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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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we carried out the law exactly, you understand, and under this law we clearly looked every time, we still avoided emotions, although we are human, it is impossible to avoid them completely, but we looked clearly and clearly justified, and in particular mr. kartashov, a lawyer, i emphasize , legally, for these people to be fully subject to the two laws on decommunization and decolonization, that's all, that is, there are arguments, mr. alexander, thank you, thank you for what you are doing, for explaining to us how it is all works, oleksandr muzychko, doctor of historical sciences, was with us from odesa, they talked about decommunization and decolonization, in this case the south, but these processes are taking place all over our country. a short pause on the air of the tv channel, then we will return to the front. we will talk further, stay with us. education is the future.
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fates, 20 women who defended the country, the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military, women at war, look for it in bookstores of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts representing the only discounts on troxevozingel, 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. evrofast softcaps - first aid against the main field, begins to act already from... 15 minutes there are discounts are the only discounts of 10% in pharmacies plantain to you and saver see this week in the collaborators program. the troops of the kremlin are standing. why are young people in the occupied territories used as labor force. putin was also in student units. chief of the construction squad, and which of
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the pseudo-directors prepares students for service in the russian army? the next stage of the installation of our unit. on tuesday, july 30, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. as we promised , we are joined by the officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk serhii tsehotskyi, mr. sergey,
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thank you for being with us and welcome to our airwaves. congratulations. about the pokrovsky direction, we ask you to tell us first of all, every day, we actually read, both in the morning and in the evening, in the reports of the general staff that one of the most difficult is now and many times the enemies try to attack there. yes, indeed, the pokrovsky, kurakhivsky direction is probably, well, today, er, hot. for all it is hotter than all, but i would not like to lower the degree in all other directions, because the enemy, he is very insidious, and he is always very attentive, they are watching for where to find some weak point and begin to pile there, well, more concentration forces so it happened that probably over a long period of time, after these long-term only infantry ones... but last saturday and sunday we
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had, let's say, very large, powerful offensives with equipment on saturday and sunday. it means that it took place in the active phase of barbecues, you can say, it means, er, er, destroyed about 39 pieces of equipment, destroyed, well, it must be meant, and burned, and damaged, so, that is, well, er , and if i'm not mistaken, the figure was for sunday evening, we have 206 occupiers liquidated, that's in two days, that is. therefore, they went very actively, so, there were neighbors before that, and a large amount of equipment was also launched in this area, well, everyone can see the result, there are no advances, there are no large advances in mind there, i
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do not take them as separate positions, because before they start to storm, they are destroyed and there is no point in simply keeping the personnel and being there, well, that's why... there were no offensive assault actions by the enemy on our site, well, for a long, long time, mr. sergey, i see that there are such whole battles of military experts going on here, which compete in because it was at or the reasons, well , the advancement in the area is a wolf's progress and the loss of these settlements, i will say this, you know, we have many experts, among them there are those who , let's say, cheer, there are, excuse me, those who
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just want to promote themselves on some sensation , for me personally, i will say this, everything that can help the enemy and... even if it is such a very important truth, you cannot talk about it on the air, there is, if you know some information, if you are a great specialist in in this area, please contact, recommend, you will always be heard, because well today, let's say, as it sounded in the soviet times, the army and the people are one, then we have it like that, because the military personnel and commanders, including them, are the children of the ukrainian people. citizens, mothers, parents, they will always hear, if it is some, well, really advice, they will listen and take it into account, because we respond to kind calls, we respond to kind appeals that people turn to and say, well, that's why not can't
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today not reach somewhere or get involved, but with regard to analytics, answering your question, i will say that there is general... there are many trained officers, generals who know what to say, why did this happen and give answers to these questions? ugh, mr. serhii, and one more question, after our conversation yesterday along the front line, our colleague from the public donbas is traveling and says that there are strange moods, in particular in this pokrov region, among the locals, that they blame journalists and the military, that everything that... flies to them and everything rumbles and explodes, it's all because of ukrainian journalists, the ukrainian military, they say it won't happen the military, they will not shoot, this is the logic of the locals, so we do not pay attention , i will say so, because it is good to sit and say
