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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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gnuli for almost six months, then he won 267 votes for. on march 5, 2024, the committee of the verkhovna rada on humanitarian and information policy recommended the parliament to adopt it in the second reading, and here we are at last. july 23, 2024. draft law 8371 on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding activities in ukraine. religious organizations want to see in the hall, but not all of them, according to the people's elected representatives in the dissenting council, it is blocked by the monomajority. today at the conciliation council, the servants united with the two formers groups, current groups and the former opzzh and did not contribute this one, actually contributed 8371, we have such and such news that... a new
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coalition between servants and pro-russian parties appeared in the 10th year of the war, but we have what we have , they chose such servants, and former servants of the people became servants. previously, it was assumed that it was not considered because there were not enough votes in favor, however, the parliamentarians assure that there is support for the initiative even among the people's servants. there are enough votes for this draft law, the only question is to put it on the agenda. and since servants block its introduction to the agenda, then , unfortunately, we cannot consider it, i am sure that if this law is in the hall, then at least 250 deputies will vote for it. in addition , people's deputies could be frightened by conditional anathema, they say, they already have threats that they will receive personal western sanctions in case of supporting the initiative. according to the people's deputies, the corresponding letter came from an american law firm acting on behalf of ukraine. orthodox church, in
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contrast, others say that 8371 turned out to be completely democratic. prohibition law activities of the russian orthodox church as an organization that poses a threat to the national security of ukraine. this is required by the convention on the protection of human rights, article 9.11, and by the constitution of ukraine. article 35-36, where it is directly stated. obligates the ukrainian government, the ukrainian authorities, each of us, to protect national security from the interference of hostile organizations, no closure will be forced, these are judicial procedures, these are scientific examinations, these are collegial decisions, as well as practically all the wishes of the churches of various ukrainian from protestations to the ocu were heard and included in this draft law in order for it to be valid. however, no matter what the problem was,
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as soon as the parliament decided not to consider church issues, its work stopped. people's deputies of the european solidarity faction, the voice of the trust and the future group blocked the tribune. in addition to the military bills, which have a direct bearing on the defense capability of the state, our political strength, and we called on others to join our initiative. after the conciliation council with the leaders of the factions, the head of the verkhovna rada ruslan stefanchuk announced a break in the meeting. on the sidelines, they say that such a break will probably last until the end of august. and if the document is not brought into the hall, the podium will continue to be blocked. but even if things start to move, the process will still be slow. there are 1,200 certificates, at least, which
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the representatives of the former opzhz will present for confirmation, actually the remnants of this structure, and that is why it is such a long process. the chairman of the vru later announced that parliamentarians will not rest, but will work in committees, in particular, on the draft law on banning the uocmp. the latter will be put to the vote of the parliament after collecting 240 votes in its support. and at the same time. according to the latest april survey of the kyiv city institute of sociology, ukrainians are more unanimous on the issue of the moscow patriarchate. 63% of reviewers are in favor of its complete ban. kateryna galko, yulia belska, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zema's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care
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about espresso in the evening. your place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for your streets. at school, in your church, because in your house they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not
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give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to make it faster hug you therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. good evening, we are from ukraine. great tr is returning, and now oleksandr morchyvka will talk about money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please. good evening, vasyl, thank you, welcome the audience, the next few minutes will talk about
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the possible increase in the price of mobile communications, business can also complain about officials, and of course, about what taxes the government plans to raise, on whose shoulders this burden will fall. we will tell you in detail moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka. greetings, this is a column about money during the war. many of us have been worried about the dollar in recent weeks. so the nbu says that it grew by more than 3 hryvnias in six months, from 38 hryvnias to 41.5 hryvnias. this is what yuriy geletiy, the deputy head of the nbu, thinks. that the main reason is the growth of budget expenditures, because part of the funds goes to the currency market and increases the demand for currency. the negative dynamics is also influenced by the decrease in export earnings of farmers, who now sell less of their grain to foreign markets.
