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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EEST

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it's 12 o'clock in ukraine and for your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel in the iryna koval studio. greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in donetsk region, where the russians are. four residents were killed, five more were injured. the enemy shelled toretsk from aviation and artillery. three locals died. how many were injured? an apartment building and four private houses were damaged. another person died in grodivka. three houses were destroyed. the occupiers dropped a fap-250 aerial bomb on the village of rig. there is one wounded. there are 12 private houses on the outskirts. more one injured in siversk - the police in the region reported that russian
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terrorists had struck almost 3,000 strikes in donetsk region in a day. a 32-year-old man was injured due to russian shelling of chornobayivka in the kherson region, the enemy attacked the village with artillery in the morning, firing more than two dozen shells, the regional military administration reported. residential buildings and farm buildings were damaged. and the lining got there on the feet, the boys removed and lifted it.
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around 7 a.m., the russians attacked kupyansk in kharkiv oblast, a 71-year-old man was injured man, he was riding a bicycle when the enemy hit him with a drone, the regional police reported. the victim is in the hospital with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two people died during a fire in the kyiv region. the bodies were discovered at night in the fire of a residential building in sofiivska borshchagivka, the state emergency service of the region reported. the fire covered 100 square meters. the causes of the fire are being investigated. death of people near a closed shelter in kyiv. the security guard, who did not open the door, was sentenced to four years in prison. he was found guilty of that left people in danger, the prosecutor general's office reported. let me remind you that a year ago on the night of june 1, a man did not open the shelter of one of the polyclinics in time and died right next to the shelter. three people during
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the russian attack, including a nine-year-old girl. the man did not admit his guilt, he excuses himself that he did not have time to open the vault and did not hear the alarm signal. the prosecutor's office demanded more than six years of imprisonment for him. property worth almost uah 400 million of ex-people's deputies traitors serhiy medvedchuk and bohdana kozik was transferred to the state. the court seized the land plots. enterprises, factories, cars and real estate, reported the security service of ukraine. let me remind you that in june, law enforcement officers exposed both brothers of former people's deputies for financial fraud. according to the investigation, the suspects used controlled enterprises to embezzle funds due to non-payment of taxes to the state budget and caused losses to the state of over uah 75 million. both suspects are hiding abroad. about land, corporate rights,
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property complexes and vehicles of four enterprises in lviv, including a concrete production plant and a construction company. now the state administration will additionally have more than 10,000 m2 of real estate and more than 70 units of motor vehicles and construction equipment that belonged to the companies of serhiy medvedchuk and bohdan kozak. we will remind that in june of this year , law enforcement officers kidnapped both brothers of former people's deputies on large-scale financial schemes. a serviceman's car was set on fire. law enforcement officers detained an 18-year-old youth in kharkiv oblast. to him in the messenger from a stranger received an offer to burn a car of the armed forces of ukraine for money. the young man agreed to such part-time work, and a few days ago at the kharkiv railway station , he doused a military suv with gasoline and burned it. the process was filmed, and then sent to the customer. for this, he should have received uah 40,000, the police reported. oblast, palyu faces
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up to 10 years in prison. a conscious and systematic practice of the russians, the initiative is the tribunal for putin. forged victims of enforced disappearances and turned to international authorities with evidence organizations our correspondent kateryna galko knows more information, she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you, which institutions are ukrainians trying to reach and how many crimes are involved. i congratulate iro, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. so today ukrainian human rights defenders told and explained. what are violent kidnappings and how can they be captured and documented in order to bring all those responsible to justice. first of all, i would like to point out that forced kidnapping is a practice where the state or its accomplices arrest on illegal grounds or simply
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kidnap a person. she can't talk to her family or lawyers, and quite often such people are not held in prisons or detention centers, so they obviously don't have one. access to justice and indeed any access to the law. actually, we observed two waves of such abductions in ukraine, at first people were abducted according to lists. first of all, they were journalists, public figures, soldiers and human rights defenders and law enforcement officers. later, when they ran out of these people on the lists, the second wave began, and people were kidnapped simply according to the testimony of collaborators. very often they betray their acquaintances, neighbors or even themselves. relatives, in general it is possible to find such people, at the same time it is a very complicated process, a very complicated mechanism, especially considering the fact that they are mostly civilians, the mechanism of return and exchange of which is still unknown to our law enforcement system, that is, there is no stable way for this, so
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global the t4p initiative, i.e. the tribunal for putin, which also consists of defenders, documents war crimes and forwards them to international organizations, in particular six months therefore... they sent a submission to the international criminal court, more than 3,000 illegal abductions of people were recorded there, in fact later the un working group on the issue of such abductions became interested in such a submission, and actually recently, a few days ago, such a submission was sent to them as well . why is this important, how can the culprits be brought to justice with the help of such submissions, how does the icc cooperate with ukrainian law enforcement agencies. let's hear more. international criminal court, directly international the prosecutor's office cooperates with our prosecutor's office, and accordingly, our prosecutor's office has the right, in cooperation with law enforcement officers who have done this thorough work, to thoroughly
