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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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in their press releases of cooperation, on the development of partnership, on the fact that this or that country is or is not a participant in the belt and road initiative, on how long their diplomatic relations last, how successful they are, and so on, that is, china is for them it looks more like a ritual, they reproduce certain standardized points from communique to communique, from press release to press release, and she is the addressee of these messages. after all, there is not even a guest or an internal audience, but the addressees are the countries of the global south, such as china tries time and again to demonstrate that it is a reliable partner, stable, peace-loving, ready to help in development, ready to support the solution of some of their regional problems or conflicts, invest in their infrastructure and the like, that is, china is better than the united states, a leader. to the world, it is a way of such
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communication. and tell me, what do you think, this meeting blinkin and ivan yes, it led to some level of understanding, because vanish told blinkin that the escalation only increases, difficult questions only are intensifying, and efforts must therefore be made to manage the escalation. but this means that china does not seek the normalization of relations with the united states, it simply wants escalation to be foreseen. it is difficult to say, i would here...attribute to the fact that this is a certain offensive line that the biden administration is currently implementing in the chinese direction, it alternates, there was a certain stage when there was an aggravation, then there was a warming, the chinese side always likes to return to that the leaders of the countries there meeting in san francisco at the end of the 23rd year, reached an understanding, and now we are implementing their ideas into practical actions, here, but in fact. china always takes such
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a defensive position towards the united states, it always refutes all these attacks and so on. remember, the nato summit in washington and its main resolution, the main message, which was that they now see china as the main instigator of the war, and in china, of course, it caused a flurry of dissatisfaction, and they are very aggressive and so openly condemned this one. edited it in a very negative way, that is, it was not china that provoked the united states to such offensive actions, but it is the united states that regularly reminds, reminds and reminds china that its position is not the one that the americans would like, and they expect correction, and for china this is also a matter of principle, china cannot agree to american leadership in any issue, because in this case it... demonstrates
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its, shall we say, subordination, what it is, walks in the fairway of american policy, and does not realize its interests, therefore, in any hot situations, conflicts, in other parts of the world, it is important for china to demonstrate its autonomy, its independence and a certain alternative path. how realistic is this, given china's economic dependence on the united states? you're talking about ukrainian dependence, but china's dependence on the united states? more than ukrainian dependence on china's economy, it is absolutely true, the dependence is high, and by the way, this dependence is also one of the reasons why they are trying to develop relations with by europeans, expecting a worsening of relations with the united states. their scientists, their public figures officially pronounce such and such a position, the statement is such that they understand that the united states will not change its course in relation to china and that the relationship between the countries will not... improve,
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on the contrary, it will worsen, this is a long-term trend. for them, for the united states, china is a rival, and they act within this logic. accordingly, china must now prepare for the fact that the situation will become more and more complicated. they continue internal reforms, they are trying to increase their degree of financial, economic autonomy from the global economy, and they are also trying to connect all the other countries that they can reach through trade, through economic relations with... them with their economies so that they synchronize and act more in the interests of china than in the interests of the united states. this is their strategy. thank you, thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro yefrimov, expert of the ukrainian association of china studies, associate professor of the department of international relations of the kyiv-mohyla academy, and we they talked about a whole series, i would say the meeting that took place now at the chinese foreign minister one, who literally in... a few days met with
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the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergey lavrov and the secretary of state of the united states of the states to anthony blinken, of course, this is only part of the meeting of the chinese foreign minister within the framework of dmitry koliba's visit to gongzhou and the ocean summit, but these three meetings, of course, are directly related to russia's war against ukraine and the united states' efforts to stop china's support for the russian federation. vadym palishchuk, historian, political observer from israel , is now in touch with us. and we will talk about the situation in the middle east. congratulations mr. vadim. good evening, mr. vitali, here is the impact of a rocket on the dutch heights in the druzh village of margel shabs, where 12 teenagers and children died, yes, i think this is the final number, maybe now it has increased, so far i have not seen
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the latest news on the air , it's like, i'd say the largest attack on this region in all time. the war that began on october 7, 2023, what do you think will be the consequences of this attack, how real is the war between israel and hezbollah as a result of this attack? well, you've seen that lately both sides have somehow tried to maintain this level of escalation that has been there. and some such red lines were drawn, the parties tried to adhere to them, because hezbollah did not want to start a war right away, and israel was also not interested in starting a full-scale military operation in the north without ending the matter in gas, but as always
