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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EEST

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we will come up with our proposal, based on the interests of ukrainian business and ukrainian people, we will propose our editorial so that it can be accepted and so that it can ensure income to the budget, moreover, i really liked what the average ukrainian woman said, it is very correct, but we must start with savings, so our proposal will include the fact that the government should ensure, on the one hand, revenues to the budget. due to the effective use of funds, and on the other hand, due to the possible raising taxes for the period of war, for the period of martial law, how much is it in some other taxes, and not in those that were proposed in the list, you understand, yes, we have a lot of sources of income, which we do not even understand with you today, that they can squeeze even more out of themselves, well conditionally, yes, look at the tax authorities, if i do not understand this, it is justified, but if... that
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the people's deputies from the specialized committee do not understand this, that is already a question, and this is katrina, it is not a specialized one, look, i'm just now i will list to you where you can get money from, and this is not always a specialized committee, mr. oleksandr, we will continue this conversation, i also say that we invited and will continue to invite the ministry of finance to our broadcast, and mr. hetmans, we also invited to participation, he has not yet commented on this, we will continue to talk with experts on this broadcast, i thank you for participating, we will continue. conversation, i will also note that the bbc writes that by the end of this year, according to calculations , the government needs 500 billion hryvnias, and this is specifically for mobilization, and this was not provided for in the budget for this year, that is , in general, a law on mobilization is being made, a law is passed, but there is no money for it, to all this, because what is the order and what is the logic, there are of course many questions in society, therefore , we will talk about these topics in the future, oleksandr kovalchuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people party and deputy chairman.
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of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, was our guest. in the comments, write whether you are a representative of, for example, a business or not, and your attitude to the increase in taxes, in your opinion, it is worth filling the budget, but the owners of medium and small businesses are also not happy with the prospect that the verkhovna rada will also raise the military levy, they just realized that now they will have more expenses for fuel for generators due to mass power outages and increased excise duty on fuel. let's listen to the opinions of entrepreneurs from odessa. roman glodkyi opened this cider house in the center of odesa, an establishment that sells several dozen varieties of cider, in october of last year. invested in the institution several times more than planned. of course, i miscalculated, i planned to invest 35,000 dollars here and there, yes, it turned out to be much more, almost twice as much, and i thought, now i will open up, now.
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people will leave, money will flow, but no, you have to work, because of the war and additional expenses for fuel and generators , it is very slow to compensate for the costs, only a powerful generator cost 72 hryvnias. we got to some kind of conditional profitability only in may, i got out of the minuses, got out and started right away. additional expenses began, gasoline, now we spend uah 100 a day on gasoline, that's uah 30,000 per month, and we have to buy a generator, we have to, and we have to fill it up, we have to, but we have to create the conditions here, the air conditioner, i can't turn off the air conditioner, because people it is necessary, well, they won't come here at all, that's right, and this is andrii, a former military man, he opened an unbreakable cafe near arkadi. at first, he invested
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with his own savings, then took a grant. the man admits that with power outages, doing business becomes more and more difficult and expensive. this is commerce. that is, my light in normal times cost 10-1200. these are such accounts. well, that is, it is normal for commerce. but in normal time. now the light costs more than 50 liters. the man suggests that if taxes go up, the business will go into the shadows. i think that these taxes will increase the shadow, shadow market, that is, it will increase so that one coffee will be punched, and 10 will not be punched. both andriy and roman work as fops in the second tax group, they pay taxes honestly and regularly donate to the armed forces. both believe. that during the war, when
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there were fewer customers and expenses due to power outages were added, the increase in taxes would make business life quite difficult, this should not be done now, now, on the contrary, it is necessary to... simplify, reduce taxes, give people work, give people loans, i sell alcohol, not alcohol, what’s the difference, give me a loan there for 5%, i will continue to work, develop, i would like to open another establishment, for example, there in arcadia or on tairov, yes or in another place, for example, give me a chance, i will work, since the 14th year we have been paying for the war, this... this country was paid for the war, where did they go, no one knows why we paid for so many years and did not improve the army, but now there will be five, and these five will be spread over everything, the car that i will sell,