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vnbu assures that the situation is under control and soon promises that the dollar will lose value. and business can complain about officials of the ministry of economy started testing the pulse online platform. on it, entrepreneurs will leave their feedback on interaction with the state. now it is possible to evaluate 22 state bodies. their number will gradually increase. based on the posts , the so-called satisfaction index of entrepreneurs will be formed. after filling out the form, the entrepreneur will track the status of the complaint in his personal account. well let's see it is what results will be shown by that testing and whether these business complaints will receive a reaction and a solution, in particular, this is very important. let's go further. crisis of mobile communication in time. the government recently obliged mobile operators
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to maintain the operation of the network without current for longer, but the companies complain that they do not have any preferences from the government for this. the publication liganet writes that mobile internet users are the first to suffer during the blackout, due to the lack of a home wi-fi network, they switch to the mobile phone and thereby it is simply overloaded, and this also worsens the quality of voice communication. experts predict that starting next year, the cost of mobile operators' services may increase by 50%, because the purchase of additional equipment for the same generators, lubricants to maintain current will be included in the tariff for customers. just a second, you know these. to this story, well, we do not have preferences from the government, well, the situation is difficult now, people who now pay more for food, more for gasoline, more for travel somewhere in transport, their taxes are being raised, the utility bill is being raised, well, no one is saying, but we will not pay, because the government simply does not give us anything, well, because we give more, because the war is on and we pay more, but earn
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more, that's why will include all expenses in tariffs, and somehow they don't really want to earn less, it seems to me like that, that is, everyone should suffer, and we think, well, why isn't the government helping us, it's not helping me... it's not helping oleksandr either the government does not help in any way at all, you really need to work and to understand and really spend money to invest in your future, because investment in generators for mobile operators... this is also an investment for the future, you want to work, you invest money, well, how about me. let's go further. a large-scale scheme of illegal production of liquid for electronic cigarettes was exposed in the kyiv region, with products worth up to uah 365 million. and also this equipment and more than uah 6 million in cash were seized by the prosecutor's office. a group of people set up an industrial-scale production line in underground workshops. made vape refills were sold in bulk through. the internet, the attackers spent the money received on cryptocurrency, expensive cars
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and branded items. but ukraine lacks half a trillion hryvnias to finance its defense forces by the end of the year. if the parliament does not have time to make the necessary decisions, then the military risks being left without salaries already at the end of september. that's about it. this was said by the head of the budget committee of the parliament, roksolana pidlas. the ministry of finance has already submitted its proposals to the verkhovna rada, they say, you can fill the budget by increasing taxes. is this really the way out? we will talk about this and more with dmytro oleksienko, vice president of the global business organization icc ukraine. he joins the conversation. good evening. good evening. mr. dmytro, well, is the increase in taxes really true? a number of taxes for business, is this a way out of the situation, to cover
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budget expenses, which are not enough to pay our military motivation? look, when the budget was planned, it was based on the fact that the war would end somewhere august-september, but it did not happen as expected, and indeed the war is dragging on, and our military is at a disadvantage. we need money, and according to the calculation, as ms. roxala napidlasa said, 500 billion hryvnias are not enough, and this is of course, the ministry of finance encouraged the search for, well, such sources, and the ministry of finance developed a bill, two bills, which were approved by the government and they already registered in the verkhovna rada, but after they appeared. well, their text appeared on the website of the verkhovna rada, practically all business associations expressed such indignation and
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dissatisfaction and presented their positions on their websites. on thursday, on thursday , a meeting of the public council at the ministry of finance, where i am the secretary, was held, at which the decision and appeal to the government, to the verkhovna rada with a request not to adopt this law, was supported, was supported. to discuss the text of the draft law and the principles contained in it with relevant associations, well , listen, listen, mr. dmytro, listen, this is an increase in the value added tax and the military levy up to 5%, or that, or that, or both, look, there is no tax on the value of growth, but it could, instead. military levy and it is levied on almost everything. 1%
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of the military levy in general with the turnover , a new such turnover tax is introduced, which is called the military levy, on any income, which will lead to inflation, some economists believe that this year there will already be hyperinflation, that is, every company adds one percent of its income , more precisely pays into the budget, this... leads to a rise in prices, from 1.5% to 5%, the military levy on the salary of salaried employees is increasing, it is clear that this will lead to a further retreat into the shadows, to a further decrease in official employment, and they practically do not receive the income planned by the ministry of finance , and such... exotic, let's say, a military levy on, for example, the sale of new cars
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, 15% of the cost of a new car, embedded in this bill, which caused, go to any salon now, since july 19, there are no cars anymore in car showrooms, all sold out and resold to individuals and so on, that is, the market immediately goes into the shadows, it's... the same fees on jewelry 5% from the sale of real estate, which, well, finishes and is already half dead. the real estate market of ukraine and so on and so on, i.e. more, mr. dmytro, and here is people's deputy, deputy chairman of the finance committee of the parliament, yaroslav zheleznyak, says that the partial situation can be saved by redistributing budget funds from various programs, which may be really out of time now , lose relevance or can be stopped, by the way