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happens in such situations, a black swan appears that forces the parties to decide something. and this is exactly the hit in this stadium tree village, it is exactly like that and we see that israel cannot not respond, it cannot respond weakly either, and to respond too much is to start a full-scale war, and is israel ready, here today is netanyahu with washington, from where he urgently returned, and at 18... at this hour the meeting was supposed to start, and so far i have not received any information about what they have decided there, well, they may not announce anything special, we will see it in future events, what will happen next, but we see that the druze community of israel has spoken out, urgently
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demanding such a tough answer on this matter, instead , they are lebanese friends... dependent on the situation that exists in lebanon, they are trying to somehow remove the blame from the east and transfer it, as always, to israel. the same, by the way, i just saw a statement from the lebanese foreign minister , bouhabib, who said that hezbollah is ready to retreat beyond the litani river, which is 29 km north of the borders of israel and lebanon, if israel stops strikes on... the territory of lebanon itself, it can be considered that this is a real, real attempt by hezbollah to deflect some serious blow from israel ? well, perhaps, perhaps, they were not so much afraid of israel itself, because they
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had already learned its ways, well, what can be said about israel and what and how israel reacts and what it influences, what factors influence israel, in particular. the united states, this reaction of europe, the un and everything is different, but the reaction of the druze community is such a thing, well, which is not influenced by the united states, the european community, the un, or any rules of warfare, the israeli prosecutor's office, which has recently begun to persecute people who have become for the defense of the state, well, i think that ukrainians are also a little familiar with such a situation, and friends, they are such clever guys. there was just an incident recently, when in the territory of samaria, the jews took some druze guys from the north of israel hostage. well, some negotiations began, and friends came and somehow explained everything to the local
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palestinians in such a way that they quickly gave them back and apologized, you know, how about kadyrov in russia, what do you mean by a stupid community, a stupid community in lebanon or a stupid community in israel , but wait. druze, but wait , as far as i understand, as far as i understand, these are still different communities, there are communities of israeli friends that are in the vicinity of haifa, and there is this community that... that everyone is paying attention to now, the leader of which i was in majel shams yesterday, but i'm sorry, it's a little bit another community, you were in marjel shams, yes , this is actually, these are actually syrian friends, but who are residents of israel, who live permanently in the territory of israel, but do not take israeli citizenship, that's right, they don't take it for some reasons of their own, well, i heard such an opinion that they don't take it. because they are afraid that some peacemaker will appear at the head of israel again, who will give this territory
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to syria, and then this to these friends there, representatives of the most peaceful religion in the world will simply cut off their heads and leave it at that, it will be over, so they are from this they somehow refrain from taking steps, but in principle such a friendly, let's say, sense of community, it is quite large, and all these communities are also syrian. jordanian, lebanese, israeli, they still have such, well, coordination among themselves, it’s just a druze religion, you need to know that it is impossible to become a druze, or to accept this religion, or to marry someone there and accept it, you can only be born, that is they ee for them this loss of these children, i think so, is a very big blow, and they so... will not forgive everyone from well because this is a small community, and not only a small one, but
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simply, well, no one even knows what they believe in, but in general they are quite militant, they fight a lot in israel in such special forces, and there are those who fight on the border, these are not the friends who are in the golan , that's right, these are the friends who live in the vicinity of haifa, no, they are generally warlike, you just have to... i read the history of this people, they used to run rampant all over the near east, and besides that, they once upon a time, egypt was ruled, that is, interestingly, not me i've just been, i've been to the druze villages, which are located on the internationally recognized territory of israel, and one of them even has a museum of soldiers who participated in the israeli wars, i was in majal champs, and there is a syrian flag, sorry, in the central square of majorit. well , the fact that they somehow
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express their belonging to the syrian citizenship is one thing, but the fact that they killed their children, and it’s not just there for them, well, it’s not an insult to israel, it’s an insult to friends, as a religious community, and therefore it is a very personal one insult, and you understand that this rocket, which... hit this village, it was not highly accurate, it was just that they launched a rocket somewhere there, well, yes, they are there somewhere, something is nearby, some military ob object, and somehow she managed to fly right into this stadium, in which some kind of football competition was taking place, and they even started lying, saying that it was an israeli anti-missile, although everyone knows that they have anti-missiles, their own... there is an indicator, that it self-destructs if it doesn't hit the target, and it's just video footage, just like an explosion
