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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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july there is a possibility of short rains with thunderstorms in places, but also a strong northwesterly wind with storm gusts up to 15-20 m/s, but the air temperature will be, as you can see, comfortable. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow there will be no heat finally, albeit temporarily, but nevertheless a pleasant relief of 26-29°, this is the maximum, no precipitation is expected, but there will also be a gust in the south. winds can be up to 15-20 m/s, correspondingly also storms at sea. in kyiv, in kyiv tomorrow sometimes rain, thunderstorm, strong north-westerly wind, in some places storm gusts up to 15-18 m per second. the air temperature is still comfortable, pleasant, somewhere around 25°, and i remind you once again that strong magnetic storms are expected tomorrow. of course, you are always attentive to
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the course of both magnetic storms and the synoptic situation in general on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. if china is not going to the peace summit, then kuleba is going to china. the visit of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to guangzhou came as a surprise to many. in june, the knr defiantly ignored an invitation to peace summit in switzerland. nato openly accuses heaven of supporting russian aggression, and the united states threatens it with sanctions. however, in ukraine they understand that china is too big and influential to take offense at it, or to ignore it. the visit of a ukrainian official at such a level is the first in many years, and this is good, it is a clear signal that china supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. and it was also
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confirmed that the chinese leader xi jinping had told me that china would not supply weapons to russia, dmytro kuleba was invited to guangzhou the foreign minister there, wang yi, the second man in the chinese hierarchy after xi jinping. the conversation lasted more than three hours, the prc continues to call russian aggression the ukrainian crisis, but expressed it again. to help achieve peace, exactly peace, not a truce, - emphasized dmytro kuleba. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, not just any peace, and my chinese colleague himself added that a just and lasting peace is very important, because usually it is we who constantly say that the peace must be permanent, that is, lasting and just . but which means a just peace to china, reason. beijing officially calls
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the expansion of nato the east, its peace proposals essentially equate the victim and the aggressor, the celestial empire is not going to give up its strategic partnership with russia, but china is not the only country that has real influence on the kremlin, and therefore ukraine and the west would like see paki at the second peace summit. preparations for which are already underway. negotiations will make no sense. if the russians lead them, as they did before, putting forward terms of surrender, but without russia and china for table, there really won't be any peace talks. china could play the role of a major global player, which it undoubtedly is in the economy, in finance, but perhaps no longer in the policy of forcing peace. china's position as a potential mediator is further strengthened against the background of the dramatic and unpredictable american election, which weakens the united states and frightens its allies.
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president joseph biden's refusal to bog down, although it added enthusiasm to the democrats, further confused the prospects of american support for ukraine. from one side, vice president kamala harris. it is expected that if she wins, the white house will generally continue the current course towards ukraine. but harris herself is a person without experience in international affairs and will probably rely entirely on her advisers. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, has already had a telephone conversation with one of the key diplomats, philip gordon. according to the wall street journal , it is unlikely that there will be a place in the garis administration for the main appointees of president biden, in particular , secretary of state anthony blinken, minister defense secretary lloyd austin and national security adviser jake sullivan. so will the level of support be at least the same as under president biden, who had... a special
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attitude towards ukraine, an unanswered question . on the other hand, donald trump. he promises to end the war in 24 hours, and claims that he has the power. reported that his team seems to be seriously considering the option of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal to join nato. after meeting with trump on the sidelines of the republican party convention, ex-prime minister of great britain boris johnson published his version of the peace plan in the tabloid newspaper: the daily mail, about increasing military support to ukraine. intentions to push russia to the borders on february 24 and measures to protect the rights of russian speakers in ukraine to help putin save face. finally , the us secretary of state in the trump administration , mike pompeo, and david urban, the head
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of a lobbying company close to the republicans, presented their version. they claim that the way to peace lies through force, which means that it must be strengthened. military support for ukraine, lift all bans on strikes deep into russia, lower world oil prices to weaken the russian economy and, ultimately, accept ukraine into nato. which of these plans is really trump's plan. it is unlikely that even trump himself knows this today. he is an impulsive and unpredictable person, which means that his victory will create both new opportunities and great risks for ukraine. president zelenskyi called me, we had a good talk, and i said that this war must be ended. you are dealing with the russian war machine. all they do is just are waging war they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon. the spring offensive never