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form cases that the international criminal court can take into account in the future and open a separate implementation, for this purpose , determining who it is. a top russian official who directly led to his orders leading to the fact that enforced disappearances are taking place. so such submissions contain specific cases, evidence, and evidence that the russians are complying a common scenario for all kidnappings. in fact, as ukrainian human rights defenders point out, it is important for us to make such evidence concrete, and... later on , russian human rights defenders were unable to appeal such decisions and actually could not, did not even have a chance to fight for victory in such court processes, this is the situation, i will note that such submissions to international organizations are not isolated cases, and later we hope
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they will all become part of one big court process in which ukraine must definitely win, this is the situation, iro, i'll pass it on to you, thank you katya, it was... our correspondent kateryna galka, who talked about the initiative of the tribunal for putin. and we are moving on, and a new highly productive well, which produces 274 thousand cubic meters of gas per day, was launched by the ukr gazvydobuvannya company. its launch increased production at the field by 17%, naftogaz ukraine reported. and they noted that another well is on the way, which is planned to be put into operation. in august, the company also added that it had drilled 50 new wells in six months. 3 months without turning off the lights, or with minimal restrictions, ukraine will be able to live, such a forecast was made by the adviser to the prime minister
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of ukraine on energy issues, yuriy boyko. according to him, the energy system entered a state of balance after the record heat subsided and consumption decreased significantly. as reported in... renergo does not plan to use graphics today. the russian occupiers became active in zaporozhye for the first time. for a long time, the city of gulyai-pole was stormed twice and our defense forces repelled the attacks. this was told by the spokesman of the operational group of tavria troops dmytro lykhova. according to him , the invaders were advancing in the direction of ryshetylivske village. there are now almost 90,000 occupiers on this part of the front, - lykhovi added. and that was the news at that time. as always, read more on our website. website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and watch our content on youtube, i am iryna
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koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you a good continuation of today and already at 14:00 meet with a fresh news release of my colleague khrystyna parobius well, here we are starting, after the big broadcast, khrystyna yatskiv joined us, so khrystyna, congratulations, andria, congratulations, yes, well, we are starting, so today traditionally, whatever our program, we start with a survey , do you think or? you farion case solved, today, that's what our
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survey says, yes, and if you think it really is, then call absolutely free: 0800 211 381, if you think it 's not, then call 0800 211 30082, uh, here we go to our guests and of course of our discussions, right? well, for sure, we will start with a topic that certainly pleased the eyes of many ukrainians, i hope that the ukrainian military, who had the opportunity to meet in battle with the so-called wagnerites, were able to admire the results of the rebels' work in mali. we will remind that in the north, small tuareg rebels set fire to a column of russian mercenaries of wagner's pmk. according to the insurgents , about 200 were killed. 20, sorry, mercenaries, several were taken prisoner, and according to russian sources, among the dead was the commander of the detachment serhii
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shevchenko and propagandist nikita fidianin. the insurgents declared that they are ready to hand over captured wagnerites to ukraine as a sign of support for our struggle against the russian federation. the toareg rebels were able to carry out a successful military operation against russian mercenaries thanks to the fact that they received all the necessary information, and not only that - informed the representative of the ministry of defense andrii gur. yusuf, he promised that there will be a continuation, and we understand that, in principle, a campaign to eliminate, to destroy, everyone who in one way or another participated in the murder ukrainians on purely ukrainian land, it is unfolding, and people who are war criminals, military mercenaries, i think, must be turned far beyond the borders of our state, and this is being demonstrated very well now. and representatives of gur, and, let's say, third hands, which we actively use
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in order to achieve this important goal, and we already have, yes, our first guest, let's talk with him about it, mykhailo prytula, colonel of the sbu of the security service of ukraine zapasu , military counterintelligence expert, mr. mykhailo, we are pleased to welcome you, good evening, good evening. mr. mykhailo, khrystyna has just told you about this extremely joyful, interesting, important news for our country, actually about the destruction of one of the units of the wagner group, so in the north of mali, as you assess, of course, that we understood that most likely this is not the work of only mercenaries, that is, we understood that this was most likely... everything was coordinated, including a special operation , probably with the involvement of ukrainian
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special services, how do you actually assess this liquidation and how effective it is from the point of view of striking at russian mercenaries, russian private structures outside the borders of the terrorist state itself. this is, first of all, a blow to the influence of russia in the territories that it is trying to spread its influence there, including in africa, that is, it is not just there... the demonstrative destruction of a certain number, if not a large number, of russian mercenaries, and this is precisely the blow on russian influence and the reduction of russian influence in africa, because we see that putin, he is trying to spread his influence to certain territories in the world, wherever he can reach , because there is no serious influence of some other countries, then he