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, they have been talking about this idea for a long time, that it is one of the ways to fill the state treasury. well, mr. deputy hetmansov can say whatever he wants, i will now say for what they say, business, business association, for example, the american chamber of commerce, there they do not choose expressions and say that this bill increases the pressure on white business. they leave the black business as it is in the shadows and cite such examples, that is , losses from the illegal... market under excise products, then tobacco, ah, alcohol, for last year alone is more than 1 billion dollars, losses, well, the shadow market of iphones, only iphones, is 71%, and this does not bother anyone in the tax office, in the bureau of economic, economic security and so on, which contributed to
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more than 135 million, on this evasion schemes, loss from taxation. well, to be more precise , five restaurant chains pay 30% of the taxes of this entire industry, but, well, instead , we have more than four 40 thousand restaurants in ukraine, that is, what can be said about, and this is of course, well, there is indignation in the white business that honestly pays taxes, why don't they fight against blue, gray business, black business, but i'm finishing... this is really a lack of dialogue, thank you dmytro oleksienko, vice president of the world business organization icc ukraine, joined
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the conversation, vasyl, you and i talked for a long time in the column about money. during the war, that the time will really come when there will be no money in the economy that goes just right, in particular to the state budget. i will remind you, once again, one and a half hryvnias, that is exactly how much ukraine lacks to finance the defense forces until the end year, the figure was voiced by roksilana podlasa, the head of the budget committee of the parliament, this is the failure of the very program that we talked about in our speech, that there is no economic reservation, there is no economic mobilization, and the time will come when the salaries will... simply not be there, this is just the usual formula, but the people who went to power and said that teachers will receive 4000 dollars, then calculated, found that they simply made a mistake in arithmetic calculations, well, why can't they make a mistake here, it's just necessary understand, this is a reality, it is inconvenient, but it is a reality that the money will run out, well , because in order to sell something unnecessary , you need to buy something unnecessary, well, that is, these are
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understandable things, this is the school program, and you know, you want to tear it up head in the sand, i want to think that the russians will run away, as they once did in our country... well, they didn’t run away, well, the war dragged on, it continues, and the money may run out, because someone earns it, and the officials are all reserved, they just eat it up, but people who are supposed to earn at enterprises, well, they just don't give in economic protection, because you see, for example, i have a history of an acquaintance, a very critical enterprise, i don’t want to criticize anyone, but a tour guide of one of the museums, this is a very critical specialty that must be booked, and a person, for example , works with a lucer in the city waterworks, has to go to work, or he has to work for him, conventionally speaking, 20 people and they pay taxes, now he has left and these 20 people do not have jobs, so there is no, here is these 1, hryvnias for financing the defense forces, but you just have to always think in advance and listen to smart people people who things were repeatedly said, economists met with government officials, but even the question was that the government officials said, yes, we
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agree, but the parliament did not want this because of some decisions, because they did not want such decisions. not popular decisions, but this is math, sorry, and when the military does not get paid, it will be popular decisions, it will just be an unpopular fact that can happen, by the end of the year, in particular, i will put an end to this, but there is a big broadcast going on, there will be more in the future, watch us, and you see, there are a lot of topics, problems, which need to be discussed, it's a pity that something beats. chasing after the back of the head, although it was possible to solve this issue when it was still staring you in the face, but now we will talk about, we will talk about the olympics, we are waiting for inclusion with our guest. and you can't say that the olympics in rospol, it just started, in fact, but there are already victories, defeats, disappointments, some that border on
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injustice, somewhere, perhaps, they already exist, i mean with reference to the ukrainian national team , because after all, it's probably impossible if you're not a specialist and you're not keep an eye on, don't track all the events on all the playgrounds, carpets, water areas and so on, olympic this, space, that, but we follow ukrainian athletes, of course, in almost all, if not all sports, ukrainians are represented, ukrainians olympians, it's great, and we hoped, let's say, maksym cheberyak, spokesman of the national olympic committee of ukraine, mr. maksym, i congratulate you, good day, i'm glad to see and hear, i'll ask you to briefly analyze today's victory speeches defeat collections, and maybe a little more about the disqualification of daria bilodit, she started so well, but something happened at the next stage, what happened there, please,
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yes, unfortunately, we had high hopes for dasha today, but she lost in the second fight, a fairly strong opponent, the japanese, a multiple winner of the grendel stages , the world champion, so, let's say, dasha changed the weight category. compared to tokyo, now she is performing not in 48, but in 57 kg, of course, this was a sign, this transition is a little bit, maybe something did not work out, maybe somewhere she still hasn't gained the optimal form, condition, that's why this loss actually happened, although she didn't lose according to the score or because, let's say, not in the dry, she lost because of the warnings, that is , the situation is quite subjective. the judges decided that she did not attack and gave her a third round, but today we are literally on our way to olga harlan's competition, our