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there are 50 kg of explosives, and there would not have been such victims if it had not been such a strong explosive device, so they did not fail here. now it is such an interesting message that the american special representative amas hochstein, who is just dealing with the middle east issue in lebanon, he told the israeli defense minister mr. gallant about the connection. states are concerned about a possible strike by the israeli army on beirut in response to the hezbala attack because it could make the situation uncontrollable can israel really strike beirut if israel if it decides to escalate, then it can strike, there are very fat targets there, there is a whole area in all these places where this hezbollah is, there was information recently that there are powerful warehouses at the beirut airport. weapons, ammunition, and there was a scandal in the whole of lebanon that the lebanese, there
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are christians and so and so others, well, no, not shiites, they were indignant and remembered this explosion of ball saltpetre, if you remember, in the port of beirut , when there, half of beirut was destroyed, they fear that something like this will happen again if israel strikes a blow to this weapon can demolish the other half of beirut, but what about politics. states, you see, they are everywhere trying to somehow keep the conflict within some framework that they consider safe for the serb personally, and the same in ukraine and israel. so , let's hold on to such a framework until at least the elections, and then we'll see, well , you see, it's somehow not very successful to hold on like that, because it's the logic of war, it escalates independently of the wishes of the participants. by the way, about the visit united states bedyamin netanyahu, if we have already mentioned the united states, do you think
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it is a successful trip in view of this speech in congress, meeting with biden, kamala halitz and... trump at the same time, well the speech was brilliant, really netanyahu, and these, even his lack of goodwill are noted, he is a very good orator, he knows how to convey his opinion in a way that ignites the listeners, in general, after meeting, there was hope that he would somehow coordinate the operation against lebanon, and we will see from further actions , or this happened... an agreement, it seemed that there was information that he had agreed, and with biden, well , he talked, biden, you all understand that he is leaving, and how much he will dare to leave some glory on his own, or will he drag the reluctance of some further escalation to the end, whether a more
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determined politician may want to go down in history, it's hard to say, because i don't understand how well he controls himself. and understands what kind of world he lives in, here they really heard such a joke that he is such an experienced politician that he can lead, no coming to some kind of consciousness, but everything has its limits, that right now president biden is interested in the election campaign of kamala harris, if he takes any drastic steps in relation to this middle east conflict, he can fail her election campaign considering. the mood of the democrats and their electorate, the politician biden, she can still be considered, although he cannot say that he is a great friend of israel, but still, compared to kamala harris, he is more, let's say, a suitable person. kamala harris, it is known for its anti-israeli policy, and the candidate for its vice president there is
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the governor of arizona, he is considered even more so. an israeli politician, so they can even more in their companies carry out some kind of anti-israel rhetoric, especially considering that the state of michigan, where a lot of muslim arabs live, is one of those states whose, well, whose votes affect the results of the elections, and about trump, well, you see, there were rumors that trump was offended by israel, there because of the fact that... they congratulated biden, it seems israel precisely at netanyahu himself, at netanyahu, yes, well, this meeting showed that the insult, if there was one, then it passed, after all, well, these are not children, people are so grown-up, to be offended by politics, it is in general somehow uncomilfo, well, in general in
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israel, trump is considered more pro-israel and therefore hopes for his victory, and... this vice president of his, wentz, he is considered pro-israel, so, well, let's work, israel will work, whoever is elected, but really, what is the desire is that somehow the position of the united states, especially in relation to iran, it has changed, and to push further, somehow to pacify this aggressor, well, in the future it is no longer possible, because it is already taking such bizarre forms here, i understand that the same problem of hezbollah is primarily the problem of iran , and it is interesting how iran will react to this now, you understand that they, too, may not have expected such a blow as was iran, well, they usually immediately start threatening, use some epithets, you know, there is a brilliant answer
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so brilliant , you know, i don't know what they are they are going to shine there, but they are really threatening that... don't do it, well , israel, will israel get scared, here it is rather calculated for the american reaction, you see, because they will try in any way to avoid any further escalation, i will be very surprised if they say, well, let's decide with our hezbollah, because, well, they will start to decide with hezbollah, it will somehow start to spin up so much that it will have to be decided by iran, because this... these are some, well, some links, such uh parts , well, you see what is even now the problem of yemen, there was already such a serious attack from the side of yemen that even led to a drone landing in one of telavi's residential buildings, so by and large this whole circle of these proxies of iran's army is already operating against israel, at different