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that come on, well, you know this, this is a call to let's surrender and the russian will hang this tricolor, and everything will be peaceful right away, we will go toe-to-toe and continue there, well, they will develop this russian movement, excuse me, there are no compromises, when you know, we went to kherson and in the first days literally there, well, i was just passing by there, a group of people was standing , and the journalist asked one, well, an elderly woman age, let's put it this way, they say, crimea, what crimea is there , how whose crimea, god's crimea, you know, the answer was like this, i stopped too, i say stand, i am in a hurry, she is in a hurry, i say no, you are not going anywhere, that is, there should not be any compromises, compromises and so on, excuse me, how many of our children have just died, young children i mean, who absolutely
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did not pose any threat to the russian federation, oh, how many destructions and so on, and this is today, if you love your russian peace so much, there such... a large territory, all the way to sakhalin, please go, settle down, uh, dance, sing, glorify stalin and... and so on, and we will all be busy building civilized democratic society and keep pace with the modern world. mr. sergey, so that there are fewer tricolors in your direction, what you, your unit needs most now, maybe you are collecting for something, so we are traditionally collecting for components for our bomber pilots, so it is thanks to these of our to the masters of ee... flights without unmanned systems, this is the main, the main types of weapons
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t-72, bmp, two, mtlb, which were going here, were destroyed, and in the future we continue, despite the fact that the enemy of assault offensive actions carried out, but we still also destroyed many of their control points during this day, with these drones, hit the equipment, right in the rear of the enemy, not on... the middle line, not on the line of attack, so skill is at a high level and morale fighters, while always at a high level when there is something to do to fight, there are, well, there are tools to destroy the enemy and stop him if he tries to carry out offensive actions, you have heard the technique, the control points, and this is only in the last day, i understand that mr. serhiy is simply out of modesty or habit, because this is a standard thing. how much to destroy the enemy, he doesn't say more in order
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to get involved in that matter, the qr-code constantly appears on the screen, please, send it, support, and we still have a question, in fact, the pokrovsk- kostiantynivka route, we understand that there are already places where it is partially shot through, do you have alternative ways, or do you actually have a place to drive, how to drive, so that it is a little more convenient and safer than that route. well , there are actually a lot of roads, really a lot, they are all normal, you can drive there in any weather, and we drove on these roads, we have been driving for two years, so everything will be fine from the point of view of logistics, but the task is still not to let them on this track, you see, they have the same thing, the state is propaganda, like them, i don’t want to say such a word to the gandhis, that’s why there is a small success of theirs, they are already showing it as, well, almost the main goal
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there for a certain period of time, so we do not have such tasks to give chances to retreat either, and no matter how difficult it is, you just have to understand that really, i i say, now more than ever, everyone must brace themselves against the enemy, there are very big problems there in... they are all piling up, the work of our distant canvases of ours , these drones of ours, which are already flying to the murmansk region, you see, all this will slowly take its toll as a result, there the figure is already approaching 6,000 liquidated occupiers for these more than two years of war, it all affects and it will give its result, we must exert ourselves as much as possible. consolidation of the whole society, everyone, so that there are not , i repeat, indifferent, indifferent to what
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is happening in the country, while our viewers had the opportunity to support your bombers precisely through the qr code, at the end simply, tell me how the situation is now, after enough of a loud scandal, a paramedic, you remember, bird, then the presidents reacted and then the chief reacted ... there was an inspection in the 59th brigade, well no no so often such loud things come from the front, the inspection has been completed, everything is back to normal, or shall i say this, i will say this right away for all the spectators to hear this, all the time, the entire period , we performed our task, absolutely everyone, from every serviceman of the brigade carried out his tasks, despite what he was doing... the commission and so on, we didn't have time to go to the side there,
