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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EEST

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there were also explosions in the area, there was shelling, and there is a case, again, when the enemy also used drones, where the explosives were on civilians, unfortunately, there may still be targets, because there is already information that in the morning there were explosions in belezorka, you can hear again there were shellings, so unfortunately, there may be further clarification regarding drones, unfortunately, we see that, well, actually every day... we have cases when the enemy uses these weapons against civilians, unfortunately, such cases are more, are people somehow trying to move a little further from kherson in connection with this somewhere in the villages, maybe in other regions, or on the contrary they return, stay, you know, now it is more or less stable in terms of population, there are people who nevertheless make the right decision to temporarily leave... very
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dangerous regions, there are people who are returning to kherson oblast, but still trying to return to communities that are not constantly under shelling, because, well, unfortunately, everything that is close to the dnieper is now very dangerous, the intensity of shelling is very high, well, you say next to with the dnipro, in the last day there have been reports of explosions and the shelling of chornobayivka, it is not quite from the dnipro, it is not quite from the dnipro, but unfortunately chornobayivka, it is in the zone...
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they are supposed to teach former employees of the kherson region, all those who got positions, got a job in the new pseudo-administration of the kherson region in the occupied territory, you understand, when the enemy succeeded in occupying our territory, the absolute majority of representatives and employees... of local self-government bodies, state administration bodies, they refused to cooperate with the enemy, and the vast majority of people left altogether, but they needed to form a system of occupation authorities, so they formed them from what was, let's say, from those collaborators who agreed to work, that is, in order to give this person some powerful powers, restrictions, of course very significant, but still eh... it was enough
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just to show their will, that is, they took everyone, they needed to make a picture that supposedly from the local population, these bodies mostly consist of, that is why they took cleaners, took people without higher education, took people who were cases for managers positions, they hired people who had never officially worked for a single day at all, there was no book for sale at the beginning of work against the enemy, of course the efficiency of the work of such bodies and such... employees, well, i understood what, no experience, no skills, eh, and but only now they are somehow trying to raise the qualifications of such target cadres, who could not realize themselves at all, there before the full-scale invasion, and under the orcs they got this power, they are trying to somehow teach them about russian legislation there, office management, there are other disciplines in them initially. courses, well, again, this is
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brainwashing, because even during the so-called advanced training, first of all, this is patriotic education, this is history in quotes, because it is an alternative history, and here are other disciplines that are now mandatory everywhere, that is, brainwashing and industrial integration of the population, it continues, who teaches, who are the teachers, they are brought somewhere from russia, from moscow, from st. petersburg, what is this? of course, these are citizens of the russian federation, we are currently still clarifying who exactly will be present there, this is interesting information, but according to experience, well, it is extremely rare that workers and specialists from moscow and st. petersburg come there, mostly from depressed regions of the russian federation, where people agree to come to work for some monetary reward. this is the method in
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the kherson region, our temporarily occupied territory is not popular there for the citizens of the russian federation, they understand that they will work. in very uncomfortable for them conditions, because it is felt in relation to the population, despite all this terror, and no matter what they say there, the absolute majority of the population there does not react to this integration in any way, people are intimidated, people cannot now show resistance there, but the mood is such that everyone is waiting for it all to end, when there will be a release, well, somehow strange training courses, bums from the depths. russia trains janitors-collaborators, such a story, everyone, yes, every day we see good video reports, they are all from the dnipro, and there, this reports of the armed forces of ukraine, about how the enemy on boats is carrying out some kind of sorties, that's what,
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as they say, downstream of the dnieper, what is happening, constant fire control on this territory. in fact, there are much more of these cases and videos than there are on the network, not only on boats, our force defenses are constantly practicing there at their observation points, at the gatherings of their military, at even at the operational decision-making center there, i mean things like that not far from the dnipro, this work is ongoing and will continue until complete destruction of the enemy, of course there is also... work in other territories, when they are no longer working with drones, as well there , in fact, every day some cotton explodes there and the number of the enemy decreases little by little, but there are corresponding problems there, because in the enemy uses our people as