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the apartment i will sell, from this i will pay 5% of my monthly salary, this is a lot, five is a lot, the verkhovna rada of ukraine has already voted due to the increase in excise duty on fuel from autumn, a liter of gasoline for the same generators should become more expensive by 15-2 hryvnias, and it is difficult to predict what the situation with light will be in autumn and winter, as the attacks of the russian federation's forces on energy continue. kateryna glaskova, executive director of the union of ukrainian entrepreneurs, joins our broadcast. katerina, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining us, we just had a conversation with a people's deputy, he says that this week he will initiate such a meeting between representatives of the government and business there, in your opinion, what are the proposals of business for so that the business could pay some additional income and taxes to the state, including that the interests of business are taken into account. good morning, greetings
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to everyone, look, business, the steps proposed by the government are aimed primarily at making those companies pay even more. who have been paying taxes all this time, and this is probably the biggest problem with this bill, that it is aimed at paying those who already pay, that is , the biggest burden on officially employed workers and on companies that work honest, that is why our main proposal as a union of ukrainian entrepreneurs, it is about the fact that, first of all, it is necessary to revise the administration of taxes, to reduce the burden in this particular area, and secondly, it is very... important, this is the actual reform of the customs and tax service, we cannot talk about raising taxes in the country until there is the customs and tax service should work as service services, and there should be an approach where we will first of all
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focus, we as a state, i mean as a government, we will focus on seeking additional budget revenues from those areas , which do not pay taxes, we have a huge part of the economy in the shadows. more than 30%, therefore, first of all, we call on the government and the verkhovna rada, and all those involved in this process and are ready to join in the search for additional income from that part of the economy and those companies that do not pay taxes, this is smuggling, this is problems at customs , these are officially unemployed workers, salaries in envelopes, that's what we're talking about first of all, but it takes a certain amount of time, these are reforms, it took a long time. and a long-term process, this is also said by experts in the government, some of the people the deputies who are in favor of that increase, support the government in these changes, say that there is no time, that the ukrainian military will literally not be able to receive their salaries at the end of september, but it was not yesterday that it became known about the problems in the economy of ukraine and it
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was also not yesterday the government saw that it had problems with budget revenues, we should, they should have started to deal with it when it was necessary. to start, and not now to urgently transfer again all the responsibility and all the burden to those who pays taxes all this time and supports both his employees and the military, preserves jobs, donates to the military, supports the army very much, well, that is, this is a bit of manipulation in such formulations that there is no time, there is never time, and reforms must be carried out, we we still need to carry out these reforms, the proposal of the economists , yes... also the experts, to increase the vat there instead of the military levy, and to lead to an increase in certain prices, but not so significant, kateryna, who can be proposals in this sense from you, now at this moment, vat really looks more logical, and if, if the government does
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adopt these changes, how critical, critically, in what situation will the business find itself? i still want to return to my primary thesis, which is very important, but now all discussions or whether to raise that tax or another, they still all rely on the inefficiency of the system itself, the tax system, the administration of taxes and the inefficiency of customs, so that we do not raise in any case. then this will be another one the problem with vat, well, i can talk about it for a very long time, we have a huge problem in the country with the blocking of tax invoices with frozen funds of the company in the accounts, due to the fact that the tax office sees certain actions there and considers them risky, we have been dealing with this problem for two years years, i am afraid that this situation will only worsen, so once again, first of all, we cannot talk about raising taxes without customs and tax reform. thank you, we heard the business on our broadcast, i understood, kateryna glaskov, executive director of the union of ukrainian
