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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in urban battery it is so convenient, especially now, and the bulb is also a smart light, not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard plinth is suitable for almost any. chandeliers or floor lamps, the light suddenly turned off, it is necessary to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which, as if the batteries were evil, let there be light in your home, always a light bulb, a smart light for only uah 149, works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call, attention , mega sale, strong cordless saws with a discount on everything from uah 799, reliable, powerful, convenient, order while the video is being broadcast, strong herbs will easily cut trees. and
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the information day of the tv channel is a good message from the ministry of digital, so it is in action, in the application there is action. now you can get a military registration document with a qr code and, as the ministry of digital affairs assures, the document will have exactly the same legal force as a paper one. this is the same without visits to institutions and the corresponding queues. yes, there is a qr code on the document and it will be used to check the validity of the document and information from the register of amulets, for example, about reservations. so, those who haven't registered, then... do it and that's it, well , now we'll talk about our financial question. oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, an economist is already in touch with us, mr. oleg, congratulations, i am also sincerely glad to see you. the average exchange rate is over 42 hryvnias, that is the current rate
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of the dollar against the hryvnia on the cash market, and it still remains unattainable for the american currency, why has the hryvnia started to depreciate so much now, what do you associate this trend with? no, wait, let's be honest, now, on the contrary, the hryvnia has strengthened a little and actually, well, uah 42 is not there yet, well, in fact , today's exchange rate, i don't know how lviv, maybe the exchange rate is different in lviv, but in kyiv at the moment it is somewhere at the level of 41.5 ee. 24th year, we... with you are looking at the macroeconomic forecast that was included in this budget, and it says that the average annual rate for the 24th year is 4.7, the average annual rate, if at the beginning of this year we had 39, 39.1, well, in order to reach
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40.7 average annual, i think we will to have more than 42 at the end of the year, well, not much, but we will have. er, moreover, when you and i carefully look at the dynamics, how it moves, er, somewhere approximately, closer to the middle of the month, when the main social payments are made, it weakens a little, and the hryvnia is cheaper, at the beginning of the month and at the end of the month, it strengthens, the hryvnia strengthens, and this is also an objective thing, demand decreases, actually... well, i repeat once again, there is nothing strange here for one simple reason, look, we have with you, well, classic currency the market, as it looks like, there are a bunch of sellers and a bunch of buyers, and here they meet, form a common exchange rate, and this is how it works, and you and i have a bunch of buyers,
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and the seller is essentially one, and this buyer is at the same time a regulator, he is a market operator, and he is a punitive body at the same time. well, what do you think, in such a configuration, there might be some surprise in the foreign exchange market, when the main seller has such a lot of authority, but i think not, so no surprises, i think, definitely not until the end of the year will be, the only thing that can be, i want to say right away, although i hardly believe in such a scenario, it is a very apocalyptic scenario, we need half a trillion money, how much? half a trillion money is needed for defense security, as you probably know, the government has prepared tax innovations there, a bunch of different things, uh, if the people's deputies actively delay the process and start revising the rates, a situation may arise
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in which the government will be forced , the national bank will be forced to buy government bonds, that is, in essence, to carry out the mission of money, in in principle, uah 40 billion per quarter... it can be done within the framework of the memorandum with the international monetary fund, if this happens, the exchange rate will probably be a little weaker, but i say again how much weaker, well, we understand that this is economic futurology, but we understand , if someone needs to spend somewhere around half a trillion or half a trillion hryvnias in order to even out the situation, well, someone can do it and go, so the key story is that this exchange rate, if it does not fall, is not sky-high, that is, 40. this is the maximum that can be. this course, yes, this rate is actually agreed with the international monetary fund, i think there will be no surprises there. moreover, if we take the budget declaration for the next three
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years, then approximately, this course, which i am talking about, we should enter the 25th year with him, well , that is, it will be approximately like this. that is, and... i am absolutely sure that there cannot be any surprises, because in this situation everything is controlled by the national bank of ukraine. mr. oleg, let's talk about the next year, you know, it may sound strange from... mouth, but today the minister of finance also said this, so you know, it is a sin not to quote him, and this, by the way, indicates that any peace plans that ukraine prepares for november, they will not foresee that the war will end next year, if today the finance minister says that we need money for next year because the war will continue, and he says that the measure needs an additional $12 billion to $15 billion in the year 25, if in the year 24 year we have a hole and... we are going to close this hole with a promotion taxes, then the next year looks like a big question mark for us, how will we survive it
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and will we have to raise some taxes again next year? no, man, you are confusing different things a little, let me try to explain, what the minister of finance is talking about, we are talking about macroeconomic financing, which goes to pay for social needs, that is, this year we are confirmed to receive 37.5 billion . dollars for the payment of the social package, in the 23rd year we received 42 billion, for the next year 15 is not yet visible billions, it is not clear where to get them, so actually, well , social standards are frozen in the budget declaration, probably everyone has already heard and seen it, but the fact remains the following: what we are talking about now is macroeconomic financing, which concerns social expenses when you and i are talking about half a trillion, this is money for security and defense, that is, on the condition that