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human shields, they perfectly understand that when the civilian defense forces of ukraine are nearby, they do not work there, and they still try to have people ... on the one hand, they are afraid that people will report about it, and on the other the parties understand that this is an additional cowardice for them, and what is happening on the other side, i mean, first of all, oleshki, a bare pier, because yesterday i was just watching the story of a woman who told how they were looting the new storeroom of her house , well, such isolated stories do not give a complete picture. unfortunately, this is a completely systemic situation, when everything that is next to the dnieper in the temporarily occupied territory is in any house, they can enter, occupy it, they still try to make sure that there are no owners there, but there are cases when they threw out people from their homes, they said, contact
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the administration, they will evacuate you, but we will be here, there are such cases, sometimes the military police are there... then they intervene, and sometimes they say, it is not safe for you here, leave and that's it, that's all , what they can do there, we just asked your colleague from berdyansk about the beach season there, and we also want to ask you, are people resting, not resting, if someone comes, who is it, and in general, how does everything look, they are rebuilding, building up, or vice versa, there completely desert, no season... no, there are no tourists, of course from the russian federation they tried to conduct some kind of advertising campaign there, the occupation administration in some locations did not work, the locals go to rest, of course the russian military, who are there, they are so it
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is there from time to time, but actually tourism has ended, because no one is really involved in tourism and resort infrastructure. all statements that we are building a new town there, we will do something else, well, as a rule, nothing happens, from time to time they take an object that was built there or repaired there before the full-scale invasion, some cosmetic repairs were made, and then they make a story out of it that it was allegedly built or repaired there by the russian federation, there are a lot of such cases, and also... on the part of russia, in this infrastructure, they don't have any at all. the local authorities in kharkiv, for example, demonstrate brazen stubbornness regarding decolonization and decommunization, and we were told yesterday at what levels in the city and in
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this is happening in the region, and we see that in kherson the suvorov district council was renamed or will be renamed the central council, this decision has already been made, and how is it being treated? residents, well, in fact, i did not see that there were any, you know, ah, appeals, what, dissatisfied people, regarding the renaming, in fact, now the situation in our region is such that, well, it’s a bit, let’s say, not the issues that concern people very much, now the issue of security of survival is much more important than renaming it, but i am sure that most only i support this name, because it is not exactly our history, and now, when even the enemy uses history, tries to use it as a weapon, then there must be 100% counteraction. later, let historians figure out how appropriate and inappropriate it was, but now it is also
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the protection of ukraine's national interests, to get rid of tsarism, to get rid of the soviet union, our territory in fact. yuriy, thank you for the clarification, for the analysis of the situation, yuriy sobulevskyi was with us, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, and by the way, the results, you see, that is, it took five years for kherson oblast to return to the level of productivity that was before the full-scale invasion, but which, in principle , i can't help but be happy about, because kherson melons have already appeared all over ukraine, and very good, i already tried, very good actually, and it's good that they are there, we have a short break, we will talk about dnipropetrovsk region next. russians terrorized nikopol during the night and all day yesterday, in a few minutes
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their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from the 20th to the 22nd. well, yes, traditionally the morning always begins with the same line, in the evening and at night the russian army continued to terrorize nikopolshchyna, the dnipro regional military
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administration. i think it's regular day to day, no? yes, it just happens to be a quantity shelling is different. also information about the victims and we are happy when they are not, this time kamikaze drones were used, we will ask kateryna nemchenko, a people's deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, ms. kateryna, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory, and we actually ask for the details of yesterday's attacks, yesterday's shelling , they are like in the kherson region hunting specific residents with a specific drone, does it fly and where it falls will it fall? well, let's put it this way, yesterday's attacks in nikopol are almost no different from those the day before yesterday and today at night, and a week ago, and a month ago, they are in principle almost the same, unfortunately, we can say that if we compare with kherson, i don’t know exactly the specifics of the shelling there, but here
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they fly randomly, that is, it cannot be said that they are investigating a specific there house. or residents, it’s just such a random thing, they ’re hunting, well, drones, of course they also launch reconnaissance because they see something there, but we can see from the destruction that these are ordinary private houses, even abandoned private houses, and in principle there is definitely no tactical-military logic in this, except for the usual terror and, well , just access to shelling of nikopol from the territory. hit by the occupied, well , look, marganetska community, shelled with heavy artillery, at the same time, dniprovska ova says that there are no dead or injured, but it is already this morning, yes, that is , they are beating so much there, and regularly, that people just left there, or how to explain this line,