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go somewhere, you know, there, i don't know what to distract myself, every day is an enemy attacked, carried out active offensive actions, which can be here, and i continue to do so, and with regard to the comments on the commission and so on, it should be done by the bodies that conducted it, or the general staff, or the president-in-chief, well, how convenient, for us the main task was and remains... it is to destroy the enemy, to prevent him from dominating our land, everything. mr. serhiy, thank you for your answers, thank you for what you always do. you are optimistic and always say that everything will be fine and do your job, always flawlessly, serhii tsyhotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, was with us, you have the opportunity, support the collection, here we are displaying the qr code on the screen once again, after all, on the page, pages, in various social networks of this unit, you
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can always find their details as well, we will have a short break and in a few minutes we will be back with sergey. please wait, there are discounts, they are the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. a new season is starting for your pair, meet the absolute cat: alaska stayle boots from only uah 799. attention, everything around is getting more expensive, but we kept the price of last year, order now, in the winter it will be more expensive boots alaska stayle. they have a universal design and practical black color, they will fit both men and women, sizes from 35 to 46, they are so comfortable and warm, they can withstand 30 degrees of frost, eternal zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg, the insulation keeps heat perfectly and wicks away moisture, the top is made of water-permeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with
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hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two o'clock. to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind of like to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin did this, he would ... and prison, a special view on the events in ukraine, so you don't have to to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this is in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. serhii
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sgurets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, is back in touch with us. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. and let's start right away with this news, which surprised, outraged, saddened us . i'm talking about britain and the fact that london does not want us to use stormshadow to strike on the territory of the russian federation, although earlier it was said that everything was okay, supposedly is it possible or misunderstood ? well, actually the story of using stormshadow is already entering a circle where it is trying to find out if it is possible to use the british storm shadow for strikes. deep into russian territory, previously the presidents there and certain of our officials optimistically claimed that there was such a permission, but then there were explanations after the words of the british prime minister that in fact it is about using storm shadows only in crimea and occupied lands in ukraine, and the issue of
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use deep into the territory of russia, in principle, it is still under consideration by the british parties, and this was once again confirmed by the information that literally there, it seems like the day before yesterday or yesterday, one parliamentarian made... a request to the ministry of defense in britain, and there was an answer that indeed britain provides assistance to ukraine quite significantly, but in any in this case, the equipment must be used for the defense of ukraine itself, and a large number of experts concluded that in fact there are no changes in britain's approach to the use of stormwinds, but in any case even that possibility of use. for strikes in crimea and other areas there, it demonstrated the possibility of using these missiles quite effectively, but i repeat, now russia
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has at least 20 airfields within 300 km of its territory where russian planes are stationed, and the time is right now to use these missiles and metakamts in order to significantly reduce the potential of these aircraft, which the enemy uses for regular kabama strikes on our defense line. mr. serhiu, yet another edition of the times, there is a good article about how the armed forces of ukraine successfully use bradleys, in particular the avdiiv direction and so on, but they point out that you have to maneuver all the time, because they are being hunted, and we understand that there are a lot of fpv drones and everything else in this direction, and many bradleys were damaged, well and that the ukrainian military. and worried that this effective technique may be missing? indeed, we have bradleys on the battlefield showing impressive
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results, we have bradleys used by the 47a brigade, it seems that the second brigade already receives 57 bradleys, in total we received, if i am not mistaken, 300 of these fighters infantry vehicles, 90 of them suffered losses, some of them have been restored and indeed bradley remains, i repeat, the most effective model of equipment in the hands of ukrainian soldiers, they defended there and different directions, and indeed they allow countering both tanks and bmp in this new american, american military aid package, there is a bradley, this is a new announced one, in the basic package for 200 million announced, the main thing is about... missiles, supplies, means of impression, communication systems, there is no bradley mentioned, but i do not rule out that in fact these deliveries will happen, because the american