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entrepreneurs, expressed her opinion regarding the government's initiative to increase taxes. you can also join in the comments and write your opinion, we will talk with an expert about this later and summarize this topic, but what should the government do, on the one hand there is no money in the budget, on the other hand we hear what he says business. yuriy gaidai, expert of the center for economic strategy. mr. yuri, congratulations, you are on our air, thank you for joining. let's sum up, but in your opinion, will the government be able to find this balance and compromise, now in this situation, which has developed, when we hear what the business says, what is the situation, and this initiative of the government is absolutely criticized. is it possible to get out of this situation in such a way that the budget is filled, and that it does not become a critical issue for the business and a question of survival in general. good afternoon, there are many factors here, let's try not to lose
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anything, there were many opinions while listening to the previous broadcast, well, on the one hand, the government and the ministry of finance do not plan to close this whole hole that currently exists, the need for funding the defense forces, by increasing taxes, that is, i will remind you that the increase in taxes will cost about from all revenues, yes, that is, except for those 125 billion hryvnias that the government planned to raise this year by raising taxes, and now it will be difficult to do, because the calculations, even for that proposal, they were there starting from august, and here it is august already on the nose, so in addition, another 160 billion hryvnias is the actual placement of the domestic state loan bond, yes, that is, it is borrowing, in addition , 90 mln. hryvnia is almost faster than anything else, yes it looks like now by the end of the year it will be collected from
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the over-fulfillment of the revenue plan, this is actually the value added tax, the income tax, first of all, on the profits of the banks, which has been increased, it brings in good funds, plus the same increase in the excise tax, yes, in addition, it will also be a reduction in expenses, a reduction in expenses for maintenance. on the discussion of the debt, there is also a commensurate amount with what they plan to attract from taxes, because where the ministry of finance is not criticized is the fact that it actually carried out a wonderful restructuring on very beneficial for ukraine conditions, and therefore in the coming years tens, hundreds of billions of hryvnias will be saved, but taxes will still have to be increased, because i absolutely understand the position of business, that... you don't want to pay more, especially when there are many challenges, there you have to
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take care of your energy independence, and other problems caused by the war, human capital and so on, but it is really impossible to find such a resource in a few months or by the end of the year due to sharp detinization, well here really all the governments, including the previous one, did not refine it and in there are many of us schemes remained and remain open, there is progress somewhere, there, for example , in the gambling business, in the fuel market, in excise duties on tobacco, we see that revenues are indeed growing, of course, that there are still reserves, probably hundreds of billions of hryvnias, yes we also made an assessment, perhaps a little more conservative than what other experts are voicing on the air, but these reserves are large, but it is practically impossible to mobilize them in a few months with such a wave of a stick, besides... i see that the same entrepreneurs in their statements sometimes
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are offering mutually exclusive things, i.e. what i saw yesterday is that on the one hand business expects the government to - try to reduce this administrative burden on them, and on the other hand to increase the income of existing taxes by closing schemes, well that happens very rarely, i.e. , if we want to increase the income of existing taxes, then this is tightening the nuts, this is strengthening. checks and so on, i.e. always when, when the administration is strengthened, when there is a fight against the schemes, there will be these false positives, yes... time ether is not ends, but something tells me that this topic is on the surface, we will return to it and analyze it in detail, and together with you on our broadcast, yuriy haida, an expert of the economic strategy center, was a guest of svoboda ranok. thank you all for being with us, my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and the whole team, freedom of the morning, i wish you a peaceful day and see you soon. attention, a profitable offer:
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order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. shops have ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that shines even when there is no light. for only 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works. even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging , the secret is in the built-in city battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is also a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage fluctuations and will not break when dropped, the standard base will fit almost any chandelier or lamp , suddenly turned off the light, it is necessary to light candles again or search a flashlight in which, like malevolent batteries,
9:47 am
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light in your house, always a light bulb, a smart light of everything for uah 149, works even without electricity. the offer is limited, call! we thank our colleagues for their work, and we also continue, you continue to donate, and we collect the opinions of our guests, but i can't help but react to a slight déjà vu that happened all the way in the other hemisphere. i am talking about the fact that mass protests are currently taking place in venezuela, this is a consequence of their presidential election, even the monuments of hugo chavez are being demolished by serious protests, there is a shooting in the capital, there is actually a riot in venezuela, and why, but because maduro drew himself 51%. no one knows whether he drew or not the protocols were not shown, the united states and