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distances, yes , well, you see, with yemen, a little bit , a little bit, they gave him a little bit of slush, and there were also strikes on other ports by american and british aircraft, well , there is still an opportunity to screw him up a little bit. although they actually keep in hostages of this yemeni people who are starving there and they are all poor people there in this country, and they are threatening that, as you can see, you bombed our port here, now there is no way to send these products to these starving people, and he immediately rushed there restore something, well, everything is actually the same as in gas, this hamas keeps these arabs there as fodder, the same in yemen, everywhere the technology is the same. thank you, thank you for these comments, mr. vadyma, vadym polishchuk, a historian and political commentator from
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israel, was on our air. there are discounts representing the only discounts on eden, 20%, attack. there are discounts of travel and savings are the only discounts on combi hot 10% in pharmacies of travel and savings. see this week in the collaborators program. kremlin training camp. why are young people used as labor in the occupied territories? putin was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. but which of the pseudo-directors prepares students for service in the russian army. the next stage of the installation of our unit. watch on tuesday the 30th july at 5:45 p.m. collaborators program with olena
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kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express. your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. your place is waiting for you. the light remains on, for dinner, what you love, a warm
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bed made, there will be walks, swings, and swimming, you are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you. you are always in front of our eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how hard it is to win, and we will do it. everything to hug you sooner, so when you're home, when we're
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together, we're more than a family, we're a nation united around you. 13-year-old sofiyka storozhuk. this girl lived in the city of kupyansk in kharkiv oblast, and it was there that she encountered a full-scale war. let me remind you that kupyansk was under occupation almost from the first days of the russian invasion, and the city was liberated by the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces in september 2022. it was then that it became known about the disappearance of the child. where sofiyka might be now is still unknown. it is possible that... the girl is in territories not controlled by ukraine. i hope that with your help, 13-year-old sofiyka will be found. let's look again at the photo of the child. she has blond hair
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the hair thin lips and an oval face. if suddenly someone has seen sofiyka or knows where she might be, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. i also want to tell you the story of sisters lianna and neli kopalenko, also from kharkiv region. liana turned 14 in march, and neli is now 17. in these photo cards, the girls are clearly younger, but i really hope that this will not... interfere with their search. information about the disappearance of the sisters came back in june 2022 from border town of vovchansk. two years have passed since then, but during this time there was no news about the kapalenko sisters. it is possible that nelya talyana was taken back then to a territory not controlled by ukraine, or even to russia. therefore, it is very important to know even the smallest details of their disappearance. if
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suddenly someone saw the girls. if you know any information about them, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no possibility call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. and i will ask for a moment of your attention. this is 16-year-old ivan bastryukov. the boy also disappeared in the city of kupyansk in august 2022, about a month before the liberation of the city from the russians. ivan looks his age, he has an oval face, dark blond hair and brown eyes. if anyone suddenly saw the boy or knows where he might be, call us immediately on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator free. let me remind you, if suddenly there is no connection or an opportunity to call, write a horn to the chatbot of the service.
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children in telegram. and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often just run away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can definitely prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. tell me where are you. who can she turn to in case of need? of course, ideally it could be you, the one she should turn to when she feels the need, but sometimes you may not be available, you may be at work, busy with other things, and what to do then? agree on this in advance, think together with the child to whom he can also turn, maybe it will be another adult from the family, maybe it will be one of the teachers, or the school psychologist.
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in addition, coordinate with the child an anti... crisis plan, how to act when she gets into a situation that may pose a threat, and if it happened on the street, where to run, how to call for help, how to take a taxi and get home, and the child must have money for this taxi, that is, work out the emergency plan to the smallest detail, and what the more detailed it is, the more likely it will work, and the more likely you will save your child from some great danger. we have created a resource where you can report any crime against a child, anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms of criminal punishment. stopcrime ua.
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it's 7 am in ukraine, i welcome all viewers of the espresso channel to the studio of iryna koval and it's time to learn about the most important events. so let's start. two men from the kherson region were injured due to the russian attack on romashkovo, in the kherson region, the enemy dropped ammunition from a drone on the village in the evening. a 45-year-old man has an explosive injury, wounds to the chest, abdomen, arms and legs. he is in a serious condition in the hospital, the regional military administration reported. one more victim suffered a shrapnel blast injury injuries to the head, chest and abdomen, he treated.


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