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famous fencer reached the semi-finals of the olympic tournament, saber fencing, so we support and believe that olga will be able to defeat the opponent, reach the finals, and we will have our first medal today, and also now our gymnasts are competing in the team all-around, at this very moment about... god willing, we will reach the finals and win gold, of course, and there will be more saber team performance? of course it will be in three days, that is , now the individual, and in three days the team will also compete for awards, today all the girls fenced well, and olena kryvytska almost beat the number one in the world ranking, literally there at the last seconds of the match yielded 14:15, that is , the fight was very even. and alina komaschuk scored well, so we hope that the girls in the team will get together and show the result that they demonstrated this season. thank you very much, unfortunately, our
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conversation was limited, i wish success to our athletes and i also wish you success in your work, maksym choburiak - spokesman of the national olympic committee of ukraine. olga harlan, i will remind you, defeated the ex-russian and now in the semi-finals she has to meet with a rather powerful opponent from france. well and we wish success to olga. harlanno in this battle, and now we once again call you to join the meeting, to the meeting for the needs that our military voiced for us, and we voice them for you. so, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and the legendary 110th and 47th brigades. armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back enemy attacks every day, defending our freedom and the future it was these wars that stood and defended the avdiyiv direction to the last,
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a difficult, difficult one, when there was not enough ammunition in the spring, and therefore there were a lot of losses in equipment and personnel, unfortunately, and resources must be renewed. they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, this technology. are important for the protection of our soldiers, our goal is ambitious but realistic 3.5 million hryvnias, remember, each of your donations brings us closer to our victory, together we will be able to protect those who protect us, and by the way, for the past month we worked quite hard, collected considerable sums, there was a report from my colleagues, i saw there both 4 million and 460 00, well, actually, you support us, thank you very much for having you with us, and that is why our soldiers will trust . us, and you, and we trust our viewers that we will do it, well, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 18:10, take care and stay
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with the espresso tv channel, now the weather is from natal. grandfather, good evening to you, synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, of course we will talk about the weather, which expected for the next day or so, we'll definitely look at the weather forecast for this week, but we're going to start our meeting today with magnetic storms, and there's a reason for that, i'll talk about that a little later, but for now , let's talk about... what are magnetic storms, how do they formed when they were noticed and what makes them interesting and possibly even dangerous for humans. so, quite a long time ago, the chinese noticed that the compass needle could tremble and oscillate like that, but only in the middle of the 19th century, the learned geographer alexander von gulbold, von gulbold, excuse me, for the first time described these deviations based on his observations in the observatory, well, further
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observations. showed that these disturbances occur simultaneously all over the globe, and in this way , a network of observatories was later organized in europe and america. what are magnetic storms? it's a perturbation of the earth's magnetic field due to solar activity, when the solar wind, er, such streams, high-speed streams of the solar wind reach the edge of the earth and a shock wave occurs, these are rapid, strong changes in the earth's magnetic field that occur during periods of increased solar. activity, they are dangerous, because they can affect communication, disrupt communication and even the navigation systems of spaceships, but also the health of a person's well-being is affected by magnetic storms, because, for example, there are statistics that 70% of heart attacks, hypertensive crises, strokes occur precisely during such increased geomagnetic activity, and also magnetic storms are often
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accompanied by headaches and migraines. accelerated heartbeat, etc., they say that with such strong fluctuations of the magnetic field the capillary blood circulation slows down, and so the tissues are starved of oxygen, to be very, very careful and careful, well, actually, i want to say that now we are moving into the forecast, the traditional forecast of magnetic storms, and now if you look at the magnetic chart, you can see that a serious activation is expected, strong... even very, i would say, strong magnetic storms are expected tomorrow, so please be very, very careful today and tomorrow to your health, to your well-being, and especially be careful to your old women, who are in the family, people the elderly, or who have problems with blood vessels or blood pressure, we go further, and now we go to
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the main thing, to the weather forecast and... we start our weather forecast traditionally from the western regions. tomorrow in the west of ukraine , the weather will be comfortable, because there will be no rain, there will be a lot of sun, white cubic clouds, and the air temperature is just great, i would say 22-26°, the only caveat is that there will be a strong north-westerly wind, so be careful . in the north of ukraine, tomorrow is just some kind of synoptic eclecticism. the air is fresh, pleasant, somewhere 24-26. but again, a strong north-west wind, sometimes rain, possible heavy rain, and also, as on the whole earth, a strong magnetic storm. in the eastern part of ukraine, rain is likely tomorrow only in places in kharkiv region, in luhansk region and donetsk region without precipitation, but there will be no heat in the east. finally , the air temperature will range from 25 to 29°. in the central part of ukraine on july 30, there is
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a possibility in some places. short rains with thunderstorms, but also a strong north-west wind with storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s, but the air temperature will be, as you can see, comfortable. there will be no heat in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow either, finally, albeit temporarily, but nevertheless a pleasant relief, 26-29°, this is the maximum precipitation is not expected, but also in the south, wind gusts can be up to 15.20 m/ with and accordingly also a storm in the sea in kyiv in kyiv tomorrow sometimes rain, thunderstorm, strong north-west wind, in places storm gusts up to 15-18 m/s, the air temperature is still comfortable, pleasant, somewhere around 25° , and again and again i remind you that strong magnetic storms are expected tomorrow, of course, watch carefully.


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