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happened. the russians have millions of shells and thousands of tanks. many russians were killed, but many ukrainians were also killed. this should not have happened. are ukrainians themselves ready for possible negotiations? a survey conducted by the razumkov center in june commissioned by the dzerkalo tzhyny edition showed that 44% of ukrainians believe that the time for peace talks has come, while 35% do not agree with this opinion, but this is tylu's opinion, what the front thinks, sociologists they do not know, the defense forces continue to make incredible efforts to restrain the enemy in order to... if the time for negotiations really comes, to be in the strongest possible position. see this week in the collaborators program. how a former ukrainian official became a fake senator of zaporozhye. i propose
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to approve the federal law. but why did a collaborator from crimea receive the title of minister of youth policy. this is the return of historical justice. hello, i'm elena. and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, at the beck and call of the heart and wallet, serve the russians to the occupiers we are working to ensure that none of the russians who helped the russians were propaganda tools, surrendered our positions, welcomed the occupiers as liberators, built careers with them, and avoided responsibility for treason. meet anton robertovych tytskyi, born in 1990, a native of sevastopol. our tricolor is now maori on all administrative buildings in melitopol. this is the return of historical justice, and i sincerely congratulate you. i want this flag to always fly over this city. anton all his life drowned for russian. in 2004, at the age of 14
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, he became a member of the russian community of sevastopol. later, in 2012, he tried to get into the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the ruski party. block in the 13th year became the head of the sevastopol city organization of the russian unity party. when russian troops occupied crimea in the 14th year, antoshka's career began to develop rapidly. it all started with the fact that tytsky stood at the block posts of an illegal armed formation, the very defense of sevastopol. he headed the headquarters of the ruskav international of the created organization the russian party of rodina and helped the occupiers in every possible way, for which he received several at once. at first, he was an adviser to the fake chairman of the council of ministers, ark aksyonov, then he was appointed coordinator of the all-russian rodin party in the republic of crimea and sevastopol. i am sure that the rodin party will not only be the leading political force in the region, but will also be the
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political force that will actively fight against manifestations of anti-state and anti-russian activities. however , tytskyi did not stay in the rodina sub-party for a long time. in 2016 came out of its composition to dedicate itself to the youth. he became the head of the bastion youth organization, then moved to bolotya, the capital of moscow, where he joined the federal youth agency rusk molodyozh. we will now talk with you about what we do and what you want. in general, youth policy is such a toolkit that you have so that you can develop. when russia started a full-scale bloody war in 2022, tytsky went to the temporarily occupied melitopol to work with the youth there, although, well, how to work? rather recruit. for this, he was given carte blanche, the position of minister of youth policy in the occupied part
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of the zaporizhzhia region. the information front is such a place of battle where we fight for meaning, for the truth to reach everyone, for people to understand why it all happens, why and for what purpose is the special operation going? we all know well how the institute works. the propaganda of the kremlin as non-goebbels stamps fakes, trying to please the neofirer, and minister ktytskyi is now doing everything to inform young liars kremlin narratives about the war and ukraine. there are boys who are interested in preserving the memory of a great victory, there are boys who are interested in developing and finding themselves together with russian student units. recruitment. for joining the anti-ukrainian movement, opening numerous youth pro-putin organizations, participating in actions in
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support of the so-called svo, the occupation and russian soldiers, and of course, the proud attendance of all events where you need to shine a torch, smile and wave a tricolor rag, all these are direct obligations ligaments a traitor we and our friends from the dpr with the new subjects of the russian federation have come for a message. i think it will be very interesting. we are our president's team, we will win. tytsky has several awards from the occupation administration, including medals for the defense of the republic of crimea and for services to the donetsk people's republic of the third degree. from our law enforcement agencies, he also received an award - a collaborator. in november 2023, the prosecutor's office of the autonomous republic of crimea and sevastopol sent an indictment to the court against tytsky immediately for three articles. he faces up to 15 years in prison. i hope that these years
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will be enough for him to realize that crimea is ukraine, and russian rags have no place in our administrative buildings. he was a ukrainian politician, but he became a russian posypak, this is vorona dmytro mykolayovych, he is 43, a native of donetsk region. i am now just about a year in this position, where i was appointed on february 20, and for me, when i accepted this service. there were very significant challenges in terms of organizing the work of the service. he spent his career in ukrainian politics started as an assistant to a people's deputy and deputy minister of environmental protection . every year, his successes in the political arena were more and more noticeable. in 2010, he became the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine. during his tenure, he received numerous awards from the ministry of internal affairs. then voron was appointed head of the state migration service. in 2011 , viktor yanukovych gave him the position of deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs, he managed the work of
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the ministry's staff. in 2012, vorona sat in the chair of the deputy minister of justice of ukraine, further became the head of the state registration service. the state today strives to completely stop such a shameful phenomenon as raiding in our state, and today our government directs all its efforts to anti-raiding. politicians, and later this politician, who tweeted in ukrainian and took care of the development of our state, chose the russian mandate of an official. in 2018, information emerged that vorona works as a freelance adviser to the fake head of the occupied crimea, serhii aksyonov. in 2019 , this traitor received russian citizenship, to head the so-called crimea development corporation from 2020. the structure deals with attracting investors. to the region, promoting the peninsula in russian and foreign markets. everything that
