer without war is the name of the recreation and psychological rehabilitation program for children of fallen soldiers and prisoners. the main purpose of such trips is to make it possible. young ukrainians to spend at least part of the summer without worries with friends in the fresh air in the mountains. little participants of the program talk with delight about recreation and various activities. it was very nice, a very nice sanatorium, and the counselors were also very nice, every day they took us to swim, and we went to castles, we went, well, a lot of beautiful things, they played football, we were allowed, it was a quiet hour, we went swimming, i really liked it, i found a lot of friends,
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great counselors, really, it's just incredible. well, there were contests, and after a couple of days , contests started every day, discos , too. according to the foundation, this summer almost 700 children had the opportunity to rest in health camps of transcarpathia. the director of the foundation admits that she is very happy to see that the children relaxed and enjoyed the adventure in the mountains and emphasizes that the greatest joy is to hear that the children have found friends from all over ukraine. today the girls came from kyiv.' regions i communicate with, was there something that was particularly poignant for them? they say, yes, we found three best friends there, such communication between teenagers, between children from different regions, this mutual support, it also plays a very important such a therapeutic role for these children, for these families. the organizers
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receive a lot of feedback from families about the positive impressions of children from such trips, so by the end of this summer, they have planned to send several more groups of vacationers from the frontline regions, including abroad, to the coast of bulgaria, to give children a happy summer without war. yulia zubchenko, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. a wonderful initiative and a great happiness that these children were able to really rest, recharge and distract themselves from the horror that he had to live, so very cool. well, it's very cool that yuriy fizar has already arrived. time to talk about events outside ukraine, the world about ukraine. yuri, good evening, please. good evening to you , vasyl, and it's great that you're back. well, i will talk about what i like to talk about. what happened in the world on this day, this day. in particular , i will tell you about the following: in the african country of mali, the wagnerites, the column, at least the wagnerites, were defeated. trump promised to cancel the elections, but erdogan threatens to send his
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troops into israel if necessary. my name is yuriy fizar the world about ukraine, and i'll start in a moment. well, i'll start with this: the visit of the prime minister of india on a road trip to ukraine may take place on august 24, that is, on our independence day, the indian company indian express reported on this with reference to sources. according to her , the visit will last several hours, the newspaper writes that for security reasons it may be unannounced. eh, that is, it will become known about him already after he arrives in kyiv for the rendering of mods. at the same time, according to the publication's sources, the decision about the level of the visit is all has not yet been adopted, and this means that there is a possibility, unfortunately, that it will not be rendramod, but perhaps the head of the indian ministry of foreign affairs , subramanian jay shankar, or the
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national security advisor, ajit doval, who will come to kyiv. well, i would really like to go to randram. modi came to show that he doesn't care, that he is the only one who says without words that he wants to help end the russian war of aggression in ukraine as soon as possible, and that he will come to hear and see everything that is happening in ukraine, precisely in ukraine. it it happened far from ukraine, but indirectly it also affects us. coalition of armed groups. in the north, mali is africa, she said, not far away. from the algerian border, tuareg rebels killed and wounded dozens of government soldiers and russian fighters from the private military company wagner. the reuters agency, as well as the associated press, transmit the statement of the militants. the statement states that in the battles near the town of tin zahauten on july 26 and 20, 25 and 26, the tuareg
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defeated the entire column of the malian army and russian mercenaries, and also captured military cars and armored vehicles, the representative of the militants, mohamed el maoulud ramadan, said that some of the malian soldiers and fighters of the wagner pmc surrendered. well, today i already read almost the information before the broadcast that, unfortunately, these wagnerites who surrendered as prisoners, the tauregas have already been sold back, it's a pity, it would be better to give them to us, but that's the way it is, and no one does. . doubted the presidential elections in venezuela, this is far from us, this is south america, the current president of the country, nicolás maduro, won, we can already talk about it even with confidence, even with the fact that... not 100% of the ballots have been counted, mr. maduro has won the support of more than half of the country's citizens, so there will be no second round of elections,
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he has already been congratulated on his victory by a number of friends, both from south america and and from further corners of the world, but there are many who are in no hurry to do so, considering how the previous presidential elections were held during the presidency of mr. maduro, for example argentina, costa rica, ecuador, panama, uruguay, peru and uruguay, spoke with a statement in which they demanded a transparent vote count under the control of observers. in addition, the president of argentina, javier maley, even before the announcement of the first voting results , said that he does not recognize the victory of nicolás maduro. well, the opposition also said that the elections were held unfairly, they demand a recount of the votes, and they say that the elections were stolen and that such a president won. a contender from the opposition, but he is sure that none of that will work out for them, unfortunately, because maduro is holding on to power, and he will not will give it to anyone, even if that
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someone wants this victory very much. another strange statement from donald trump. while speaking at a christian gathering in west palm beach, florida. the 45th owner of the white house, who has every chance to return to the main estate. for another four years, he said some rather strange things about the elections in the united states of america, so strange that experts are still hypothesizing about what he might have meant, but let's hear him directly first, and then i two i will say the words specifically about the versions, we are listening to donald trump. christians, go and vote, just this once, you won't have to do it again, four more. years and you know it will be fixed, everything will be fine, you won't have to vote again, my beautiful christians, you must go out and vote, in four years you won't have
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to vote, we will make it so good that you won't have to vote, here is a set of words and repetitions, so the first version put forward by experts is what trump did during his presidency, he could read something to the prompter, but then at some point he... it seemed that the prompter was not enough, it was necessary to add a few words, then he adds something like this, after which the experts do not understand a lot of repetitions, vote, vote, vote, and what exactly did he mean , it is not known, and what do they say, american experts say that this may be the case among democrats and lawyers, there is concern that in this way trump hinted at the fact that he intends to collapse the democratic system in the united states and possibly even return the country to some such trump's of authoritarianism, well, i don’t know how it will be and what will happen next, maybe those who say that the first option here in this case is just right
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to use, that is, that trump simply decided to say something from himself, but from it turned out the way it did, so let's see, turkey can enter its troops into the territory of israel, the country's president , recep tayyip erdogan, said this during his speech at a meeting held at the headquarters of his party, in rize province, which is the northern the east of turkey. he believes that turkish troops can enter the territory of israel in the same way as they once entered libya and the so-called nagorno-karabakh. because - says recep tayyip erdoğan, quote: there is no reason why we should not do this. buyurunuz please.