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well, a lot of people left, but you can't say that in the city, well, in the communities in general no people. they are there, all institutions, institutions, and shops work there, and in principle , people live in their homes, as they used to live, but there is a gradation of the population, of course, in general , such a young population left there, it is more certain that, well, not so young, but that ’s not even the point, it’s just that they shoot randomly again, and one day it gets into houses, thank god that it gets in such a way that there are, for example, wounded, but there are no dead, but there are also dead, that’s one time at once, so to speak, you don't have to, unfortunately, they happen on nikopolshchyna also lost their lives, but thank god not so often, and indeed often they just end up in the yards of the house, in the houses that are there, from which they left, in some cars,
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garages, well, that is how it happens, or the shelling, these constant attacks affect the locals in such a way that people are ready to say goodbye to such a neighborhood as soon as possible, to get rid of some stereotypes, i am talking about decolonization, decommunization, about renaming streets and settlements in your community, of course, this affects but it cannot be said that only... this is, in principle, the awareness of the population, thank god, it is changing, well, let's be honest, there are, and not only in dnipropetrovsk region, in principle in ukraine, there are, unfortunately, people who stick to their such post-soviet beliefs, well, they are not russian separatist ones, but simply more so, that this is history, there is no need
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to rename it, that it was like that, even if there is a mention, well, in such a format, of course there is such a thing, if... talk about renaming or something like that, well, but in general yes, well, such is the general height the population of dnipropetrovsk region and any territory, in principle, probably believes that it is really necessary to eradicate all such soviet-russian and, nevertheless, already mention the fact that we are also very nicely identical, and talk about it more, and this is happening somehow yes... a general process when people believe that this is how decolonization, decommunization should be carried out, streets should be named after ukrainian names, of ukrainian heroes, as there is now a street in dnipro. yuriy horovetsa, do people know who these modern heroes of ours are, talk about them, is there understanding, who are these people and why exactly these names are assigned
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to the streets, well, in general, if it is about renaming, then when they choose the very name to rename a street or an avenue, then in principle the city council votes for it, well, i am not talking about exactly. .. in any locality, the city council chooses, there are different mechanisms, when in principle it is left to the discretion of the residents, what name do you want this street to be renamed, and you can do it online on the city council website there is something to offer, to write, and it happens simply that the city council itself makes such proposals and, in principle, then chooses and votes, if we talk about heroes, this is very appropriate and, in principle, more relevant, probably today there cannot be any names that are exactly the names of those who are written now, on alas,
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the lives with which our history of our future is written today, well , it is probably impossible to say that everyone knows by name every hero from the inhabitants of the dnipro, but simply the hero of ukraine speaks for itself and... well, it is already quite clear that this person laid down her life for our victory and struggle, and a for example, we read and remember that the trial of the fallen hero on muraev's lawsuit continues, here soon people will forget who muraev is, but there is such an option that a person died, and the trial is still ongoing, but you know who exactly was the whole of ukraine talking about, another young man? an 18-year-old boy from dnipro, who is suspected of being the killer who killed former people's deputy iryna farion, what they say in dnipro,
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you know, because some tell us that his father was fighting, and he was patriotic , and others they say that he sat in russian nazi pubs, but now the investigation is still ongoing, it is really a very scandalous, high-profile situation, it is very unexpected that... dnipro turned out to be somehow involved in us here, not a single scandal can do without us in ukraine, but - as far as i know, they have now started, well, that is, the evidence base, it is quite arguable, as if the law enforcement agencies have suspicions about this particular guy, well , what exactly is not disclosed, but there are some photos comparing his movements and so on, well, as if so with... it sounds like, well, maybe yes, but now society has started to ask questions like, is it really him, and is n't there some reason to just
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frame an extreme person, or not that, or not this one? well , when we talked in principle with his family, there with his father, yes a military man, there with friends, well, everyone said that it was very difficult to believe it, and even there i read comments on facebook from friends who knew that ... personally, it is very difficult to believe that this is so, well, that is, there is no certainty yet, probably in society it is or it is not, but law enforcement the authorities are still insisting that it is so, well, let's wait for the results of the investigation, but in such conversations it indicates that, as they say, there is no special trust, especially after such cases as happened with riff master, we also remember that, ms. kateryna, thank you for being with us, kateryna. nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was with us. next, do not miss the legal examination on the espresso tv channel, after that the news.