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tries to get there and get some resources from there, including diamonds, etc. what's more, a blow to russia's image is an image blow, and this blow is precisely to the influence of the influence of russians on other continents. of course, this information, it spreads around the world and to other countries, it shows that in reality putin is not as strong as all this shows, that pmc wagner is not as strong as they try to pretend. that is, it is primarily an image blow, because it is realistic to believe that 20 wagnerites were destroyed and a few captured there is a great success, well, it is incorrect, but in terms of image, it is just such a strong blow. please, mr. mykhailo, please tell me that these are wagnerites, that is, people who,
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as we understand, are still on the register of the russian ministry of defense, the russian army. i mean that one way or another they are counted and taken into account as a possible force for use and were used in ukraine itself, but still the russian federation well somehow evades the recognition that this is a completely legal, legalized military structure in russia, hinting at the fact that it is, in principle, a private initiative of a military nature by the now deceased prigozhin and so on, you are talking about... this strike and about efforts to disrupt the influence of the russian federation in the region, can the wagnerites really have any influence on the region? well, friends, the wagnerites are, this is the structure of russian intelligence, yes, well, it can be called the wagnerites, there are no wagnerites, somehow,
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it doesn't matter what they are called, russians and soviets once went to afghanistan. tractor drivers to help uh the democratic republic of afghanistan, remember how it ended up, that is uh, it could be some structures that are used by the rodvites to spread their influence, that is, the main thing is not the uh name there wagner, yes, and the main thing is that there was a russian presence there, a military presence, and it was precisely the attack on the russian military presence on a certain continent, on a certain territory, well... this same presence is not limited to some detachment there are hundreds of personnel, of course, this presence is much larger, and accordingly, the pity is rather, again, thanks to the spread of this video, this information, it is enough, let's say, it has an image character, well, in fact, there
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are many structures there more russian, and they operate quite actively there, exciting, quite... a large territory, and thus the russian influence, it is quite large there, well , how small is the whole situation, a small situation will affect the overall picture, we will see, but ok what's up what's happening, what's going on, let's say, they moved a little bit of russians from this, from this territory, in any case, some kind of financing that went to russia, to international markets. from these territories, it has decreased, well, since it is decreasing, well , it is already good for ukraine, again, because there is a seizure of certain resources, these resources go to finance the war, that is, in any case, it is useful for us, sir mykhailo, but i have already touched on this topic a little, what in your opinion is the role
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of ukraine in the liquidation of these russian persons. yes, because we remember that they also held the flag of ukraine, they, conditionally speaking, talked about the fact that they were ready to hand over to us our captured wagnerites in ukraine, yes, that is, in principle, we see some such little bridge, so whether there could really be a direct or indirect participation of our state in this... special operation, well , of course, if russian intelligence is working somewhere, it does not mean that ukrainian intelligence cannot also work there, absolutely. it is logical that ukrainians are present and should be present there scouts, military scouts, this is their parish, and they have to monitor
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russian influence there, reduce it, instruct and so on, this is their job, where there is russian influence, there should also be ukrainian influence, and this tide spreads not only to africa, this influence should also extend to the entire territory of the russian federation to all other territories, well, in the case, for example, if we are dealing with. with iran or north korea, of course it would be difficult for ukrainian intelligence to reach there, but the african continent, as also opposes russian intelligence, well , it's quite a normal territory, and it's quite correct that there the people of budan carry out certain measures to oppose russian intelligence and russian military structures, so it's a quite probable situation and... and there's nothing strange about it, that's how it should be to be, well, in general, russians should understand that ukrainian military intelligence, it operates quite actively and
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operates, including on the territory of the russian federation, for this they receive a salary and everything else, because this is their work, this is work of our patriots, and accordingly, how many agents of the budovans are there on the territory of russia itself, this is one budavyn, even from that is why not only africa is the only one, there are agents everywhere, we must understand this, and please tell me, mr. mykhailo, this informational excuse that was thrown to us by the new york times during a telephone conversation with the us secretary of defense lloyd austin, his russian colleague bilousov warned about the preparation by ukraine of a so-called secret operation against russia, the conduct of which could lead to strengthening tensions between moscow and washington. let me remind you that in principle yes, in july we already discussed a precedent, well, at least some telephone conversation between the ministry