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brazil are already communicating with each other, thinking about what the president should do. sent an envoy to caracas and says: listen, well , finally show those protocols, if everything is fine, but we know for sure that everything is fine there, because the opposition candidate got 44% and three more candidates got 4%, so they went to 109%,2, and as leonid danylovych said, the other hemisphere, the math is different there, the same thing happened already, kuchma said, so this is his referendum too... they showed 103% when they voted referendum on kuchmiv issues, we will continue to talk about international affairs on our airwaves, candidate of political sciences, international expert stanislav zhelikhovskyi is with us, mr. stanislav, we congratulate you, good morning, but we will start with the nearest neighbors, because the nearest neighbors are i mean hungary,
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they preside over the council of the european union, and orbán himself is so much. he drives and drives for good reason, because the chinese gave him the largest loan of 1 billion euros, he works out according to the full program, but quietly, as he says doychaveli, with his left hand he is doing something else, for example, he is making it easier for belarusians and russians to enter hungary, and how can this be, if in fact the european union has a single policy of sanctions, here orban is creating this, that is, russians will not come there... fsb to hungary, and then ride all over the european union? indeed, we see that viktor orbán continues his policy aimed at his neighbors, against. european partners against the generally free world, and the rapprochement of hungary and russia, as well as those with such countries as
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belarus or china, it continues, and obviously, if until recently we could talk about some kind of balancing of budapest, then we see more and more that crane is moving towards the east, and therefore we see such decisions as what he made regarding the citizens of russia and belarus , and it just happened. after orbán's visit to moscow, so in fact we cannot now talk about the fact that it is possible to conduct some constructive policy with hungary, to conduct some constructive dialogue, we see that in romania he is speaking out against his neighbors and against ukraine, just like the countries he recently visited, or even more so, he spoke about the readiness of what could be signed. agreement between ukraine and hungary, but again, how can we talk about the signing of any agreement where our territorial
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integrity, our european and euro-atlantic integration should actually be recognized, and even then, in general , budapest would have to act on the side of ukraine in its fight against russian aggression, now we see that these statements that sound, they absolutely go against what, uh, was it was said earlier, and we can see that even poland reacted very sharply to the attacks that came from orban towards warsaw, and in particular regarding the fact that it allegedly conducts trade relations with russia, well, actually we see, this is the whole orban that he was always, that is, he is trying to bargain from russia for everything that he needed now in the context of uh... his economic moments, because we see that hungary is still not in the best condition in this sense, well, of course, it didn't work out and without politics, important for orbán
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to keep the levers of government in his country, the chair still wobbles under him, and it is worth understanding, well, of course, he also wants to produce it at the supranational level, that is, at the level of the european union, especially since we see that hungary is currently presiding over the council and... the eu, so i think that this policy will continue in the future and we will have a very difficult time with this country now, especially in the context of our european integration, given that budapest will definitely put a lot of effort into it was possible to blackmail and bargain for yourself some preferences of the same european countries and the european union as a whole, well , of course, to please vladimir putin, that is , that is why such decisions are made every now and then ... simplifying, for example, the conditions of entry of russians and belarus, that's all is done so that russia will continue to provide its energy sources for this country at lower
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prices than other countries, and to implement its infrastructure projects, in particular in the context of the construction of new power units at the paksh nuclear power plant and , well, and many other things that can still russia to implement, and also other countries that support the russian federation, such... china, but in this way, hungary, they declare that they want to attract 65 thousand workers with their families in order to support the economy of hungary, but orbán is not a stupid person, he understands , that this is simply a wonderful loophole in order to now launch very easily, very quickly in the eu, a huge number of people who will continue to undermine the european union from the inside, and i am not talking now about... about economic undermining, actually about these hybrid attacks, which we have been observing for a long time, and now there may be even more of them. the first question is, why does he do this, does he not understand that