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aktum bar association. action for results. greetings, i'm dmytro didora, this is legal expertise. here we explain in simple terms what is legally complex. new mobilization. current legislation, what innovations in the procedure and grounds for dismissal for military personnel began to operate under the new law, let's talk with olena khumenko, lawyer and managing partner of the aku bar association. i congratulate you. good day. greetings, dmitry. let's start with the first, on what grounds a military serviceman can resign during martial law and what has changed with the new mobilization legislation. as for innovations, it is worth it to note that a new reason for dismissal has appeared, it is injury. if a close circle of persons of the first or second blood degree of kinship of servicemen, god forbid , died or went missing during a full-scale invasion or anti-terrorist operation, it is worth
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noting that other categories for release, they remained unchanged, in particular, by age, in case of reaching 60-year-old serviceman, for officers reaching 65 years of age, due to health, in case of temporary recognition unfit with a review of 6 or 12 months, establishment of a disability group, or again due to family circumstances. regarding family circumstances, it is worth noting that this is the most unsettled story and the most complicated, because... the grounds have decreased, and the procedures have become more complicated for dismissal due to family circumstances, and what are these changes and how has this process become more complicated? for example , it should be noted that in the case of a military serviceman raising a child with a disability who has an established group of disabilities, or who has health problems, it is worth to note that the changes and innovations concern and provide the opportunity to be released only to a female military serviceman, that is, for example
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, we understand that men... the right to parenthood. as a separate category, it is worth noting the need to care for a wife who has a group of disabilities or parents. please note that as before, simply having a disability group for a spouse or parents is not enough. it is necessary to prove the necessity of the need for care, namely that the wife, or the parents of the serviceman or his wife, need this care, and the actual reason for dismissal will be our need to provide this care. what should a soldier do in such a case, if he has grounds and wants to resign from service? we do not forget about the algorithm, and we also do not forget about the need to leave a legal trail when leaving military service, namely to prepare a written report, properly register it with a note about the entry number with the immediate commander in command, that is, from the lower to the higher, and attachment of all notarized copies of documents that confirm such grounds
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for dismissal, clean? you are in your practice with unreasonable refusals, but how can this be solved in practice? of course, yes, the most common problem is that we have an unsystematic delay in considering the terms of these reports, i.e. sometimes it happens when unit commanders review reports for dismissal for more than 30 days. actually, if we are talking about problems with dismissal, it is worth noting that there was a situation when a father of many children could not resign in in connection with the fact that his wife left her maiden name and did not... changed her name to her husband's name, in this situation we reached not only with complaints to the higher command, but also to the court, and in this connection already was successfully released, that is why, in connection with the problem of single-handedly, single-handedly fighting the bureaucratic system, it is worth noting the need to apply in an official manner, both on behalf of family members and on behalf of lawyers to the address of the higher command, or directly to court for a successful resolution of the problem,
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what can we... count on a military person after discharge? consider the procedure for dismissal due to health, first of all we determine the need for dismissal from service due to health in connection with either receiving an injury, or directly receiving a group of disabilities, such as during military service or a group of disabilities, which is established by the fact of protecting the homeland. after dismissal, do not forget to register and register with the district and territorial offices staffing and social support centers in the event of... the need to issue all documents for the payment of one-time cash assistance and do not forget that the presence of reasons based on the state of health or the establishment of a disability group or temporary unfitness for 6-12 months gives the right to receive a deferment from conscription for military service. it is very interesting, i am sure there are many examples after the release, we will definitely talk about them in our next programs. olena khumenko, lawyer, managing partner of the bar association actum, explained that
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they can... what and how military personnel who want to leave military service should do, stay with us, here we explain in simple words what is legally difficult, see you, bar association actum , action for result. 8 o'clock in the morning in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. greetings to all viewers. iryna koval works for you in the studio. two men were injured as a result of the russian attack on romashkovo, in the kherson region. in the evening, the enemy dropped on...


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