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of defense of the russian federation and their american counterparts. and now the new york times shares the details, allegedly it was about some plans of ukraine that would lead to escalation, to tension, and this could not be allowed in any way. well, i don't know your comment on that. because really the information is interesting, but can we talk about what we become in a certain way a game-changer in the relationship between the two hegemons? well, maybe, maybe, but what could it be, let's imagine, no matter how it happened, where the russian military intelligence could learn about any plans of dudanov or about the plans of the ukrainian intelligence, to change something. on the territory of the russian federation, what could it be? well, of course, this is first of all agency intelligence and some uh , agency information got to
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russian intelligence and they became aware of the preparation of some kind of action. let's imagine what it could be? well, let's have more of these, well, the real versions are closer to the ground. for example, they suspected in intelligence, for example, that there is a source of a leak somewhere, as some kind of information, and it is necessary to find this source of the leak somehow, well, of course, in such a case, some kind of duck, some kind of disinformation duck is launched, they look, where she will get out, and there may be several such ducks, for example, they send ivan peter and fedor three different pieces of information there, in one they say that the kremlin should be painted in yellow-blue color, in the second that only movzovina in yellow-blue color, in the third say that they will stick it on the stars from above, they will hook
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the yellow and blue prakt, well, okay, three pieces of information have been launched, and of course they are watching what information came out, the information came out that they will insert the flag in velenin, right there in the mabzole somewhere, well, okay, and they are watching , who understood that... that it was not ivan, petro, not fedor, but seryoga from the neighboring department, who leaked this information, but what about the fact that the russians reacted in this way, it was not tas who was authorized to declare, but the entire minister defense commissioner, call lloyd austin, well, that's how this information came out, that is, this it could just be counter-intelligence information and an operation that emerged at such a level, quite valid, well, let's put it this way, absolutely... a real situation, sometimes it happens, and it is done like that, and there is nothing strange or special about it, well, they burned it some russian spy there. one
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option, another option, can be even simpler, let's imagine a guy who seduces a girl in ukraine, and in order to seduce her, he says that he is an agent of budanov, works for ukrainian intelligence and now tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will be throw in moscow, or paint the kremlin yellow-blue, well, he seems like a hero to the girl, she tells her friends somewhere in the hairdresser about the fact that... she has a boyfriend who will paint the kremlin yellow-blue on red square tomorrow, and that friend at the hairdresser, she turns out to be a russian agent, well, in this way the kremlin received quite reliable information about the preparation of budanov, the agendas of bohdanov's formation of the kremlin in the yellow and blue court, well , since bilousova really needs to chat with lloyd austin, chat not really about what
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such information was immediately removed from them. not to talk about anything with the americans, why do the russians have this contact, mr. mykhailo, why do the russians have this contact now, if they were really looking for an excuse for it, because we remember that before the war with ukraine, russia was also j8 , there was, she was invited, they were quite an influential force, then suddenly they turned out not to shake hands at all, that is, they became there below the plinth, they were lowered, for the whole world they became, well, let’s say so, non-contact persons, and now, in order to at least somehow raise image, at least talk about something and talk about nothing, because what can they talk about, about the fact that they are shining with nuclear weapons, so everything is known about it, where they can, they can't say anything good, we need some kind of topic for conversations in order to start some kind of contact, let's remember 17 places of spring, in my opinion
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, a very brilliant film, which in some way... predicted these events that are happening, so there was a conversation about how before the death of the führer, i tried to establish his approach separate negotiations with the americans, well , whatever this situation was caused by the same events, it is necessary to somehow establish contacts with the americans, and everyone is taking care of this, including bilovusov, who came to the post of minister. of defense, he needs to somehow talk with the americans, of course, with the tidal force, but they are repeating the ways of their predecessors, what can we say, enough, enough expected situation, one more topic, mr. mykhailo, about which i would like to hear your professional opinion and estimate, this is the murder of iryna farion, actually there are many...
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opinions among experts, but there are also opinions expressed by the security service of ukraine that the russian federation may be involved in farion's murder. here, in particular, let's listen to what the first deputy head of the security service of ukraine, serhiy andrushchenko, said about this. with regard to the involvement of the specified person, he carries out. this is a complex of measures, and we are studying its connections on the territory of ukraine and abroad, and one of the versions is the involvement of the special services of the aggressor country in the organization of the specified crime, at the same time, the use of a beard, we are looking at different situations and different crimes that were committed on the territory of ukraine and the possible involvement of the specified person. mr. mykhailo, do you
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think that such a position and such a version have the right to exist, and whether the occupying state can really be directly or indirectly involved in the murder of irina farion, in fact, even from the point of view not only to eliminate a well-known linguist, but from the point of view of shaking up the situation inside our country. maybe, i would like this topic, well, not to comment much in view of my expertise situation, because there is no need to harm the work of the security service of ukraine, that's all i can say, let it work, huh, mr. mykhailo, we are today.


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