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this is his common european home, and what does brussels mean? i think that viktor orbán understands everything perfectly, but he has driven himself into such a dead end that he is forced to behave according to putin's whims, because this is exactly what is important for putin, i... i think that it is possible can be called such a new phase, so to speak, in that it is possible to introduce these agency elements into the territory of the european union, the previous such a large phase, it was of course done in the sense of those hybrid attacks on the border, and here it was precisely poland and the baltic countries that suffered the most from this, but now they are strengthening their border and strengthening their security. states, and hungary, it is such a harbor for the russian federation, in particular, such, let's say, a gap in the security system of the european union and. and that's why
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they, allegedly under the guise of simplifying the entry of russians and belarus, they can really send these categories of people there to already not even storming any crowns, moreover, we see that there is no common border between russia and hungary, fortunately, of course, and accordingly they try to influence in this way, and we also have to understand that this is also an influence on the political background. of the european union, russia realized that it was not enough for itself to have conducted those operations that could be called successful in the context of the arrival of certain political forces that would have an influence on internal and foreign policy in the european union, and is now preparing for the next such races that will take place in europe, especially it will be closer to the future expansion of the great eu, and russia
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and hungary will be preparing. of course , such a springboard will be very profitable for her, and she will continue to smother hungary more and more like an octopus with her tentacles and do everything possible to make it such a pliable country that would really fulfill all the whims that vladimir putin has and russian senior management. mr. stanislav, well, as they said from the ministry of foreign affairs of poland , a suitcase is a station in russia. this is addressed to orbán, do you see what could happen, in particular such a moment as the restoration of border control and control at the borders of hungary and the rest of the countries of the european union, this is such a measure of protection, in addition, both the hungarian orban and the slovak fico issued an ultimatum to ukraine, in which you blocked us russian oil from lukoil, we will cut off your electricity, and this is a violation
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of european law. of the joint energy package, that is, there should be sanctions on hungary and slovakia for this as well. uh, it's just being intimidated by such blackmail, or it could be real, and accordingly, what will be in return from brussels. well, i think that so far it is really at the level of statements and attempts to put pressure on the official kiev, so that after all it is possible to allow oil from russia to go to... hungary and slovakia, but if they use such tactics regarding that something could be blocking us, of course there are internal sanctions of the european union, they are of different nature, but it all depends on the extent to which the europeans themselves will be ready to introduce these sanctions, so i think that for now hungary uses the fact that she chairs the eu council, but it seems to me that it might not
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be too sweet for... this country, and also possibly for slovakia, during the polish presidency, which will already take place from january 1 , 2025, and there, i think, can be more serious work in this direction, but nevertheless we see that there are statements that if you do not want to be with us, then leave our association, and in particular, the deputy minister of the crown of polish affairs władysław teofil bartoszewski, who said that what what hungary can create a union. with putin and with some other authoritarian states, well, actually, i think that these are also statements for now, but again, it is not known how hungary will behave in the future, if it continues to pursue such an anti-constructive and subversive policy in the european union, then it can really get into under the pressure of sanctions, let's see, well, meanwhile, sanchopanso from orban, that is , peter sijarto has already discussed
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the supply with lavrov again. of russian oil through ukraine to hungary, that's it, by the way for this hour. sir stanislav, thank you for the conversation, stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political science and international expert on our neighbors. now is the time for news, iryna koval, the entire news editorial team has already prepared a selection of the latest and most important information at the moment, ready to share it with us, iryna, congratulations, we will give you the word about what will be in this issue. thank you, oksana, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. well, i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country, as of this morning, after the night and morning shelling, there will also be information, of course, about the losses of the occupiers, about operational information at the front, and about the explosive morning in the kursk region, so wait, more about everything in a moment.


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