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the president talked about today is all, of course, in the works, and action plans have already been fully prepared to implement the strategy of the instructions that the president gave during his message to the federal assembly. when the full-scale invasion began in 2022, vorona found himself at the feet of the invaders. polotakh vorona is building a career for himself, already in ukraine the camera is waiting. on march 21, 2024, the court appointed the ex-head of the state registration service in absentia. 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property, and how we will be happy when this treasonous nature changes its parade costume to a prison ditch. ukrainian themis also recently transferred the property of this collaborator to state income. i have already told you about the traitor with the title hero of ukraine vyacheslav boguslaev, ex-president
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of the motorsich corporation, who was detained by our law enforcement agencies in 2022. according to the investigation of motorsich before and during the invasion supplied russia with aircraft engines used in military helicopters of the russian federation. since then, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, has stripped him of the title of hero of ukraine, and recently the appeals chamber of the high anti-corruption court confirmed the confiscation of the assets of the sanctioned boguslaev from the state income tax. ukraine is already at the bottom of the economy, no one wants to do this. yacheslav oleksandrovych, former owner and honorary president of pat motor sich. he was a people's deputy and even a member of the parliamentary committee on issues of national security and defense. boguslaiv had access to state secrets. but, as it turned out, he was the owner of a russian passport since 2000. in october 2022 , the security service of ukraine reported
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the arrest of motorsi's president. so that no one has any doubts about the collaborative activity of boguslav. the security service of ukraine released fragments of recordings of telephone conversations of the hero of ukraine at that time. i, you know, i'm sending dozens to you somewhere. and everything is going well with us. we are ready to send you the spare parts, just think through croatia, or wherever you were. montenegro. you had good endings somewhere. that's why i want you to think quickly and we would sign a big contract with you as soon as possible. even after a full scale invasion. boguslayiv continued to supply engines and other spare parts manufactured by the ukrainian corporation for russian attack helicopters. from the first days of the war, he ordered the dismantling of helicopters so that the ukrainian forces could not use them. on october 18, 2023 , the sbu completed the investigation and submitted an indictment against boguslaev on
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four articles to the court. among them is assistance the aggressor state and collaborative activities. in turn, the president of ukraine, volodymyr. zelensky stripped boguslaev of the title of hero of ukraine and imposed sanctions against him. a few days ago, themis confirmed the transfer of boguslaev's assets to the state. among them are 14 real estate objects in the zaporizhzhia region, including residential buildings, land plots, a fish restaurant, administrative buildings, corporate rights in several companies, a financial institution motorbank, 336 firearms and funds in the amount of uah 615 million. ta: all this will not cover the damage that this supporter of russia has caused in ukraine. we hope that if bogoslaev's guilt is proven, themis will impose a strict sentence on this kremlin agent. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin offspring, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors
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after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. she saw something that is difficult to remember even a doctor. she knows that there is a lot of pain and a sea of ​​children's tears. in the first days of the occupation of buchi, she and her husband provided medical care there. now she helps wounded fighters to recover. and get back on their feet, is engaged in their rehabilitation. today i have as a guest the national legend of ukraine, doctor, pediatrician, and today rehabilitator, olga svyst. olya, i congratulate you, today i am visiting. congratulations irina. a very interesting path and very, probably, difficult, because if
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you imagine it from a pediatrician, a private clinic, to a mobilized military doctor. today, i want you to share with our viewers your experience, the experience of war that you already have, and i want to start precisely from february 24, 2022, where you were at that time and how you ended up, in fact, in buch. on february 24, we were at home, we lived in the city of irpin, this city is next to the city... bucha, and my daughter was sick at that time, and had a high temperature, and accordingly i did not sleep at night, and i must have heard for the first time, as a rocket whistled over our city. and about 30-40 minutes in the medical room community, in one of the chats i read that the first rockets landed at the boryspil airport, and my first words were to wake up
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my husband, that the war had begun, to hurry, and of course, as a mother, i wanted to protect my children first of all and give them safety , however , i am a doctor, so nian came in the morning and my husband and i went to our workplaces . and it was a difficult way to the city of kyiv, because the city was already being evacuated, it was a long road, and at that moment i took on such distributed responsibility, to accept children at the reception department of our clinics, because the polyclinics were closed and accordingly the flow of children was in the reception department, and here at the reception of the pediatrician, probably the last working day at the previous place. work, i looked out the window and understood that all these children were going somewhere, it was not known where, they were all sick, and