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ukraine receives macroeconomic financing, not a penny of it can be spent on war, that is, when we are talking about those half a trillion, about taxes that we today we are actively discussing, this is actually money for security and defense, that is, it is money that must be taken out of the economy of ukraine, it cannot be borrowed, because if we borrow, not a single penny can be used for the war. that is, we have a separate social package, in which we need to find somewhere around 35-37 billion dollars, and which at the moment is not there at the level of 15, and separately we have 2.2 of the money in the budget declaration, which must be directed to security and defense, 2.2, well, that is, this year's 1.7, plus those half a trillion, which everyone is talking about now, actually we come to those 2.2, which should be repeated in the 25th year, you are right, at the moment these... which we are talking about, confirm the opinion that surely in the 25th year the war will not end, because sufficiently
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large financial expenses for security and defense are being laid, which means that the vast sum is for the payment of soldiers, that is, it must be understood that the war will continue, dear mr. oleg, well, i don't know, here there are of course two such moments, one moment is donald trump's promises, well, i can't to verify, it will give or not, but what would it mean... this land list for 500 billion dollars, potential, so we understand that it is possible, it would be stretched for a couple of years and so on, or we would economically charge this whole thing, our economy, the possibility of borrowing in this way, and in general this is a promising lendlis at the present time, so at one time, well, during the second world war, the allies very often went to each other's side. well, see lendlis, in principle , these are fairly favorable credit terms when you pay or
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you return only the equipment that remained on the loan, yes, at the end of the loan, yes, if as a result of the loan lease you received, for example, ammunition that was used during hostilities, then they definitely fall out of the total volume of the loan that you have to return, well that is, those things, they are clearly stated in lendlease, but... i don't want to comment on mr. trump's statements at the moment for the simple reason that he made a lot of different statements, and the end of the war in one day, and there even before the inauguration, and large money in ukraine and so on, that is, so far trump has not yet entered the oval office, so far there is kamala garis, who will surely give him some serious competition, and this is the will of the american people. all that will be there will be the right of the american people to choose their own president, so we
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fully agree, and we will, as the president of ukraine said, we will cooperate with the president we like, who will be chosen by the american people, i do not believe in the funds that we are currently talking about we say exactly what will happen, it will be in october we will be given 50 billion for the 25th year of credit, which will be repaid with the income from frozen russian assets, that's what happened. agreed at j7 and what will definitely be done in october, that is, this is how our american partners want to protect ukraine from political risks for the 25th year suddenly. he position of the newly elected american president will change regarding aid to ukraine, thank you, thank you, oleg, oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, was in direct contact with us, we thank him, and now we are going on a break, after her we continue, our information day, be with espresso, in a few minutes we will be back, there are
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many became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, events of the day in... two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktu bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. well, in the midst of the information day of the tv channel, we are now adding to our coverage roman kecher, psychiatrist, president of the ukrainian confederation of psychoanalytic psychotherapies, head of the department of psychology
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and psychotherapy of the ukrainian catholic university. glory to ukraine, roman, glad to see. well, the really good news is that there is an opportunity to talk at least in this way, well, the key story is ptsd and its scale, yes, we understand that a lot of military personnel have experienced certain psychological deformations, yes some of them are given for correction, some may need some kind of deeper therapy, but at the same time we understand that our society has also changed under the influence of the war. and it has changed in different ways, there are, of course, extremely positive external manifestations that demonstrate that the society is holding on, the society is strong-willed, the society is unbroken, like that... on the other hand, there are certain things, yes, that are manifested in everyday life even levels so, roman, you have a word. obviously, the third year of the large-scale
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invasion that is in the background, we all know that let's not repeat ourselves against the background of a long, more than 10 years of military conflict, a war, which obviously cannot remain without a trace. it is obvious that many people and soldiers have not only mental injuries. mental, physical injuries, there are many casualties, but also civilian casualties, er, it is obvious that all this is true, the truth, and it is obvious that it is impossible to create any such er health care system that would help treat thousands, millions victims, it is obvious that only the most seriously injured will receive some specialized, narrowly specialized care, there is inpatient care. or ambulatory care, we need to create a system that supports the nation, we need to create a system that supports itself, we need
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to create a society where trauma is recognized, we need to create a society where the person can be seen through the lens of trauma, this means that teachers in a school, teachers in a university, priests in a church, doctors in a polyclinic or in a hospital. e social workers, i don't know, civil servants should be trained to recognize, simple social activists must be trained to recognize trauma, recognize trauma among children, recognize trauma among adults, there must be special programs that would recognize acute trauma and chronic trauma among military personnel, we must build such a structure that will be supportive, on the one hand. it must recognize, diagnose trauma, on the other hand, we must, we must, well, if we treat each other more tolerantly, more supportively, if we, you know,