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army has at least more than 3 00 of these bradleys in stock, they are in various conditions, although we know the story with greece, which was also offered bradleys, but greece refused them take into account the fact that the samples that were offered were extremely difficult to restore, but as for ukraine, we have them. the situation is different, we are increasing, in particular, the number of educational centers where students learn about these machines, there is acquired experience, which is really unique, which is different from using the way bradleys are used in the us military, the threats have really increased in terms of having to take into account the presence of enemy fp drones, and increasing the intelligence capability, all of this is now taken into account in our armed forces, and interestingly, i i see in a number of reports from our units, where the bradley operators are women, who work hard enough to destroy targets,
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using all the unique means of detection and impressions that are on the bmp, so i think that the bradley bmp will take root in to the ukrainian army and deliveries of ukrainian american infantry fighting vehicles to ukraine be continued. mr. serhiu, private military companies. agreed to and supported by the ministry of defense, what can they give us now, or against the background of a complex mobilization process, can this be a solution for us? in fact, the decision on private military companies, it has been violated repeatedly, repeatedly, at least since the 14th year, as i remember, various draft laws, now we are focusing on the message that one of the people's deputies presented law. project and news headlines say that the ministry of defense supported the decision on private military companies. in fact, if you look in detail, it is not quite
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so, because the ministry of defense. says that this draft law needs to be finalized, that it contradicts the existing laws on intelligence there about other state administration bodies, and this draft law in its current state has not yet passed the first reading, or anything else, so that in any in this case, the question is that this topic is extremely active, the problem of ukraine is that we are moving too slowly with this, because relatively speaking, here... now there was a story somewhere in the 23rd year, when the ukrainian consulting company omega consulting, which in principle is very close to the private military companies in ukraine, spoke about the fact that we can ensure the arrival in ukraine of about 20 thousand trained military personnel from other countries who can fight on the battlefield, this was the 23rd year and in principle 20 thousand trained military personnel with whom omega consulting has a relationship. then
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seemed like such a significant increase in our capabilities, but this, this initiative was not supported by the main intelligence agency, as i understand it, and now we are actually trying to form a new mechanism of interaction with the potential of private military companies or with the potential of people who have the relevant experience. now, if we had a decision about private military companies, we could probably solve the f16 maintenance issue at the expense of technicians from other countries. countries, because, relatively speaking, we understand that the pilots will prepare for us, this will be our pilots, but the technicians who had contact with the 16 in the armies of different countries, maybe they are veterans, they are people who are no longer serving, and it was extremely useful to involve them in this work. the other direction concerns the field of medical support, here we have a battalion of hospitalists, which in fact looks like a structure that... tries,
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without state support, tries to get help from volunteers, other funds, and it's the same a certain type of private medic medical company that works for armed forces in fact, such directions should have been used much earlier, and the question is that the bills, which are currently being discussed for too long, should be adopted faster with effective mechanisms that can really help our armed forces to expand the number of personnel that have professional. skills in addition to recruiting or mobilization, well, we still have one minute, i wanted to ask about these joint gifts from germany and denmark, eight leopard 1 tanks, is this something significant or not, we we don't see much use of tanks now, well, it's true, when we talk about the leopard first tanks, we understand that these are tanks that need to be improved... but in any
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case, we have some work to do there and on the dynamic protection of these leopards of the first and , relatively speaking, eight tanks, they are not being made, but the process of supplying armored vehicles is still taking place, because this is actually a wasteland of those previous applications that were promised to ukraine by european states, in general, we should have within the limits of 100 leopards, i hope that these promises will be fulfilled. mr. serhiy, thank you for being with the audience. we will remind you that defense express also analyzed, posted yesterday on their website, you can see about these so-called reduced shaheds, very very interesting de-icing and about three types that can be used in the near future. it is now approaching 9:00 a.m., the time when we observe a minute of silence every day in memory of all
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those who died because of the russian occupation forces. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and civilians with a moment of silence of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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