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well, here you see how recep tayyip erdoğan , by the way, they are gathered here, a boy came up to him, it was recep tayyip erdoğan handing out apartment keys to the victims of the earthquake that happened a few years ago in the southeast of turkey, and here's how then they said that according to turkish by tradition... if an older man does something like that, then when the little ones approach, one must first kiss the hand, and then place it on the forehead. this little guy who came up, he's being handed the keys to the apartment, he's so bad and he didn't do that to erdoğan. erdoğan decided to slap him. well, what are turkish traditions? but the troops of the dprk have vowed to completely defeat the enemy - this is a quote, by attacking him with overwhelming forces, if the leader of the most closed country in the world is kimchi. will give such an order, such an oath was taken by the military personnel at the event for the occasion on the 71st anniversary of the victory in, as they call it, the national liberation war, well,
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whatever else i call it... the korean war did not pass without the standard accusations and accusations, this is how the representatives of the army of the democratic people's republic of korea criticized, below is a short quote: american imperialists and gangsters from the military junta of the puppet republic of korea, who are frantically clinging to the resolution of a nuclear war. it seems that it is kim jong-un who is doing everything to resolve this war, but blames others. and on conclusion, they have a bunch of different problems inside the country that could be solved using the money they have, and they're using that money to continue their war of aggression in ukraine. in karelia, that is, in the north of russia, between finland and the white sea, a temporary bridge on the white sea-baltic canal in the direction of the discharge of water has washed away the baltiysky dacha cooperative, according to the release of
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local rescuers. information, the water simply washed away the houses, at least seven people were injured, three more are still being counted missing persons. in local publications , the situation is described as follows. quote: there is no dam, it is simply not there. houses were demolished along with people. a state of emergency was introduced in segesh district. well, you have oil, you have gas, you have a lot of money from, well, you had before the sanctions, now you have a little less money. from the sale of this oil and this gas, well , use this money to do something in the country, no, he decided something, something shot into his head to become a king, and he decided to use this money for the army and for the war, so stupid and live. well well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. continuing the topic
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of russia, the ukrainian agent, called the one who breaks the dams, continues to work behind russian lines. the passions under the dome never subsided, the deputies could not reach an agreement on the prohibition of the russian church. why do moscow priests still have an influence on ukrainians? details in the article by kateryna galko. a little more, i will remind you how the russian peace was expelled from the kyiv-pocharsk lavra a year ago. and out loud, in the ukrainian capital, in the ukrainian shrine, they prayed for putin and the russian military. nowadays , ukrainian prayers are already being prayed in the lavra, for ukraine and for ukrainian defenders, but a year later , there are still russian churches in ukraine, and the clashes regarding their ban under the dome of the council are no less active now than a year ago under the dome of the lavra. the struggle with the moscow church
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in... the country began back in 2022. in november of that year, more than 30 people's deputies from various factions, led by mykola knyazhytskyi, registered draft law 8221. however, most of his mono was rejected. in december 2022, more than 20 deputies of various factions, led by iryna konstantevich , registered another document under the number 8262. however, the servants of the people did not like it either. and finally, in january 2023 , the cabinet of ministers submitted its draft law 8371 at the request of the nsdc. i would like to emphasize that all three initiatives were supported by the specialized humanitarian committee. however, even the mildest government draft law took almost six months to get to the first reading. then he won. 267
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votes for. march 5, 2024 committee of the verkhovna rada on humanitarian and information policy, recommended that the parliament adopt it in the second reading. and finally we are here. july 23, 2024. draft law 8371 on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in ukraine.


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