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it seems to me that the first 30 years of our independence, we leaned more on one pedal, on the pedal of competition, we competed, who, who is better, who has more, will earn more there, do better, and it is obvious that it is impossible without competition. development is impossible, but society is wounded, society after the war needs more cooperation, more cooperation, more social responsibility, obviously we will be forced to make this amendment, because we experience this war in different ways, we are affected by this war in different ways, and those people who have suffered more from this war will need and already need more support, more help. more tolerance, yes, i agree with you, mr. roman, but in our society there are still certain, you know, stigmas, it is that someone with a headache, there is a certain offensive attitude towards people
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who need psychiatric help, and there is a plus this, you know, is a residue from soviet times, when there was forced psychiatry, but what should we do when we understand that we objectively have a part of people who need psychiatric or psychological help, but now in our the state has no such thing as coercion. psychiatry, do you think we need to change it in any way? no, in every country there is compulsory psychiatry, according to a court decision, in acute cases, when a person threatens himself, his life, for example, has intense feelings there, or due to mental illness can threaten other people, yes, according to a court decision, referral of psychiatrists, industrial measures can be, they are just, well, let's say... so limited by law, the law regulates it very well, it is rarely applied, and therefore, you may not even know, yes , that it exists, that is, but it exists and
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it is needed in a very limited, very limited, let's say wide range of applications, most people, the vast majority of people, do not need any forced psychiatry, and the more open psychiatry will be, the more tolerant psychiatry will be, the more open society will be to psychiatry, history, as you say, is sick in the head, well , whoever has a head can be sick in the head, you understand who does not have a head, he cannot be sick with a head, that is, to there were mental disorders, there must be a mental disorder, well, i'm joking, maybe i'm a little ironic, but it seems to me that over the last 30 years, during our independence, we have come a long way, we've come a long way since... when i started working as a psychiatrist, people were afraid of psychiatrists, they were afraid of psychiatry, they were afraid of hospitals, uh, there were a lot of the kind of
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comments you just said. for example, i don't really tolerate dentists, so to speak, well, but i'm not a fearless person, and under conditions of war, so to speak so we understand that society has received additional neurotic manifestations, yes, constant, constant psychocorrection with the help of, if not talking, then, uh, air alarms and so on, it went away, that is, in a certain way, it also somehow changes, even i will not say, public consciousness , but at the individual level yes. adjusted very clearly, well, plus , we can see how it affected the level of anxiety in society in general, not to mention individual manifestations of panic attacks? well, yes, yes, obviously, you can agree with everything, with we can agree with every word you say, if we live in constant stress, this constant stress, it leads not only to mental pathology, you see, things are even worse, that is, not only to anxiety, not only
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to depression, not only to ptsd. there or other mental disorders, constantly experiencing a stressful experience, for example, provokes an increase in the number and frequency of physical diseases, for example, oncological or cardiovascular diseases, we already have an increase in these diseases, and we, what further, the more we will have, the growth of these diseases, because stress is provoking, and even more chronic stress, sometimes catastrophic stress, people under bombs... people in captivity, people in occupation, people who have lost their homes, there are many of them, have lost a lot, it produces not only mental, mental suffering or psychological suffering, it also provokes physical, bodily diseases, so i agree with you, how should we be in the case of these or other, i don’t know, manifestations, well, i don’t know whether relatives will determine whether it will be
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fix one or the other. patient, but who has not yet been diagnosed, and if you suspect something, contact specialists, the most characteristic, now the most characteristic signs of what is called, something is wrong with my head, well , figuratively speaking, in short, everyone can do it for themselves to ask that question, yes, well, for example, if you, if you do not believe in that, that you have lost faith in the fact that the future will be better than the present. ugh, that everything will be fine, yes, that a positive, positive future is possible, then it is mostly about a depressive experience, if you fear excessively more than you were afraid before, then it is most likely an anxiety disorder, if you feel that everyone around you is treating you badly, then it is most likely a this is not very adequate, maybe such a hypoparanoid experience, well, that is, if you
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are in... you can observe this for yourself, if you can observe this for yourself, your affairs are not so bad, your affairs are even more or less good , but you should already seek help if others notice it, listen, listen to what others tell you, don't believe everything, you can't believe everything that people say, but don't think that they don't have a reason to think or say that, vodka or prayer, what works better, well , for sure.. . you know, you know, as they say on the amateur, but in general prayer is better, combination, combination, so beautiful and useful, in general prayer is better, because prayer gives a person, not only prayers, prayer, meditation, reflection, reading, travel, communication with friends, er, alcohol, probably on the last in my place, because alcohol significantly
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aggravates, obviously, if there... it is certainly possible to use it here, but in general, this kind of practice is better. thank you roman kechur, psychiatrist, president of the ukrainian confederation of psychoanalytic psychotherapies, head of the department of psychology and psychotherapy of the ukrainian katoryt university. he was in direct contact with us. well, now it's 4 p.m. this means that the time for news has come and we are giving the floor to our colleagues, in particular khrystyna parobiy, who is ready to share all the most important things with us. colleague we pass the word to you. thank you, colleagues, it became known. about another victim as a result of the russian shelling of the kherson region. i will tell all the details in the release, as well as about the explosion at the russian airfield. just a moment, wait.
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news in eterespresso, i. khrystyna porubiy will tell you about the latest news on...


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