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i had to make a decision then, how to plan their treatment, whether with an examination in a few days, or when, and already in at that moment i understood that it is not known when, that is why the treatment was prescribed a little more than what always, somewhere around lunchtime, i received a call from the military headquarters that i was being called for mobilization as a military medic, i had to show up with my things within a day, i asked for time, a day to take the children to a safer place to their parents, this is how my first day of full-scale invasion actually began, but in the evening, when i got home and entered the house, the shelling began, accordingly, my children and i went down to the basement from the 12th floor for the first time, it was too noisy and ... i wanted save the psyche my children, and when they asked me , son, mother, what is this, i found a solution for myself that it was a game of who will go down to the basement first, and when we went down
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to the basement, i realized that my children were in pajamas, with i only have their documents, which i managed to take, and i understood that it was a basement, it was cold, and i should have gone home to get some things, this is... the first mistake, because we were basically preparing and knew that something will be, and i should have packed that anxious suitcase, now i am analyzing it, what should have been done, but at that moment i calmed down and went up to the 12th floor, not using the elevator according to the previous recommendations, which were given to the civilian population, collected those alarming suitcases and the next morning tried to evacuate the children from the city of irpinia, from the kyiv region. we managed to do it, it was a long way, and on february 26 we returned to the city of irpin, and literally in an hour we made a decision that we would,
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once again, in the medical communities, join the medics who in budsha receive the wounded first civilians and military, that's how we ended up in buch, can you tell us about these the first days in buchi, what did you do there and who exactly did you help. i had the idea that this is a gray area, that is, there is a front line where active battles are taking place, and there are hospitals, no one affects the medics, that is, it is a safe place, the wounded will simply come to us, but later we understood that this is completely not so, because when they first heard automatic rounds under the windows, columns of heavy equipment were passing through the nearby streets. and we could see it and even count it, fighter jets flew over us and we saw landing of enemy helicopters, of course, this concept
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was immediately dispelled, we were engaged in providing help to all those who needed it, both civilians and from the tro group, and with the armed forces, who came wounded from during the defense of the airport, there were also wounded children . since the hospital did not work with children, because it was not a children's hospital, accordingly, i dealt with children and the wounded, and those who simply had illnesses and needed medical help, and they ended up in this institution, and that was the first time i encountered firearms, explosive wounds in children, and i had no experience before that, so we were looking for some kind of network, i called my colleagues, i was interested in... how to act so as not to harm, how to make the right decisions in the treatment of children. it was the first time i saw the amputation of limbs in children. and i had to find
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the words to talk to the children, to explain, it was difficult. i remember one girl, sofia, she lost her mother, her cat during the evacuation, and lost her upper limb, lost her arm. she was in a palace where there was a window, and the first thing she asked for was this close... the window, you can move me to a smaller room, of course, we arranged it, moved it to a smaller room, blocked the window, the children were afraid, we explained what the armed forces of ukraine were doing, that they were protecting us, trying to protect them from that terrible truth, in which we all found ourselves, from that reality, and in one of the conversations with sofia, holding her hand, she
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cried and said that i was riding, i want to continue it, and at that moment i promised her that you you will do it, you will continue, we will leave here, you will have a hand protest, and you will be able to do it, i know for sure that you will be able to, and so looking forward, everything really worked out for sofia, sofia survived, i fought with us with buchi, and she received prosthetics abroad. and even dreamed of writing a book, and she wrote it and published it, it’s called don’t be a disaster, there were also other children, you continue to communicate with sofia, yes, of course, we keep in touch with virtually everyone who was in bucha at that time, and whom we evacuated, especially with all the children, and...
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together with their relatives, respectively, very much we are proud of their achievements. there were also children who simply had various acute conditions that needed medical attention, and i am proud of those parents who, despite the fact that it was extremely dangerous to move around the city after 5 o'clock, made a decision to save the children's health and reached to the hospital but this is something that probably everyone experiences in ukraine, when one part of your relatives is at home, and with the other you have to go to another city, and at this time you have danger above you, bullets are flying, now rockets are flying, and here we provided them emergency care, stabilized the child's condition, and they cannot be left, they don't want to, they want to go home, because
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other relatives are waiting for them, they are for them... this family was also evacuated, after a few days they wrote back to us that they had left, all survived, for us it was very happy news, of course, although we were still under occupation at that time, there were also patients, civilians, wounded who were trying to find food or water, and they were shot in the street, or grenades were thrown under legs we had a mechanism worked out over time, who receives patients in the reception department, who calls a team of surgeons, who collects information, whether there is a family member, and we worked in this format for about two weeks, did everyone manage to be saved, who exactly did you save, and ask for this evacuation, what it was, she was on...


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